It is the great motor power in the household, and the foundation "of our bomfarts, and deserves a place on the pedestal. Coal purchased from Crawford is clean and bright enough for the porch, - whild walling to renew the @huw- ng ete five. Well cooked food and cosy comfort is derived fro or well sereencd coal, % JEROME K. JEROME The Famous English Author. Humorist, Will Give HUMOROUS RECITAL CITY HALL TW : -#| TUBSDAY, October 31st, 1905 «. CRAWFORD, Seats, 506. 85. 28e. | PS0TOF QUERN ST. Plan at Uglow's. : Under Auspioes of Y. M. C. A. There ato many different Kinds of Hernia (raptaire), They all aequire ross re to hold them in" place, but the dir ferent Kinds of Henin require pressure in "different "ways, so one can readily une dephtand Lo get the best resulta ome fired by an SEXPERT." one | ty Guaiified to do the work, \ or, Way men state hint Ah {ond meant to be an occasion when the ® shay feel for the bountiful crops of | the. year. » | masses are so. indifferent with regurd | atively, 1 Some of the chirchés have been ed: 3 which devolves' upon them in this di- {uroach to the feeling which actuated [finite vesponsihilities, which need be || finance, must be content with fewer "| systematic worker as he may be and | district has become a supporter of the the United States is. likely | Meaty THE DAILY WHIG. ~ "Opifer per Orbos Dicor." ET EV RIE. | . Honor The Day. | Tomorrow "ix Thanksgiving Day, {appainted by the national government, people generally will express, in some religious form, the gratitude which It is a matter for regret that the to this | appointment, Few, compar-| ave been attending church' service in recent' years, and giving any outward manifestation of , their feelings--ii they are as thankful as they Sught to be for the bounties of Pro Videnes, $n Sating their - pedple as to the dity fection, and it remains to be seen with what effect, The instruction has surely heen earnest enough, and it should have wade its impression, + Certain it is that in this country and agé--when Christian teaching and Christian influence are supposed to be #0 general--there should be some ap- the ancient people of God in their annual pilgrimages to. Jerusalem and the festivities in which they engaged. ". A Reform Is Needed. Jacob M. Schiff, senior member of] the banking firm of Kuhn, Loeh#Cy, and until recently a director of the Equitable Life, says that directors of great corporations have been thought- Jess, and the lesson need be learned that corporate directorship brings de- actively looked after and courageous- ly discharged. The lesson of the hour means more than this. It means that some men, recognized as great in "the world of directorships. How can. Chauncey M. Pfpew understand all the businesses in which he is interested ¥ He has been a director of twenty-six corporations, and any one of them requires more at- tention than 'he' edn' give to it, capable of prodigions accomplishments | Gould and Harriman and Ryan and Vanderbilt, and many others, are in a similar position. Each is interested in numerous enterprises, involving the use of large capital and tending to- wards complications which demand the exercise of care in order to sue ceed, I Mr. Schiff speaks for his frionds as well as himself he is expressing a sentiment that follows serious veflec- tion. The financiers of Wall street, who have been playing hide and seek, and having a bully time at the expense of the stockholders in railroads and steamship and insurance companies, whose grafting tendencies have known no limit, have got-a- scare. They are going to reform, and be real good. They are being forced to this by the trend of events. An inquisition - has brought out great surptises. Men, on the rack, have been reluctantly con fessing to many shortcomings. The scandal for the time being is bad ep. ough, but the sensation of punishment may be more scute later when the machinéry of the courts grinds out its fitting rewards, ---- Ructions In The Party. There are evidences, fast accumulat ing, that the conservative party is in a bad way. Away down by the bea, on the one side, the party is telling Mr. Borden that he is no good, that he should not have become the salaried official of the government, and he cause he has accepted of a money, consideration from the liberals he has forfeited. its respect and cone fidence, The same idea, in more vig: knt form, was enunciated 'by Mr. Maclean, of the World, but it came to him as a second thought and some time alter 'the commons had pre- rogued, 5 Away in the west, in Alberta, where the provincial elections are in pro gress, there is dissension. Rosy re ports have been sent out for the n- couragement of, but there are little incidents that mark the pres- eiice of conservative distress. 