Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Nov 1905, p. 7

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IS OF CANADIAN NORTH-WEST HOMEST £AD REC REGULATIONS ered section of Domin~ rar sua or the Norus- excepting 8 and 26, not nhomesteaded upon by. ay we sole head of a domly 1S years of age, to iy section, of 160 de personally at the the Flistrict in which be n is snuuted, or 3 he , he 'uay. on applica der. eg of the . Interior, e Commnlssioner of Tmmigra- or - the Joc agent for the lan s ate, which th 8 is sate vor tion to wa, Lh sua Winnipeg. rict in Be uthority for some D RQUTIES : A settler Whe nied an eniry for a home sired to perform the con- {ea Anerewith under one for. hi. MEST} HOMES has been & months residence upon the land in each year if the and cultivation er ears. during the tc ¥ other, 2) If the eased) of .any person who is Jathes 58 "a homestead entry uh ig of ° this Act, resides det the PT vicinity of the land upon 8 form rson as a hone putered jor Lb : Pp 8 q ts of this Act as Lo obtaining patent may ch person residing with r.other. settier has his permanent fuming land owned by icinity 'of bis homestead, the of this Act . to residence by residence upon the T1I0N FOR PATENT should the end of three years, he oll % fare the Local Agent, Sub-Ageut oF the pmestead Imspector HE making application for patent the settler vf siX months' notive in writ ng to the Commissioner of Do- winion Lands at Ottawa, of kis. intention Ww do su. SYNOPSIS 'OF CANADIAN \NURTH TUWEST MINING REGU LA PIUNYS. Coal.--Uoal lands may be urchuseq a: $10 per acre authratite. » be acquire jur suiy coal anal $20 hur t more Lhan 320 acrey cau individual or cou the rate of ten cents "at fany ver ton of 2,000 pountis shall be collected on the fuss output, Quartz --A granted upon perdi A / as convenient in the good COAL OIl an take them any- free 'miner's certificate is paywrent mC Tadvabes of for an individual, and 100 pos annum for a cow to capita , having discovered mineral lvcate a claim 1,500» The «ee for recording a claim is $5. At least $100 must be expended on the claim eath year or paid 10 Lhe wining re oQ carder When $500 ha: yoom comfortable to ten exi , the locator may wnon made, and upor comp! other requirements, pur eaters are perfectly ane ro rigs Tor" the payment of ke and are safe. * LACE 5 Cling. generally an A . 100 Jeet square ; dbiry tee $5, renewable ve a look at them. yar A irte miner inay obtain two leases tu S11 dredge for cold of five miles each for a e very best American fefm of twinty. 'vars, Fenewable at. the : discretion of the Mimster of 'the Interior The lessee shall have a dredge in oper ation withih one sexson from the date of the jease for each five miles. Rental, $1¢ sonum for each mile of river lensed oyalty at the rate of 24 per 'cent collect td on the output after it exceeds So. 000 W. W. COR Deputy of the Minister of the A ferto) N.B.--Unauthorized publication of this Mvertiseruent will not be paid for, red promptly. On the Shelf of 'every home i Canada there shoold battle of Shiloh's Conmmenin ye Jonies for Cougha, Colds and Mk tesitaions dhe. seoat. lungs yi ie yume. Join enn tin ea Generation after Generation have pronounced Shiloh t o be the les, Raspes lar, a re Rt You oid for 5. Thi oller - n Jus whatitaaps, re fame, anhe Ty and be cured, or say you were mot and money back.' Mr. E. James, » nurse of Mina., says: -- ah * There i lik Coo iano cme e Shiloh for Coughs, cin de Be ETT twos bottles of Shiloh and completely NO ONE WHO HAS EVER SEEN OR HEARD THE HeLPLEsS CHOKING OF A CONSUMPTIVE CAN THINK LIGHTLY OF A COUCH A single dose of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup will convince you that it will stop the cough, sooth the throat; and stars you on the road to recovery. DR. WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUP is rich in the lung:-healing virtues of the Norway pine tree, yShiltally combined with Wild Ohenty Bark