IEE ATS EE a DIAN : SYHOPE HO! evan pumbe ads in Mar it west Provinces, excej ved, Wo eser who Any the fon ra toha or is the sule hea yor 18 years ol age, e-Qua rier section, je 0 je na 3 o ~ for he district 'in o taken iw sivuated, or jer desires, fie way. howes Minisver of Interior, p ° Yon hi a Comuntssioner of Immigra: ; otawe, veg, or the local agent for Stony trict in which the laud is situate, u ers he authority jor some Obe to waka try for hit, JUTIES : A settler who HOMESTEAD 1 an eoury for a home d is Sion connected there the following pluns (1) At least six Tt with under when you buy 'onthe residence We recommend 'cultivation of adv the term of three years. a) { the father (or mother, pceused) 0 ther is deceased hn la to make . a any's goods he- 5 : eligib! o g { this Act, resides a : pl der the provisiany, © vicinity of the land better and look ¥ ios afarin_in hn person as a boine- tered for by stead, the reaui wesidence prior pe satislied by h) father or 1 W3y It the residence upon .other. e. We have all uiremen ay pe satisfied bY Jand. WI GATION be made at estoad Imspector. Nefore making ; the settler must give oiX munths fn writing to the yea CANADIAN NOPSIS > BA REGUL FLO archi or oh MINING Coal.--Coal. lunils 'way be $10 per acre fur sult coal' pol anthracite. Not more than be acquired by ou? individual or yany.. loyalty at the rate of ten ver ton of 2,000 pounds shall be col on the gioss output. Quartz.--A free granted wpYn payment $7.50 per annum trom $50 to $100 pes annum for a pany according to capital. A {reo minor, ta place, .uay 1.500 feet in locate a corder in lien thereof? been expended or paid, the locator won having a survey made, and complying with other requirements chase the land at $1' an acre. The patent provides for the payment of provalty of 24 per cent on the sal mining claims generally are 100 feet square ; entry fee $5, renewable PLACER yearly. dredge for gold of five miles each @ eg The lessed shall have a dredge in 1 Saturday vale Ropalty at the rate of 2§4 per cent c od on the output after it exceeds $10,000 Saturday onh LB W. W. CORY: 1 I AL: Deputy of the Minister of the Interior r Ie N.B.--~Unauthgrized . publication of this ur price wdvertisement Will not be paid for. it) S30, for 82.50 -- he ; uy 'only redn 10 per ams and © her trimmers will cks om ath cash sales: BROS. igh Class Overcoats COATES at great sacrihoc The Polish ready cash." We put the 'Clean, L THIS WEEK. Honest COA and $20 at the low That 1s the kind Jeranse.. $10.00, and $15 at the low rene via. i $8.00, ind $10 at the low $5.00. |-made Overcoats, of the & satisfaction fire. We are filling orders now yours yet? 'Phone No, 188, QOCV000O0 EMBOSSING it them. t Satisfied, [own Clothier ENGRAVING Besides ali . Cinsses pf Letter Printing fro i a card to a volume, -- "THERE IS A TIME FOR ALL THINGS." Now, while prices low, is the time to fr om P. Walsh's Ya BARRACK STREET. ' ' ' ' ' ! 1 ' ' ' | ' ' ' ' ' | [J] BIRCH, Kingston. OOGEECEOW ; (ESTARLY Proatdung LATISEED 1863. ouey leaned 3 on Properting, Nr. Municipal ts. recalved 8. C. Mean, Des. 97 Cia City and and 3 mels DON'T KEEP Whila your wile Would rather ha THE Co, By taking IR Besidey 4 Unite thirty:seven ns is at Ve you enjoy ound cess St. ® GOPIOOS ships of w last nado, aw ships, ™ 15 OF CANADIAN NORTH-WEST MESTEAD REGULATIONS Dr red section of Domip- No ting 8 and 2 not ps d upon hy any ¥ ve homestand ae as to the of personally at the on applica: he has beet RE quired to perform the con the landt in each yeas t any persan who is howestead entry un- rements of this Act as to to obtaining patent mav ich person residing with settler 'has his permanent farming land owned by Riu in the vicinity "of ns honiestepd, the ats of this Act as to residence residence upon the FOR PATENT should the end of three years, Le wocal Agent, SubsAgent or the application' for patent Commissioner of bLo- winion Lands at Ottawa, of Lis intention NURTH 320 tor 320 acres can wine's certificate i Advance ol for an individual, and having discovered mineral claim 1,500x The .2e for recording a claim is $5. At least $100 must be expended on the claim each year or paid to the mining re When $500 har A free miner may obtain two leases to term of twerity years, renewable' at the discretipn of the Mimster of thé Interior ation within one season from the date of the lease