a ® Our Price is $14 Spangenberg movements, besides having fine jewels are of a high quality of "®pustruction throughout is also very essent- Rood Gentlemen : Intending building Steam Yachts this winter will find W. A. Mitchell Han everything you need in the way of Mrass Fittings In the form of Brass Pleat, Ohotks, Flagpole Sockets, Deck Plates, Pras Hooks and Heturs, aed __#re cheaper than you can buy them in 80 or any place else. Will be Pleased to show you what we have and quote you prices that Will aktonish you, > heavy clothing in Winter to keep the heat in your - body. Did you ever think about * dothng your TOT WATER FURNACE ¢ on } : . AnAshestos Covering gar Will keep in the beat, save you fuel, and give a better distribu- tion 'of the Hot Water. : The expense oecurs hut once The saving in Tuel goes on for- ever, 3 i 1 HOOPER A kinds of ng and all descriptions. 'Phone 402 Eatin ven for all Mason ark." Plasteri 94 Oivision &t. . ---------- NEW YORK STOOK MARKERS, i» Pplied by W. F. Dever & uare, Kiagetos. November Sed. Upen Close. Atchison ky s8 Hy Amal. Copper Hit 88 Rulthmore & Ohio 12§ 112 rookiyn Rapid Tranist 764 Wl Canadian Pacific 3 Tat 18 : 0 0 Whingis Contra © Loulsvillo & Nashville ------ EE ------ N. CAPITAL in huild- vente pen the past ten months du a of oy The Aor casts for the nd | Truk ic an jmisensp trade With Fh oitpun steel works willvoll O00 i» steel th, The Ulevelagd - ron Xa. is Said about ui new steel n Toten inate w 1 ngs auinier ok mire force. plants Lo 5 < a in financial gircles Shut Th nkers' instit will g wed at the pte the anadian ankers' ' will be beid in Montreal, on next rails this i breaking all TH ¥ 3 a ch h, « The total mineral output of the state i 108 the past year was S26, 45000. It wan pet than 38000000 " ZAwe production was 355,000, ly ods production ego 451 000). Rumors of a merger of Canadian starch manufacturers are , abroad, and SU inwnid that al but comple uJ tion js all ations looking to ward is. aud have Deen in progress for "dobn FE. Wilkle, of secret service, ways that this burbau discover- wd only $65,000 of counterfeit money lait your Tpere was found $2,080,331 in 1801, aid $500,000 In sach of the two vears 18068 and 1897, VESSELS IN THE GALE. Effect Steamer Picton Couldn't A Landing Here. Steambosts had "trouble with the weather today. The steamer Picton came up the river. this morning, Lut was unable to effect a landing at Swift's wharf, so turned back end went to Long Island Park, where she will remain till the gale abates. The steamer. Aletha started out from Picton for Kingston, but wheh she reached the wpper p she turned back, Mr. Horsey Dg sent a message for the steamer not to come down. : The steamer Now Island Wanderer came from Cape Vincont and returned i afternoon, making her landing hore safely. The steamer North King: almost broke away from her moorings at the foot of Clarence street. "She pull: ed part of the island ferry wharl to pieces ------------ 2 Death Of Miss Gray. The death occurred, this morning, at St. Aiidrew's manse, of Miss, Mary Gray, youngest daughter of the late | Capt, Gray, of the Royal Canadian Rities, Miss Gray was strong aml well til within a few months ago, when she wat stricken with paralysis. Since then her decline has been graoual. She was g lady of the old school, courteous and charitable,and number. od many warm friends amongst King- ston's older people, Ome brother, James Gray, agent of the Mitchants Bank, at Perth, died some vears ago, and another brother, Rov. John Gray, a retired Presbyterian minister, lives in Orillia, Miss Gray was close to her vightioth year, ---------- Sold Main Ducks Island, Claude Cole, Port Milford, has the Main Ducks Island (t olf weit Pie] Fea s? American syndicate, which will con vert it into a summer resort. Mr. Cole bas owned the island for several years, making it a fishing. contre and stock ranch, but has now parted with it, reeciving a fancy price. Mr. Cole has rescrved an adjoining island call od Yorkshire, containing about 100 acres. n Seriously Injured. 'A Queen's student, in his third vear in arts and mediciiie, had his right oye dungerously injured, this morning, while making ether in the chemical laboratory. 