You wear heavy slothing i 'winter to keep the hoat in your --, think about Honest - Guarantee We guarantee OUR milk to be AB. SOLUTELY pure; put up in sterilized votthes. Tt is the best, Try it. Cor, Brook and Bagot Sts, 'Phone 567. HALLIDAY ted up. Be sure you wa Kingston Milk Depot| PUREST, STRONGEST, BEST. Ne ----------- Lume, Phosphates, or any lojurient. E.W.GILLETT 208m "ONLY A Common Cold BUT IT BECOMES A SERIOUS MARTER IF NEGLECTED. ASTHMA, CATARRH or SUMPTION IS THE RESULT. Get rid of it at once by taking Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup 'Obstinate coughs yield to ite grateful' hing Hon and in the racking, per. sistent cough, often present in Consumptive olsen; it gives pronpt and sure relief. In Asthma and Beonel is 341 he a Suecomtfyl remedy, renderi ng easy and ---- enabling he reo EY re- freshing sleep, and often effecting a per- manent cure. We do not claim that it will cure Con- sumption in the advanced stages, but if taken in time it will prevent it poaching that stage, sud will give the greatest relief to the poor sufferer malady, : Be careful when purchasing to see that ee the genuine Dr. Wood's Norway Pine yr. three pine from 'this terrible Hat up in a yellow wrapper, trees tho mark, . Mr. Wm, O. Jenkins, Spring Tako, Alta, writes: "I had a very had cold settled on my lungs: I bought two bottles of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup but it only required one to cure me. I have never mot witli any ther medicine as good." Price 25 cts., at all dealers, i Perhaps your timepiéce has not been giving com plete satisfaction of late, * No other establish- ment in Canada is so well equipped for watch needs as is Diamond Hall, with its recently enlarged facilities-- and its half century of 'experience. A wooden box in which to mail your watch to us will be sent you free on request. RYRIE BROS. LIMITED 134-138 YONGE ST. TORONTO - ONT. EMBOSSING ici.e:" for Paper and Envelopes ENGRAVING Girt... ' Letter Heads Besides nll classes of Letter Press Printing from a tard to a volume, |THE WHIG, Kingston THE FRONTENAC allowed 8B. Oy MoGill, Director, fos, 97 Clarence Street. Kinewtow It's easy for'the average man to be honest when he doesn't need © the * "money, from Napanee," Perth, Harper, Missis- | AKerr, at H. Pettfer's; 1). Vennefi, at | 4 Marquardt, at: 8. Ready's; Ravmond, NHAT WHIG CORRESPOND. _ * ENTS TELLUS. ok = The Tidings From Various Po In Eastern Ontario -- What People Are Dojng And What They Are Sa: hy Charleston Happenings. | Charlegton, - Nov. 6.--J. B. Smith | as gor with a bunting party to | Frnaaras: €. Covey has rohased | the Latimer farm near L; urst, W. | 8. Banta is spending a fow weeks | bis island home re. Miss Mabel Morrin has been ena, to teach our school for 'the year | Mrs, C. J. Slack recently spent a few days with friends at Prescott. Miss G. Joknson bas again been engaged to teach the | school at Glen orris. Miss Eva | dohnson has been engaged to teach. | at Union Valley for tho vear 1906. | Me. apd Mrs. W, Hanson have re turned to their home in Prin. A. W. Johnson spent a few days last week nt Montreal, 3 | | A Pie Social. | Collinge Bay, Nov, 6.-The pie social | held in the Workmeh's hall, on Thurs- | day evening, by the ladies of the Sun: | shine Circle, was a decided success, | All expressed themselves well 'pleased | with the evening's | enjoyment. Pro- | €ieds in aid of the General Hospital. | A tea meeting will be held in the | Methodist = church on Thursday even. | ing. Mr. and Mrs. G. Clarke Visited | friends at Gananoque last week, Wo | are glad to. ses. T. Cousins back in | Ahrir old home, after residing in To-| ronto for some time. Mrs. R. J. Hen- derson and ° daughifer, Marguerite, Amherst Island, are visiting the Misses | McKay. J, Grass returned home, last | week, after 'spending several months in the North-West: Rev. D. MeDonald, Ko ne, was a guest at D, J. Rankin's n few days lust week, A Fire At Lansdowne. nsdowne, Nov, 6.