IN LADIES' SIZE Pe Pp ke a ie ly winter will find '. A. Mitchell Chocks, Flagpole Sockets, Deck Brass Hooks and Heturs, and are cheaper than you 'have and quote you Mitchell's Hardware rT TTT - y ' - --- N-- You 'wear heavy clothing in winter to keep the heat in your body. Did you ever think about . clothing - your HOT An Asbestos Covering Will keep in the heat, save you fuel, and give a better distribu- tion of the Hot Water. The expense occurs but once-- in 'fuel "goes on for- R. J. HOOPER 83 Wellington Street. B000000000000000000008 R. J. FREE, CONTRACTOR a SUmaten eiven for STOOK MARKETS, F. Dever & Cou 18 1 5 a7F 8 Steel, pid. . 105% 1 World--The Markets. week 1904, Sor oan The € 480 acres for $418,008, wire business Pacitie, ursemen ed, brought up to about $1,500,000. The Grand 1 1905, weno $1,179,649, compared with The Federal Mining and Sgnelting com- pany hut purchased for BRUU0, 000 cen the Morning and Youlike wroup of sliver loud mines, near Mullen, 1» the: Comer d'Alene district, Idaho. Steel company intend to break all pre- vious records this season in the produc by the end of the yvenr the customary output will be doubled, 5 A compuoy to manufacture soda ash ahd other kindred products is being or- J ganized in Toronto by British capitalists, At preset about $4,000,000 - worth of thes: products is exported and' prospects for the trade here are bright. Gross earnings of the Toronto Haile wiy for October were apneosimately $240,395, as compared with $202.344 in October last your, an incregse of Soa" (041. For the ten months of the year warnings total $2,251,244.85, as against $ in the same period of 1004, an Increase of $350,000.52. The Cheese Markets. Madoc, Nov, 21,791 offered ;: 1,700 id at 11%e. # ih y +39 2.-One thousand offered ; all sold at 11 13<16¢, WEATHERHEAD'S BRAVERY To Be Recognized in the Form of a Medal. y Pr. G, Forest Weatherhead, known in athletic circles as "'Forrie," is to reevive the modal of the Royal Cana- dian Humane Society, granted for gallantry in saving life. In July last at Echo Lodge, on the St. Lawrence, a Miss Bainbridge, of East Orange, N.J., while bathing, ventured out too far, and the current being very strong J was off her feet out of her depth, Several ladies who were on the saw her peril and cried out for help. Dr. Weatherhead, who 4. jwes a short distance away, heard | their cries, and jumped from a rock on { which he wax standing, hurting his os Hmeed into the water and brought | Mise ge out, - She was insen- J sible when rescued, but the doctor at- fended: to her, and in a short time ined conseioumess. Dr, Weatherhead until recently was assistant physician at the Protestant ne at Queen's, and for years was Jr minent in Queen's rugby and hoe v circles, ------------ To Save Time Is To Lengthen Life To improve tipie is to make - life fruitiul and insyre a harvest of sue cess. Let nos opportunity to secure a oot business education escape you, "Frhe dig Thpive your evenings by tak- ing advantage of evening classes, Better attend a thorough and prae- tical school like the Fromtemac Busi: ness College, at a moderate rate, making your success assured. We get positions for practically all sucessful graduates... Rates and particulars cheerfully furnished, hope 690, T, N., Stockdale, principal. Left Vessel At Brockville. A deckhumd who shipped on the steamer Alexandria, at Montreal, on Thursday, left the boat while lying at Brockville, last night, and has not ginco heen seen, He went up town for a "drink," and whether or not he was drowned by falling off the wharf on he return is .a matter of conjec: ture. He may not have wished to gontinne his journey. His name is not known. Men's heavy tan waterproof Blacher out boots, No cold or wet feet, La assortment, $4, 85, and $6. The Lockett shoe store. and: Nervous Dread That Overshadows Your Life. You can't keep up forever, gainst the strain that is imposed on hand. weak men and women is lack of kid- of your ill-health. Wouldn't it be wise to use a time: appetite tmproves, dull, sallow co scientific. medicine. Thus writes Mrs. D. F. Fowler, from there was usually a bad taste in my as well, Sr "After one dose of Dr. Hamilton's Pills there was a sudden ch: ok ally left me. Life seemed brighter and hahpie: after T used Dr. Hamilton's Pills, so I strongly recommend such a good medicine," Mrs, Fowler's letter is a message to you and all others 'in poor health. Yon can't do' hetter than follow. her advice. Dr. Hamilton's Pills yon cer: tainly need; then why not get them Bo, and enjoy the abindaut good J health they are" gure to bring you ? 