r Hand T'o Women who suffers. from headach A other ailments durifig hoe ti nand on her strength ang vitality, I'S PILLS periods and to keep the « tem i he girl just entering woman . find equal benefit from Bee fonts : f derangement, they give prom 3: ctions for women with every hy J. S. America. In boxes 35 cents, Men's Overcoats - H you have a thought that leans towards a Winter Overcoat the garments are here to clinch it. Our displiy of Men's Over- coats at $7. $8.50, $10. $12, $12.50. $13.50, $15 and $18.50 have no equal in this city The styles and patterns are en- tirely away from the ready-made idea; and, outside of this store, : = a ENP BHRIS BE had at he [1rst-class merchant tailor shops by paying double our prices. Wear one of our Overcoats this and you will give the merchant tailor the go by hereafter. They are sure to please. MEN'S GLOVES MEN'S SWEATERS MEN'S UNDERWEAR rincess Street, Kingston. y oN) 9 S SHOES hoes bearing the word "IN- tting the Best Shoe that is season hoes, dressy and 'se:viccable. dyear welted and every pair CTUS SHOES" once you will n and Women. 0 $5. Shoe Store KINGSTON. 100000000 0000 L CO., Toronto, Ont. ECIALISTS. Babbitt." 100000 6000000 rote fe was placing the weapon on : able, when the hammer catght' and he contents entercd his side and back ausing death an hour later. He leaves 'widow and five sons and daughter G. H.: Geoghegan, Toronto, is is own for a few days, : This remedy should be in household. | gy Dy ' HATS OFF. Facts About the American In- dian's Healthy Hair. The American Indian accustomed Lv from. time immemorial to go bare " "headed in all kinds of weather is never troubled with falling hair or R. A bs atmwsphere catsed hy. Gur Bh. DA head gear is condicivo to 'the, breeding of infinitesimal germs, which dig mto the scalp and thrive on the sap of the hair-root. 3 This true catite of baldness is of ro- cent discovery and explains the non: | Hgncvess of all hair vigor Which treat- sol) baldness ax a functional disorder. Newbro's Herpicide is a direct ox- terminator of the germ. "It destroys he 'ease and permits the hair te ! intended. . w as nature : Sold by leading druggists. Send i doe. in stamps for sample to. 'I he Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich. G. W. Mahodd, special agent. t------------------------------------_----r---- oR J. FREE, CONTRACTOR tes given for all kinds of Lg Work, Plastering and Cement Work of sll descriptions. 94 Division St. 'Phone 402 eh -------------------------------------- "WEACHER OF CHINA PAINTING 'ER'COLORS AND OILS, CHINA ho kiln to fire, Materials for China Painters sold. China mended to | d boiling water. Your patronage piv "Miss M. M, Brophy. 39 Mell- ington street. PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All Lvs the The wedding took place, morning, at the home of the bride's parents, Queen's College, of: Miss Eleanor = M. Watson, eldest daughter Rev. Dr. John Watson, viee-prinei- hel of Queen's University, and of Mrs. Watson, to J. Alfred Goodearle, as sistant general manager of the Thou- sand Island Steamboat company. The bride was given away by her father, and the ceremony was performed by Rev. Dr. Macgillivray, of Chalmers church. , _ The bride: wore Tuesday champagne voile, over taffety of the same shade, and trimmings of old point lace. With this was, worn a bridal veil of net, and her bouguet was of white roses, Miss Marriet Watson, sisier of 'the bride, was in cream voile, over cream tafieta, and carried a bouquet of pink roses. Mrs. Watson was in black voile, with petticoat of black tafieta and} elaboration of 'black lace. The groomsman was Dr, H. A. Bowie, of SOX, Tho wedding breakfast was served at quartetic tables, white roses being upan.that at which the bridal party sat, and. pink carnations decking the others. Am the guests were the Principal a Mrs, Gordon, Archdea can I 'Mrs. Carey, Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Goodwin, Dr. and Mrs. S. W. Dyde, © Professor and = Mrs. Adam Shortt, Professor and Mrs. James Cappon, + P and Mrs." Mgae- panghion, Mrs. Alexander Ma 5° Mr. and