'The i party's candidate in the Poace River | liberal premier, and the confest will | be allowed fo go by default, so far las the Haultain party is 'cgnoerned. Athabasca will also go liberal by acclamation. '(hese are signs of the times, and thw are very significant. In Ontario « there are intimmtions | thit the Whitney government is al: {ready losing ground. The Galt Re {porter has been df most pronounced [Wis mission was a failure. Had a lib- - ord, and above all 'a clean sheet, and a idea of what the party ir, The Reporter's re- d ove to infer that it ith both the federal parties, and 'the soon- i aed, the o plain talk for a ) Notes. Atax 'on Cana pulpwood meant & higher price for paper to the Ame rican ram. and. they kicked. re ' do it. They bad reason to do i : "Phe Canadians are benefited by the exemplion of pulpwood from U. S. uty, Chath sono: sent. $2,000,000 of pulpwoad across the line. _ The lobbyist" nuisance. How any alderman or legislator can stand his advice passes understanding. A law. should fie pasiod making ~~ his busiriess illegal. - A------------ It the audit" of the public accounts is to be effective some men, identified with the city's affairs, must have more regard for the citv auditor. Mr. Miller is certainly * trying to do his duty by the people. RE ------ Rresident Roosevelt is having a triumphal \toar. through tho southern states. The 'prejudice of tho south to- wards some acts of his administra: | tion disalibgurs 'when the people see, know, and uidestand the man. BN . % nin The measures that were intended to restrict the immigration of Chinose nnd Japanese, and their employment in British Columiia, have been dis- allowed by the federal government. The B. C. legislature 'is more aggres- sive than sound in its work. The Puddy Bros, of Toronto, have admitted that they put ups consider- able money in order to influence muni: cipal legislation in their favour. They did not know what was being done with the lists, but they knew it went in lobbying; and that was enough. Le Canada urges the Quebec logis- lature to organize a system of 'state insurance 'and so give the people something that is giaranteed at a winimun of gost. ARniling in this it wants the: big insurance' companies taxed at a higher rate, or Mr. Hanltain is erying out. for sympathy. He recalls the time whon he refused to turn the forces of his government upon the liberals. He should have preserved that neutrality and kept out of the federal elections. He did no good by going into them. The leaders of the council profess that they do not knew that accounts have been passed and paid which have not the audifor's signature. They know that resolutions are passed in the finance committee authorizing ac- counts which he held up. Perhaps they think be signs, these accounts af- terwards, His report will show. The Toronta News recalls the fact the United States a month or so ago. The provincial treasurer delayed his trip to float the Temiskaming bonds until the interest had risen, and then eral minister made this blunder, how he would have been censured by the tory press ! SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. -- Is It, Really » Toronto News. Pity Puddy brothers fan't give away money withdut nosey lawyers making a fuss about it. Moreover, charity is always commendable. That He Certainly Will, Montreal Star. MeCurdy, of the Mutual, does not spem to know a t deal about his business, but he'll learn a whole lot before the investigation. is over. still A Bapdt ty ik ia Pre now secured a Stpdet railway franchise, and no one will happen. The Latest Novelty, LToronte Saar. 4 A Chicago man has just Ween sent to, the pomitentiary: for ticket scalp- ing. Tn an effort to stop this nefar- dons 'practice, the westérn railroads proceed to issue bald-headed tie- 1 Alice In Trouble. Exchange. Alice Roosevelt will have to pay duty on the various gifts she has re- wise from Oriental monarchs. Inas- m as the: amount K- ceed 825,000 we feel assured that Papa will not send her abroad again until the tarili is revised. WA ------------ It Is Worth Knowing. "hat Clarke's potted ham, beef or game, sped oni well Budiered dex | ponservative paper, Its editor has [been a campaigner for his patty. Bag | sel ho did mot approve of the govern: | "to the American side it to ; 0 Eid Et toast proves a most appetizing mor WEDNESDAY 25. | The magor of Milwaukee diarged of Toronto Star. Lrops. that money was easier, so far as if [ ©d a position.: Cromwell Cramer has ine. Bi IE returned from a visit with friends in reat is concsemed, in England and | GNI TO, oon and WP can tell what |. OCCURRENCES RECOUNTED ~ INBRIEF FORM. Matters That Interest Everybody Notes From All Over--Little ¢ Ivaly is. tions with Canada. A great wave of local