y comfortable £5 Pruit-atives the fiver like a old © bath Yows the a the liver Ee ay clean stomach Tn po fac, --~clear up the complexion. e lo s physician, he accidently found the secret h fruit juices can be combined and their medi- greatly intensified. It is this secret process which Frit tives their remarkable powers over the stomach, 1f you are bilious, constipated, have sick headaches, sick ich, no appetite, nervous--get well by taking bowels move regularly-- NEW YORK DOES NOT TAKE TO "A PRODIGAL SON." ; Lines in Memory of Sir Henry Irving--Mnhnsfisld lays 'Don Carlos," on the 30th--Olga i Nethersole to Visit Toronto. ? Midy- Nethersole will bé at the Toronto, Princess the week of No- vember 13th, The repertory for the Sothern Mar- lowe company next scasom, the third ond last year of the costar emmge- ment, will be "King Lear," "Cymbe- line" and "As You Like It." Richard Mansfickd his postponed the inaugural of his season and the first pioduction in Fnglish of Schiller's "Don Carlos" until October 30th, This event will take place on the stage of the Grand Opera House, Chicago. Herbert Keleey and Effie Shannon, who, since their experience with "Taps" have been in vaudeville, are arranging to return to the stellar ranks in "The Ractor's Garden," which Robert Edson uscd a couple of seasons ago. The play will he revised, -------- No Gas--No Smoke--No Dust In the "HEGLA" FURNAGE. As the mercury in a thermometer expands with heat and contracts with cold, so does every other metal expand and contract but in different proportions. Steel and iron in a furnace expand and contract, but in different degrees. When the metals are joied by bolts and cement, the expansion and contrac. tions gradually loosens the bolts and allows the cement to drop out, and the openings left allow the dust and gas to escape to the rooms above, In the HECLA, thefe are no bolts ==50o cement. The joints are made by fusing the steel and iron together at : white heat -- just as a blacksmith orseshoe. JOINTS are indestructable--as tight after ten was started of your House and we will give you an estimate of the cost FURNACE. No charge for this, CLARE BROS. @ CO. LIMITED, | Eye MAKERS OF THE FAMOUS PENINSULAR STOVES AND RANGES - WINNIPEG, MAN, PRESTON, ONT. FUSED VANCOUVER, B.C. -- EDUCATIONAL, IEC TE SINGING Miss Cora Louise Larke, A.T.C.M. Pupll of Hermann Klein, New| York. NO MISTAKE In made when you decide on entering far a Dusiabus! raining in he + = "Brownie" Vest (PATENTED AND REGISTERED) As the above cut shows, they form a dou! cover for the infants' chest and a it the most easily adjusted, © pins required to fasten the back, from 102 years, Toft Cor. Barrie and Clergy Sts. Ask any of the business or profession al men who have our graduntes. or any of our well-pleased students as to the superiority of oir mothods of training. A PRACTICAL SCHOOL M equipment ; competent ors ; moderate rates. Day and Evening Classes T. N. STOCKDALE, Phone, 480. Principal, teach. Head of Queen St. Kingston « -« Ont A MODERN, PERMANENT, RE- LIABLE SCHOOL. + Established in 1883 ., Great Britain supplies her soldiers with the snticholera woollen belt, The Coeter Woollen belt is a positive preventative for Lumbago, Dysentery, As Grippe and Rheumatism, as well as «particularly good for weak back. mds have proven the truth of hie cinim. Cantor underwear is made in all styles for men, women and children and fash. toned to St the body<«no rough seams. Your Dealer will re. Jase any Centos t that shrinks Made at Galt, Canada, by The C. TURNBULL CO., Limited and sold by all reliable dealers. Gal Brought the whole i" yew Woe. oF telcphute for loume and cate. LB. MeKAY, HP METCALFR President. Dyeing a r Maypole Soap te the Hous THIS WEEK |= Dyestagn Shade. tas An 'RE. vs OF .. Maypole A Fancy Parlor Furniture, the most id A Soap artistic designs. Fancy Mahogany Chairs and Rockers, "upholstered in all shades, silks. Faney Mahogany Oval or Parlor Tables. Fancy Parlor and China Cabinets, also Faney Couches. Rug and Velour Parlor Reduced Prices This Week at JAMES REID'S of Tt ening #0c. for Colore---- 13. for Black, Square Cook's Cotton Root The only safe effectual monthiy mediciie on which women can depend. Sold in two degrees of strength-- No. 1, for ordinery Zl cases, $1 porbaxt No. LY de Tom henge To Speen) a fate ASK for Cook's Cot