The Boeckh facto, -- Been making batter and ries have Better brushes for years. Every deta) ey : the hands of experts . n best materials are hy Each brush is carefully Inspected and none A Perfect goods arc shippeg The most reliable Stare in Canada recommeng s 5 A Few Jays More Only a few days rem me alotted for ETITION. : ain of the the COAL COM- All returns mus i t be in 1} AY, November 10th, y= This competition has onderful success, the number oe ve entered into it have been oo nd all expectations. i been There is still / time for a § 1 a lew ore. Perhaps you will be the cky one. [t costs you nothing to try, he Best Drug Store L.T. BEST, Chemist and Optician } Princess Street. "Phone 59 AUCTION SALE MY AUCTION uth,) 4 WILL SELL p ng Nov 1ith, AT 0 p.m. sharp, the Cot ount, of Land, Maple. i ant Jot, forming the t itham and | York Sts rved bid WM th MURRAY, lack display easily béats anything ever shown of Sp... and---extra-quality of "hia trial, in- Kingston for = cor rectness style, good workman Prices ....... ™ You this while the range is complete . 86.50 to ¥l had better buy week Walking Skirts can-bny a Beautifilly Tailored Valking Skirt for $3.50 4 tores will ask you 81 more fin 00k 'over the showing, as it will terest you, ite Bearskin Coats the "wee darlings," that \ake them look even sweeter ver, and at the hem good. and warm. rics hs $2.75 will same time keep Underwear Underwear Department is pr popular spot these days. Never fore have shrewd cash buyers Underwear dues spread before them very style for Men, Women Boys, at popular prices WMAN & SHAW ad such an array of : UT OF GOAL." IT WiLL BE THERE !. AMES SWIFT & CO. a mmm . THE DAILY WHIG, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7. rm-- -" mati 1 be 3 E30 To Bash i SINGLE FARE. $3 in Temagami on J &N. o. np] Mattawa to Port Arthur Ry " je inclusive, ' via Ste. ' Marie » pod oo 4 Good going 'Oct. 10th, to Nov. the. © 7 Muskoka Penetang. Lefeld, All Stath Lakes, Midland, Lake of * Magnetewan River. ons Argyle to Cobo- Lindsay to Haliburton, Severn, 'Bay. Points on N. N. a Pay end Mackinaw "fpod Goi Oct, 26th to Nov. vision) Golog " ; he All tickets valid net particulars, tickets and all v information apply : to J, P. HASLEY, City Tassenges Agent. ---- 3 & conks returning until De- RL L EY LT REVAL IN CONNECTION WITH GANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. TRAINS LEAVE KINGSTON :-- _--Jxpress, for Ottawa, Mon- 13:39 pov : . : uebec, St. John, N.B. Halifax, ual, ronto, Chicago. Denver. Ren frew, Sault Ste. Marie, Omluth, St. pat, Wianipeg, Vancouver, Seattle, Portland, and San Francisto. A pmo-Local for Sharbot Lake, A with C.P.R. east and west. ¥10 am. --Mixed, for Renfrew and in- termediate points eigets. 16AVing Kingston at 12:30 p.m, Arrive jn Otidwa at 00 p.m.; Teterboro, 512 pm.: Toronto, 7:80 pin: Bosten, 7:80 am; St. ohn, MR, 11:55 am n. , jculars at ull uit Ontario_Street. ¥. A. FOLGER, JR. Gen. Supt. T. Ticket Office, + ¥, CONWAY, "" Gen. Pass. Agent B Bay of Quinte Railway New short line fer Tweed, Napanee, Duwerento, and all' local points. Trains leave City Hall Depot at 8:35 p.m. CONWAY, 'Agent B. Q. Ry. Kiagsteu, RN -_---- ALLAN LINE RO BONDERRY ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS, - From Montreal. From Quebec Virginian, ° Nov. 10; 6.4m. - 10,11 ' funisian, Nov 17,6 am... 17, 4 pm From St. John From Halifax, Parisian, Sat.. Nov. 23. Mon., N i Sicilian, Sat., Dee. 2. Mon., 4. MONTREAL TO GLASGOW, DIRECT. Corinthian Thurs., Nov. 9, (daylight). BOSTON TO GLASGOW. Siberian Sat., Nov. 11. MONTREAL TO LONDON. Pomeranian, Nov. 11 Sardinian, Nev. 22, J. P. HANLEY, Agent, G.T.R. City Passenger Depot. J. £3 GILDER- SLEEVE, Clarence Street. Lake Ontario and Bay of Quin Steamboat Co., Limited. leaves Kingston dally except: Sunday at. 3 pm. for Picton and intermediate 'Bay of Quinte Ports. Full information from J. P. Hanley, J. Py Glldersleeve, Jas, Switt & Co. brats, » B, B. HORSRY. Traffic Managers EDUCATIUNAL, Niss Cora Louise Larke, A.T.C.M. Pupil of Hermann KiBin, New York. Late Vocal Instructress St. Margaret's .