Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Nov 1905, p. 4

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5 i A >, Prove that geod coal contains w © greater amount of combustion than onl having ISS por cont. of cars Bon; int wu statement of that kind CSuud not interest you hill so much as the Knowledge that your Winter's supply "was all stowed' in your blow, wod that it way alPot the best quality, the rent hot stuff hit Crawford sells. And we are rondy to put it there any time You i yay. 3 : FORD, R. CRAW FOOT OF QUEEN ST. 'PHONE 9, I they trouble voit bring hein to us We Are Eye Experts = Oe knowledge 'of our husiness enables US 10 give you the best service, £0. We have wll the latest scientific ine Strwncents and our methods are the most own to seiened. yw aint of Eyeglass and Spectacle P tings are large, and we can 'insure a b ¥ well fitting pair of glasses. We guarantee sa'isinction and a perfect 5 . DR. A. P. CHOWN | THE DAI *'Opifer per Orbem Dicer." Deplorabte State Of Things, of the New York municipal election; it remarks, his party to nominate the man who | was originally its chibice. No matter what candidates are clected mayor and disteict-attorney, one great fot is wure--thc Odell machine has roceiv- ed a severe pounding at the hands of the people, afl is thoroughly discre- dited." : When a man like Mr. Choate, the eminent lawyef, repudiates his party, and declares against its unholy al | liane with Tammany Hall, it is time that some good men wat up straight and thought about it. And there is a suspicion that in the contest of today the republicans may in their desperation support McClel- land, Tammany's nominee, in order to secure the defeat of Hearst." It would not be lamented, ws Hearst's success f would mean the elevation of the more, dangerous element in political power, But what a condition of things must exist, surely, when the affairs of & great tity like New York are loft to the tender mercies of a' combination which all good men and true must sincerely deplore. ° A gieral awakening a liftle sooner would have rid the mayorality of all that is now lamentable in connection with it. iti Accounts Objected To. All the public auditor can do is hold an 'account subject to explana- tions. He cannot prevent the pay- ment of it. Hence it is that his ob- jections may be overruled. In other words, though in his jon it is irregular it may be but the council takes: the responsibility. . The experience of the city of Ottawa in suggestive, Mt appropriated $100 to meet the axpeniin.gl. the, chief - of the fire department to a firemen's con- vention: The idea was: that be 'would learn something 'to tho advantage of his brigade. It did not remain for the auditor to protest. - The work way done by a citizen, who took out an injunction. \ The city officials were quicker than the court officials and the chiel got his money before the treasurer was served with the paper stopping pro- ceodingd. The case was taken court and the judge decided against the city, ruling that the expenditure was not strietly. a -civi Oe eh "be recoverad ? The fourteen whoo voted the grant are to ing to aldermen IE DAILY WHIG. [|= The Rochester Post-Express has no thing to offer in the way of adwite- tion for its party, in the nianagement "The whole republican. campaign,'" "has been a series of blunders. Thete is little doubt" that | Odell and Murphy made a bargain, by, | which Jerome was to be timed down, "aid that subsequently force of public sentiment compelled Odell to permit. PRC T is no other word to ill pails." {ER sionally, and' bnly occasionally, general action, and hands of reckless men, An Expert At Work. 1 o Geo P. Loomis; a pronfinent Jispoucd ol the grievance ugeinet th | {pest Bh Loumin, o prosinest *| big insurance companies by asserting | barre, Pa. bospital, where he had that thé' rated for certain life insur- | wider an operation. Bice is the same in England as in thé] Emperor William will start in Feh- Unifed States. The great degeiving the people with "explana- tions--that the money market has not been. favoursble, and that their in: vestments have not been proftable-- they have been most wasteful of the money they have handled, A feeble attempt has been made by the insurance press to justify present conditions, Yet a man, H. Willptt, an expert, writes on cost of insurance and says it should be less. From his article in the Political Science Quart- erly we quote : "We have seen that the average ex- perience of twenty-four companies shows a saving on mortality of over 