Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Nov 1905, p. 7

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- EVERY STYLE ducts you ean depend on style, fit, and wearing ir Insts only, they are d re.inforced at every ive a natty appearance nited, have gone to cle 'a little hotter out adding to the & Company 5. A. DAVIES. | "Street. Toronto. rohants Rubiére. ries. Factory or Toronto. ) Sums Tha ATISEY Ne) IMFORT ' 's Foot orts of home a lady 1¢- House Slippers. , our Oriental and Felt and . conifort not met rom 20c, 16 $1 25, atl per House -- ! a x BIRCH, et, Kingston. " "The Watch-Dog in your Vest Pocket Ol ~can buy Health Insurance n . ' geveral good *' Accident" Companies sell it. Sixty dollars per year will bring you $25.00 per week, for every week you are Sick. But, your t more than that. And $200 per week might not pay for ur suffering. yo why *'Cascaret" Insurance which vents Sickness, is worth ten times as much money as other ** Health™" Insur- yee, " : Yet ""Cascaret Insurance" will cost you Jess than Ten Cents a week. That gives you a "Vest Pocket" Box fo carry-constantly. * ime alone may be worth far * * "ndigestion"" means food eaten but i d. only partially digeste "Gonstipation" means food retained in {he body undigested too long, till it decays. It then supplies the poisons of decay fo the system; in place of the nourishment jt might have supplied. i Jsn't that a tremendous handicap worth What does it cost to Cure Constipation or Indigestioh with their train of small eat ills, and to 'Insure against a and gr I J return of them? ~ Not so very much. One 10 cent box of Cascarets per wéek, of most, perhaps half that. : One candy tablet night and : morning, taken regularly for .a short time, is war ranted to cure the worst.case of Co! ipa- x * * tion or Indigestion tial watks the earth. One tablet taken whenever you suspect -* you need it will insure you against 90 per cent of all other ills likely to attack you. Because 90 per cent of these ills begin in the Bowels, or exist through poor Nutrition. Cascarets don't purge, don't weaken, don't irritate, nor upset your stomach, No,--they act like Exercise on the Bowels, instead." © They stimulate the Bowel-Muscles to contract and propel the Food naturally past the little valves that mix Digestive Juices with Food. They strengthen these Bowel-Mustles by exercising them. The Bowel-Muscles can thus, is a short time, dispense with any Drug assistance +: whatever, * »* % The time to take a Cascaret js the very minute you suspect you need one. --When your Tongue iis coated a little. ~--When your breath is not suspicion. --When your head feels dull, dizzy, or achy. --When you have eaten too heartily, or too rapidly, «When you have drunk more than was good for your digestion. When you have a touch of Heart- burn, Gas-belching, Acid-rising-in-throat, or a Coming-on-Cold. above * * * Carry'the 'Vest Pocket" Box where it bels st ms you would your Watch, Pocket fe or Lead-pencil, It costs only 10 cents, gist. Be sure you get the genuine, made only by the Sterling Remedy Company, and never sold in bulk, Every tablet stamped "CCC." A sample and the famous booklet "Curse of Constipation,"' Free for the asking. Address Sterling Remedy Company, Chi- cago or New York. 7200 At any drug- EDUCATIUNAL. Miss Cora Louise Larke, A.T.C.M. Pupll of Hermann Klein, New York. Late Vocal lnstructress St. Margaret's Cillege, Toronto. Soprano Soloist Syd- enham St. Methodist church. Pupils pre pared for~ Conservatory and University Examinations. Concert Engagements. Address : Romilly' House," 72 Barrie St. tudents May 2 Enter Any Time po Tern Kingston Business Gollege LIMITED Head of Queen .St,. Kingston =- - Ont ANODERN, PERMANENT, RE- LIABLE SCHOOL, « Established in 1883 ., Practical, complete, thorough, individual Instruction given in all c.mmercial sub. jects. Open throughout the whole year. rite, call or telephone