option sehiti: ment is sweeping over Grey county, Harry L. 1ayior was elected presi dent of the Eastern Baseball » At Santiago, hile, about fifty per. -sons were killed and' five hundred wounded during - the recent rioting there. An engine and four coaches, making a speed test on the Pennsylvania rail yay, Coveted 321 miles jn 314 minutes including stops. better trade rela- . The inclusion of 'Newfoundland in'the dominion is said to be the subject of confidential negotiations with = the home aovarhment. Dr. E.G. Turnbull, Branchton, Ont., appointed - to-the staff of thé Protestant Hospital for the in- sane at Verdun, Que. ficial® of the Milwaukee Southern rail way with offering to sell the franchise for entrance into the sity for $100,000, A tract of 40,000 acres of land north of Melfort, Sask., has been purchased by. Mennonites "from Southérm ~ Mani: toba, who intend to establish a colo ny there, It is not unlikely. that the double daily transcontinental train sevice on the Canadian Pacific railway will be continjied all winter, so great is the volume of traffic, Cunlifie, the Adams * Express com- pany's megsenger, who stole $100,000 i» thought to have burned many thousands of dollars in the Arlington Hotel at Bridgeport, Conn, An American, believed to be the no- ted 'Joseph Killoran, is under arvest in Vienna, charged with being leader of a gang which recently stole 20,000 erowns from a Vienna bank. The Northwestern University ' of Chicago has ranked newspapers 'as text-books and students will be re- quired to come to classes prepared to answer questions on the news of the da; ye While sitting in the caboose of his train at Murillo, Frederick Armstrong a brakesman, was instantly killed by a box car shunting against the car in whieh he sat, reducing both to spliy- ters. A TEMPERANCE RALLY. Shaping in Ontario for Abolition of the Saloon. "Things are coming our way mar- velously," said Rev, Dir. S. D. Chown in dealing with the temperance quest tion at the rally in the Trinity Meth. odist: church. "I hope we'll have a good fight in Toronto, whether it be for a reduction in the number of 1li- comses for local option, or in a may: oralty. campaign. "Next to the bread and the wine of the holy communion I regard the bal: lot as the most sacred thing the hand of man touches ; it is the very. sgul oi our liberty, and as we feel that we shall work with that righteousness which "exalteth a nation, and get rid of the sin which is a reprouch to any reople, pe "I thank God that we've come tg the time in Canada when we realize, at least in Ontario, that the license law can never be a settlement of this question. He that votes to keep the saloon, ar does not vote to banish it, is a saloon-Keeper." Pneumonia Patient Better. Glenvale, Oct." 24.<Threshing is com pleted in this vicinity, and farmers are harvesting their potato and rest}: Miss Margaret McDomald, who has been ill with pneumonia, is slow- ly recovering. Russell Pillar has gone to Toronto, where hie has secur- are having furnaces erected in y their houses by Mr. Dowker, Harrowsmith. Mrs. Hawkey and Robbie Clark have returned. from a trip to Chicago, Joseph Cramer leaves for Acton, this" week, where he purposes building a new chewse factory. Visitors: S. Leo and wife, HarroWwsmith; and Mr. Riley and sister, Cataraqui, at J. Clark's; Mr, and Miss Glassford, Lati- mer, and Miss Effie Clow, Sydenham, at I, Gordon's; H. Watts, Kingston, at S. J. Watts', Buy Castoria at . Gibson's Red Cross drug store, Genuine sold there. |} PROF. G. B. CANTON © PHRENOLOGIST B82 years experience. Families visited NEWS OF THE WORLD) of Everything Easily Read | rt oe -- quality : standard ; of half a century. df -- BOYS' OVERCOATS! once. Don't let him sufter for the need of one. We've everything in Overcoats. for boys, both large and small. = We've the Box Coaf, the Double-Breasted Coat, the Long Coat and Belt Coat in Fancy Tweeds, Che viots, Vicunas, etc., for the larger boys, $4.50, 5, 550, 6, 6 50, 7, 7:50 to' 10. For the little fellow we've Box Coats, Belt Coals, Russian Coats, Long Coats, Military Coats and Ul sters, $3, 3:50, $4.50, $5, 5.50 and 6. CANADIAN RUBBERS by, $2, 2 50, 3 to 5. This is a great store for Boys' Caps. THE H. D. The Men's Wear Store, 78, FOR: tronage. | been especially designed fof him. . BOYS' OVERCOATS, BRING THE 'BOY---You'll we'll be pleased, : Jos. Abramson, The People's Clothier 180 Princess Street, Botwoen Redden"s and Orawford's Groceries. Children's Reefers, something very new and nob 'Children's Garmeats, <0 everybody says, and that makes it so. Boys' Suits Boys' Sweaters ~. Boys' Underwear BIBBY CO, 80, 82 Princess Street. Some Suit Facts The tian who doesn't care what his suit costs will Jive it made by a custom tailor unless he is in a great hurry. 