for each five miles. Rental, $10 per annum for. each mile of river lensed that wom't wear offs Sold Only at' Strachan's Hardware A we sell--The Kind you should burma If you want Winter supplies. Have you ordered BOOTH & CO. Crests and Hradings for Paper and Envelops s Calling Cards and Letter Heads Bsriccsssrcccsnasond ur coal bin with best yo quality SCRANTON COAL THE FRONTENAC r LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIETY, d Cartwright rence Street. Kingstos the eea-sid UOIS HOTEL. We 160 which if the one upon if the notice ec a! coun cents lected cowm- may upon ,- pur- 68 for a oper- ollect L: 1 Press THE WHIG, Kingston ¢ : ¢ are fill rd! ¢ [ CHELOR'S HALL MFORTS OF HOME Ge : Powders ing the $0 many T ). ==. takes \ because WinosoR, ONT. Does bodyt becol may be. impurities and m me. since." Gloves "Perrin n fect dye. ar the vear launched * fis beast" of bur Tn Abyssinia a places is sold by Bu- poisons in the kidneys. act directly on these vilal organs, strengthen and heal, reduce the inflammation--and stop the headaches because they remove every trace of Kidney Trouble: At druggists, ' THE CLAFLIN CHEMICAL Co., LimITED; kin, digestion and assimilation. Mr. R. G. Harvey, Ameliasburg, Ont., writes: 'I have been troubled with dys- pepsia for several years and after using three bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters | was completely cured. B.B.B. enough for what it has done for I have hot had a sign of dyspepsia "Perrin" Black Suede have all the fit and finish, while the kid used is of remark- 'able softness and per- Ask your dealer for « Perrin Black Suede Gloves GILLETTS ABSOLUTELY PURE CREAM TARTAR Nearly all goods in this line at the resent {ime are a Jact unfit-to use. GILLETT'S is used by the best bakers aed caterers everywhe! REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. GILLETT'S costs no more than the inferior adulterated goods. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. E.W.GILLETT TORONTO, ONT. Many a Woman is | Taking.Headache whoought to be taking Bu-Ju. The kidneys are maki head ache. hey are not doing their work purifying the blood--not ridd- the properly -- mot system of isons. These impurities stagnate the blood --irritate the nerves-- and bring the headaches that women suffer with. Ju HE GENTLE KIDNEY CURE away the headaches they take away the They NEw York, Your FOOD Digest Well ? When the food is imperfectly digested the full benefit is not derived from it 'hy the body and the purpose of eating is do- feated ; no matter. how good the food or how-carefully adapted to the wants of the it _Thus the dyspeptic often thin, weak. and debilsted, energy is lacking, brightness, snap and vim are' lost, and in their place'come dullness, lost appetite, depression and langour. It takes no great knowledge to know when one has indigestion, some of the following symp- toms generally exist, viz.: constipation, sour stomach, variable appetite, headache, heartburn, gas in the stomach, ete. The great poiat'is to cure it, to get back bounding health and vigor. BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS - is constantly effecting cures of dyspepsia hecause it acts in a natural yet effective way upon all the organs invoived in the process of digestion, removing all clogging easy the work of I cannot Do not accept a substitute, for B.B.B. There is nothing *' just as good." perfection of dulterated and in rg. COMPANY LIMITED of mucous em Sold by Circalar « ol oa request C. H POWELL CARPENTER AND JOBBER, 103 Raglan Street. stall many » 'th woman's' load. man's awife is len. Wood in praise Ri CH DE ORE THE MYSTERY OF GLAMIS CAS. TLE REVEALED TO HEIR. Secret of Centuries Been at Any | son, Not Even the Earl's Wife, Has | Been Able to Penetrate the Mystery. The grim secret which for centuries has hung over Glamis Castle, and has been preserved inviolate from genera- tion to generation, was, in accordance with immemorial tradition, communi- cated to Lord Glamis, heir to the Barl- dom of Strathmore, shortly before mid- night on the eve of his coming of age recently. 