in in tho great nictse power in the household, and the foundution af our comforts, and deserves a plate on the padestal. Coal purchased from Crawford js clean And bright enough for the perch, while waiting to resow the glow- ing grate fire. Well cooked food aud cosy comfort is derived from our well sereened coal. R. CRAWFORD, © FOOT OF QUEEN ST. PHONE 0. NOVEMBER i The Grey Month. 4 The weather # ° a Nitto bleak. rather windy, dust flies, und it gets dark sarly. The season is changing, BUT Chown sStandard Line of Trusses and Surgical Appliances An Calwaes tie. same. 10 38 of wae changoalile quality. x We're. still headquarters for Best" in : x Trusses Abdominal Suppo ou Elastic Hosiery "rhe Crutches, etc. ; . al style: script) and (al) PY and we gules perfect Mr. Whitney be wai refrred to us "a | all he advocated. Leary them grea Rnnnelbl istivitions: He was in [ayaur of ning the sacomion du- Jf 'thew, anil some of his followiars would' | wo further aid abolish them, begaiine | Prison: mado eldthes, were. to be Ja belled wi" wich, © ~ elerk of forestiy by we PRITISE. WRIG, 12 THE WERKLY BRITS nse - THE DAILY WHIG. : Orden Dicor." ---------------------- A -------------- Voptter per At the Montreal banquet to Han. | man who keeps his word." It may be | somewhat: soon to expect the prem to give evidence of his sincority in many things, but it may not be amiss to remark 'that when in sipouition ho. It is one thing to say, things in op. position, when free from regmonsibil- ity, and. another thing to say them when in offs and 'with the power to ary them into effect. For instancy, i lesiddér of 'the 'opposi- Tree ds, aie tion of the wos agninet the they riprevinted "a. conliseation of private means: © He was' willing to adopt the Petiypieco bill and enforge the railway. tasation. which it covered. and superintendent of "woglected chil: dren Wows to go. There was: to he an experiniental station in every county, There was to be loss entoutagement to | sotondary education and: more for public school . education. | The expen- diture generally was to he reduced, and retrenchment. 'and _etonomy. preach. od all along the line. Give the man time, some one. may say. All vigh{> Hp, has his own sea son in which to earry out ell these proposals, and of course he will tackle _{dergme the ed about and men. are standing off and cantemplating what will 'happen on November 7th, which is election day. : To is bas already come to pase. The individual whom the bosses despised, not. because he was meapmble and in- efficient, but because he was indepen- dent, because he deounced them and said he had ho. use Tor them, has | them on the van. They are thorough- | ly. scared, They ale moving. evéry- thing they ean to compass his de- feat. wind hé Bn flashing like an electric Tight among the people aml there is an uprising of them in his favour without a precedent. "A New York paper, representing the 4 spoils' system, and reflecting the mind of the rag-tag dnd 'hob-tail clement, wondered why Jerome should. seek the support of the masses without regard | to politics. Another 'paper, free and witramelled," 'politically, responded that Jerome was the first, man who, in his office, represented - justice in its most fmportant form, that he had but one aim in life, namely, to carry "out the law without. fear or favour, nnd Now York was perhaps the only city in hundreds where the ted light had heen extinguished, . where open gambling bad di 1, where the machinery: of the courts moved without delay and whew absolute, honesty in public administration lad people have found in ideal - candidate is ovi-! dehieed by the popularity of kis cam- paign. They fight their way info the public halls in = order to hear him weak: They send him their money in order to pay expenses. They give him the assarance of a loyalty that is inspiring. in-the-highest- degree." Te muy not be elieted.! A collision with the 'great' machines of party govera- | mend "is a' serious matter. But that' he in a mevace to them is marked by two things: (1) the - desire 'of the republicans 'now to endorse him, their own candidate having retired, snd (2), the . willingness of the Hearst party to recognize © and admire him. Suceoss under these conditions means the triumph of Jruth and righteous nesy againgt all odds. 3 | ------ Editoral Notes. "The revohutionists not