Geological Facts Prove that good conl contains . Ereater amvunt of combustion than Coul having loss pet cent. of care "Bont bat & statement of that Kind would mot interest you hall so wuch as the knowledge that yous Winter's supply wos all stowed in uur bins, and that it was all of the best yuality, the real hot stuff that Crawford 'sells. Aud we are reddy to put it there any UUme you my. " R CRAWFORD, - Jeet or au 3 [There ave maby different Kinds of Jtuses. Wo carry large stoek of all the 'best makes, in Aifferent sizes and shapes. Every truss we sell is : © Jima Sous 10 give dhe right amount of press. ure (At the right place. and at the same time be comfortable and secure at all A Wrasses. Hut wo one style is suited for all | | many won onlv hy 4 neck. the Territories. He has been repre- sented further as saying that'if the people were left to themselves the schools would be all right. - Are they in danger now becuse of anything that 'the people: have done ? Surely not. The remark attributed to Mr. Haultgin is so imprudent. that cys must comolude it is not the, true re flection of his mind. To threaten the Catholics is to invite a collision with them, and under the ciroumstan es he must be more hurt them they, . Loose Order Of Things. The Hamilton Herald, referring to the Brown caso a bank manager de faulting and to the extent of many thousands of dollars--accounts for the non-diséovery of the loss in a remark: able way. : The offending official . kept ~ himseli solid with some of the bank's custom ers by allowing them to overdraw their, accounts. 'In order to set the matter apparently right before the head office officials," says the Herald #he would cover up the overdraft by taking the Yunds from one account and carrying them to another, so as to blind the officials to the true state of affairs." In addition it seome that the inspec- tors did not make more than a soper- ficial examination of the books and accounts. They only went | into the minutua of business when they sus pected something wrong, and of course T: Hillhouse Brown was not under suspizion {oF @ moment. The exacting audit, made regularly and systematically, and overlooking nothing ix the only protection any financial institution can secure. Hon: "est officials do not care when they are asked to show their books, and the |: simplicity management, which accepts the word of any man and invites the losses and scandals which have "heen reported. The experienced financier takes noth. ing for granted. courts the enquiry which. banishes all ground for doubt and suspicion. . et ii The distribution of funds by Tam- many Hall, before the election, at tracted wide: attention: The captains of assembly districts got from $1,000 to $10,000 cach. The total was prob- ably hundreds of thousdnds and Tam. 2 fF "I'sived. The man who was most likely {to wiiffer was Jerome, because of the lost to the intrepid district party ticket was vot ence sake, ; amount to much and in commection with the guberna- torial election. The candidate favoured it suffered & severe defeat. ~ P41 i every hand there is the testi- 'moony of mismanagement in eivic af . ] t be a change I business. Nothing but A of in both the old parties could have led to the surprise of ion day. Both lost heavily in the > dark horse, the citi- idate, unwelcome as he was g 3, 'came dangerous: ing out. may be a contestation the ion. Hearst says there have all manger of illegalities, and in where there were bundreds of olling Hivisions, there would be op- portunities for fraud, if they were de ; i i 1 i i: 2 § i ; ie fact (hat many mep had to split their to all the other candidates." Under. these circumstances surprising that many votes it is not would be attomey. Simple as the machine is it would have to be intelligently worked in or- der to give him the support of the republicans, and in many a case the for conveni- Editorial Notes. Hearst's success in the New = York olection was simply a surprising de- monstration of municipal ownership. It scems*to be a winning card. The reciprocity movement did not in Massachusctts, who Weaver, of Philadelphia, won . the mayoralty because he was too sharp for the boodlers. He stopped the bal lot stuffing. In one batch he had 36,. 