@bamois [est Bargains We have a large and wl as rted stock of perfect fitting hamois Vests, which we are sell. E at a price which is less than bu can buy the skins and make em. They are frost-proof and event taking cold. If yoy are inking of making or buying est or Protector we would be eased to . show you our stork ad are sure you will be satisfied, 'he Best Drug Store L.T. BEST, Chemist and Optician fehell's Old Stand 'Phone 59, GILLETTS LYE Ready for Use in Any Quantity. SOAP, softening water, remov- nt. disinecting sinks, closets for other purposes. A can equals 20 pounds Sal Soda. SOLD EVERYWHERE, EW.GILLETT fe LIMITED TORONTO.ONT. [0-NIGHT | 2 Specials in Ladies' Hose 10 dozen Fleece-lined ose for Ladies. Cheap at 5¢. a pair. To-night 19c. 10 dozen Ribbed Cash- ere Hose. Good value at 5¢. . Our price To-right iC. a pair. Gloves See the New Washable uede Gloves in white and ode shades, are strong, rfect fitting and will not t soiled by perspiration as' 1ickly as ordinary gloves. an be cleaned easily and ill remain soft. Special ice To-night 89:. a pair. Boot Laces 10 gross of 36-in. Boot aces. To-night 5c. a zen. Underwear Ladies--We are selling e best 25c. Underwear in e trade, Vests and Draw- s. Call in. and see for urself. You will be rprised at the value. EWMAN & SHAW SWIFT'S SCRANTON COAL MORE SOLD EVERY YEAR. IS IT'S OW - SALESMAN THE DA ee Jas. 0. Chown, 'Mrs. Hinton, M agreed that Mrs. R. H. Every be a very popular hostess Tope it was found, on Thursday, that, ite the wind and rain prevailing de doors, so many epted the + tation to her "At Home." Within was little hint of any atmos- Shere unpleasantness, ights and ot and fires made people forget weather conditions. Miss Addie Toye wes 8 very great help i paar mother in, receiving the glcats. Mrs. a guests. sho drawing-room had a great many Wrge mally about i, and a pretty smilax 'over the surlaing in the win- dows. Palins and ferns the corn- and there was much smilax upon oi mantel-piece, The dining-room, where the tea-table whas 'laid, was a plage of red. Red candles in the can- dlesticks upon the table and mantel- joce, red shades upon the electric s, lovely red carnations upon the table, and red firelight from the grate; playing ovér it all, made the room look very pretty. The polished surface of the table threw ont the fine laciness of the table centre and the doylies, and the silver. also show ed well against it. Mrs. Meek poured cofiee and. Mrs. William Gill tea, Mrs, Richard Waldron cutting ices. The girls assisting were Miss May Martin, Miss Mabel Meek, Miss Mabel Milo, ond Miss Fdna Booth. The in- vite guests were as follows : Mrs. E. Sparks, Miss Etta Sparks, Miss Bing (Toronto), Mrs. G. Y. Cnown, Mrs, R, Crawford, Mrs. A. Mncnaughton, Mrs. F. W. Branscombe, Mrs. U. Livingston, Mrs. A. Stokes, Mrs. L. C. Lockett, Mre. N. R. Car- michael, Mrs. G. W. Mylks, Mrs. W, Linton, Misses Robertson, Mrs. R. Uglow, Mrs. J. 8S. Smith, Mrs. D. G. Laidlaw, Mrs, R. A. MeLelland, Mrs. B. W. Robertson, Mrs. C. McPherson, Mrs. Beall, Mrs. C. E. Manning, Mrs. George Robertson, Mrs, A. Richard- von, Mrs. F, Chown, Miss A. Chown, Mrs. J. W. Muirhead, Miss F. Chown, Mrs. G. Bateman, Mrs. George Mills, Mrs. T. Donnelly, Miss Donnelly, Mrs. E.P. Jenkins, Mrs. W. J. B. White, Mrs. McCallum, Miss MeCallum, Mrs. C. Wright, Mrs. E. Booth, Miss Booth, Mrs. W. W. Sands. Mrs. James Ste- wart, Misses Leslie, Mrs. G. H. Bquire, Miss Louise Singleton, Mrs. T. W. Milo, Mrs. S. Birch, Misses Birch, Mrs. A. R. B. Williamson, Mrs. W. Tandy, Mrs. Adam Williamson, Niss Williamson, Mrs, A