Mrs. G. M. ac- domnell, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Folger, Miss. Gaodearle, and Mr. Henry Fol- ger. * Mr. and Mrs. Goodearle left on the L10 o'clock G.T.R. train for the east and will visit New York on their way to Bermuda, returning in about three weeks'. time by way of Washington and Baltimore." The going-away gown wat of fawn cloth, with vest of white silk; hat of "ivhite chenille, with cocque feathers, and large boa , of white fur. . . . . . With a remembrance of what a Over The World. { A conservative paper will likely be started in Port Arthur at an carly | date, Ex-Ald, Thomas Bryce, member of the Toronto court of revision since 1900, is dead. | Miss Lizzie Whitney, Hamilton, at- | tempted to drown herself, but was | rescued by a passer-by. { Chairman ('. B. Smith, as the result | of his tour in Kurope, will urge the | electrification of the I'emigskaming | railway, J .W.. Lyon, Guelph, purchased a Block of land in Winnipeg for $12,000 J I888: and the property is now worth $450,000, William Wilson, connected with the Montreal butter and cheese trade for shout forty years, died at his home in Westmount, on Monday. King Edward has selected . Prineé. Arthur of Connaught to proceed to Japan and confer on the Japanese em- «, paror the Order of the Garter. =~ The attorney-general has ordered the Master Plumbers' Association "to be indicted for conspiracy at the Toron- to criminal asdizes in connection with the Crashley case. In the trial of the: election petition against DD. Gallery, M.P., at Mont- real, one witness swore he had receiv- ed money at & committee room and from Mr. Gallery himself, Robert P. Irwin, Glen Motris, was fined $150 'by Judge Hardy, for plac- | ing: obstructions mpon the Grand Val wikieley railway tracks last spring.. Irwin | pleaded guilty "say ing he had provo- cation, Charles McFaymeny Shellmouth, N. W.T.. was arrested on a charge of misappropriating While overseer he failed to account for some district money in his posses sion. 'He was sent for trial. Judge Dow's Kind Of Liar, Judge Dow of New Hampshire said ome day : "I admire a liar, even when his prevarications strain my creduli- ¥. A friend of mine, who objects to efforts to, pry into his personal af fairs, recently limped into my office. | 'What' the matter with your font 3 ; ked -more to be polite than ga red what was: the trou- "Then he : gained my everlasting ad miration hy 6 a: display of nerve and mendacity | never saw equaled, He said: 'An oo) stepped on it." -------- i Marshall Field. . Marhyli Field is described by an Ju ern Arter ; "He never borrows ane never Lives. a note or a mort Sage. never deals in margins on stocks or Sra sells on short time and - Fim margin: always buys good for So, and msists to the last letter on She fulfilment of every comtract be- ®n him and his customer." A -- "oulen will often forget another Wollap,' i Olan £ name, but she will always re- member her hat ; Biv Lustrite at Gibson's R nail enamel and polish ed Cross drug store, Drunkenness Cured Samaria ales: away the Xigwer, The y the appetite om, given without sufferer's knowledge *e%, coffee or food, takes away the Te for Liquor and builds up the strong drink, : w aa ongest testimonials from wives and 0 who have cured Husbands, and Friends, secretly 10 publicity, all private. Free et giving fu. ! nd pamphl . 8d price sent 5 particulars, testimonials wan, ut in plain segled envelope. Cor- THE Shon t0ly confidential. Address: Chamber, IA REMEDY CO. 15 jordan "Alsg fap olla St, Toronto, Cauda. OF sale, by Henry Wade. | and very tangible unpleasantness un- government funds. | shivery thing crossing the bridge is, on a raw November day, Mrs. KE. 7. Taylor very ghoughtiuily decided to receive in town, before poings.ai | the: commandant's residence, and yes- | terday, in spite of threats from above, derfoot, many called upon her at the Hotel Randolph. Receiving with Mrs. Taylor, was gracious little Mrs. Laf- ferty, wife of the staff adjutant, and Colonel Taylor himself. The drawing: room of the hotel looked very pretty, and quite home-like with those mar- vellous transformers, flowers. Crimson