for terms and cata- .B. MCKAY, H. F METCALFE, President. Principal. $00000000000000000000R SINCPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH-WEST HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS Any even numbered section of Domin- lon Leads in Manitoba or the Nortk- West Provinces, excepting 8 and 26, not served, may Le homesteaded upon by any verson who is the sole head of a family, OF any male'over 18 years of age, to the extent of one-quarter section, of 160 en g more or less. "alry way be wade rsonally at the fotal land oftice for the 'istrict Ta which She land to Le taken iw siuated, or if the hones en dor es, he may. on applica- isier of the Interior, Utlawn, the Commrssioner of lmmigra- thelist Bnipeg. or the local agent ior Toes aurict wi wnich the land is sitvate, © authorit wtry for 5 ¥ for some one to make HOMES} AD DUTIES : A settler Who Jas bos Kranied an entry for a homé requi ; - ditions coro rey to perform the con the fellows, ted Hivtewith under one anit "ust six months residence upon during 1.0000 Of the land in each year ¢ ter of three years. (3) If the futher (or "mother. ther ip ce if the 1 1) of uny person Who is i aa a howestead entry un- "pon u for s of this Act, resides sutereq 1, 0 the vicinity of the land wlead, od 'by such person as a: home Tesidence iuirements of this Act as to be Satisfion |r to obtaining patent may father of, oh person, residing with 1 ror Other. aR the settler has his permanent him jy yh P00 farming land owned by Vicinity of mis honestead, the Treen of 'this Act as to residence j4Usfieds by residence, upon the Md land pELI ATION FOR PATENT should Te the |... % 00 Of three years, he- Homesto,h Tol Arent, SubAgent or tue Spector. ore faking Apslication for patent writs SL MiVe Hix months' notice mision 1X de the Commissioner of Do- rity Rie'at Ottawa, of his intentiob S CANADIAN WNURTH. 30 NG REGULA IONS, al lands may be vurchusec at Sthracite hn, for soft coal mal $20 fur ve acqu; Ot more than 820 acres can pany, fired LY one individual or com- ton of 3 Ly, 8 the rate of ten cents on t .000 nds shall be collected pou Wap 108 output, @ragreg. A ree 'miner's certificate is a eibon Payment in advante of fom 35, (250 for ab individual, and ~~ 20 10 $100 per annum for a com- Y 8CCording to capital : a pln Winer, having dig . scovered mineral a locate a claim 1,500x At lens; OF recording a claim is $5. and upon the | other requirements, pus- Patent | 2 81 an acre. nt Provides for the payment of E min her Sm on the sales. ms UATe ; cutry fee $5, renewabre Juvenile KID GLOVES Made in all sizes and to fit all hands. Not merely reduced sizes of adult Gloves, but cut specially to fit the hands of children from one year old and up- Rk ® wards--Be sure to ask for ® 6 PERRIN KID GLOVES. B) BLOOD HUMORS PIMPLES Many an otherwise beautiful and attrac- tive face is sadly BLOTCHES ERUPTIONS Bictencs, Fhopies, FLESHWORMS i500, 20 HUMORS ous other blood dis. eas Their presence is a source of embarrass. ment to those afflicted, as well as pain and regret to their friends, any a cheek and brow-- cast in the mould of grace and beauty--have been sadly defaced, their attractiveness lost, and their possessor rendered unhappy for years. Why, then, consent to rest under this cloud of embarrassment, ? There is an effectual remedy for all these defects; it is, 4 ~~ BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS This remedy will drive out all the impuri- ties from the blood and leave the com- plexion healthy and clear. Miss Annie Tobin, Madoc, Ont., writes : "I take great pleasure in recommending your Burdock Blood Bitters to any one who may be troubled with pimples on the face. I paid out money to doctors, but could not t cured, and was almost discouraged, and aod of ever getting rid of them. I thought I would give'B.B.B. a trial, so got two Potties, and before I had takegRthem I was completely cured and have had uo sign of pimples since." Z urdock Blood Bitters has been manu- factured by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, for over 30 years, and has cured thousands in that time. Do not accept a subétitute which unscrupulous dealers say is ** just as good." 