NI wits PACIFIC RAILWAY, LEAVE K , iF Ottawa, Mon- ingsto t 12:30 & W500 p.m. » to, 7; "St, John, lars at XK. & P. and C. P, jo Street. A POLO BR, JR. t Gen, Supt. Trains [, Agent B. Q. Ry. Kiaawten. Sn T Ll NDEHRY AL MAIL STEAMERS, fom: Montreal. From Quebec Rey v.27, 6am, 27, 13 pom, rl, Nov, 3. 6am, 8, 6 pom, iw Nov, 1 6 san 10, 1ipan 1 Nov. 17,-6'aan, 17 4 pan. D GLASGOW. DIRECT. Thurs., Ot. 26, (daylight). REAL TO LONDON. 'Oct. 28. Yometaning, v. 11 BY, Afen GAR, Cit Ri ". "p a o Clarence Htroot, No ILD Ei rio and Bay of Quinte oat Co., Limited, STR. "ALETHA" NGING otise Larke, A.T.C.M. il of Hermann Xtal, od Fork. 0 Sol Byd- wodist 'church, Pupils pre CUonservatory and University LS rh 1 Romilly House, 7 Batrio St. May | Fall Term. oe | Sept. 5th Kingston Business Gollege IMITED H of Queen St, - - = Ong MODERN, PERMANENT, RE- LIABLE SCHOOL, Established In 1883 ., 'somplete, thorotigh, individual ton' given in all tame 1 sub ; thro "wh , rit or (aheoughy for terms And tata cata nr slau, A ah 0) soNnoN AND GLOBE Hel o Farm pf INGSTON :-- pointe, at 5:45 om. ¥ | | Fine ! "supplied TIRED "our an early grave, irregular spells, ete, Pills aro indicated for all diseases heart or of Lhe narve centres. with nervousness and Leart much. 1 have recommended neighbors and friedds, dent to a Dillous ata'eof tha § hy 3 VELICRR, satin nin tie Sig Pain in ty 1 » Readache, yet Carter' equally valualle in Con venting this angio ying eon earrectnildis lalist, Batoly thelrgoodness do Wwhoonee try them wil thers do not They are strictly vegitatlo an thelr 'un OF 4 artistie designs, Fancy Mahogany Oval Parlor Tables, * Try Myers' hs MEATS. notgetthe genuine ar ae Fancy Parlor Furniture, uniess satisfactory service that all over Canada they are ¢ red to the products foreign workshops or ns. Insist fro i on Being MEN AT THE OFFICE USED WOMEN IN THE HOME UP ciiLonen aT schoo AND (Eyery day in the week and every week ip the year men, women and childeen feel all used up and tired out. The strain of business, the caves of home and sotial life and the task of study cause terrible suffer- 'ing from heart sud nerve troubles. The efforts put forth to keep up to the modern "high pressure" mode of life in this age soon wears ont. the strongest system, shatters the nerves and weakens the heart. Thousands find life a burden and others The strain on the system tanses nervousness, palpitation of the heart, nervous prostration, sleeplesancss, . faint and dizzy spells, skip beats; weak and go, smothering and sinkin, The blood becomes weak 'a watery and eventually causes decline, Milburn's Heart and Nerve arising from s'weak snd debilitated condition of the Mrs. Thos, Hall, Keldon, Ont, writes 1 ** For the t two or three years 1 have been troubled fuilure, and thie doctors failed to give me any reliof. 1 decided at last to give Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills a trial, and 1 would 'not now be without them if they coat twice as them to my Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills 50 ota. r box.or 3 for $1.25, all dealers, or The vw Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Opts Bick Meadaeho and reliovs 11 (ho tronbieg tnefe tom, such aa Distress after While their mous BBO kuceont bas boon Alo wn Iu Gurig : 1 C K 3 tHe Liver Pills ave 0, CUP And pros bila they nise anol bosiomach stimulate the Hyer and rogulito the bowels, Even if they ouly HEAD 'Hehe they would boalmost priceless to those who suffer from (his dlutressing complaint; but forte notond Lieve and those A those tthe pills vals, in squnany vay thas tiey will not ba wil. do without them, But aftor alisiek hoad ACHE. he bane of to many Hivos (hak here Ia where taake our great boast, Our pillacure it while I" Oartar's Litile Livor Pills are very small and yory easy to take, Ono or two Fils wake a doer d do not gripe of 8 ploaso all wha cents; fivafor $1, Sold a, oF pent by mail, CANTER MED'CINE COL, New Yark, BOA fod Dn fod Bn See Window Display THIS WEEK the most Fancy Mahogany Chairs and Rockers, upholstered in all shades, silks. or Square Fancy Parlor and China Calitnets, alae Fancy Couclies. Rug aiid: Velour Parlor Seta, Reduced Prices This Week at JAMES REID'S for COOKED eases of cova have been manifest STRANGE + » WiT ea ald © } ow MANY CASES OF COMA IN 'IOWA TOWN, rade t Man Diss Kiter 'Sixty Days Sleep ; i Cases-- | tients Recover Others i --0 Inexplicable Eldova, lowa, Nov. 3.