000 bogus ballots cut off the list. St. Thomas has appointed a public auditor, and he takes office by an nouncing the routine which he desirds the public departments to follow. He is a J. L. McDougall in miniature. -- The people have puid $30,000,000 more for their coal since the great strike. The miners got a benefit of : 14,000,000, and the owners of the mines' $16,000,000. The coal barons are not going to be loft in any case. . { SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. | That's Sure. HP romdnnt + MeCurdy says' life insur- ance "protects the family." It certain: ly protects the McCurdy family. There's The Proof. H y : that, prize fighters are na tural cowards ie' apast by Kid he Coy's marriage to a widow who had thres kids already. Ea Very Busy Men. ¢ Rowever ; gr Rossin ian i dents are 'nding plent; ways for developing their muscle "without having to resort' to football. : ! : + Perhaps. Taront tar. Prmoe { i has: taken a sprout ot ivy from Washngton's tomb. He must be going to decorate George HIL's, picture for Christmas, Frenried Lynching. Boston Globe. An "A an quick lunch" { don has failed after losing $50,000. You can't bolt sinkers a: wheats in a topper and a monocle. $ 3 I -------------- + Corsets of every description * order a» , | Ottawa, to-day, to attend the in Lon * URSvAY LY _wMIG, TH 8<As a result of a 73 e in making out 2 birth certificate, a girl has been call: "ed upon' to join the colors. She is Mlle, Francois Bernard, born at Segur in 1884, and at present residing with her parents' in the hamiet of La_Mar- zelle. Receptly she recvived the usual her to join the Four: Fey Regiment at Brive. 'The girl, '#% may be imagined. was * stupified on receiving this notice, and knew not how to act. Finally she went te, the: mavor of the commung in the that he wonld get her out of her d ma. But the mayor ad: _ vised her to join the regiment. | Mle. Bernard took the mayor's ad- § Vice and Went fo the railway station, where a ticket at a quarter fare was handed to her. At Prive, where the regiment she had to join was station ed, the ticket inspector wanted her to pay full fare, Bat she declined, and as a proof of her assertion that she was dn veality a conscript, produced the notice summoning her to join: the 'regiment, © 1 When she presented "hbrself at the presen barracks the sergeant on guard would not' receive as a conserint. The 9 . ' : fur ib- Matter had to' come before the mili- : ; ' E : Fr The ia ;3ms, demerit tary authorities or decision. Ulti- od! . mately the girl conserint was sent to - -------------- "The names of all candidates for | the judicial authorities, who were THE DAILY WHIG. office awe on the hallo: ucliucs | charged "ei gd hae apt imat w. * | arran columns. republican | cer te: is done, Mlle. Bernard "Opiter per Orbem Dicer." em ly then the democratic ticket, | returned to her home, where s Pan ] _ ; and so ob, 'each under the party em- |quet was given in her honor. p he. nding it a ar Aman WORT YEARS ] n i x, . Mr. atiales ha oes a] aa gle : iso five-pointed - ------ level headed + He certainly , the emblem of the socialists is | A Colorade Woman Always in evidinees of his fa and iar = Foreatm a torch, and 40. on; Male Attire. tye do wee rome, ep RE FS SARE | mtn Be, Ne Territories. He | a changing | wi 1 e be ers | 98 85 a man for fifty years "Charles apirit when he engnged, in 'a partitan | repeatedly in the various newspapers | i" Baubiaugh has been found to be a | ur i cin, mt | CAT te co of | Pn fn [lost his judgment when he participat | didates is a lover, with a knob. on ing the fifty ars Miss i has A call of certain fanatical | the end. If you want to vote a cash od, at the d oh ch % Ae been a clerk, laborer, bank cashier parties, in the federal hye-elections. | straight party dates and pull | 8nd sheep herder. She has put in the It could hardly be expected, hough ever Shove: Yous Sandi the rath de last twenty-one years in Las Abimas minty would have liked to me it, that | gud walk out. This registers your | omtY, herding sheep. Now eighty. he would be sumshoned 10 form: a | vote. It dowmo't take more than a | (UC VEUR OL hor wonderful the government in. one of the new pro- | second or two. Ae lit ticket | firmities of age and she went to the vinogs, since be was, in hostile mood, If you want to vote a sp hospital about three months ago as a | vine 88 in NoSWe you must 'begin in Same way--hy] ty ob 2 and hostile to everything * that was down a party lever. Opposite | "GrhiY Charge. \ 3 : Hboral in the "man or in. the state, fie wee of 'each candidate is a little . Yh. by Mies Baubaugh is That the choice of Lieutenant-Govern: " Ror. Whe you pull Gown the She was born in Marseilles, France, Gr Tort of another un preci oa of the pining to mn ©, wld parm Sd gin po An was expedic rt 't want to- vote for. | y 4 : rile Sn emplified by a later speech of Mr. Yheredare is munt gush this little filforent Jungusges as wa a she Sos + 3 Ths { , © age Haultain's. In it he is reportid, to jndinator up. Fhe loc] Song right twenty-three she came to this a have said that if the Catholics do not Syme. horituntal find the name of the ry in a sailing vessel, desirous of support him they will hive to take > didate on some other ticket for | Seeing the world. Landing on the the What does he mean ? | (hyii' oun do want to vote, and pull rout, She Setutol pork or x time, Gh ER ad Lg 0 h it ally; was 'una o fin a What con he do to terrily of inure ann fe Nittle, indicytor so mh thing to do oh' account of the, te '} them ? It remming to be seen; He wile on he office, ' and | dive against a woman working. 