2 pee cent, an excess of interest earnings of nearly 1 or cent., and a generous profit from lapsed and sur rendered icies, while the loading is just sufficient to cover the cost of Fasting on the business. The gain and loss exhibit indicates that but for the depreciation of "securities during the year 1903 the insurance operations of that year would have brought in to the companies s profit of more than $40,000,000 to be returned to the poli- ey-holders, or added to the surplus. With no improvement in the methods and Jraction of insurance companies & reduction of 20 per cent. or 25 per cent. in premium rates is possible for a company managed. with average care and efficiency, and is in every way do sirable, a "But to bring insurance rates down to the present cost-lovel is only half. enough. Cost itself should be lowered, It is demonstrable that some of the practices of insurance companies tend to. increase their mortality loss, that uo higher riet rate of interest could he secured on their investments, and that the cost of administration is of. ten extravagantly high. Improvement in any of these particulars would ma- terially lower the cost. of insurance, and make possible a further reduction in. premium rates, resulting in a wid- er utilization of the hefiefits of insur. anee by people of small or Moderate} means, When the insurance experts talk in this strain the people who are not ex- perts will be excused if they are some. what scarce in their criticism. Editorial Notes. Boss rule is on trial in seven states and seven of the larger cities of the United States. -- The elections in Alberta culminate this week. The success of the' Ruthor- ford government is assured: Is the bylaw of he police We ieee Bin he the council ? That is the issue which is now before the city solicitor. personally liable for it. 3 { The auditor here ohjected to certain i accounts and yet they were paid, by | order of the council. It would have been better hat the city solicitor been | invited to repoct Upon each case, wo | tht the.council would have a legal | opinion to govern it, or guide his and | against this logal advice, if in accord with the auditor's objection, the alder: men would be liable to go. If | "the legal opinion were not in accord with the auditor's there would be the less compunetion about paying the ac- counts. : One thing is very certain--that the audit of accounts before they are paid | is the correct proceeding. The audit | of them afterwards is a mere formal | ity, and considerable of a farce, | not The Political Boss. { in what one There is great force critic has said with respect to boss: ism. It i not always the assertion of a spirit that makes for unrighteous: ness. Sometimes men 16 | because | they are built that way, 'aml have the political capacity for orgenization. | Every man cannot' plan and direct, | and the few who are specially endow 4 ed 'that way have no difficulty in ! commanding a following. i There is," however, the boss who | holds his position by virtue of his | nerve, and for the money thero is in | it. When such a man forms a com- i bination with other men similarly | minded the public interests are in | jeopardy. Such a combination is now at work ip New York and for the control of the municipal patronage. To it Mr. Choate, the ex-ambassador | of the United States, at the court of | St. James, paid somo attention at a public meeting last week. "These bosses," said he, '"'are mere piginies when compared with the giants who formerly led the people in things political. I 'wish I could get up a good definition of the word boss 1ttix a recent word; it is a disagree: able word; itis a Yalgar. word. But § young man, It should not be necessary to hold up guy city account that is subject to correction more than once. The auditor has held some up twice, ---- Fhe Elke must have a great pull with the local government when they got permission to sell liguor in the clubs at Ottawa and Chatham. A thousand lawyers will man the polls in New York to-day in-the in terest of Jerome. What a tribute t,, the power and popularity of the man. Hon. C. Croks, of the Alberta gov ernment, is a former Madoc man. He is spoken of as the heir to the pre miership: should Mr. Rutherford translated to the senate, ---- Mr. Sealey may be elected by ac- clamation in Wentworth to the seat of which he should pever Kyve been de prived. Tt was givin to his opponent for a briel period on a technicality. be The Telegram has not much use for Mr. Bennett, the oratorioal whirlwind of Alberta. 