2 To three persons alone--the earl, the heir to the estate, and the factor--has the dread secret been at any one time | known. No fourth person, not even the earl's wife, has even been able to. pene- trate the mystery. The story goes that there is 'a se- cret chamber which is crédited by the superstitious with many weird tenants. One of the most popular solutions of the mystery Is that the haunted room ! contains the skeletons of a rival chlef- tain--an Ogilvy--and his clan, who were walled up in it, and in an agony of starvation practically ate each other, Xt Then the superstitious country folk believe that in every generation of the family a monster is born and after- wdrds immured in the grim chamber. Once a Countess of Strathmore ask- ed the agent to reveal it to her. "My lady," he answered, sadly, "it you could guess even _ the natufe of this: secret vou would go down on your knees and thank God that you are ignorant of it." One of the stories relates to the ex- ploit of a former Countess of Strath- more, She, taking advantage of the temporary absence of the earl, deter. mined to ascérfain {hes whereabouts of the celebrated secret chamber, and ar- ranged with a party of guests staying at the castle to hang towels and sheeis out of every window 'with a view of identifying in this way that of the un- known apartment. Just as the plan was executed, however, the earl re- turned unexpectedly, to the consterna- tion of the guests &nd the undoing of the countess. Sir Horace Rumbold tells the above story in his "Recollections," and also records that, though utterly free from Syperelition himself, his nights were oppressed by indefinable and uncom- fortable feelings duripg the whole time of his stay in the castle, under other- wise delightful conditions, some years ago. Likewise he states that the fac- tor of that time who shared the mys- tery with the earl and his heir would never, under any circumstances, how- ever late the hour or wild the night, sleep under the roof of the castle. Another tale, which is popular in many parts of Scotland, is that in old- en days a"Lord Glamis and a friend were playing cards in this room, and forgot that Sunday was fast approach- ing. When reminded of this fact by a ser- vant they only "swore with a loud oath" that the game should be finished it it took them until Doomsday. Hardly had the words left their lips than a "stranger, dressed in black." ap- peared, and told the gamblers that he would take them at their word. Since then the ghosts of the dead playérs annually: meet in the secret room" of the castl® and play till cock= crow. Another stery has it that .a terrible something, which never, dies and which occasionally breaks loose, is kept chained in the chamber. | The nearest approach to finding the chamber is said to have been made by a young doctor who was staying in the | Use Big 4 for nunatars! sy discharg sin flammations irritation s or alceration: ane; . Painiése, and not sstrio . gent of poisuun by exprew, prepaid, for 81.90. ir 3 bottle 00.78 castle professionally. Finding his car- pet had been moved he shifted the | furniture and investigated. He discov- i ered a trap-door leading to some steps, | descended, and proceeded along a wind- ing passage. Suddenly his way was barred by a wall so newly Prastered that on touch- ing it'his finger sunk into it. He said nothing of his adventure, but next morning, while still in bed, received a cheque with an intimation that a car- riage was in readiness to take him io the station. Of all suggested explanations the fol- lowing is perhaps the most horrible A monster. half-human, half-joad, and endowed with immortality, is said to be hidden in the castle. Of course these are all but the wild- est surmises, and whilst the existence of the secret chamber is admitted by all, the "secret," it is suggested by oth- ers, consists merely in the documents contained within its walls. The Saying of Grace. Some of Dickens' most touching and effective word pictures were those fam- ily gatherings where for a moment song and mirth were hushed and the revered head of the household quietly invoked a blessing on the repast. Who does not remember the wedding feast at the Wardle hope, when even genial M Pickwick hed away a tear and ckel oited his feelings in that memorable passage, "There care dark spots on the earth, but its light shines brighter in the contrast." And through a mist of happy memories rises the home of the Cheeryble brothers, those typical examples who in the midst of their prosperity always remembered at mealtime the "giver of all good." "For these and all other blessings. brother Charles," said