bi a i kat affords in fully a is! | I i single obj Ix certainly all a buyer could ask for. Everything FOR RUBBLE STONES SEALED TENDERS WILL BE RE- onived until 8 p.m. on. WEDNESDAY, November fith, for 'the! sgpply in whole OF part of 400 toise "more or less of Rough Stone or Rubble for "the found- ation of artifichul store walks, roquired Ly the Corperation of the City of Kings "stone for the sear 1906. Fach tender Shall state the quantity of Hubble he is prepared (oo supply, his price per tole delivered to any part of the City und Ris price per toise in the awarry * All other igformution te be oltained at the office of the undersigned. t H. B. R. CRAIG, City Engineer, Kingston. October 31st, 1903. PBARSALL'S MILLINERY Wo are offering Special Bargnine This Week 'in Feather Goods, having pur chased last week a fine lot of feather ornaments' far below thelr real value. Only a few White Noir Counts and Tama forgchitdron lett. If bargains will Interest you, eall and see them. About Thursday wo will Le showing : Anbther Jot of Tripod Dress Hats of |- 3 denign. PEARSALL'S MILLINERY 228 PAINCESS STREET, + IN FACT 1 It is the great motor power in the household, and the foundation of our comforts, and deserves a 'place on the pedestal. Coal purchased from Crawford is clean and bright enough for the perch, While Waiting to renew the glow- ing 'grate fire. Well cooked food and cosy comfort is-derived from our well sereencd coal, . r R. CRAWFORD, FOOT OF QUEEN ST. 3 "PHONE 0. ------------------------, 'NOVEMBER The Grey Month. The weather i8 a little bleak, rather windy, dust. fies, and it gets dark pariy The season is changing, BUT Chown's Standard Line of Trusses and Surgical Appliances is "always the same," It is of uns changeable quality, : We're stil Keadquarteds for "The Hest'* in Weleurey all aylés, and an sizes, and We guaranties a Perfect fie, |' . oo Privite office Tor Biting, - a ; Pp SHown | vertising snali ceass Jeontributor he may. withdraw the rv ot dps, Which Seareity i amount of his' payments without in: 9 avout: iy: bw. wages which rat the protected' manufacturers can af- There is bound to be strong ford 40 pay. {the kind } WHIG--720 YEAK 1. he sought Luigh A tist, was singularly pure. His stand {ard of morality, on the stage and newer .faid or the mouth. as Touch. Position Of The Farmer. ar question. It is not in favour of an increase of duty on manufactured | goods, because such would affect the | farmers adversely, and. ite desire is | that the farmers would be united, if » | possible, against a ovement in that direction. { ; "The fact has, cn different occasions been well established," says our con- | temporary, "that agricultre is sub: {jected to a heavy burden. by the tariff levied upon imported articles which com "The finished product of the Canadian wan(faeturers, hut ate at-the sane time the raw matérial of the ~ an Atge becomes Into vent veiore expiry 'of . tract the aor Pecos due Batiedintcly at the te od per hus for casual savertige The publister will not he ay work: 'nine Co., Limited, B. PENSE, per cent., subject, to 'the modification of th: preferential rate accorded im- ports from Britgin, imposed for the protection. of our woollen and. cotton and cotton manufacturers, increase the expense of clothing the farmer and his : & | family; the tax of a cent a pound on of Question Of Finance, | 7" : y A committee of the Ontario Teach: in i any Sa, the erei< Association is preparing a super: intrense the profits of our sugar lords, annuation scheme, which it will ask adds to the cost 'of every meal spread the government to adopt. It is pro: upon the farmer's table; the tax of posed to have teachers contribute A rw From tre 1 ow and oe ll 0 | Sn Pe "on gon nd cent. of their salaries, and ask the the vehicles used oh et More government to adi fifty per cent. io eipensive; and' a tax of Aiety yor the sum thus collected: annually. cont; on ? Mainps:- and 3 haFrices Takes Male teachers retire at sixty-five, greater the Sort ol these' gecessition of and draw oné and three quarier por the: farm." = cont. of their total salary; female Mor > hei bougties. tuket teachers may retire at sixty and draw h QEOVEE | Lie ron, bpun es ike Irom one suk csvighth pre ont A tounhir the farmer, in the contributions ai lots than six genes in the fund will | ™aké to them indirectly through his get nothing, but if he in longer -g | 18% He suffers most of all' iv the ee en ssm-------- THE DAILY WHIG. '"Opifer per Orbem Dicor.