« College, Toronto. Soprano Soloist Syd- enhatn St. Methodist church. Pupils' pre- pared for Conservatory and University Examinations. Concert Engagements. Address : Romilly House, 73 Barrie St NO MISTAKE Is made when you decide on'entering for a Business training in the HOMNERGC ~~ All ; Cor. Barrie and Clergy Sts. of any of the business or profession- oo. wha have our graduates, or any -- welk-picased students as to the rity of our methods of training. u A PRACTICAL SCHOOL Modern equipment ; competent teach- 8 | moderate rates. Day and Evening Classes T. N. STOCKDALE, "Phon 8 i one, 630 Principal. Students May - 0 Enter Any Tine Kingston Business Gollege LIMITED . Head of Queen St. Kingston - Ont AMODERN, PERMANENT, RE- LIABLE SCHOOL. ++ Established in 1883 ., ] le al, complete, thorough, individual jee, ones i¥en in all o.mmercial sub Waite pen throughout the whole year. + (alior telephone for terms and cata- logue B. McKay, IL. F METCALFE, Principal. Fresident, - = VERPOOL, LONDON - AND GLOB baurance Co + Available ts $61,187,315. Ia addition to ivi the policy ko) ve for ali y the unlimited of 5 * stockholders. Farm NY arty insured at lowest le -- bus Hore renewing & Stn gy au trom Btranat K. & P.:angd.C. P. - That Builds "Maybe you think of Mooney's Sodas only as a _toothsome tidbit. Don't \' overlook their food value Mooney's T H Cream Sodas are made of finest Cana dian wheat flour, pure but - » tc 1B w PERFECTION Makes light white bread, dainty appetizing biscuits, retaining all the healthful -properties of the PE -------- BOARD OF HEALTH ACTION TAKEN AS TO NEED- "ED SEWERS. lev of Uttawa, and Mrs, James Don- afternoon Present : John (Melntyre Perfection {chaitman), John Gaskin, 1), Reeves, weigh asked that it to the health officer. '| health officer, MOQRNEYS | . he New Medical Health Officer initiated--Persons Who Throw Refuse in Lanes to Be Prose- cuted. The board of health met yesterday ealth Officer: Bell. James Daly, lessee, called attention » the unsanitary condition of the house of market No. 2, and be inspected. Refer. ed The chairman "congratulated Ir. ell upon his appointment as medical and hoped that he ould have success in his work, AE Hunters' Are Busy~--Third Infant aldson of Araprior have returned to their homes after, enjoying a pleasant visit with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. Lane, , - proprietors, of the House, 3 Y., is. the guest of his brother-in-law, Charles Wienecke. He is also favoring his other' numerous' friends in this vicinity with an occasional call, and r. Hanley, W. Simmons and Medical intends to enjoy some sport before he returns to the city. A. Kossmack Vanbrugh is on a visit to his son-in- law, E. Warlick, and intends to remain during the hunting season. ta, where he has months country. weeks ago. Both are of the opinion that DOINGS AT DENBIGH, Ss .--Mrs. James. Bai- "Denbigh, No Denbigh yan, of Rochester, N. rp, of . Emil Stein has returned from Alber- spent nearly two working and viewing the William John returned some the North-West has also draw- A Scene From "The Flaming Arro Novemb er 8th. ~ best wheat. Makes the dantiest luxuries, Pastry and 'Cakes--so tempting that one bite invites t anolher--yet so wholesome. Go to yeur grocers and get it. finest quality two and three ply Australian weol-- much finer than Canadian wool, bechNse grown in a warmer climate, The more strands there are in a rope Is made of the the stronger it is, weight for weight. On the same principle, a two or three ply yarn is more durable than a single strand, Ceetee Underwear will mot shrink nor get out of shapé, and until worn out retains all the original qualities of wool --is soft and elastic. Your Dealer will re- placeany Cectoe garment that shrinks Made at Galt, Canada, by The C. TURNBULL CO., Limited