'The chemicals exploded and the broken glass. badly cut his eye=it ie not Known as vet if he will lose the sight of the affected member, : ---------- The Coming Winter. Will be a green one at Carnovsky's. We have for Saturday, green spmach, ereen onions. parsley, cauliflower, wax beans, artichokes, radishes, eucum- burs, tomatoes, saksify and lettuce, rt A Guaranteed Cure For Piles. Teching, Bling, bleeding, protruding, piles. Drugyists are athorized to re fund money if Pazo Ointment fails to cure in 6 to 14 days, 50c. ---- Try These. Fresh pork tenderloins and spare ribs, when roasted with dressing very tasty at the Win. Davies' Co., limited. i ppolitan i Mimsouri Pacific ti! ow York Central 152 iat} Pennsylvania x.d. 1433 142% Ruek Island Wy ang Reading 148 137% St. Paul 1804 1504 r 143 141% Ditton Pacific A 1334 1884 ted States Stoel asd an ted States Steel, pid. . 1054 105} MONTREAL GRAIN, WHEAT o Socom or RO 89} May z Wogan | abba LI i: Deceinhior | ; « 45 40 May n 'September Se i MEN © DO YOU ie fo SLI8 2 ; splendid stock of New Stiff THE N A sort of Underwear, wear--QOur Ties have Ou © the style and |» EW STYLES IN 'S FURNISHINGS ISH THESE ? 0 have the pick of the finest Gloves. by the in the newest shades, priced from: $1 clusive patterns, price T5c. -ombination Suits. $2 to $6 per suit. w Half Hose from 26.. : ah contains gla of excl Br, Jargers' celebrated pure wool bedroom slippers, ladies' and gents, S150 a pair. Sold only by the Lockett she store, . Buy hot water bottles at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. New goods thore, 2 Three patkages Malta Vita, 2e., at Mullin's, e to Bosom Shirts, in "seat and ex- to $1.26, both in Shirts and Drawers a deservedly high' reputation. usive novelties. Notice (by the police. Nearly 300,000 persons py WILL COME IN LARGE SUMS 70 CANADA. Says'W. A. Burns, Dominion Tx- hi¥ition Commiesioner -- Dr. Lack of Mnterest in Checking Tuberculosis, . Ottawa, Ont., Nov. 3-W. A, Burns, assistant inion exhibition com: missioner has retusn d from Pittsburg, whore bh bad charge of the Canadian exhibit, at the Western * Pennsylvania state fair. He says that the fair was big success, and Sansdus, share in it was a conspietons one. He is sure of big results. Mr. Jelly, of Winnipeg, and J. C. Ottawa, who at- tended in the interest of the immigra- ticn department, report most gratify- ing vealts, Mr. Burns thinks there will be a big investment of American capital in Canada, and a fargé num- ber of tourists, 2 Dr. Hodgetts, Toronto, is here to address the local medical men on spinal meningitis. He says ity a ver, fatal disease, very infectious, but not incurable. « Spegking 'of consumption, he raises an alarm at' its ravages in Ontario, and expresses surprisé at the slowness of municipalities to take an Interdit in checking it. Local zomitona is his idea of oy A few vears of intelligent handling of the dread scourge would make a warked reduction in the death rates. At ------ SEEKING REFUGE. Shooting Has Commenced in Odessa, Noy. 3.~Shooting began today. Up to the present no Christ tian shaps or houses have been touch: ed. The principal hotels are full of the better class of Jews seeking refuge, -- Ten Studénts Killed. Moscow, Nov. 8.--A procession of students returning; to-day, with some of their comrades, who had been re- leased from prison, was set upon by a mob of workmen at the Triumphal Arch, Ten of the students were hilled, A Coming Demonstration. St. Petersburg, Nov, 3.---A great de monstration is promised - for Sunday when the hodies of the victims of the conflict; of Paenduy; will be interred." 'The ampesty manifesto did not ap- pear to-day, and the radicals are de-' maiding the immediate release of all politieal prisoners. The censorship throughout Russia, however, was abolished to-day. Count Witte is hav- ing trouble in forming a cabinet, - Riot Tidings. The officers and privates who net at Odessa university, formally resolv. ed Lo use arms against the autocracy. Dispatches report anti-Jewish riot. ing in Romany and at Saratoff, where 4 synagogue was hurned to the ground. At Viadikavkaz fifteen persons have igen killed and Cossacks' are sharing plunder. : In Minsk, funergls are of half hour I occurvence. Already Sons. haygobeen interied Ci i During demonstrations in