™ op- the scheme, and on the | ground that no superannuation plan which the association can spggest and the government adopt will give satis- faction. It will riot be worked out on a sound or ethical bagis, and sooner or, later it will "dg injustice. The movement "for a hetter pay- : mont. of the (eachars, for "a recogni- | Ottawa will run its electric lighting tion of the class according to. their | plant by commissioners, service and qualification, will be mre | With some people * this is the ideal popular. This movemdit i& grow'ni | form' of management. stronger in every province i the do- | minion. Wages genorally have Hence "the total abolition of boun- ties and a reduction of the tariff to a purely revenue busis," would 'do more, in the opinion of the Weekly Sun; on a proper basis than any other act of which any governmint is capable, . . Editorial Notes. position to ~ad-l- {De paper-the- New York Spectator, vanend with' the 'cost of Nving." The is Seleruling She life insurance com- rewards of the teachers have not gone | POIIUS. Py or organ, and depend up, and the teachers have a grievance | "8 Pon them largely for success, it a | could hardly do anything -else, 3 ) 5 { -------- All the schemes which take from the | The Massachusetts election of a people's earnings, ithe 4 Yiew to- governor will be "influenced by the superannuation, imp! yo hat p Hl | reciprocity question. Canada is not oy ; 0 . y 1: i Z : ernment cah nye the money = that | Interested in the subject now. So it would be otherwise spent. But they i . | does not matter who is elected. méan more than that. Some one has } . --_-------- to make up the shortage, and that is { A year ago the pessimistic press had the individual taxpayer. He is ox- | it that the périod of expansion had pected to pay the difference between | passed, and that Canada's finances what the teacher contributes and what | would presently suffer. But the re is wanted for his superannuation, and | ceipts of customs continue to rise. he would be the better pleased to | 3 - pay. this difference in salary and let ji John Burna I§ going to meet ' impressions his of Canada into a. book. He is"a very observant man, but he | had not time to verify much of what Impurity In The Drama. { he was told in u trip of three weeks. George Barnard Shaw is not at alt | However time will tell. distressed or humiliated by the sup- | pression of his the teacher do his own financing. -- Mr. Whitndy says the Arnold | be consulted, through was | play, "Mrs, Warren's | New York. Daly, under whose atispices it teachers will a representa- tive committee, as to the school re produced Gt the Garrack, spent $15, | forms the goverument has under way. 000 or 820,000 in preliminary expenses | Perhaps he will allow the teachers to and he has thus atoned for his experi- | nominate -a deputy minister of educa- nee, tion. 'Ihe play, in the estimation of the ! > -- i Herald, exceeded the limit of decency. | n dit, thut Mr. Ne shitt, 'who i" It "defended immorality," "glorified | S8VInE the supreme bench, will be the fended Py 8 . - : n "i ia tu | siecessor of Mr. Borden in the lead debauchery, besmirched the : saered. | . : 3 . whe) { ership of the conservative party. Will ness of a clergyman's 'calling, and | | . y . *iotured hildy n und parentacas Hv [1 allow him to enjoy the salary of reture © vl a - » + p F | 87,000 a vear which parliament has | provided ¥ Profession," in ing in calm observance of the most unholy relations." . r gen p | -- Mr. Daly seems to hive had his | Joie Toblison, cof doubts about the play, but docided to | land, and ivferred 40 in 'recent. cable. leave it with the: press sritgs, than { grams as being seriously ill, is well what there are id dust, fair, | known here. Here he began his career and impartial in the world, With Te fas a journalist. For many years he markable unanimity _ they assailed it { has Been the writer of special articles and 'practically "shoowed" it off that or the metropolitan press. stage. To niake sure that jt wold | not ofiend a second time tha commis. | sioner of patice forbade its reproduc Londen, Eng- Jerome, the humorist, has no ex- pectation