and, the Suothitg we expec! vires Of "othér pectora pe . and aT is a pleasant, safe and effectual medicine for Coughs and Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Pain in the Chest, Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup, Whooping Cough, Quinsy and "all troubles of the . Throat and Lungs. Be sure and do not, accept a substitute for Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. The genuine is put up in a yellow wrapper, as a cure for coughs, col of the throat and lungs. J. J. McInnis, , or any affection Woodbaine, N.S. Sons lipper- Soles, Ss FOOTWEAR just 100s¢ From. That ax ularly stylish in shape and in a very skillful ' manner are the kind . we are p showing The Woman who puts ter feet in a pair of our $2 $2 50 and $3 3 5 will not need to : 1. JENIGS, King St, BLL. SHOLS \ Pern Pot of Silver This 8-inch Fern Pot is a striking illustration of the unequalled values Diamond 3 'PEOPLE'S MOVEMENTS IN LAKE . SHORE VILLAGE. - Factory Busy Canning Tomatoes ~Pea Factory Hands Struck-- * Coming Home to Reéside--Will Go to New Branch of Bank. Wellington, 'Oct. 30.--~Mr. and Mrs. William Clinton left for Lindsay where they will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Squire, for a few days. From there they will proceed to To- ronto and other western places before returning to their home. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Hills stopped with friends in Peterboro, Thanksgiving day. Peter B. Trumpour has purchased one of Richgrd . Trumpour's farms, second coricession, Hallowell. Miss Emma Giles is suffering from an afflicted hand. Mrs. Berths Haight purposes 'siding in Peterboro, with her daugh- Ethel, who has a lucrative fost there. Arthur Noxon. will, near future, be removed to Bon where a branch of. the Metro tan Bank will be established. Mrs. Stricker is visiting at J. E. Clark's, and Mrs. A. S. Wilson's. The Wellington canning factory. is still busy canning tomatoes. John Stoperton, 'Hillier, has sold his farm to McGregor Young, Toronto, and purposes residing in Wellington. Peter B. Trampour' sold a lot to Herbert Webster. W. A. Rockwell is at Na- pance for a few days. Mr. Hodgons i erecting a new - dwelling on his premises. W. W. Fitzgerald is the contractor. His other building has been moved on Wharf street for a E. McMahon has moved butcher shop down to the pre- 's formerly occupied by Burtt & Marsh Clark, of Picton, was 'in town. on Tuesday. Dr. Brood has bai" Raving the roof of his dwelling repaired. The recent wind storm dam aged Paker's dock considerably. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Titus have moved in to. the new terface. Mr. antl Mrs Harry Crimson will move into the. Lyons dwelling. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Vanalstine will board at Hotel Well man this winter. Misa : Cora Pettin- gill has returned from New York. Mr. ter tion the croft, Pe storeroom. ii m Co. three pine trees th® trade mark, and the |and Mrs. F. A. Birmingham enioyed a price 25 cts. ride in a friend's motor on Tuesday lust. Mrs. H.: L. Trumpour will win- HAS NO EQUAL ter at. her daughter-in-law's, Mrs. Finds yory ind cold which settled on | (Dr) Trumpour, Ottawa. ss Hazel I tried many remedies but Cleary visited friend, An 5 3 oid wo no. relief.e On ihegsdvive vk a CHTIVE ME Sa the cust frien § rocured a bottle of Dr. Wood's # Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P, Stopleton, Norway Pine Syrup. Before the bottie hile her son and wife are, for a few was half finished I had not the slightest | days, stopping at Hotel Harris. Ww. trace 'of a cough, and in my opinion Dr. | A" Rockwell and James McDonald Wood's Norway Pine Syrup has no equal purposes placing. in connection with their pianos a full line of furniture. ¢ are sorry to learn of tie sick- ness of Walter Chadsey, who has typhoid. fever. Samuel Noxom has sold _his_. splendid farm to. Stephen Clark, Bloomfield, for $9,500, which would not cover the cost of the build- ings. Mr. Noxon will move to Pic- ton. Mrs. William Pierson, Hillier, was in town on Wednesday. Fred Clark is home from the Soo. €8rh Clark is home from Belleville for a few . davs. Freeman Garratt, a former resident of Lake Shore Road, and who for some vears was a part ner with the late John T. Conger, of raen House, West Point, died at hter's, Mrs. Potter on 20th h da Hall can offer customers through having its own factories. The article is of first quality silver plate in Colonial design of hand pierced effect.