2RHOOD | t's nen is Very Rare--Heakt: ers Make Happy Homes, Py oS ss | of my child, for it helped me gi t oo aad therefore, v se fe mend y 'egetable Sud o rom. to all or. mothers, and feel sure i is them as it did me." wy vil 's| Mrs. Mae P. Wharry, Secretary of the North Shore Oratorical Society, t | The Norman, Milwaukee, Wis., writes, Dear Mrs. Pinkham: -- e-| "I was married for five years and gave birth to two premature chilire,. Lydia B al | Pinkham's Vegetable Compound was recom. he | mended to me, and I am so glad I tok it, for it changed me from a weak, Is 0us woman to a ivng, happy and health ®iseven months. Within two Apne rl was born, which is the pride and : Every day 1 bles 18 at. EN Te able Coupotud ta ness 1 itt, ty oe . PP rough 1d} If any woman thinks she is sterile, in | or has doubts about her ability to carry at | a child to a mature birth let her write to Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass., whose k- | advice is free to all expectant or ja | Would-be mothers. She has helped in | thousands of women through this snx- ious period. Women suffering with irregular or painful menstruation, leucorrhces, dis- placement, ulceration or inflammation of the womb, that bearing down feel ing or ovarian trouble, backache, bloat- ing or nervous prostration, should re- member that Lydia E. Pinkham's V table Compound holds the record for the greatest number of actual cures of woman's ills, and accept no substi- tute. by Mrs. Pinkham's Advice and Medi = d57ESEEY Syrup yce Gum s and Colds. ERCOATS! Overcoat bring him here at or the need of one. Overcoats for boys, both' the Double-Breasted Coat oat in Fancy Tweeds, Che : larger boys, "$4.50, 5 550 e've Box Coats, Belt Coats, ts, Military Coats and Ur 5.50 and 6. : mething very new and nob for Children's Garments, 0 makes it so. 's afters lerwear | f . ; BIBBY CO 78, 80, 82 Princess Street. 2006000000 000 T COPPER. ANTIMONY & TW TAL CO, TORONTO. Lid b yo Gal wen Who have went Rholies $50. " tomplying with other ---- EDUCATIONAL. = G | SINGING _ | + Miss Cora Louise Larke, AT.C.M. sunil of Hermann Klein, Yeu York. ey seal Instructress St. urEnly is Late OL roto, 'Soprano Soloist Sy Soller® Si. Methodist church. Pupils pre- 2 "Conservatory and University A Boon -, oge to the Bilious gh self Bar heed to den ae pared for CONT ert Engagements. you think they make you bilious? Brain Romy House. 73 Barrie St. | Do you know that your condition IS more to blame than the- foods? M 1 ST AK E Your liver and stomach need at. N O ey. ; 'tention nore than the di Ww o decide' on entering \ € Stet. hen Js made When you decielo You find yourself sufferin with for a>Business training . iio attack, take Ste * » i BEEGHAM'S PILLS Cor. Barrie and Clergy Sts. and all annoying symptoms. will sk any of the business or profession- sk ar our graduates, or phy ¢ well-pleased students as tothe oA riority of our methods of training. guperiori A PRACTICAL SCHOOL Modern equipment ; competent teach- | goon disappear. They settle the ers ; moderate 'rates. | stomach, regulate, the liver and' ex- Day and Evening Classes i ercise the bowels. i Their good ef- fects are felt. immediately: hi Be m's Pills mitfgle with the contents of the stomach and make ceasy.work of digestion. The nour- ishing properties of the food are then "readily assimilated and the residue carried off without. irrita- tng the intestines or clogging the bowels. - Beecham's Pills should be taken whenever there is sick headache, furred tongue, constipation, sallow skin or any symptoms that indi- cate an inactive liver. Sold Everywhere. T. N. STOCKDALE, Principal. | nee en iii eee § Entsr any Time | SA, TEI Kingston Business Gollege = LIMITED Head of Queen Si, Kingston =~ =~ .Ont A MODERN, PERMANENT, RE- ; LIABLE SCHOOL. .. Established in 1883 .. ctical, complete, thorough, individual an given in all c.mmercial sub ects, Open thronghout the whole year. brite, call or telephone for terms and cats logue ~ , B. MCKAY, H. F METCALFE, i Presid nt. Tincipal. Ti boxes 25 cents. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH-WEST HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS x evan numbered section of Domiu- oo in Manitoba or the Norti- west Provinoes, excepting 8 and 26, nol eserved, may be homesteaded upon hy any parson. who is the sole head of a family or any-male over 18 ¥&us of &ge, to the extent of Cusnuariee gection, of 160 | more of less. ry way be made pérsonally at the local land office for the district in which the land to be takeu ie sivaated, or if the bhomesteader desires, he way. on applica tion to the Mimisier 'of the* Interior; Ottawe, the Cotnmtssionér of Immigra- tion, Winnipeg, or the local agent for the district in which the land is: situate, receive authority for some - one to make entry fo : . HOMESTEAD DUTIES : A settler who has been grantéd an entry for a home stead is required. to perform the con- ditions connected therewith under one the following plans : (1) At least six months residence upon 4 and cultivation of the land in each year| during the term of three years. ! (3) It the father (or "mother," if the father is deceased) of puny person. who is eligible to mike a homestead eamtry un- der the provisions of -this Act, resides upon a farm in the: vicinity of the laud stared forbyefiguch person ms ® hone stead, the requirements of this Act as to residence prior to obtaining patent may be satisfied by ich. person residing with b* father or r.other. 8) If the settler .has his permanent | residence upon farming land owned hy him in the vicinity of ms hopiestead, the requirements of this Act as to residence nay be satisfied by residence "upon the said land, APPLICATION FOR 'PATENT should be mado at Lhe end of three vears, he- fore the Local Agent, Sub-Agent om the Homestead, Inspector. making application for patent tp settler must give six months' notice In writing to the Commissioner ot Do- nition Lands at Ottawa, of his intehition 0 Su, hd J OS? BNI TS Boys don't liketd wear théir father's shrunken underwear--they don't have to if he wears Ceetee, for he'll wear it out himself, Just as ecogomical to buy Céctee full. mymoned one-piece suits for them, also, and much more comfortable--no coarse seams to chafe the body. Made of the finest wool, rendered unshrinkable' by a secret _ process which does not impair wearing quality, Your Dealer will re- place any Ceeotee Garment that shrinks og a mon, <n. fn «» Made at Galt; Canada, by Thé .C." TURNBULL CO., Limited, and sold by all reliabje dealers. ( S OF CANADIAN NUNRTH WEST MINING REGULULA PLUNS, ~--Loal lands may be jurchused a! for soft coal agi: $20 ior more than 320 acres can by one individual or cou: ,at the rate of ten ceuts W pounds shall be collected on the gross output, = Quartz --A free minek's certificate is Lranted upon payment in advance of 7,50 per annum Wi an individual, and from $50 to $100 ped annum for a coins pany according to capital. A free minor, huvipg discovered mineral In place, aay locate a claim 1,500x 1.500 feet. £ Coal. $1¢' per acre anthracite. Not be acquired "PERRIN" -Juvenile 'KID GLOVES Made in all sizes and to "fit all hands. Not merely The we for recording a 'claim is $5. | At least $100 niust 'be expended on the lain each year or paid vo the mining ro- foRder in lieu thereof. When $500 Has expended or paid, the locator may, Moon having a survey made, and upon requirements, chase the land at $1 an pry The-patent provides for the payment of es. pur- R royalty of 2} per cent on the sal ra 106-ACER mining claims generally are reduced ~~ sizes "of adult Yearly. auere; entry fee $5, renewable | Gloves, but cut specially to A free mi fit the hands of children ded, '°T may obtain two leases to te ge for gold 'of five mijes each for a disor Ol twenty years, renewable at the Troon of the 'Minister of the Interior. he lessee shall have a dredge in © ation within, pa a ae Oue season from the date of from one year pld and up- © wards--Be sure to ask for ® ' } 6 PERRIN KID GLOVES. oyalty at t ed on the output after it Sxomds $10,000. . W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Inferior. B.