ack, Mrs. Linton, Mrs. John Gaskin, Mrs. James Minnes, Mrs. W. T. Minnes, Mrs. 8. J. Kilpatrick, Miss Kilpat- sick, Mrs. James Crawford, Mrs. D. Murray, "Mrs, 8. Roughton, Mrs. George Sears, Mrs. J. Hewton, Mrs. G. Wilson, Mrs. W. H. Sparling, Miss Sparling, Mrs. W. E. Swales, Miss Bwales, Mrs. L. Gill, Mrs. S. Bailey, Fall Coats and (Suits - Our Suit and 'Coat Department = al to the demands of the miost Sarelul dresser who insists upon hav- ing the best, Compare these qualities ad styles with what you have usual- F won, They are far and away abead of anything ever shown before. Coats The Season's very latest models in COVERTS. Pong and short styles, "3 to $20 each. TWEEDS. New Empire and Belted of- rs very large variety, $6.95 to BEAVERS 1 pia SL r ck and Colors, or- Binal designs, $10 to $21. . CHBVIOTS. 3 : xtreme novel any «© Brom velties ary Cont guaranteed new this sca- and har Kiltet Skirts, new tod coats, sad up to the standard, $10 to ------ sisi rs. F. | who ttalch t tery here Taylor, Mrs. C. W. Lane, Mrs. C. a - A 1 She Pail his life, Low, Mrs. R, Miss Macaulay entertained at a lit- tea, yesterday afternoon, in honor her guest, Miss Susie Sorabji, of Poonah, India. Of Miss Sorabji"s won- derful .charm those who met her need Jot be told, and those who have mot "been Fo fortunate could gather no idea of it, no matter how graphic the words might be. A voice from juner and up- per courts of the splendid mysterious east, she casts the spell of her fascin- ation over us of the west, and wins all who sce and speak to her. Those invited to meet her, yesterday, were the officers of the board of the Wo- man's Auxuliary, and a few mission- ary-workers, and the cathedral clerg- gy. Among them were Mrs. Lennox i the Dean and Mrs. Buxton Smith, Canon and Mrs, Grout, Mrs. Loucks, Mrs. R. S. Forneri, Mrs, W. B Carly, Nes Mychar, Miss Gilder. sleeve, Reid of Sherbrooke, Miss 'Annie Muckleston, Miss Annie Daly, Miss aan, te. Forbes Torrance, the Rov. hy aad Mies Jawin, cies Lois unders, i irkpat- rick, Miss: Dedegn, ol Canon Starr. - * . In Tuesday's scoring at the links, Miss Frances Hora repeated her sdore of the day previous, and made 55.7 he other scopes were: Miss Hora, 6; Mrs. R 8 Mackenzie, 66; Miss Ma- bel Gildersleeve, 69; Miss Alice Hague, 79; Miss Marion Redden, 88; Miss No. rah Gordon, 75; Miss Elsie Pense, Su; Miss Mabel Brownfield, ¥., The bad weather prevented play throughout the week, but matéhes will go on on Mon- ay. ; Robertson. . - » alias 8 'Mrs. Grout will entertain at tea, on Monday" afternoon, in honor of the bride and groom, Mr. and Mrs. Janes Grout. .Valllgity Mrs. J. 8. Turner will receive on Tuesday next, at 84 Barrie street, and on the first and third Tuesdays dur- ing the winter, . . * + + Mrs. Charles Stafford Kirkpatrick will hold her post-nuptial reception at Mrs. Francis = W. irkpatrick's on Tucsday and Wednesday afternoons, and on Wednesday cvening of next week. « + = . Mrs, Maly B. Baker (nee Franklin) will hold her post-nuptial reception at "Romilly Hoilse," on Wednesday, Oc- tober 25th, from '3:30 to 6 p.m. and will be at home afterwards on the fourth Tuesday of the month, . . - . Mrs. Cook, Union street, entertained at dinner, on Thursday, in honor of her son, home on his vacation. Covers were laid for six. The guests were Miss Hazlott, Miss Weir, Miss Cok; Mr. Bradley, Mr. Henderson and Mrs, H. Cook, . . . ue Professor and Mrs. Ferguson issued 'invitations for a reception on Wednesday, October 25th, in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Mellis Ferguson. . - - * have Mrs. Wilkinson," of