Ned, "Lord, make us truly grateful, brother' Ned," said Charles. Hit a Good Man. The other day a careless mason dropped a brick from the second storey of a building on which he was at work. Leaning over thé wall and looking down he saw a respectable citizen with his. hat. jammed over his eyes... The mason, in tones of apprehension, ask- the brick hit. anyone gown there?" ih The citizen, with great difficulty ex- tricating himself from the extinguisher into which his hat had been transform- ed, replied, with considerabie warmth: "Yes, sir, it did: it hit me!" "That's right!" exclaim®d the mason, in tones of undisguised admiratizn. « Noble man' I would rather have wast- ed a thousand bricks than have you tell me a lie about it!"--London Tit-Bits. To humor his wife who fancied that heard a noise ip front of house, A Clifton, Eng., tutor opened the bedroom window. sand called out : "Come out, you rascal !"" To his sur- prise, a real burglar emerged from the shelter of the wall, and was secured. One Time Known--No Fourth Per: 4 | the | THE DAILY WHIG, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3. ' WEIRD BRITISH. TALES' Ao ew Trp We A EET | orderdy mon: s some one of the many so-¢lled blood To Three Persons Alone Has the Dread nerely strong cathartics. are not needed. a clogged condition, they nged only a selves. tive Mnings of the Stomach-and bow- good. thing to do is to put the food in con « | do th's perfcetly. what is | just the help it needs. They stimulate the seer tion and excretion of the di gestive fluids and relieve gested condition of the glands membranes. | gestive system in condition to do its work. NOBODY IS EXEMPT. THE LITTLE PRAYER. bog He givelh His beloved sleep," one Will Need Sooner or Later Psalm exxvil, 2.., Aldshst o.crvbody's digestion is dis motes 8 less, and the com- hing they do Tor it is to take Holding close a brokéh toy, 'Weary from his busy day, i Lies the sleepy little boy, Lisping in his halting way; "Now I lay me--r-" - And he stops, Thinking ef some happy while, Avid each heavy eyelid drops +, As his lips bend in a smile; wrifie;s, which, in: mhny cases, are Such things s if the organs are in ittle * help and they will right them Catharties irritate the sensi "Now T lay me----" once again, Slowly, slowly, he begins, Ho, the blessed little men Need not tell their tale of sins, They, foreshriven, clean of soul, Sink into the sea of sleep Where the soundless billows roll. And the silent breezes sweep. ds and often do more harm than Purging is not what is needed. Thi Jition to be readily digested and as- imilated. Stuart's=Dyspepsia Tablets They partly digest a rive the o 3 caten and give the stomach Now TRS Tate that teal Fingers limply loose thelr clasp, And the broken toy may fall All unheeded from his grasp, For the prayer he would say, Though unfinished, has been heard-- Angels, when it trailed away, Whispered each unspoken word, the con: and They put the whole di When that 'is done you need take no more tablets, unless yon eat id what does not agree with vou. Then 1m r, take one or two tablets give them needed help, and 3 Id man, ripe in years-- vou will have no And the old p Child again in heart and mind-- trouble. ' When the sleepy song he hears, It's a common-sense medicine and al Gropes for words he cannot find, common-sense treatment,' and it will| guavering, he whispers low eure every time: Not only cure the The dim prayers that arise discase but cure the cause. Goes | From the mists of long ago, ¢ about' it in aeperivctly sensibly and And a great mist fills his eyes, scentific way: i We have testimonials enough to fill | Clinging to a broken toy a book, but we don't publish many of | them, s of vou and they have done their work He. has cherished all this time-- Some untarnished hour of joy-- Now he breathes the olden rhyme; "Now I lay me----" and he stops While the shadows round him creep And his voice to silence drops-- "Lay--me---down 5 iS A i. And goes to sleep, A USEFUL CIGAR... ~ or irene cabin pp Its Lighting Was the Means of Avert- ing a Serious Panic. [A good story is told of a sea captain who died a number of years ago and who was formérly in command of a ship in which passengers were carried from London to Lisbon. On one occa- sion the ship caught fire, and the pas- sengers and erew were compelled to cured and enjoy life as T never take