4 ab one time 'represented * aki eutidin may in the' same manner as it was she determined to don wilh the school sistem as it existe man's attire, and in that guise went to Hannibal, Mo. Masquerading as a man, she worked there six years as a dry goods clerk. Then she became cashier 'of a bank, and held the posi tion for eight years. The civil war broke out and the president of the bank died, "cansing the institution to go to the wall. Still maintaining hor masculine garb, she drifted from place to place until twenty-one years ago, when she came to Colorado and se cured work on the Brown sheep ranch as a shoop herder. She was held in high esteem by the Browns, who even yet do not know her true sex. Known around the: hospital as "srandoa," Mise Baubaugh was mark ed for her courtesy to the sisters. She will wend her declining years in the hospital, WILL RUN BOATS ---- Give Relief to the Island Fanmers. Windsor, Ont., Nov. 9.--Capt. West, | of Defroit, has chartored the tig Am erican Eagle, und her barge, and will run them. on Pelee Island roiite to re lieve the island farmers from their oversupply of produce. The captain, it is said, is to receive a honus of 85,000 Yor it. Efforts 'have been made for some time, to put a boat on the route. Only three weeks ago a Wind sor man tried to put the only avail able boat on the Windsor-Pelee Teland route, but the Canadian government world not consent to let an American built boat, run between Canadian ports. In the present instance the produce will be taken to Detroit and sold there. No attempt - will he made to bring it to the Canadian market. It is this condition of affairs that has caused mach dissatisfaction, among the farmers on the island, and given vise to talk f 4 move to induce the United States to buy,land from Can. ada, : To Pelee ---- To Attend Big Dinner. Montreal, Nov, 9.-The dominion btarifl. commissioners, Sir Richard Cartwright, and Hon. Messis. Field ing, Paterson and Brodeur, leit for state of dinner, lo-nicht, given in honor ing's birthday, The commission the k ers will resume their tariff enquiry sittings here to-morrow. ' -------- Mutinied And Pillaging. Kronstadt, Russa, Nov. 9. ~The troops here have mutined and pillaging the eity, firing is going in the city, The inhabitants are panic stricken and are fleeing from town, An apparatus called the telekine has been invented by Torres Suevade, 4 Speniard, for wireless transmission of power, by which, conpled with a Mar- ecni apparatus he has directed from | the shore the movements o' an empty {ouch in any direction, y The anti-American feeling in Canton | fis growing more intense. A lady been spat upon in the street, anonymoiis letter threatening his life. Cornelivs Nicholas is ' deinking 'whiskey 'Indians killed presumably by whiskey, , NOVEMBER 9 HOW DID HE DIE? {By Own Hand or By Assassina- i . tion. . LIEUT, - Berlin, Nov. 9.--The death either by his own hand or by- assassination, is reported of Lieut. G. F. Biltse, a for- mer officer of the Geripan army, who was court martialled and | expelled from the German army for writing "A Little Garrison," exposing German military life in a small town. After six months in a fortress he- fought a number of duels with German officers, and then went to London, where he published another, even med scathing book; entitled "Dear Fatherland." RUSS PEASANTS . Burn and Bury Alive Witchery. Intending it as an expiatory offering to' drive away impending famine and ruin, peasanis at Seizakrieza, in the Crimea, committed a horrible crime. The harvest has been the worst in many years, and the peasants believed their misfortune was caused by ° one Opiroff, aged seventy, long suspected of having secret dealings with, the devil. It was formally resolvel at a meeting of village elders to kill Opir off. Fearing that an ordinary execn tion might not exterminate the evil spirit, they decided to burn the old man alive. They prepared a bonfire of wood on the village green, and then went ina hody and dragged the old man, too focble to. resist, to the pyre. He was tied to a stack of wood, men, women and children gathered round, and the wile of one of the villagy elders set fire to the facots. In a few minutes Opiroff, frantically shrieking for mer cv. expired, amid the rejoicings of the villagers, To 'the surprise of the peasants the death of the "sorcerer" brought about no improvement in their harves's. The drouth -cedtinued, the gattle died, and + the villagers were unable to obtain ex- pected. reductions in their taxes. of the older peasants remembered that they had forgotten to perform the rite of exorcising the evil spirit. The villagers thereupon marched io the grave at midnight and exhumed the charred remains. To