'It can't be." MEN AND WOMEN. Use @ for unnatural discharge s,inflammations. irtitatiots or ulcerations a arise, or lusous wembrine, Prevecis Contaglon. Puiniess, and not astrin EVANSCHEMICALLD. = gout of poisonous. m, or sent in plain wrapper by expres, prepsid, for $1.00. or 3 bottles 92.75. Circular vit on reg THE FRONTENAC LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIETY. (ESTABLISEED 1863.) President--Sir Richard Cartwright ' and 'Farm orta purcha and (interest allowed 8. C. McGill, Managing Director. Offics. 97 Clarenge Street. Kingston . | en-------------- between paying up and planking down. THE DAILY WHIG, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8. NEWS OF NEIGHBORS VHAT WHIG CORRESPOND- ENTS TELL US. The Tidings From Vaiious Points | In Eastern Ontario -- What. ,People Are Doing And _What They Are Saying. / 4 ¥ > ~ Tendered A Gift. Hartington, Nov, 7.=THe family of J. C. Wood, formerly merchant here, removed to Peterboro last week, where they will reside in future. Before their departure, Mrs. Wood was presented with a handsome set of dishes, and a pleasing address, : Faid Light Fine. x Sydenham, Nov. 7.--Hallowe'dn was spent with the usual merriment by the boys. and girls. A few of the boys went so far as to get themselves ip trouble, but are coming off very safe by paying a light fine. Mrs. Tott has rented her village residence to John McRory, who will take possession at the new year. Edward Martyn has purchased "a "grand upright piano. Miss P. Sills assisted the choir in the Methodigt church, Keplar, on Sunday last. Mids E. M. Clow returned home to-day after a lengthy visit with friends at Latimer. Miss E#n Caverly, | Latimer, spent last week the guest of the Misses Wood. Deer Hunting Season. Centreville, Nov. 6.--Fall ploughing is about completed in this vicinity. Hallowe'en offi very quietly passed here. Miss Kitty: ('Connor visited; friends last week at: Newburgh = and Strathcona, Mrs. W. Fairbairn has moved into the house lately owned by Dr. Beeman. A number from here at tended the party at Mr. Donovan's last Tuesday night. Peter Cussidy spent Sunday at Bachelors' Corner. Deer hunting season is at hand. Get ready, boys. Miss lizzie Ingoldshy has taken Miss Hinch's place as teach er for the remainder of the year. Thomas O'Connor has returned from Ottawa. Rumor = says a wedding soon. A Serious Wound. Nov. 6.--Hunting is the or- der of the day. For the past week there has been quite a nymber of hunters going through here, but deer are reported to be very séarce in this part of the country. One man, while hunting last week was shot and the bullet entering in one of his legs, gave him a serious wound. We have had a very heavy fall of snow here, to-day, for so early in tha season. sleighs are now running on the road. W. O'Donnell, who went to the west on the harvest excursion, has returned home. Quite a number from here in- tend going - out west to take up, homes. Edward Nolan is buying John Armstrong's farm here in the town ship of' Barrie. ' Cloyne, Some Babies Come To Town. Vso Station, Nov. 6.--We were visit ed. by a show storm to-dav. #ur cheese factory has closed alter 4 sue cessful season. Quite a from here attended the Joshua Cox. Hezro Lutz ed after visiting friends tario. Joseph his infant last. Daniel large number funeral of hits return in New On Johnston buried daughter on Wednesday Hughes has left here to work in New Omtario. Miss Sarah Lake has returned to Perth after spending a few days with friends here Miss Alice--Crawford--has returned -- af ter spending the summer in New On tario. A wee baby girl has come to stay at George P. McPherson's, and also one at William Francis', Jr. Working On Canal. Chafiey's Locks, Nov. 7.