ton Root Qompound | take no snbstitiote, The Cook Medicine Co., Windsor, Ontario Undertaker, 4 JOSEF HOFFMANN, The pianist, well ; known "in United States from his former successful con- cart tours, has caused considerable sep- sation by becoming engaged to Mrs Mario Kustis, the divorced wife of George Peabody Iustis, a well-known society woman and talented musician. Despite the tinkering Caine has been doing at "The Pro- digal Son," New York does not seem to take to it, and the play will ®lose its brief rup and take to the road. The taste of New Yorkers, however, is 'pot a criterion of the value of play. "The Adinirable Bashville," the dra- matization of "Cashel Byron's Profes- sion," hy George Bernard Shaw, was produced on October 2nd, in Manchest er. The play is in blank verse, which medium, Mr, Shaw says, he chose, as he had only a week to write it in, and "blank verse is so childishly easy and that Hall any expeditious," Montreal Star: Sarah Bernhardt observes that a good play should "run on 'like a river." Could a more apt and trenchant description be given of the manner of correctly telling a story in dramatic form ? The aphor ism, indeed, deserves to rank with Vietorien Sardou's famous dictum that "The plot of a good play may be written on the back of a visiting card." v Arnold Daly produced at the Gar rick theatre, New York, last Tuesday night, George Bernard Shaw's "John Bull's Other Island." Although the plav deals with the Trish question not with English politics, conditions not well understood of New Yorkers, there is every probability that the play will win success. Mr. Daly has converted » large number of New Yorkers into Shawites, and in the language of the sportsman, "the limit is off, overvthing pos." . | Lillian Russell is in law. {her profits in "Lady Tear) The fair Lillian as "Lady Teazle," was very charming, =n charming, indeed, that she really thinks she should be well paid for summoning all her charms of speach, of expression and of figure, { and she claims she did. As the house it was crowded at overt nerformance she and She wants INGS THEATRICAL, 000, J HE DAILY WHIG, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21. - Almost its greatest use is to prevent sickness. ABBEY'S SALT keeps you so well, that there is no chance of Stomach, Liver and Bowels going wrong. It is the ounce of preventation that is worth tons of cure. AT DRDOMSTS, 250 AND 60C A BOTTLE ITT expects. to receive the money, say Lil- lian is mistaken as to the profits, that instead of being large they were small. 3 The following lines, in memory of the late Sic Henry Irving, appeared in the Toronto News : Low bend the weeping willow the yew, Sway their sad arms and moan While mournful bells their vocal sor- row sing. From towers all ivy-grown. and A nobleman is dead. His bark is gone To sail a misty sea, With tear-dimmed eyes we wander on the strand, And say "God-speed to thee. tied -- BLOOD DISEASES ' Can All Be Cured by the Use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. More than half the disease world is caused by bad blood--weak blood, blood poisoned by impurities. Bad blood is the one cause of all the headaches and backaches, the lumbago and rheumatism, the neuralgia and sciatica, the debility and biliousness and indigestion, the paleness and pim- plés and all the disfiguring skin dis- cases like eczems, that show how im- pure the blood actually is. It is no usé trying a different modicine for each disease, beeause they all spring from fe one caase--bad blood. To cure dis- ease yon must get right down to the root of the trouble in the blood. That is what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills do. They make new rich, blood. Common medicines only touch the symptoms of disease. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills root out the canse. That is why these pills cure when doctors and common medi- cines fail. Here is positive proof : "I suffered agony from indigestion," says Frederick Fillis, of Grand Desert, NB. "I had no appetite for my meals and no energy for my work; my stomach caused me constant distress, and everything I ate lay like lead on my chest. At times I felt my life a burden. 1 wag alwavs doctoring, but it did me no good. Then a little book came into my hands, and I read that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills would cure in- digestion. 