--Unnuthérized publieation oF this | Wvertisement will not be paid for. { § "THERE 1S A TIME § FOR ALL THINGS." Now, while prices are low, is the time to fill i coal, bin with = | quality SCRANTON COAL from P: Walsh's Yard BARRACK STREEL. | 1 { { { | i | MISTAKE I's A ls To i i ¢ * PUY your Winter Govds elsewhere | COURT OF REVISION vestigating ! . befor v ed aur values. Our Mock \ ". Fxeeptionally darge and com- Pete, a.q w 1 NOTICE IS HEREBY GINEN, THAT i ¢ allow no one to under | the - Qourt: of Revision ior hearing ap in poaly aguinst assessment for the 7 yeh! 1906 for ds of "the Lg » . 4 City will meet r Chamber Pair of 1 3 v Boots at sy our "Men's Water-Proot | oivy. Buildings, as follow and St Nov 4 Worth mare Lawrence 2nd, at Qutario V'Sydenbun ! Thursday, Wards, on - { 3pm i JE T: . | Catargqui © and Frontenac Wards, on ANIN { Friday, Nov. 3rd. at 3 pom Te ng | Rideau and Victoria Wards, su: Satur ' day. Nov. 4th, at 3 wm L. W. SHANNON City Clerk DONT KEEP BACHELOR'S HALL While your, wile is at the sea-gide | She' would father b you enjoy | ALL THE COMFORTS OF HOME © By taking your meals at the . * EE yuiS ot, HAVE YOU ANYTHING SELL OUTSIDE OF YouR SINS AND YOUR 'TROUBLES ? - COME To "ishings debt THE ORGAN RECITAL ) Unfortunate Illness of the Toron- to ' Soloist, Mr. Blight--Con- tracted Heavy = Cold -- The: Programme Was a Capital One} , The gnnouncement of an organ pe- cital] at St. Andrew's church, always brings out a large number of people, and' on Thanksgiving afternoon * the alifice was filled, in spite of the many dounter-atiractions, Unfortunately for everyone, but most chiefly for the young man immediate: ly concerned, Arthur Blight, the day's chidd soloist, had caught cold on 'the train, on his way down from Toron- to, and was so hoarse he could hard- ly speak! He attempted his first num- her, Save. Me 0, God,» but was an afte to finish it. The few bars that were" heird, however, .made the disap- pointment 'even more, tantalizing. Added to a voice, deep, 'vound and full, Mr. Blight has the virtue, which ean never be too highly praised, of saying every word with clear distinet- ness. Another disciple of the natural school of voice enlture, or voice use, is Mis: Larke; the clearness of whose enunciation has been several times mentioned in'these columns. To supply vacancies caused by Mr, Blicht's disability, Miss Beatrice Tandy, Miss Larke, and Arthur Craig sang extra numbers, a graciousness much appreciated. The closing num- ber, "Abide. With Me," arranged as a trio, was by many considered the gem of the ricital. Miss Shaw played sev- eral organ solos, all enjoyable, and her accompaniments were, as always, good. nnelecstnn. Brock Street's Festival. ~ Fully thrée hundred attended the Thanksgiving supper given by tha La- dics' Aid to pay off the church furn- church last evening. The tables, sot in the schoolroom, were prettily de- corated with flowers and fruit." An exeallent programme was the feature of the affair, A, Shaw acting as chair- man, and giving an address Solos wire rendered by 5, Andrews, Mrs. Evans, Miss Mills, ss Kearns and Mr. Manhard, a recitation hy Miss McArthur, and short speeches, by the pastor, Rev. Dr. Eby, and Rev. W, H. 