Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Nov 1905, p. 7

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omplexion. y stimulate the Bowel Muscles to ct:and propel the Food naturally he litle valves that mix Dig 3 with Food. y: Strengthen . these Bowel ereising them, i stronger action, producing" g on from food, rings back to the -Muscles greater strength for gels. ion. stive Muscles rater Bowel-Musclss can thus in a short dispense with any Drug assis ver. carets are safe to take as often pg eed them, while pleasant to eat ag ance hén carry the little ten-cent box none tly with you ia your pt and > a Cascaret whenever yoy pect need-it." = ne Cascaretata time will pr mptly inse a foul Breath, or Coatsd" Tongue, housand dollars a year ments could not buy for ich hearty Happiness, heerful Temper and Health Ir is that little ten-cent *'Vést Pocket™ f Cascarets will bring you. druggists sell them--over, ten mily /xes a year, for six years past. rery carsful to getthe genuine, made by: the - Sterling Remedy Company ever sold in bulk, Every: tablet ed ""CCC." sample and the famous b okle e of Constipation," Free for ¥ . Address Sterling Remedy Come Chicago or Néw York. 201 MS-------------- ~ tubbers Y--SAME COST ed in making Merchants t Para, Bi han other Ribbere-- jes of rubber gum~-- usy skimming, smoking cur ommon rebbei quitkly re Ist the wearer no more than d. returns come © bears the BEI BEE eo e@er XHIBITION, LONDON, 1900. eS 1ed Reputation. already used Neave's Food in tw abies' Castle and the Village H n saying it has proved h, 1901. RDINGBRIDGE, ENGLAND 0., Ltd., Toronto& Montreal: JACKETS LITY ins, Stock: @®@® Hudson Bay Sables 38 Stone Martins h i Thibets nde las. Canada Mink nee - aby 8 silver Raccoon ho, Persians Bocharans ay Beaver Coats @®®e Alaska Rat Lnings to mention. AY, S58 es HOUSE Kingston. | PSY NE (PRONOUNCED SI-KEEN) ' pr That * PSYCHINE " positively cures all forms of LAGRIPPE LaGrippe, Coughs, Colds, and Pneumonia, : is abyndaatly vouched for by _scores of men and women in different parts of the Dominion who have been restored to health through this really remarkable remedy. "Psvching" &s pot a patent me medicine in the true sense of the word, but a regular sn rofessional prescription, prepared 'after carefully approved scientific methods. Its efficacy has been tested in thousands of severe cases. SUNT READ THE PROOF TERRELL writes, Sept. agth, 1904, about his remarkable Mr. HE a.year ago | was taken down with I was under treatment of several physicians and also in the hospital at headway that I was regarded as a hopek ratitude for what the Dr. Slocum Remedies, tions : ich soon affected my lungs, an, but the disease gained such express my § recovery from acute complica. La Grippe, then Pneumon nd Typhoid Fever, less case. Words cannot particularly Psychine, have done for me. | am daily giving my testimonial to friends and acquaintances) Box a» Springhill, N.S. James Herrerr. GREATEST OF ALL TONICS ALL DRUGGISTS--~ONE DOLLAR-TRIAL FREE The Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited FREE BROOCH by mail -. solutely free, 1604, Toron Dept. TENDER FOR RUBBLE STONE SEALED TENDERS WILL BE RE- ceived. until 3 p.m., on WEDNESDAY, November Sth, for the supply in whole or part of 400. toise more or less of Rough Stone or Rubble for the found- ation of artificial stone walks, required by tie Corporation of the City of King- stone for the year 1906. Each tender shall state the quantity' of Rubble he is prepared to supply his price per toise deiivered to any part of the City and his price per toise in whe quarry, All "other * information to be ebtained at the office of the unde Shake City 31st, 1¢ Enginecr. Kingston October A CURIOUS PERSONALITY. Is John' R. Hegeman, Now Being fungus personalities in vestigating committee Metropolitén Life Examined, Rew York, Nov. .