Kiel, five persoms were Killed and forty-five in Jured. killed and fity-four per. Hy Re awh Six persons 'were wopnded during rioting in Sebast out four thousand have been enrolled in Moscow guard and the hotels transformed into hospi tals under volunterr Red Cross 'de tuchments. Excitement is high and there is much hioodshed. At Moscow there was an imposing demonstration at the funeral of the reformer, Nicholas Baumann, shot in the riots and that of a woman shot sixty opal. volunteers were marching in order with red flags and banuers flying. Three hundred trained singers chanted a requiem, while thousands sang * the '"Marsil. laise," A Red Cross doctor tells. that the Kishineff horrors were repeated a hundred fold in Odessa. Students alone saved the city from wholesale sack and massqere, The Cossacks are said to have lost over 100 men hy -hombs and shots from windows. The casugMios yester- day are believed to have amounted to 5,000 killed and wounded Martial Jaw has been declared at Odessa. ------ Dr. C,arke For President. Toronto Globe. The nominations for office in the Ontario Hockey Association n coived yesterday by Secretary Howitt, were those of Ir. C. K. Clarke, for presi- dent, and 1. F. Dayle, of Newmgrket, for the executive br. Clarke is now a citizen of route, having removed a weok or two ago from the Rockwood asylum, mgston, to take charge of the asy- lum here. He has long been wn im- portant factor in the national winter game, and has done more than any other Kingstonian 10 keep the Lime- Stone City to the front in hockey, both in the O.H.A. aid the Intercol. iate Union. His inflexible adber- nee to the sound principle of ama- feurisin as the salvation of the game, his kown interest in every wholesome sport. and his demonstrated executive To- fice uid could never he an - offico-seck: er. but he would make an'ideal offi- cer, -------- . A Rare Supper Dish. Tripe stewed or fried, fresh to and to-morrow at Davies', -- ' The windstorm of today was de- cidedly furious, and the waves in the harbor rollad clear over the wharves, The sight at "the King street broak- Water was thrilling, At times, podes- trians found it difficult to move along the Strects 86 vigorous was the tind. Mins heavy tan waterproof Whit er cit boots. No cold or wet feet. Lg assortment, $4, $5, aod $6. he ott, shoe store, day ie" Torche Telegram Clarke woud mgke Hodgetts Scores Ontario for _ ing stolen goods into the i Srrinedolq Renublican. « came to taking this church was and, before he to return for the profuse thanks of the Gapacity make his nomination a happy | pleased preacher, blurted out : "T'gint and fortunate one for associa | no use thanking me, so 'taint. I got tion. Pr, Clarke has consented tof that V to boot sway horses, and bave his ame placed -on the list as a J my conscience won't t me keep it." candidate. He En not sought the of- ? boots, $6, £7, and $8. The Lockett shoe store. the ooliged tc er, criminal, have not the right [the "Linseed the serviee, Corps is dese West men." appeared from Seotland, nent. co Mullins. DAILY WHIG, FRIDAY NOVE GR MULES ARE PROFITABLE. v Farmers Find They Pay Better : Than Horses. The aver, farmer ix probably not aware of the fact that an average mule sells for '10 a head more than great hedt. has brought it into most general use in the southern states, where large farms are devoted en. tirely to raising cotton; also the farmers of this country fuel the mule stands the work in the hot season in wheat fields much better than the horse. ; The mule matures more quickly than the horse, and ean he placed on the market from one to two years sooner than the average horse. This moans a larger profit to the producers and quicker returns for the investment. A well-fed. mule can be worked two years of age with safety, per ent is exercised driver. They are much less nervous than a horse, thus not so lishle to accident or blemish. A blemish that would make a fine horse unsalable would take but a trific from a mule. The mule is less liable to wire cuts and blemishes for the reason that he is more careful about running "into anvthing than a horse. 