quieted down, Which seems to suggest that the agitation went a little too long before his imperial ma- jesty realized the significance of it. in Russia have 'the viel flag of anarchy, raised on a public square in New York and sug- gesting the pilgrimage and policy of the Hearst party, neatly caused 'va viol," Who says it is not suggestive ¥ omission thom if he is "a man who keeps his word," - | w een { Here's A Model Wik. = | It is not often that a wan leaves wast of his estate for public uses, but | thit is what the late L. P. Fisher, K.C,, of Woodstock, N.B., has done. He was very suocessil Ti his practice | and investments, and "so accimulnted | nearly $500,000, and he seems to have { regarded it as a public trust' and to | have made provisicn for the distribu tivo of most of it fpr public purposes | in his will, i Of lis home and the grounds sur use during her life 'time, and dhéy go into the estate that will realized upon in eral institutions, Myr. - Fisher rempombered several friends whom -he left small be quests merely as reminders of. the pleasant relations that existed. be tworin thew. He remembervd (he pub. lic in a larger sense, and so directed that the bulk of his wealth he left ty public causes. "These are. represented Yay the library, sthe night. school for those who' sanpot attend day school, the park, the general hospital. th: technical or manual' training school, the Salvation Army, and the churches of all dencmingtions, Tu this wanner Me. Fisher has shows, thon I thie interest of sev. to. and every good cause has reason perpetuate his memory, Perhaps the best feature of oll is the admonition respecting those who arc indebted to the estate. No one is to be pressed for payment. "through to "fout the lng documint," says the St. Joba Telegraph, who knew Mr. Fish. ef, and wus able to estimate his worth, "rind the sphit of Justice dnd of (hyurity andiof Jove. These are days in which: money and the love of money ond 'luxury hyve &ttaincd a false im- portance. The life and the will of L. P. Fisher constitute a noble example Tibit must bear good fruit." Baron: Frigeetti, an eccentric Mil. anes, is goad. He spent $100,000 oq {8 monumedtal staircase, and never used it Soe it vourding it his widow will have thé | that he was a benefactor of his rave, During a raid on immoral housds in Chatham "two © well-known sofivty girls" were arrosted, ond allowed to go home, The society which they decorated must be in a fearful plight. Now 'York has a municipal light plant which is run with the heat | which the burning of garbage affords. But the cost of collecting the garbage don't ask about it while Tammany riles, The farmers of Western Ontario are hipping sugar beets in large quanti ies, thousands of tons, to Michigan. How is it that the Michigan sugar | factories can make, money and the | Ontario factories canpol? Is it a question of management ? aw------ A correspondent of the Toronto | News is of the opinion that. wrong {expression is used in describing pass: {ing events, The "hunting scason,"' in { his opinion, should be called "tho as- sassination season." M- applies to { PF | the daughter of man and beast. ---- .The ex-auditor.general is anxious {that Mr. Aylesworth should take up | and champion the amendment of the {| Audit Act along the lines laid down by Mr. McDougall. Mr. Aylesworth is { a man of sound judgment. He is not | likely to do fool acts at thé bidding ! of any ane. 8 i Go East Is Now The Cry. Forty years ago averybody was re- pea ting Horace ireeley's advice "Go west." To-day the tide is turn ing and Hoad's Dairyman, strongly i advises farmers or high-priced lands in the west to go east and buy the { cheaply-held farms of the eas | states, facts in support of its advice. A farm {in Wisconsin has, it says, been sold tat $135 an acre, while in Ohio, New York, and other eastern stated lands which thirty years ago wete bringing {R100 to $130 an acre, can now © be | bought at £30 to $50. Moreover, those {eastern Tands, which have fallen so much in value, are close to the best | markets in the world, and. by sciea i tific farnrng, can be brought wp { their 'old level of productiveness. What the Dairymen says of | states is applicable in 'a measure to | Cennda. To-day land in Ontario tak- {ing buildings, markets, ete, into ac- | count, is actually cheaper than land \ in the