--One of the ost New York city #8 appeared before the inSurance in in the person of president of the Insurance company. Jchn R. Hegeman, IS appearance is very striking, his curly locks extending to the should ers. He has a calm countin ince, full of signs of ability and character. looks as if he were calmly philosophiz ing, men, Passionate €Xtitement a He grew up in the ae whore | whn he i among othe and acts and speaks with a dis tone, far removed from can well be coneeived. Metropolitan Life seen 2 * company from the position of en errand boy, ascending slowly hy steady work and taking in "all th» facts that Yume bei him, until' he became the wan in the employ of the Company that knew everything about ®ervthing in its business methods, td was ylwavs able to tell any of- fice anything h» wanted to know as 0 the ecndition of affairs at-any mo- mat. He saved (ho company from im- Pding collapse, and nas build: At up an. impregmab le position. - His com wJ0Y dals ip insurance: that = costs dimes and les of dimes, per ee nd there is un great room full THs in the splendid palace op "entv-thivd street and Madison ave- indreds of nimble fingers uid g the hundreds of thou- au Is of 10s and nickels that are ought in hv the busy collectors, hundreds fou th, In number, who receive it in iy msured persons who Pay insured iy all «ums each week, and are or, pe week they have paid thet they re happy in the thought aoe to ve paid for enough insur differe tiry them, The company is . "nt from any large company ex- Ba Fre dential Life Insurgnee Gt dH is considere d probable informe ci gemen will impart some will "he ir 0 to the committee that Herint from any they have 0 far atuired : : ---- + Legal Firms Of Ladies. i. York, Nov. 4.-- New York has -- a law firm. It has had a "ne, hut dy Jawyers Jor some firme eY have heen attached to ph a "pe sed of gentlemen, hut a Rady firm appeared in his w al #and conducted a case Fhe. » railroad. The firm's name is ee \ ope & Doty--that is, Misses Naa they Elizabeth 8. "Pape, and in Windle di They hold: an office ral fade and have a pretty . i Risine 5. They are graduates - \ York University law ---------- Blood wil Tell. ee + the kind that is rich and foe. ry ® will téll--tells in your pr En Ror ambition, vour work ade's gr, N Bol ggg; € store, ® tells for w . fon Success, ade's Toe Pills make and keep the at Ww, Dure and rich. In boxes, 2% sfactor 5 Money back if » ---- v Vade'y glove cleaner, 10c J COL. JIM CURTIN Send -us your name nid address and we will send you one of these beautifully co- lored Panry Brooches postpaid ab- The Jewelry Co., TE «179 King Street West, Tororito --r Finds Bowery Nearest Thing to His Texan Home. New York, Nov. 4.--Col. "Jim," Curtin, of the Bowery, settled in that street "because it is, the nearest thing to home that he could find ,in this great city; but he pronounces it a Sunday schoel street, as it is not a lighting ground or a district for law- less persons. Col. "Jim." was a sher- ifi in Texas, and a bold, fearless one, who subdued some -of the biggest toughs in the business in the Lome Star state. Col. "Jim." had a watch he set much store by, and which bare an inscriptipn on the inside of the cover, stating that it was presented to him Yor his shooting of a notorious outlaw, Ben. Thompson. Col. Jim.' had his ppckets picked of the precious watch, on a Bowe street car. He called on "Florrie" Sullivan, and told of the loss, giving the history of the «ift, which was speedily printed in all the newspapers." This was no sooner read by the thief than he straichtfor- ward expressed it back to Sullivan's detective, Col. "Ju way overjoyed to receive it back once more and his eyes blistened with emotion. In the scrimmage wherein Thompson was killed, Col. "Jim." received = five shots, and spent six months in the hospital. Even a thief respected such a record, ------------------------ A .NEW.PROCESS a ne Ft Fo Ril or on « covered. Washington, D.C., Nov. 4. Consul Fleming, of Edinburgh, Scotland, re- ports to the state department a re markable revolution in the refining of mincral oil. It is a process that will save enormous: losses; at least twenty per cent. now sustained, and will do away with the expensive methods that depend. to-day. on the use of chef vals. The inventor of the Ir. Alpine and he claims for his in vention the abolition of