'hé mule i a taxnaver und a mortgage lifter for the farmer; he is ready sale at weaning time, at one year, two years, or when be is broke at if pro- by the paris' green. Russell Jones has been commited for trial on a charge of setting fire to his store at Lynden. Ccntracts have been let for building a new general hospital at Niagara Falls, to cost about $17,000, The 8.8. Canada, Dominion Line, from Liverpool, for Montreal, passed Care iere, inward, at 1.30 p.m. Charles Garrard, Toronto, is under arrest at Buffalo, charged with bring- United 'States. ; Charles H. Rogers, 'wanted in con: nection with the triple murder at the Olney farm, several weeks ago, 'has beech captured near Danbury, Conn. Members of the Royal Arcanum have petitioned the supreme eourt of Mas sachusetts to restrain the supreme council from enforcing the pew gs- sessment, The New York 'state supreme court refused to grant a mandamus to com- pel the New York: city board of elec- tions to place the name of William T. Jerome on the official ballot as a no- mince of the republican party for district-attorney. ------ CLAIM TO BE IMMUNE ---- Understanding With Mr. Gacficli Bars Pr tion, Chicago, Nov, S--Immugity from A AEA KFmour and the other defend ant packers and agents charged with being promaters ofthe so-called "beef trust," in an additional plea in bar Just filed, The plea 'sets up as facts that when Commissioner Garfield of the depart- ment of eommérce and labor investi gated the beef packing. business he promised the packers that in whatever testimony they gave without being un der oath, or whatever documentary evidence they voluntarily produced, J they should have the same rights. in demnities and immunities as if they had testified under oath and compul- sion. The allegation' of an agreement he- tween Conunisgioner Garfield and. the packers, was a surprise to District Attorney Morrison, and Assistant At- torney Pagin. It is said that Commis sioner Garfield had been asked to tell exactly what occurred during the in- vestigation, BIDS FOR ROADS Put in By Various Representative Men. Montreal; 'Nov. 3. Following are bids made in the ease of the Quebee Southern railway, in the exchequer court, to-day. P..H. Roy, represent- ing the East Richelieu Valley rail- way, tendered £105,000 for that road: E. . Morgan, for himself, offered 23503,000 for the South Shore rail way: G. G, Foster, representing the Rutland railway, tendered $1,000,000 for the Quebec Southern system, com- prising the South Share, United Counties and Fast. Richelieu Valley roads; F. .. Beique, representing the Bank of Hochelaga, tendered 81.051, 000 for thé whole 'system, and £551, - 000 for the United Counties and East Richelieu roads. More Tainted Money. ev, Josiah . Hooper, now living iietly at the age of eighty-nine near Mt. Sunapee, says the nearest he ever "tamted" money for when an old farmer contribution of £5, ok his Darture, in brought him a. Men's tan high cut waterproof In Switzerlynd wery male betweey of twenty and sixty-five is » vote, unless he be a up- or a bankfupt. These of voting. : Medical Corps is dubbed Lancers." 'by the rest' of while the Army Service ibid as the "bread-and- ~The Army The quail has almost entirely dis: England, Ireland and 'and is scarce on the conti Commencing Wednesday. double cash ons for balance of the week, a Fresh horhonnd candy. The ol t for the O, un, A, 2 fashioned in twisted sticks, Red Cross drug ; . Such is the case, and the . 2 price has been gradually rising for a ' He Bought a Ticket for Toronto number -of years. When the Police Swooprd The ability of the mule to endure to work. ------ PITH OF THE NEWS. Sse - The Very Latest Culled From All | > Over the World. Miss Martha Cross Collins, East Zorra, committed suicide by taking ------ prosecution under :ghe pending indict. Mystification of Fanciers is ment returned by a federal grand jury Ep Le CH sexoral month vp de chat Rn A = Er : s "3. THE BILL RAISER | 1 Down and Took Him te Head quarters. The instrument--the man of cunning --in the bill raising aflair, Alphonso Garland, was caught at 12:16 o'clock { by Police. Constable Hughes. It was | known to "the police all morning, that he was around, and the closest watch has been kept. 