and sold by all reliable retailers "Wood's The Great English Remedy. A positive cure for all forms Bexual Weakness, Mental a; BRYORE AND aryes Brin Wary, Rutsgions. Sper matorrhoc e of nse or oH air of hich end la Consumption, ty, Insaait, an ear) ve. fg. six for § One will pioasé, six will . by all druggists or mailed in plain ages Rooelpb ol price. Write for Pamphlet. he ood M ine Co. Windsor, none GOAL That is the kind we sell--The kind you should bura if you want J a fire, We are Alling orders mow for winter supplies. Have you ordered yours yet 7 'Phone No, 188, > BOOTH &CO.! BACHELOR'S HALL Whild your wife is at the seaside: She would rather have you enjoy - THE COMFORTS OF MOME taking your meals at the Al IROQUOIS HOTEL. C. HH POWELL GARPENTER AND JOBBER, 103, Raglan Street: & SON . .. Saat's Bank pam , MER ' ' Butlding Welllagtog wating. corner Brock Try Myers for Fine COOKED the ccllars of the 1 south-east side of tween Princess and Queen streets. The medical offices and advised that the city build a drain on Ontario street from in front of = Mr a reet. sary. The health of Mr. Polson's em- ployees was sent t» recommend to' the city council the construction of the drain, on sanitary grounds. Mr. goon as it premises and would SRT N. C. Polson was present in éohinee- ion -with the unsanitary condition of buildings on the Optario street, be the city engineer to Queen nieces Polson's establishment east This was absolutely by the pre- board decided .endangered The, conditions. Polson said that as was decided fo construct intended enlarging his employ at least, the drain, he fifteen more hands. . The city engineer advised that a tile sewer be constructed on Omfario street between Union and West streets, to replace the old stone drain which is in "had condition snd Camm t he cleaned." The matter was referred to the medical health officer. Capt. Gaskin brought to the atten- tion of the board the fact that a number of lanes in the city were used bv residents for the deposit of filth, He claimed that the city authorities <hould have this practise stopped _ at once. One of the worst lands was that running from Barrie to Clergy <treots. between William and John ston streets. The matter was referred to the health officer and' sanitary in speetor, with instructions to have the lanes cleanest: and if possible to lay information against residents guilty of depositing the filth. The board was advised by the health officer fo recommend the ex tension of the sewer, to be built on Pluni street + westivard to Cherry street. On the latter street a sewer is necessary, as sickness was caused in one house therd 'on account of bad drainage. The difficulty seen in this by Capt. Gaskin was with reference to the local improvement taxes on the adiacent vacant lots. The board de cided to refer the matter to the city engineer to get an estimate of | the cost. The long standing complaint - of Macnee & Minnes and Cromlev Bros. concerning unsanitary conditions in that locality, was again brought up. The matter was referred to the health developed in the upper reach of thy hydraulic lift leek will, od, eptail an expenditure of for repairs: colating through the embankment ciged over the discovery. of between 85,000 necessitated for is alleged, expenditure anc £6,000 was largely by reason, it what i= alleged to be the unsafe con dition of the: embankment, : a enstvacneneeme Meer. + Honey Cunningham, plans fram (hickerings. Orders received Peterbors, Nov. 7.