~ With a lining of rich-colored green pottery, it sells complete for $5.00. And Diamond Hall would return the money if by any TILLEY t CABINETS ards tor Doctors SEE EEEES boa Papers. | Wellington St. % it, repaired. -...ap B >| SESE OIL nneys. if you use. Se Polish that won't wear offa ow at Strachan's Hardware Plumbing and Heating Hot Wager Heating a Specialty, Inspection ill be Work invited. Estimates eertully given, : i" O i I --_-- I tut th pee Some and acthired. We also Brock Street. HAL L ican Head- Tred An Honest Uarantee Lun OCR milk to be AB- Btls, : Pure; put up in sterilized Lis the best. Try it. Kingston Milk Depot preach ana Rages sts. SA CH PowgLL afety" and LON LOTS. BROS treet. fo : 1h nnday in St. Nicholas cat w_ York, e trial of Alexander Will bis. & for het of Miss Lowry. at Rox . Covell swore positively that chance you were not wet weather. satisfied. RYRIE BROS. LIMITED 134-138 YONGE ST. TORONTO . NT. Underwear that is sewn togethe:® never satisfactory or comforiable--secd | chafe the body 'and rip after every seco, washing. Ceetee Underwear is not cut outof a roll of cloth but every garment is widéned and narrowed on the machine to the shape. of the limbs or'body.. Does away with all rough, galling seams Is made of the finést Australian wool from twoand three ply yard Your Dealer will re- place any Ceetco Garment that shrinks Made at Gait, Canada, by The C. TURNBULL CO,, Limited, and sold by al] reliable retailers. GARDINER 'S Insurance and Real Fistate. Eight Companies at Lowest Rates. Money to Loan on Real Estate. 151 Wellington Street. § ¢ number of cattle distroved hy i= not the man who ow 3 gr thet. gy PETER AND JUBBEP, : aid Raglan Street. "Bay, The remains were brought to~Welling ton. on Wednesday and taken to the Methodist church: the service aas | conducted by Rev. Mr. aleCall. In- | terment at Stinson burying ground. Wellington Babbitt, Cleveland, son of Mrs. Alice Babbitt, after wn "ab | sence of twentv-two vears, has re turned, and" will spend the winter with his mother. Mrs. Murphy and sister, { Mrs. William Pierson, of Hillier, were [in town on Wednesday. Miss Lillian { Burke, Albert College, Belleville, avas | the pruest of Mr. and Mrs. :. Clark this week. Mr. Giles: Amelias wother s Road. on burg, visiting at his Thomas Giles, Lake Shore i Thursday. Mrz. F. A Burlinzham spent Thanksgiving day in Belleville with friends. F; A. Burlingham visit {ed the North-West Territory this fall jod purchased S00 _aeres of land. He | was will. in April, move considerable stuff to his respective place and remain there during the coming summer. Mrs Ann Fraleigh went to Toronto on Thursday for a few davs. Miss Rossie | Evans spent Thanksgiving at Picton | Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Nelson, Gore Manitoulin Islands, visited To week, taking their de- their homé on Friday and Mrs. Nelson purpose to their native country remainder of 'their days. Nilgs went to Toronto on Mouday. His hands went on strike on Monday" last. Mrs. Elinor Garratt has gone to Toronto, to spend the winter with her som, Dr. Garratt. Miss: Vera MeDonald of Albert Col spent a few days at her D. E./ Clark, Trenton, 'is dan- gerously ill, and his recoyery is very doubtful. Mr. Clark is a native of this county, and a former resident of Wel lington. He is a brother of Edward and Lewis Clark, Mrs. J. W. Clark, and Mrs. Shannon, Picton. The funer