'The "Telegram says he would as son 'shout for coercion as against it. Our contemporary 'seems to know his mun. sian The New York election will cost about two millions of dollars, and the city's share, for legitimate ex- penses, will be fully a million. What amount will go in illegitimate ex- penses no one can imagine, No Vote Next January. Brantford, Ont.. Nov. T.~Notwith- standing all rumors, Brantford city will not vote on local option in Janu- ary. . The executive ~of the Temper- a Tha asm ti ; Al Ae, ich it lie thing should call him, without © or comwciones, who fills his 1s maw with graft, who feeds {his greedy followers upon political *-usirpation of thes | The New York Spectator has not charge against the companies is 'now that they 'have not been carrying out their contracts; and while they have been ums 'NEWS'OF THE ii | rom And Rémem bered. Young died in Balatia,- Donaldson line The 88. : from 5 passed Father Point inw, at 7:20 am. ' stra billside in or Ce. grounds, Wash i under bleak November skies. fuary on a. six weeks' voyage in the eters Con, I to Italy and Constantinople, At Boston, Mass the head af her daughter. overcome by the sight and was taken homa in a state of prostration. An open break between Greece and Rownasia is ied for the near future, prt dey med the situation in the Batkafk stil more complicated. John Merkowitsch, in reality Prince John of a prosperous fur rier, died | , New York, He was first eousin to the ruler of Ser- via. FR Six masked wen visited the farm of Eli Avery, t one mile from Ara- rat Summit, N.Y., and escaped with $500 iii cash, the lifetime savings 'of the farmer. A prifted statement just issue bg the clerk of the recorders court warng' citizens that there is a serious in- erease of inganity in Montreal, chiefly due to whiskey, Prince Nisholas of Montenegro has issued a manifesto granting his People & representative government, and or- ders the holding of free elections , for ties on 'November 27th. oF iss A 8 , the last sur- viving "sister of the late Abigall Dodge, "Gail Hamilton," and herself a woman of much literary ability, died at Salem, Maks. She was seventy-six years old. William J. yne, the «veteran actor, died from Bright's disease, at Inwood-on-the-Hudson, N.Y., day. Mr. Lemoyne was seventy-five years of age, and sixty years of his life was spent on the stage, Two Turses in the state asylum for the insage, in Waterbury, Vt,, have been ted charged with the. death of Durant, a patient eighty ears of age. The autopsy showed that the old man had had four ribs and bis breast bone broken, -- Sunbury Notes. Sunbury, av, 7.'-- The present change in the weather gives strong 'in dications that cold weather may gen erally be expected. Farmers have a large amount of ploughing done, and sod is now being worked upon. Fac- tories, owing to inclement weather and soft roads, will now manufacture every second day. However, a large amount of milk Js yet received hy all. The Maccabees Society 'will hold a special meet in' "their hall to- night, Many our citizens are pre- paring for winter, by restocking their coal bins, wood piles, ete, City butch- ers have 'been amongst us lately, pur- chasing beef cattle, hogs, lambs, ete. Many attended the Orange society tea-meeting at Battersea, on Satur- day evening, The Presbyterian Socie- ty has from Sunday to Sunday a change of ministers in their church pulpit, and shortly will make a solic tion of a permanent pastor. The in terior of the Methodist church has been re adelled SPE Ts How ss in anpear ance. The army society also will con- duct a series of meetings in the bar- racks, when officers from other corns will assist for a limited ime, , citizens have been duck very light bags. The Farm Child's Lullaby. Paul Laurence Dunbar in Lippincott's. Oh, the little bird ig rocking in the cradle of the wind, And it's bye. my little wee one, hye : The harvest all is gathered and the pip- pins all are hinned ; Bye, my little one, bye ; The litte rabbit's. hidingin the golden shock of corn, The * thrifty squirrel's laughing bunny's idlesness to scorn - You are smiling with the angels in your slumber, smile till morn : So it's Hye, my little wee one, hye. Some hunting with There'll be plenty in the celiar, there'll be plenty on the shelf ! Rye, my little wee ane, hye : There'll' he goodly store of sweetings for a dainty. little olf ; % Tye .my little wee one, bye : The snow may boa-fiving o'er the dow and the hill, The ice has checked the chatter of tne little laughing rill, But in your cosy cradie and happy' still- So