Moncton, N.B., is the guest of her cousin, Mrs. W. J. Macleod, 42 Rrontenac street. Mrs. Wilkinson will be remembered as Miss Nan Cook, sister of Captain Cook, s years Lin South Affica, Mis, Sullivan, of Charlottgtown, the guest of her daughter-im-law, Cleaver Sullivan. Mrs. Thomas and her son, Mr. George Jackson, returned from Ottawa op Monday, and will spend the winter with Mrs. Bawden, Clergy street. Mr. and Mrs. William Sullivan, of Charlotté®own, are of Senator and Mrs. Sullivan. Mrs. Sullivan will stay in town about a fortnight, and will then join Mr, Sullivan in St. Ca- tharines, where they will reside in fu- ture. x . . . . Among the Ottawa excursionists to day was Mr. Edward Plant. In coming to Kingston, Miss Sorab- ji came amongst friends of her own, and of her Her of hrother was at Balliol, Oxford, with Mr. G. F. Joy, and the two students were friends. Miss Sorabji's lawyer sister, whose reputation has gone far afield, and who holds a high legal position under the Bombay government, was in the same class with Mr. Joy. Miss Susie Sorabji is an old friend of Miss Gladys Grant, who met her in Atlan- tic City, and in Montreal. . . . - Te Rev. J. W. Jones and Mrs. Jones returned on Monday last from their trip to the old country. Mr. Jones went on out to Tamworth, and Mrs Jones, after a few days in town with her father, left for Tamworth yesterday afternoon. Miss Leta Roberts, of Sharbot Lake, is. coming into the city on Monday, to visit Miss Lillian Lambert. Mrs, Charles McDonough is exnected down from Toronto, to spend Thanks- giving Day with Mrs, Henry Wilkin- SON. Miss Susie Sorabji. after her brisf stay in town, has lft for Belleville and Toronto. * +H Mr, and Mrs, James Grout are sx- pected in town to-day, from Delhi, N, Y., where they have spent a few days with the Rev. Herbert and Mrs. Grout, and will be in the city until Tuesday. Miss Ethel Kinney, Mrs. James Grout's sister, has come wp from Brockville, for a short visit to Canon and Mrs, Grout, Mr. Frederick Tighe is spending a short time ai home, before going to Trinity College, preparatory to enter: ing the ministry. > 8 a Miss Grace Widdifield, daughter of Judge C. H, Widdifield, Owen Sound. is expected from Picton, to spend Monday with Canon and Mrs. Toucks, on her way to New York, for the win- ter. * * os Miss Howe, of Ottawa, is up for a few days' visit with her aunt,, Mrs, W. B. Dalton, Mr. and Mrs. David Heild have pro- t longed their visit in Montreal, and will nat be in town till Wednesday or Thursday of next week. Mrs. BE. Bs Smith and Miss Louise Owens were in the city, last evening, en route to Picton, from Montreal. Mrs, Church, of Picton, who has spent the summer with her grand- daughter, Mrs. Arthur Cotter, in Ye. | Shi d to Picton, ac- { Katie Cotter. Next ps, sArthur Cotter will from Brockville, for a 'old. home. Miss Mildred Mecmorine has unfor- tunately been i in Ancaster, with a bad at "of asthma, and will not be home unuil next week. Canon end. Mrs, ' Loucks have re turned from Picton. . . . . Mrs, Bethel, of Pembroke, is the est of her sister, Miss Hooper, Wil- fam steeet, © Mrs. Yates has not been very well, and: is expested home from Montreal rtly. . : Dr. ¥ MoKelvey Bell, Ottawa, came to Kingston toda Yoo go up to Picton Little Justin Hollis Harding Roche, son of Mr, Herrick H. Roche, Barrie street, Kingston, has the honor of be- ing named after the late Senator Mor- rill of the United States, after Post: master-General Jewell, of. United States, and alter Captain Harding, who fought with Nelson, A miniatuse of Captain Harding