roses, and white and golden chrysan- themums, with greenery of all kinds in plenty filled the windows, and decked the piano, and every available spot, As the function of a newspaper is to express current thought, it is only possible to put in words, what Colonel: and Mest Taylor pst have hea yal, REE" {ACY have already won their way far into the regard of Kingston, - That this is due to evident sincerity and cordiality of their at titude, has of course not occurred to them, Those who fel the deepest | pleasure at the advent of the new | commandant and his wife, are those | who have sons at the college, for with Colonel Taylor to rule them wisely, and Mr¢, Taylor to just be good to them, in the way that earns for col- onels' wives much depth of gratitude, |. parents know that the best is going to hé got out of their red-coated boys {atthe Ra MC, f MR The annual meeting of the Badmin ton Club was held on Saturday, at | the armouries. Mrs. Hunter Ogilvie | has again been appointed president, and Captain Nofman Leslie, secre tary of the club. There are twelve or thirteen names on the waiting list, and twelve vacancies. The names will be posted,' and elections will take place in a fortnight. -Play will go on as "usual. : | | | . i w | Miss Macmorine gave a little musi | cale yesterday, in honor of Miss Kath | leen Jenkins. Amoug the others there | were Miss Dupuy, Miss Christie Me- Leod, Miss Louise Kirkpatrick, Miss Mona Knight, Miss Carric Waldron, | Miss Ethel Waldron, and Miss Gladys | Gant. All contributed something to the very delightful "little musical pro gramme. Miss ~ Jenkins has brought her violin to town with her, and her | playing seems to have gained in charm, since she was last here. | . Mrs. Knight i« giving a verv voung peoples" dance for Miss Phyllis, to- | morrow, : - - -- - | Miss Lois Saunders entertained at bridge on Saturday evening for Mrs. E. 'F. Taylor. . . * | Mrs. W. Dale Harris | tea on Saturday, in honor of Mri, i Duncan . Macpherson. The table was | decorated "with white chrvsanthemums, gave another | There wae several out-of-town guests, | including the Misses Macpherson. --Ot- | tawa paper. . L . . Sth, will be the golden wedding anniversary of Judge Hamilton and Mrs. Hamilton, who for several years spent their summers i Kingston, his honor's home in ear- To-morrow, the glad to hear of his promotion just as : re Th 3 # : p have made him an acceptable sojourn- i er in our midst.-Uf course every one is | of Montreal, will follow 'as assistant' whe TH eas NTR THE DaILY WHIG, TUES.AY, i Tare every one regrets that Kingston's gain is our personal loss. No one will ever 'be charged with going into hy- sterics of praise regarding Mr. Van Sant's sitifude towards the people o amongst whom his lot has been cast ra tat during the past ten months, It is only » Success .of Central Prison Night necessary to. say that he has made j School--Many Totally Illiter- goed in Seely Fact, and, 8 every ate. When They Entered--The one knows, he followed a popular man i i i . when he accepted the United States Railway Commission in Ses consulate here." sion; : . . . . Toténto, Nov. T..-The fisheries de: partment has received another com: munication from the commissioner of one of the states, bordering on Lake . Frie, who savas that rumors have Taylor will go 'reached him thdt some of the Ameri commandant's residence | can fishermen on Lake Erie, after No- Military College to- | vember 15th, propose getting clear- to get back ' ance papers from Ohio ports, 'and New York porte, to the port of Erie City, AFTER THE POACHERS, Mrs. J. Matheson will receive at her home on 127 Union street on second and third Tuesdays. ' - . Colonel and Mrs, over to the at the Royal morrow, being anxious to a home life, after an experience of hotels and lodgings. Pa., and after leaving the original Mr. Morgan Jellett, of Toronto, ports, to raid Canadian waters, and was in town yesterday. | getting what fish they can, make the In all probability, Mrs. Herbert Erie port, and claim they got the fish Robinson will spend the winter in from the state from which thoy