-A number of ih lowa during the pest. memth, and per sully have slept from eight days 1, fifty-six days without waking. - Mason City had tha strangest caseé .in Wik ham Backe, who slept for nearly sixty days and died without haviog bey awake onek, A women ih the same town was in a comatose state for a considerable length of time, but finhlly awakened, ond is alive und well, short nap. At five o'clock whin: the mother. came to awaken her datighter, she failed to rouse her and discovered that her jaws were tightly set, , A physicin tried his best to awaken the girl, but was ugable to do so. Cold baths and electrieity, which were im- midigtely apphed, proved of no avail! Two hours later capsciousnoss partly returned to the sleeper, although she did not open her coves. She endeavored to communicate to the watchers at her bedpide in the mute language of the deai and dumb--the finger alka bet, > For four days the jaws of the pa- tient were get tightly, Tawt at the end of that time they related antl the physiciay ~~ was able to admigister ligiiid" noneishwient ond medicine. From then cn her more marked. dhe stupor. was succeeded by a sleep of g moré nalaral kind, and on the morning of the eighth day she aWoke in her usual health, and arose as though she had just finished a re freshing sleep of a fow hours' tig, There has boen ng reenrrence of the strange condition; and physicians are of the opinion that Miss Herrington will not be troubled again, © She has no recollection' af the = eight days' slumber. improvement was durg Improvements On Church. Perth «Koad, Nov, 1- The funeral of the = late John Rowshorn passigl through bere on the way to Wilmur [eempetery Deceased was well-known in this vicinity having lived for many yours gear: here, The hereaved friends have the sympathy of the community: Fhe timksgiving tea on the 20th, vis 1 decided success, both so-ial and fniy dal, Sunday evening Rev, Thom ns Richards, Inverary, conducted snr ramental Sserviess in the Mpthodisg livel. Much credit is due to the lad ws' aid for the improvements made on the: church. Tt looks very attrge- tive with its new coat of paint. John Harvie ill for the past fow days, slowly recovering, A, Enpis has rent ed hi farm ta, Charles. Peters, and but moved his family to Western On- is tatia, Russell, Rowshorn, and sister, Watertown, N.Y; have , Sob renew ing FOES RERA There NRT Nioneds, Wilmur, at William Annis'. H. Shales at €. Babeoek's. Frank Stoness and PP, Roberts at home Hallowe'en passed off quietly in the villaee,* I he boys devoted their time building fences "for the farmers. Presentation At Pittsburg. N. Garsline, of "the township of Pittshurg, roe nily sobd his farm to W. Gowldon, Sunbury, and with his fa mily. will remove to, Edmonton, NW I, where Mr. Gorsfine has purchased 8 ranch, On Wednesday evening, Nov ember 1st, the many friends of Mes end Mrs, Gorsline organized g surprise party, and bid good-bye and best wishes to, them, Mes. Walier Waods read an address expressing regret at their proposed leaving, and wishing the family good healih and good lek in the distant west ter made the presentation of a writ ing desk Both Mr: and Mes. Gorsline appreciated the 'marks of esteem from their neighbors and suitably acknow lodged the kifidimess, Mr. Gorsline said that while the west might offer engie ing advantages, vet (here would many when the family would appreciate the loss of the good friends th dear old Frontenac, Charles Trot tines Marysville Matters Marysville, Nov. 1.