Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Nov 1905, p. 13

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Feathep A Bull to Jack Canuck, f you and wish HER has the pro re in the Union, Jac 1b., » says h ge? quali-tea |" reat from Ceylo n ack, Green or Mixed e Price--40 Cents, 5.95 Sold at Once m, when ur where, nuge fu a wanes that will you luck, Per smack... ck, inl Volunteers, has this to say of The pot.of took from Cape ry ugerl indeed; one of * it ought to "1 have guaran C ev al praises from all C.I LV. will recommend It's a It will cure eczema, an ulcer or a cold. sore. to rhe annatism in the joints. Will reduce swe! tings, whether due " enlargements Private C. T. Mayes, who served through the Boer campaign with the Kelpion sued td our V. I. C. Kit was one of the few things we Town to the front with us. 3 who ui 3 it, for it cured foot sores, and 1 South Africa if advertised for that reason. = WHAT KELPION WILL DO. all 'Wkin dise ses and eruptions. It will allay all inflammation, whether intern. as GEO. BROWN & CO., TORONTO. Ointment That Heals 25 Cents. A pure, stainless iodine ointment applied to cuts, burns or bruises to subdue pain and reduce inflamma tion. Cancer and other ma- lign growths often result from the slightest break- ago of the skin. 4Kelpion" will kill the microbe of poison find pre- vent infection. 'Kelpion the finest and quic kest remedies for Vv sand Regulars who uséd it, and I it.' whether of the nature of of the lungs, or due to spralns and hurts'or from internal : 600 FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. TRAVELLING. EER -- = INDE LSS WESTERN EXCURSIONS, $46.30 Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle, Tacoioa, Portland, Ore, second class from King- ston. Lower rates to several other points. Tickets on sale from Sept. 15th Ww Oct. "31st, 1905 HONTERS' RATES, TES, SINGLE FARE . Talks as Plain as You Sings Beauti- fully Plays the Finest Music To points In Temagami on T. & N. ©: > Ry.,to poinis Mattawa to Port Arthur and Sault Ste. Marie inctusive," via North Bay: Good going Oct. 10th, to Thine in, wn anal Nov, Tth. r 8095, of To Muskoka Lakes, Midland, Lake of ¥ to tell vam to writs us at , Bays, Penetung," Magnetewan River. "5 ship the Outten it ta Lakefield. All Stations Argyle to Cobos 503 couk, Lindsay to Haliburton, Severn, North Bay... Points on « N. Un. (Georgd Bay and Mackinaw Di- yision). Good Going Ott. 26th to Nov. the ) EVERYWHERE > roadside Inn s Ale. rage has become so. popular rywherc--at the smallest hotels, clubs, cafes, is, made from water which registered by Government Analysts. ® ling's A ITS I UNIFORMITY | nt, Kingston. PICK OF CANADAS ENORMOUS All tickets De- cember 9th valid returning until For further particulars, tickets and al other Information apply to J. HANLEY, City Passenger Agent. NARI - = a FGYIAY: as IN CONNECTION WITH CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILW TRAINS LEAVE KINGSTON :-- ' 1239 po --Express, for Otfawa, Mon: | treal, Quebec, St. dobhn, N.B.. Haluax, Boston, Toronto, -Chicaygo. Denver, 1len- frew, Sauit Ste. are, pOuluth, St. Pav', Wisnipeg, Vancouver, Seattle, Portland, and San Francisco. A pm.--Local for Sharbot Lake, tounecting with C.P.R. east and west. S10 a.m --Miz+d, for Renfrew and in- termediate points Passengers leaving Kingston at 12:30 Pm, arrive in Ottawa at 500 p.ui.; Peterboro, 512 pm; Toronto, --7-30 Pr Boston 7:30 a. Mm. St. John, FR. 11:55 am ' Nk particulars at K. | Ticket - Office, H ¥ CONWAY | Gen. Pass. i ---- finds it neccessary to that it is Inn as well restaurants and € & P. and C. P, Ontario Street. ¥. . FOLGER, JR. Supt. Agent Gen. Bay of Quinte Railway New short line fer Tweed. Napanee Deserento, and all local voints. Trains Wave City Hall Depot at 8:35 p.m. ¥. CONWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry., Kiaasten SM ---------------------------------------- ALLAN LINE "VEO tn wre: ne ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. From Montreal. From Quebec. CROP IS BY SPECIAL PROCESS Farisian. Ril Oct. 27 5a m. 27: 12 p.m, RTED INTO THE MOST PALATABLE RL I RSs OF the 3REAKFAST CEREALS Seay Thar S139. Tiill E MEAT RY LIFE-GIVING ELEMENT OF THE GE MEAT NOURISHES THE NALD IM STRONG MINDS AND BODIES LOOK FOR THE NEW COUPONS IN EVERY 15¢ appy d in than ned ? Cook | pay er to, EY & BIRCH rock