'Garland is a short, i dark, wan, about thitty-five vears of | age, and has a beard; nswering fully | to: the description given by 1. Zacks { of the man who, on Friday night last, | purchased from him a pair of boots. { He has the boots on. Garland, left | the Revere House, where he has been | staving, at noon, purchased a ticket | at the G.T.R. station for Toronto and {boarded his car, when he was ar- | rested. In his possession were lots of ! raised hills and the material for mak- ing more, } Caught in the trap, Giovanni Pesci- tello, as he sat 'in his lonely coll at police station, this moining, came 5 the decision in his mind that his chief should also be made to pay the penal ties. fe gave the clue to the police that the leader was stopping at the Revere House, corner Queén and Kiny streets. Po C.8" Hughes and = Cutts were at onee at 'work. Arriving at the hotel they found' their prize had flown. They hastened tgLuthe King- ston & Pembroke = station, searched | the train and found nothing. In the | meantime Hughes had gone to the | G.T.R. and found his man. who very quietly consented to go to thé sta- tion. He says he passed no hills, but lo came to him crying that 'Pescitel for money: and he gave him some. The fact that the machinery dyes, ete., for the "raising" of the bills and many ° bills already "raised" were found on him, is sufficient to convict him. Garland claims he learn- od the business in the United States, He bad few clothes' andl no disguise: Giovanni Pescitello, arrested Vester: day afternoon for Passing raised bills, was taken | to jail this afternoon. where he will remain until his trial on Monday. When seen, and asked if Garland was the right wan, he said "yes." The apparatus with which Garland operated was found in his valise. The individual seems to have been caught red-handed. The dics, inks, ete., were in 'good condition, and showed evi dence of recent use. At the Revere House no information could be given out about Garland. There is no register. but the clerk thought he had been there about two weeks. His onl property, was a suit case. "W as gnything found in his room?" was asked, "We haven't searched yout the answer. 1 ---- GREEN HENS IN FLOCK. ,' came Green hens form part of the flock owned by P. J. Walsh, of South Or ange, N.J. He las : yellow hens and blue fowls also, but the green chickens are the most conspicuous. Many poul try fanciers have studied the green breed closely and have been told the chickens were imported. When the : name of the foreign land was de- manded, Walsh said that "nothing chicken-hearted over - wore green." To lav he explained the mystery. "The trath is." said h ens are painted. Sometim. he chick chickens, like men, go astray and so many of wine wandered off that 1 painted them grog so we could distinguish them, Rut ness the color will have to he changed. <hecpuse some of the hens oot in the tall grass and are lost, because they look so muck like the grass' Walsh's roost has' not heen robbed since the hens were patted. | M, H. Metzler, who lives across the street bas his hens painted red. : ------ Steamer Myles Reported. Detroit, Nov, 3.---A Chicago des- Patch savs that the Canadian steamer Myles, which passed Sault Ste. Marie last Saturday, passed up, the Port age entry canal (Lake Superior) yes terday, aving been in shelter there for several days. There was a good deal of alarm felt for the missing boat and the Canadian government steam- er Bayfield, which arrived at the Soo had kept a sharp lookout all the wav from Port Arthur for it. Henry | 8 Moore, a Windsor man, was cavtain of the Myles, amd his family had enter- tained grave fears of his safety. ---- ------ Joshua Knight, and his daughter, Mrs. Flint, Cataraqui, were thrown L Nt DR. MeCARTHY, OFFICE LATELY br. , Corner Mon- PR. WHAIAM cInSaN SUTEROn, ete. Late . PHYSICIAN, Resident Manse Fashionable Styles in WINTER -- YEAR 72. N We Will Show Some titul Brass and Iron [ New Patterns, A Te Designs. ur Coat t has Our leader, regular pri never been so busy, but this for $250. is the reasonable outcome of the Iron and Brass, regul for $3.50. . Coats themselves. The styles are right up-to-date; and .the prices are most reasonable. Coats, $6.75, 7.50, 9.50, 10.: : <0 = --- Three-Quarter 10.78, 11.75, 12.50. - Seven-Eights in length or the popular long Coat, known in. New York as the Burlington, $12.50, 13.50, 14.75, 15, 