the spot where Opirof had been burned to death the bones were escortad by a long procession headed by trumpeters and flute players. Opirofi's bones were pleced on the ground and a company of peasants executed a strange dance round them, to weird music by the trumpet rs While this exorcism was procesding, te village priest, Father Constantine, suddenly appeared. The peasants greeted thusiasm, helieving he bad come to Lesprinkle the soreerer's remains with holy water, and thus lend a religious aspect to the ceremony: Fathor Constantine, however, re buked them for their impious barbar ism, cursed their superstition and de nounced them ag heathen. The peasants, many intoxicated and all unusually excited by their weird rites, eried out that the evil spirit-had left Opirofl oaly--to enter the Hodv. of Father Constantine. The mob of fa nat'cal peasants seized the priest, ear For him with en- fed him back to the cemet v and threw him into the open grave = from which the body of Opiroffi' had just been exhumed. The grave was quick Iv filled in, and the pricst was buried alive." The peasants danced over the orave to the strains of wild music, and then disocrsed. A SERIOUS FIRE. Looked Bad at One : Main Street. Kingsville, Ont., Nov. 9.- Gorey's large furniture establishment was destroyed by fire about mid night, The Union block, which adjoins the building, was 'saved only hy a thick fire wall betwéen Mayhew's har ness shop, and the furniture store. Mr. Mayhew's stow. is badly damaged Time For Richard | 1 } | | | i } i { ate | kind), on "which Ozone is put up. Each botfle of the | dead after | : t in a St. |kind)," Thomas drag store. This makes three at 'your this the Public Drug Company, | known 'tonic laxative, by fire and water, but the other part of the Union block escaped without any damage. The wind being from the west, it was thought at one time the whole main street wonld be wiped out. Mr. Gregory's loss is $5,000 on building and $12,000 on stock with insurance of about half. Mavhew's harness shop was damaged to the ex- tent of 81,000. The Best Is Cheapest. "Scluton of Ozone (the coupon' "is the purest and best form m it contains a coupon éntitling vou to a package of "Celery King," the well- which should 'al- ways Be used with Ozone. By buying "Salut of Ozone (the coupon kind)" you get Ozone in its most efficient form, and you get ab- out twice as much of it for your moncy as of other brands. You also get the package of "Celory King" abh- solutely without charge for it. - "Celery" King." That is way to procure the full value | of vonr Ozone purchase. . "Solution of Ozone {the coupon is fifty. cents' and one dollar draggists, and if he hasn't it Bridgeburg, | Ont., will see that you are supplied, 2 One |. stock--are giving up their holdings. No other brand of Ozone offers this | has | advantage because no other firm can and the | give you the United. States consul has, received an | the only ~ " Men's Overcoats' We have got the real swell and 'tony things of the season ; they are garments that lend tone, dignity to the wearer. THE ARLINGTON, $10, 12, 1350, 15. THE GROSVENOR, $7, 7.50, 8.50, io and 12, THE TOURIST, $10, 12.50, 14, 14 50. THE CHAMBERLAIN, $12, 14, 15, 1650, 18, style and We especially desire to have Young Men se these smart Overcoats. Come here for a look. We'll not urge you to buy. The Coats will do that. ; ] Headquarters for Men's Gloves. THE H. D. BIBBY C0. The Men's Wear Store. sm 0000 00000000000000000¢ ---- *00 THE CANADA METAL CO. Toronto, ont. § BABBITT SPECIALISTS. ! Write for "All About Babbitts." ¢ C000 0000000 - TT S000 BOPIP C0600 004 PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All Over the World. A typhoon did extensive damage in the provinee of Oshima; Japan. 'Il he Ontario veterinary college may afiliate with the University of To- ronio, '1 here English 100 . men. The number of cattle destroyed hy wild beasts in India last year excecd ed 56,000, are 121 tobacco women employed in factories to every R. L. Borden, the conservative lead- : a er, will take a hand in the Ontario bye-elections. 'the 'working people of Italy eat MAKIN UP less meat thin those of any other European nation. The Fuiniture of Bedroom 'Ihe sentries-in the army of the Hay- . . the « sist of tian republic are provided with chairs hould consist « . : : 1 wh on on duty. Brass or Iron Bud, Wi Fname 'the best cork comes from Algeria, or Oak Dresser and Star There are 2,500,000 acres of cork for- a Chifiioner to r ests in that country. Fhe grand jury of Marshall county, The line. we arc' showing is attr Indiana, has returned sixty indict ; h ¥ : 3 a] smokan tively pretty, at sup ments against cigarette smokers, 2 8 Alarmed at political conditions § prices. small French holders of Russian Have your Rep to, Lghline, the Finn, found. guilty of murder at St. John's, . Quebec," was