1 Food may > Poison nf 1 food, just as Saliva 3 caret tablets, dissoly; an ith Cy, & that food into notrishr men, 5 Changing y ° a'ong the channel. = 8 1 pany o The Intestines are . lions of little suc - the Nutriment from s them in going th aldo A with my, * * This Nutriment is then Blood, and spread over Brain, Bone and Braw: t t flow, or too little flo to change the food i and in the thirty feet o When this Decay be tion pumps draw Pois .Food, into'the blood, « lion it should have draw, Now, Cascarets cont bination of drugs that Muscles, of the Bowels as a Cold Bath, or stimulates § Lazy Man. Cascarets therefore ad | They produce the sar result that a Six Mile w would produce, without Chemical effect. ) . it Exar Exercise, t of Natwg] * = * The Vest Pocket: Case: by all Drugyists, at Ten Be sure you get the get by the Sterling Rem never sold in bulk, Eve "CCC." A sample and the famous book) of ' Constipation," F Address Sterling Remedy Co; cago or New York. aret In is sold Cakes to Young Bears Mountains, ING WHEN THEY SEE IT! be raised with Royal Yeast. Re i the KOHR'S RESTORINE- ntury,--the most wond ler , It is astoundiz tired in ons | Board has ree In Eu governments great standing a Stops lesees in i: hecomes bright 4 in and Blood, A permanent cure ronic the case. Just send uw ly written a rine wi | be sent. FRE 0 not hesitate a moment beees and wich honest confider DRAWIRL 234). MONTREAL PPPPPP PPPOE S & CABINETS 2 rd" Cards tor Dectars d Carbon Papers. 171 'Wellington st » to rent, repaired. PASSES aa. 33344353043 DOE © FFE GOY ts, Almonds, lberts and s for Hal- >rincess St. dry. SOA jure the surface. ths and linoleum. heir LMTED, Toronta | - nn) MN ) oA a oe ma Ly SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN, NORTH-WEST HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS even numbered section of Dewin- os! ads in Manitoba or the Norte- west Provinces, excepting 8 and 26, not eserved, may be homeatoeded apsh by any a who is the sole hea a family of any male over 18 years 2 age, to the one-quarter - section, of 16v acres, more or less. Entry may be made Personally at the local and office for the district in which the land to be taken is snuated, or if the homesteader desires, he may, Su applica tion Yo __the Minister of Interior, Ottawa, the Comintssioner of Immigra- Yom, Winnipeg, or the local agent for tae district in which the land is sitvate, receive suthority -for some one to m entry him. a HOMESTEAD DUTIES : A settler who been granted an entry for a home stead is required to perform the con: ditions connected therewith under one the following plans i }3 At least six bionths residents upon and cultivation of the land -in each year during the term of three years. (2) H the father (or mother, If the father is deceased) of any person who is! eligible to make a homestead entry un- der the provisions of this ct, resides spon a farm in the vicinity of the land sutered for by such person as a hone stead, the requirements of this Act as to prior to obtaining patent may be satisfied hy vd otson residing with 3) father or 1.oth Ph un the ear has his permanent upon farming laud owned by Sn in the ai of ms homestead, the ts of this Act as to residace my besatisfied LY residence upom tbe WAPPLICATION FOR PATENT should be made at the end of threes years, be fore the Local Agent, Sub-Agent or tue Homestead Iaspector. Before making application for patent the settler must mve «IX monaths' notice In writing to the Commissioner of Do~ Minjon Lands at Ottawa, of his intention o su. BYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NURTH WEST MINING REGUUA PIUNS. Coal.--Coal lands may be purchase at $10 per acre fur soft voal sn) $20 lor anthracite. Not mote than 320 acres cau te equa BY oné IadiVIdual or coms pany Royalty at the rate of ten cents ter ton of 2.000 pounds shall be collected or the gross output. Nuartz.