'Sparling, Rev. J. B. Hicks and Rev. C. Manning. Miss Singleton was an most efficient aceompaniest. Cooke's Thanksgiving Tea. The thanksgiving tea given in Cooke's ehurch, Thursday evening, un der the auspices of the ladies' aid, was a decided success, from four standpoints, good attendance, order, supper and programme, 'Ihe tables, with their dginties, were laid in the school-room of the church. Rev. Dr, McTavish, acted as chairmaniin a very pleasing manner. The following was the most entertainmg programme rendered: " Quartette, - *Forget-M: Not"; seng, Mr. Corlett; song, Mr. Kelso; recitation, Mrs, Telgmann; séng, | Mr. Somerville; song, Miss Cairns; song, A. Lemmon; instrument- al duet, Messrs, Corlett and Salis- bury; vialin solo, Miss Mignon Telg- mann; song, Miss Pugh; song, Mr. Corlett; song, A. Lemmon; recitation, Mrs. A. Telgmann; song, C. Kelso. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters on Their Rounds. What a wind we aro having to-day"! It was an ideal Thauksgiving Day. lee" creams to order at Hambrook's. Concord" grapes for wine-making, cheap, at Carnovsky's. Abbey salt-is always fresh at son's Red. Cross drug store. Selected red, white and blue grapes, in small baskets, at-Carnovsky's. Gib "Tht most delightful toast," the women say, is made from Tofe's bread, No one in town, to-day, scoms anxi- ous to say much about yesterday's game, a The best efforts are made to give fh people good bread when they buy Toye's. Monkey Brand Soap remoyes all stains, rust, dirt or tarnish--but won't wash clothes. Henry Cunningham, piano tuner from Chickerings. Orders received at McAulev's hook store, Princess street. On the noon train twenty cadets left for Montreal, on a trip, and will in all probability get on a game thre, Cream pufis at Hambrook's. A pure rich cake covered with pure cream is what you want, will, be_ on for Saturday. 'Phone 141. WJ, Interéollegiate Rugby Union meeting to consider several matters, including a protest, will he held in Montreal. tosnight, not in, Kingston as reported, A meeting of the light and power committee x was" called for this after noon. at four o'clock to discuss the city engineer's report on additional street lightine, oo Lustrite nail preparations at son's Red Cross drug store. : Information to date re Britt drown- ed Wednesday night, October 18th: "Has anything been heard as to where he came from!" "No." "Has the body Leen buried yet 2' "Ng. : "Thes cotgh symp that cures coughs," Red Cross. Cough Syrup, 20¢c. Gib- How To"Avoid Catching Cold. Allow vourself to "run down" and vou catch cold from the first perm that comes vour way. Wade's Iron Tonic Pills make vou eold-proof hy «<iving ou rich, healthy blood, the kind that kills all dicense germs. in boxes 2c... nt Walle's drug store, Moncy back if pot satisfactory. i -------- Two loral svorts went hunting and accidentally shot a Westbrook farm- ers dog. It cost 810-10 settle mat- tas. However, as snoily of the hunt, they return=d with seventy-seven bileck stuirrels. Whole wheat bread is wholesome, nnd much relished by delicate people, 4 ROG JQ S H its: Tove's its vel Charlotte K a THE DAILY WHIG. FRIUAY, in Brock Street Methodist PERSONAL MENTION. ' A ---- . Movements Of The People--What + They Ave Saying And Doing. Fra: Tothill, Montreal, spent 'Thanksgiving Day in the city. George J. LoS, Montreal, a former Kingstonian, is in town on business. Mrs, E. Williams, Guelph, is the guest of Mrs, J. A, Gould, 234 Svden ham street, = Mrs. (Dr) James 'MeCammon, Gan: anoque, 18 the guest of Mr. and Mrs, William MeCammmon. : Charles M." Robertson, business r. . of the Ottawa Journal, spent Thursday in' Kingston, + Dr. J. Copeland Gibson, Hamilton, is in town visiting his father and mother, at 461 Princess street. \. B. ABen, of the Montreal Bank, Pigton, and E. R. Allan, Merchants Bank, Napanee, were in the city for a holiday, i Mr: and Mrs. William Armstrong left, on Wednesday, for Peterboro, to spend Thanksgiving Day. with Mr. and Mrs. George Armatrongs Noro m=, ~ Dr. Tupper McDonald, Williamstown, who formerly