1 got them and began tak- ing them, and 1 soon found they were helping me. My appetite began to im- prove, and my food to digest better. I used the pills for a couple of months and T wes well. Now 1 am always ivady for my meals and 1 can oat any- thing, and all the erpdit is due to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.- T keep the pills in the house all the time, and I ocea- sionally take a few as a precaution, 1 can honestly advise all dyspeptics to use this medicine, as [| am sure it will cure them as it did me." Give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a fair trial and they will eure you, simply because they--make that rich, strong blood that disease cannot resist. See that you get the gennine pills, with the full name, "Dg. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People." on the wrap- per around every box. You can get them from your medicine dealer or hy mail at 50c. a box or six boxes for 8250 by writing the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Statistics find that something like 2.000 vessels of all sorts disgppear in the sea every year, never to be heard from, taking 12,000 human beings and involving a money loss of $100,000, concluded that the play was ' well, and she only wants half of the nrofits, which. she feels sure were i large. The Schuberts' from whom sho en ---- DAPHNE With the Lilliputian Opera Company at The Grand, on Monday. POLLARD, Aluminum no smell, oil. heaters, guaranteed, At Yellow Hardware Store -- -- h in the Quarantine Has Seriously Affect- of the cotton situation Miller & Co. drop in quarantines have with transportation. Quarantines cease when fropts sets in, and it is believed that a heavy movement of 'cotton will begin movement would take at least a week or ten days before showing in the of- ficial while, there falling off in the reports #tating that farmers have sold little or nothing since October 3rd, and the have, by this time, been shipped out." become so thickly stocked with fish that some tons of bream, carp, roach and tench, are to be the park and turned into the Thames in its upper reaches, The Money Loss of A BLUNDERED ORDER CAUSED THE CHARGE OF THE LIGHT BRIGADE. Lord Lucan Felt it Was Weong,| But There Was Nothing to! Do But Obey--Capt. Nolan Brought the Order. } A subscriber asks: Who was blamed! for the charge of the Light Brigade at Balaclava in the war of the Crimea, | 1854 ? Who was Lord Lucan ? Was he, killed in the charge? Answer.--The charge was the result of a blundered order, The historian Kingslake finds Lord Lucan primarily respomsible for the blunder. Lord Lucan, the division- al general, received an order from Lord Raglan, . ecommander-in-chief, as fol- lows: 'Lord Raglan wishes the cavalry to advance rapidly to the front and try to prevent the enemy carrying away these guns.' The commander-in- chief meant Lord Lucan to operate against the Russians on the Causeway Heights, where the enemy were posted with seven English guns they had cap- tured, Between the Causeway Heights and thé hill opposite, both held by the Russians;-ran the North Valley, at the farther end of the valley was drawn up the Light Brigade, under Lord Cardigan, Lord Lucan read the order, and then asked Capt. Nolan, the aide-de-camp, who had brought it, 'What guns ?' A gesture of the aide de-camp's was interpreted by the lieut- enant-general to mean the North Val ley. The angle of divergence between the routes into the valley and to the heights being not more than twenty degrees, suck a gesture might easily be mistaken. Kingslake holds' that the written order to Lord Lucan, especial- ly taken in connection. with the previ- ous orders, should have been clear en- ough, that it was intended to try to retake the English guns on the heights. However, Lord Lucan con. ceiving that the order referred to the North Valley, directed Lord Cardigan to advance with the Light Brigade. Lord, Lucan explained afterwards that his idea was that Lord Cardigan should advance steadily, keeping his men well in hand, and that he should have halted his squadrons as soon as he found there was neo useful object to be gained, but great risk to be in: curred, Lord Cardigan understood that an order to advance meant to go down the valley against the guns and cavalry drawn across it. He pointed out to the divisional general that his brigade would have a battery in front, and the enemy also on "either flank, Lord Lucan saw the force to the objection, but said there was no choice but to obey. Lord Cardigan then he- gan the celebrated advance down the valley. Lord Lucan followed with the heavy brigade to the support of last division. but halted his men when he found that to ro on was onn to lead them to death. He was wound- ed in the log by a ball. -------- PRISON REFORM -- Will Be Adveccated By Two scciations. Lincoln, Neb., Oct. 21.