--~A free miner's certificate is uated upon payment in advance uf x. 50 per annum "for an individual, and om $50 to $100 per Bunun for a com- bany according to capita i free miner, having a overed miveral 1300 oot. nay locate a claim 1,500» The we for recording &. claim is $5. (At least $100 must be expended on the claim each year or paid to the wining re torder in lieu thereof. When $50 has been expended or paid, the locator may, boon having a survey Sade, and upon Complying with other uirempnts, pur. Se the land at $1 an acre. The patent provides for the payment of . peuNILY of 34 cent on the sales. " ACER mining claims rally are 100% feet square ; eatry repewable a free miner may obtain two leases to dredge for gold of five miles each for a discr of Jeeaty years, renewable at the tion of the Minister of the Interior, ® lessee shall have a dredge in oper- " Oh Within one season from the o lease for each five miles. Rental, $16 & Auoum for each wile of river tensed. Falty at the rate of 24 per cent collect. on the output after 3 etesude 8 $10,000. Top uty. of the Minister of the {terior RN. -- Unauthorized Avge Sa will AT on of is See Window Display + OF .. : Parlor designs, Fancy Furziture, the most artistic ¥ - Etny Mahogany , Chairs and Rockers, tered in all shédes, silks. Fi ey Mahogany Oval or Parlor Tabi ions Square | . nd China Cabinets, also uches. JRug and Velour Parlor Reduced Prices This Week at JAMES REID'S © 5 Toners WE LL " Fancy Parlor a ¥ C Seta 'GUNLIGH1 Sunlight Soap, rinse clean and wipe and the surface unharmed. Common soaps fade the colors and Sunlight Soap. cleans, - freshens and preserves Sunlight Soap washes clothes white without injury to the most 2 _ delicate. fabrics: orto the hands." "for it contains nothing that can Roe injure either clothes or "hands. Wash oilkcloths and linoleums with nd ~ Warm water a The colors will be preserved Zz lS) | . a NT } * Sa = The Wornout Nerves, ~The Weak Heart, The Tired Brain, The Wasted Strength. What a multitude of women there are who feel that these words exactly suit their case. From early morn until late at night they have been on the go, year in and year out, attending to the daily household duties, looking after the wants of her children and spending the rest of her time attending to social ol church work. Isit any wonder then that sooner or later there comes a general collapse? The action of the heart becomes weak and palpitating, the nerves become unstrun, in a whirl half the time an of vitality is lacking. It is at this time a woman should look after herself. If does nat, serious female disorders may set in and.often cause weary months 'and years of helplessness and miserable suffering." What she wants is something to build up her system. For this purpose there is nothing to equal MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS They are the women's friend in every sense of the word. They will strengthen the weak heart, tone up the shaky, starved nerves, make the , the brain feels the usual force brain clear, and restore the lost vitality. Mrs. Lohnes, Stanley Section, N.S., 'writes: "I. .was. teoubled down I could not attend to my household "duties. I bought two Boxes of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills and after taking them I found that my trouble had all passed away. Iam now strong and healthy in. Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are 50 cents per box or 3 for $1.25. 