gut . their clearance papers. The attention of Washington has been directed to _ these rumors. The commissioner fur.' ther states that assistance will be | rendered by Canadians in capturing 'any of these boats. The information + has beén communicated to Capt. Dunn, of the Vigilant. In thé annual report of the Central ve prison night school it is stated that Dr. Milton E. Reynolds is ih town out- of 126 attending, twenty-eight from Kemptville. - | were totally ignorant of the alphabet, There is a possibility that Miss "and numbers, the remainder being Kathleen McParland, whq is at pre- scarcely able to read or write their sent having a very pleasant visit with own names. Forty per cent of those some of her friends in London, may attending were under twenty years of make up her mind to give up Her age, the others being chiefly between English gaictics. and return to Canada ; twenty and thirty. The youngest was and Kingston some. time this month. | sixteen years old, and the oldest six- The Rev. R. 8, Wilkinson and Mr. | ty-three. The latté¥ could neither read Charles Wilkinson weré in town yes: nor write when he went into the pri- terday. . son, but on the completion of his Miss Minnie Porter was in the city term he could eomduct his own cor- last night on her way from Picton to respondence with his friends at home. spend the winter in Montreal + with The railway commission opened its Mrs, Carmichael. session here, this morning, by hear- Miss Hattie Austin, after a month's ' ing the application of the Hamilton visit in the city, left on Saturday for ' & Toronto Electric railway for power her "home in Toronto. to ch: nge the route, in Lincoln coup- * . . ty, from the marth to {hs south of certain farms, Of 'the farmers California, with her cousin, Miss Mair, of Toronto. She will probably leave for the Queen City early in the com- ing month, and she and Miss Mair will go on later to the south. Miss Florence Bouck 'has returned to town and is at the "Avonmore." Miss Skinner is home from her visit in the -west. . Major A. C. Joly De Lotbiniere, son resent of the Jlieutenant-governor of British | four opposed the alteration, Wallace Columbia, after a vacation spent in Nesbitt, K.C., for the latter, held (Canada, has left ('anada, for India. ! that the commission had no jurisdie- to direct important engineering works tirm, this beimg simply a power line. upon the river Jammu, undertaken by® The commission, after hearing both the 'Maharajahs of Jammu and of. sides, reserved judgment The appli- Kashmir. L. Desy, civil engineer, ' cation of the C.P.R., for an order per- mitting, the gonstauction of th tracks al ghia Sfoniing ral streets "along the Tofomto water front, east, was then heard. The James Bay rail- eplaiayhbe major: attamed present rank ihe elo reel two vears ago; he graduated from the Royal Miktary College, Kingston, way opposed, as did the city. In this twenty years ago. connection the commission decided to e999 take up the whole question of the ey- Mrs. Fdwards Merrill, widow of trance of the James Bay road this Judre Merrill, and Miss Helen M. Mer- afternoon. rill, have given up their home in Pic- William Lee, cighty vears of age, ten, 'end gone to live in Toronto. who lived with his wife and two . J : . | daughters, on the outskirts of .Toron- . Lady Kirkpatrick, who intends leav- } to Junction, was found dead in bed, ing town for the winter, is trying to | this morning, having been asphyxiated rent her house in Simcoe street, To-! hy coal gas. Mrs. Lee and one of her rento. . daughters are in a very serious con- Miss Violet Nesbitt, who accom-! dieion. panied the South African constabul- ary to Cape Town abour four years: is on trial at the assizes, charged with ago; has returned to Ottawa. | the murder of Amos Marlow, Mimico. Mrs. Victor Rivers, of Ottawa, his went into the box this morning. He spent a day or so 'in town with her] contradicted the stat-meats of several mother, Mrs. Charles Gildersleeve. fellow-Ttalians, to the effect that he Mrs. D. D. Young left vesterday for. had a knife in hig" postession on the Londan, to attend the