furriedly to She Dou ae ny AV fore. . r y eH 9 ain remain perfectly cool rough- have; 1 fore. Jd gladly recommend out al the Sontusion sad 1right of the It will cost 50c. to find out just how debar! ation, and at last every one ex- much Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will Sept himself was got: safely into the help you. Try them---that's the best By the time he was ready to follow way to decide. the passengers were almost wild with fear and excitement. Instead of hur- rying down the ladder the captain called out to the sailors to hold on a minute and, taking a cigar from his pocket, coolly lighted it with a bit of burning rope which had fallén from the. rigging at his feet. Then he de- scended with deliberation and gave the order to push off. "How could you, stop to light a ci- gar at such a moment?" he was asked afterward 'when some of the passen- gers were talking over their escape. "Because," he answered, "I saw that However Mrs. M. Faith, of Byrd's. Creek, Wis, says: "1 have taken all the. Tablets 1 got well in my cas; for | feo] like a diffei- ent person altogether. | don't doubt if T had not got them I should have been at rest by this time." H.E. Willard, Onslow, | Tn. SAYS. Ni White, of Landon, was---tethmg-me of your Dyspepsia Tablets curing him of Dyspepsia, from which he suffered for eight years. As | am a sufferer myself I wish you to send me a pack: age by return mail." Philip Brooks, Detroit, Mich., says : "Your Dyspepsia cure hes worked wonders' in my ease. | suffered . for years from dyspepsia, but am now en A DOUBTING THOMAS. Had His Falling Hair Stopped, and Dandruff Cured, Without Faith. H. B. Fletcher, Butte, Mont, Oct. 20th, 1590, says: "Like many other people, 1 have been troubled for years with dandruff, and within the last few months my hair came out so badly that I was compelled to have what 1 had left, clipped very close. A friend recommended Newbro's Herpicide. | if I did not do something to divert the confess that 1 doubted his story; but minds of those in the hoat there was 1 gave Herpicide a 'trial; now my hair likely to be. a panic, and, overcrowded as it was, there was danger of the boat being upset. The act took but a me- ment, but it attracted the attention of everybody. 1 was not nearly so:un- concerned as I seemed to be, but was in reality in a fever of excitement. My little. plan succeeded. You all fdrgot vourselves because you were thinking about my curious behavior, and we got oft safely."--London Standard. is as thick as ever, and entirely free from davrufi." "Ik the cause, vou remove the effect." Herpicid@ is a delightful haic dressing for regular use. Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c.. in. stamps Jor sample 16 The Her picide Co.. Detroit, Mich. G. W. Ma hood, special agent. . oy dy Even Ghosts Run. A zealous young curate went to stay with some friends at a country house. On descending to breakfast the first morning he noticed that his hostess inquired very particularly how he had slept, and seemed relieved when he said he had passed a very good night. This was répeated every day during his visit 'until the last morning, when his hostess sald, "Mr. ----, you perhaps FOR HOME c00KS noticed how very particular we were in our inquiries every morning as to how" you had slept, but the truth is that the room .you occupied Is said te be haunted, and we were anxious to know if you had seen the ghost" "The ghost!" repeated the curate, thought- fully, "oh, yes, I do remember the first night I was here some fellow came and stood by my bedside." "Oh!" sald the company with great interest, "and what did you do?" "Oh, 1 spoke to him." "Spoke to him? What did you say?" "I said, 'Please will you give me a sub- sgeription for my Sunday school? He instantly disappeared, and I never saw him again.""