ULARLY THIS WEEK We Will Show Some Beau- titul Brass and Iron Beds. New Patterns, Artistic Designs. Qur. leader, regular price $3.50, OD THINGS | . fron and Brass, regular $4.50, ifered ata for $3.50. ; . Brass and Iron Beds, with . SALE RROW Mirror and Tamaline Silks made by Lister & Co., of are now so well known for ties and bright appearance, eat favorites. only comfort, for $25. 'Ostermoor Mattress; far $15. Felt Mattress, $12, others : $2.50 up. Robt. J. high posts, $6.50, for $4.50. o Others from $10 and $12 to $35. Hercules Spring Beds, the best made for $2.50 to $4.50. Marshall Sundary Mattress, the Mattress made for solid for Reid. Y.W.C A. Lectures on Home Nursing. TUESDAY, Nov 7. --Hygiene of Sick Room : 3 TR ' Nov --- 3 i 1 unexpected turn in trade PUBSDAY, ° Nov. 14.--Bed-Making and Bed-Changing. is TESDAY, Nov. 21.--Bathing, Spong- f this lot. = . Ey ing Poulticing ee eT Ty WE TUESDAY, Noy 28.--Nursing of Ty- 1 3 oid and Pneumonia. ite, Cream, Light Blue, TUR. Hoe 8 Nuraitie of ~ Con 0 and other shades, ised for evening wear and 'Esprit, Nett and Allovers yard. RROW 5c. yard. LK AT 9:30. 1y to-morrow select what TH Auct Cott two Parti SWIFT S Trees ious Diseases For the Best Insurance in all its branch- 5 0 to or EAL ESTATE AND E INSURANCE AGENCY AUCTION SALE IERE, . WILL, ion, on 'the BE SOLD ny 9th of November, a age, with large amount of land Maple dnd the 'vacant lot forming: the corners of Chatham and York Sis. iculars stated later. ced aside until required by WANTED. A CCHAMBERMALD, APPLY AT Iroquois Hotel. © : GENERAL - SERVANT. FAMILY - OF four. Apply Mrs. 'I. P. Thompson, 162 King street. A.COOK. APPLY IN THE EVENING to Miss Mowat, 174 Farl street. References required. A G { BY . i J 'N 'hite inelette Blankets AND i BOYS WANTED TO : 2 J y's earn 5 day, after two months in size, 72 inches long by 56 struction. josition guaranteed. . Speetal 'tuition half price, few days | C. quality. oyne Bros. Co. Plumbing | ® New York, * Cincinnati, O., OW MORNING : ouis, Mo, (Free catalogue.) | washing. Py Princess street figures Whig. RESPONSIBLE to St Seems see m-- ' BENTLEMEN TO CET THEIR FA Thomas Galloway's Also bring your old ones and hav repaired. Style, fit and price' Ruarantsed to please. MEN them SU 00D GENERAL SERVANT. NO Apply in the evening to irs. McKean Robertson, 82 lower nion street, eee | A COMPETENT CARETAKER FOR Brock street Methodist James church. Laturney, Ap- to 390 A YOUN@ LADY, a position in store, Kindly QUICK as clerk or assistant "in 'W.M.," care ashier or fice. address, MAN WITH itroduce and sell wrmanent employment arty. The It James street, RIG, our 'goods : to right Company, 207 Montreal. Jvercoats and Suits 131 made Br t. DAILY MEMORANDA. This is All Souls' Day. Portsmouth + Public 8thool Board, 8 p.m hi Fire and Light Committee, 4 pm Friday. Thé sun rises Friday at 6.88 a.m sets at 4.49 pom. LSério-Comie Governess," Opera House, 8:15 p.m. It's tough when a man ha good money for a tough st Rubin toldmark,o Convocation Hall, November 21st. 22nd, and 28rd Eggs, like men, , and Grand 10 give up ¢ =" v : are often" hroke, but, unlike men, are never too fresh. Ky. Alfonzo. a man doesn't neces- sarily 3 work bhecausé he has a job. Queen's Excursion to Ottawa by K & PP. RR., 12 o'clock noon, Fridhy { Look for the New Advt., on page five, John McKay's Fur Manufactory. Mediums lacking patronage some trouble inwkeeping up their spirits. 'The woman who thinks her voice is bird-like, never thinks cof the erow as a bird : ©The eomplexion of *your thoughts is affected hy the way you make up your mind J Lourt of Revision for Cataraqui and Frontenac: Wards, pam Friday in City Council Chamix Court larl Roberts', 1.OP., will hold their first dance in the City Hall, on November Sth, -1905 Queen's Almuni Conference to-night, in Convocation all, ; Proi. Shortt will speak on. "'Corpifatipns.'" I This day in _history :(--Second rebellion i tada, 1838 ; George I. died, 1726 ; of Russia died, 1894 ;* British fleet entered Bosphorus, 3. 