Smallman-Mor- | night of the murder; He said he had Dominico Taberinto, the Italian, who gan wedding. She will be gone a given his knife to 'Bruno's brother, week. 3 | who had since fled to the United 3 > 9 9 . States. Thomas Wace, a young Itali Mrs. Donald Caldwell is in town | an, 'swore that he had seen Taberinto from Appleton, and is with her moth: | cutting tobacco with a knife in the er. Mrs. Morgan Shaw, * bar of the Windsor hotel a few min- Mr. Burton Horsey went up on Fri- utes before Marlow was murdered. day te Alliston, to visit his brother; Mr. Fred. Horsey. Professor Carr Harris and Mr. Athol Carr Harris have réturned to King- ston, after a week-end. visit to Mrs. W. Dale Harris, in Ottawa. le Cee James Clute will address the jury this a'ternoon, TO KILL MONARCHS: Anarchists Were Run Down at Madgelurg. Berlin, Nov. 7.----The police have dis covered an anarchistic conspiracy to assassinate King Alfonso of Spain ' and Kaiser Wilhelm, when their maj esties visit Madgeburg, together, on Thursday, to inspect the German Re giment of which the king is honorary colonel. Three Spanish anarchists have been arrested at Madgeburg, where Mr. and Mrs. J. C, Wilson, of Gle- nora, intend spending the winter in California. Miss V. Birch, who, has spent the past two vears in this' city with Pro- fessor Gwillim, sails on the "18th, for her home in England. Dr. and Mrs, Johns returned to the eity on Saturday, and left on Mon day for Thornhill, Ont. ¢ a : hey were making * preparations to Mrs. Kenneth Fenwick has gone they gre ay murder both monarchs with one down to Ottawa, to visit Colonel and bomb NO . Mrs. Pennington Macpherson. Mrs, George A. Boomer gave a de: lightful afternoon tea on Saturday to meet her sister, Miss Moore. The pret | ty flower-decked tea table was pre sided over by the Misses Sweeny and Miss Bog.--Toronto paper. - . . e Irving's Absent-Mindedness. Like many other men of genius, Sir Henry Irving had sudden periods of absent-mindedness, which means, says Marshall I>. Wilder, the popular Ame rican entertainer and lecturer, in his book, "The Sunny Side of the Street," that his mind is for the James Smith, of Brantford. to Mr. time being not only not absent, but, John Cargill Shaw, M.E., son of the 'on the contrary is entirely present, late' Dr. J. C. Shaw, of Brooklyn, | and working at the rate of an hour a N.Y. The wedding will take place, No- minute. vember: Tth, at Grace church, Brant- | One day while we were driving to ford. . gether he turned to me and said : Miss daughter of | "Marshall. | have a story vou can Judge Eliott, of London, to Mr. i add to your repertoire--a very quaint William Hart Dickinson, accountant' one," of the Bank of Ottawa, Regina. Then he went into deep thought. Miss Evelyn Cameron, daughter of 'and we had gone fully a block before Mr. Irving Cameron, to Mr. Temple he spoke aghin. Then he said : Blackwood, both of Toronto. The mar "And you know pe riage is to take place some time dur-| Then we went: another block, ing this month. farther: but suddenly he asked : Miss Pearle G "Now, wasnt's that droll ¥"' Mr. and Mrs, It certainly was, continues Mr. «Wil to Mr. L. E. Fead, accountant of the der. no matter what it was. But Sir Standard Bank, Harriston. The wed- Henry still owes me the story, for he ding is to take place about the mid- had told it only to himself. dle of November, ' Miss Elizabeth White, of Halifax, to Lieutenant Charles Richardson, R.N, . - . . The engagement is announced of 3 Miss Grace Smith, daughter of Mrs. ! Fdna 'Elliott, then Dennis, daughter of F. Dennis, Chatham, Were Treated Well. W. B. Melnnes. of Queen's Athletic Committee, says The 'marriage of Mise Amy Gertrade NOVEMBER 7. ' A Simple BUT. COTH COUNTRIES ARE}: gecretarv-treasurer ~~ EEL FASHION'S FORM. Sacque , of sign. Drei _ Pleasing ) Pale pink henrietta is a satisfactory ninterial for a dainty dressing sacque that shall be light in weight, and yet of sufficient 'wagmth for the coming cold weather, Such a one is pictured here ; and its practical possibilities are apparent at a glance. The sacque OBR soee " ~u 1 terms or hand| 4 mo : " THE BEST PLACE . TO BUY COATS AT a busy stere like this you are always surest of getting Coats that are new and fashionablée--and at right prices; We never have "left-overs." 