--A leak which hax it is estimat- £20,000 The water has been per- and the local offic ials are much exer- During last vear, when the lock was opened, an repairs of tuner at ™ suit has been more than thirty years in the chaneery court, the trial being $8 ; i : 4 delayed by expedients for which that oy a court is fi h w,"" at The Grand, Wednesday Yourt, in mow. -- ------------ -- LIVE STOCK PRICES. backs, and disadvantages as well as i Untario, and will haraly decide to What 18 Paid at Various make. it. their future home. Frederick Centres. Chutson has returned -- home from Brockville, where he has been engaged this season. His . brother Frank has left for New York, state, where he in tends to work during the winter, F. C. Anderson, assistant school inspec: tor, is paying an official visit to the schools and intends to remain a few days before he starts on his return trip, hi George Fritsch of Renfrew has just arrived at his old: home and is going to spend at least part of the hunting season here, visiting his parents and his other numérous relations and friends and enjoying some 1 here are this season an unusually the country, ond are also trying to secure their share local hunting permits township clerk. therefore have a hot time for a while and Herman Glaeser, the newly ap Charles Bath of this village has beer it wax already the have lost in infancy, -------- Coriander grows wild near the Medi terranean. Skin Troubles Itching Eczema, Scald Head | vou can use it delicate skin or hurt the growth the hair. '| tary powders, Pr. beauties "and benefits making it soft and velvety. \ Mrs. S.J ark Co., Ont. writes: * my little girl took what the det the Ointment, believe that Chase's at all Bates & Co. Toronto, To 60 cents VMeAnlsy's honk stare. Princess etree Rijean King will make a trip ene MIT, ARCHITECT achor 3 Phone, as. dina, Market MEATS. Westport on Wednesday, Sth, leaving inst imitations the partra y Vand signature of Ir sport. large number of outside sportsmen with hounds and dogs in this part of more ave arriving every day, and most fof the settlers of venison, to judge by the namber of issued by the The poor deer will pointed deputy game warden, will have his hands full if he wants t prevent an infraction of the game laws, 4 : third child they of Children Chafing and All Skin Irrita- tions and Eruptions, Cured by with positive assur: ance that it will not injure the most of Unlike the pore-clogging and unsani- Chase's Ointment the skin "by Saunders, Prospect, Lun: "In July. 1903 called abscess on her cheek, The doe- the least return of this trouble, so we cure ig' petmanent." déaler®, or Fdmanson, protect Chase, the FIGHT FOR A TITLE sap rm ese] er a------ ant rete SEE AS-- ce GEORGE SWIFT /CLAIMS TO BE LORD CARLINGFORD. Extraordinary Romance of Claim- ant's Life is Now Being Un- raveled in English Courts. London, Nov. 7.--The Irish supreme sourt is now engaged in unravelling an cxtraordinary romance of the pecr- age, the claim by George Swift to be adjudged lawful heir to the estate.and title of Lord Carlingford, who died in 1864. : The defendant to the suit is Mary Jane Swift, second" wife and adminis tratrix of the late, Lord Carlingford. This peer married © three times --first the Austrian Baroness Wetzelar; then Mary Hopkins mother of the present claimant, and subsequently Mary Jane Clarke, the 'present Lady Carlingford. She resists George Swift's claim on the ground that her husband's mar V2 to Geprge's mother, Mary Hop- kins, Was invalid, as at the time it took place thé Baroness Wetzelar was still living. AL $i George. Swift, however, maintains that his father's marriage to the baroness was invalid, because, as a marriage between a Protestant and a Catholic, it should, under the. then existing statute, have heen solemnized by a Protestant clergyman, whereas ax Catholic performed the ceremony. Xarlinglord had three children by Mary Hopkins, two sons and a daughter. When he dieg_ they. were | Quite vous and Lady..£ giving the £250 each, cast them out to earn a living: One Brother became a policeman, got pneumonia during the Fenian rising in 1867, fell into bad heattl;- and eventually died of brain trouble a pauper in the Dublin workhouse. > George Swift, whe said his father's widow used every inducement to get him indentured on a "coffin ship" that was lost on her fiest sucverding voyage, took tu a seafaring life. This Montreal, Nov, 6.