MONTREAL TO LONDON. Sarmatian, Oct. 28. Pomera Nov. 11 y anian, Nov. Pot HANLEY, Agent. G.T.R. City ays EE. Depot. J. P, GILDER- Clarence Street. Lake Ontario a and Bay of Quinte Steamboat at Oa. » Limited. STR. "ALETHA" Leaves MB Bay of PREMIVMS. PACKAG Kingston dally except Sunday m., for Picton and intermediate Quinte Ports, ONT I information from J: P. Hanley, J, + Gilde hy rilecve, Jas, Swit & Co.. E. E. HORSRY. Trafic Narmsens Crests and EMBOSSING for Paper and: Envelopes ENGRAVIN Calling Cards and "Letter Heads Besides - 4) ng from a classes of Letter Tress card to a volume, THE WHIG, Kingston DONT KEEP BACHELORS HALL While Ur wife is at the sea-sid She wiyiq rather have you enjoy rie THE COMFORT. Ss By taking your meals at oF Home IROQUOIS HOTEL. C Hn POWELL CARPENTER AND JOBBER, - 103 Ra Raglan Street: Street, Kingston: "will help you.\ ! liniments but they were no use. IF WOMEN ONLY KNEW Thousands of women suffer untold miser- ies every day with aching backs that really have no business to ache. A woman's back wasn't mide to ache; Under ordinary conditions it ought to be strong and ready to help her bear the burdens of life. It is hard to do housework with an ach- ing back. Hours of misery at leisure or at work, If women only knew the cause. Backach®' comes from sick kidneys, and what a lot of trouble sick kidneys cause in the world. But they can't help it. If more work is put on them than they can stand it's not to be wondered that they get out of order. Backache is simply their cry for help: DOAN'S KAD NEY ILLS They're helping sick, over- --ail over the world -- ng, healthy and vigoreus: , Ont., writes: **For over five months I Was troubled with lame back amd was unalNle to move withgut help. I tried all kinds of plasters and At last 1 heard tell of Doan's Kidney Pills and after I had used three-quarters of the box my back was as strong and well as-ever." worked kidney making them st: Mus. P. Ryan, Do Price 50 cents per box orthree boxes for $1.25, all dealers or The Doan-Kidney-Pitt Co., Toronto, Ont. \ The C. M. C. hose-supporter catch is perfectly protected,and won't tear the finest hose. The C. M. C. fastener is covered over with the tape. No sharp edge to cut the yarn. No post or De to make a_hole. No safety pins required. No sewing to corset necessary --ijust clasps, Adjusted to any length instantly." Best elastic. "It's all in the clasp." Women's, Misses', Children's. No higher in price. Ask for them. : C. H. Westwood & Co., Limited, Toronto. Snow, Beautiful 'Snow ! Is sure to come, and now is the time to 'have your Cut- ters and Sleighs renewed and fixed up. Ee sure you send them to THE DAILY THE SPORT REVIEW! OSCAR STYR MAKES NEW SWIMMING RECORD. Galt Club's Chicago Trip Indefi- 1 nitely Pogtponed--Ottawa Ice Track Wi Scene of Fine Sport--Athlete Turning Liter- ary. The Galt Club's trip to Chicago has been indefinitely postponed. St. Andrew's College, Toronto, will not have a team in the 0. H. A. this winter. 'Ihe final meeting of the O.H.A. ex ecutive for the year "1904-5 will be held on November 10th. The negotiations p for the world's championship sculling~ race between Stansbury and Eddie Durnan ave still on. < From February 3rd to 10th, the ice track on the Ottawa river will be the scene of some of the finest sport ever witnessed in Canada. Tom Coburn, the champion wrestler of Canada, is figuring in contests in New Orlleans, buf nobody in Canada ever heard "of Tom--under that name at least. Thrift Burnside has been invited to go to Ottawa to coach the Rough Rid- ers in the snap Back game in the an- t#pation their match with the Tigers for, the. championship of Cana- da, Oscar ot Styr made a new werld's re- cord for swimming forty vards last night in the tank of the Chicago AC A. covering the distance «in twenty The record was made in a contest in which *Styr defeated three contestants. A week and more ago a splendid sheet of ice covered the artificial pond of Alla Park, near Glasgow, and members of the curling club enjoyed their first game of the ol though playing could have been had two days previously Georges Hackenschmidt, the Lion, © continues hig unbeaten © career among the English wrestlers, and hus just won his catch-as-catch-gan match one seconds season, Russian with Munro, though for this he went a little gut of his regular line, which is Graeco-Romgn style, "Varsity rugby seniors weighed in as follows : Southam, 134}:, Macpher- son, 142; Maclnnes, 156; Lash, 172; Montagne, 141: Johnston. -189: Pur ham, 176}; Ritch 192; Lailey, Davidson. 