18 General Hospital Sale, in City Hall on Tharsday and Friday, Novemwher 9th and 10th. Admission, 10c¢ Child ren, Se. High ca, on "Thursday, at 6 p.m. . Tickets Cc . DINING-ROOM....... . Crockery The continious modern with "Plate Shell" opportunity for the display dining-room its ample of 'odd and an well affords quaint Jugs, Steins and Mugs, as plates. We carry an extensive line of specially chosen articles for 'the purpose, made by eminent Furepean potters. ..ROBERTSON BROS.. RQUEEN"S Excursion to Ottawa i Special Train K. & P. Ry. 12 Noon 'FRIDAY, Nov. 3rd | Returning by Special Train Leav- ing Ottawa 9 P. M., Saturday. Fare, $2.50 Return Allen's Pure | AT | Cider JUST IN 30c. Per Gallon. Jas. Redden @ Co. » 9 TO-LET. Importers of Fine Groceries ® ron = Wo COMFORTABLE FRONT | ) Oc Toons, S14 per Bist PERSIAN o @ Br ie ine | sin "gs ~ on uf ne Cea mane seo ar LAMB JACKETS it occupied hy iy Ph Anglin . @ . sat 10:30, OR, ere | Our Guarantee < IN GOOD LOCALITY, ON | on Be . King strect. Rent low. Apply J. P.| We guarantee this garment to be Forrest, Gents Furmatior ing Se. | well wade, and of good materihis s | and we will make any necessary 30. HE Stor oN INVISION = STREBT, | cuused hy defective skins, sor wo Jarre o 3 Boon, milliger rosubiad by Mus | ship, free of charge, within one year of t 10:30. BRI it ERE YOUR FEET --rry to McCann, 51 Brock street ' : HO ON CENTRE ST.. 8 ROOMS Carry the- entire weight and 'strain of » = Wd out hui ings "and fruit warden. your hody, and they should be properly ator locality. moderate rent." For | cared for and have the comfort of a per- Grocer, Marker TOY to John Eves.| oq fit. Shoes a trifle larger or smaller TR Rpg ape: than you have heen wearing may be just DESIRABLE NINE-ROOMED HOUSE | what your feet need. hte or unfurnished, electric " oiisy 48 Connection, furnace and all other conveniences. Re WwW All S O88 SHeRs. | nt moderate. faseasion immediately, Apply © at ear en . -- Mitteary Bootmakers, "ew AGENTS WANTED. 84 Brock St. | Sign of Golcen Boot. 'ILL PAY $19 PER WEEK ANTY - 2 3. D3 Ot . . Foal dame in ve | Practical Optical Work vach wea 'SB advanced for expenses of eniek and salary paid at the end . , : man h Week : either lady or gentle- Prescriptions for| glasses | carefully ja Kid Necessary? Lhe qrork : experience un- | FILLED. } 7 ! { i g 3 © furni 1 : full fof little Dongol tach You how to do iy LC eand All styles of mounts and frames al- ht tichiars = Apoly for full par- | ways in stock, with repairs. : ? drat : on and Lace Boo's, lig ooo Eyes carefully examined AND GLASS- stylish, regular $1.25, 51263 A wit : Yah gout Sweden on Wed, Posstesing OFFICE Store CK. SH( 51 Princess yB Corner King and Inston €o., Limited, Torrie, On oo, OR, Se OST. x Te ------me Ime ---------------------------------- AND RESIDENCE, NO. | street ; moderate rent Brock Sts, | purchase | So 'JOHN McKAY Btenreig Seo uber 1st. Apply to} " " ach : BROC - LOVER WADES' DRUG BES FITTED. Prices for 'above work moderate. TE ROS nn er = SMITH BROS... Ls oh attached, p i 0 tive roward at 980 ander Will ve- Jewelers .Optleia £50 King Street. Phone pr | BACK : : » Hd POCKETROOK. SEVERAL | % Marriage Licenses Issued Prosi ably Tere Pts. Yenterday noon, i Reward 1.0 : rs Of | ---- cee see en eet Reward for its return to thi Otter AU CTION SALE Left For India. 4 Nov. 2 VIeergy of - to, a%eume 'his new duties. "dish y ensign flown before th Norway nesiday. ~The Earl of Minto, India, left, here, hoisted | Dump Cart and Black Hor.e On Market Square 11 a.m. SATURDAY. W. Murray, Auctionee Borated oatmeal cream is sold at ! Gibson's Red Cross drug store, a -- must have | mob, Decorative GREATEST OF P RESENT TIME. The Opinion of Critics as to Her Sculpture. BRUTALWORK | Jew-baiting Went On All Night, Unchecked. WERE 2,000 KILLED | ODESSA AT MERCY OF RABBLE NUMBERING 50,000. Unable to Stop Riots--Czar's Portrait Mutilated -- Odessan | Mob More Criminal Than | { | | Ret Governor Resigns Because | Revolutionary. 9 London, Nov..2.