Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Nov 1905, p. 8

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th La abo eon at Das] compares with Miss of 10,300,000 bales and of bales. tL estimates in the Unit- 00,000. 1.~14 factories boarded yaeton, Nov. a tarts olored a je. Ls oy 1.~4.070 hox . ov, offered ; 114¢. to 11{e. hid. No sales. I ee PLAY AT KINGSTON. Kingston Would Be a Very Fine This year the champions of the In- dercolioginte r Union will try for \ i ot a : honars, ro | The Toronto News § on a v day; that lack would not be noticed On the other hand, the supporters of hath the Seams would have an almost i treal 1 loreed to travel Routradl thay wil Ottawa could rench the scene of action hy a 112 mile trip. To go to ton the Ot tawa people would only be called upon to iravel 125 miles, ttle more than the Mon trip would involve, whereas the 8 would cut off 208 miles Liswabane City. : a5 © Under these circomstances both the Tigers and the Hough Riders could run day excursions it the game were play- a in Kingston, whereus, if it taken in Montroal-where the unwrit- rules of the Canadian Rughy Foot- hall Union » be played SS 5 In view of the Bible Society's great thanksgiving on November Tth for the completion of its centengry fund of a quarter of a million guess, the fol lowing details as to the chief sources] Be OH 4 rom which the money came, throw a teen THT ddim, curious kidelight on She altitude of 3 . various countries towands the society in, BX: Rrnieck, and its work, Thus, for instance, £12,. | on, {Sooref } 000 was sent by British North Amer- . ica; £5,000 came from contineital Eu- rope; £4,000 came from India; £5,500 | from South Afcica; £3,000 from New Zvaland; £3000 from Australia; £740 from Egypt; £720 from Russia; £6 from ~dapan, and £1,100 from China. The great bitlk of the fund, as much as £220,000, came from England: and Wales. Among the more striking con- tributions to the fuid have been one early and de 178 gift of £10,000, one anonymous gift Fd of £3,000, one gift of 2,500 guineas, 151 one of £2500, five of 2,000 ghineas 120 (one of which was anonymous), ane 104 anonymous gift of £2,000, thirteen 151 | 4ifte of 1,000 guineas (two anonym. bo ous}, and ten of £1,000 (four anonym. ous). By far the greater part of the "fimd, however, 'has Leen raised by comparatively small gifts, often from poor le. The smallest separate contribytion acknowledged at the Bi ble house was 1{d. from a domestic servant. . Could one wish for a more charming autumn day than the specimen served out to-uay. Buy tar soap at Gibson's Red Cross drug store, Ny . THE NEW STYLES IN MEN'S FURNISHINGS "+" DO YOU WISH THESE? Is it your desire to have the pick of the finest Gloves, by the - Len nator. in o¢ newest shades, priced from $1 to usr 5 splendid stock of New Stiff Bosom Shirts, in neat and ex: 900d sort of Underwear, both in Shirts and Drawers 'and Combination Suits, $2 to $8 per suit. Half Hose from 28c. : jt Ties Yarve'n 'deservedly: high reputation. eOhtainn 2 Yot of txdusice saves. | Notice a » m H vi no he PAgine. sleep at fe Py 2. Te at took him i , AL sent im home. The boy savs his father is n of Charles Dickens, ths of the cabinet will be , this afternoon, when it is likely decision will be reached as to the future of the tariff commission and the course to be followed next session. Messrs. Fielding, Brodeur and Pater scn are here and will attend the cabi: net. meeting, William Mackenzie, of Mackenzie & Mann; is here, to-day, conferrine with members of the government. He does not know anything about a story puldished in the local press that the Cenadian Northern is surveving for a 3 E 5 line to comnset Ottawa and Hawkes- bury. PITH OF THE NEWS. A------ The Very Latest Oulled From All ' Ovér the World. Henrik heen, the Norwegian dram- My ie aat-in, Nontreut Js 'mm on' 0 the renidences of clergy heretofore | exempt, atleast on assessment above certain minimum. C. B. King, Detroit, has been ap- manager of the London street : Cdn. Suecession to U. BE. A 'are, resigned. 