al of Robert Pearsoll of Sophiasburg, took place on Monday last, interment Burr's: burying ground. Sorry to an- nounce that James Smith Pearsoll con- tinues in a dangerous state of health. | ronto last parture for last. Mr returning snend the Ww. Pp. lege, home Last, Sunday' Rev. George W. MeCall, pastor "of the Methodist church, preached a very eloquent sermon io the order of Masons, The charge of Mr. MeCall was an unusually strong ohe, against the wrong doing of Mas ons in personal matters. Such ser mons should be published in full in the. local newspapers, . and carefilly read, especially by Masons. In the ev ening, Rev. Austin Potter, a former pastor of this «circuit, preached to a good congregation. Mr. Potiér al though changed in many respects, is still hale" and hearty and: speaks with the same force as of old. Pleased to see him among us once 'more. Mr. and Mrs, William Jenkins attended the funeral of lier brother, Robert Pear- soll, .on Monday. n-------- better than other when used in the Sunlight - Soap Sunlight soap is soaps, but is best Sunlight way. - Puy and follow directions Nour eves should they require glass go to Chown's. Satisfaction and a perfect fit guaranteed. Dr. Frost Thorn, Picton, the New York hospitals, os, of ill at one is very ex- wild beasts in India last year 86, hy w ith pueuighia, ' Miss® NOT A SUCCESS. Marshall' Field Not Favorably Im: pressed By Municipal Owner- ship 'Abroad. Marshall Field, the Chicago: merch ant prince, on his réturn from Europe the other day, eXpressed himsell as much dissatished with the results of wunicipal ownership. as. be it abroad. Neither New York nor Chica go, he declaves, would tolerste for a day such 'inefficient telephone service as exists in Paris, where the munici pulity owns the telephone. He lgughs at the absurdity of the assumption that municipal ownership would tend to do away with graft, and expresses | his, own opinion that it would multi. ply eorruption. Mr. Field ends by comparing 'munici pal ownership to the silver craze, and predicts that Awericans will have grown tired of talking about it in five years frdm the present time "aw The monument "erected about sixty ago upon the public square of wrs, New the first é suburt be x It will make planned by th soon rertain ity Coming Next Week. Guelph Mercury 3 : H. D. Yun Sant, promoted from Guelph to th: United States éonsul hip at Kinsston, 'will leave for that city 'on Monday, G. A Oxnard will Le actin con-ul at 'Guelph until the new appomtee arrives, Mr. Van Sant's dparture will be much regretted, as in his few months stay in Guelph, h high commendation of nt, has made lar all has earncd the state d h'mself very p of citizens and with cla Even The Doctors Say So. Ask them bout .yo# corns--the prescription invariably 'one bottle of Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor. Fifty _ yedrs in usé, certain and prompt. Use only "Putnam's.'" Trusses that are comfortable, stay in place under all circumstances, and ge atisigoet generally, Dr "Chown's The merchants Bloomfield ' have started carly sing movement, haging 'decided ta « e their places of busin: <s a o'clock every even ing excit \ : EE -- fF ------------ A QUESTION OF COST. In any number of stores | you'll see various prepara- tions of cod liver oil at 'as many different prices. You'll wonder, perhaps, why Scott's Emulsion costs more than some other kind in as "lirge a bottle. Hearing only one side of the question you may be led into buying the "just as good as Scott's" at the lower price. That's false economy. Scott's Emulsion costs more because its more expensive to make. Every ingredient is tested and guar- anteed of the purest t quality. No adulteration, no "shaving of quality. There's no econ- omy in bargain medicine. If you can afford to experiment with your health, listithres may satisfy you." We take it, however, that -- want a pure- preparation, a reliable remedy and something that's going to help you. That's what you get in Scott's Emulsion. Thirty years the standard. SCOTT & BOWNE, Toronto, Oat, > THE DAILY WHIG, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2. I | WELLINGTON TIDINGS LONDON'S BIG DEBT SURPRISED BY RECITAL OF STUPENDOUS FIGURES. Debt of City, $223,101,330-- "Amount Expended is Greater Than That on Norway and Sweden Combined. New York, 'Oct, 3l.