--Saturday even: lamp. upset in the officd WEL Vinee oe to paperd and wood work. Prompt work soon had the blaze subdued, but not until the shelving, etc., was bad- ly scorched, Mr. King lost his mous- tathe and W, W, Frew had his hands badly burned. No will -- re- quire a very serions fire to rouse the | citizens to the need of some kind of fire protection, | E. R: Bradley and George MeKay | have opened a harness shop in the | old laundry stand. Acetyledé gas has | been installed in the Merchants bank and T. Keating's barber shop, Fred. | Bevins has erected a residence in the west end. Hilliard Latimer has pur chased the residence of W, P. Moore, who will start to build another at once. E. Dixon has returned from Brockville, where he had a large painting contrabt, : Eagle Hill' Items. Fagle Hill, Nov. 6. Tuesday last several waggon loads of hunters pass- td, through hére en route for their camping grounds, 'I he parties came | ippi and other points; also A. Wilson, Tweed and Mr. O'Keefe, of Clinton, are hunting with T. and J. Irvine, at Quinn's Lake, Pleasant Valley. George Flannigan, of Sheffield, is spending a few: dave at A. Armstréngz. F. Ander son, shool inspector, visited here Thursday. Miss Maud Lane, of Den i passed through here Wednesday tte to Cisit her sister, Mrs, J, R. Stewart who is very ill. Mrs, J. Gilmour, 'of Ardoch, snd Mre. 8. Buf fam, of Vennachar, called at M. Mieske's Sunday aftemoon. William Jo'n end Miss Fanny spent a fow | days at Eganville and Douglas: Vis itors: A, Wilson, at J. J. Irvine's: | T. Lindsay's; Miss "Dora and Joseph | Stanley and Leslie Fox, at Thomas Irvine's, Moved Tou New Parsonage. Stella, Nov. 6.--Derry lodge, No. 2. | Prentice Boys, held their annual ball | on Friday night, November 3rd, but | owing to the storm the attendance | was. pot so large as usual, Supper | war served in' the town hall by Mrs, | J. Miller. The Orangemen and "Pren- | tice Boys attended' divine service in the Methodist church on Sunday, No vember 5th. Union thanksgiving ser | | vice will be Held on Monday night, November 6th, in the Methodist church. Rev. R. 8. Wilkinson has moved into the ew rectory. which is about the "most comfortable in the | diogese. George Patterson has resum od his studies at Queen's College. Ar thur Kilpatrick has had an attack of appendivitis, but is improving. R. Baker has purchased a farm on the | Front Road, from F. Grass, four miles | west of Kingston. George Bulsh, Pittsierry, has rented J. Reid's farm on the south shore. €. Wilkinson was | organist in St. Albans on Smnday. | Mrs. 8. L. Pringle has returned home after viditing her sister, Mrs. Ada. at Renfrew, Visitors © Mre. © Calvert, Bath, at J. Brown's; Mrs. G. Wright, | Sundhurst, at. Mrs. J. Patterson's: | How to Insure Success in Home Dyeing. - | A woman, who wants evervihing she | colors at home, to turn ont just as | she expects, onght to he mighty care | ful to get "DYOLA'" Because "DY-O-LA™ novér disappoints. "DY -0. LA" colors are rich, beautiful and permanent. They make coloring at bome a pleasare, because they are so | easy to use and the results are so sa tisfactory, Best "of 'all, "DY.O-LA" | takes fay all the uncertainty about fabries. The same package of "DY-0 LA'™ colors wool, silk, cotton and mized goods oxaectly the same. Whether the waist or 'skirt or suit iy pure wool of cotton and wool or cotton and Rilk--DY.O-LA™ colors either one or all three perfectly, This means less. expense--and as a matter of fact, "DY.-(-LA" colors mere goods ~package for package--than anv other. Any woman ean prove all this With the first package she uses. All | dealers have them-10 vents a pack- | age. Addross The | son Co. Limited, Montreal, Can., for a color card. > | I | Harcourt, 'and was confirmed by his { when | committed suicide at Liege, after hav | a lady | mg illegally with nets, | of business also being at Albur | former was about: thirty-five vears | thé boat), and Miss Annie, at | sonic order and the Canadian Order of dren. He was a "onic order and the Canadian Order of | gia the body of Signor Mickel de San ation, according to which, it Jobnson-Richard- | priest, | had been the wife's sweetheart for Leral months, He has disappeared. NOVEMBER KR. Burleigh's, At Sharbot Lake. Fharbot Lake, Nov. 6.--Snow fell, Mise Sarah Burleigh, Kingston, at I. ¥ as----" last night, to the depth of three inches. Freight tr is heavy of the C.P.R. at t, sixteen trains hav ing A thiough here in twelve pai J hours. Service wan conducted in the Presbyterian church, on Sunday morn- ing, Mr. McDonnell, of Queen's. The sacrament was administered in the Methodist church, on Swiday evening, by. the pastor. Thompson Avery are ng to start a lam ber goinp on: the farm occupied by J Grey. amuel Gordon is hiring men for a lumber company doing business near South river. Among others en. 