2 ' : : J of Winter Coats, eles any materiale, from 32 to 80 inches long. In their character and quality Is indicated the extreme precision given in their selection. : No store in Central Canada buys on- more favorable on so close & margin as we do. In the Millinery Room ILLINERY reflecting the careful attention which has made our Trimmed Hats famous for their beauty and. smartness of their style." A variety of special crea- tions, among which you ) are sure to find just the dainty model to suit your is laid in pleats in the centre back, and at either side of the front fasten: ing, the pleats stitched down for a short distance, and then well pressed to the. hem. The side seams flare wide- lv, and a round, deep collar 'makes the finish at the neck. The sleeves follow! the. loose pagoda design, and may be banded in" at the cuff, should personal preference so dictate, A Per: sian banding follows the hem of 'the } individual taste. - In addition to trimmed and untrimmed hats and accessories, a very comprehensive Siopley of New York styles in Street Hats. garment all. around, . appearing like wise on sleeve and collar, SHOCK DETHRONES REASON. Loses Life in Attempt to Find Remedy. Grand Rapids, Mich., Nov. 7.--An- thony Moore, aged thirty-five voars, after being put into jail in a seem- ingly demented = condition, was [later removed to. the Reed's Lake Sani tarium, where he died under eircam- staptes so poctiliar that Coroner Levy will hold a post-mortem examination. Moore was a he in Ay ock for rheumatism at a penny slot machine exhibits § The attendants gave him achair and took ofi his shoes. He took one or two slight shocks. The next his friends heard of him he had been lodged in the county Jail ns demented. > Cave Disccvery In Kentucky. Glasgow Junction, Ky., Nov, 7.- While investigating the geological formation of this district of Barren county, Dr. Hanson and John Thomp son found evidence of the existence of a large cave or subterranean passage, With great caution the two explorers penetrated into the cave. They found it to be of enormous size and rami- fving in different directions. They ex- plored one branch to a distance o about thirty miles, when further pro- gress was stopped by a wide and flow- ing river. As their lights were insuffi- cient to reach to the other side of the river, they were not able to judge of its exact width. They returned to this place and obtained material for building a boat or raft, with which they will make an effort to cross the river and explore the cave on the oth "It is believed that the new eave is larger and more beautiful even than Mammoth Cave. = ide, Do You Hiccough ? Pretty disagréeable complaint, isn't it? Why don't you take a fow drops of Nerviline occasionally and get cur ed--it never fails. Polson's Nerviline ite a perfect treasure for folks bother ed with hiccoughs and stomach gas'® Nothing better is made than Nervi line; get a 25c. bottle to-day; per manent cure is guaranteed. THROWING LIGHT ON THE SUBJECT OF HOME DYEING. Home dyeing is a fascinating and money-saving work when Diamond Dyes aré used. Home coloring has an attraction for ladies in all ranks - of society, and the wonderful results achieved by the: Diamond Dyes for wo- men, have made them the Hopular | y life. Their friends will waft many | yo daughter of Mrs. John Magor. | the statement made of unsatisfactory | goal in all parts of the world, { well wishings and kind thoughts to |p pit "40 pr 'Harry Clarence treatment at. Ottawa is unauthori- One ten cent. package of thy Dia the estimable. connle speeding across Church. Chelsea, Ottawa, will take » The Ottawa team was gentle- mond, Dyed will do the same work | the ocean for England. Judee Hamil place November 15th. * manly, and agrecable, and the slight |, 04, steam-yeing establishment | ton's best man was the late Mr. Chris- Invitations have been received in delay at the start was only a quarter | horges one dolar for. {-topher Robinson. K.