1t your dealer does not handle them, send direct to The Milburn Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont. Use Big @ for unnatura discharges, inflammations irritations or ulceration of mucous me t im pl i gn ain wrapper oa or S tolls wih, cular vt on request 'CURE Sick Headache and relieve all the troubles nel dent Jo. a bilious state of tho system, such as rowsiness, Distress after Sting, Tuia &. Pain inthe the ae &e. While their. most n shown in cuking -- SICK Readache, yet Carter's Little Liver equally valuable in Constipation, Liver DI as ------, ER mae eorrectal 8 Bver and regulate ven 1f they only *e toad win without ¢ "ACHE _ the bane of so man; pal tha Ee ue ort Bangle oust. by do wot. ay Ti Me Ee -- to o. or tw los are striotl; nd do not gripe oF ly oh their gentio action please all wha * Eu them. Ji viaiat 3 conte five for $1. Sold here, or sent by mail. © ints every w oa MEDICINE CO., New York, IRI ar ~ ~N ) X-RAY Stove Polish 'The Polish that woa't wear Sold Only at Strachan's Rideau King for Ottawa every Mon- with weak and dizzy spells and was so run fod Al Snel Dos Small Bw | Hardware SEE---------- \ THE DAILY WHIG, WEDNESDAY, NoveMeER 1. NEWS OF "NEIGHBORS | NHAT WHIG 1G CORRESPOND- ENTS TELLJUS. The Tidings From Various Points In Eastern Ontario -- What People Are Doing And What They Are Saying. Taylor Tidings. . Taylor, Oct. 30.--Ploughing is the order of the day. William Birming- ham, who spent. the past two months in Manitoba, returned home om Sun- day. Miss Mary Sidley retumed to Kingston after spending the holidays at hor home here. Miss Maud Betty visited ip Kingston last week. and Mrs, E. Stevens, Compbeliond, returned to their 'home, after visiting Mrs. John McCalpin. They were ac- companied by thoir niece, Miss Mabel McCalpin. -- Death Of A Lady. Desert Lake, Oct. 31.--An.old and respected resident of this place, Miss B. Wilson, died recently. Medical skill and 1oving friends did all they could but she succumbed to the disvase which laid its hold upon her. Many times she was heard to say the Lord's will be done and the Master took her to be with Himself; Her funeral" was largely = attended, Rev. J. Ferguson speaking from the words, "For to me to live is Christ and to die is gain; Phil. i, oL Many Visitors. Preston Vale, Oct. 30.-- Rev. R. W, Kelley entered on his pastoral dutics, in the Baptist church, here, on Sun- day last. Miss Flossie Halfpenny, Arnprior, is spending her vacation at her home here. Mrs. A. H. Hendry, Ottawa, spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. R. A. Richards. Misses Gertrude Moulton and Irene Closs, of the Perth Collegiate Institute, spent Thanksgiving day at the homes here. Miss Edith Richards has returned, af- t.r visiting friends in Carleton Place. Misses Edith and Edna Horning; Bish op's Mills, visited their sister, Mrs. A. McLaren. 2 Caintown Locals. Caintown, Oct. 30.--Misa Summers, Miss Foley and Miss Bigford, of Rock field, were guests of Miss Mabel Gih- son on Sunday last. The concert given by the bell. ringers op Saturday ev- ening ~last was a, success. Proceeds over $20, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Read went on Saturday last' to Brockville. Miss Edith Powell was home from Brockville for Thanksgiving. Services in the Mothodist church. will be next Sunday evening instead of the after- noon. The apple pickers have about finished picking apples in this section. Malcolm Hall lost one day last week, Mr. and Mrs. Vike Mountain Grove, Oct. 3 number attended the Ladies' Mi<s Minnie, college. Word was received, of the death of George Coulter, Mani Miss Stella Crozier aptiotor of the Royal hotel, has sold a valuable horse from Toronto, are guests at 1. TT. | sivnary meeting will be held on Mon Tennant's. Miss Summers and Miss | day evening. November. 6th. Rev. Mr. Foley of Rockfield, were on Saturday Snartermpin, Heuice % in she sponker. 