--Misses Emma and Bertha Gould, spent Thanksgiving in Foxhora and Belleville. "Mr. Rose Year and daughter. Sola, after spend ing a couple "of weeks in Belleville, called frionds here on Saturday, on route fo their home in Kingston, on Mrs, John S. Meagher -is visiting her Sisters, othe. Misses Shoshan, West brooke.' Misges B, Marsh and M Nal an, ent Thanksgiving with Miss wnor, Claude Sexsmith, is visiting he sistor. Mrs. John Rus sell. Rébert Harpell, Inverary, was renewing old week acquaintances here this Several from here attended the masquerade dance at John Allison's, 2nd concession on Hallowe'en -------------- 'Three Swallows," Sir John Power and Son's "Three Swallows" Irish Whiskey, famous for over a century, Of highest grandard of purity. Distillers to His Majesty the King. --e---------- London Was © increased during tho year 14 hy: 374 new streets, with a total Marth of over seventy-lpur miles and, 23.269 new houses were built, Camels were used as beasts of bur den in Hungary up to the IMh cen tury. { Strong Partnership. When in. need | of liquid oxygen for for the speedy removal of any internal' gerne, ask vour druggist for the 'So. lution of Ozone (the coupon Kind)", With each battle is given free a pack- age of "Celery King" a' popular tonic laxative 'Heedéd to cleanse the system alter the stringent "effect of the con- Centrated Ozone, We have the sola right to manufacture "Celory Kine and thus are able to include with every battle of "Solution of Ozone" a coupon fon a free package of the fam. ous laxative which is essehtiak to the best results in the use of Ozone, Rath products manufactured by the Public rug company, Bridgeburg, Oat, TMT DAILY WHI SICKNESS In Clinton eounty, Ruth Herrington, | a fifteen-year-old school girl, was in a | trance for eight diys. On August 3isy the girf said she was going to take | be 1 rT -- A v ELECGTRICITY. KEEPS HOUSE. Eggs Cooked and Beds By > Warmed London, Nov. 3. ---One roads ui: the luxuries and "modern improvements" found in the New York hoo and apartments, but Londdmers are in dined to doubt whether electricity plays a more important part in the domestic economy of New York than it does in a sot of west end bachelor | flats that have market, To. begin the dayv'a handsome shaving .mug by - invisible means heats the water for, the morning shave. OF if more hot water is 'wanted a large métal jug of classical design will fur nish it. Should one be. lazy ahd dis inclined | 10 up, bachelor often id, a having seep the . Just heen put on the get as a luxurious diserort servant, water 'boil in the sug. will reduce the Heat and the water is ready at a perfect tempera ture whenever the laggagd rises. Breakfast presentd no diffieities to the occupant of the "#etrivally odin ped flat or rooms, CA neat grill stands on the table and ohe at Once can start cooking hig rasherst of hacon, hig stéak, or his chop. "Should hi pre fer frying them or an egg; there is pn nat pan ready, at his hand. When "he wants his ogre boiled another ap plamee is produced, Shaped. like egg itself, the top "lifts: off and the eges are placed in a, rack inside, and muy he cogked to what stage of soit ness or hardness the cater wishes His tea the hachelor has made in bie favorite pot; Smdtng The water in a kétde of an omamenitad shape whish ix winging away meirily on the table 'His after-hrepkiast cigarette het Jights from the latest doviee--a small utd lamp, which goes out the moment a cord is reliised, and when not in us» makes an ofivctive wall decoration, After dinner coliee is the product the electricians' pride + themdelved upon The pot ie an ingenious ene an © » Internally thers is a 'space for = hot water and above it in acstrainer the froshly praund, coffees jugs firned out from an electrically«driven ,coffes n ill The pot swings in a stand Wottom up ward, and when the waten gieams, the user simply disconnects thy eurdent, Fturng the pot: ove and biggrin. $ A RATHI 2a seen of EYER vglioe has the advantage of first haying heen team od before the hailing . water passes | over it So the day goss on until once 'more thee hed warmer, which "is of the gol old-fashioned, Jong handled type, © is brought to Lastly, for really cold nights an oléctric Toot Warner may he utilized, atvanged to Kapfint one temperature thin iow the might. § od Hse KILLS LIONS! AJ DEAS, Mrs. Wright Frees Her Camp of Tntyudersgy i'l = Log Angeles Times? " Mrs, oly C. Wright of San Bemanrdl- no, has' qualified as g-fipgr: clade jo male nimrod, Li With her husband antl Mand Mrs. James © Price, Mrs. Wright has. been | encamped. on Cable mountain, a wild and little frequented peak 'ol the San Jernardino ' mountains. To attest her prowess qyith the smallbore ville, the lady now has mementos: of hoy trip the hides af aipoinga ow: and b threo wileats, all Wed oy an ab - by: her own hand. <5 a 1 he Weight camp far sevoral aights had been a perfect bedlam with the shrigks of wild animals © of the cat kind, Meg: Wright made up her mind» to see what making the racket and the might of, the eclipse, "while her hashand 'and Mr. Price wire off on a fishing trip, she climbed a tree.) with her rifle, and plenty of cartridges, and began her dong vigil : as was Just ns the ,meon. vas ealiphmed™ ¥i great grey body came fore her sights, and the wile cracked. Mes, Wright stayed in her (hee, and in Wall an hour x smaller creature starts od' ta éross. the path, Again the little gun eracked, and victim: Xo. .2, struck out for the brush. The lady remained on' her perch un- til the return of her husband and his companion, when search was Beoun for the Bodies of the animals, The Kon was auite dead, and perished where it fell, the cat had dragged itself off in to the hrush a few rods, but was stiff ! and cold when found Stimulated to further _ efforts hor success, Mrs. Wright went out acnin Inter and added' another pair of wileats to her collection of which any man- hunter micht he wall proud by Hill For The Pole. Tarento Mail : James 3 Hill, was asked the other day by a New York Tribune reporter if the rumor was trae that the Great Narthern would be extended to Winni peg. and finally to Hudson Bay. He replied : © - "We are going to wait for Peary to discover the Pole, and then we will hisld by war of Baffin's Dav en pon toons. The climate is {ne up there ten months of cwinter and two months of fall. The ties, embedded in ice, wilt list for a hundred years." A marble statud" of Queen Victoria, rected as a town's memarial af Blackburn, was unveiled in the® pre sence of many thousands of people hy Princess Louise, Dirchess of Argyll, the memorial cost ov £3,000. Her Roy al Highness afterwards formally op ened" sok homes at' Bupnley, G.. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 3. = |. but all over Canada Fra iil qe BACK FROM THE DEAD. | Bandini Back Aiter Thirty Years "Absence. Rome, Nov," 2 Italian papers are filled with the romantic life story Gf Enrico: Bandini, lieved dead for who, after being be thirty vears, has now returned to his family at. San Cas ciano, near Florence. In April, IN77, Bandini went to St Petersburg, where he traded in Flor hats and objects of art Suddenly all news from him ceased. atid enquiries remained unanswered Investigation through official channels | result. It was nated; however, that Bandini™s sudden ent raw also remained without silence coincided. with the -assassina tien--of (zar-Mexander {1 Bandini's family gave their: relative up as lost \ few days' ago a man of about fifty-three entered "a cafe at San Casclano and made inquiry from the proprietor about thé Bandini family. Un heing s told that Encico Bandini ppeared long ago and was he had « lioved to, he dead, the stranger dra matically revealed' himself ® as the man. His rélations «id not him, but his knowledge @ of certain. minute particnlars cone = the family convinced them that h was really the man. whom they hud mourned as dead i Banilini's stord is That he 'hecame nivolved in the, revolutionary 'move mint, and, though - entirely innocent. Was arrested, together with" fifteen the wv the Em Alexander's ination. He, TOWAVer, managhd to escape to Ame rea, where he some money in cotppanions, dav ¢ pros succeded trade ex( In saving Some of his compdnions uted and othr wot to Sihorty. Bandini arn to and oven afterwards Russia ventured under an | stieceeded in_obtaining tH re as nme 131n a position' on' the Trans-Siberian rail way. In 1899 he retur to Ar and through fortun peenlat became the owner 3.000, with "which he has now meta home, and expects to spend the remainder of hi days jin peace Broke His Axle. Mount Chesney, Nov P--~Our fac STS running with a good sup milk, A ply of successful rate was held at C. Gordell's on Friday oven mg lust." All Hallowe'en passed off very quietly: the ofd-time custom is gradually' dv Hunting is the order i the Reports say a | ereat carcity ranmie. But it seems us though the hunters. are hot dis {con Lhe apple pickers arc "till busy wn the neighborhood. Visitors : David Gowan, Watertown, N.