--~The offerings at thn Montreal cattle market this morn- ing were about 14,000 head of cattle, 100 calves, 200 hogs, and 2,000 sheep and lambs. The demand was limited, end the tone of the market was easy. ( hoice cattle. sold at $3.25 to $3.50, and inferior grades at $2.50 to $3. Calves sold at from $1.50 to $10-cach. Hogs sold at $6.25 for selects, 85.75 to 86 for mixed lots, and: $5.50 for inferior grades. Sheep and lambs sold at from $3.75 to $4.50 cach, -------- East Buffalo Live Stock. Fast Bufialo, Nov. 6.---Cattle-~Re. Caslinglord{---yards EVERYDAY SOMETHING SPEC To induce customers to call and see how really cheap we have things here and how much they can save by winter baying here. Our business has incre: per cent. in the past four weeks, which goes to show that the people appreciate our efforts to give them high-grade Dry Goods at a very small margin above' the actual cost of the - manufacturing. We advertise nothing that five cents on the dollar cheaper than an WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY AND FOLLOWING DAYS THIS WEEK we will give the publica chasce at our * Black and Colored Dress Goods Bargains Colored Dress Goods 56 inch Silver Gey Tweed, all pure wool, guaranteed unshrinkablé. We wiil offer the suit pattern of seven yards at the 3 . Very Special Price, $6.86. Worth $8.25, » 46 and 48 inch Pure Wool Chiffon Ve- petian, in Maroon, Navy, Brown, Worth $7, s ' 50 inch Box Cloth, in three shades yards for the Very Special Price of $3.43. Worth $5.25. : ' ecipts, 6,250 head; steady on choice, te. to 15c. lower on common. Prime steors, $5.40 to 85.75; shipping, $4.75 tor 85:25; butchers, ~ $4.36 to $4.85, heifers, $3 to $4.25; cows, $2.25 te +] 23.85. bulls, $2.26 to $1; stockers and feeders, $2.75 to $1; stock heifers, $2.25 to $2.85; fresh cows and spring- ers, steady, $20 to 860. A enls-- Receipts, 1,200 head; active and 25c. higher, 85.50 to #K. Hogs Receipts, 25,500 head; fairly y 1 active and shade lower. Heavy, $5.10 to $5.15; mixed; $5 to $5.05; Yorkers, £1.95 to 85.05 'pigs, $5 to 35.05; £7 to $7.15. ---- Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, Nov. 6.--Cattle 20,000; steady to 0c. lower; heoves, to $1.10; stockers and feeders, $2 £4.20; Texans, $3.40 to $4.30; western £3.25 to $4.75. $6.20; good, heavy, $1.85 to 85.20; rough, heavy, $4.45 to $4.70; light, £4.75 to £6.15; pigs; $4.60 to $5.10; bulk of sales, $4.80 to $5.10. Toronto Street Market. Dr. Chase's Ointment carcase, 85.50 to %6;. mutton, ewt., $6.50 10 85; to £9.50; lambs, spring, 39 to $10. The Race Question In Kansas. Topeka, Kas, Nov. 7-~The race question in 'this state is coming to an jssue here to-day, before the state su sued against of Kansas Ci Ys building for "the colored' children school hoard each day at the white school for the nse of the negroes, The Barton mystery'is clearing up it famous réceipt: 'hook author, ere « at 6 s,m, James Swift & Co., agents, every. Box of his' remedies. the bande of the law shortly, roughs, $1.10 to' $4.30; etags, $3.25 to Receipts, £3.60 to $6.25; cows and heifers, $1.25 to ors, Hogs Réoeipts, 33,000; "steady . to strong; mixed and butchers', $4.50 to per veal, per ewt., 88 preme court, when the management is- the hoard of education Kas., requiring that in now in conrse of construction and the has set apart hall of and {he murdered is expected to be in As range grates must common range. kit of plumbers' tgols will common ranges. Rang RN Did you ever have what that means in com- mon plumbers, delay, muss and big bills -- because common ranges are built that way. soffe time burn out you arc certain to have that = If you have the Pandora you won't have any McClary' Pandora Warehouses and Factories: London, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, St. John, N.B., Hamilton BOING doing their over fifty . 