--London Tatler "Beaver * Flour is the flour for home baking-- for women who take pride in their culinary skill, and their ability to run the house economically. BEAVER FLOUR is a blend of Jepiors svong It makes bread, rolls, cake and pies that every good cook de- lightsto serve. Ityields MORE - bread to the barrel than any otfier brand. Order ** Beaver" Flour next time--and sec how much more inviting and toothsome is every- thing you bake. AT YOUR GROCER'S What Did Curran Mean? Speaking of the witticisms and hu- morous sallles of Curran, the famous Irish orator and lawyer, a biographer mentions the following example: Cur- ran was once addressing an Irish jury in an important case During his speech he observed that the judge shook his head. Fearing lest the ges- ture should havé an adverse influence on the jury, Curran warmed up for the moment and said: "I see, gentlemen, the motion of his lordship' head. But, believe me, if you remain here many days you will seé that when his lord- ship shakes his head there's nothing in itl" TE -------- EIT SENSATION IN HAMILTON. Manager of Bank Faces Charge of Embezzlement. Hamilton, Nov. 3.--~There is trouble in the east end branch of the Bank of Hamilton, and Hillhouse Brown, man ager, will He prosecuted. For the past : three weeks inspectors have been work ing over the hooks, and for some days past Mr. has been relieved from his duties as manager. Yesterday the police arrested Mr. Brown, a charge of embezzlement and other charges will he laid. The exact His Mistake. A man went into a chemist's shop and bought a bottle of sorhe patent stuff, which was advertised thus: "No more coughs, no more colds. One shil- Jrown amount of the defaleations is not ling the porte Three days later he known, but they are believed to be went to the chemist, complaining that very large. ® he could scarcely. breathe. "I've drunk Mr. Brown is one of the popular ai} that patent cough mixture, he managers in the employ of (the Bank of Hamilton. He is a som<of Hon. Ad am Brown, postmaster. He is unmar- ried apd lived in fine bachelor quart ers in Burlingtom. "Drunk it!" yelled the chemist, "Why that's an india rubber solution to put on the soles of your boots."--London Mail eee. A Byron House. ; 8ir' J. G. T. Sinclair is 86 enthusias- tic an admirer of Byron that he has built in London, in Fleet street, a Byron house in the poet's honor. There is a medallion of Byron over the doer, surrounded by a wreath of laurels in statuary mirble, apd another insjde, while several hundreds of lines of his poetry are engraved on marble tablets on the walls of the entrance lobby and staircase, . Fall Importation. Prevost, Brock street, has received all his fall importation for - order work, consisting of Scotch and Kng- lish 'tweeds, blue and black. serges, cheviot and venetian for rsuitings, a great variety. mine splendid assort ments of black and blue beaver and fancy dvercoatings. A "splendid = as- sortment of panting at prices that defy competition. of Catholics to the A specially prepared cask left on an The proportion ice floe offi the north eocast of Alaska in 1899 has just been vicked up off the north coast of Iceland. Californig is suffering from a pro total populatic per cent. y 'The Blim farm of 640 acres near Regina bought less than three veaps tracted dry season, 'and agriculture ago for $9,200, has been sold to E. i¢ threatened by drought, P, Gates, of Minneapolis ior $10,000, mn of Canada is 41.51 © a moment. BENSDORP'S _____ ROYAL DUTCH COCOA ee. Requires only M the amount of other cocoas, therefore it is HOUSEHOLD ECONOMY Wi------------------ to buy the Cocoa with the Yéllow Wrapper. Try Bensdorp's Cooking CHOCO- LATE (Blue Label). -- SE -- EE HONOR THE PRESIDENT Methodist Episcopal .-Body Pre- sent Him With TéStimonial. Washington, , Nov. 3. ~ President Roosevelt. was, yesterday, presented with a neatly framed testimonial in scribed on parchment, which had been adopted by the College of Bishops of the Methodist church, which has just closed its semi-annual conference here, Bishop Foss read the Lnonial to: "tht PERI GE biel congratulnted: him on' his firm stand for civil righte- ousness and a "square deal" for every 'one, which it terms 4 modern applica: tion of the "Golden rule in the execu tive affairs of a great nation." The president also was highly commended for his exaltation of the home and for the humsne spirit which prompted him to be the first of al the world's rul- ers to endeavor to-bring about peace between Russia "and Japan. Mr, Roosevelt expressed his cordial ap- preciation of, the tribute paid him. Recipiept of Offers of Marr! age. Nov. 2.