--~Three im- portant conventions opened their an- nual sesyions, here, to-day; the Na- tional Prison Association of the Unit- ed States, tho National Prison Phys- icians' Association, and the National Prison Chaplains' Association. All three organizations practically belong together and have been organized for the purpose of improving and reform- ing the prison system in the United States, in regard to their general ad- ministration and management, their bygieyic conditions and their moral and religious side. Every' state in the union and every territory is repre sented by delegates appointed by the respective state and territorial govern. ments and the United States govern ment is expecially represented by the Rev. J. L. Milligan, who for years has represented the United States govern ment at various national and interna. tional prison congresses in this coun- try and Europe. The three conven- tions will continue until next Thurs- day. As- ., EE -------------- THE COTTON SITUATION, ed Transportation. New York, Oct. 21.--In their review Say : "One of the effects . f '}.- recent temperature will be the re- lease of a great deal of pent-up cot- S.J. HORSEY - . Sunlight Soan represents care, skill and scientific acc in its manufacture. That is why it does youl washing without shrinking woolens, fraying linens or injuring your hands. Equally Jood with hard or soft water, No scrubbing, no boiling, more cleansing, ! less toiling. Try Sunlight Your money back if not satisfied. 2 1106 Lever Brothers Limited Toronto A Sovvenin Rance is all that a first class range should be : Duplex Grates, Aerated oven, Locked Tops, Direct Draft Parner, and special Fire Box all combine in making Souvenir ANGE S the best on the market A TIME AND COAL SAVER - VSED IN THOUSANDS OF CANADIAN HOMES The Gurney, Tilden Campan: Manufacturers Linsey Hamilton Toronto Montreal Winnipeg Vancouver Ofir personal guarantee 8s well as that of the makers goes with every stove. We have Souvenir Rangee on view. Kingston, Ont. You will have no smoky chimneys if you use "Brilliant" Oil It is the best Coal Oil manufactured. We also carry in stock "American Head- light," "Family Safety' and "Pratt's Astral." SPECIAL PRICES IN'5 CALLON LOTS. « ELLIOTT BROS . 77 Princess Street. MONEY AND BUSINESS. _ ton in the Mississippi Valley, where seriously interfered toward New Orleans, Such a record of may receipts and mean- be quite a sharp total, since private are almost unanimous in holdings hy merchants and others The lakes in Battersea Park have removed from the Drink ® VERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE of BOO ai oNDON AN Available Resets $61,187,215. Is addition 10 ch poli 0! ty iders. Farm and oit Dronarty "tasered at lowert vos rates. ore remewing oid or wivief 3 new business gel rates from Strasse! & Strange, Agents. Ete morta LT Sowmm. MORE ON 2350 Jon SR | | "Uline aod suncants, then say oth C: ine DDE Sodwin'e Tasurants Emperiem. yield Joteuty to our wonderful home re- medy--Acnetine and Dermio-Nervine. Don't you want to be one of the thousands they have cured Positively no failure. Consultation invited at ofice or by mail, no expense, SUPERFLUOUS HAIR D Moles, Warts, Ruptured Veins, ete., eradi- cated parmanentiy by onr method of Kieetro- Our book explains itall, Come during the summer for treatment. Send 0c. for ot" K* and sample of Cream. GRAHAM DERMATOLOGICAL INSTITUTE 508 Church 8t., Toronto Estab. 