'the Farmers' National Bank, of Kingfisher, Oklahoma Territory, has Neen: closed, by direction of the camp: currency. troller of the Jules Rosa, of London, a young Italian, was sent (0 the Central pris- on for one year for passing forged cheques on loeal jewelers. The Delaware & Hudson railway of- | ficials deny the report from Scranton be a vania that the company is gama- ted with the Pe railroad company: Marshal Empey, a Wolford lad, shot himself, while hunting, in arm and Nie, He walked nearly a mile to the tL parsonage to have his trossed: J. Devlin, the coal mine operation, - wha recently underwent kpisbieyavith Habilities of $4.000,- ,. dil 8b a hospital in Chidage, as 1 the result of a stroke of paralysis. 1. A wildcat that got loose in a G.7T. car between Owen Round and. Stratford, mage things lively for the people in the car. The door was opened and the animal allowed to es: cape to the woods. Suspicions that Mrs. Todd, the weal- thy widow whose body was found menvled on a railway track in Phila delphia, was a vietim_of foul play has dodto an investigation there and: in New York. A letter reveals a plot to kill her. : Maj. John Byrne, railrcad vrosident and soldier, © died while visiting the howe of James Clark at Larchmont, N.Y. For over twemtv vears Maj. Byrne was identified with the railroad operations of the late C. P. Hunting- ton. " ARE HELD BY FLOES. Men Must Face Artic Winter's ; Perils, San Francisco; Nov. 2.--Fleven whaling vessels, comprising almost thi entire fleet which sailed from this city, have been cauwoht in the Arctic ocean, They will not be able to get out until next July or Aucust, and in the meantime their erews of #0 men ust face the hardships of a winter in the north. is news is conveyed int » telegram to Lewis Anderson "and Ford & Co. of 'this eity from Captain H. H. Bod: fisa of the steamer William Baylies. Only this vessel and the schooner Monterey were able to escape. The eleven vessels were caught are the steamer Alexander, Captain James A. Tillon; steamer Beluga, Captain B. J. Comisky: schoomer Bonanza, Cap- tain William Mogg; steanier Bowhead, Cantain John A. Cook; schooner Chatles Hanson, Captain James Me- Kenna; stegmer Herman, Captain W. 8. Evernum; steamer Jeanette, Cap- 'tain BE. W. Newth: steamer Karluck, Captain A. H. McGregor; = steamer Narwhal, Cantain George B, Leavitt ; se Oleg and steamer Thresher, Centain William F. Macomber. Most of the vessels now in the ice are not provisioned for » stay in the Arctic. Unless the boats are' heard from within a short timé the sovern- ment will be asked to forward sup Collared The Bill Raiser. At 2.30 o'clock this afternoon, Gio vanni Péscitello, a twenty year-old Ita: lian, tried to pass a raised ten dol lar bill at Litton's grocery, corner of Alived and Earl street. The police were al once notified and he was arrested W Sergt. Nesbitt, jn Frontenac. Park. sgme fellow who passed the raissd bill al a Montreal street procory last ev ening. Ho bas been in the gmploy ' of the GL T. R. 48 seetionman, tax | plies and relief to the Thorisoned men, ¢ was identified by EF. Baker as the JOSEP WALKEM. © An ordersi-ectuneil has been passed appointing Joseph B. Walkem as local master" in chancery, in succession to the late John Mudie. The master came to Kingston in 1870 from Montreal, where he was educated at the high school and Me- Gill College. He entered the office of Gildersleeve & Walkem as a student, and on his being admitted to prac- tice, formed a ip with his brother, Dr. a ers has been in active practice ever since. Mr. Wal kem. though a resident of the county until about a year ago, has been an alderman of the city for about ten years, heing returned each timp for Ontario ward, gnd he is at ppesent a representative. of "that ward. For tien} five years he was secretary of the Conservative Association of the county of Frontenac, but retired from thet Position about six years ago. r. Walkem's appointment to his present position meets with the ap- proval of the members of the profes- Sion, as he possesses, not only the proper ley qualifications, but has those: qualities | whieh make him an agreoable man to do business with, -------------- - So far there are strong indications," Justice. Teetsel, 'that there was a lavish expendi- ture of money on both "I do not propose," said Mr. Mabee, "to let only one side of the affair be osed." exp "His dordship," remark- ed Mr. McIntyre, "says both sides have already heen