west, | 1 to « tol The Dairyman cites -one of two (uantities. the y that a large - cases of insanity diseases are due to and may be cured by a comparatively fully 'described in thé book, just published, and should all he claims for it prove correct, it is possible that lunacy may be reduced by near: "one halls : "1 have found 'that « movable kid- wy in probe? Dr. Suckling save, "in about forty per cent, of the wo- men apd: $ixs or seven per cent. of the \ pervous disorders, have 'committed suicide been sent to" asylums who wight have saved had the coridi- tions of thei eys been discovered. "In my own practice I can recall four cased "of suicid:. One patient, while' waiting for admission into a hospital, drowned herself. Three others whose parents would™wet allow thm to be operated upon, 0) who had been frightened by "friends about opera- tion#, aléo detowned - themselves. An- other case had to be removed to an | asylum befause '1:was not supported in' my, advios" As to the causes they ure man 'of this complaint, p, and among those mentioned hy he. Suckling are tight corsets, 'high: shoos, falls from bicycle or « horse, pulling down a window. sash, or litting heavy weights; The modern craze' for. lL is Wauied Hurd aioretse : | "hock may cause the mal intensity, < The symploms are éven more pumer: oun then 'the causes, ranging from ac- | tual mania, great mental. 'depression and loss of memory, to severe head- aches, appendicitis] insomnia, and even absolute loss of the power of walking. In men irritability of temper is fre: gent, and; ng t;-mays Suckling; spoils Many air careers, "I have no doubt," says Suckling, "Irom repeated) experience 'in my prac tice, that many women are sent to asylums, without any examination be- ing made, snd that a case of insanity by dropped kid never previously has been recognized or treated. From my large antl varied experience in thse cases, and' realiziny the as tounding ofiects upon' the mental con- ition. J say Mo, man orf Womgn thonld Le sent tp an asylum today without careful and repeated exam- inatiens." : SL 3 SPIRIT oF THE IE PRESS. Hag The Call. Toronto Globe. Gount Witte, walking delegate Russia, has called the strike off. To His One Mistake. Hauntiton Ierald. ¥ John Burng is ig to write a hook about Cpnada, He was in the coun- try about three weeks and didn't vist it Hamilton, ady of increase its of ~~ Something In That. Montreal Star. ? Jerome K. Jerome never smiles, and neither would you if you had to carry around some of those jokes in your system, --- A Great Machine. Toronts News. . King Alfonso says a despatgh, fol- lowed sn percnaut in. his autoinobile, Now, there's a mgehine worth while, Wonder how high it ean go ? What May Happen. Ottawa Free Press. 'Fhe man with the knife i= still busy. Another stabbing affair his occurred in Montreal. Unless a sudden stop is put to this growing menace to life the mob with the rope will nest be asserting itself. In Poor Business. Hamilton Spectator, : The "old Line" nsurence companies are now flooding the country with cir culars intended to ehow. that the "as sessment' soeisties , cannot possibly live. Most likely these circulars are intended to counteract the influence of the recent expose of the methods of some Americgh #old line'. companies, peaad-------- Value Of Buttermilk. Suttermilk is' not generally consid: ered of much importance as a feed for hogs, but from carefil investigations it his been demonstrated that but termilik is fully as fattening as sepa- rator milk, provided it has not: had two much water put juto-it. Better re- suis will be obtained: by its use if taken right from the: churn' and 'not allowed "to stand for several days. The Danish expeciment station regards six pounds of sepatator milk as the equivalent of one pound of grain. If} ; buttermilk is equal. in fattening pow- ers. to skim milk: then taking corn as basis a "barral of 'buttermilk would he tqual in value to onw bushel of corn. Buftermilk will * have a great deal 'more value than if it is fed in limited It is. thrown away as waste in many sections of the coun- try, the creameries not having any sale for it. Force Of Habit, Chicago Record-Herald. "How many times has your hus- band been under the knife v7 wy me, 1 don't know, but he's become so accustomed to it that he lies down to be operated on every time le sees a doctor." Encours ent. Don't yigh, Jittle wirl,. "4 sigh : ! » ra Haden. shy: You can always ¢ tHe girl, who will buy. Whe will' buy, li a For Lis e=tCasey's" View. The winners of the { x championship, in all = probabi- lity "Varsity, will challenge for -Cana- ian rughy honors, rumors de the dian 3 LRF.U.. contrary Davidson, secretary of ti i above. effect , of the CR. Capt. Baldwin _is / of the opinion that. McGill will." give 'Varsity tlic hardest tussle of thd series, Saturday next, though he still\believes that the club will go through the season un defeated. When The Ball Ise Held. Kingston, Nov. 1.