of the imperial preference tion. | succeeding if it depends on the in Strange to say Mr. Shaw, cabling i choased cost of the workingman's from London, Fnpland, expresses | bread. The workingmen. cawnot live | himself ax proud of Kis work. Ris re- {on less and cannot, gret is that it wax condemned hy f for more, pressmen. The jury should have heey mado up of public spitited wonien | Komura For Pekin. at present, pay hod, that "n respects, (and in Shaw's mind}; N 3 ; i he filled to reach the. exalted plges his. admirers would have him occupy. Kir Henry Irving's life, as a drama: OCCURRENCES ; of Matters That Interest Everybody it, was of the highest. He never esspy- | el that which did pot appeal to" ths nestheotic nature of th: individual. He d'd anything which caused a blush or Jeft a bad taste in It would be well for George Betnard Shaw if he could say The-Whig has misinterpreted the at- 1, a titude of the Weekly Sun on the tariff tein tha Camadicn shket-w ih FHREY On. tario farmer, ¢ The tax of thirty-five | #8 HIG, FRIDAY, ny ~Notes From All Over--Little | Of Everything Easily Read And Remembered. Railways to St. Petersburg are still cut and all the mails go by steamer. Emperor Francis Joseph has decided: to grant 'amiverssl sufirage to Aus: tria. TY Thursday, November 30th, will be Thanksgiving day in the United States, ho Sixty-ooiit! fas for * heating "purposes ty of the immediate fu- ture in T¢ 0. The Frith government is consider. ing the yuesti of withdrawing its troops from China. The government of Norway has ask- ed the people to vote for a monarchi- cal form of fovernment. The St. Louis hotel at Fort Wil liam has been sold, the purchase price heing soventy thofisand dollars. Charles D. Marco, an Halian, found guilty in the criminal assizes, in' Toronto, of murdering J. J. Ho ban by stabbin:. . --- A channel at Lime Kiln crossing and a ink ER Boe dete i ecutive of the Lake Carriers' Association meeting in tle troit. eam ud Filipe D. Hamel. was arrested? in Montreal, on the charge of stealing J from Division No. 7, Railway Telegraphors, of which he was form. erly assistant pecretary- treasurer. A.W). Small has bought the Grand Opera 'House property, oronto, for 4000, and -n new -thegtre may be uilt on the site, that will kill the hopes of i ndent forces locating on a paying basis. A onetime pircus "wild man," big nsgro, underwent ¢n operation at Springfield, . Hl., to have removed a silver plate under his wealp, which teld a pair of horns to his head. His front teeth had gold crowns, to which tusks could be sarewed. was a Sv -- SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. Exception Proves Rule. New York Herald. * 'The way of the transgressor is hard""<if he n't away up in the life insuranse business, Its Right Name. Foronto News. A' drunken man in from time key Winnipeg died drinking carbolic acid. First we have noticed Winnipeg whis- called. by its right name. H there' are. po. women angels, as some ol: the New York preachers claim it will be harder th mee to go to church. "Why is. man born with closed fists ? Because he wants to grasp everything, And why does N¥ die with palms out- stretched » To, show that he takes nothing along 'with him," : oe 3 Er Growth Of Our Navy. Ottawa Free Press, - Tarther enlarged. boat will next year be ploughing the waters of Lake' Winnipeg. This stately craft is to cost $10,000, - Queer Guelph Mercury, Ihe United States is a country | ¢ where, if you take the first six you meet, take a policy on his life. W.C.T.U. MEETING. Looking. For Local Option in Many Places. The regular monthly meeting of the W.C'L.U was held, Thursday after noon, in the Y.W.C.A. The attendance was better than meuyal, and three new members were meeived. Mrs. Macal- lum, president, conducted the devo- tional exercisps! She gave an interest. ing talk ob the question put by Paul whin he fully realized the change that had come to him on the' way to Da- mascus. The members who had been appointed Sif the visiting committees reported that those visited had re- ceived them kindly and were grateful for the. sympathy extended to them. The treasurer, Mrs. Rogers, spoke en- couragingly of the finances. Arrange ments were made to have an 'At Home' some time during November. | Mrs. Macallum having been at the convention, held at Brockville, last