disclosed." "We could not help dis- closing some of your do- ings,' retorted Mr. Mabee; "but they are only ineci- dental." po sin f & ; Esters atitttty st EeS ; | BEFTEETFCTEFIEFFTFET L6H PROF. ADAM SHORTT and Tariffs. At the Alumni conference at Queen's tn Wednesday, Prof. Shortt, in lectur- ing on "Internationdl Trade and Tar. iis," said the mest rigorous protec- tion 'secured by Eaglish manufacturers was at first against the Irish and Scotell producers." This spirit was not entively dead, he continued, 'as for come years past there have been--gra- | dutty ostablished in Canadian pro- vinces tentative processes against the industries and tradesmen of other pro- vinces. The desire for econotitic protec tion had no special national quality, but was simply the desire for artifici- al assistance in increasing gains. The stimulus for international trade came chiefly from those . who were most anxious to shat out all others in their own lines. With that practical rnterprise which digregmrds all incon sistency, the manuincturer who seeks to prevent the importation of com- peting foods from other countries is always most anxious . to export his own goods to other gountries. More over, he is equally anxious to import any goods from foreign countries which he requires 'as ingredients in the manufacture of his own wares, The ideal of economic life would be the local production and consumption of as many articles and Services as are necessary to the full life' of the coms munily, Such a condition of things was not, however, possible, "The sci- ence of etonomics," said Prof. Shortt in diseussing the princinle of protec tion, "looked at wealth as a means to life. Bence the conclusions of eco- nomics werg not always popular with the busi man, who is devoted to the accumulation of profits. The pro. cess named dumping was « frequent oconondic fact, but was much more frequent within countries than between them. It was the familiar accompani- ment of | overproduction. surnlus stocks, forced or bankrupt. sales, chpuoe of fashion and other circum. Sh . If a fiscal device could be ar- ranged whereby profeetion arainst dumping could be secured, thew the ad- voeates of on abmormal tariff would rument. Such a devien, it mioht he claimed, had heen disonyersd and put in brastice by the Canadian fpvorn- ment." ; es At iif Cents There Were 230 . Boxes Sold. Kingston,' Nov. 2.~The price paid at the Frontenac cheese board Rt: inb ghis afternoon was 113e., at which Mr. Alexander got 230 boxes. Thers were S64 hoxes boarded, all eolored. These factories had cheese on sale : Cataraqui, 70: Emceald; 50: Glen: burnie. 50: Glopvalé, 50: Gilt Edge, 50; Pine Hill. 120; Rose Hill, 69; Sun. bury, 80: St. Lawrence, 30: "Silver Springs, 0; Th d Islands, 80; McGrath's, 100; Collins Bay, 65 The Kildare magistrates have sent Patéick Terence to prison for three nionths for cruelty to his wile and children. The wife was fond in a pig: a few hours 'after she had given th 10 a baby. : » At THe, Mr. Alexander got the makes of Gilt: Edge. St. Lawreace, Silver Springs' and Thousand Islands, i Cees. I hoe packages Malta Vita, 25e., at Mullins, Go a cae {and C. P. R., Speis i » Tnventional Tade | be deprived of their one effective ac. Oana ab Se -- 1 | MAY HAVE EXTENSIONS AND 1 IMPROVEMENTS. : Pike ------ » Been Very Prowded Since Estab- lishment of Emchequer Court ~Dr. May Resigns Inspector- ship of Public Librar es. Torento, Nov. 2.--~Attorney-General paca Aue Hen pl Prox itect . a visit to Osgoode Hall, pies, paid ing, for the purpose of making a thor- ough inspection, with & view to pro- extensions, in to increase accommodation provided for the judges, which for some time has been inadequate. The hall has become more a" than ever, since the citab- lishment of ahe exchequer court. Dr. 8. P, May, who has been inspec- tor of public libraries, since 1880, is, it is understood, about to resign the position. T. W, H, Leatitt, one of the conservative organizers, is men- tioned as his probable successor. Dr. May is at present opt of town. he mayor receil letters, this morning, identical from the G.T:R. respecting the Yonge street bridge' over the tracks ahout which t has been so much dispute. The ov ies now propose that "the city shall pay one-third