5 ete i N Lincai 8 ord estpor wreach- last the guests of Miss Nora Kincaid. rt oy A oe MOURN GYOVE NeW MS EPO HEROS Fa lowe'en. Wiliam Moore has left for --Quite © a Aid qguar- viv . s.r | was home 8, 4 the panne lot Sat fa," lene Sonn 1 btn dence in the village; also his two friends: here now. There was a num clicese factories; to 1. J.. Grogk long ber from Perth out hunting partridge Lake. . Miss Steward has returned from | *® Friday. George Huehuuan, Jr. Kingston, where she spent. Thanksgiv- galled on Perth friends - on Sunday. in. Miss 'Gertie Mcllonaid spit « Thomas Munroe's baby is improving. fow-dgve- in-Kingston with her sister, Visitors : Mrs. MeGregor. Bathurst, who is attending business recently, toba, a former resident of this place. spent Thanksgiv- Juven aml Miss Annie. Yanluyen, Cata- raqui, were the goeste of Mes. Ever- ton Vanluven for Thanksgiving Dat. The tea meeting, given by the ladics of the i was i Suocass ih Svar way. 8 made by r Smrley, Naplinde, and Mr. Neshit, Newburgh, were instructive and clevating, and were much Rppeeciated by the audi ence. Mr. Allan, Enterprise, took charge of the service here on Sun day. : Sincere Regret. Arden, Oct. 3l.--News of the death of the late Joshua Cox, which sad weit took place on Saturday, caused deep regret, The deceased, jor many years ggeve, of Qlden, was well known and, respected is Kennebec, Wis sud- den death has made a great impression upon his many friends in this town ship, great sympathy is exprossed for his bereaved family. George Gray, out to Mr. Ayerst, of Minchinbroke: The patrons the Arden cheese fac tory were paid, on Saturday, at the rate of $1.05 per hundred: pounds "for milk delivered in September. Rathbun company's lumbermen, for some weeks working on Addison Miller's farm, have finished, and the camp broke up. Willard Parks was in the village ves terday. W. W. Pearson and family are about moving to Cobourg Mrs. Jos ph Kellar is back home from Water town: B. F. Petlor, #eeve of Keone bee, has just returned froin a trip to New Ontario. Kaladar Jottings. Kaladar, Oct. 30.= Large numbers of hunters are daily passing through this section to the north, hunting grounds to Be iii 'readitess when the. season opens: Mrs. MeBride and Miss Dou gan spent a couple of days last week at Miss Dougan's home in"Newburgh. KR Thompson has moved into the front of Nr. Righy* sx house and James Morton is moving his family into the rear half. C. Godfrey's house camo very nearly being burned on Friday. but fortunately the blaze was put out ore much damage was done. Miss Etta Wood spent Sunday at Mrs. A. Alport's. Messis. Peter and Wiliam Morton have returned home after spending the summer in Uncle Sam's domains. Mrs. Morton d her daughter, Leta, visited her | ger ih W. Nicoll, Norwood, ant afterwnrds attended "the Peter boro meeting. réturning home to dav, Mrs, Stanley Ball, visiting - re latives here for the past few weeks, visit her uncle, R. Ab has gone to bott, Northbrook. Intense Frosts Nightly. Maberly, Oct. 30.-The frosts at night have been intense. This is an ideal .day, bright and warm. Our gang of deer hunters left, this morn ing. en route 'tb the back woods, in search of big game. The cheese 'fae tory will close on Wednesday, after a very successful season. Our school is closed on account of sickmess. Mis New York State. for a Acheson. | Jr. short time on Sun John at Willian Buchanan's. Elijah Cham- bers called on friends last week: Portland Personals. Portland, Oct.' 30.--A party of Unit ing with friends in Kingston. cheese factory closes, Ftta Wilson spent some days city last week. Messrs. John McLear and Robert Man ding Invitation in the near are Successful Tea~-Meeting. Moscow, Oct. 30.