Aili dik! 2 F "A" Battery 2.4 has to his i twenty clean service, to torturous The case was en larged until to-morrow morning, at J ten o'clock. a 3 Tucker, saltwat Apilor from Fngland, Who has spent this season on the lak Fears For Another Vessel. Cloveland, Ohio, Oct. 23.--Fears are entertained at headquarters of the Gilchrist Lake fleot that the 475 foot 2 8. J. Hecker, ane of the hie. great lakes, is lost. The vessel carries a orew of twenty-three last reported on Friday and - | death Miss Annie Scott, New York, com- | C : held two k at TrmvitieTre. fm railroad will be i . ded to a Tamed mis, Cleveland, Ohio, has Appointment as gas ex- a sixty, a Toronto received SE -------------- Whitney said, this morning, that the government was considering Mackenzie, on trial at Pie- for manslaughter in the ».%ho was shot by lon last summer, was Camile- Remy, arrested at Vancou- ver, ch with murdering W. J Oliver, in_ Montana, defrauded the Bank of Hamilton, at Battleford, of £300 by forgery of Elleen Mackintosh (nee White) of the city of Quebec, wife of Charles St. Lawrence Mackintosh, Brockville, will apply to parliament for a bill of diy- orce on the usual unds, A monument to Pope Pius X., sub- scribed for by Catholics all over the world, was ugveiled at Riese, the lit- tle village in "ae Venetian provinces where the pope was A The. French parliament will be ask- ed to offer 5 $200.000 prize for a cure for consumption. The project: has the anproval of - the = government, and, therefore, its adoption is assured. Both liberals and conservatives are beginning to display activity in re eard to filling the vacancy in the North York riding, caused by the re- signation of Sir William Mulock. Upon the petitién of some of its E. J. Becker. of Kansas was appointed receiver for the al Brewing company, of that - The company owes about $625. The chamber in which the body of the Mexican minister was lying, in Vienna, cought fire. from the electric lights. Workmen saved the coffin, but valuable tapestries, Paintings, ete., The. presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian church at Bethel, <Ky~, has decided that all the women mem- bers of the presbytery shall contribute to missions all of the eggs their hens on " At Syracuse, N.Y., John Hall, seven vears old, was killed by the Empire day. His sister had her arm broken, his mother narrowly escaped from another train, having mitted suicide in an Atlantic City ho- herself tel, by shooting the temple. i ive years old. The deed was due to the fact that her » residence of Mr and Mrs. T. M. Kane, S i e twentieth anniver. sary of their , which has been a most pleasant happy ome. Ab out twenty-five Were present delegates representing Christian various parts of Omtario, here, to-day, to Mrs. 8. G. McCrea, Barrie, president, will occupy the chair. the Leeds and Grenville division had a meeting to discuss interest. meeting of tario branch of the society, and the convention will be formally opened on Tuesday morning. circulation that James J. secured control of the charter of the Hudson's Bay railway, and will build to the bay. It now seems clear he in- tends to gridiron the western Cana- dian plains with branches from his transcontinental line, the prairie section, from the international line, uncle of Ald, Hoffa, and laid by | wile, ware found dead at their home, "| Kretner street, thi whose name could not be learned, boarder with the State express, eastbound, here, Sun- | found Arsenic poisoning is suspected. . Dondero, twenty-seven died yesterday, as the result of an in- jury received in 4 football game in Jowett City, Saturday. Dondero was a member of ly | issaid be was Jin ng condition to play the game. After a scrimmage he lay on the field unconscious and was taken to a state that a corebral hemorrhage was the cause of his death, superinduced by the player's poor phvsical condi- tion at the time. A brother of Dond. oro was kicked in the ' ward and will lose the optic. Cincinnati, Cranston, of Washington, D.C.. the leading Methodists of the country, will be married in the city, on Ngv- ember + 15th, to Parker, well known in Cincinnati so- ciety. For sweet potatdes at three cents a pound. Lay in a good supply a8 price will advance on Nov. lst. the best potatoes at the lowest price at Carnovsky's. i and | the question of gratuities to the mem- impregnable | bers of the Provincial service who. re- | is a govern- | ign. Several applications for such gratuities have hen received from 8 of the ican wheat { men who had resigned, from oth- and i hesivan for | ers whe would resign. In case of dhe duty on L'anadian end | Commander Law, Since Qct. 8rd, Ottawa, Oct. 23.--The supreme court to-day, had a. quorum for the first time Sings Qetober 3rd. In Hewaon va, Ontario Power company, a case stend- ing for judgment, a motion was made to have the case referred hack to the court below to take further evidence as to the refusal, on several occasions ol parliament to declare the works for t general gdvantage of Canada. Judgment on the motion will be given tomorrow, without hearing opposing counsel, The first case an the Ontario list, Clark vs. Docstader, was the next pre with. It had to do with staking of a claim in British Colam- bia, a mistake having been 'made in placing the stake, ------ THE W.C.T.U. CONWVENTI - | Has Opened Its Session in Brock. ville . Brockville, Ont., Oct. 23. Over 100 the Woman's Union, from assembled hold a convention. Temperance This morning, matters of local Tonight there will be g the executive of the On -------- BUSY MR. HILL. ------ He is to Gridiron the Western Canadian Plains. Winnipeg, Oct. 23.