played with Queen's, waz ote of the old Queen's 'men who came to town, to.witness yesterday's rugby match. Lieut'-Col, Taylor, the mandant of the lege, arrived from early morning train. cadets this morning . Among the many Napanee folk in the city yesterday, were: Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Herrington, Misses Light, W, A. Daly, J. E. Robinson, J, 8, Ham, W. Templeton, G, W. Gibbard and Chas. Stevens, ¥ Dr. A. Oronheyatekha, Sioux Falls, came down with a party in the yacht Mohawk Queen, from Deseronto, yes terday. Among the number were Miss T. Hansen and 'Miss Doris Hanson of Cliristiania, Norway. The priests of the diocese were at the G.T.R. station on Thursday- to hid bon vovage to Archbishop Gan thier on his trip to Rome. Bishop McEvoy, of*London, was on the train en route also for Rome, P. J. Tobin, Westport, has by renew ing his subseription - {6 the Whip rounded out a quarter of a century of its perusal. There have been for many years a list of over one hundred sub scribers at Westport of the "old relia ble." A jolly evening was(apent, Thursday, by abont twenty voung people, at the home of John Bolger,\ Johnston street, oclel rating the, host's birthday. Cards were played and vefreshments served at midnight, the guests departing about two o'clock. a new ~<om- Royal Military Col: Montreal on - the: He inspected the A CONSUL'S REPORT. Agricultural Possibilities of Tas- mania Island. As Canadians are well aware, the Island of Tasmania has a reputation for producing fruit of superior quality. The Tasmanian apples command high prices on thé old country market, anc compete strongly with Canadian fruit. Some facts regarding this country should be of "intéfest. United State: Consul Harris, Germany, has gatherec some valuable information on this sub ject." According 14° the consul's report to his government, this island is pro bably the most neglected, while at tin same time one of the most attraclive of all the British Australasian colon ios. Its total area contains 16,778,00( acres, of which one-fourth only ha: been alienated. There ape still 11, 822,450 acres in the island, generally speaking, whose forests have never heard the ring of the woodman's axe or whose sod has been upturned by th farmer's plow. The island abounds in good timber, and the lands are excel lent "for agricultural purposes. Som: parts ave heavily timbered with good ard merchantable wood, and mineral: and ores are found in the upland dis trict. The climate is healthy and con genial. The winters are warmer tha those of England, and snow seldon falls except at high. altitudes. The summers are= hot, although less op pressive than those in Australia, and the air is dry and rarely sultry. Th rainfall varics goeatly at different sea sons of the year. .On the north coast it is from eighteen to thirty inches The west and south coasts are alway very wet, The agricylture of Tasmania. gener ally speaking, has not yet passed th tentative period, for the reason tha! the farmers are not compelied tobe stow upon the soil that conservative care which characterizes the method: of older countries. However, wit} development, this island, with its vir gin soil and healthful climate, will ul timately play an important part in the world's commerce for the reasor that its location, although isolated is still sufficiently favorable to secur a commanding position in the trade of Australasia and the islands of the Pa cific, Forgetiul Johnny. New York Tribune Johnny was a good boy, but he lov ed to fight. He had heen reproved over and over again, and at last he had promised to battle no more. That very night he returned from school with a ont cheek and swollen nose "Johnny," said his mother, "yon promised me this morning that you would not fight again." "But. I haven't been fighting, ma. This is an accident." "An accident 7" "Yes, ma. 1 was sitting on Tommy Biggs and 1 forgot to hold his feet.' Walked 700 Miles. Wishing to take alittle walk for the benefit of his health, James Mar tin, a farmer of Ohio, walked from his home in the northwestern section of that state to Richmond, Va., a dis tance of 700 miles. He says outdoor athletics are necessary to his life, and he intends to tramp on to the Atlan: tic coast. He i a good swimmer, hut will make no attempt to go further east, Quite Intelligent. Baltimore Telegrani. 