--A number of carpenters are here making repairs to the bridge and bywash. From here they go to Washburn to do some work there. The owners of Idylwild hotel are receiving tenders for a large addi tion to the - hain building, and also for two new 'boathouses. Fall ducks are numerous, and so are the hunters. Capt. E. Fleming, H. Hurold, T. Sim mons and © F. Alford left here, this morning, duck shooting. The steamor will make her last tri to-morrow, going as far as Westport, and return to Kingston. A voung boarder arriv: ed at Edgar's. It is a little daughter. Mr, and Mrs. J. Fleming are visiting relatives Miss Lizzie Barker, Newhoro, is the guest of Mrs A.W. Dwyre. A fall of two inches of snow came vesterday, the first of the season. Miss RR. Simmons is on the list. Mrs. (Capt.) William Flem ing has returned from Hullville, where she has visiting her daughter, Mrs Eugene sick heen Gray. Some Barriefield News. Barriefield, Nov, : 6.-%Mr. and Mrs. Nevisan have moWed it their hand- some new cotthge, Mately purchased, near the town hall, and have also built a fine new shed and stable. Their friends all wish them many years of comfort. Edward Murray has finished and painted his fine large shed -and stable. It is quite an improvement to the "village. A. Hora has made : forty gallons of fine cider with his mill; and has 'a supply of good russet apples ready for shipment. Hallowe'en wag celebrated in fine stvle here ® represent ing all classes and nationalities, There were many bands, and some good singers. To their credit, nothing nor anyone was molested, which cannot be said of the boys at Willitshome, who removed the gates from a pasture near the railway, and two three-year-old colts" got out; one was found, in the morning, cut to pieces, on the cross- ing. The enlprits are known, and will have to pay dearly for their silly work." Miss Bella Hutton, home for a few hplidays, has-gone for a visit to Toronto. Frank Baily and wife ar viziting his mother, Mrs, Jaines Ham: ilton, |Jr., Toronto, mw visiting her sister, at the Gore, Pittshurg. Miss Jenny, and Mss Clare Corrigan and Miss Yellowlge spent Sunday in the village. Dr. Nimmo is preparing a large class for confirmation at Si. Mark's. Off For A Hunt. r Strathcona. Nov. 6.--The hunters have left for the northern hunting There isn't a great deal of difference ! fields from this section. them, Messrs, J. and H. Kelly, 'T. Summings-gnd R. L. Lott, Shallow Good tuck to } 4% USE IT RIGHT I-4 teas ul of Armour's "Extract of Beef will season asmuch soup, etc. asa whole of any other Extract. Beef but ARMOUR'S goes 4 times as far--thus, it is really 50% cheaper. Be sure you get ARMOUR'S --ollow the directions exadtly-- and you will see the economy of it. IER EIR NOT HEREDITARY. Baldness Due to a Living Minute Germ. Many people, even unto the present day of grace, consider baldness due to hereditary fluence. Nothing is further from the truth Baldness i8 caused by the onslaught of a minute organism which secretes itself beneath the scalp and attacks the roots of the hair cpusing it to lose its life and fall ont. This organism cannot be got rid of except by the free and perserving use of Newbro's Herpicide, No matter how badly the scalp is effected the dapdrufi surely disappears and hair health is restored when Her- picide is applied. "Destroy the eause vou remove the effect." Sold by dead"ng druggists. Send 10c, in stamps for sample to th: Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich. G. W, Mahood, special agent. : Tr -------------------------- Lake, who came, fof his ing. annual out Mrs; Lott acedmipunied him here to visit Mrs. Lott's mother. Fhe' fine weather has enabled. the 'farmers to get their fall yplofighing done. John Hayeock, who spent "the last few months. in Manitoba, has 'retarned. John Murphy has moved his family