--Mrs, man and infant son, Donald, home from Kingston on Saturdav, af after spending a few months in North West. School has for two days. been close When You Buy-~Buy Right. of Ozone (the market. is so other brands. a package of "Celery King," the well. kind)" cofitains about twice as much for your money as anv other kind. It also furnishes you with "Celery King" for nothing. from your druggist or write the Public Drug company, Bridgeburg, day and Thursday, at 6 sm. Omt., who wit} see that you are plied. y >» Elmdale to-day, after a successful season. Visitors : Rev. and | %Imon. R. Scott has moved into W. Mrs. C. A. Fox and children, Picton, | H. Murphy's house on Water street. and Miss M. Fox, Port Hope, at C. Ie is running a restaurant and pool Fox's; Miss Mabel Gates, Nr room. Mrs. George Cannon has re at D. McDonald's turned home, after spending the pest week with her mother at Greenbush. Willetsholme Waits. Mr. and Mry. W. Kerfaot, of Smith's Willotsholme," Oct. 31.~James = Mc. | Flt. spant Thanksgiving with hey Allister has rented Mrs. Bennett's parents, Mr. and Mrs. sallaghar fur for the following year. T. Hunt- Mr. antt-Mys. BR Cameron Folutsied af er and family have gone to South Hr munding he wh bg . nbn Lake to reside. Joseph Cummings riends in Ba Ties Miss Boyd, Smith's sold a team of colts to J, Toland, of Falls, wpent T anksgiv ing with her Sunbury. brother, Barney, of this place. W. Ro realizing a goodly sum. Miss in the Yule have returpmed after' spending some quonths near hillamey, out for a wed- 0 future, Quite a num- ber from' here attended the gathering at the howe of Mr. and Mrs. G. ¥ | on the lake. Miss M. Moriarty, Ro Ashley, Front Road, to celebrate the | chester. is toe guest of her. aunt, Mos twentieth anniversary of their wed- T. Ripley. Mesers, W. Pinkerton, E ding, Gi October 28th. Mr. and Mrs, Myers and H. Taffey, all of Queen's, G. Millions spent Sunday at Brewer's Mills. Miss Woods, teacher, spen Thanksgiving at her home in the city. Amos Huff came on or ball team, 'lizzie Uobean awl Hic Ia months visit at the home key are said to be on the twirling af her father, Capt. Montgomery. Miss stall of the Stars for | 1906, while Rath Jarphin, Paint, Spent Sun- | ec paycer Elliott will do fandangle dus nto Me. and Mee Henry | Conte he lake 10 i Ye on Wednesday, | owe Dinny Burke may travel with Os the 'The teachers were at- tending the annual meeting of the Why They Howl. Lennox and Addington Teachers' As- [Toronto Telegram y sociation in Napawee. Mrs. T. Van. Fyery Queen's student donates' a dollar a year to_college athletics. When you buy Ozone, buy "Solution oupon kind)."" It is the strom at a Purest Ozoné on the d as a commercial product bi reasonable rates, eo that you get aboit twice as much as of Also each bottle com- tains a coupon which entitles you to known remedy which must always be and cigars, $2,703: vinegar. R192.01; taken with Ozone. other ne, $20.21. Total cote No other brand of Ozone gives vou tions, $0,650.92 Sy an opportunity to get the "Celery Bs, pr King" free. We own "Celery King," SER and that is why we can give it with Hallone'en passed by very peaceful our Ozone. * ly, little or no darmage being done. "Solution." of Ozone, (the coupon This seems partly due to the fact that Insist on getting it ed Staters were at , the Commercial, | last week, and report a great catch of gers spent Uh the Misses Ivey son and Mrs. M at Seeley's Bay. past week ca guest of here, Miss B. Colli Sweet spent Sunday C. McClary and fam n ily have gone to Syracuse to reside They, will be greatly missed. as Nr McClary was one of the best fishermen spent Thanksgiving at their homes ¢ | here. Go To Other Clubs. It is stated on pretty good author ity that the Syracuse Stars, in the New York State league; have already nabbed three of the | best that did duty last year on the Brantford hase i wego and may take Lepper with him. And how yor kilow why Queen Ss pra duates howl hard at matches. They. ari