chemicals, two distillations instead of three, twenty per cent. increased vield of products, and improved quality of all the products. As is well-known vitriol and caustic process 1 soda form two of the costliest items in oil relming, and many thousands of dollars each year would be saved successful. oil by if the The new simplicity distillation Process proves of distilling the one another econo mical invention, and this closely fol lowed hy securing one-fifth more of liguid products, which at present arc verable, would permit profits to ached in the oil trade never pre viously dreamed of, even by the great combine which now. controls the pro ducts and vields millions to Mr Rockefeller and his assoeiates WON'T DEPRESS MARKETS Stocks Parted With in Leisurely Manner. Montreal. Now 4.--While the late Senators Fulford, of Brockville, | was probably 'one of the largest investors in the stocks of leading Canadian and American industrial and transporta tion stocks," the~snnouncement is made by an intimate friend of the family that it is not intended that any of the stock should he put on the market Instead,it will be held in trust by the eXecutors, and in time marketed in » way that will not have the effect of lowering prices in any way, a thing that would certainly happeh if it was intended to realize on them at once. Wagarville Items. ° Wagerville, Nov. 3.--Quite a number of men from around. here have gone north ¢n a hunting trip! William A Wagar has retiined home wfter spend ing a couple of months in Manitobn. 1he guilting at Mrs, J. Ruttan's on Thursday last was well atterded by the ladies of Wagnrville. Mr. and Mrs, Hollingsworth 'and children = wil] oh return to their former home in Athens. Mr. Hollingsworth was cheesemaker for the season. McLean Personals. McLean, Noy. 3.--E. Snider and fa m'ly have moved to Yarker. White Smith of this vicinity and Miss Lash- er of Napanee, were united in mar- riage on October 25th. Mr. and Mrs. Smith will live in McLean, Visitors Mrs. Moucks was Tisiting her sister, Mrs. "H. Vanvolkenburg last week: Samuel Rawley is visiting at' Wolfe Island. Er ------ Toronto Man Wants Divorce. St. Louis,»Mo., Nov. 4.--A divorce suit was filed by Alvah Hayden Saw- married in Toronto in October, He alleged his wife danced with Fitivinos and a West Point Cadet, that he: ! : Ine DAILY WHIG, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4. ° HALF DOZEN STATES WILL [BE IN THR THROES OF "EL. . ECTION, NEXT WEEK, No Members of Congress to Be Chosen--National * Issues Do Not Figure Largely -- The Eascern, Contests Are Full of Interest. Washington, D.C., Nov. 4.- Hlewtions, are to be held in a hali dozen) states next Tuesday. « Four states, Ohio, Massachysetts, Virginia and Rhode Is- land, will chose governors. Several other states will elcet minor state offi- cers. No members of congress are to Le chosen, and comparatively fow members of state legis atures who will have an opportunity to vote for Un- ited States senators are to be elected. A few municipal elections are of more than usual interest and importance to the cities in which they are to be held. The 'tountry, as a whole, is, appar- ently, not greatly interested in. the state clections. In political purlance, ths appears to 'be the "offest" of the off years in politics. Of state elcclions, that in Ohio' is of most interest to the general public. The contest, is attracting attention for the reason that the democratic candidate for governor, © Pattison, s.ems to be crowding "My ron T. Her- rigk, the republican nominee, in the race, It is regarded as remarkable that there should be at. this time hie slightest prospeet of the election of ¢ democratic candidate in the Plickgve state, but many wpll informed poli- ticians scem to think it within the range of possibilities that Pattison will win, National issues do not figure to any extent in 'the Ohio campaign. nor Herrick"s troubles, due to the fact that he Gover- It seems, are has offended most of the forces in the state that are interested in the moral uplift of things. The Anti-Saloon League, which is very influettial in the