=To the Editor) : I would 'like to ask a question in regard to football. 1f a man is run ning and is thrown down by a man on the opposite 4ide and rolls over wand holds the ball on the ground a Jew seconds and then tosses it, is the ball dead? For instance 1 was looking at two teams from Regiopolis playing and this play occurred, but another man from Regiopolis made a touch through this . fluke of play.--A SPECTATOR. The rule is clear on the point and reads as follows : | ; "If the player ® having = the ball is tackled and the movement of the hall stopped, or if the player having th: Ball cries "hod," the referee blow his whistle, and the side having possession - of -the -. ball shall put it down for a scrimmage." Sporting Notes. Dan Patch paced in 2:05) at Mem- phis. : Arrangements are now being for a six day race in Montreal pedestrians. . Henry Harris, manager of the San Francisco baseball team, sold Pitcher Roy Hitt, 2 the New York American League club for: $7,000. Champion Jim Jeffries announces that he will referee mo more fights, and that. he will fight no more... The ring. will. never si me again," he made for VIDS gs wm gale £20 En we CU. Chadaeyne, of Buffalo, N.Y., has completed a motor cycle run from New York to San Francisco in forty- seven days, twenty-three hours and fifty minutes. : Belléville will have a speedy junior 0.H.A. team this winter, Sanford Bur- rows will "manage the ' youngsters. Some of the best of last year's juniors are available. PAs Brockville notified" Sedvelary worth, of the"O.R.F.U., to-day, that they would -net likely be able to go apy farther in the intermediate series owing to lack of 4unds. Assgeiation football will be intro- duced as a college sport at the Uni- versity of Chicago, and when ather in- stitutions of Jdearming "have been in- 'duced to take up this style of foot 'ball, to have inter-collegiate games," The match between the Hamilton Tigers, prospective. champions of the Cntario Rugby Union, and the Otta- wa Rough' Riders, champions of the Quebec Rughy Union, for the Cana dian champion¥hip, will probably be played in Montreal on' Nbvember 181 h The Tigers refused to meet their op- ponents in Ottawa. HUSBAND SHOT TO DEATH. Wife Pleads to Remain at His Bedside. Paris, Nov. 2.--Faghien Is Bains has been the scene of a domestic tragedy which is not without a poig- nant note. Mme, Anmyot Became weary of being continually abused by her husband and left him with the intention of secking a divorce. M. Amyot, who resided in Paris, learned of his wife's new address, and sought her out with a view to effect ing a reconciliation. But Mme. Amyot who was afraid of him, locked the door. "Open in the name of the law! It is the police commissary 1" shout el the husband. His wife replied that she would only offen the dogr to the police commissary in person, Fi + violent push M. Amyot broke open the door, His wife stood before him, "and fired two revolver shots at him, One of the bullets en- tered his left eye. He was taken to the -- hospital in "a dying condition. The wile, realizing that she had killed her husband, burst into tears. She made a pathetic appeal" to the police not 1b arrest her then, but to allow ber to watch by her 'hushand's hed- side until he died. Her request was granied, Financial Panic Feared. London, Nov. 2.