--:Almost numherless | | reports from Russia leave the impros | sion that the situation, in general, has ei not 'grown worse during the past | MISS twenty-four hours. The excesses of the New York: Nov. Miss Ada Mar 4 in (dessa, seem to have been | tinson, a beattifal New York girl, on- | far more eriminal than revolutionary. | ly nineteen years old, and net. stody- | The conflicts between the people and | ino With Rodin, the great French | Cossacks at Warsaw, Mdscow, . and | sculptor, has reeently caused great | elsewhere have not led, so far as te | nsation = With _.a group, entitled | tele ms tell, to any. increase in the | "Motherhood," which she exhibited | revolutionary power, through popular and tha critics have unanimously = de- indignation, while there is ev idence, | pred her the greatest | " in many: addirections, that hunger is tor of the present time doing its inevitable work among the | y f . > strikers, numbers of whom would re | sume work if they dared. In some cases, especially in St Petershurg, many have returned already. At th gue ies tu revs ebenai SRommi mtinue "to_declare themselves ir wilable. At one meeting in St. Petersburg a resolution was adopted, | ADA MARTINSON woman seulp- PITH OF THE NEWS. |The. Verw Jats Oulled From Xii rr Over The World. Jerez, Spain, the entre of" the sherry wine trade, has no street cars, \ we Th a r ! demanding, in addition to the de | iehangh it ds a city of 70,000 iy mands formulated on Tuesday, the | Ashi nye & u ¥ abdication of the czar, and the es rs. Jb Ke Gowan, wife of Hon Senator Gowan, Barrie, died sudden lv on Tuesday night. She was around | as usual during the day, and expired tablishment of a republic, on socialis- tie lines. The St. Petersburg forres pondent of the Telegraph says that as : .| very > time passed, and they got to appre a pected 'G I _-- : 3 rd doy ) pi cinte the enorimions boon which' has | Borla i Cons a « 4 r. i ohn ipa « or 8 step- fallen to its share, it is oxtremel orden, of" Lipy anard, and step | mother of Sir Frederick Borden, died robable that * the: people will 'set | A Q prokal : eo { at Canning, yesterday, themselves to profit hy the new con aged dition, and nearly everything war { eighty-six years, A : . : rants the 'helief that" as s66n' as the | Four American missionaries and a government i= fully constituted, pos | child have been anirdered in Kwang stused efficacious organs in the vres | Tung, China. They are Dr, Elranor | vinces. and can" apply the principles | Chesinu, Me. and Mrs. Peale, Mrs, F it "has taken for the basis of its | C. Machle and ehild policy. things are likely to move I \| young man named Almon, Me aren's Bay, accidentally | self while Hunting. His companion ran | four miles for Bel, and the young fel | low is getting on all right. James Halliday, Chesley, has been | appointed agitle huyér for the asy- { lama and other' government institu: smeathly and satisfactorily A Kiefi despatch, dated vesterday, says: "The governor-general has re signed, because he was not permitted to take strong measures "Ao prevent the riots. Indescribable scones oceur- sattled his libel case on condition of publishing many of them shot It was a lawye a full apology'. | named Rattuer, who cut the emperor's | portrai#® from its frame, hacked out Josephine Carr, the thirteen vear | the fy put his' head through the | old girl who took Baby Murray . from | opening and harangued the mob from | Eaton's lane and let him roll down | the balcony. of the town hall. Ta-dav 'the steep' embankment ear ireen | a bind of workmen invaded Rattner's | wood's avenue, on May. ith, before and Jow | baiting started at midnight, and con tinued until morming unchecked | house tc + him to pieces Justice McMahon, yestorday, pleaded guilty to a charge of manslaughter The incident growing out of the ut | I "A despatch from Odessa seribics | tack on Admiral Train and his son | that city as having expe a by a Chinese mob wear Nanking, has dreadiul day, the defenceless popu lace | been satisfactorily adjusted. The | being at the mere v of a howling gnd | governor of Nanking apologized to | | armed rabble of 50.000 men. The | the officers, restored their guns. . and flows made a. silt resistance, and | puniched the ringleaders of the "nioh their, successful "hravery entailed la | The jury in the easeof the unex | mentale sacrifices. Romor puts the | plaived killing of young Stanley Ross umber. of killed and wounded: as [in Sintalota, Sask...declare their be high as 2,000, many by bombs, which | lief that the parents and officials of | the. mobs used wholesale. Not until | the town are in 8 large measure re {late at night, when the . murderous | sponsible for thee death of the boy | work had gone 'unchecked for hous, | and urge legislation to prevent children | were the trobps brought out, and | being on the streets or in public places quiet somewhat restored." after dark { Troubles In Warsaw. : _ Warsaw, Nov. 2, tnoon).