week, géye a review of some of the special points which she noted, leaving a fuller report to be given at they At Home." The attendance was not so large as it always is when held in a more central locality, it fell slightly below the hundred, but nearly all the most prominent workers wore present. and much that was encouraging was told of how the cause of temperance is progressing in other parts of the pro- vince. aa The WC.T.U. will not ecase its of forts by agitation and education until prohibition is obtained. The conven- tion endorsed, and, encouraged local option; also Jhat ' the franchise be granted to women. It was urged that scientific temperance. be taught in schools and that prizes 'be given for the subject. The attention of the au- thorities is called to the measure, re- fe.ring to the opium traffic, and the convention will do all in its power to strengthen the hands-of those who are endeavoring to stop the use of opitm for degemcrating purposes: ese rive Pwith exptiicnge in rescie and stn. Tokio, Nov, 3.--It is réported here ork" ; that Baron Komurs, the foreign min- York, The character of Ha Play and ister, 'actonipanicd by H. W. Denison, of Judgment » appeals 0 | the foreign adviser ; of 'the Japanese may be understood accordingly. Shum | goverment will go to Pekin as 'spe scenes and slum sensations are not | cial envoy of Japen. . contributory tb the refinement - w hich ofle expects from a purified stage. An Appetite Tempter. Fhe rebuke of the author in = this Fark a develled 'chicken or game caxe iis especially stinging jn view of | With -orisp crackers or toast, well but. hi« "posings. in the Irving memorial tered and a cup of coon, Try it. articles. Shaw would have the people " believe that the great actor-was vain, | ---------------------- Love hes rights. Friendship must content herself with privileges, ap. a faint idea of the questions taken A numberof © the counties will try for local option during the! com- ing year. There are hopes also, of ite becoming the law in some of the larger cities. Toronto and London, for example, will tri it. $12 Raincoats, For $9. At George "Mills & Co's. 25 p. cs cash discount salp of men's fall rain coats. OF THE WORLD stand in review, of the + Angels. chrysanthemumg Chicago Record:Herald: we y sed from that of a tall man an ever to get the | "VOTY ¢ . in a big flower garde the mikado's birth, on N street, hy the members of The Dominion: nayy is to be. stil}. Jin this city, A "government -huily | 'V and Mrs. People. dinner to three hundred American guests at Sherry's, this ev- p.c. discount coats. ty-three, Seals in thef®, is stealing « Charles Nurse. NOVEMBER 3 THE MIKADO'S BIRTHDAY. ---- siasm. MIKADO OF JAPAN, Tokie, Nov, 3.--To-day is the birth day of the mikado, and it is safe tc An; 13, on witch day Emperor Mut sushito-was born, Was neve dae hobsgat el pithy AR Te A 2 generally as this year. mums ruled the day, The aled chrysanthemum of the emperor, the high esteem' in Japan 'and sively used on the emperor's birthday thé artistic decora Japanese excel. The victorious ending of "the war but i few 'weeks ago, the warlike : thusiasm <0 recen triumphant return of the fleet and the presence in the city of a large body of soldiers greatly contri buted to give to the celebration 10 day a decidedly martial color.™ As usual the morning 10 'a, review of "the yama Palace through which Chrysanthe sixteen-pet being occasion, of the en- tly rekindled by the was devoted troops on .the Ao- grounds, The: streets hee the troops marched were: gorgeously decorated with flags banners and ther artistic decorations and were lined 'with enormous crowds which cheered the 1 brave soldiers wi enthusiastic *"Banzgis" The er the crowd increased {o a thundering roar, when the mikado, dressed in military uniform, and surrounded hy a brilliant staf, approgehed. Thous ands of people surrounded * the Aaya wa Palace to obtain a glimpse of the emperor and his suite and to see the troops, marching past the imperigl One of the most attractive features celebration wags the display of in all parts of 'the very hue and shade, of a few. inches tq » were displayed iy Street and transformed the city the height * n. In the evening Bike ra Baron Komara, the minister of for. 