'is not twenty - ere else. For Black Dress Goods Block Crippine, 42 inches wide, for Shirt Waist. Suits and Dressis, worth 65c. yard. 2 Very Special at 49¢. | Pricstley's Black Venetian, 46 inches wide, thoroughly = spon a ready for making up, worth 8! a yard. Very Special at 760. ~ Emwral and Myrtle; the correct High Grade Black Chiffon Vey thing for thes long cont shits; woven |= and_Box | Toth, 48. : eth qu ty "We Wall of-| ~~ sponged and shrunken, fer these suit patterns at the yard. . Very Special Price of $6.26. Very Special at 98c. 44 inch Black Soleil-Priestley's High Grade Glace Finish, unspot y worth 81. Vory Special at 98c. only, bonght at a hargain, tomes | Priestley's Black Armure, 4G inches in Navy Blue, and Dark and Medi- wide, elegant for Ladies' Shirt wm Grey, worth 7c. yard. We will Waist Suits, pure wool and un: offer the suit pattern - of seven spottable, 'worth it many places £1.50; our regular price $1.25; this wo will offer c 3 Very Special at 98c. IF. YOU ARE WANTING A SUIT OR DRESS _ SEE THESE AT ue The James Johnston | Store If you did you will kriow 8 ER of trouble if yours is a appointed. crown: land agent in place] 53:45; - deiries and - grassers, $1.75 trouble, because you can take out of A. W. Wood of Plevna, Nr. and] to_¥- Lint 3 Mrs. Hugo Schoencich are mourning § | Sheep ard Lambs Regwiple. 16,000 the old grates and 'put in the new - the loss of their i 8 , wad; active; sheep. steady; lambs 25¢ : . i - the los 7 weir infant aT. hizhcr. Lambs, $5.76 to 87.50, year! ones in ten minutes, and a ten cent fore last, at the tender. age of nine $6 to 36.25; wethe ra, $5 50 to picce for a screw-driver docs it weeks, The bereaved parents have the | 53 ewes, $6.25 to 85.50; sheep, ie ; rt = =x svmpathy of the whole community ns §ixed, $2.50 10 $5.75; Canada lambs; easier-in-the Pandora than a whole 4 oy cut p: - rerewairiver Los need ta tate wut old and put in New grates, do it in Vancouver, Lemmon & Sons, Sole Agents. officer. the sanitary inspector and the Tor nto, Rov. 6. Feat, white, -- city engineer for a further report. bush., 78¢.; wheat, red, bush, 78¢c,; & Those sted will be similar to Dr. Chase's Ointment is so clean | what, sprinz, bush, 75c; wheat, TRAGEDY DREAM COMES TRUE appear, before the hoard again. and pure, so fine and creamy, sd de- } goose, bush., ; oats, bush., 37}. health. officer and city engineer | lightfully scathing and healing, that ] 10 38}e.; barley, bush., be. to bbe; | Wife of Victim Saw it All in recommended that the owners of logs | 1b: 18 especially useful in' the nursery § peas, bush., 71 to 73c.; hay, timothy, Sleep. in the basin into which the North for the skin troubles of childhood. ton, £10 to $12; hay, mixed, ton, $8 M oy Nov. 7 Queer street drain empties, be required to} | For gimburn, prickly . heat and cha- 10 $9; straw, per ton, $13 to $13.50 ; antgomery, Bey. OY wi ¢ hor remove them, and that the drain even fing, it brings quick relief, and by | Alsike, No. 1, bush, $5.50 to $6.25; stories regarding a mine acciden ere tually be extended so as to get be affording a cure for the simpler irri- | N,,. 2, $4.75 to $5.25; No. 3.84 to where five men lost their lives in the vond the basin , to the' river. Capt. tations of the skin it positively pre. | 84.75; red, choice, No. 1, Hash, $86.95 Hazel Kirke mine; have come to Gaskin claimed that the K. & P. rail vents "eczema and seald head. the ](, £7: timothy, bush, $1.50 to light. : 2 : way company was at fault in filling itching of which means keen torture | 82: dressed hogs, $7.76 to 8%; apples, The wife of John Hornicka, general he land to build their track. The] for the unfortunate victim. per bbl., $1.25 to $2.50; eggs, - per | MANAEOE 'of the 'mine, was awakened sanitary inspector was instructed to Every ; mother should know about fdozen, 25¢. to 30e.; butter, dair Te, from her sléep at 12.30 in the morn- examine into the matter. Dr. Chase's Ointment. for by its uss J to 25¢c.; creamery, 206c. to 28¢.; bick. | ing, and told members of her house- ------ she can save her children much sufier- | ens, per Ib, Se. to 10; fowl, per 1b. hold that hs bag Soeh ul Su an " ing and discomfort. 