trying to get the worth' of the dollars they spent in their good old college days. 0 Inland Revenue Returns. . Collections at the inland revenue of fice for the month of October, 1965 : Spirits, 85,910.67; malt, 8705; tobmeco, would-be offenders cautious, knowing that "extra constables were around town, 'and also to the wam- ing abput destructiveness, Indoor plea: sure 15 gaining supremacy: : The city registrar reports the foi low'ng for Uetobee:s Births, ah dea the, were 10c. to 256c. peck; grapes, 25c. a bas ket. x Butter. Choice FsamEy, 2c. wu 1h. farmer: butters . ints. BOBCAT i ap sha butter, 200. to 22. a lb. Eggs--New laid, 27c. to Hk. go dozen; "LO One price --the name indicates it Peer of 10c. Cigars Save the bands and secure a copy of the celebrated S. DAVIS & SONS - RD TENNYSON" ploture by Astle. Montreal. ~ == Prepare for Winter duce market prices this week ave © Grain.--Manitoba, No. I, Northern, 8%c.; No, 2 Northerm §7i¢ No, 3 Northern, 834c.; white oats, .3 buck wheat, 30c.; corn, 63c.; peas, 0c.; bax: ley, 45¢.; rye, Gbe. to Te klour and feed- strong, $2.50 to $2.60; to #280; Hungarian to £2.50; oatmeal and rolled oats, £5 to £5.20; cormeal, 81.50 to. 81.65; bran, $I8 to #19 a ton; shorts, $20 to #2] a ton; straw, $6 to $8; hay, loose, 8G to 88; pressed, $7 to $9. Moat.--Cattle on the hoof, $3.50 to $4: -per._cwt; beef, carcase, $5.50 to $6.50 per cwty choice cuts, le, tp 15 a lb,; veal by the quarter, Je, to Se, : Ih; outs, He. 'to 1de. a lb.: spring lamb, from 33.60 to $4.50 ea he car case, Yc. lb; by the quarter, Tbe. to $1.50; cu 5. a lb; mutton, by. the carcase, Sc. a lb; cuts, 16c. a lb; hogs, live weight, $6 per cwt.; car gus, § 9 to $9.50 per ewt.; cuts, 13c. a b lour, bakers' farmers', £2.60 patent, * $2.50 Poultry--Fowl, from 60¢, pair, or 8c. a lb; spring chickens, from 40c. to 70c. a pair, or 10c. a Ib.; turkeys, 10e. per 1b; geese, 0c. a lh; ducks, from 81-10 $1.25 a pair, 10c. a Ib. Vegetables, --Potatoes, $1 a turnips, 16c. a peck; cabbage 5c. to Te. a hdad; onions, Ge. to The. a bushel; caulilowers, Se. to 10c, a head: celery, Se. a head, or from 40c. to 0c. 'a dozen; pickling onions, 76¢. a peck; parsley, lettuce, parsnips, ete., 3c. a bunch; new beets, carrots," ete, . a bunch; squash, 10c. each. Fruit--Lomons, 25¢. to 30c. a dozen; oranges, 25c. to 30c. a dozen; apples, bag second quality, 22. and 25, Fish---Salmon trout, 124; white fish, 1 : pickerel, 12)c. a Ib.; pike, fe. Ih.; Chinook salmon, 25¢. 1b; salt codfish, 7c. to 15¢. a' lb.; halibut, 20c. a lb; haddock, cod and bull heads, 10c. a lb; bloaters, 30c., and 40c. a dozen; finnoan haddie, 10c. a lb.: red herring, 15¢. a box; bluefish, Scntb.: oysters, 40c. to 6c. a quart; malpicque shell oysters, ST.20 peck, 30c. dozen; blue points, 30c. a dozen; ciscoes, 12%e. Hidos-- Those prices are given hy John = McKay, Brock street: Beef hides, 10c. a lb; dairy skins, 75¢c. to H0c. each; veal skins, 10e. to lle, a Ib; lamb skins, 80c. io 850. each; tallow, rendered, 2¢. a 1b; tallow, rough, 2c. a Ih.; horse hides, $3. Game--Wild ducks, 30c. to 81 pair. ------------------------ Wa Hoo bottles 30¢ Store, Nolton Sanford. Belleville, has been appointed travelling salesman for the firm of F. A. Musgrove & Co., Pie: ton. FREE PILE CURE Instant Relief, and a Quick, Painless Cure by the Marvellous Pyram'd Pile Remedy. Tonic cures rheumatism; #1 Gibson's Red Cross Drug A Trial Treatment Just'to Prove It Sent Free to Everyone Who Sends Their Name and Address. We are sending out thousands of treatments of Pyramid Pile Cure, ab solutely free and at our own expense to sufiervrs of piles, becaGse we have such absolute éonfidence in it; and its past success has proven its wonderful virtnes Pyramid Pile Cure gives instant re lief, ae un sample widl show. It stops