150; . 162: Burns, 16 Reynolds, 144; French: - 150 The little Cornish town of Helston, thg boyhood home of the champion nugilist, Rabert Fitzsimmons, was also that of the greatest actor of the present generation, for it was in Hel ston that Sir Henry Irving. then John Henry Broadribb, spent his early davs. F. C. Waghorne, Toronto, is in re- ceipt of a request from Secrotarv Bovd, of the International Hockey League, for his services as referee for the coming season. He is offered 81 a month and his travelling eéxpens: "OOF Rablin, professor of pugilistic seienee," is a sign that hangs out in an. eastern city, probably devised hy some other of Dean Swift or master sarcasm, The authorities ought to it Rublin as to where he secured his "diploma. He has never graduated in America. The St. Paul Dispatch savs that the Minnesota Boat Club of that city in tends 167 join With "the ~ Duluth and Winnipeg rowing clubs in the revival of the Minnesota-Winnipeg rezattas, in which Kenora and Port Arvihur and several other clubs will be includ- od. The first regatta | of the revival, in 1906, will' probably be "held at Lake Minnetonka. Baldy" Spittal will not be with Pittsburg this winter. There is a probability that he will be seen with the Canadian "Soo," he and Roy Brown, who will. manage that team, constituting the ° defence. '"'Reddy'" McMillan' will probably be seen with the American "Soo." He had no con tract with Calumet and that left him free to sign with. any "other team in agricultural paper," Americans are not needed a tonic of this nature to pro- the league in the least danger of being too po- cure the best results was so apparent Tommy 'Conneff, the ex-champion dis Lite and the earlier we begin to prac, that the Public Drug company, of tance runner. of the world, is now sta- | tice courtesy in our families the bet Bridgebury, Ont., offer through Your tioned at Batangas, Philippine 1s- | ter itywill be Tor us. When the father druggist a free package of "Celery lands, with Troop E., Tth United and son do not understand, or in King"! with e¥ery fifty cent or one States cavalry. Ha is training for the deed care to know each others' opin- dollar bottle of 5 olution of Ozone military che npioniship of the islands, | ions and pleasures, then sorrow may (the coupon kind). During his spare moments he is writ be expected sooner or later. It is in- -- ing up his experience as an athlete deed surprising how very few farmers Cold Metal. and a soldier, which he intends to take any interest in their sons' inter Washington Post have published in "Twenty Years Be ests and pleasures, except to discour: Here is a good fellowship story that vond the Sea; A Story of Athletics age them, and how very 'few take the is going the rounds : "Give 4 man a ind War in the Western World." Tt is | tifile to teach them to work casily and ont" cigar, and he will beam all his intention to return to Ireland in well. Some boys are interested inc 00g Jove you for six hours; offer 1908, . plants, others in birds: and insects, him the ten cents with which to buy and if they are encouraged at all the =F fimsci, and he will throw it in A Book Worth Having. . pleasure Hioy derive go Mess Lhings your face, Give a man a pass to a will make their whole hfe bright, noc ol Fue tochnicel pup of the printing | to mention "the ruining in neainves 30," "3) the angie at hi shaper trade o he 'ni ed ates and other | nq accuracy they get by so doing : Fe A ) hoi . senubiries in reviewing aia 'here are too many things done on al op ino the mioNey to ny ure have given praiseworthy er fn p : : from wot: ket, c 3 . to the publications of the Grand Trunk he tm 0 the De Se Ads a an - your Joma to take rollwnp system, vr were volte, They dure not watch the 70t Jue ane he will Junih a. the The American Printer, New York, of carpenter or the lightning rod: man chance; give him $2 amd toll m to Oflober, 1905, has this to say of. the | Siot : i get a good meal at a cafe with your : A, , the plamber or the painter at work " Vise ihe will knoek latest hooklet issued by the Grand], Pe they might get lazy, when the Complete, and ne Wi, nok Jou Trunk : boy, if granted