16.75, in-Fawns ang Biack. a Come and see these New Coats. pared to buy you are just as should you see a Coat that takes have it placed aside until required, Brass and Iron Be pigh posts, $6.50, for $4 Others from $10 and $1 Hercules - Spring Beds, made for $2.50 to $4.50. Marshall Sundary Mat only, Mattress made | comfort, for $25. Ostermoor Mattress, fo Even if not pre- welcome, and your fancy Felt Mattress, $12, ot $2.50 up. Robt. J. | THE RIGHT ) "For this time of the year is our shoes, Wear "Alle Military Bootmake: 8¢ Brock St. Sign of 6 A LAUNi Hospital TWENTY B IRESS, AT THE Apply Mrs: FIVE Mica GIRLS, Works, ros foot street RAL Apply Mrs. pi Street. AT ONCE: CARETAKER ¥ Yacht Club. Ap trick, 42 Clarénce Do You Need a New Corset? We are be ter p epared than ever to suit your Corset needs. Every good kind of Corset is here. We might se I a few more Corsets it we handled , . MIDDLE AGED WOMAN A the cheap, tra hy sorts, but we won't. We cling to A lo salt fair _ the satisfaction-giving Corsats. Here are some of RN Wh oes. = the most popular : MMEDLALELY, AN EXP cE rench Model Corsets: Sage. 2, gop, grgoms - ---- ~ Crompton Corsets, $1.50¢, 2, 1:25, 1. ' TIC WORKERS to distribute cireul matter g. Coope We have 3 Special Corsets, considered exceptipn- Shire be Sisirit ally good value at $1. No canvas D. & A. Corsets, soc. 75¢, $1, 1 5. Nursing Corsets, $1. rat 2 A. COMPETENT GENE}Y vant for a small w » ur ironing G ; : A Mrs Richard Crest Corsets, guaranteed not to break at hips, goc. ) % Corner 'of Alice and Al pair, instead of $1 23, usually charged. Th ee Yatisi Corsets, ali sizes from 20 to 36. This Cor- set is intedded for stout figures, who require a good Corset, yet not too <tiff, Girls' Health Corset Waists, all sizes. MEN TO GET T) . . . oats and Suits Children's Corset Waists, all sizes. Thomas Galloway's, 181 A bring your old on repaired. Style, Kuaranteed to please. Flannelettes for Many Uses : Shirting Flannelettes, sc., 7c., Sc. Shirting Flannelettes- extra heavy, roc. and 12%c., MEN AND $5 BOYS day WA after two | | made, comfortable shapes. Gideon's Surgeon, Kingston Ohos 20m" X) General 1 t- Schools New York, oo new patterns, good washing colors. Louis, Mo. (Fres « Underwear Flanneleite, in White, Pink, Blue, sc, AT (ONCE, EXPERIENC] 7¢, 8c, 10c. Extra Quality Imported Flannelett-, only, 10c, 12%c., 15¢, in White Fancy Wrapperettes, for Waists, House Gowns and Kimonas, 10c., 12}4c., 15¢.. 20c., 25C. . S50 Patterns or More to Choose From. TW poms, COMFORTABLE OFFIC} IN GooD LOC = - £ : K ¥ streat. Rent low -~ { -- St. Gents Furnis) \ ON DIVISIO! 1 arrett street, acc milliner. EApply a JOINLADLAWES ON 3 > SHOP AND RES] v ta Princess street ; from a rig, on Thurscay, through the ion November 1 funning away of a horse frightenca Slency & Steacy, by an automobile. Luckily they were dR not hurt, : VE WAD The Kussian state séopire is of Se ------------------ a y i -------- rr ---------------- : solid gold, three feet long, and con- ¥ pity Jann, 51 ) tains among its ornaments 260 rubies , er ------. and fifteen cineralds. ) } ' RES) r i nad buildings and Y . Gone lity, modera " io hn, apply to arket Square. NINE-ROON For Street Wear Bh Ae 3 » "Tr Conveniences. R } = i Ne Price this Office, Wediately a . De -- NOTICE 0 CONTRACTORS Ladies' Felt Gaiters, leather fored - - '$125 FOR SALE LL ---- : Ladies' Felt Lace Gaiters leather fored' 1.25 Te -- HOUSE OF INDUSTRY ics : 3) ' ' PIANOS ORGANS, muy. , Ladies' Felt Lace Gaiters, leather fored 1.50 ad wing Maihin TRRDERQ - a a : ine' : rics ~ Yond: all cheap " Ed, ae iy Lyn Ladies' Plain Felt Button Gaiters -. - 1.00 Sireet. Joseph (George, @ 7th inst, Ly gC > i i She, painting ol the' outaide: Mgett for Ladies' Plain Felt Gaiters - - . . 3 1.00 THE ROTHWELL, pARM ol Ie oO ol : 1 ' 3 3 "s Concessi En ' Specifications may be seen and atl Ladies' Plain Felt Gaiters . . - . "> 75. Fond "3 ren Wa other information obtained at the offic. : X ! Containing about 330° of the Undersigned. BOW EAT i 8 splendid dairy farm - R. ORANG, Tith shade groves, ge £ E po ne Othe i . f poms ans C0 Fe | RT] New Goods, and all well Sa. . der, ¥ MEDICAL, the road Re"\ne" ens To wind w Property will be sold My 10. R. Baston Bu Kingston, or next farm to th