--It now ap- | PROVINCE NO AUTHORITY. pears that thirty persons were killed : . m-- nd that over 100 were wounded in | The Sa's oi Liquor on the Great conflicts here last night y Lakes. Toronto, Nov. 2.~Fhe divisional Mob Drinking : Freely. court has given a decision which Odessa, Nov. 2, (noon ).=~The city is | tablishes the fact that the federal an quieter now, but from the present | thorities and not the provincial 'have trend of affairs, even worse outbreaks | jurisdiction over the sale of; Jiquer | may follow, as drinking is being in- | upon the great lakes. f dulged in freely, apd the mob may re motion was made for a rule nisi sume its, pillaging and Killing the | to quash the conpietion:' by, police | | Jews | magistrate, of Goderich, of ,.Capg, } aS Meikleham, of the lake steamer Grey |, Two DEAD IN HOTEL ROOM. hound, for having in June last i Goderich harbor sold liquor upon his : steamer withowt a license | Mani * Killed Woman--Turned on In support of the 'motion it was 1 Gas. - contended that the great lakes of the New York, Nov. 2.-A man and wo- | provinee are within admiralty juris man whose identity the police are en- | diction, that there had been no sur | render of this jurisdiction in favor of the legislature, but the power, if en | joyed hy any colonial authority, he | deavoring to establish were found { dead last night in a hotel in Lexing- | ton avenue. | The room was full of gas and al) | longs to the dominion, that a right the creviges of the doors and windows | of disposal of a complaint has not were stulietl with paper. From the | heen conferred on magistrates, that fact that the woman's jaw was | nothing short of a common law, if | broken aml her body was covered | not ap international offence, is ea with recently inflicted bruises the po- | pable of being committed, on such | lice are disposed to believe that she | waters as part of high seas, that | was Killed by the man, who after | neither the evidence nor conviction | wards committed suicide, hy turning | discloses any offence. The divisional kon the gas ' | court. grant 1 the motion | The couple registered at the hotel | > : | last night as "Mr. and Mrs. John To Develop The Yukon. son. t { Dawson, Nov. }.---The leading men Lin Dawson realize that! {o assure the {inture of the Yukon. a large water | supply for mining on a hig seale mast be inaugurated. To this woe; Alexan der MeDonpld, the king of the Klon dyke; James MeNamee, a 'most. suceess Settled The Libel Case. Belleville, /Ont., Nov. 2.- The case of the King vs. Carman, criminal libel, hes been settled between parties, but the terms, of the séttlement have not | | . | ar p-------- | a been made public. This case was in ful mimer, Rossel i. Palmer, a lead connéetion with the sballot-box frauds, | ing me ot heavily interes in Gus Porter having charged eiminal | mines; bir WT. Barrett, leading phy | libel against the publisher of the On. siciun: Otto Drener, who has just ware! {weored a great sateess at dred { . antl numbers of our prominent men, re applying for incorporation as a Died . At Woodbridge. RE They all are deter Woodbridge, Ont., Xov 2. --~Jobn | miined- that if local effort and local iy Mattress, who had been a resident of | voxtment attention a Woodbridge for many years, and whe | big water me that it will not go filled the position of elirk of the court, | unheeded much longer. The cost Fed last He | great, bat thecbenofit ta the Foun- Vand large family, will be enormous, t can. secure vening =n widow try shot