--In a special cable from London to the New York Herald has the following Sir kdwin Cornwall, who | was knighted the other day for his servic es as chairman of the London county council, has rather startléd London ers by the recital of some of the stup- endous figures in his budget spegch. Within sixteen years the debt"of the county council has increased from £17,501 ,262 (387 81,310) to £44,620, 200 (33,100,330), and the amount éxpended 'on the local government of London is greater than that of Nor way and Sweden combined, double ge of Roumania, and four times at of Denmark, In spite of these figires, or perhaps because of them, Sir Edwin claimed that the council has deserved well of London, "It is 'a greater body than the gove] ernment which created it thought - it was capable of being, It is a greater body than the members of it, close as they are to its work, yet realize. "It 1s in short, what the people and the needs of the people have made it ; but it 'has also a greater problem be fore it namely, to prove that a com: munity of 5,000,000 people is a possi- ble unit for local self-government, and to solve this problem it has wo ex- amplé from history or nothing from the redéiiiches "of philosophers or thinkers." It has simply got to solve it by itself, and to solve such a prob- lem properly there is needed one all mmportant thing- namely, an efficient organization. "When 4 look ut, the council in this respect 1 am not satisfied, yet when | look for a better managed ill body 1 cannot find it, Lond Xn pected to lead the way in all 1) things municipally, and I hope it will lead the way to efficient organization.' Sir kdwin's long" speech 'was packed full. of interesting facts, 'and. suggest: expressions of opinion. Here is a selection : "Fifty--or-sixty io (0. the I ABR a we an he Seda means a saving of abot 36,500 lives a year. But the now it is 16.6. That appalling mortality of children is the saddest fact shown by statistics. One child in. every seven horn in London dies before reaching the age of twelve months.' Two hundred and fifty million gal: ns of sewage are chemically treated every day. A new scheme of food re liel is to cost over £4,500,000 (322, 500,000), the council is now res ponsible for the work that used to be dene 'by the London school board; it costs £1 1s, 3d. (32035) a year to educate a child in London. This is - 4 higher sum than Moons oe else," said Sir Edwin, "with the single exception of New York,' BRITAIN IS ON GUARD. Builds New Strategic Railway to Afghan Frontier, London, Nov. 2. ~The Indign gov- ernment has taken an important uc tion loosing toward the exte nsgion of a strategic railway toward the Af ghan froutior im the vicinity of Khy- ber Pass. The new branch line will leave the present line between Peshaw- ar and the present terminus at rud, and will follow the valley Cahul river to the boundary. the actual distance is only ty miles, the road will be ty miles long, hecause winding streafi. There hittle 10ad will enter Jam of the Though about for- about six- of following a is likelihood that Afghnn_ territory The new road will give Great Britain the much increased facilities for rushing an-army to the Afghan frontier in the fircctign of Cabul, should necessity demand such a step. For half a cen tury or more England has feared the advance of the Russians toward Southern Asia A Russign army at Cabul or Kandahar would be in a position stoke a telling blow at Ind'a, an ii British" generals . have always" fighred that in case of war they must reach these Afghan strong holds ahead of the czars troops One railroad now touches the Afghan frontier. at -Chaman, leading toward Kandahar. The road now ending al Jamrud, near Peshawar. is a valuable one, but it aves 5 mountainous, dif fienlt section gfd®ountry to be travers od on fol Hidtore gn army Afzhan territory, could reach ELOPERS BIND MAN - Stepdaughters and Prospective Husband Accused. Racin®, Wis., Nov, 2.