bye, my little wee one. hye heh Fou are warm Why, the Dob "White things tha snowflake is a brother to his sore | Bye. my little weo ons, hve | And the chimney sings the sweel sr when the wind is*blowing stronger ; Bye, my little wee one, by The granary's overflowing, crib, and bin, The wood has paid its tehare and the axe has ceased its Qin :- The winter nay not harm you when vou're sheltered safe within ; So. bye, my little wee one, hye. e full are cellar, A Tremendous Loss. Not only-of time, but comfort too, if you have a corn. Better try Put- nam's Corn Extractor and cure the corn. Painless and sure, acts in twen- tyfour hours. Use only Putnatn's-- it's te best. Mrs. Stephen Barton. Spencerville, died on ridav, aged seventy-seven years. She had heen a resident of the village for over sixty vears. She was a member of the Methodist church, resnoeted and loved by all. The Ottawa Journal ie suing the ance Alliance, at a meeting, concluded that such a temperance campaign would be inadvisable owing to the shortness of the time to complete or- ganization. - Any future action with refetence to the city will probably rest with the Law and Order League. 3 det When a clock is fast you can tury it back, but it's different with a Renfrew Mercury for libel for insinua- tine dishonest management of the contest, last yvoar, for an important priee for the best = county fair.in the Ottawa Valley, . Mrs. David Gibson. formerly of ville. where her bushand was con. nected with Haines '& Lockett's boot shon, is dead in Winnipeg. leaving a | husband and four small children Mr. and Mrs. A. Carson, Toronta, WORLD RECOUNTED Matters That Interest Everybody mien the people protest, and yet it is i a a Bik a complement of their own indif. | = OF, EveIything Easily ference. They become aroused, ocean to in the meantime public affairs tho often drift into - the _ Sir George Williams, founder 'of the Men's, Christian Association, ard growing on anean which will include visits i, Mra. Sieary viewed She was wondmpintad; and sycl-cheviot- and -venetia er LAWS BRITAIN OBJECTS TO Protests Against Colonies Legis- lating Against Orientals. Ottawa, Nov. 7.-- There are no fac tory laws. in Canada especially de: signed to strike at Asiatics, and no federal poll tax on Chinese. British Columbia, however, hes laws denying Chinese snd Japanese the right to vote either in proviocial or municipal elections, denying them the right to acquire. or to record crown lands, denying thom the right _to hold liquor licenses; for- bidding also, their employment under: ground in mines throughout the Pa- cife . coast province. A number: of other acts inimical to Orientals have heen disallowed by the dominion au- thorities. | = % » ------ Repeal Anti-Jap Laws. London, Nov. 7.--A despatch * from Perth, Western Australia, says it is reported that the colonial office has informed the premier in peremptory terms, that the clauses in the facto:- ies amendment act relating to Asi- atics are repugnant to the feelings of nations with which Great Britain is at peac:, and must be repealed, m---- - New Zealand Defiant, London, Nov. 7.--Premier Seddon, in the course of a speech on Satur day, declared the Japanese would not be allowed to come to New Zealand, and the colony would. refuse to be dictated to in the matter, eee. KIDNAPPING IS PROFITABLE. The Latest Hostage Taken by Morocco Rebel. New York, Nov. 7.--A Fangier des- patch to the Herald, says: Raisuli's appetite for foreign ransom has been stimulated by the capture of Perdicar- i8, which brought $70,000, and the capture of the French protege by which he netted $3,500, Hat he evi dently decided to pursue this lucrative business, and his men, by his order. captured on Sunday, near the gate of the principal market place in Tangier & man named Abdeslam Akhabon. The man was under the protection of the Belgian legation. Abdeslam was a guide, who accompanied Baron De Forest on his recent trip «along the coast of Morocco. He is 'reputed to be very wealthy: Raisuli inhabits a fortified strong old, a couple of hours ride from here named Zinat, where Abdeslam = has been catried. In this place Raisuli de- rides the remonstrances of the magh- set, threaws of the sultan, the protes- tations of the legationss In short, nothing short of a serious punitive ex- nedition is likely to eonvince him that European proteges are not to be regarded as his main source of re venue, a, Uncle Sam Buying Tobacco. 