him- | rel, last night, when the moh in: [In vaded the tows hall, and tore 'down {tions The pitifon was formerly oe the portrait of the emperor, the | cupisd by Robert Hunter, Toronto troops fired ten Volleys into the mob, | The salafy is 1,200 a year killing forty persons. Three hundred | The trial of Samuel Haryette, at | of the rioters were arrested. During | Bellevil'ey for conspiracy in connee- the conflic the troopers were dis- | tion -with the bogus ballot-hox ease, mounted, thrown to the ground, and | resulted in an acquittal. "Mr. Carman in | GIVEN 323 | AN EDINBURGH CASE [THE JURY GAVE HER GOOD DAMAGES, a Flaintif in Breach of Promise Suit Describes How Doctor Wed ' Another Woman After Courting Her, London, Nov. 2.-Miss. Bella Mac Kinnon, forty nine years old, sued a negro: doctor for breach of promise in the Edinburgh court of sessions. The defendant - was named Joseph Skeele Meyers Nurse. He is forty-two | years old and 4 native of Barbadoes. He now lives in St. Kitts in the West Indies. His former residence was York Mansions, Battersea Park London. Miss Mackinnon was a friend of a | Miss Wilson, who in 1891 married the negro doctor. They went to the West Indies, and two years later the wife died. The doctor. then began & corres pondence with Bella Mackinnon, and in 1896 he returned to Edinburgh. Miss Markinnon met him at the station, and. he stayed at her house as a. bear. der Soom Rover dni May. A He went to the West indies omee more, and the affectionate. correspond ence between the Scottish spinster and the negro" was resumed. By the first mail he wrote : "Dearest Bolla--I could not let this day pass without sending you a line as promised. 1 was greatly grieved at { leaving you, and often wondersd what | you were ghout. I- missed. you. loving | attention at Supper time las night, | and at breakfast this morming you + will have missed we, but you must he brave. With fondest love and kisses, me to he ever yours affection- v. JOB." ~ Other loving Totters, fall of = em: Graces and kisses followed. - In 1608, Miss Mackinnon was. shocked by re ceiving from Her negro lover a photo- graph of himseN and three women, The 'lord chief justice observed that there was safety in numbers, but the spinster plaintiff indicated that she took a different view im the matter. She wrote an indignant letter to Nurse. . The lute then developed a rift. In January, 1904, the .doctor wrote that his Seottish friend did not seem the | same on his last visit, "Tt would be a | great sin to take you like un lily and let vou droop and dié in a strange | land. It seems you. are hysterical, and | I could not be engaved to a hvsteri. cal lady. Marriage Ns a thing for life, and must not be-entered into unless after due consideration." A month later the negro doctor mar ried another woman. One of Miss Mackinnon's brothers | atlmitted that he objected to his sister marrying a negro. Damages to the amount of X7.500 were® soughi, The jury awarded 32 500 ODD CASE IN COURTS. Yachtsman Acoused of Stealing a Prayer Book. London, Nov, 2.-One of the strang- est cases heard - before all English courts for--years_has 'just been tried at { Bow Street. ©. ¥ Thomas Caradoe Kerry, of the Roy al Colonial Institute, an explorer of int: rnational fame, and the only Eng | lishman known to have crossed New Guinea from sea to sea, is the defend- ant. The charge against him strange. It is that of stealing a prayer book aboard his own yacht, the Pandora, the 'prayer book being the propesty of the trustees of the | Missions to Seamen. Mr. Kerry is a wealthy man," owner a steam vacht and a large bank sount Last year, with a conces sion from the - British admiralty, he sailed for the South Sea Islands, of which his knowledge is believed to be more extensive than that of any liv ing man. [Ile went in search of guano, and, after meeting with wreck and | misadventures, returned to England 'Hidast May. wv" In opening the case the prosecuting attorney graphically detailed the his tory of the expedition and. the basis 61 the 'charge. Various parcels of goods { and devotional 'books for the inhabit ants of the lonely island of Tristan | d"Acuna, he said, were placed in Me. . 