'wre Sig. Warwick apd George illimson, who expect to start on Tuesday. Albert Buell has returned from a Wanting trip. He shot two déer. 8S. Deyo has alsg returned, hav ing shot one deey and some small game. F. C. Avery was in Ottawa, on Saturday, attending the football match between - Queen's and Ottawa Mabel McConnell and Bertha Dodds, attending Kingston and Frontena Business Colleges, spent Sunday at ome. A. Irwin, Ross Dodds and N Garrett, bridge men on the C.P.R., were home for Sunday. Sig. Warwick und Miss Grace "McConnell spent Sun day at J. Grey's, Mountain Grove, SWALLOWED HEART. Strange Tale of Dean of West- SN 'minster. London, Nov. 7.--A _remarkabl story regarding = the. heart of Louis XIV, and how it came to be buried in Westminster Abbey, is told in ruth by Mr. Labopnchere,, who: mays . the story was told him by tha-Jate. Col brother, the court. p hy { A. Harcourt, who lived durtug the first French revolution, hetl may con nections in France, and invited maw of the emigres ta, visit him. Among them was the Canon of St. Denis. On leaving, the canon expressed his thanks for the kindly hospitality of his host and produced from. his pocket something that lox like a pi « i late Rjr - William, Har i 44% he prisinted to Him. "lI was," he & "in the cathedral 'the royal 'tombs. were broken open and the comnts scattered: to the winds. This heart is that of Louis XIV. It was kept in a separate re ceptable, and' mpnaged to get away with it.'] Wr - i Tho heart {hug egime into the posses sion of the Harcourt family, and was occakionally produced for the inspec- tion of visitors as a curiosity. The late Dy. Buckland; Dean o! Westminster, Wes on a visit when it | was brought out for his inspection He was very old and had some repu tation as a man of science, and the scientific spirit: moved him to wet his finger and rub it on the heart, He put the finger to his mouth after that, ands before he could be stopped he put the heart into his month and swallowed it, whether by accident or design will never he known, Very shortly afterward he died and was buried in Westminster Abbey. It is impossible he could ever have di- gested the thing, It must have been a pretty tough organ to sfart with and age had almost petrified it. Conse quently the heart of Louis XIV must now be reposing in Westminster Ab: bey, 'inclosed in the body of an Eng- lish dean. LL eg sre MUMMY FREAK A SUICIDE. Ends Life When Manager Refuses to Release Him. Pross:ls, Nov. 7.-A Belgian "freak," a man who had 'a particular malady which made him resemble a mummy ke weighed only fifty pounds--has just ing travelled all the towns in the country. He was hreakfasting with his manager, and at the end of the meal a discussion arose. The man "mummy" desired to break his _con: tract, but the manage: held him to it. The "freak" then went home, ar ranged the photographs of his parents and sisters on the table, left a note fer the police, and blew out his brains. »* TRUTH COMES OUT. Si ------ An Official Statement Re Chatham Raid. The following official statement has been issued 'to the press of Chatham : "In reference to the statement being made on the street to. the effect that or lallies prominent, socially and musically, were found in, the Lacroix street resort raided, last Sun day night, the authorities are in a position to state positively that such stories, are absolutely untrue. That while it is tfue a woman was found in the resort, she 'was not in any scnse of the word prominemt, either socially or musically." , Went To Warn Fishermen. The two men drowned near Nigge Island, on Sunday night, had gone out to warn some men who were fish Frank Onder donk, was one of the councillors . of Ameliashurg township, and conducted & store and evaporator at Albury. Mr, Urquhart was a blacksmith, his place The of age, and the latter about fifty. Mr. Urquhart leaves a widow and two children, namely Mrs. James Gar butt (whose husband was one of the home, He was a member of the Ma Oddfellows. Mr. Onderdonk was thirty six years of age, on the 11th of June last. He leaves a widow and two chil member of