--A report is in Hill has which runs in only a few miles -- WERE FOUND DEAD And Bearder Was in Unconscious Condition. Buffalo, N.Y., Qet. 23.--~Elias Hafa, | Dora, his morning. A man a old eouple, was in an unconscious condition. -------- Died From Injuries. Willimantic, Conn.; Oet. 2B. --John years old, Willimantic team, and it hotel, where ho died. Doctors eve soon after ------ Bishop Cranston To Wed. Oct. 23.-Bishop Earl one of Miss Lucie Mason ---- This Is The Last Week. Remember selves 'in card play- v A good number of presents were veveived the "bride them a bright «and prosperous future, | bread. 1's always. "just right. Re Melville Miller, J.P, postmaster of Orillia, is dead as result of an opera- tion. He was a and groom,' testifyine to t vob | of da's first rai, way. Irity. The = guest departed wishing En 7 Langda's ay son of the general re in eating Toye's WCE TO Si] | Thanksgiving Topics Turkeys and Table Linens are two interestin Tha iving time topics. Turkey would tasig good, no doubt, if there was no Tahle Cloth, but our Canadian holiday custom encourages a q able dress for the occasion." A spotless white lien Table Cloth or set of Napkins of similar character can now be bought ata most reasonable price. Pure Linen full bleached Table Damasks. 4 Pes values that we think cannot be equalled jo Kingston--soc., 63¢, 75c., 99c yard. A) new patterns and on comparison you will note their values. Table Linens, pure bleached, from yard, with 13 qualities between. Table Linens, unbleached and half-bleached, from 25¢. to y5¢., with 8 qualities between, Table - Napkins, from 7sc., 8sc., $1, $1.25, $1.49, $1.69, $1.75, $2, $2.25, $2.50 on up to $5.75 dozen. Crd A Very Special Purchase That will interest "every Kingston woman, has been recived and a Special Sale will be held on Wi Morning. 45¢. to $149 Particulars in To-morrow's Night's Whig, ' 9 Ladies' and Children's Gloves Ladies' Oashmere Gloves in Rlack and colors, . Ladies' Fancy K itted Gloves in Blacks, Fawns, Beavers, Greys, Brown, White. . Ladies' Cashmere Gloves, silk lined. Bpecial value at 2c. pair. Children's Knitted Gloves, plain colors and fancy knitted, 200., 35¢ , 85¢. Children's Cashmere Gloves, 20c , 250. CHILDREN'S KNITTED MITTS. CHILDREN'S CLOUDS. OBILDREN'S ENITTED GOLF JACKETS. TABLE OILCLOTHS Best make, 1} yards wide, White and all new de-igna, 15c. yard. from 1 up to 4 yards. YARNS AND WOOLS Beehive Yarns in Black, White and 80 colors. Baxomny Yarns in Black, White and a range of colors. Berlin Wools in single fold. A complete list of wanted colors Berlin Wools in double fold {in all thades wanted. Bhetland Wools, a large variety of colors. } Unbreakable Fingering Yarns, the only and geouine Un- breakable Yarns, in Black, White, Greys, Cardinal, Blue i other shades. Every skein bears the label. on what you get. Bee that label is JOHNHLAIDLAW SUH Ask for Ladies Medico It is just what we claim. Made of Fine Box Calf Goodyear Welted Heavy Soles, Low Heels, Large Eyelets. AN IDEAL FALL SHOE. $3 a Pair. THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE 1 YEAR 72. NO. 248. THIS WEEK we Will Show Some Beau- titul Brass and Iron Beds. New Patterns, Artistic Designs. Our leader, regular price $3.50, for $2.50, Iron and Brass, regular $4.50, for $3.50. Brass and Iron. Beds, with high posts, $6.50, for $4.50. Others from $10 and $12 to $53. Hercules Spring Beds, the best made for $2.50 to $4.50.- Marshall Sundary Mattress, the only Mattress made for solid comfort, for $254 Ostermoor Mattress, for $15. Felt Mattress, $12, others for $2.50 up. Robt. J. Reid. YOUR FEET Carry the entire weight and strain of pody, and they should be properly for and have the comfort of a per- fect iit. Shoes a trifle larger or smaller than you have been wearing may be just what your feet need. Wear '"'Allen's"' Military Bootmakers, 84 Brock St. Sign of Golden Boor. STOVES GALORE 8 lall Heaters, large stock of Cook Rens, Pugs, Box and Wood Stoves, also large stock of Carpets and Furniture. Always ready to trade, buy TURK'S SECOND-HAND STORE 898 PRINCESS STREET. BASKET BALL Thanksgiving Evening, 8 o'clock Queen's vs. Peterboro Y M C. A. Y. M. C. A. GYMNASIUM. Admission 10 cents. HOUSE OF INDUSTRY. WANTED A SUPERINTENDNT | d Mat man and wife. Applications elerences be left with the un- | MAN'S BICYCLE. ADDRESS, C.B. « Whig . APPLY AT A CHAMBERMAILD, is Hote AT ONCE GENERAL SERVANT \ Mis. T. P. Thompson, 162 b cet A FEW CARPENTERS, AT ONCE » Mr 1ke Frontenac ASSIST IN THE HOUSE t Mrs. Jordon, 76 t PPLY IN THIS } MEPETENT CARETAKERS FOR Methodist ¢ h ; vs Latur i BOYS, WILLING TO WORK ® 1 Car per week, Ap & Co , Corner GENT MEN TO GET THEIR FALL € ats and Suits made at as Galloway's, 131 Brock St bring your old ones and have repaired. Style, fit and price BOYS WANTE D $5 day, after two onths i New York, { 0 in mis, Mo Free catalogue.) rr ' TO-LET, COMFORTABL FRONT i 144 Barrie t % IN GOOD LOCALITY, ON vet. Rent low pply J. § t Furnisher; King St TH HOP ON DIVISION STREET, rrett street, cupied by "Miss liner Whig office. SHOP AND RESIDENCE, NO Princess street ; moderate rent " y r 1st. Apply to i to re ING HOUSF 12 ROOMS r improvem # suitable for 1 ® --- i