25e. per box, or five boxes for TE In The Dismembered. . FOR GIRLS DEATH ST. a Vhat Is Going On In the Business Canadian fallures this week, 84 'same 3 The sales of the . Canada Northwest ye a ny were 18,257 wcres for Ounadinn Wacife Railway land sales. for the month of Oiler: were 5 9,~ that a bok or who does 3; tundard Ol inter | ests bought 19,000 shares * of Canadian Noveinber dividends payable in Cane about 00,000, and a» Ws the total in 'rank: railway earnings from = October 22nd, to October Sist, $1,001,290 In 1904, being an incrédse of RHR, 349 It ix reported that the Nova Scotia. tion of coal. It is not improbable that day. severely in doing so. He then' | Hospital for the Insane, Verds A br ob BB CCR LT PT | dicine at f you cannot attend college during You Are Ailing Find the Cause for the Weakness Sooner or - later nature will rebel your overworked systan, So far, will power and nerve may have tided you ovet, but the end is probably near at To-day the common complaint with ney vitality, Here you have the cause 4 tested remedy like Dr. Hamilton's Pills--they cure that "ailing" feeling in one night. Next morning vou feel like rew---bright, fresh, and happy. nw grows ruddy and clear, proving that great good is being done by this Yarmouth : "I used to feel drowsy and heavy, my color was sallow, and mouth. I had vague pains alk through my limbs, and an annoying headache felt better, my appetite ino , and that exhuustion and depression gradu. » ¥ w-- --_-- DR. McLEOD, A PHYSICIAN OF BOSTON, IS ARRESTED. ; -- Body Was Cut Up, Parts Packed in Two Suit Cases and Drop- ped, Into Boston Harbor -- Head of Susan Geary is Not Yet Found. Boston, Mess, Nav. 4.---Dr. Perey D. Mcleod, a reputable physician of the Baek Bay district, was arrested, yes- t.rday, on the charge of performing an illegal operation on Susan Geary, the Cambridge chorug girl, whose body was found in two suit-cases in the waters of Boston harbee.. While the authorities admit that Sther ar- rests may be expedited, thoy say that the case is practically leted, and bthat it = no longer remains a mystery. Through the confessions of Louis Crawford and William Howard, arrested in New York, the authorities reesived eviaence which, in their opin ion, warranted the arrest of Dr. Me Leod. y 1t is alleged that Dr. McLeod was called "in to wee' the case after the first operation was performed in a Tremont street office, and. that he per: formed a second operation of a des: Ferate ngture in a vain attompt to save the life of the young wonian. isa Geary failing (o recover, it is alleged' Dr. MoLeod, in an effort to corcsal the crime, dismembered the | body. These dismembered parts werd placed in two dress suit-cass dnd a wmall bag, and, according to the con- fossions of Crawford and Howard, cropped by them into the harbor, « So far the head, which was placed in a small bag, weighted with shot, has not been found, but it is believed that it will soon be recovered. All day long the harbor bottom along the po of the north ferry to East Bos- ton was dragged, but up'/to dark the search had been fraitless. Dr. Meo Leod will be arraigned in court to- Morris Nathan, the lover of Miss Geary, who was arrested, in Pitts. burg, last Sunday night, and brought here in a state of collapse, is gradual- y recovering, The police now say that Nathan conducted the negotia- tions with she proprietors of the Tre mont | street establishment, the place with 'which Crawford was connected, and that he was fully aware of the operat list Tally, ra a energies toward locating angher man formerly connected * w th the Tremont street offices. ' Confesses Share In Mystery. New York, Nov. 4.-Two men are under arrest at police headquarters here, charged with homicide in connec tion with the Winthrop, Mass., dress 4g suit mystery, i aba Ame of the "tien, Wiliam Howard, is said by the police to have confessed that he and his fellow prisoner, Louis Crawford, alias Albert H, Emory, took the body from a hospital in Tremont street, Boston, and threw the dismembered portions which were con- cealed in "dress suit cases and a hand satchel, into Winthrop harbor. oward denies that he knows any- thing about the cutting up of the body, while Crawford refuses to say a word, In the arrest the police declare that the solution of the mystery will be reached and that. the person responsi ble for the death of Susan Geary will soon be in the toils, Howard, as-s0on as arrested, the