'Washington, Nov, 7=The time for submitting hids for supplying the navy department with 15,000 pounds of tobacco, to the paymaster-general of the navy department exnired at noon today, and the bids will ened this afternoon. The time Itvery will not begin until nex but. it was considered advisable to have the bids sent in carly enough, to give the successful bidder or. hid ders ample time to make the neces. sary selections in the © market. The next lot of tébaceo to he furnished to the government for the use of the navy "will have to go through much the same test ag thot which has pre viously been bought and will he given a thorough inspection by sampling and otherwise at they Brooklyn navy yard. be op of , de t year, Fall Importation. Prevost, Brock street, has receiver all his™ fall importations for work, consisting lish order of Scotch and Fug- tweeds, blue and blgek sergos, tof suitings, a great variety, nine splendid assort- monts of black awdsElue a a fancy overcoatings. A' splendid as Sortment of panting at prices that defy' competitions -- The two Italians sentenced to ths penitentiary for raising United States two dollar bills to ten this mofling, removed from the to Pottsmouth. Two notable arrivals: The American consul arrived yesterday, the Yankee Consul will arrive next Tuesday at the Grand and delight the theatre goers. Miss Annie Batten, Barriefield, left, Saturday, for Gananoque, to friends for a short tighe. were, jail visit ---- DYSPEPTIC FOOD DOES YOU NO GOOD Half the time you're afraid to eat, vour tongue is coated, mouth tastes bad, stomach is bloated. If vou want to _get well, stop using dyspepsia tab- lets and go to the source of the trou- ble before it is too late. Siwengthey vour stomach, cast ont the bile, regn- late the boweli--do this and dyspepsia will be no more, For your condition the best pres- scription is Dr. Hamilton's Pills, which are made especially for th: sto mach, kidneys and liver, no better re- médy will ever be devised, for Dr, Hamilton's Pills are nerfegt. To ths overworked orgmns they give naw strenbth. "Lhe general health is built up, and all trace of dyspepsia dis- appgars. Here is proof : , Five Years of Dyspepsia Cured. "No one could realize my sufferings from stomach' trouble and indigestion. For five years L have not been well, My food did me no good because | couldn't digest or assimilate. My doc- tor said constipation was at the root of my trouble, ¢o 1 got Dr. Hamil ton's Pills. My avpetite moroved, pain after eating ceased, nnd mv food digested quickly, T am deliphted with the thorough cure 1 derived from Dr, Hamilton's Pills, (Signed) "MARTIN E. WALKER, "Bridgewater." Quick results attend the use of Dr. Hamilton's Pills: this medicine = cures all trouble in the stomach and diges tive organs by removing 'the cause, legislation, aside from the $504 | | ViCTUS" made. buy the * * * \& LG > There is help for 'es bo : To Women swoman who suffers from headache: ness, depression, backach€ and other ailments dur when Nature makes.a heavy demand on her strength and vip Every woman should take BEECHAMN'S PI to help hef through these trying a normal and healthy condition. hood, and those of maturer years, fi Pills. Taken at the first sgn of derangement, t assistance., Read the special directions for women with Sold everywhere in Canada and. S. America. In boxes 25 J AND ADO Ig those times ality, LLS periods and to keep the tem in The girl just entering woman. nd equal benefit from Beech m's. hey give prompt every box, cents, IAGER JERR RR ORMITY, J. 8. HENDERSON, Agent, Kingston. Boys' The The There 2, nt 3 Overcoats, BOYS' BOYS BOYS' * When guaran If You feel upliited and strenothened at once, Get Dy, Hamilton's Pills today, , © and refuse 'apy substitute, Price, 25¢ were in town for a fos" days, + reliable denlers, per box, or five hoaxes | operator in this for 81, at all day. went up the nmber, camps, m again, Write for Bibby's Overcoats You'll find them here in all the styles that are new and desirable. The Long Coat Ulster' Russian Coat The Belt Coat' The Reefer Coat To cat it short we'll say every- thing in Boys" Owveicoats, suita- ble for boys from 4 years to 16. are No prices slower thay ours, quality know we'll do business if you will bring in the boys. Reefers, $1.50 to $5.00 considered. ¢ $4.00 to $8.50 Ulsters, $3.00 to $5.00 GLOVES SWEATERS CAPS, % FENEOIY BE had at the lirst-cl Bibby's Men's Overcoats - H you have a thought that leans towards a Winter Overcoat the garments are here to clinch it. Our display of Men's Over- coats at $7, $8.50, "$10. $12, $12.50. $13.50, $15 nd $18.50 have no equal in this city The styles and