state, is: making a very vigorous campaign against him. Another important fac- tor is Secretary Taft's attack on George B. Cox, the republican boss of Cincinnati. Mr. Taft's declaration would bolt the Cox ticket in Cincinnati if he were to vot this vear has caused much gloom #mong the re- publicans and consequent jubilation among the democrats. It is feared by the republican leaders that thousands of their party will be influenced by his denunciation and will feel free to Tol- low his example. The possibilities appear to be, ever, that Herrick will be re-elected, but by a greatly reduced majority, The forces within the party that are oppos ng him are not fighting the oth et republ'can nominees and it is con- ceded by the democrats that all the nominees except Herzick will go in by the usual plualitics. All of the state contests in the east arc full of interest. In Massachusetts the question of Canadian reciprocity is to the front and this makes the con- test of morc or Jess national interest. For man heir tic- et "with Curtis Guild, Jr. 'the pres- ent l'entenant-governor. He is of the Roosevelt type and is | exceedingly popular. General Bartlett, who has been nominated by the democrats, is a man of excellent record though not regarded as of unusual strength. De- spite 'the . ante-convention . differences the repablicans now are, in a sens united on the tariff question. notwith- "tending the fact that the democratic how- pronouncement is more to the liking of the radical wing df the republican part It looks now as if Guild would pel the full "strencth and this means, the next of of course; governor. his party, that he will ke The Nuisance Is Dreadful. New York, Nov. 4. while he worked at the World's Fair, "Mashing" nuisance in Harlem ladies can no longer po streets alone. The ogling they receive is terribly annoying, and tends from block to block. The "mashers" have become bold that a large public meeting has been called by prominent citizens, including the pastors of the churches, and Vigorous has become such a that young on the ex: so action will be taken to drive the in sulting young toughs fropu = the streets, ----------a------ Ants converse --hy touching each antennae, and the whole community is thus quickly warned of impending danger. Unless a man wants to know from whom every letter a woman gets is it is hard for her to feel sure he [ves het. . "| Guarantee To Grow Hair." I Prove It, I Send a Trial Package Free by Mail, Duty Free. My discovery stops hair falling and quickly restores actually grows hair out, removes -dandruff luxuriant growth to shining scalps, eyebrows and eyelashes, and Quickly restores gray or faded hair to its watural color. Write to-day. CUT OUT THIS COUPON For thix offer may not appear again. Fill out thelblanks and mail it to J F. Stokes, Mgr 4422 Foso Building, Cincinnati, Ohi losing a 2:«Cent stamp to help r postage have never tried Foso Hair and Scalp Reg ody. but if you wijl wend me attrial package, duty free hy mail, prepaid, free, 1 will use it, Give full address--write plainly. who 'which he A GREAT DISCOVERY. Most Says He's "Found World's Desired 1 Blessing. EMIL ADOLPH BEHRING. By his claim that he has made the discovery which would be hailed as the greatest « blessin®- the world has ever received at the hand of any man, Prof. Emil A. Behring, eminent Ger man scientist, has aroused intense in terest all over the earth, because weight is given to his claim by his former important discoveries. Hero are some interesting facts ahout the man : Age, fifty-one; born Hanslorf, Rus sia. * Studied medicine in Berlin, Became: an army storgeon in 1580, Appointed a professor at the Uni versity of Halle, 1894. ° Called to the directorship of the Hygienic Institute at Marburg, 1895, Discovered the diphthéria serum or anti-toxin, and has made a specialty of the study of immunity from this disease. Has written books upon blood ser um, therapeutics and the means of combating infectious diseases. Four. years ago. divided the Nahel prize with Dr. Roux Is an. acting pri councillor of the German empire, with the title of ex- cellency. 