police. say, freely told the story of the disposition of the body. According to. the prisoner's sworn statement, as related by the police, Crawford for some time has been en- gaged in managing what the' police say is a hospital conducted by 'his mother-in-law in Tremont street, Bos- ton. gE On September 19th, last, two days hefore the body was found, Howard called at Dr. Bishop's. Howard is al leged to have said: : "I've got a chance to lot you make a good bit of money, A patient is dead, and we have got to get rid of the body." Then he told Howard according to the -confession', that: a girl had died from the effects of &n o ration, "How mich" 5 there Tn it?" How ard says ho asked, "One hundred dollars" answered Crawford, and immediately, Howard savs, they closed the deal. The next <pight, Howard says, the two made ready to start. Crawford handed Howard a small hand satohel, the latter says, while Crawford him- self carried a dress suit case. Howard was told what was in the bag and the satehel, They started for the Kast Boston ferry. No favorable opportunity presented itself, so on reachiog East Boston they boarded a trolley. On returning to the firey there were fow persons around, and while the craft was well oul Crawford said, "Let her go," and Howard dropped the satchel, which contained the head, while Crawford dropped the spit case containing the I'mbs. Crawlord said there was another portion yet to be dispossd of. They went to the Tremont Street Hospital and got another suit case, boarded the Chelsoa ferry boat and threw the case intp the river. Before they part- ed Howard got 860, 'he says. The vest day, Howard alleges, he got $30, Two days later Howard was startled when he. read about the finding of a dismembered body in a dress suit case, and went to the hospital. The follow. g morning, September MWnd, he'and Crawford boarded a train for: this City. Shortly afterward the police here re-1 ovived message from the Boston an. thotities asking them fo look out for Crawfond. ? ---------------- The Roman Catholic cametery at Bothwell was doseccated by + THE DAILY _WHIG, SA or hy RDAY NOVEMBER 4 has come on the scene, in of J, PD. Dinney, a Montreal street butcher, , chase from M, who could not change the ten dollar * + } $2459 84 $¢ ernor general of Ki { ITALIAN REMANDED, ---- 'He Said He Did Not Understand Indictment. His charge of making counterfeit money was read to him. 1 doh t un derstand," said the prisoner, EA A remand was given until Monday, when an interpreter will be on hand for him and = his "rool," Gavonni Peseitello, William Campbell was arrested in the "wee sma' hours" of this morn- ing for being drunk. He has made his home in Jal on two previous oc- casions this year. (in April 10th, he got one. month, and again on June 27th. Magistente Farrell imposea on fine of 810 or three months, " Moses Ellenson, charged with .an in fraction of the early closing by-law was the third attraction of the court. H. I Lyon appeared for the defend: ant, Magistrate Farrell 'dismissed the case, § Ve Auntoinetti has a story to tell. He claims, he was once a rich contractor in Massachusetts, but lost. all nis money, He met a man who told him he could make lots of money in Cana- da, and he undertook to show him how.~The results of an apparently apt gcholar have been fully demon- A Scene from "The Flaming Arrow," ut the Grand, next Wednesday. - strated in Kingston this week. An: toinetti says raised bills, his the raising, He in Ottawa. I he never passed any business was alone says he saw Pescitello re no sn ~ a anford for bill raising, after he had e local police force a 3 Wn operated in other places, Their work of this week adds: more credit to "them. These able to ply their trade in other cities and make good their escape, but let them . strike Kingston and it spells doom, wily forgers seem to be : ---- Another Victim. - = Xnother victim of the raised bills the person Pesciteilo made a small pur Corkey, grocer, but bill. Corkey, however, got the neees sary change from Pinney and another was done up, SITUATION DANGEROUS Helsingfors, Finland, Nov. 4.--Three Russian battleships, a cruiser . and ten thousand torpedoes have arrived: here from Reval. The general strike continues. The situation is threatening on account of the attitude of the soci- -alists. . THF 4EF439%9 F4¢ BIGA AND ODESSA -------- Are Now Centres of Disorder--St. Petersburg Guilt. Paris, Nov. 1.