--Bound and ed hy his two step-daughters and prospective husbands, and left helpless for seven hours until releas- al by his dog, is the told 10 the docal authorities by Gustav Kab- vdger, farmer, living four miles of this city, Kabedger swore warrants for the arrest of the He says the men seized and bound him with a handkerchid, being assisted by his stepdaughters, sisteon and eighteen years old, Kab cdger declares that his dog entered the room seven hours afterward and bit throngh the cords that bound his The rope marks were on Kabedger's wrists. story a northwest out clopers, wrists, visic le Takes Refuge In France. Port Said, Egvpt, Nov. 2 ~Rear-Ad- miral Nehogatoll, captured May 25th, by th: Japanese at the battle of the ishment under the provisions of the naval penal code upon his return to plainiy §- ns CEYLON NATURAL GREEN TEA is far superior to any Japan tea. Sold Only in Sealed Lead Packets at 25¢., 306. 40c., 500. and 600. par yall Grocers. | HIGHEST AWARD, ST. LOUIS, 1904. S08 enlves, day. Trade continued the good an | mon stock, le. to 2 superior to £30 10 crowded w which sold good veals sheep sold lambs were per tb. th Ste. per drop in th lots selling Fast Bul ceipts, others, steers, to $5.25; ers, 3.25 £3.90; un $82.5 wo X to 860. V active; -- Receipts, shade highs 35 to Bo.4 pigs, pigs, ow; Rrassers, lambs Re lambs te 25; £5.75; shee n, Canada lami New Yi eripts, higher i nl Cows lower; near $3.50 to 85 1.40 prim frac £5.30 w Wx, 2,266; to: a higher; abo 59; a few 83.50 to dressed caly 2.50 to § £3; lamb: cars, 5.62); Hogs-- Recei $5. ~ sea of Japan, has arrived here apd | 2 jpping selected, 30.124 to 83.- proseeded to Marseilles on board the 24; pixed and heavy, $5 to £5.10; steuiner: Indiahs light, £5 to £5.10; pigs and roughs, 2 An imperigl order issued at St. Pe to. $4.00. Sheep Reccipts, 5,000; 6th, disiinae steady; lambs weak; sh , % "to from the navy Rear-Adwmiral Neboga: $5.75; lambs, 32.50 to $7.40. x tofl and four captains of Russian war . ships, wha surrendered their vessels to Must not be mixed with common J apatie se, during th® batule of the | cathartic or purgative pills. Carter's x of Japan, May 20th and 25th, | little Liver Fills are entirely valike MH was reported at the time that be: | them in every respect. One trial 'will sides dw ing deprived of his rank Ad prove their superiority miral Nebogatoff 'was liable to, pun There are narly 23.000.000 horses 'Russia. CHLOR CHLOR CHLORODYNE CHLORODYNE Always ask for "DR. J. COLLIS RROWNE'S CHLORODYNE, he reir oad 3 At the Various Live . Stock Centres. ' Montreal, Oct, 30. -- About 90 head of butchers' cattle, 30 milch cows 200 fal hogs were offered for fale to sold at 855 each; $45 7.500 0c. £5.40 1,85. butchers', bulls, and feeders, firm on good, . highor: 5.40; stags, 35 3,500, 81; dy: about six cars unsold; Canadian State, 85.55 to £5.70. Chicago, . Oct. 30. Cattlo--Rewipts, 25,000; best stronger; others steady: ttorrs, 83 to $6.25; sto®erseand feed ers, $2.25 to 83.70: £1.50 to $3.60; bulls, ers, - $2.40 to $5.45; calves, 24.75. Hogs--Receipts, 23,000; firm; and in European is No. other cotitry in the world has $0 wany Horses as DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S : CHLORODYNE * (THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE). te admit the profession to' ; \ y fa ah and valuable rem : edy or vered. is the best known for COUGHS, | \ | ois CONSUMPTION, BRONCRI' : TIS, ASTHMA. acts like a 'charm In " DIARRHOEA, § and is the only in CHOI i CHLORODY NE siete der spuriou on insitaticon fie ghokine COT ETS BROWNE'S © SHLORODYNE on the Government Stamp of each bettle. Para : 83 id * \ _Sold i in bo bottles at 1s. y 14d 200 shiep and lambs and was good hut low, A few about the prices of the best cat teeper---the: to near 4c; com Ze. to de, and small bulls, pe r lb. 