patterns are en- tirely away from the ready-made idea; and, outside of this store merchant tailor shops by paying Wear one of and double our prices. our Overcoats this season { you will give the. merchant tailor | the go by hereafter. They are sure to please. MEN'S GLOVES MEN'S SWEATERS 1 MEN'S UNDERWEAR THE H. D. BIBBY CO. The Men's Wear Store, Princess Street, Kingston. " INVICTUS SHOES' you buy a pair of Shoes bearing the word "IN- teed. you knew you are getting the Best Shoe that is "INVICTUS SHOES" are honest shoes, dressy and 'se'viccable. "INVICTUS SHOES" are, all. Goodyear welted and every pair you buy a pair of "INVICTUS SHOES" once you will Made for Men and Women. $3.50 to $5. BABBITT. Shot Himseli Dead. St. Jom, - XB," Nov. 7. Kilgour Shives, head of the . Shives Lumber ompany, and = the leading lumber district, nver on: Satur to ane of his Carrymg a loaded rifle 000 0000006000000 0000 THE .CANADA METAL CO., Toronto, Ont. SPECIALISTS. "All About Babbitts." $0090 0000006000000 0¢ 00000 Abernethy's Shoe Store AGENTS FOR KINGSTON. o 000 9000 ¢ b on the He was placing the weapon on ad table, when the hammer caught' a the contents entered his side and i" r. He leaves causing death an hour le : : 3 daughter a widow and five sons and daug G. H.: Geoghegan, Toronto, is 1 town for a few days, er "on the sap of the oo he ease and permits I HATS OFF. : -- ee he America ts About t ; Bye dian's Healthy Hair. American Indian accu ke ie. immemorial 2 go dd in all kinds ol wea headed, ica with falling h; one atuwsphere catised nr head gear is Ses the, breeding of infimitesima 3 which dig mto the scalp an fe hair-root. = This true catite of baldness i cent. discovery and explains t Sess of all hair vigors, whic Zngl baldness ax a functional d 0's srpicide is a di Newbro's Herpicic a terminator of the germ. at intended. as nature inte nde . "Sold by leading druggists 0c. - in stamps for sample 1 'Hetpicide Co., Detroit, Mich. Mahodd, special agent. P0000000000000000K R J. FREE, CONTRA en for all kip Egtimatos sv Plastering Cement Work of all descripui 94 Division St. 'Phone fpBdo00a 00RD OT "TEACHER OF CHINA PA Ss 'ER'COLORS AND QILS Rh kiln to fire, Mate J Painters sold. China m: Soins boiling water. your Pp solicited. Miss M. M, Brophy. ington street PITH OF THE NEW! The Very Latest Culled Fr Over The World. A conservative paper will li started in Port Arthur at date, Ex-Ald, Thomas Bryce, me the Toronto court of revisi 1900, is dead. : Miss Lizzie Whitney, Hamilt. tempted to drown herself, | rescued by a passer-by. Chairman (, B. Smith, as tl of his tour in FKurope, will electrification of the 'Tem ratlway, J. W.. Lyon, Guelph, purc block of land in Winnipeg for J 1888, and the property worth $480,000, William Wilson, connected Montreal butter and cheese t shout forty years, died at I in Westmount, on Monday. King Edward has selecte Arthur: of Connaught to pre Japan and confer on the Jap: «. peror the Order of the Garter The attorney-general has or Master Plumbers' Associatic indicted for conspiracy at th to criminal asdizes in connect the Crashley case. In the trial of the election against D. Gallery, M.P., i real, one witness swore he he ed money: at a committee x from Mr. Gallery himself, Robert P. Irwin, Glen Mot fined $160 'by Judge Hardy, ing: obstructions mpon the G "Wy railway tracks last sprin pleaded guilty saying he he cation, Charles McFaymeny Shell IT.. was arrested on a misappropriating governmel While overseer he failed to ac some district money in hi sion. 'He was sent for trial, Judge Dow's Kind Of } Judge Dow of New Hamp: one day I admire a liar, his prevarications strain m; ¥. A friend of mine, who o eflorts to pry into his pers fairs, recently Jimped into " 'What's the matter wit foot ¥* 1 asked - more to be p because 1 cared what was ble, "Then he miration hy mendacity gained my everh a: display of I never saw eq said: 'An oq] stepped on it.' ---- Marshall Field. Marshall Field is describe fastery \riter : ""He neve money, T FIVes. a note ¢ gage, never deals in margins Or grair sll¢ on short BArTOW margin. always buys sh, and insists to the last the fulfilment of every co tween him and his customer -- A woman will often forg: Wollan's name, but she will member her hat, " : Bly Lustrite nail enamel at Gibson's Red Cross drug Drunkenn Cured Samaria takes- away the a Liquor. The Samaria Tustele om, given without sufferer's J and Frien 0d lastingly, no publicity, and ph culars 28d price sent in plain seated en

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