5 Announced his discovery of a cure for tuberculosis at the final sitting of the International Congress on Tuber eulosis, at Paris, October 7th. Calls the cure '"'bovo-vaceine" savs it is in the form of a powder. Will give no further (Particulars, de claring he will keep it a secrot one vear to perfect it. Has refused an offer of $40,000, made by an anonymous American mil lionaire at Geneva, to make the secret public at once. and HOBO WAS A WOMAN. Railroad Officer Makes Startling Discovery. Wilkesbarre, Pa., Nov. 4.--After a three months' journey across the con- tinent from Nevada, during which she was attired in__men's clothes, © M et) enkins--arrived- here' day. "She was. making her way by stealing rides on freight trains, and was bound for Lewis ston, Pa,, where she has relatives. "A Lehigh Valley railroad special officer saw her in. a freight tar and arrested ber. She says that eight years ago, she and her husband left Seranton for Nevada, where they lived happily un when he d Too proud "to" remain in town 'where she known, but niless and without friends she could appeal, she her way Finding that as a woman even food was' refused, she procured men's cloth in, cut off her hair and resum her journey, Her sex was never dhseovored nor arrested until she reached here. til three months ago, ed' her. was pen whom decided to make to east, was she A RUSSIAN REFORMER Most Radical Order in Pitts- burg, Pa. Pittsburg, Pa.. Nov. 4. The arrival, to-day, of Dr. I. Zitlowsky, a Rus sian; reformer. of the radical kind, has caused considerable commo tion among the members of the local Russian Fraternal Revolutionary So ciety, Dr. Zitlowsky, who was oduca tec -in Russia and Switzerland, repre the European Russian Revolu tionary Society and is now on a tour of agitation in this country. He will be the principal speaker at a meeting in Turner ball. yinder the auspices of the local revolutionary society. The Ie society was organized in Febru of this vear for the purpose of money for the help of those to bring about i better among the Russian people of most sents ary raising want condition Since ifs organization the societv has sent nearly £500 to Russia. Tt has a membership of , only cighty, among them a number of Russian prominent merchants : Pretty Good For One Day. Boston Herald One of our suburbmn seated the other residents was noon at lunch in a popular Boston restaurant near a voung woman, a stranger to him. Og- leaving the place he took his hat and coat from the rack and an umbrella supposed to be his, but which in fact belonged to the young woman, wha was leaving at the same "time." She discovered the mistake, and, on calling it té his attention, he gave her the umbrella, with apologies, Later in the day he stopped at ap umbrella maker's, where a few days before he "had left half a dozen or more umbrellas for repairs, sand, with these under his arm, he boarded a Car for home. 4 Seated near him in the car was th: woman with whom he bad had the ex- periences in the restaurgrt, As she leit the car «h: turned to him and said : > "You seém to have had a Very suc- cessful day; after all. The Asylum Investigation. Hamilton, Cnt., Nov. 4. It ix. re- ported that the "investigation" "he ing made at the Hamilton asylum 'by Inspector Rogers has a« the chief oly ject the making of an exen for the dismissal of Dr. Russell, the superin- tendent, Bidwell Way, the bursar, and Miss Woodbuim. It is said that er Lt tin friends of the Whitney 'government are waiting for the vavanries lo occur, ly be lieved in the old adage, "The way 4 "NEWS FROM NAPANEE HOUSE BURNED 4 AT THE HAY BAY FERRY. Several Propertiés Change Hands --A Masquerade Party--Cheese 'Sold on the Board at Eleven . and One-Half Cents. : Napanee, Nov. 1.--Nelson Woodcock, it the Hay Bay ferry, lost his" house by fire, on Wednesday. It is thought the five originated from a spark from "the chimney. Most of the contents were destroyed. Mr, Woodeock only had $200 insurance. His loss is con siderably above this figure. Miss Annie Armstrong leaves, Mon day, for Melita, Man. After a short stay there she will accompany he: brother and two children to California to spend the winter, At the cheese board, ternoon, 1,100 sales, 150. white, at 1c. Dr. Harold A. Ward arrived home, this week, from New York. John and Danicl Wilson, Selby, have purchased the property of Mrs. 