back bere from Marlbank, as Mrs. Murphy's health has been so poorly sinde living there. A number attend ed quarterly meeting at Newburgh on Sunday last., Mr. and Mrs. R. Pybus have returned from their bridal tour Oran Scouten, formerly of this place, spent a few days here recently, He conducted service in the Methodist chutch. "He intends going to the Con go state in Africa, Miss Flossie Dun- lap spent Thankkgiving day with her parents here. She holds a position with Mrs. Doxee, . milliner, Napanee. J. Walker. called 'on friends here Sun day last. The ratepayers of Camden township, are dissatisficd with the tax rate this year. Many who rent farms say they could not rent Camden, becansé of the Hillman's family have settled in their home. a farm in tases Mr arrived ane Impounded Many Head. Point Traverse, Nov. 8---Sunday be ing a fine day there was a large gathering at Carman church at the qugrterly services. The Epworth League of this circuit will .hold a con venticn at Carman, Thursday after nocn and evening. John Minaker has i. an been very ill but is somewhat better at present. A pumber around here have very bad colds. .. W, A. Head and M. Spafiord are fishing for salmon at the point. Clara Head is stopping a while at South Bay and Port Milford. All the pedlars, except G. L. Ostrander, have ceased their weekly trips for this season, Last week Nelson Minaker, poundkeeper, was called to Bloomfield to notify A. A. Hudgin that all his stock of horses and eattle, numbering over eighty head, had been brought t,, pound by D. Wood, With no one to look after the stock they made sad havoe arovnd. here. Mrs, Alva Danand is seriously ill. Our egnping factory has closed foy the season. Our chee, factory still continues to make cheese every other dav; last weekls cheese sold for 9 John Dulmage is making tri-weekly trips to his farm near Cherry Valley. Visitors : Mr. and Mrs. N. Vandusen and Mr. and Mrs. Jumes Whattam; * Roval street, at Anson Colliers; Mr. snd Mrs. M. Robbins, at Clgude- * Dulmage's : Master Walter Hyatt, at Willie Hugh's: Mrs. Hilton Mhattam, at L.. Ostrander's; John Head, Milford. at Isage Head's: Mrs. Snsan Gallagher, at John Mingker's: Mrs. S. Ackerman, Belleville, at (i. Cannoy's; Master Basil Collier, a% 1. A. Ostrander's, NEED FEAR NO ATTACK. States Would Permit No War to Enter Borders. : London, Nov. %.-Goldwin Smith, writing to the Manchester Guardian, says if Canada consents to contribute to imperial armaments will the em pire undertake to guard the military frontier of €anada, at least four thou sand miles in extent, and her naval frontier ? That is a plain question to which a defmite answer scems to be required. Mr, Smith is convinced that Canada is perfectly safe so long es not involved in European broils. Ame ricans have no desire to interfere with Canada, nor would the Stites, as long as Canada gave no. offence, por mit war to be carried "into. this eon tinent."', "IH you succeed, hy "the "heln' of Nitarists in drawing us into military expenditure, the result would be fur ther need of "taxation and raising of export 'daties with no ekeeption in favor of British gdods. "The utteran ces of a circle of 'enthusiastic im- perialists may mislead you as to the general sentiments of our people, the large proportion of whom are French and who are here, all of them, not to found empires in the clgds, but to make their bread," Winry Cunningham, piano tuner from Chickerings. Orders recvived at MecAuley's book store, Princess sifcet. x NEWS OF DISTRICT. IN GENERAL. -- Matters That Interest Everybody --Notes From All Over--Little Of Everything Easily Read By All + Alva E. Scott, of Cherry Valley, is contemplating removal to Picton. Mrs. Vance, an old lady resident of Tecumseth Wand, Picton, died on Sa- turday. A. D. McFarlane has feturned from Saskatchewan and will® reside in Cherry Valley. TR w Mrs, Daniel © Mooney, - formérly bi Brockville, is dead, in Winnipeg, aged forty five years. Mrs. Martha Chadwick, an dld" ve sident of Gananoque, passed. away, Saturday morning. 