--Fimanciers are geatly worried oyer the Russian sit uation -and the gravest fears are en tertained that unless 'quiet is re- stored soon a panic may develop in Paris which might aficet the money markets of the world. % At Gonoatoa. in the South Seas, there is a fine exacted from alll who do not attend church three times a week. ( 2 There is a professd® in France who owns a collection of 920 hyman heals; representing every known race of peo ) in Hamilton has now $40,000 in si ht for a projected ssnitarium for éon- sumptives, Drunkenness Cured Samaria takes away the appetite for tion, given without sufferers knowledge in ted, coffee or food, takes away the appetite for Liquor and builds up the whole nervous system, weakened by a t : Strongest testimoniils from wives and daughters who have cured Husbénds, Fathers, Brothers and Friends, secretly and lastingly, no publicity, all private. free Sohal 2d price sent in plain sealed oni TS, respandence merbely tenths Kidrer 1 HE SAMARIA R €O., 15 Jordan LL Toronto. Rg . La ---- ok the Canadian Championship intercollegiate} shall | Wood- | WINTER Bh omes IN OVERCOATS THE ARLINGTON - =~ THE WESTMINSTER © $7.50, $8.50, $10, $12, $12.50; $13 50, $15, $16.50, 19 $18.50. These coats are made by the best makers in the business, and they "are simply Overcoat elegance ang erfection. ~ You'll certainly make no mistake if jyqy uy your Winter Overcoat here.g@The lengths range from 40 to 52 inches. 'MEN'S GLOVES - It's seldom, if ever that a man comes here for Gloves and does not find exactly what he wants. We've splendid Driving - Gloves, {Dressy Street Gloves and correct Dress Gloves Warm and comfortable Winter Gloves and Mittens; Strong and durable Working Gloves for all purposes, Gloves at soc. to $4.50. We invite you to come here with any kind of a Glove desire or requirement you may have. New Underwear, New Sweaters, Cardigan Coats, etc. H. D. BIBBY CO, The Men's Wear Store, 78, 80, 82 Princess Street. IMR Si *00g New Chestnuts, Almonds, Walnuts, Filberts and Pecan Nuts for Hal- lowe'en. A.J. REES, Princess St. ° BADLY FOOLED. FOR SALE. ; 0S, . ORGANS, MELODEONS The :Way of- the "Export Cattle PIANS Sewing - Machines, new and Trade. Chicago Live Stock Worlds If there is an exporter of live cattle who has not lost money this year he has not been heard from. It is no uncommon thing. for men engaged in the ocean shipping business to report their losses and say nothing about their gains, but we happen to know of one or 1wo big exporters of cattle who have paid £50,000 to '$80,000 for the experience the past spring, swm- mer and fail. Ocean 'freight very high this second - hand, all cheap at 114 Gore street. Joseph George. THE ROTHWELL FARM, LOT 38 IST Concession, Ernesttown, on the Bath road: 3 miles West of Collins Bay, containing about 330 acres. This is a splendid dairy farm, well watered, with shade groves, good cow stable and other buildings. The house is a large brick residence in first class order, also a cottage, hoth close Ww the road. At the rear is containing a large quant and other markable timb wood. To as Jp ' a roperty will be sold" reasonably 7 Ply to Rl Easton Burns, 41 George street, Kingston, or D. Fair rates have not. been year, but exportable to T A he West of Lot, live cattle have been unusually dear Jae, Bezi favs to the Wa as compared with .the prices obtain- able in Loudon, Liverpool and. Ant-}: werp. Competition in dressed beef from this country has been heavy, and the growth of the Argentine dressed meat trade has been . very great, while Canadian shippers of cattle from the far North-West. have heen keeping the British markets heavily supplied with cattle off grass. Prospeets for lowers:priced cattle on this side and as good if not-betteér prices on the other side are leading Canadian cattle exporters to buy up cattle space on Boston boats after January Ist at forty shillings = par head, a rate that is unusually high and onc that would mean ruinous loss if the Chicago and London prices were TENDERS FOR RUBBLE STONE Will BE RE WEDNESDAY SEALED TENDERS ceived until 3 pan. on November Sth. for the supp who'd to remain on the same relative level | or part of 400 toise mor as. at present. Hough Stone or. Rubble f These Canadian exporters are calcu- | ation of 'artificial stone ® lating. that an unusually large num- ber of cattle are going on feed in the corn helt, and they ean count upon getting plenty by the Corporation of the for the year 1906 the quantity i Rr stono shall state of good, cheap cattle | prepared to supply, his price pr # | say 'from January to April. delivered to 'amy part of the City avd We have seen these same people | bis price per toise in the qua 1 hadly fooled in the past and history All = other information be' obtain may in this respect repeat itself, but it is interesting, at least, to know at the office of the under: H.B It how they are making their caleula- City tions. Kingston, October 31st, 1 Arrival Of Vessels. CAPITAL TIDINGS. Heath Point, Anticosti, Nov. 2. -S§, gremsm-- . the Tomerarian, Allan line; from Glasgow, | Early Session May Delay inward, at 11.30 a.m. , Tariff Changes. Capé Magdalen, Nov: 2.