--Foreign office re- ports, received from Russia, show that Riga and Odessa = are now the centres of disorders, that St. Peters burg and Moscow are quiet, and that Finland has practically established an autonomous form tek Fo¥erament without the Russian government adopting repressive measures, Strike Notes. In St. Potershurg, - alll is quiet. There is no attempt at holding pro, cessions and Cossack patrols age gv. erywhere, Railway communication with the frontier has not yet been re stored. Newspapers will appear to- morrow, and the eleotric lighting plant has been again put in operation, It is> announced' that the ukase granting amnesty to politioal prison- ert had been signed by the czar. Anti-Jewish disorders are reported fram Theodosia, where many Jews and others were burned to death. In a revolutionary outbreak in Kostroma, many were killed 'or wounded, Koting. and anti-Jewish outrages oceurred at Saratoff, where many shops were plundéred. A bomb was thrown during conflicts between rioters and soldiers, and several killed or wounded. A dispateh' frém Rostoff-on-Don gives the official figures of Wednesday's rioting. ar thirty-four killed and 150 severely injured. In Odessa the vioters burned three factories and killed a physician and two assistants, pillaged the bigoest dry gods stores R1T5.000. hardwars store, loss estimatid at involving a loss of $100,000, and twelve fur stores, The nomber of Jewish vietims al Kioff is large. children and old people have heen barbarously mu-déred, whi', military and police Inok evtical indifferonce od oa with The retivément of Gen, Kleigels. gov eff, not served [BAVARIAN IAGROUND] At police court this morning, Fausto | ON WEYE ROCK, NEAR THE Antoinetti, or Alphonso .-tharland, | : demonstrated his ability to raise a After "Twas crowd of spectators as well as bills, QUARANTINE STAT.ON. Feared That Damage May Be Sevious, as' Shore is Rocky-- Andrew Allan Goes to Scene of the Trouble. : Quebec, Nov. 3.--~H.M.S. Bavarian, whidh left for Liverpool, at 7 o'clock, last 'night, went aground about nine on Wye Rock, this side of Montmagny, between Montmagny and Berthier. The steamer, Lord Strathcona, has gone to her 'assistance, The Bavarian was in charge of Pilot Paul Lachance. Mr. Allan At Scene, Montreal, Nov. 4.--Andrew A. Allan, of the head office of the Allan Steam- ship Line, received word, late last night, of the grounding of the out- ward bound Allan liner Bavarian, near Grosse Isle, quarantine station, and a | special train, over the C.P.R. to Que- bec, was at once ordered. to enable that gentleman to reach the scene 'af the accident at as early an hour to- day, as possible, to arrange for the usual assistance to be sent to the stranded vessel. No particulars have been received 'here, as to when the ac cidént oceurred, but it is understood the vessel suffered some injury, The latest advices from the stranded Bavarian are to the effect that the ac- cident oecurred during a blind snow- storm, 'which was in progress, late! last night, during the time the steam- er was making her way from Quehec to the spot where she went aground. A wrecking steamer has gone to her assistance, and it is stated that the passengers are to be brought back to Quebec. which is taken to indicate that the prospect of the steanter being released immediately is small; No statement is yet forthcoming as to the probable extent of damage, to the vessel, but as the shore at that. point is rocky, it is feared that it may be serious, -- THE LAST MEETING ---- / Of the Teachers' Convention Held To-Day. The last seesion of the teachers' con- vention was opened, at nine o'clock, this morning, in. Central school, | by President R. F. Greenlees. The ques- tion drawer was opened, and a ques tion found asking if the new by-law, re the engagement and dismissal of teachers was just. It was agreed that the by-law is all one-sided. Ac- cording to the by-law a teacher may be dismissed at any time. with a month's notice, but may be released only at the end of December or June. A committee, Messrs. Greenlees, Kit. tinger and Aylesworth, was appoint- ed to interview the hoard of educa A Special Sale FURS To-night at 7:30 AND ON MONDAY We have just received 'from one of the most reliable wholesale Fur manufacturers in 36 SAMPLE ALASKA These were secured at about one-third off regu- lar prices and we sell them as follows :. 