5" Mrs. Ann Dunn, probably the" oldest resident of Brockville, died Sunday night in her ninetieth year. plilliam Wilson, well known on Brockville cheese hoard, is dead in Montreal, aged sixty-eight, Abner H. Nichols and Mrs. Lottie Oattes, Carleton Place, were united in" marriage last Wednesday. i. J. Marsh, the last survivor of one of Consecon's oldest and most re spected families, is dead, from pneu monia. W. 8. Robertson, leaving Carleton Placg for Perth, has resigned his posi tion as a niember of. the hoard of education. The 'Brockville council is' to spend 812,000 on its opera house. The plans provide for 4 main auditorium on the ground floor 'and two gallerics Miss Eva Newell, after many months of suffering, is dead, in Brockville, just as she was budding into womanhood. She-had been an active worker in the Baptist church, Miss Gertrude Dodds, nurse-in-train ing at' St. Louis, Mo., has returned to Picton to spend some time with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. An drew Miller, Mrs. Merrill has purchased a resi dence on Prince. Arthur avenue, To ronto, and has left Picton for that place, accompanied by Miss Helen M. Merrill, both of whom will be greatly missed, \ The old grist mill, built more than a century 'ago by Philip Roblin, at the place known as Roblin's Mills, Sophiasburg, Prince Edward, is to be torn down: The settlement was noted for its"stave, plaster and saw mills, and an extensive shipbuilding business was carried on here in carly days. > David Emery Clarke, is dead, in Trenton, rafter "many years' . suffering from nervous troubles. He was born in Hallowell, Prince Edward, and was an earncst church worker, being church sine warden, lay delegate to synod, and Sunday schoo! superintendent, His second wife, and four children sur vive, sees FIRST SHOW OF SEASON -- Fell in Newburgh, of" Monday = Other News. Newburgh, Nov. 7.---The firs¢ snow of the season fell on Sunday night, The guarterly meeting in the Method ist" church, on Sunday morning, was not very largely attended." Rev, J, NH. Chant preached in the evening. The death of Mrs. Courtney has made it necessary to elect new organists for the league, Sunday school and prayer meeting. At a meeting of the Sunday school executive, on Saturday evening, Miss Peart Nesbitt was elected organ ist and Miss Pearl Wood, assistant. At a meeting of last evening, the Epworth Léague, instead of olecting a permanent organist, it was decided to appoint and organist fron' the league, each 10. serve one month, Miss Ethel Mears is the organist for November, Miss Pearl Patterson took the topic at the league last evening, and after the roll call, eight new received. Christmas entertainment of the Methodist Sunday school will be held on December 22nd. C.J. W, Taylor, Prescott, was 'in the village last week on his way 'to Picton. The Methodist church choir have an invitation to sing at a con cert at Violet, November 20th The Woman's Missionary Socie of the Presbyterian church will hold a meet ing in the church on Friday evening The remains. of the late Miles Sil ver were interred here on Monday Division court was held here on Mon day, before Judge Madden. There was a very light docket and court lasted only twenty minutes. Bert Paul spent Sunday at Desmond, Mr. and Mrs, 'H. Finkle, and Mr. and Mrs. John McCarthy attended the party in Yark er, on Friday evening, given hy Mr Mrs. J. C. Connolly. The high school - foothall team played Des mond on Saturdav. Next Monday ev ening Mise Ella Chant, delegate to the members were and E." 1. convention will give herfreport. J. B. Haight. Cannifton. spent a day last week with his dauchter, Mrs: P D. Shorey Miss ~Archie Wilson entertained on Friday evening. Jessie and Master their friends Lord Rothschild"s Birthday. London, Nov. ®.