-Allan Hnorl "Ottawa, Nov. 2. 1t is unde ood Virginian, irom Liverpool, inward, at 6.15 a.m. of thé Ontario ix months that Judge MacMahon, o high court, has obtained Montreal, - Nov. 2.~The Allan line lonve of absence and will yo 8bro# RM.%: turbine steamer Virginia, from for his health t Liverpool and Moville, for Quebec and So i) a been rercived from Ne M ntreal, passed Cape Magdalen, at| . Moorfic yo! the governmti cru 6.15 a.m., on November 9nd, WE stating that he expected, he frt of November wonld sco him P Is Your Chest Sore ? Ars aE visit to Hudson. Be ork That's how inflammation of the lings Many of the ggvernm py the starts--neplocting a Sore chest, You | ers in' pariiament are urging 300 ied mast rub on Nerviline, rub it in wood | forthcoming session sh n oh and hard to-night. By' mioening you're | in January, and that if ther! he cured. Nothing so penetrating and time for the completion of en paih easing as Nerviline, It's King of inquiry and vevision the sabjeot I» all. Linimnts: 4 the bigoest 280: worthy be left over till next é o minis in the drug: store; a staph for. nearly | possible, 'therefore, that | eke fifty years. Wy ' ters find it impossible 10 ©, bere ® The best place to 'get glasses is at Chown's Drug Store, An expert opti- yn. r thelr tour of inquiry within # advice able time they may aceept ! x 1 the sue and postpone the sevision til to re, lordaa St. Also for sale, by Heury Wade. | $ x 4 | hich. according N cian to examine your e nd a . | ceeding session, whid -alled fect fit guaranteed' re . fa present intentions, is to he cath M Saints' church) Sheffield, has | November, 1906 . the largest Bible class in Great Brit- 1 - x mayor aim. + The average attendance is I,-] P, D. Rass, Ottawa, is 80% 8 600, alty candidate, a. THE CHAMBERLAIN : THE TOURIST = : on LY BIST LTR LN From the Ovens fo You We bridge dist with our . moisture-py dust-proof packages. | fax and Vancouver brought to the o doors. Farms and towns are put on the plane with the big c Mooney's Perfec Cream Soda: are packed in | & 3 To. ait packages, fresh, crisp, delick and reach you in the same dition. no matter where you AT ALL GROCERS -- tA SOFT, GLOSSY HA It Can Only Be Had Wh Is No Dandruff, Any nan or. woman whe » 5 gloss hair iifust' be free. of which causes falling "hair. 8 become known that dandr gern disease, the old" hair tions tliat were mostly scalp hive heen abandoned, public barbers and doctors have taken to using Newbr cide, the only hair preparat kills the dandruff ' germ, Dickinson, N.D., says: "He only cleanses the scalp: fron and prevents the hair falling promotes a new growth, keeps-mv Haire VERT glosey leading drucoists. Send 10c. for sample to. The" Herpicide troit, Mich. G. W. Mahood, ent, See Window Di ww OF .. Fancy Parlor artistic designs, Furniture, Fancy Mahogany Chairs anc Upholstered in all shades, silks Fancy Mahogany Oval 0 Parlor Tables, Taney Parlor and China Cab ancy Couches. Rug and Vel Sets. Reduced Prices This W JAMES RE! The Leading Undert: 8000000000000000< Clean, Honest HI) That is the kind we & kind you should bura U- yo ® satisfaction fire, We are fling orders - me Winter supplies. Have you Fours yet ? 'Phone. No, 18 BOOTH & ( 800000006n000500¢ HELEN KELLER HAS Lives in the Hope of ; President Roosevel Tuscumbyiy Ala., Rov, 9.1 tr, whose fnte lectual - achi fact that she bh and blind, have ives in the hope Roosevelt. When Started on hig trip th Keller evineed k te the dum rs, in the (§ Keller engaged ng that sight 1 death so ' ski Prayer, BIVen hop. Could sey hip fore t---- ® Pree. FI Importation. all ey Brock 'street; ha work fall Importations f{ lish te ating of Scotch cheyi 09% blus, and. bla . Ot and venitian 'for su ment, -OTiCtY, nine gplend fame 1 black and blue Ix hey tating, A spl of DA i y competition. 5 ap o The Marriage of & os daughter of Are, Ont how's ---- Miss Mi Joseph 1, to De, AJ K Mills, took plac ota Brooks, wife 3 » South Marys Se os Narysburgh the forty-s "and wae buried