'there were a fow rilchers, which sold "at 50 the other cows sold at cach. 'Lhe market was ith lean grass-fod calves, at from 1} to de. per lb; sell at about 4¢. per Ih; at de, to de. por lb; good vin 'demand at Ble. to 5%. e common lambs at 3c, to Ib. There has been another e prices of fat hogs, good at about 6c, per 1b. fidlo, N.Y., Oct. 30.--Re- hegd; choice, steady; to lower; prime shipping, *1.76 $1 to $4.75; heil COWS, to to ®3 to 81.15; 3 frerh 5 at 3 to 34, wi DS; stockers stock heriers, end commen: $20 L600 Licad; £5.50 to $9. Hogs active, Cons on Receipts, springers slow eals 21,000 - head; or; heavy ); yorkers, pork: to £5.45; 3 to 5.10 to pts, fairly and mixe to 25 to ¥ ughs, $1.25 to 5: dairies and Sheep and head; active; 6 D vearlings, 35.50 to to 85.75; to ST.40; ethers odo owes, mixed, 2.50 ry, ct steers balls, steady; ly all bul 30. --~Cattle--Re firm and ge nerally dow to 10. lo others 10, to 1 sold; native steers, 82.10 to $3.50; to 8X15. Calves Receipts, veals steady; others slow tion lower; giussers, 25¢, ut all sold; venls, 81.50 to tops, X09 little calves, rassecy, 3 to ¥1.50; city, Ric, ta 13¢.; : ; few couniry, Te. and lambs ong; >. 79 " quiet; 10 Receipts, 18,- good higher; lambs, sheep, 85.75: culls, 50; one and a half 024; culls, 85' to lambs, 87 to 87.50, ; market chighoer; 50; few choice, 2 to ®7 psy effectually cuts short a attacks 1 EPILEPSY, HYSTERIA, PALPITA, TION-gnd SPASMS. u y is the onl iative in Bans pins 1 NounAL GUA 4 TOOTHACHE, MENINGITIS, ote. imony accompanies each bottle, Sole Manufacturers :=-J. T. DAVENPORT, Limited, LONDON. Wholesale Agents, LYMAN BROS. & CO.. Limited, Toronte. Toronto. THE QUOTATIONS. pretty: ~Baew di 2s. «gd., and 4s. 6d. each. os CUBA LANDS Unquestionable evidence of confidence fu Cuban Realty *Bartle,'! Eastern Cubs, is by the fact that covery intending purchaser, who has visit our property, hd hought. Proof conclusive that they ha been satisfied with the fertility of the soil, the favorable location of their lands, and with the transportation . facilities offered at "Bartle." Price of Lands, $25 Acre Call 'or write Maps, Plans and Prospectus. The Cuban Realty Jo. { LIMITED Telephone No. 70. Apply to J. 0. HUTTON, Agent 311 University Ave; Kingston. Snow, Beautiful Snow ! Is sure to come, and now is the time to have your Cut- ters and Sleighs renewed and fixed up. Be sure you send them to JAS. LATURNEY The Carriage Maker, 390 Princess Street, where every detail will be attended to. er ---- for * Whatever Other Magazines An intelligent American® reader may subscribe for, he canasot afford not to see regularly THE LIVING AGE ¢ It supplements the American ¢ magaziwes, containing what they ¢ do not. . It makes superfluous the taking of a considerable list of English Detiodionls, as it Japroducs with- out ahridirtng, id the most import- Un. their pages. 1 ant articles No other magazine, American ér writings English, prosents the so many brilliant and di: 4 ed authors. + _ The magdzine publishes the best § '9 9Ssays, fiction, Lo travel ¢ Sketches, literary, art and musical § criticism, discussions of social, re- ligious - und educational questions, and papers upon Public Affairs and International Politics. * Published weekly.--More than 3,- Sue pages Bi ony A undal sub~ ption dollars, -- Trot be tions, J months, thirteen numbers one tar, -- New su bors, who sul he now for the wear 1908 will rev ceive free the remaining sumbers of 1905. THE L,1V{ NGAGE CO. { 6 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass. DONT KEEP BACHELOR'S HALL While yout wife Is at the sea-side: She would rather have you enjoy . IE COMFORTS GF

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