12 Only Alaska Sable Ruffs, regular $15 qualities. daycare $10.50 12 Only Alaska Sable Ruffs, regular $16.75 Special 'price to-night and Mon- veliratsssmturesrescarssasisas ators sedis inuserins $12.50 12 Only Alaska Sable Ruffs, regular $15.7 ASA LPB RE SIR HE f14.75 inher Hobe bye sould amended, giving the toachers a great- er measure of justice. After a . dis- cussion it was decided to amend the mothod of weekly examinations. Messrs. Howton, Connolly, Aylesworth and Miss Davidson wore appointed to interview Inspector Kidd to make a change in the pupils'. interests. Prof. A. Laird, of the R.M.C., gave an interesting and instructive lecture | on "Nelson ~~ywrid Napoleon." going minutely into the life and work in the military career of this great Pritish admiral, especially dealing with the hostile relations existing be- tween Nelson and Napoleon. A very clear and definite address on "The Environment of Children," was given by Dr. A. P. Knight. He dwelt particularly on the factors which in uence and determine all life. The convention closed with the regular business meeting. . The following officers were elected for the ensuing vear: President, Miss Davis; vice-president, Miss Branigan; seeretary-treasurer, Miss H. BE. Bar- ney; auditors. Miss Hoppins and Miss Conley; 0. E. A. delegates, Miss L. Allen and R. PF. Greenlees; oxecutive. Misses Connor and Bureau, and Messrs. Greenlees, Ettinger and Ayles worth. Married At Seeley's Bay. A quiet wedding took place at the parsonage of Rev. F. R. Meredith, Seeley's Bay, on Wednesday, Novem ber 1st, when Laura R., youngest daughter of the late William Fisher;- to William Cochrane, Sunbury. After the ceremony was performed the happy couple drove to the home of the bride's mother, where a substan- attended by her cousin, Miss Maud Derry, Kingston, who "was dressed in grey voile. The groom was ably sup- ported by George Hunter. Titverary. The grooni's gift {o the bride was a sable ruff, and to the bridesmaid was a gold broach of hearts, set with opals, and to the groomsman was a scarf 'pin. The bride reccived many beautiful and useful - presonts, includ- ing ¥ome from Manitoba, Kingston and other parts, showing the high es- teem in which she was held by her many friends. After an en'ovable evening was spent, Mr. and Mrs. Cochrane drove to their home at Sunbury, amitl showers of best wishes for a happy future. Jared Marcy, farmer, Beverly town- ship, was found dead in the woods, hanging to a tree, Fresh on Friday a large order of McConkey's high class candies at Gibeon's Red Cross Drag Store, A million dollars has been spent on surveying the G.T.P. railway. er ---------- Y.W.C A. 3 ures on Home N 8 TUESDAY, Nov. T.~Hyglena of Sick Room. " TUESDAY, Nov. 14.--Bed-Makiag 'and Ci anging. TUESDAY, Nov. 21.<Bathing, Spong- Fa ' TUESDAY, Noy. 28.-Nursibg of Ty- hoid and Preumonia, Joc TUESDAY, 5.~Nursing of Con- tagious Diseases. MEDICAL, me ee DR. McCARTHY, FICE LATELY y Ryan: C ocenpiod he Dr. orner Mon- treal and Brock streets. DR. WILLIAM GIBSON PHYSICIAN Sergeon, etc. Late oe AS: Tesidon If not ready 10 buy just now come and see them. You can have one or more. placed asice until required. : ee OF in SABLE RUFFS price to-night and Mon- special price to-night and 3 SPECIALS! For To-Night. 125 - Pairs Men's Good Black Cashmere Sox, full weight,seamless feet, an exceptionally good make at 25c. regularly. To-night at 7:30 special price.............. isis 18c. Pair 54 Girls' Fine Wool Combination Suits, ; sizes, regular value 8oc. and gsc. Your choice To-night.... sensi ces iii rsieiss priests 39c. Each 46 Girls' Pure Wool English-Made Un- shrinkable Undervests, sizes for young girls or small ladies. at 75¢., and we secured this small stock balance from the importer at a great bargain. Yours AEE nn. 396, Each SALE AT 7:30. Seelev's Bay, was united in marriage | tial repast awaited them. The bride | was attired. in cream voile, and was | These were imported to sell t House Su ht XK General Mospit- al Mae 0 THO opposite ok of Montreal, Phone, 43, THE LOCKETT SH JOHRLADLAWGSH | Warm Felt Boots | For Street Wear Ladies' Felt Gaiters, leather fored - - $I 25 Ladies' Felt Face Gaiters, leather fored 1.25 Ladies' Felt Lace Gaiters, leather fored 1.50 Ladies' Plain Felt Button Gaiters - - 1.90 Ladies' Plain Felt Gaiters - - - - - 1.0 Ladies' Plain Felt Gaiters - . - -'» 75 All New Goods, and all well made, comfortable shapes. Price E STO h consid ed to much con C the respect. The halp of . es above hig pidioso} and marts of his his ideas as to! before he will pay for pe nd Uncle Sam b All families of an ton river, but the Cm fely arrived on th down do it. Here are t ! hays, mothers wa the kind of buffaloes During the noon ho themselves to the »