the Mas Oddfellows. . Both were adherents of the Methodist church, Priest Suspected Of Murder. Rome, Nov, 7c----In a striet of Fog- Marco, a wealthy land owner, was found - yesterday. He had been shot. His wife was subjected to an examin- it as sumed, that the nurderer was a young It is alleged | that the priest 7 Hlustrated, 50 AFR tk IY TE: : ii that every lady should take. Issued 4 limes a year, 96 pages beautifully SIU he 4 Wash Silks r Hold their Color | better than any other embroidery silk. ' HE SSA WS MA 20 agazine | cts per year. Write jor sample | ents. Corticelli Silk Co.Ltd, St.John's,PQ. J ceedlework isa m SHOWED GRATITUDE. Left Home After Quarrel ; Was Re-united, Louisville, Nov. 6.--Steve P. Hol- combe of the Holcombe Mission is in réceipt of 'a cheque as a golden ~ wed ding present from A. Cunumings of Arva, Ont. who, until ntly, had been an inmate of the mission for over three months, Mr. Cummings, who five years of age, is" about fifty left his house. at Ar va, where he conducted a. general merchandise 'store, "over. three vears ago after quarrelling with his wide over the price of a pair of trousers. His wife told a purchaser, according to the story told by Cummings, that the trousers were worth a certain gm ount while he claimed. that they were worth ntore. This led to words and Mr! Cummings decided "to leave he that night, which he did comin, most directly to Louisville, His wife believed that he had committed sui ade, as no trace of her husband could be found. little oyer three months ago' an old shabbily-dressed man, but to all appearances a gentleman, applied for admission to the mission, which 1 quest was granted. Mr. Holcombe said that he thought at the time the man was clearly "out of hit classi. He re mained at the mission over © three months, doing odd "jobs of cobbliag to pay for his food. During his stag at the mission he always refused fin ancial aid from Mr. Holeombe, prefer ring to pay his own wav. Mr. Hcleombe became interested in the man and asked him to tell his story. with the result that he imme diately telegraphed Mr. Cummings' wife at Arva, who was overioved to hear from him. She immediately tele graphed him--meney. ta come back home, Mr. Holcombe recently sent him an invifation gto attend nis golden wid ding anniversary, in' answer to which he received a letter enclosing a sub stantial cheone and stating that thi writer now is In comfortable circum him for the part {tances and thanking took in the reconcilietion, W If vou had taken two of Carter's Little Liver Pills before retiring vou would mot have had that coated tongue or bad taste in the mouth this morning. Keep a vial with vou for oc casional use, John Lawrie, a farmer, of Blenheim township, committed suicide by hang ing himself, Saturday night. Finan cial troubles are given as the cause, rE------ ain Pills Cure Kidney Troubles. OR YOUR MONEY BACK. Read this letter from Mrd Gargill, fas it not the ring of truth? Does it not describe your own sufferings? And Joey it not point the way to quick re- ief ? 'For three years I suffered more han I"can tell with terrible pains in he small of my back. When 1 stooped ver, it seemed as though I.would never © able to straighten up. I tried Kidney ills fora year and a half, but was get. ing worse all the time, until advised by ny neighbor to try *' Gin Pills," as hie had been almost similarly affected, wid had been completely cured by them, [ took three boxes of 'Gin Pills, and ilutost from the first dose I began to feel better. Now I am pleased to say I can do as good a day's work as ever in my life without feeling tired out. Befofe getting Gin Pills I had to havea girl lo do my housework, but fiow I can do it all myself, including the washing. I will always recommend Gin Pills for sidney trouble, © Mis. Garciny, Winnipeg, Man." Don't suffer the agonizing tortures of Kidney Trouble. Don't let it run into readed Bright's Disease. Cure yourself now with Gin Pills--the pills that cure. Sold at all druggists on a positive guarantee that they cure or you get your money back. Soc box--6 for $2.50. If you will write asking for it and teil. Cures Coughs GRAY'S SYRUP does that one thing, apr] does it well, Tt's no "cure-all," but a CURE for «11 throat aud Jung troubles, GRAY'S SYRUP OF RED: SPRUCE GUM stops