3 Adorine Grandmother--Iin't, he a { lovely child ? : Calm Visitor--Yes, he's a nice little bahv-- Adoring' Grandmother (intefrupting) ~Andd #0 intelligent | He just lies there gil dav breathes and breathes and breathes. OCTOBER 27, 15 BIG SMUGGLING A CONSPIRACY UNEARTHED IN QUEBEC. Acetic Acid Bé&ag Brought in to Make "Pure Cider Vinegar"-- - Eight Barrels of Acid Seized Worth §7,000, Montreal, Oct. 27.~A& smuggling con piracy; of large proportions, in which ba well-known manufacturing firm, -in Quebec, sis alleged to be implicated, has been uncarthed by special officer O'Grady, and Officer Gillette, of the Canadian customs service. It appears that the businéss of smuggling acetic acid over the line, from the United States, has been getively engaged" in, this acid being utilized in the city of | Quebee, for the manufacture of "pure cider vinegar," The acid was sent over the line from the United Stator; wear Rouse's Point, and from a convenient station was then shipped on to 'the eity of Quebec, to eventually land in the warehouse of 4 prominent vinegar manufacturer, Officers O'Grady and Gillette got trace of this acid, which had been sent over the line, and as it is subset to a daty of 81.50 per_galion, some idea of the profits derived from the operation can be had; The officers, in their-raid, acized eight barrels of the acid, the to tal value of which is in the neighbor hood of $7,000.% IN OUR OWN CIRCUIT. News of The District on Both Sides of The Line. Miss. Mary Alicia Pepper, Lanark, and Neil B. Nicoll, Perth, were mar vied this week. Dr. Marguret O'Hara has loft Smith's Falls, for her mission field in Centrad India. - Mr. and Mest J. W, Shaw, Tweed, celebrated their twentyfifth anniver sary of their wedding. Pearce 'company have bought out the Gilmour limits in Lake township, comprising 50,000 geres, Father Brunet, now in Smith's Falls, will have charge at Perth until the return of Father Hogan, Mrs. Robert M. Dickie, * bun in Foress, Maorshire, Seotland, is: dead in -Admaston, aged eighty"twae, John Connolly, clerk of Admaston, with a party, ended ths lives of four bears which had Hen killing sheep. Daniel' Murphy, North Flmsley, has sold his farm to his brother, John Murphy, and will remove with his fa mily to "Perth, Mr. Fargey, Bayside, has been ap- pointed hy the Omtario government head farmer at the Deaf and Dumb In- stitute, 'Belleville, ° James Duncan," Sr., McDonald's Corners, was crushed to death by a strange horse he was blanketing. He was aged sikty-eight. Rev. R. W. Kelly has received and accepted a unanimous call to the pas- torate of the Baptist charches i, Drummond, Middleville and Lanark. Residents of Ameliashurg township may vote on local option at the com ing municipal election, Prohibition ists are working hard to this end. Mr. Scott, father of D, A. Seott, who. a few years ago conducted a tail: or shop here, died at the home of hig son, James; at McDonald's Comers, on Monday. Ananda Benedict, wife McCallum, died, in Tweed, aged sev- enty-two. 