congestion, restores normal eirenla tion, heals sores, uleers and irritated spots with great rapidity, and cures the CAUSE of piles without fail, in VOY case. No sargical operation is for the cure of piles, Pile Cure will ~ cure- without cutting An operafion makes matters worse, backing to pieces the delicate muscley which are relied upon for a' satisfac tory and permanent cure. Pyramid Pile Cure is _put up in the form of suppositories, easy to use, and applied directly to the affected parts. It requires but small amount of treatment, as a rule, to produce a Sues, if directions are carefully follow- necessary because Pyramid After -you have tried the trian} treat ment and found it satisfactory, as you will, you cam' get a regular size package of Pyramid - Pile Cure at your druggist's for 50 cents. If your druggist hasn't it, send us the money and we will forward you the treat 'ment. Send your name and address for the treatment at once and we will send you same by return mail, in sealod, plain wrapper, on teceipt of vour name and - address. Pyramid Drug to She, a y el nsa-- Winter winds; frosts and snows will soon be here. Warm Snug Furs are 3 foot help in making one com- fortable. We have a good assortment at very moderate prices :-- Women's _ Astrachan - Jackets--835, #15, $50 emch, . Women's Bokaran Lamb Juckets 335, $65 each. "° Women's Beaver Cloth Fur Lined Coat, Coon Collar, $55. Women's Elcctric Seal Coats -840 and $50 cach. Women's Wallaby Coats-$25 each. Women's' Persian Head Coats-- 810 cach. Women's Russian Lamb Coats $65 each. Men's Coon Skin Fur Coats 850 and $65 cach, Men's Black Bear Fur Coats ne wah Men's Russian Calf Fur Coats ) evich, Women's Black and Brown Collars and Caperines -$1.99 to $13, Women's Ruf@mnd Stales--81.50 to 822, oe : Grey Lamb Collars, Tams and Caps--In No..1 qualities. Imitation Lamb Collars, Caps and Gauntletts. : : White Coney Ruffs--$2 and' $2.50 . Grey' Thibet and Isabella Fox Sette, Muff and Stole=Very choice, Columbian and Alaska Sable Muffs ~All prices, When on the hunt for Furs be sure and call on CRUMLEY BROS. terror and salary rations ave the cause of mare a al Victim vicious habits on every he He arty countenance < timid bearing m to world his folly and tend to blight his existence, treatment positively cares all Jrealé man by overcom and removily the rg of is of forme t fud ad quickly Sxcotna t stops al ns and q he patient Bo nature intended --a healthy pe , happy mas with physical, mental asd nerve pow tote. or or aver 28 K. have treated with years Drs. K, the greatest success all diseases of {nd won you have any secret disease that Is a to your health consult oid establi: -- who do not have to experiment on you. 'We guarantes to cure Nervous Debility, Bleod Diseases, Stricture, Varicocsle, Kidney and Bladder Diseases. Consultation Pree. If unable to call, write for a Question Bladk for Home Treatment. Das. KENNEDY & KERGAN, "Boers Detroit, Mich. ------ CHOOIOOOI COC RCAC OIC CROC : WARM-LINED BOOTS Women's Box-Calf Lace Boot, exten- sion soles, wool-lined, fits the foot sty- lish, and wears like iron. Just the boot Sizes 2% to PRICE $1.50. McDERMOTT'S SHOE STORE £09008000020CCCOONED OVSCDO Labatt's London Ale and Porter Are universal favorites. Unlike the majority of beverages, they are ABSOLUTELY FREE from car- . bonic acid gas, being made from the purest of Malt and Hops. They are positively guaranteed. Just . what you need, and: a trial will prove it} JAS. McPARLAND, 339 and 341 King St. 'Phone 274. 29 i ; "and sice Oe for fall and winter wear. 0ee0 oe co0e CeO. AGENT, -- oe 00000000000000000¢ ed o Wo Carry- in Stock INGOT COPPER. ANTIMONY & TIN * THE CANADA METAL.CO, TORONTO. 28; marriages, 19, Co., M78 Pyramid Building, Marshall, Mjch, 3 é : U $0090 00000000060 000 0000000