hung on the walls of the old home on Barrie stroet, since long before the soldiers were stationed here in the sixties, and "twas there so many officers availed thom- selves Of the chance of seeing it. Tt was one of the ones ordered by the king. the head to be painted in after the battle, and. so few survived there are very few in existence. Any one vis iting Picton can see this miniature, painted on ivory, surmounted with a eold frame. It is in the home of Mrs, J. G, Movle, who wns once Miss Roche of this place. and a seal bo longing to Captain Harding, is also in the possession. of the Roche fawily, Cantain' Harding was a. first cousin of the late George W, W, Harding of Kingston, > Invitations have heen iscned for the marriage of Miss Francie Svbil, eldest daughter of George Stethem, of Fort Frances, Ont., to Mr. Walter Harold Reynolds, youngest con of the late Sherifi Reynolds. of Whitley, Ont. The wedding will take placejin Peterboro, Ont., on Wednesdav, October 25th, The marriage of Misd Mildred Pen- treath, second daughter of the Vene- rable Archdeacon, and Mrs, Pen: treath, of Vancouver, to Mr. A. E. Henderson, ig te 4nke place gn Wed- nesday, October 25th, What is expected to be an elaborate socivty event is. the wedding of Mr. H. Leroi Shaw, of Montréal, and Miss Sadie Thompson, the dauchter of Séfutor and - Mrs. . F. P. Thompson. of Fredericton, N.B:. The puptials will be celebrated . on Wednesday, Novem- ber 20th, The Marchioness of Done- gal will be one of the guests. -------------- To Cure A Cold In One Day. Take Laxative' Bromo Quinine Tab- lets. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure; BE. W. Grove's signature is on each box, 25¢. -------- Lily White Potatoes. Extra white mealey dry potatoes, $1 pa bag. J. Crawford. ee A prominent physician said a good hot water 'bottle should be in every home. Puie gun rubber goods gre sold at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. to, is dead. of the Polish language in the private naval review on M who are journeying to India for a 000 square miles, And Remembered. William Ince, Perkins, Ince & Co., the oldest wh ler in Toron- An imperial ukase authorizes the use schools of Poland. Forty warships are now assembled at Yokohama, for the great Japanese The Prince and Princess of Wales, six months' tour, yesterday. Astronomers are watching with in terest a newly appeared spot on the sun, Its arca is estimated at 13,000,- arrived at Genoa aldermen if he could. R. P, Campbell of the interior de partment has been promoted to the mines and timbers hranch, in place of G. W. Ryley, who has entered the ser. vices of the Grand Trunk Pacific. The Western Pacific's directors will pices be celebra: large concert. i! . Montreal's Tribute. Burglars in Coatichok, Que., blew open safe in the office oh Mr. 'Guer- aiontrenl, id Get. 3-4 in, Oo runs a store creamery, , to-day, el away with a considerable sum hany oo the patriotic Societies 1 of, money, De the oT ary At the investigation into the To- | 30 the memorial concert at x. ronto civio scandal, George Puddy ad- CA. audit a, to-night, under mitted paying G. P. Elliott $300 1o | auspices of the Sons of England. The canvass manufacturers and influence | Rev: H. Jekill wil ver an address. -- Winnipeg's Celebration. Winnipeg, Oct. 21.