-Lord Rothschild, the head of the London branch of the Rothschild banking establishment, celebrated his sixty-fifth birthday, to day. He received many letters and telegrams from all parts of the world, congratulating him. Lord Rothschild was born in Piccadilly," London, on November Sth, 1540. He is a son of Baron Lionel Nathan de Rothschild, and a grandson of Nathan Meyer de Rothschild, the Frankfort banker. He was educated at Trinity College, Cam bridge, and was a member of parlia ment for Aylesbury. from 1865 to 1885. ry mee "There are a lot of things we do not vnderstand. This is the most mysteri- ous one : How a woman with five or six little children and a husband who doesn't amount to much and who isn't verv considerate, stands it, CR ---------- SE -------- Public Opinion Is Changing. In every quarter there is a manifest hostility to cough mixtures, which us- ually contain opium, 'tocane and other harmful trugs. Doctors now recom: mend Catarrhozope; thoy 'know that for coughs, bronchitis and throat trouble "Catarrhozone" if safe and sure, EUs Li LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS | Don't Be Made Miserable By INDIGESTION Eat what you like when you are taking these wonderful fruit liver tablets. There is an easy way--a quick way--anda sured way--to be free of Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Sour Stockh, Belching, Heartburn and Conistipa~ tion. Follow the good advice of Miss Anderson and take Fruit-a-tives -- ¥5 "I have purchased two boxes of Fruit-a-tives and find them splendid. My: sister | was YErY poorly with Indigestion and they have relieved her wonderfully. We have tqid . our frie i how good Fruit-a-tives are," Miss E. C. ANDERSON, Kingston, Ontario. 7 , 7 7 or Fruit Liver Tablets. Manufactured by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, At all Druggists. soc. a box. The "Surtout" has cottie into its own as the Overcoat of ] Fashion, f Its snugness of waist and sweep of skirt, lend a poise--an air--a dignity--peculiarly its own. . ' Fit-Reform "Surtouts" are London's newest. styles--modified to suit the Canadian taste. $22, $25 and $30. The only Fil-Reform E. P. Jenkins, - Kingston. ARE PERFECT COOKERS. = Peninsular Planished Steel Ranges are made of finest polished dead flat steel. This retains the luster of the metal aud requires no blacking. The body is made of double steel, with Asbestos between the shects. This concentrates the heat im the oven, insuring quick baking with the least possible cost of fuel. § Double fluc bottom under the oven prevents the chilling-- quickens the baking--and does away with the necessity of having the floor under the range covered with zinc. They have both coal and wood grates, which are interchanged without the least trouble. Handsome designs--heavily nickle plated--in all sizes. Let us know if your stoveman does not handle Peninswlar Stoves and Ranges, We will tell you who we has them in your neigh- 9090 . borhood. Care Bros. & Co., Limited WINNIPEG, Man. PRESTON, O VANCOUVER, 8.0 OVERCOAT BARGAINS 30 dozen Men's, Youths and Boys' High Class Overcoats. . We have purchased the above OVERCOATS at great sacrifice to the manufacturer, who was in need of ready cash. We put the Overcoats ON SALE TO-DAY AND ALL THIS WEEK. OVERCOATS that are worth $18 and $20 at the low Price of «...vuuinteinisiinennnnnensss $10.00. OVERCOATS that are worth $12 and $15 at the low price Of sist rears is teense ed $8.00. * OVERCOATS that are worth $8 and $10 at the low . price of........ tevsrsnsnreterinenenncas env Ill Remember they are all high:class, well-made Overcoats, of the leading styles and colors. 2 : It would be worth your while to look at them. ~ Your Money Back if Not Satisfied. L. Abramson, The Up-Town Clothier 336 PRINCESS STREET. .. Lady Caramels Very Fine : : Only 20c. Per Pound At. A.J. REES St. | ; Princess

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