~Hundrods Lynn, Mass vinge from all sorts and conditions girls and maids of uncertain age piled in upon George B. since it hocame known heir to $72,000,000 the first oshing they know; ingly remarked. ; ' There are thousands of the name Gorham who ship and the tales tives are enough to move the heart the Sphinx to pity. riage. there was only one which articular one ady of Boston, who writes that is well educated "1 am only nineteen," Harlem Happenings. has returned home after spending Stearn, of Chicagu, has sold his {pe French ree, Villas, for the sum = of £2,700, in Westport, The farmers who had young cattle on the pasture at Lake Opinicon, took them howe. on Saturday, Mrs. G, Powers, who has been at Delta for a week or two, has returned home, William RBushan and Fdward White paid a flying visit here widows - of 'fatherless children request financial aid, while over /l ams from all paris of thedco try. have sent were coming in for. "My name 1 live in the same his roval uncle, Kipg Fdward, of Denies Proposing Partition. teen plennigs apices from a manufac. turer in the suburbs of Berlin. 'These cigarettes are, however, of an extraor dinary size. The emperor can often be seen dur ing his rides in the [Thiergarten or at manoeuyres With one of these cigar ettes in his mouth, in any form nor has an ingerchar of views thereon taken place. ---- dred fashionable to earry wil by a chain. The kind of cigar which the emperor Sunlight soap is better than ot usually smokes is of light Duteh [ soaps, is best when used in muke 'and has an actun! velue of tot | Sunlight way.© Buy Sunlight Se more than ten-plenmivs and follow directions: , MILLIONAIRF BOTHERED | letters containing proposals of mar have Gorham he had fallen CUAL bie. acovpling some. one: of- these. he Toth are claiming relation. of distant rela- Among the many' proposals of mar: Mr. Gorham will consider seriously. This comes from a young sho and very beautiful. she writes, "and while | earn good pay as a phy- 'sical instructor, | cannot eagn enough. » i broad, which is Harlem, Nov. - 2,--John Chapman to make a Aripl_A : disposed of in the neighborhood of Aongtieing that 1 have longed for 7; fiiteen "bushels of pears of his owy ee The ave written state raising this veut. dH. Caper ey | (hat an * Mr. Gorham has been twice ailing for. some time, Mis. G, Owens married, tho prospects are that he will want to he marricd again some ¥ al : time, and they would like to have few dayscat Ook Leal. A local trap | pl ames kept on file. References if per lost a very fine coon reeently desired which got awa with his trap. Mr, " Among the letters are epistles from who hy telegrafminquiries as to how mueh of the fortune: they Gorham, just the same as yours, and town that your © ° great-granhfather did," wrote an old on Monday. W. Swith das a number | Soo from New Brunswick. *Pleese of men engaged putting up a large roll | gor 0070 Will get R100.000: 1 think way. Zo Gile bs purchased a fel [oon sone distant relative of yours 3% colt irom John IL. Chants I herd is a Mr. . Gorham har not made his scarcity of wood in the village just plans Tor the future, but he says when now, u | the money comes he will give his lo- - - cal friends one good time after which Fond Of His Cigarettes. he will settle in New York among thé Berlin, Nov: 3. Emperor William is | 400." fond of smoking. without being a -- : slave to the habit. as, for instance, England, who is inseparable from his Berlin, Nov. 3.--An official denial is cigar. The emperor prefess certain made of the report onginating in brands of cigarettes, which are manu- | London that Germany proposed to factured of tobacco of medium | Russia to partition Austria. The As: strength and which can be obtained | sociated Pross is infemed authiorita- by any purchaser willing to pay fif | tively also that Germany 'has made no proposals to Russia for an alhance Several centuries ago it was consid toothpicks suspended around the neck \- « of of of of 00 m- is We ver her the ap 98096 COV @eE@ : WARM-LINED BOOTS Women's Box-Calf Lace Boot, exten- 90 ©0W® sicn so'es, wool-lined, fits the foot sty- Just the boot Sizes 2% to 9 i PRICE $1.50. : McDERMOTT'S SHOE STORE C0900 0E0P0CO0NE® ©98ED Labatt's London Ale and Porter Unlike * the majority of beverages, they are . ABSOLUTELY FREE from car- : bonic acid gas, being made from the purest of Malt and Hops. They are positively guaranteed. Just what you need, and atrial will prove it] : JAS. McPARLAND, 339 and 34\ King St. lish, and wears like iron. for fall and winter wear. OCCA = me Are universal favorites. 'Phone 274. : OOOO CECI) Ceee9eeeE®® AGENT. ® 200©® coos