\ . af } mel Henry Mrs." S d.ambart at R, Hugh Fowler. has 1 I from the North West, * where he spent the last two mont! I'he Sisters.of Charity paid their anpual call to this ne ighhor boad on Tuesday, W Smith, 'Sun bury. while passing through here on hismwgy to Kingston with a load of chose, 'had the misfortune to br ak the axle of his waggon. He had fo boxtow one of the neighbor's to pro cetd on his journey Home From Wedding Tour. ; ERginburg, Nos 2o-harterly sor Micey will be held here on Sunday mokding at half past ten, Ihe-- WM No of Kepler, will meet at Mf Ww. WV. Kiell's on Mouday® af rnoon. | es lie Clogg. down fr m Toronto to attend his sister's wodding, returnid on' Moiiday Mrs. SN. Knight is visit ig her mother ag Mexandria H Bearance and bride' have returned from their wedding trip. W Jearance andifamily have moved to the city. MrsXAshurst is visiting at her sie. teri Mes: Graham, Kingston, Visi- taf Mrs. Smith, Collins Bay, at J H. Lake Mrs. Cranston and dangh ter and Porter brothers, Watertown, at John Porter Miss Knapp, Sven ham," at J." Clogg' Twentieth Wedding Anniversary, Un Saturday the home of Mr lev, Pitisferry evening, October 25th, and Mrs. Frank Ash wus the scene of o happy 'gathering. As an Vidence of the high ¢steem in which they held tok : invitation to twentieth anniversary of to spend a most en and to wish them are a large number of their friends ® advantage of a welcome. celebrate the their wedding, Jjovahle ayy ning many further years of enjoyment of each others helpfulness Refreshments Were gerved on prettily decorated tables, Afterwards happy address s wd Sheeting music whiled away the hours. msivre-------- The arrival of three trains at once at the station at Westsprimges, i. «, confused Hazel 'and Fva (iar aged seventeen and fourteen spective lv, that they were rug dswn and kill ed by a fast mail train. "Mechanics Wanted" cs Wan fone cent PER WoRo) 3 houses, sot only in 'Toronto, : , fely on "The Globe to Supply thems with good mechanics. Ix one day, ! 73 firnds niade Business kuowy their wants in * Th ec Globe," Answer "The Globe '* ads and greta good ho AAS FT ETN A Ir 7 NADIAN RUBBER CO. - Make The Best Rubbers Rubbers are a necessity and when you ra SEA buy be sure and 'get the best. We recommend the Canadian Rubber Company's goods be- cause they wear longer, 'fit better and look better than' any other make. We have all sizes and shapes. J. H. Sutherland & Bro. - y bop Big Bargains SATURDAY Hive! HD Women's Cloth Skivis, value $3.59 to NT50 Saturday 82.50 3 Women's AllWoal Striped Faney Cord Waits; vale 82 ech 200 varls Plush Robe lini \ sgap for Sat ay only at 50 200 Theos: Good Remnants, ut heli ve mila Won en's Cloth Svits clearing at half resular price Chilileen's Cloth Suits, Coat.and, Skirt, 85 t) 8 30, for 82.50 Vapis ry, Wool and Hemp Carpets, Saturday 'only: seduend 10 per Our Hosiery, and Gloves leas evervene Ord r vour New Winter Hat her Mga. Adams and ' her trimma suit you to nF with siyle and | rice. Saturday 'Night Double Coupon Checks pralbcash sales: CRUMLEY BROS. OVERCOAT BARGAINS 30 dozen Men's, Youths' and Boys' High Class Overcoats We have purchased the above: OVERCOAES to the manufacturer, who was 'in, eed of ready cash." We pu Overcoats ON SALE TO-DAY AND ALL THIS WEEK OVERCOATS that aré worth $18 and $20 at the low price of rxrmevaeenae rs $310.00. OVERCOATS that are worth $12 and $15 price at great sacrihioc at the low rar tEerve ven shen ii $8.00, OVERCOATS that are worth 8 and $10 at" the' low price of....... TIANA Saas eee vy anion te $8.00. Remember they are all high-class, leading styles and colors. of i, iu... well-made Overcoats, of the It would be worth your while to look" at them. Your Meney Back if Not Satisfied. L. Abramson, The Up-Town Clothier 336 PRINCESS STREET. WHY ? Are there more "Happy Thought" Ranges sold in Kingston and district than all other makes combined ? If you require a New Cook Stove this year it will pay you to seek the answer to the above question, ------ McKELVEY & BIRCH, 59 and 71 Brock Street, Kingston. §TOEEO00 3000000000 0000 0w . Lady Caramels :, Very Fine ; ; Only 20c. Per Pound ; At ms connected with the fisheries are handled Tree of toll. position. 