'Guafting. clon affairs, ¥ill} give , rocption nt The Talmud. the Imperial Hotel," "to which three thousand persons have been invited, Events Elsewhere. Washington, D.C. Noy. the "Japanese minister I= Kogoro, will. celebrate ay at the legation giving a dinner © to the American colony The dinner will he strict a national affair, -- New York's Celebration. New « York, Nov, 3.--Consul-General | Sadazuchi Uchidy will give a Japanese and ning --in honor of the mikado's birth- men | day. The representatives of the Tokio You will find that one of | Papers in New York 'are included am ho 8x is trying to make an honest | ong the invited guests: The living,ard the other five are trying to | colony i Japantse will hold private celebrations $8 Raincoats, For $6. At George Mills & Co's. five day 23 sale of men's fall rain -- es John Mulhall, red haired and twen and who has spent three Kingston penitentiary for charged in Toronto. with 'pair. ef trousers' from re ---------- Walking Made Easy BY WEARING THE ACME. CUSHION SHOE Made with an all-wool felt innersole, which relieves all jar on nerves, stimu- lates blood circulation and Den the foot from heat or cold and puess, FOR SALE BY The Sawyer Shoe Store 212 Princess Street. Remember. Saturday cigar bargain: | -at Gibsog's Red Cross dmg store, It Was Celebrated With Enthu-' say that the Anniversary of November RO the crest flower stands jn is exten- » to "add beauty to Hons in which . the Japanese ppd Man} a cosy of ORC . Bron, ption itself, directly to 'only a cough." When the first cold f,may be trageg GRAY'S SYRUP OF RED SPRUCE py IT CURES COUGHS -- heals the in strengthens weak throats -- possible condition to resist t! Canadian winter... chitis, Pneumonia and ever dreaded Consam flam uts the lungs hed surfaces e trying effects ofc "Toagest ---- Bibby's ' = Bibby' > AE | WINTER BEAUTIES : THE ARLINGTON THE CHAMBERLAIN THE WESTMINSTER THE TOURIST $7:50, $8.50, $10, $12, $12.50, $13 50, $15, $16.50, to $18.50. : These coats are nade by business, and they are simply Overcoat elegance ang perfection. You'll certainly make no mistake if you buy your Winter Overcoat here." The lengths range from 40 to 52 inches. : "MEN'S GLOVES It's seldom, if ever that a man comes here for Gloves and does not find exactly what he wants. We've splendid Driving Gloves, Dressy Street Gloves and. correct Dress Gloves > Warm and comfortable Winter Gloves and Mittens. Strong and durable Working Gloves for all purposes, ~~ Gloves at'50c. to $4.50. We invite you to come here with any kind ofa Glove desire or requirement you may have. New Underwear, New Sweaters, Cardigan Coats; etc. THE H. D.-BIBBY CO, The Men's Wear Store, 78. 80, 82 Prificess Street, tm the best makers ip the DON'T MISS THIS GREAT om To be held at Princess Street, Nov. 4th. Just unpacked 150 Up-to-Date Men's and . Boys' Over- coats, all the latest patterns, striped and chedks, in English and Scoich Effects. : MEN'S OVERCOATS, prices ranging from $12 to $18, Your choice during this sale, $9. BO¥S' OVERCOATS, prices ranging from $7 to $12. Your choice during this sale, $4.75. They Are Actually Worth Double, ; This is your chance, you needa NEW OVERCOAT for yourself or your boy, a morey saving opportunity that appeals directly to your pocket. Jos. Abramson, The People's Clothier 180 Princess Street, Between Redden's and Crawford's Groceries. nts "The People's Clothing Store.', 180 for One Week, beginning Saturday, whet PEE SELLIDTD DIPLLPLE SrPO0I9E SHANNON FILES & CABINETS & ® - Transfer Cases. £ Card Index Outfits. Special 'Patient's Record' Cards tor Doctors and Dentists. Typewriter Ribbons and Carbon Papers. J. B. C. DOBBS & (0., 171 Wellington St. Typewriters for sale, to rent, repaired. 3453 PIR IIED $EFGIPPS $6350 pb . ; -- re] : MARRIED. BOTSFORD -- McKENDRY --At Qct. | UNDER: GUARD. ith, F. A Buffalo Police Think They Have McKendr Hamilton Murderer. Buffalo, N.Y., Nov. 3~The-unrderer of the unidentified * woman, who was found murdered at Hamilton, Cnt., is believed to be hiding 'in Buffalo, and . on G. Hamilton to »Margar (nee Fdwards) ' § DIED. the local police have: him undler sup- BY ERS > Sat : Patil 2m Une YERS.