such privileges, would down Ihe dollar. is mighty, hut it "It is due to the shrewd knowledpe | only too glad to 'work harder. and at war, Nothing shila hospitality of human nature that thé modern rail- longer to make up for the time. thus ant 0 Hi 1 I indo more than, 8 Yond PE forth id husresiingly spent. It is remarkable how the far- touch of coc mala, w " erature, Mon 0 Oo - t x | ah Tat of Te press, is ch out Yo mer hoy makes- room for dtimaelt Si Eye To Business. advertise the Grand Trunk railway; the city and how he is appreciated by Lonslon. THLBits Inet it doesn't impress vou as an rel. men of wealth and influcnce. Thess ou Ran . had just finished hig wtising hoolylet, being ip beautifully men quickly realize the kind of stuff TE i rs herwae ji re and traten The cover is the farmer boys are: made of und itis turnings home he .h ened to catch iL passing strange that the father also 'V # he Japp: . done in colors, with twe-tint inks and | © ¢ realize his splendid = merits, the eye of an enlisting sergeant. red ruled pages inside. Its historical To life is ile or not "Well, my man," said the sergeant, skiteh and pictures are worthy of pre- to th be, depends to a very great "would you like to _Rerve the King ? *.ervation by anyone. extent on the ations between him- It would be the making of you. . self, and the other members of the "That A would, said the milkman, Borrowell-Wigwag is a lucky dog. | family. 1f the son and father enjoy YOTY excited. "But how much do you Harduppe-- He is, eh ? Borrowell each others' company they will have think he would like a pint or a Yes; he owes nearly everybody he | entire confidence in euch other, and quart? knows. the boy will most likely grow up JAS. LATURNEY The Carriage Maker, ®300 Princess Street, where every detail will be attended to. jewelry depends 'upon! en maker. H.@ A. S. stamped: on gold-filled, GARDINER 'S Insurance and Real Estate. Bicht Companies at Lowest Rates, Money to Loan on Real Estate. 151 Wellington Street. EE ---------- A -------------- | 15 or 25 years. Your jeweler sells H. & A. S. Chains. Send for the H. & A'S, Chain Book. H. & A. SAUNDERS, King & Joba Sta., Torentp. 2 ac- but he has not decided as to the a cosh fee pl IE OI ie The worth of gold-filled 'Watch Chains is a pledge; of worth and wear -- 10, WHIG, JAPAN' 's CARE OF PRISONERS, Effect Provisioas Conference. Japan has set. the world an-exam- ple in the humane care of prisoners of war, says the World's Work, By a de | cree of the emperor, a bureau of infor Put "Into mation was founded in Tokio to .in vestigate [the past and present. condi- tion of each . prisoner; to receive. and answer all communications relating to the prisoners; to receive, transmit gnd distribute gifts of money and other presents sent for their use:"to send let+ ters, remittances and presents from the prisoners to their relatives and friends; to take charge of all articles, papers and testamentary document left by deceased prisoners of war wo to transmit them io their representa tive of heirs-at-law; to collect ifform- | ation from the forces in the field res. | pecting any of the enemy's soldiers who die on the field of battle, to ans: JUSTICE WILLIAM R. DAY, OF OHIO Has been selected to lay the corner- stone of the memorial to the late Presi- dent McKinley in Canton, O., on Nov- ember 16th, "of this year President to velt and other distinguished men will be present at the ceremony, wer any correspondence them, and to take charge for due transmission of any articles or writ ten papers found upon their bodies. The bureau began its work about March 1st, 1904, under the direction of Major-Gen. Ishimoto, the wviee-min- ister-of war. H- anyone wished to ob tain information respecting a relative or friend who was a prisoner, or was supposed to be a prisoner, all he need concerning ed to do was to send the person's name in a letter addressed to Furyo Joho--Kioku, Tokio, Japan. The bu- reau would then send hack particulars about the man, and, should he have died, it would forward any pavers or other valuables that he might have left behind him. The burean communi cated with government departments, military corps or individuals, and in any language necessary. - All letters, parcels and postal or ders relating to. prisoners f war sAovmild pernegand ion apt She" JEL wens of the convintion, be