's charge. The prosecution claims { that most of the books were thrown] overboard when the Pandora left Lon- don, and that part of the cargo of presets was bartered and sold to the | natives instead of being presented to { them free, » On Mr. Kerry's return he wrote to The Duchess of Bedford and other titl- ed ladies who wee among the contri- butors of stores for. the islanders, stat- ing how much the lonely inhabitants | had appreciated the gifts, which, ac: cording to the prosecution, they never recived at all. is The defense has not yet been intro- duced, the defendant being remanded for a farther hearing. * The prominence of Mr. Kerrv and the unusiial character of the charge have aroused the greatest interest in the tri Willis Is Not Guilty. St? Thomas, Ont, Nov. 2.-Not ailiiey, is the jury's finding in the case J of Alexander Willis, charged with hav- ing murdered Eliza Lowry, on the night of April 15th last, I ------ . Constantine Petrovich Pobisdonost wh, chief procurator of the holy { synod, St Petersburg, has resigned. Herpicide is sold af Gibson's Red | Cross drug Store, ¥ easton oF the TO WITHDRAW TROOPS, . Action Taken at Instance of Emperor William, Washington, Nov, 2.~The state de- partment has been informed that, at the instance of Emperor William, steps have been taken towasd the with- drawal of the troops of the allied "powers associated in the suppression of the Boxer uprising which were ag signed to the protection of the road from Pekin to Tien-Tsin, The treaty which terminated the Boxer uprising gave the powers the right ta police this road to insure a safe line of retreat from Pekin for the diplomats and other foreigners and thereby avoid a recurrence of tho siege of the legations of 1900, 7 America refrained from stationin, troops on the road, A small guard of soldiers, however, was stationed at the legation in Pokin, This force was recently relieved by a detachment of mares. . ---------- ' FOUND DEAD IN CELLAR Sd Sudden End of Oswego Police- maén's Career. Oswego, N.Y., Nov. 2.--Patrolman Robert Gittins was found dead in the cellar of his home in East Third street last evening. He had been painting about the lit all day and shortly after six o'clock went to the cellar to care for the furnace. Half an. hour later he was found by his wife dead beside the furnace. Death was dus to apoplexy. Mr; Gittins was one of the oldest members of the Oswego police force. When the department was placed oir thé metropolitan. olne-sicr. wt rst appointed, being sworn in June 8th, He was born in this city sixty-two years ago. er Seren MOSCOW HAS TROUBLE. Nicolaief Inferno of Dea Tumult. : London, Nov, 2.--A despatch to the Central News th and curred at Moscow, today, street fighting occurred between tionalists and socialists. pondent of the Evening News, at colaiefl, Russia, in a dispatch to his paper, wires, "Civil war is raging here. Scores have been killed and wounded. Over two hundred bombs have been throws, and the town ix an inferno of death and. tumult." ---------------- ABOLISH GRAND JURY. This Was Advocated By Montreal Judge Montreal, Nov. 2.--Judge Hall, 'in his address at the opening" of {he Nov- ember term of the eotirt of King's bench, to-day. advocated the abolition of the grand jufy system, The privet- pal reason given was that the magis- trate presiding at the preliminary in vestigation into a case was compet ent to judge whether a prisoner should co up for trial. Another reas on: was that it was unnecessarily ox pensive. SET AT LIBERTY. Judge Said There Was No Con- victing Evidence. St. Thomas, "Ont., Nov, 2.~At the close of the testimony in the Willis murder case presented by the Crown Justice' Anglin decided that there was not sufficient evidence adduced to con- directing that . a verdict of "not guilty," be entered and ordered the liberation of Alexander Willis. Wiilis, accordingly, received his liberty and an ovation was given him by his friends. SE -------- CASE TRAVERSED. Adam Lloyd Accused of Wife Murder. Belleville, Ont., Nov. 2.