--Under the aus the various lodges of hore, to- Ju ore, hy a meet October 25th - to authorize a | Stanford Evans will deliver patriotio $25,000,000 mortgage on the pro- TosNCS. perty. The Western Pacific in the projected Gould road from Salt Lake to the Pacific. The marine department was Advised that the steambarge Alvin A. Turser, owned by C. McLean, East Saginaw, has been sunk in _ the Little Detroit Channel, on the north shore of the Georgian Bay, entively blocking navi- | 4 gation. v of Smiling Babies, a tv Ul anni of Trafalgar and the death In Pngland's n . ted h » by ta as order cert which 'will be of he Boston Keeps The Day, Mass, history, will the Oct, 21.--The one the battle of Ad: hero pis ingland by a grand memorial con- der the auspices Victorian The well baby is never a cross baby, | of Boston. The Slehgation will be When baby cries or is fretful,.it is [held at Tremont Temple, which has taking the only way it can to Jot moth. | been heantifelly and toly de. or know; - that there is something | corated =. i Al- wrong. That something is probably | fred T. Mahan, US.N. , will gost. desangeummnt of ihe Stowinch be he the neipal - Bnd Soma bowels, or aps the pain of teeth. APANCSO na ing. These troubles are speedily re- | attache, dmiral Sir H. Edward Sey- moved and cured by Baby's Own Tah. lets, and baby smiles again--in fact there's 'a ° smile in every dose. Mrs. Mary E. Adams, Lake G , N.B.. says : "I havé found Baby's ( Tab- lets so good for the ills of little ones that I would not like to be without them." That is the experience of all mothers who have tried the tablets; and they know this medicine in safe, | ph, and it" for it in guaranteed to contain mo ao Fe olon's. Nocutline nae oul Spiate or poisonous soothing stuff, "qually for the child just born or well advanced in years. Sold by all druggists or mailed at 20e. & Hox by writing the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Wade's glove cleaner, 10c. mour, RN [ for the purpose of at bration, Durand, the British ambassador, also deliver short addrosses. The rest of the ne will include instru- mental chorus numbers, and Sir who camo enry Mortimer , will 'Safely For Little Ones. relieves in an but it prevents Rich, pure blood, rosy cheeks, perfect health are the vesults Yaking Dr, Chown's special iron tonio pills. and from R. WALDRON, : Cor. Brock and Wellington Sts. Chiffon Broadeloths « The demand for light weight fine quality Broadcloth is simply astonish- ing. We are offering an extra fine quality, French manufacture, soft satin fin'sh, 52 inches wide, at $1.25 yard. This is the equal of any $1.50 cloth in Canada. In Black and twenty colors. Other gualitics at 50c., 75c., $1. Silks SHOT TAFFETA SILKS---Very popular for waists and linings, combinations, at 75c. yard. new color CHIFFON TAFFETAS- White, Black, and Colors, soft rustling qualities, at 75¢., €0¢., $1 yard. JAPANESE WASH SILK wide, B0c., Extra special values, in White and Black, 27 in. , 15¢c., 90c., $ Flannel HEAVY $ REY FLANNEL--Twilled and plain, light and dark shades, 20e., 25. 30¢., Ie. : NAVY AND SCARLET FLANNELS-Fast dye, pure wool, soft and warm, 28e¢., 3Cc., 35c., 40c., 4be. ENGLISH MILITARY FLANNELS-The wear-weli makes, 35¢., 40c., yard. 45¢. FANCY STRIPED SHIRTING FLANNELS Best English manufacture, 25¢., ; WHITE WOOL FLANNELS-Twilled and plain, our own importations, guar- anteed in every respect, 25c., 30c,, 35c., 40c., 50c., 6uc., The. FANCY BLOUSE FLANNELS--In every imaginable color, 40c., 45c., 50¢, yard, a FLANNEL SHEETING--72 inches wide, 65c., S0c. yard, CORSET, COVERS--Long and short slesves, buttoned fronts, whité and na- tuml, 3c, WWe., Hle., Se GOLF JERSEYS---Pare wool, snug fitting, warm Black and Colors, $1.75, $2, $2.25, $2.50. lt : ~ DRESSING SACQUES AND KIMONAS- Splendid assortment of colors and qualities, $1.50 to $5.50. FLANNELETTE