sent 1 of they were prisonniérs de charge. provided "Service des FUerTy provements in customs of war. FARMER AND HIS SON. Americans in No Danger of Being Too Polite. says a United States As a people, with a good broad view of life, drawn from the greater experience of his fath er. I on the other hand he is treated jlasa menial, he will beecdme gross nnd narfow in mind, sullen and selfish, or he will leave the farm and seck more { congenial surroundings and circum: dl stances. SATURDAY, N OVEMBER 4. | ADMIRAL WESTPHAL, NOVA | young Westphal was so fortunate as \ 1484), | war of IR12 with the United States, and provided the = rowere a citizen - the name of this illustrious Canadign of one of the countries that signed the has not been retained in the geogra convention -- Austria-Hungary, del- phical nomentlature of his native coun rium, Bulgaria, China. Denmark try. while the names of so. many go many, France, Great Britain, Greece, | bodies (at least to us); have heen pre Italv, Japan, Luxemiboure, -Mexi | served in this wav. It is the same, he Netherlands, Norway, and Sweden, '.savs, avith regard te Inglisqthe-hero Persia, Portugal" Roumania, Russia, | of Lucknow; Williams, the hero of Servia, Siam. Spain, Switzerland, | Kars. Dunn, the hero of Ralaclava, Turkey, the United States. Articlds | and otherd, who the more thev have for the prisoners of war were exempt | distinonished themselves abroad, the from dutv in Javan, more they have been ignored at home, Japsn bv establishing this buregn - put--imto forthe first time the second All It Needed. convention of The Haoue peace con Th : sal oxveen i ference for = 1509, which covered im , Tre. ja more veal oXygen-in 8 yo : liquified form in the "Solution of "A CANADIAN THERE SCOTIA ON VICTORY. Uncle His Preceptor to Puke of Kent--Lay, Wounded, Beside Nelson, When Latter Died -- Married Cenadian Girl. Ottawa Citizen, Was there a Cenadian with Nelson on board the Victory ? This question is answered in the affirmative by Dr. Morgan, of this city. The officer whose name will go down to posterity in this connection is, rather was (for he died in 1875), Admiral Sir George Augustus Westphal, who was born at Preston, Nova Scotia, March ° 27th, 175. The son of a retired military of ficer, of high German extraction, to. have a great uncle a dignitary of the Hanoverian church, who was pre: ceptor to the Duke of Kent, the fath er of Queen Victoria, and he entered the Royal navy under the wmuspices of his royal highness, This, according to O'Bryne, was in 1798, After serving alternately " on the North American, home and West Indian stations; as midshipman and master's mate, West- phal, in March, 18083, joined the Am- phion-22, Capt." Thomas Masterman Hardy, and sailed in that frigate for the Mediterranean with Lord Nelson, whom, on their arrival, he followed into the Victory 100. 'In her," says O'Bryne, "after pursuing thé combin od flocts 'of France and Spain te the West Indies and back, he fought at the battle of Trafalgar, October 21st, 1806, on which occasion, being severe- ly wounded in the head, he was laid in the cockpit hy the side of his dying chief," (Vide London Gazette, 1805, p. Recovering from his' wound, he subsequently ran a career pémarkable for the many gallant, daring brilliant , exploits eredited to him. During the he is said to have been more than a hundred times in action with the ene { my. On ene occasion, he was entrusted with ever two million Spanish dollars in specie. Westphal attained ecap- tain's rank in 1819, was promoted | rear admiral in 1851, and admiral in 15¢3, Knighted in 1831, after accom: panyving Karl Amherst, the new gov érnor-general, India, Sir Rebert Peel announced that the digmity "had been. recommended especially, in con sideration of his gallant and distin- | guished services against the enemy." | 4n. 184(}, he was further honored hy being appointed 3 naval aide-de-camp, to. the queen. A brother, Philip, also a Canadian by birth, and equally dis tinguished for the spleddor of his achievements in the naval service, be to At all druggists. When That 'Biting Pain Tells of Kidney Disease Fruit-a-tives are the first step in the cure, In fact, Fruit. a-tives will cure ordinary Kidney Troubles without assist- They do this by cleaning and regulating the ance. whole system. *! Fruit-a-tives stir 'up the liver--cure " Biliousness --make the bowels move regularly every day. the system of poisons that affect the Kidneys. Then Fruit-a-tives correct digestion--prevent acidity pletely digested. of the stomach--insure food being That rids It is by their cleansing, purifying, curative powers on the other organs that Fruit-a-tives have such a healing, sootHing effect on sick kidneys. * 1 have been troubled lately with my back and kidneys and ~ have received great benefit frof taking Fruita-tives. 