of the cost of the bridge and - the railways the re mainder, and count all differeces ret- tled. The bridge's estimated cost is £200,000. -------------- INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. ---- Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Roun. J. A, Flett, Hamilton, the labor or ganizer, is in town, Dr. Lawrence Croft, Middleville, is . staying in the city. "Large bottles of ammonia," 10e. Gibson's Red Cross drug store, William Swain, piano tanér. Orders recived at MoAnley's book store. The Marysville CM.B.A. will hold their annual ball on the evening of November 8th. © Commencing Wednesday, double cash coupons for balance of The week, at Mullins'. Joseph . Rosenthal,' advance agent for "lhe Sign of The Four," was here to-day. His play will be at the Grand Saturday, November 11th. Four fime deer, vesults of the hunt of Capt. W. 8S. Hughes, and W. J. Macleod were on exhibition in front of Waddington's butcher shop to-day. Only the best quality of hot water bottles and bulb syringes. Sold at Gibson's Red Cross drug store, The Kingston Hibermians are pre- paring an evening enterianment in their hall next week for members and invited friends, Three priests of the Archbishop's Palace are on the sick list this week: Rev. Fathers Kehoe, McWilliams and Dr. Salmoh. * After several months' visit in the city, Mr. land Mrs, T. R. Lavery, left, to-day, for Montreal, to sail te-mor- row per S.8. Bavarian. for England. Cne pound best cocoanut, 25c.,; two tins choice baking powder, 25¢.; three pounds mixed biscuits, 25¢., at Mul- tin' Sn ER ai - ar Justices "Foetal and Street, egies trar C. Grant and J. B. Henderson, court reporter, left at moon for Tor onto. P. Brehamy, advance agent for "The Flaming Arrow," is in the city mak- ing arrangements for the appearance of this play at the' Grand, an Thurs- day, November Sth, W. J.-Fair has removed the office of tha North American Life Insurance company to commer Clarence and Well- ington streets, to ths office recenfly occupied by John Bell Carruthers, The new bailifi of the division court. C, G.. Clark, has heen most go- tive in the elections protest trial on behalf of Mr. Mcintyre, though a gov- ernment officer. When the Whitney gov- ernment is overturned three years hence, there are some people who will remember his partizanship. The best place to buy Blgud's Iron Tonic Pills, Gibson's Red Cross drug store, The genuine are sold there. St. John's church, Perth, will be at- tended for the present by Rev. Father Collins, from St. Mary's Cathedral, Kingston, until Rev. Father Kelly, of Smith's Falls arrives hone, in a -cou- ple of weeks, when Father Brunet wil then take charge of the parish until the return of Rev. Father Hogan. H. A. Guess, formerly of Queen's, has been apoointed assistant manag er of the Silverton, Colorado, silver mines gt a salary. of $5,000 a year. His brother, George Guess,swill take his plage as chief chemist for the Can- anca, | Sonoro, Mexico, mining eom- pany. Both are well remembered in Kingston, WORD HAS BEEN HEARD Of Clarke Mellroy, Who Was Re- ported Missing. Clarke Mellroy, son of Rev.' James Mcllroy, 464 - Division street, the Queen's student, reported yesterday as having been missing since Wednesday, October 18th, has been located. Word was received to-day by the father, from a friend of the young man, that Clarke was with a party hunting, at Poland, seventy miles north on the K. and P.. and several miles from a post office. The family had been very un casy about the young man, he hav- ing left for college on the moming® of the 19th, and leaving no word as to where he had gone, though a few days before he had expressed a wish to go hunting. Governor General Removed. St. Petersburg, Nov. 2. Gen. Kleigs, governor-gemeral of Kiel, has been removed from his post, ---- Buy Herpicide for the scalp and hair. Sold at Gibson:s = Red Cross drug store, There are over 320 electric light companies 'in Canada. DR. McCARTHY, OFFICE LATEL occupied Dr. Raa < ed pi , Corner Mon. -------------------------- DR. WI AN SBso N SICIAN, Surgeon, Kinegton -denera tious al. Officos-282 ng strest, oi » Bank of Montreal. Phone,' 43. si . t has never been so busy. but this is the reasonable outcome of (he Coats themselves. The sty1:s are right up-to-date, and the prices are most reasonable. Three-Quarter Coats, $6.75, 7:50, 9.50. 