UNDERWEAR Many attractive values, being offered "much less than regular, Gowns, Drawers, Skirts] Corset Covers, Tights. Knee and ankle lengths; all sizes. + Special Offering OF MEN'S WHITE UNLAUNDERED SHIRTS--Linen fronts and wrist bands, contimuous facings, sizes 154, 16, regular 50c. Special price 25c. at ack and comfortable, White, | Furs Our reputation and guarantee is be hind every article we sell, 'Also manu- facturer's guarantee on each piece of Fur. Examine closely into any of these furs. They will be found perfect in every respect, beautifully cured and 1 well made COATS---Astrachan, Squirrel, Electric Seal, Russian Lamb, Natural Mink, £31.25 to $75 each. MUFFS--Sable, Electric Seal, Belgian Mink, Martin, ete., ete, $5.90 to 2.50 each. COLLARS AND RUFFS--Over 300 dis- tinct styles, $4.40 to $33.50 each. CAPS AND GAUNTLETS-$230 to $22 cach. It is a pleasure to have you walk through and éxamine our. large stocks, Blankets if - Every person will tell you that Wool EE aa Blankets are advancing in price. - Raw wool is simply impossible to obtain, extept at exorbitant rates. WE ARE STILL QUOTING SPECIAL DISCOUNTS on Pure Wool Scotch and: English Blankets. Men' said Boys Underwear Wo carzy a full. cange in all the re liable makes, Flereo Lined, Union, AN Wool. EVERY SIZE now in stock lower prices _ than they Sl" later om, Cotton, Skirts | The assortment comprises over $00 Separate Skirts, such Broadcloths, Tweeds, Cheviots, Venetinns, Panamags, Henriettus, Serges and Manish Suit- ings, made up in every variety of pleat, panel, circular, semi-circular and gored styles, all cagglilly fitted and made by men tailors, so that they hang and fit to perfection. All lengths and all width bands, $3, 83.50, #4, $4.50, $1.75, 85, $5.50, 86, $6.50, $7, $7.50, 8S, 89, We alter and guarantes satisfaction on these skirts without any extra charge. Special Sale of Waists The completo stocks of three manufacturers, over 1,000 in the lot, com- prising Silk, Lustre, Flannel, Lawn, Muslin, etc. ete, now being offered at less than wholesale cost :-- Regular $1.00 for rnb 6c, Regular $2.75 for ........... $1.75 Regular $1.50 for ......... 98c, Regular $3.50 for ... ... .. 8.25 Regular 82.00 for ........... $1.25 Regular $4.00 for ........... $2.75 Regular $2.50 for ........... $1.50 Regular $5.00 for ............ $3.50 CORSETS--AIl the new fall models, most reliable suitable for ualities, stout and thin figures, 50c., 75c., 98c., $1.25, $1.45, HOSE SUPPORTERS-Foster's celebrated makes, 59c., 75¢., 81, $1.25. $1.75, $2, $2.50, in every style, 26c., 50e., RAINCOATS--Made of the very best qualities genuite English Cravenette, Absolutely rain) sof, cut in the latest styles and offered at the lowest prices, $5, $5.7 , $6.50, $7.50, $10, 812.50, $13.75, $15, Underwear LADIES' FVEECED VESTS, DRAWERS TO MATCH--White and natural, 25¢. each. : LADIES' WOOL VESTS AND DRAWERS--AIl sivek, white and natural eol- or, all stylks, at 50c., 5c. LADIES' PURE WOOL VESTS AND DRAWERS--Light and heavy weig 18, bog best imported makes, qualities, every size and style GIRLS' AND INFANTS' WOOL UNDERWEAR-The colt, non-ieritabing | HE We are agents for PENMAN'S reliable Wool Underwear. Vest warranted not to shrink, at 81, $1.25, $1.35, | A splendid assortment in the vari- ous sizes and styles, now designs, & reet from London and Paris :-- . J TRAY CLOTHS. Homi pi drawn work, oe Doe chink PILLOW SHAMS. 50c., 600, 70c., 800. Si, 8 $1, 81.25, 000; $1, 81.25, 81.50, each, in : FIVE 0.CLOCK COVERS: square, 50c. to 050 vach NEW COVERT CLOTHS For aud Skirts, correct co wide, at $i, #1