--~The case of Adam Lloyd, charged with the murder of his wife, to have been tried, to day, has been traversed to the next assizes as the crown prosecutor, Mere dith, K.C., London, did not desire to lay it before the present grand jury: Bail was asked for Lloyd but Chief Justice Meredith said the application must be made to the attomey-general, Rocks Thrown Through Windows, Watertown, N.Y., Nov. lL.--About mid-night last 'night some unknown person threw several large rocks through the windows of the office of the Peoples' Coal company in. An, street. One of these rocks weighed about ten pounds, discountenancing the idea that it was out for a Hallowe'en spree. Manager Joseph Purser thinks that he knows who did 'the deed, but has offered $10 reward for the apprehension of the guilty party, done by boys L ndsay Mah"s Awful Death. Regina, NW. T., Nov. 2.---A young harvest hand, Wesley Jordan, met with a terrible death in Cottonwood. district. Jordan, who hails from Lind- fay, Ont., was a fireman on a thresh- ing outfit, and while doing some work to the engine fell beneath the wheel and was crushed to death. 'The be dy was brought into Regina for removal cast, whore interment will take place. A Body Found. Southampton, Ont., Nov. 2.--The body of Charley Laflamme, cook on the lost steamer Kaliyuga, was found on the beach, here, this morning. Fhe body was identified by papers found on it, ------------------ In Rritish Columbia the of nfales to every 1 tion is 63.9. wroportion 00 of the popula: ---- . ROBT. J. REID. The Leading Undertaker "Phone 877. 222 Princess St, i from St. Petersburg, says that-serious disGillers have TH viet and took the case from the jury, | WEATHER ° " | ---- Toronto, _Ont., Nov. 2.--(10 mm.j= Westerly winds, fair and cold. : ty fair at first owed by rain or sleet. - bi r All prepared for the hundreds of good housewives who look to us seach year, to supply their | blanket requirements. : We've gained a mighty satis fartory reputation for making a filver dollar cover a lot of blanket and comfortable, good- ness, some of our store friends speak of us ag * 1 in this class of house furnishings. This year we've brokeira few of our own shining records, bought i; more blankets than ever befor: bought better ones, and comfor- tables, for less money, Our. discriminating oustomers will come at once, while our stocks are complets. STAMPS With all Cash Sales EMMONS--KNOX.--~At Watertown, on Oct. 28th, 1905, Miss Sieh leen Knox, daughter. of Win. haox, Kingston, to H. PF, Emmons, Figin= i JOHNS--SPARKS.~In Kingston, N 1st, at the resic ce of Dr. University = Avepue, Dr. CG, Johns, of Thornhill, Ont., to Miss A. Sparks, City. DIED, ALLEN. --In Kingston, Nov. 1st, 1905; Mary A. AHen, widow of late Capt. Theot Allen, aged sixty-eight years. Funeral will leave her late residence, 120 Stuart street, for Cape boat, Friday, Nov. 8rd, 1.30 p.m. STRATFORD.--In Kingston, on Nov. 1st, 1905, Margaret, Wife of Henry Stratford Funeral, private, residence of her Robinson, 25 Saturday FANNING .--~In 1905, - Mar, Patrick yeurs : Funeral will leave her late residence, 34 Alma street, Friday at 9 a.m, for St. Mary's Owthedral where a solemn requiem Mass will he sung for the repose of her soul. Friends and acquaintances respectfully © in- vited to attend. rr ---------- GR OPEL USE) TONIGHT » Frank Howe, Jr. Presents Nellie Beaumont, And a Big Company in the "Serio-Comie Governess" THE minfur de BSLLLIOUS HiT on takes place from the daughter, Mrs, Wni, University Avenne, on Kingston; on Nov. 1st, Cushion, beloved wife of Fanning, aged sixty-five Pony Ballet Beauty Chorus It. sends Svortbedy away happy. = Prices--25¢., 35¢ 75¢c., $U % Seats now on sale. SATURDAY. Nov. 4th Matinee 2:30. Evening 8:15. The New Melo-Dromatic Farce Qomedy Her First False Step 80--People in the Cast--30 i Fd" 5.3356 ihe Matinee Prices--Children, 15c. : Adults, After . the Matinca feed the, Lions in: full Baby Barker will view of the audis = 2 ts Hue JAFge_ varioty of Srattcias Hat. eaters, ect-Ivon Stoves ng, xX and Wood Stoves, "Cook ¥ Stovik and Ranges. Also a lot of Furhiture and Carpets, everything cheaper than usual. TURK'S SE N