10.50, 10.75, 11,75, 12.50, : Seven-Eights in length or the popalar long Coat, known in New York as the Burlington, $12.50, 13.50, 14.75, 15, 16.75, in Fawns and Black. i Come and see these New Coats. Even if not pre. pared to buy you are just as welcome, and should you see a Coat that takes your fancy have it placed aside until required, be We are better prepared than ever to suit your Corset needs. Every good kind of Corset is here. We might sell a few more Corsets it we handled the cheap, trashy sorts; but we won't. We cling to the satisfaction.giving Corsets. Here are some of the most popular : French Model Corsets, $1.50, 2,.2.50, 3, 3:50. Crompton Corsets, $1.50, 2, 1.25, 1. : We Nave 5 Specs! Corsats; considered: exceprivn => ally good value at $1. ° D. &A. Corsets, soc., 75¢, $1, 1.25. Nursing Corsets, $1. Crest Corsets; guaranteed not to break at hips, goc. pair, instead of $1 25, usually charged. Yatisi Corsets; all sizes from 20 to 36. This Cor- set is intended for stout figures, who require a good Corset, yet not too stiff, Girls' Health Corset Waists, all size. Children's Corset Waists, all sizes. Flannelettes for Many Uses Shirting Flannelettes, sc., 7c., 8c. Shirting Flannelettes. extra heavy, roc. and 12%c., new patterns, good washing colors. Underwear Flannelette, in White, Pink, Blue, sc, 7¢ , 8c. 100. Extra Quality Imported Flannelett:, in White only, 10c,, 1234¢., 150. Fancy Weapperetiss, for Waists, House Gowns and imonas, joc., 1234¢., 15¢c.. 20c., 25¢. 50 Patterns or More to Choose From. a. JOHHLADLANGSH Warm Felt Boots For Street Wear Ladies" Felt Gaiters, leather fored - - $125 Ladies' Felt Lace Gaiters, leather fored 1.25 Ladies' Felt Lace Gaiters, leather fored 1.50 Ladies' Plain Felt Button Gaiters - - 1.00 Ladies' Plain Felt Gaiters - - - - - 1.00 Ladies' Plain Felt Gaiters - - - - - 75 All New Goods, and all well- made, comfortable shapes. THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE oto YEAR 72. N( -- g P, Jenkins. Ulothit Hus n : Do vou want Underclothing pot shrink 2 We have it. Every garment fully guara We will gladly veplace any is shrunken in the wash. CETEE BRAND-- | For fine full' fashioned able. STANFIELD'S--- For extra warm and ex PENMAN'S- For medium priced 'smo E. P, Jenkins Clothi THE RIGHT T For this time of the year is our shoes, "Wear "Alle Military Bootmakers 84 Brock St. Sign of Go. Y.W.C. A Lectures on Home Nu « TUESPAY, Nov. « 7.--Hygien Roon TUESDAY, "Nov. 13.--Bed-N Bed-Clianging TUESDAY, Nov. 21.--Bathin g alticing Nov. 28 --Nursi and Pucumonia Je b.--~Nursin Lagious Diseases . For the B Insurance in all its brs es go to REAL ESTATE AN net SWIFT INSURANCE OA rd WANTED. AN EXPBRIENCED ul ior. salesman. | Ap Mils & Co. 106-108 Py A GOOD GENERAL -SERY Washing. Apply in the McKean street Robertson, Good Centre a ® Larner of TO GET TH and Suits alloway's, 131 your old od. Style, fi Ruaranteed to please. MEN AND' BOYS WAN farn $5 day. after two struction position Special tuition half price only. Coyne Bros. Co Schools, 'New York, Cin St. Louis, Mo, (Free cal TABLE THE SHOP oN DIVISION Garrett street, oceuj + inilliner. Apply at BRICK SHOP ANP RES pol Princess street; mm gousession November 1st Stéacy & Steacy ---- ee ---- ui Eid t OVER WADI tore, Corner. King and Ao well lighted and he Aly to Caun, 51 B HOUSE, on CENTRE ST Kbod out buildings and | sod locality, moderate r at M Groeer, Market Sq hi SIBARLE NINE-ROOMF ished or unfurnish ROS connection, fui conventences. Re lon immediately ore JOR SALE. PIANOS, d ORGANS, NM Sewing Machines hand, all cheap Joseph (George. ELL FA'HM, ] FErnesttown, niles West of 'about 330 a ndid dairy farm, shade groves, goo tnd other buildings. Th brick residence i + Riso a cottage, | 4. 'AL the rear is ne a large Goan markable tim wing up ar . +] be sold res b 1. Easton Burn art Kingston, or to 2. neXt farm to the a bly to R ple LOST. \ MINK wffer. on Srening on Queen Barr streets Re wa ¥ Whig office A By ACK POCKETBOOK dilly 3 S : Drekuraty Teceipls, ve 4 in Post Reward for Hs return 1 Baby Barker will feed dn mew of thi, Ler' at th Gray

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