'Annie Greer, on Mill street, for $950. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Pringle, i. turned, 'this week, from a years stay in Manitoba with theie daughter » Mes. F. Thompson. Inspec: tor F. C. Anderson will remove short- ly to thé house Just vacated by James Young, Adelphi street. Mrs. Lendrick. Saul sold her home on Newburgh Road, to Thomas 'ybus, and has' purchased Archibald = Me. Guire's frame house on West streat. After some repairs are made she will aeeupy it. Migs Lena Allison, Napanee, invited a number of her young friends to a fancy dress masquerade party, Tuesday evening last, at her home "Som Home,' Yanpey Hill, honor of her birthday. Guests wer present. from Napanee, Blessington, Picton and Deseronto, and numbered about forty-five. The decorations were out with bright reference to the day. Lanterns< of - every kind, apples and nuts everywhere, pumpkins walore were all about the rooms and lawn. "The table was pretty in yellow and white with large basket in centre made from a pumpkin and "filled with apples' grapes and other fruits. A pavilion encasede in evergreen boughs and hung with lanterns, was built on the lawn and connected to the house hy nn arch reachihg from the drawi « rcom door. -At supper time a signal was piven and all unmasked, to the fun and merriment of all. The dancing and games continued until~early morn ing. yesterday af: boxes were boayled; Feed The Brute. What a lot of good cooks there would be if alk the young ladies real to a man' 8 heart is through his sto- mach." Our sweethearts, wives and sisters discriminate in what they eat. The up-to-date girl of to-day is an adept in the uge of the chafing dish. It is not difficult to Ns and is a de i hiful, way. of CL Ra 5 Het graced ully in a art it is necessary to "know how." Armour Limited, Toronto, will send a little cook book free to anyone asking for it and. mentioning this paper: This cook book tells how to use the chafing dish and give < a number of choice Tecipes It is issued to show a few of the many ways of using Armour's Extract of Beef, While extract of beef is not absolutely necestary Tor sucoessful fhafing dish cookery, it improves and makes digestible every known prepar ation. y it the first time friends drop in for the evening. a few Allan Line Loses Heavily. Ottawa, Nov. 4.--The Allan com pany are losing * heavily owing to the sablement of their turbine staamships, which * have been laid for repairs. For each voyage made by these vessels 810,000 was paid by the government, whereas . the steamships now on the sailing list only carn 82, 200 per trip, two up What Queen Wrote On Glass. From The Gentlewoman There is a little lady at Sandring hani, living quite near the "Hall," who had a baby w short time ago, and forthwith the queen announce her in tention of being godmother to the child. After the christening, the queen asked to. be conducted to the infant's nursery, and, with her diamond ring, she wrote mon a' pane of the window there, "God's blessing" rest on this house, and all who- live 'in it." When Baby Comes You'll Need Strenzth No Mother Can Rear a Healthy Child Unless Bhe is Stronger Herself. 'A woman's anxieties multiply ten fold ahout the time the pew hghy is expected. If her strength is exhqusted end her blood weak, it goes hard iy the hour of trim}, Ferrozone :hould be used hecause it makes the blood nu tritious ard rich. By instilhng now strength into every part of the hody, it uplifts your spirits 'at once: Childbirth is certainly made easier by Ferrozone. The following state ment expresses the earnest gratitude of Mrs, M. E. Duckwirth, of Dutham, It is a woman's story--of her cas€ told that other women profit by her experience : "Before baby was born | was in a miserable, weak, nervous state. 1 had no reserve strength. 