the. irritating tickle -- takes away the soreness--sooths and heals the . and CURES COUGHS to stay None 1he less effective because it is pleasant to take. 25 cts. bottle. Heaters There is nothing as convenient in the heating line as a good. COAL OIL HEATER. You can take them any- where and make any room comfortable to sit in. Our Coal Oil Ileaters are perfectly free from odor or smoke and are safe. Come in and have a look at then. We also have the very hest American Oil'in the city. \ All orders delivered promptly. LEMMON & SONS 351 AND 353 KING STREET. "PHONE 388. THE CANADIAN RUBBER CO. Make The Best Rubbers Rubbers are a necessity and when you buy be sure and get the best. . We recommend the Canadian Rubber Company's goods be- cause they wear longer, fit, better and look better than any other make. We have all sizes and shapes. : J. H. Sutherland & Bro. . us the paper in which you saw this we will setid you a trial box of Gin Pills abso. | sev lutely free, The Bole Drug Co., Winnipeg. - o oF C/NADIAN] NORTH-WI PSS san EGULATIONS HB -- pumbered section of Dou a in Manito o6, te Ne G excep li et roy be pomesteaded upon by werved, IBY Che solo head of a fan person who 18 °° 18 years of age, y mae CO uarter section, 9 or less. 1y ot ; be made personally jand ice for the district in Ly ken is SiLul ne ood to be taker, he may. on oiih pomestesder Minisier of e In i > 1oner hava, the Cominiss ope toca agent sob, igarpe the land is sit u ve . sutborit one to m him. aint EAD ow KE uired to rerforia. the 1s connected therewith under ditiol cing plans : ce w olow ie six 'months res d) AL Cation of "the land if each ; Sy the term of three youre y & : we. ed) of any person wh jeceased ) Theo a nouisstead @nvry augbls rovisions of this o ry she arm in the vicinity oO . ree a for by such Jerson ns 8. B pod, I obtaining patent aed by ach person residing r r.other. Pyiui che settler hag ns parm farming la a residence UDCE ity of mis honestead HE rements of this Act as to resi 180) be satisfied py residence upos wid land. N° FOR PATENT APELICATID0 end of three years » the Local Agent, Sub-Agent ol Spector. Homestead 12305 apolication for Pi etter ust ve six months' o of Lis to the Commissioner of Bo Lands at Ottawa, of his inte to: do so. re 5 RO} 1S OF CANA DIA : suport MINING R# LA LUN C4 --Coni lands may. be purchus oul ere for-walt coal ant $2 ' acite Not more" than 820 Acre strech © by one Individual oF bt oyuity ut the rate of ten Pr ton of 3,000 pounds shall be coll atput. - iy "rb miner's certifica > ted "upon payment in advent 450 per annuii for an individual, i $50 to $10V per annum for |& py according to capital ; " free minor, having discovered mi OF nich _ for some JUTIES : A settler pu] entry for a he te cla 1, hh hose ra =~ ithe re for recordidg & cieim is $! Ou must be expended Oi i or paid to.the winin wroer in lieu thereof. When $501 pen expended or puid, the locator pion having a survey wade, an complying With other requirements, chase the band at $1 an acre. The patent provides for the Pay: a royalty of" 24 per cent on the sal PLACER mining claims general: 100 feet square ; entry fee $5, rene Ra miner may obtain two lead dredge for wold of "five miles each - term of twenty years, renewable a discretion of the Minister of the Int The lessee shall have a dredge in ation within one season from the da whe lease for each five miles. Rental per annum for each mile of river le Royalty at the Tate of 2 og VE ter it exc 45 thy puip}, = WwW. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Int N.B.--Unauthorized publication of advertisement will not be paid for. See Window Disp lor. Furnituge, the artistic designs. Fancy Mahogany Chairs and Re Wholstered in all shades, silks Fancy Mahogany 8 Parlor Tables, Oval or Fancy Parlor and' China Cabinets Yusny Couches. Rug and Velour 1 Reduced Prices This Week JAMES REID The Leading Undertake -- 3 Zot J SHOES FoR THE LAI Tha rarticularly" stylis made in a very sk Atner are the kind we Sowing, The, Woman who T feet in 2 pair of our $2, $2.50 and $3 Box Cay Sho be es will not ne afraid of the wet weather, H. JENNINGS, King mae Plum Jing ant Hea Hot Water Heati a Specialty, 1 i wil pettion of work invited. Es cheerfully given, 1 . have none but the best plumy You first-class work. DAVID HA] Street. "Phone 33