--At Gunanoqu veillance. Chici 'of Defectives Taylor Robert Byers, = aed said last night: "It" would be an: in stice to give out the name of the suspect. We helieve he is the man wanted for the wupder," but we "are not sure. 1 have notified the Hamilton police, that we suspect a man here, ard. asked them to sond With sex 10 id. entify him. 1 have nat seen 'anybody vet, and I think they are slow in coming. ! Vears JONES. ~On Oct. 28h Ranch, Alberta, in us year, Jonas Jones . late Db. Ford Jones -- Ga Wise Heads " eo dorbys. Wear Camphell Bros, ¥2 i ey cause 'for style and durabifl ave unexeclled. : a like pr % insincerity B® I'he kindness of nsin we vale te. Ce. It is a sirang fact that the most ! the beauty of artificial Jos, to Tepre moral people alway: are more. inter {it for what it - is intended ested in thy history of a noted crime 'sent. jo ples ar mel than iw the lives of saints and 4 One-hali © of the world's philanthropists, British. - IN OVERGOATS § OVERCOAT SALE! right in the season, just when" Nervous: Wol Zou Sufferings Are To to Uterine Disore Perhaps Unsuspect SRE A MEDICINE THAT C Can we the well fact that ( ou irritable; mil unable to qu etly at ] orm your daily tasks or children. The relation of the nerve erative organs in women that nine-tenths of the mary tration, nervous debility, ¢ sleeplessness, and nervous ir arise from some derangemer ism which makes her ts of depression or vestien irritability. . Spirits ouslly that one minute she laug! minute weeps. Pain in the o1 Petween the shoulders. Los: nervous dyspepsia. A Jenga st the least provesation, Al vous prostration. Nothing in relieve this d condition and prevent meal} tration and su ffering so sure E. Pinkhau's Vegetable Con Miss Lelah Stowell, of 17 ton St., Kingston, Ont. writ Pinkham :-- Dee medicine is indeed a Go tering women, and I onl wish tl knew what it can do hg» would be no need of their i miserable lives in agony. 1 years with bearing-down pains, e3 ousness and - excruciating head few bottles of - your Vegetab made life look new and sm light and happy and sickness is, and e years le Compound | shine into thousands of homes &n Will not the volumes of le women made strong by Lyd ham's' Vegetable Compoun: all women of its virtues? | cannot wish to remain sick and discouraged, exhausted when you can be as easil) other women. KILLED BY FEA Imagired He Had Ral of Congestion. New York, Nov. 3.=~Accor Herald, after being scratch teeth of go little pet. dog, never shown symptoms of ward Brunner, aged twent, duate of Columbia Univ schobl, athléte and nnusu gent, read books on rabies tots and tren (ment antil ol the idea that the dree had' seized him Jhrown into, an; acute } his imaginings he soon beg the symptoms of rabies,jbe ous and was taken front) Bellevue last Monday. from a window of a ~ wai "= Mowdav, hut was nninjure yesterday morning from teria. An autopsy disclo tion of the brain. Promised. A Civie Sc Winnipes, Nov. 3.--Mayo said to have in « preparat) which will throw a. bot civic circles. as it is said corruption in certain qua mayor has, so report goe on several ccs mplimentary terms one or two men ---------------------------------- Tip For Bather Algeria has a river of canised by the joining of one of which comes from ion, while the second st from a peat swamp. Cn 1 acid of (nek stream blend: iron solution of the othe) the result. -------------- dames B. Dickson, one most respected citizens, is He w vative, and president of tion of North Renfrew. 1] od by his wife of fifty yes and nine children. Seventy -ong years In Persia there are n breweries, or public hou five wine is the only beverage used Miss Lenn Hicks, Tyen WV. Andrew Cranston, married on October 25th. Gin Pills Will C Sick Kidn OR MONEY REF Don't you want to be ri Rig, Liting, torturing Pp - backanid tiirough the ki You want to sleep throu Without being disturbed 1 neys? Don't you want be well? Ifere's the way "I suffered from pain a the back. Sharp ius v unexpectedly, which w Severe as to produce fi Rheumatism Proves. Paius were so severe that 10 the bed for several mor to take Gin Pills, and in Up and around' thie hous are gone now, and I have + turn of the old trouble si Pills gave me the first pai urine 1 have had in two "Rost, DERRAUGH, You can't Bonestly dou ter such testimony as tl bold out certain relief fn "wre sold with an ironels Sure.or refund your mone 6 boxes for $2.50, "Atall will send ygu a trial box send us your name and the paper in which you dowy thie paper--get a Wiite us now before Bale Drug, Co., Wintipey