6c: to To: turkeys, per Ih, 120: tod explosion in or dreams, and she. LIFT LOCK UNSAFE. Mosquito bites, hives and inscet | 14c.; ducks, per ib., 9c. 'to 10c.; cah-| Was sure her husband, who went down ------------ bites, ivy poison and every form of | bage, per doz, 40¢. to B0c.; potatoes, | the mine, had been killed, ¢ Embankment Weak--$20,000 Must { skin irritation and eruption yield f per bag, $1 to $1.25; beef, hindgpart- She rose and walked the housé untit ha Spent. readily to the healing, soothing in- Jers, 87 to 38; forequarters, $1 to $5; | news came at daybreak that her his- , fluence of - this great ointment, and | choice, carcase, $6.50 to $7; medium, band had been really killed, and 'it wae shown that the explosion, a mile under ground and six miles away, bad occurred at the same hour the wile saw it in a dream. It appears that Hornicka told some friends that he expected an explosion, but he did © not want his relatives frightencd by any foolish rumors, Anais HEART ISLAND. Millions of Dollars Already Spent frulty somisietion iu tbe <obunte tar. Janewd it. but could not: do it ppg Shy. solved, pu, By Boldt ment, : : . 3 September i 11 : : y J ol any good. Ry September, it had be : glial Leing taken ove: hy the seperintoml- A runing sore' und: though we at Ve same time and in the same | George Boldt, owner of Heart Is ing engineer. That matter will "be | (ONC b doctor again he conkd do no building as the white pupils, will jand, among the Thousand Islands of referred to the department of rail} go, sme up for, hearing. The last session | the St. Lawrence, is said to have de. wave and tanale, aud, on inven A acomber we Dagan ung DF: of tis og athe pans u bill Xe cided to throw open this palatial tion is being a es I Chase's Ointment. which has made a viding ar stata B Mg 5ch00 oil summer refory as an annex to the Wal pose of fixing the responsibity for a lete pure.» Thene-: has. :not: hen ings for white and eolored pupils. The | dn'f-Astoria, There has been much speculation 'during the past five years as to Me: Boldt's intentions in refer ence to this magnificent property. He » | has spent millions of dollars in build- ing the resort. The plans of the in. terior, iow 'apen at Mr. Boldt's, New York and Philadelphia hotels, show sixty suite of rooms to be placed at the disposal of guests, = "<u ELEPHANT EATS $800 WATCH. Visit to Circus Also Results in Loss of Hat. > Poplar Bluff, Mo., Nov. 7.--Mrs. El- la Goltz, Portsmouth, Ohio, who bas been visiting relatives here, was fob bed of a gold watch set with dia monds and valued at $500 by Tip, an elephant with a circus. Mrs. Goliz ventured too near the elephants, and Tip seized her watch and swallowed it, He also made a meal of her beauti- ful hat. Mrs. Goltz became hysterical, and is in a critical condition. ~ A warrant was sworn out for the manager and the big elephant, which raises the legal question, ean the ele- phant be held ? The manager has con- sulted" & local physician, and an op- eration may be performed to recover the time-piece. . The manager has offered to pay for the watch, buy a new honnet, and li: qnidate "the doctor bill, but Mra. Goltz refuses these terms, Z Approach Of Rheumatism. Much is gained when any tendency towards rheumatism is noted and treated carly. If vour digestion is sluggish, if the kidnets are inactive and the seeretion of urine hich color- od ang scanty, if vou feel stiff in the mornfag or have vague A r paing, vour system is in the condition that brings on rheumatism. ¥ + Take at once Dr. Hall's Rheumatic Cute. The remedy will not only ve move the symptoms but will cleanse and vitalize the entire svstem build up your general heal $0 rheumatism or other diseases cannot get ol of you. Price 50c. Sold only at , ade's drug store. This is preparation that cured Thomas Ti ¥ Brower's Mills, : ¥oia and at