1am getting along so well that 1 intend to continue with Fruit-a-tives until Tam cured. 1 recommend them to my friends." MRS. JOHN FOX, Cobourg, Ont. If you have those sharp, shooting pains in the back--if the urine is scant and scalding--if you are bilious or constipated --eire, 7 with or Fruit Liver Tablets. soc. a box: Manufactured by Frult=a-tives Limited, ottawa." . the Trea Men and Women. ent of Nervous, Blood, Private and Sexual Diseases 25 Years in Detroit on. Names used without Written Conseat. Cures Guaranteed. Thousands of young and middle-aged men are annually swept 8 tha premature grave through early abuse or later excesses. Chih. Anderson was ote of the vic says: dent, r circulation, pimples on face, time, but was rescued im tim "] learned an evil habit. 1 could feel it; my friends noticed it. oom y, had no ambition, gasily tired, A change soon came © I becam ck weak, dreams at night, tired and weak mornings, burning sensation. matters worse, I beca ie reckless and contracted a blood disease. I tried many doctors and medical firms--all failed till Drs. Ken- nedy & Kergan took my case. cured. e country. few weeks was entirel ialists in t --We guarantee to cure you or no pay. honest § - R K risk. We have a reputation and business We will pay $1,000 for any case we frauds and im MRTHOD TR We treat and cure Nervous Bladder tors, ATMENT will ast cure, y. Varicocele, Stricture In one week I felt better, a5d 1a3 ina They are the ouly rel You run no at stake, Beware of take that our NEW JF) , Weak Parts, Kidney Didswses._< Commutation ree. Books free. cat or write for 'Question t and [34 List for Home Treat DRS. KENNEDY & KERGAN rs LL 5 came a rear admiral in 1855, and an admiral in 1866. Sir George Westphal took for his second wife Mary Anu, daughter of John Racey, of Quebec, an aunt (and the godmother) of the late Mrs. Hen ry Kaulbach (Miss Ryland), of Moot al. Their only daughter, Mary sia natal ri pep Te OO | Charles Beauclerk, of the family of the Duke of St. Alban's, How extrg ordinary, remarks Dr. Morgan, that Ozone (the coupon kind)" than in any other preparation of a similar nature, As a prompt cure in the killing of all inside germs of throat, lungs, stomach | or_bowels it has no equal when coup- led with "Celery King' the famous laxative. That the stringent Ozone | How's This ? We offer One Hundred Dollars Rewurd for ary case of Catarrh that cannot he cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. P J. CHENEY & Co. Tole 0. We the undersigned have known F. J. Cheney fof the Just 15 years, and bel'eve him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his 62 of ara than any other range on the market "TWILL PAY YOU TO INVESTIGATE THIS Winnipeg J) Our personal guar 62 years experience in the manufacture year © of cooking stoves \eled Success 'The Gurney, Tilden Gompany Manufacturers Toronto antee as well as that of the makers goes with every stove. We have Souvenir Ranges on view S.J. HORSEY - . Vancouver Montreal Hingston. U Ont. it. a belutiful Ruff of Jus Fox, gy it 50 easy: iufys and we ill iat +000 6090 John Adams. who was born on the frm. i Bo 8 first immigrant ship that arrived in WALDING, KINNAN & MARVIN Western Australia in 1529, 'the year Yall' Whoiguale Divkeises a: Oluos 0, . all's Catarrh Cure is taken intern- of the foundation of th colony, has 0% icting directly «upon the blood snd | just died at Fremantle Fa mucous surfaces of the system. 'Testi- : Tobacco was legal tender in the Inonituafs rat. fren. hd -75 cents per American states when they were DPOTHE ONE DY AL Deuguints, ; . ] . oil ake Hall's Family Pills for ti still colonies of Great Britain, pation, weily- Fills Jor Sousu ITT 0060 THE CANADA METAL CO, BABBITT SPECIALISTS. Write for "All About Babbitts." _ .. ie $990000090094¢ oe pes Toronto, Ont." *

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