5 The man who does care what it ' -osts, but doesn't care what he gets, won't get his suit here, that's certain. The man who both cares what it costs, and 'cares what he gets-- that's the man we delight to PLEASE, WORK AND PROVIDE OUR SUITS at $8, $10, $12 or $16 are well worth the time it will require in.coming to see them. suits for the money. They>make our value a sort of premium for pa- . 3 hey are certaindy unu - Boys' Overcoats ~ Need an Overcoat for the bay ? We have Overcoats that have $3. $4, $5 1 $10 Be pleased, he'll be pleased. snd THE SHOP ON DIVISION STREET, fear Garrett street, occupled by Miss HOM TO-LET. LET. TO me 1 iT, A TWO COMFORTABLE FRONT | RESIDENCE, 52 FAI ET AT , Toons, at 144 Barrie street. present vctupied by . of -- + Anglin. ne ann E, 10! 6c arn ST. 8 ROOMS: OFRICE Gs oD OCALITY, o » | HQUSE, ON CENTRE ST rd: Forrest; Gents' Furnisher, Riva . good out buildings an rent. FOr Good locality, modernte Fie inforaistion, . apply (0 ¢ Grover, Market Square «Store, Corner King und Brook Sts. two well lighted and. heated rooms. Apply to" McCann, 51 Brock stre:t. Prof. Hornaday, An Authority. Prof. 'William T. Hornaday J cons RR gn zoel sidered the Yealisig Amerionn authority on gy: For neatly teh years he director of the: York seviral books of hi technical works treating © of sciencs. Sa pas 3 MS: on, milliner, Apply at Whig office. DWELLING HOUSE. 3 BOO BRICK SHOP AND RESIDENCE, NO. Madera improve tor "ioardind Je neess street: moderute ren Y tJ, W. past, omer duaryevee 156 Ronis Vo | Folia" Uaiouity Ae : - . . o anthor OFFICE, OVER WADES' DRUG | oologieal park, He is the 08h oe of travel un smp--pr Tf ope 'He~Why "at Gibson's Red 2 store. [ts the only plac pays a y high class candy. "her the best, Se WOMEN'S NE SUFFERING THESURE| th Thus Lost Is Restore Hoult) Shams Vegetable C many women do you ibn well" and st hear every day the same sto over again. *'I do not foel so tired all the time!" More than likely you words yourself, and no dou far from well. Thecausem traced to some derangemen male organs which manife depression of spirits, rclug anywhers or do anything bearing-down pains, fatal ousness, sleeplessness, lene These symptoms are bu that there is danger ahead, heeded a life of suffering operation is the inevitable 1 The never-failing remedy symptoms is Lydia E. Pink etable Compound. Miss Clara Beaubien, of "Quebec, writes: , Pinkham : Dear rn Ere] hiv a fi weakness which ) or my vitality, and causing severe imple | pains and a general worn-out f . really had no desire to live. | \- medicines, but did not + until I took Lydia E. . Intwo months I w Dono, om and in four i Boy fe iris re in. 0 the V sgetable Compound, and without equal for the ills of wot If you are ill, don't hesit; bottle of Lydia E/ Pinkha ble Compound at once, aI Mrs. Pinkham, Lyon, Mass, advire--it is free and alway] HAD 'A GOOD TI) Welcomed An Old Me Lodge Again. At its meeting on Tue Cataraqui lodge, No. 10, had the honor of entertain Kingstonian, in the person Hugo, of Duluth, Minnesot go was one of the early Kingston | lodge, and wa member of the first encamy tablished in Kingston. He 1 ed. mto the mysteries of Oc when' they' hold" their mee the dome in the city hall: ing he spoke very entertainin order, its growth and bene old Luiiestone city associa number of his old. friends, Col. Gordon, William Derry dorfier and others, were welcome 'him last evening. Many members of the Kin were present, Noble Grand behali of Kingston lodge Grand Douglas, on behalf aragni lodge, extended greetings A team from ge exemplified the thir a very creditgble manne ments were afterwgrds serv pleasant evening if before midnight. -------------- Y.M.C.A. Notes. There will be a meeting wembers of the junior dep Friday evening, at 7:30 o begin bays' meetings for The newly appointed direc R. Greig, will gssume tJ bility of this phrase of work: Last Monday evening fort took - exercise in the gymn < 238 the targest class for sc An examination was hel physical director lo detern ability in apparatus work divide thm into groups. eatin ed Prudent Housekeep Use Navies' pure leaf Ja expr v for our retails st Lady customer--They tri me Blaud's Pilis in anothe 1 knew the genuine « were Red #rose man--1t alway buy 'the genuine and alwa) the Red Cross on the box. I red, white and b The Largest Jack | * * facturer in the Work ig Regarding your Zutoo Tab Y: | have been a sufferer € since chi and MN; Or neatly all, of the so-calle the market, {ill warned by n 1 discontinue their use of it bad effects on the h s since my af Jour Zu'oo Tablets and Th £8 them ever since with the hd ervous" headache fn a care 1o bad effet. Mf needed Friends oy have frequently ¢ "ache and \ never failto let 7 id thant Mo 8a