'The bursting of a blood vessel, following a stroke of paralysis, was the cause of death. A quiet wedding took place at Clyde Forks, Wednesday, when I Grady, merchant, and Miss Margaret Alice Campbell, daughter of H, Campbell, were united in matrimony, Samuel Greaves, teamsier, Belleville, had three ribs broken and received sther severe injuries by falling off his rig and a large stone falling on him, He is in a serious condition F. L. Rickwood, Montreal, and six weeks out from England, has been en gaged as organist for Knox church, Perth. He sub-organist in Ely cathedral, and sings as well as plays. A quiet event took place at the home of Mr, and Mrs. John Stewart, Calabogie, on October 18th, in the marriage of James C. Hutson, Burns- town, and Miss Annie Edna Stewart. At the game fo-morrow afternoon, Junior Limestones vs Gananoque, at Athletic Park, the same officials will act aux referee and umpire of the thier Brockville game, Montague and Burns of William was This afternoon a young Fnglishman, Charles McClennan, had evidently boen celebrating thanksgiving in too strofig a way, and was arrested on Ontario street for being drank, by P. Ce, Driscoll and Megarry. : Ton davs 'ago a young man on the stall of one of the local banks, made his first appearance in the police court and was dismissed, It is under- stood he had not since shown up at. the: bank, but has gone away. Mack Marks will leave Perth in go week or ten days--+o join his brother Ernie in the management of 1 fourth company of the Marks Bros', started September lust. Emie is now in Western Ontario and is doing big business, Rurai Dean Peamish, in St. Thom as' church, Belleville, performed the marriage. ceremony, joining Alexander Coulter, aged sixty-nine, and Mrs. Elizabeth Wilson, "aged seventy-three Bath "are well-known residents of Tyepdinaga There. was a fox hunt, yesterday, on Ontario street, -A tame fox ran away' from its home next the [fire station and Fred Reid and J. Mae- gillivray spent an hour searching for the missing animal, finding it * near Toye's. Wh Refer to 'Use Armour's Extract of Beef in the Right Way. od et dy Se we Art Er Ca st ade 'S ' pure of Beef--thighly con Cd bi on © Sl by 2 Armoyr Limited, Toronto, Ont, : ER BS PY salsa. Armour Tomato and Beef Catsup An izing relish for steaks, « Toasts, and Den TE Bi einen fost pak and Sold by all Grocers. : COLONIAL London Dry Gin Finest Distilled. KEEP THE CAPSULES, THEY ARE VALUABLE. BOIVIN, WILSON @ €O.. Montreal DISTRIBUTORS, | Make Home Dyeing - As there are weak, adulterated and worthless package dyes under varied names sold by some dealers to whom large profits are of more concern the home success and comfort of our women and girly, we would ugge all who ask for DIAMOND DYES to see that each package bears the words " DIAMOND PACKAGE DYES," & Beware of common package dyes introduced" in your town which pre. tend to dye all materials equally 'well with ohe dye: Such pack are snares and delusions. They ruin good dresses and all other org cloth- ing, and are dangerous to handle. ah AT The Diamond Dyes are the popular home dyes all over the world, "and 1a dies at all times can. depend upon their strength, beauty © and everlasting to the reliable Tiamons colors, Refuse all crude and weak dyes and clibg Dyes, and you are sure of success in home coloring ---- . i . CI ee : New Chestnuts, Almonds, Walnuts, Filberts and Pecan Nuts for Hal- lowe'en. A. J. REES., Princess St. "FINE FURS Made to Order Ladies' Fur Jackets Persians, Mink, Otter. Beaver, Alaska Rat, Canadian Rat, Dark Raccoon, ° Children's Fur Coats Men's Fur Coats ¥ Raccoon, Persians, etc, All Garments Guaranteed Perfect Fit! and Quality J JOHN McKAY, : 183 Brock Street. 0-000 000000 wd FINANCE AND INSURANCE © AuBATEMAN If You Want » Home | Shanes Here» ALL KINDS OF FIRE INSUR- ANCE AT LOWEST RATES. * DISTRICT ACENT SUN LIFE ASSUR-"| George Zeigler, Estate HN rr a ar . ANGE COMPANY OF CANADA. 61 CLARENCE STREET KINGSTON. A First-Class Flotel property for sale in one of the best Vill uges- in Wastern Ontario. Good HM. reasons for sélling, PS Pe : i i For Real - Estate | 'Or Insurance Consult with GRO, CLIFF béfore 465 Clarence Street, i tying