1 tried to build up, but nothing helped me. 1 looked upon the coming day with dread, knowing I was unequal to the occa sion. "Ferrozone braced "me up at once, It gave me strength and spirits, brought back my nerve and cheerful- ness. From my experience with Fer- rozone, 1 recommended it to all ex- pectant mothers." : There ix more concentrated nourizh- ment in Ferrozone than you can get from anything else. It supplips what weak systems need. Simply take one tablet of meals and you'll feel uplift- ed at onde. Ferrozone 'makes healthy virile, vigorous women: try it, 50. per box of fifty' tablets, or six boxes own May for $2.50; at all dealers, iW WiLL CURE Dr. 8. GOLDBERG, cates, who Sint no money that dons not cen, | Have 14 Diplomas 3 my Sanding and Shilitien, to your advantage to nd corti It mk Slecplewness, weakness, in Riy haustion. cures ar away, write me a full is the most perfect and receive the asual Sourtpties cf the pi from W uty and , Ont., glid | he [LIV OL fl only ol Transfer Cases. Card Index -Quthi ® J. R. C. DOBBS & The possessor of 11 Diploma; and certi- medical examiners wich shoud get my opinioa of your casc free of charge. PHYSICAL DEBILITY The Latest Method Treatment is a heaven-sent hoon to nervous sufferers, There are ul domestic car os, Lereavenien: or trom headache, oss of memory. mentale epressio In this class of a almost. in fs The use of narcotics and polsono hous 'stupefying drugs is done way w.th, accomplished. 1 Cure Nervous Debility, Varicocele, Stricture, Early Decay and Waste of Power, All Nervous, onic, Blood and Skin Dise X RAY EXAMINATION, ADVICE AND CONSUL HOME TREATMENT - are in or near the city you should appl: Nive fd re ceive as careful. conscientious and painstaking attention us if y As men in different parts of Canada ak Me are being cured by ny system of home tr cessful bystem ever devised. consultation over obstinate cases which they are occasional DR. GOLDBERG; SHANNON FILES & CABINETS Special "Patient's Record" Cards for Dcctors and Dentists. fi PEPPPPEEPPIPPPE SEPP % Typewriter Ribbons and Carbon Papers. Typewriters for sale, to rent, repaired. ssid FePePEe 33339449 434% YOU FIRST THEN YOU PAY ME The physician who hag not snfileient coinfl <n usa At y 10 eure his paticins She cond Lm mee .; ecive pay afterwards, 1s But Bho wip 10 fu Shire confine ia those wh are iu sear hoof Ay ae cepa bees wr "for irestuaent, is; uly Cut 1h A hr never wet in. bs ih by Cas08. r Joceive the money for the value. | i have iven the but 1 expect to prove my worth wid show, an | satisfactory 1esults hefore I ask for tg Jae So, should I fail to cure tho ease, the Jouea noting, while When 1 Suing 1 éure wee hin 8 ven what is worth nnch Ju him bis he: 1h gat ain, | am the Lh pafist i. the Ubithes States who Soulidence ta his ability to NOT ONE DOLLAR RTD BE PAID UNTIL CURED Thera {3 no guess work, no experiment 2 hont y the our life or your td iiat stake. inferior to atment (which Jesven after effects wou se than the disease itself), is at any price. ficates from the v he 'rion enllo~es an! state hoards of bi sufficient guarantee 1 8 10 es no difference who has failed 10 cure you, it WIN BEY EFe Jer Vols Sisopt | 8 yosuhuing ering from seve op a of while peace. confort a isa ness are Ly POS~ ¥. fuel ¢ heart alpitation. enol imuediate relic forded rian ironiment: INSULTATION FREE for treatment in'person, hut if you history of your case, = You will re- x Ey were in hee dally feel full y Justified in cla claiming that Al Iph aily a co at awh onl apon rea patients Sigs nd unreserves Tico, a8 well as ul <tment, I rofession. Medicines for fon charges pi 208 Woodward Ave., Sulted!s Detroit, Mich. SA LPR 3k AS... i smelt ssmamimieat C0., 171 Wellington St. RTI TOO MANY DINNERS BURNED | "TENDERLOIN CURFEW LAW; = a While W. Boroughski Kissed His | Caused the Holding Up of Good Best Girl. ; Church Feople. New York, Nov. 4.