('. A curious fact | io (itv for the marriage of Miss | of 'an hone and unavoidable. The All faded and dingy looking dresses, | is that - Mrs. Hamilton's father and | jo. 0 Villicrs Macpherson, daughter of | field was in good shape aul here wih skirts, suits, blouses, jackets, rib. |. mother, the late Chief Justice and | {ho late Thomas H. Macpherson, ex-' PO outside interiorence. "l Tk woare] pone' stockings, coats, vests and | Mrs. Draper. celebrated their golden | yp. "and Dr. John E. Mackenzie. The treated well," he sti wo to ac | (rousers, can be re-colored fin the home wedding at Hazeldean, Téronto. marriage will take place in All Saints' knowledge it and we wege in Ottawa. and made to look as good as new, at «es. es » -------- "Doris," in the Guelph, 'Ont.. Mer- | Wedusday, November 15th. W. W. Gibson, to-day, received offi cury's social eolumn, remarks : "Every a cial notification regarding th& seven one is sorry about the approaching : ve New Trial. tieth semi-annual examinations at the | departure of Mr. Van 8 he Unit- Cassis To Have al Ontario School of Pharmacy, Toron- | od States consul, himpelf ner id the ety | sufficiently so to make mona grata to every ofe We often hear oF bright He hasi™wot been 1 with ue for anv lengthi. period, but and sunny Lomen, ft we seldom meet them Well. Mr. Van Sant i= one of this sort; 'and church, York Place, Edinburgh, on Cincinnati, Ohio, Nov. 7.--The Unit- to, which will be held December 1th ed States cireait court of appeals is- ond following dave. Mr. Gibsor( is ex sued a new trial. 19 Cassie L. Chad: | gminer. in practical pharmacy. Af wick. The grand president and' board of trustees of the C.M.B.A| for Canada in session. herve, this afternoon, = "as just the saap for bath room,' a cost of from tin to twenty cents, -} when the neverdigiling Riamond Dyes .} are used. * It is well to bear in mind that di- rect. money saving can only be guar .jenteed wh'n Viamond Dyes are used. Have a care that you do not buy the worthless imitations sold by meney and temper Fairy Floating soap, be, cake. Gib: "Conti! his brightness and sunny Jim ways | eons Red Cross drug store, high claves castile soap on ly at Gibsop't Red Cross drug store. + Thought" Ranges sold in SOB AAA ath OUP hakes "com med 7 Stove this year it will pay you to seek the answer to ome i] dealers. Refuse such deceptive-edves it vou would avoid trouble and loss of Ask for the Dip- SPENCE'S, ™ wingities | Are there more "Happy Kingston and distri If you requirea New Cook the above question. MTR "mn I i » Ti foe 69 and 71 Brock Street, Kingston. SHANNON FILES & CABINETS us aa «Special 'Patient's Record" Cards for Doctors and Dentists. 4 + Typewriter Ribboffs and Carbon Papers. J.B. C, DOBBS & 00., 171 Wellington repaired. Typewriters for sale, to rent, SEER PROPIREEE SEPREEEP $84 MADE-TO-ORDER XT PERSIAN LAMB JACKETS BEST QUALITY Come in and examine our Skins. % We Carry in Stock: = Russian Sables Hudson Bay Sables Chinchillas Our Guarantee § Stone Martins Arctic Fox 4 We gaarantee this ® Thibets 2 - Sod of dood. materiem. ® Canada Mink Labrador Mink ad of Rood | Te anada Labrador Otters Coaear Jrepairy, caiedty © Silver Raccoon v { charge, Seal Skins ' ee of Igo Persians Astrachan Bocharans ve John McKay ¥ Raccoon Coats Kingston, Ont. Beaver Coats Mink Linings 2OVPPOREO M000ehe Alaska Rat Other fine Furs too numerous to mention. ninge- 153 Brock Street, Kingston. : n FINANCE AND INSURANCE |' . Gv A. BATEMAN Jf You Want a Home® : F ALL KINDS OF FIRE INSUR- OR INSURANCE, Have a _ © ANCE AT LOWEST RATES. | Talk With te DISTRICT AGENT SUN LIFE ASSUR- | George Zeigler, Rog, Estate ANCE COMPANY OF CANADA. 57 Brock Street. 6 CLARENCE STREET® KINGS oN olalah ry A First-Class: Hotel'. prof for sale in one of the best Vill- ages in Eastern Ontario. Good reasons for selling. ~~ For particulars apply ta T. J. LOCKHART, Real Estate Agent 1590 Wellington St., 3 Kingston, Ont, For Real Estate Or Insurance Conralt with GEO, CLIFF before buying at 53 Clarence Street. " be offered to you, x mond Dyes: pefus¢ all others that way McKELVEY & BIRCH,