4 A.J. REES, Princess St. of lesa. acres, more f be wade focal land of taken in : SYNOPE 0! a ee CANADIAN NORTH-W - 15 OF STEAD REGULATION! van pumbered section of 5 an} ne in Mat es 8 tha NK i pS Ave) Tn Bro oy be ho mesteaded upon by reed Bi Ue solo bead of a Iu ra male over 18 ye ot e-quarter. section, 5 poreonally a 3 bee. fu e district in office for Lh Based, or 1 he pues Minisver of "tl Yo io tha Comuissioner of Imm Uutaw Winnipeg, OF the Jos agen Sony trict in which the la dis a ele authority for sole a ay OUR TiS A settle yor A HOMES? ed an enury for » ) Jas bets required - to perforin a Hut = nnected therewith un itions CO! SR au following pluns » d father is Ue nit six months residence HY) hed of the lands in each nd StI term of three years. \ uring 2 the father (OF mother, @ coused) of uny persan w Ja to make . a howestead entr eligil sisions of this Act, re der the ProvISs, Os cinity of the pon @ farin tered flead, tho requ yesidence prior be satistied by such. person as a | foments of this Act to obtaining patent ich person residing other. settler 'has his perm farming land oWne for by father or 1 n It the once upon 0 fesidon the vicinity "of" ms honiast ops ii irements of this Act as to ig residence upo way be satisfied LY d. land, MI GATION be made Al tore, the Loca FOR PATENT & the end of three year I Agent, SubsAgent © Homestead Inspector. the settler i » 2 application for v Jain Live olX muoaths' to the Commissioner o is at Ottawa, of Lis int Hefore n writing winion Land 1 do su. SINOPSIS ey | per acre pi Not mote than be acquired any. Royalty on the gioss output. CANADIAN AOL Wi MINING REGULALIUN 'Coal. lands 'may be purchu Conlon sult coal' pot < 320 acn or OF by oue individual at the rate of ten or ton of 2.000 pounds shall be col iner' ifice --A free miner's certlf Saris up payment Min AAvVaS i for an individual $7.50 per annum trom $50 to $100 pe; annum for a any according to gavital ered. free winery, having discover: Be. may locate a claim 1 ot. " ve ou for recording a claim is '§ At least $100 must be expended ¢ cisis each year or paid to the alu corder in lien thereof? When $5 been expended or paid, the locator won having a survey made, an complying With other requirements chase the land at $1 an acre. The patent provides for the payn pirovalty of 24 per cent on the sa PLACER mining claims general 100 feet square ; entry fee $5, ren yeariy. A free miner may obtain two le: dredge for gold of five miles each term of tweity years, renewable. discretipn 'of the Minster of thé In The lessed shall have a dredge in ation within one season from the d the lease for each five miles. Rent: per annum for. each mile of river Royalty at the jae of HM pe en after ex 9.08 he Oui pat W. W. CORY Deputy of the Minister of the In N.B.--Unauthgrized _ publication wdvertisement will not be paid for X-RA BT [i The Polish that wom't wear Sold Only at' Strachan's Ha 800000000000000000 'Clean, Honest That 1s the kind we sell Kind you should bura it you & satisfaction fire. We are filllug orders now winter supplies. Have you or yours yet? 'Phone No, 188, BOOTH &C QO0000000 EMBOSSING i for Paper and Ent ENGRAVING &2 Letter Pr oa! classes of Lett a card to a volum THE WHIG, Kir ! § TVR VVVV VDA "THERE 1S A TIME FOR ALL THINGS." Now, while prices low, is the time to ur coal bin with ality SCRANTON | m : y q fro 0 u P. Walsh's Yi BARRACK STREET, cscs assssssecseeeee "THE FRONTENAC LOAN & INVESTMENT S0( (ESTARLISKE President--gyr Richysd Gus eit Isaned on "City ws os, Municipal 8. ¢ McGill, Ofica, interes Managing I 97 Clarence Street. K emesis DONT KEE] BACHELOR'S k Whils yoy Bhe wong oh at you bus he THE COMFORTS Of - ¥ taking your meals at the OIS HO SE -- seven ships of mast is at sides thirty: o Bite K'nod, Year He new ships, :