1802 is one of its most serious fi The man who drinks not only ruins himself but deprives those upon him of the support to which they aré entitled. The Samaria Testel i bas ved aay Dreakants plenty and ha; without ity and happiness, patients knowledge in tea, coffee or food. The money a moderate drinker will waste in one week will cover the cost of a month's treatment. Samaria Prescrip- tion is a cure for drunkenness, no publicity, all private. ENGRAVI THE WHIG, Kingston for fit W odes Bone, : Dr. Brock's £%% i138 Letter Heads al Pills soc: bX Female Porlodieal Fb si" Drag d Celebrated f resi Besides all classes of Letter Press Siore has scared edie gency for or price, Printing from acard to a volume, To A Rion ton, unt Berean ~~ Free and pamphlet giving fu. | . pa lars, testimonials and price sent in plain sealed envelope, Cor. appdence sacredly confidential. Address: T SAMARIA REMEDY CO, i§ jordan C. H. POWELL CARPENTER AND JOBBER, Try Myers' for Fine. COOKED Chambers, jordan St, Toronto, Canada. Also for sale, by Henry Wade. MEATS. p 130 Raglan Street: ARGUMENT AND TALK UNNECESSARY IN STLLING JENKINS' OVERGOATS The name '"FIT-REFORM" is 2 guarantee for quality and work manship and its superior should ers and style are the envy of al leading makers. B. P. Jenkins Clothing Co S1IOVED> GALORE 30 square liall Heaters, large & ' Cook Ranges, Pugs, Hox and Won Stoves, also, large stock of Carpets an Furniture, Always ready to trade, bu or sell. 'S SECUND- STOR AK SECUND, HAND STOR WANTED. MAN'S BICYCLE. ADDRESS, C.B care Whig. . AT ONCE, GENERAL SERVANI Apply to Mrs." 'T. P. Thompson, 18 King street ------------------------------------------------------ A FEW CARPENTERS, AT ONCI Apply to Mr, fake, A Frontens Cereal Co. A GIRL, TOOASSIST IN PHE HOUSI work. Apply to Mrs. Jordon, | Sydenham street. GOOD GENERAL, ' ply in the evening to Mrs. I Plessis, King street West. SERVANT. A) A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT. RI ferences required. Apply in U evening at 95 Clergy street West. GENERAL SERVANT. Goo wages. Apply to Mrs. J. Ma gilliveay, Lower Albert street. A GENPRXL SERVANT, NO WAS) ing or ironing. References require Apply to Mrs. Macnaughton, | West street. FOUR BOYS, WILLING TO WOR steady. Can earn $4 per week. A ply to J. A. Gould & Co., Corn King and Queen streets. GENTLEMEN TO GET THEIR FAI Uvercoats d Suits made Thomss Galloway's, 181 Brock 2 + Also bri your ol ol an them ine FE Style, eT and pr guaranteed to please. MEN AND HOYS WANTED ¢ carn 85 day, after two months ruction position guarantes Special tuition halt price, few da Coyne Bros. Co. Plumbi sls, New York, Cincinnati, ( Louis, Mo. (Free catalogue.) FOR SALE, RES SET FIRST - CLASS. __ DEI Hounds. J. M. Theobald, Kingst Out PIANOS, ORGANS, MELODEQO! and Sewing Machines, new 3 second hand all cheap at 114 Gi street. Joseph George. XTURES, ONE LARGE A mall awnings, large oil bli show cases, counter coffee grinder, two paper cutters i twine holder, swo signs. All nea new. Will sell separately or all gether at a great reduction. Addr Box 16, Whig office. » ete -- THE ROTHWELL FARM, LOT 388, 1 Concession, Krnesttown,' on the B road 3 miles West of Collins B containing about 830 acres. This & splendid dairy farm, well wate with shade groves, sgod cow sts and othes buildings. The house i large brick residence in first ol order, also a cottage, both close t oad. At the rear is a swamp containing a large quantity of ce and other markable timber and ¢ wood, To wind an estate - property will he ply to R. Easton B street ingston, or to T. D. field, nea. farm to the West of ] a8 TO-LET. COMFORTABLE ut 144 Barrie street. TWO rooms, FR( OFFICE IN GOOD LOCALITY, King street. Rent low. Apply J Forrest, Gents' Furnisher, King rere ------------------------ } SHOP ON DIVISION - STRE near Garrett street, occupied by Hoon, milliner. Apply at Whig o rt cn -------------------------------- BRICK SHOP AND RESIDENCE, 851 Princess street ; moderate Possession November 1st. Appl: teacy, Steacy & 8 -- OFFiCE, OVER ~~ WADES' D) Store. Corner King and Brock two well lighted and heated ro Apply to MeCann, 51 Brock at HOUSE, ON CENTRE ST. 8 RO( good out pulldings and fruit ga Good locally, moderate rent. information, a ly to John ) mare, ---------------- Grocer, Marke! DWE!LING HOUSE, 12 RO modern improvements, street, suitable for Fngaire of J. W. Nesbitt, Johmiton and University Avenu EE -------------- LOST. a ee A LEATHER FOB, WITH RUC and dog's head of pearl, on ® Hay Reward for its return to Mice 4 t 4 TOPAZ ROSARY. IN BI hse. on Sunday, from Hou Providence to Broek street. R tor its return to this Office Cremations can he watched by Public at a dollar a head in lta y