---Wadizo Dorough New York, Nov, 4. Capt, Dooley's ski, of Secaucus, over in New Jersey, | curfew law in the "Tenderloin," seems not far from the metropolis, was so | to be of few nights and full of trou- * fond of kissing his best girl, that he |ble. In. prescribing that no woman waylaid her at. every opportunity, | should appear on the streets after ten Mike Chuski Tiked him vey much, and [thirty the captain overlooked the fact doubtless als a liked the kisses, until that many honest women are com- Wadiso Helayed her so much, that to be abroad later than that many dinners' were burned! while Wa 1 This fact the Rev. Mr. Sch- " y rg wtor S J p « diso was"hugging her "in a corner, | WiDingen, rector of i] ] Rr 3 When: shia fouml =the ding wis. tao FAsKisE a church right in the very ? hot her love grew cold, anih she hailed | centre of the tainted diatriet, as well Wadiso before Justice Miller, She de | aware of, Soil 0 og ret his clared her lover kissed her somotieg | parishioners he ., 3 Sars hi Nock. a hundred times a day. It worl] have |B ation to oyery dy coll od ee gone hard with Wadiso, had not his oat tiying that na oe hi now 41 lawyer proposed a compromise hich | him aso Hay of Koo "hear Bop am Oe whteous rine - comprised an agreement on the part en di ne: in hic. eC Xf Wadiso that he would piver Kiss Dool f. or \ 1 : fat her ve th 2 ferent 1 if she ooley found it best to drop interfer [ wr more than ten (limes a day af she } i , : py | 0100 with such ladies, stir. boing | would withdraw the suit and marry Ee | 3 ; : catight severul times holding up him. Miss Chuski agreed to this, und ohurel wirch members who had gs much Justice Miller drow up with dignity, 1 h ) ! Wadi : 1 iy i ; right on the street as Dooley or any anil Nadidn signed with avicity oan or his officers. Tien Magistrate Ma agreement that he wou'd not kiss her discharged a hunzh of went more thun five times in the morning 1. .usht in by Dooley's subordinates, F and five times in the afternoom before and the curfew law was done for. supper. The marriage was then and < : there performed, but Mrs. Boroughski The Miracle Of Change did not agree not to ask for any More | juttimore America. than ten kisses a day. 'm no seif-made wian, for I dearly can Trace each force that fashioned me My Forces. From the years \long ago, when a babe 5 . new horn, Bennett Stephens in New York Sun, I lay on my mother's knee. ort after morn the woods aiford Then Cod above in His Heaven of love Their tapestries of vivid gold | To the angels gave control How subtle and how strange Life undefiled of this iittle Cchidd-- This miracle of change ! And they breathed in me a soul. Day after day across the swamp Then the love that lies in a mother's eyes Encrimsoned banners toss their pong ; Woke that soul to active life How fair beyond belief And Irom ull alarms, her sheltering arma = This pageant of. the leaf ! Protected me in the strife, : : ; Her vender tare and hor loving prayer Year after year on Youth's As the hoy grew into man, Are Hmned the ripening tin My nature drew toa full growth true; With what rich marvel As only a mother can. This mystery of life ! s------ In no college walls, in no legged: Halls, Found my brain its forming tool ; Headache And Sere Eyes. Hut in the press of work's hard stress, Nino times in fen av . learned in the world's great school. ic § \ ? have their = root yy, feed Aife and the ovil's strife, iy frontal catarrh. A simple thing to 1 struggled on to find, 2 & cure if you use "Catarrhozone'"--vou | And the labor to gain the work te ttain, breathe the medicated air--€Catarrho- Sharpened and shaped my mind. zone docs the rest. Failure 'mover |1non into lite with its hardabips rita known. ' hen success was almost won, : -------------- Came a keener sight and a brighter light, ir, 4 : As through clouds burst the sun. In Tokio there'is a foreign len. | Werk lighter arew, oray skies were blues gunge, whood where alent wil lm: |S 20E hemmed Lo op guages are taught, and, strange 194" And loys awoke roy. heart! say, Russian is the favorite. rime Rhodesian hunter of the name of | hore are yo distilleries, breweries, Jellian has heen suceesshul in I saloop® in Persia, and as pative ticating and training a number of wine is dhe only intoxicating bever- young eland to the yoke, age used, few get

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