sentenced to be hanged January 12th. In Seotch Highland regiments twelve ing attended your s_rvices men per 1,000 are over six feet in - height; in "English, six; and in Irich, 1D i JAMES RE Out of a total of 1,425 knowp The Leading Undertaker. "Phone 147. E----------e-------- WHILE SON PUNCHED. species of British plants ng fewer than 1,820 are to be foupd'ip York shire, The elephant has so delicate a sense of smell that it ean scent a human being when the latter is a thousand | gather Helped Son to Get yards off. " William J. Hambly, manager of the : Even. 0 The hoard Dominion Loan and Savings company, Windsor, Ont » Nov ) investi is the latest' possibility in the mayor- | of education has decid Fx Ald. The altv race in Toronto. gate the complaint that ¢ the city Five people were killed, ten serious-| mas Noble, invaded « named ' schools and held another Horn while his own son a ly injured and a score "slightly hurt in a collision on the Delaware and Lackawanna railway. a heating to sali i { In on whip: The Japanese method of preserving | taste. The Noble la "1 not in cOR* the salmon which are caught in large ped when he was sick and n to the dition. The father sent principal, and when) no numbers at Saghalien is to salt them was down and press them into bales, Few people remember that Lord taken he d cided to asst t { to Curzon is the eldest son of a peer, getting revenge. The inthe Hom as we'l as being a peer in his © 'own admit holding the tered right, His father is Lord Scarsdale. lad while young Yaims he $8 Arabs assert thet Bvi's tomb is at Jabs and uppercuts, hut clan in a graveyard surrounded by | justified in his action . high white walls. "The cemetery hae ee r-- einai unopened for interment for i Vessels : rtd br Seat Tot| pppoe ov Over 15,000 laborers were employed ne Point, yg from Liverpooh seven years ago at the. docks and sian, Allan line at 0:20 a.m principal wharves in London not in-' for Montreal, gear, a a.8S. hh cluding. Tilbury. Last year the daily! Cape Race, i from London for average only reached 12,985, * bernian, Allan i * ¢ 'noon. on St Former Governor Levi] P, Morton, Montreal, inwar * i Nov. Si will build an = industrial home and Futh:r Peja ter Manchester fine reading room in the 'village 'of Rhing- Manchester mplo inward, at {10a . cliffie, N.Y., at a cost of $79,000, My. irom Manchester, 1 9.- The Allan ne Montreal, Nov. steamer Montevidean. fer Glasgow, arrived a ternoon of November Sth, Tani The Allan line R M3 from Livirpool, for Morton's summer home is. near Rhine cliffie, 5 The' European powers are agreed upon a naval demonstration against Turkey, but no action can yet be faken owing to Russia's 'internal trou- i Glasgo™> ® ot : 920 am bles, making it diffieult for her to Fame Point, at 9.5 ie take dhe initiative with Austria. ' re «Rar. DAO New Liskeard voted thice to on» The widow of the inte to. Kildonat against the grant of a franchise for Black, first missionary eof seventy guarantecine $80,000. for water aad . Man., ic dead, at the ag : electric light sarviee, D. 8. Pindell one. 1k and Almosd { has made another and more reasun Pr. Chown's Butlermiit = Leave! able offer, C¥ sans for chapped hands; 2e. the stin' like velvet. z Steel filled corsets and this may go through. mtr renin sien overs! See onr new stock of rubber goods; at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. styles, New York Dress from Bost. -- fp Piles Quick + "Cured at i Perma Instant Relief, Ferma Trial Package Mailed All in Plain "Wr Piles iz a fearful disea: fo cute if you go at it 1 An operation with the is, cruel, humi'iatin gerous, cossary. There is just one other be cured--painless, safe a vacy of your own home-- Pile Cure. We mail a trial packag who write, it will cive you instan you the harmless, "pa nle this great remedy and st on the way toward a pe Then can get a from any druggist for fif often one box cures: If the druggist. tries something just as good, he makes more money o tute: Insist «n having what The cure - begins at. o) tinues. rapidly until it is permant nt, You can go right ahes work and he casy and oc the time, It is well worth trying, Just send your name, # Pyramid Drug Co¥, <7 Building, Marshall, Mich, free by return mail the 1 i lain wrapper. ands 'have been ¢ easy, painless and inexpe: the privacy of the home.. No knife ana its tortur No doctor and his bills you All druggists, 50c. Write a free nackage. THE REAL TE; Of Herpicide is in © Thorough Tri There is only one test Wdge of the efficiency of fund' that is by its abilit; which it is intended to dq vigors look nice ar but the point is-- do tl dandruff 'and stop falling No, they do not, but _H because it goes to the rod and kills the germ that Jnpille from whence the ife, may letters from prominent eeywhere are daily provir bro's Herpicide stands nse, It is a delightfal dr pure and free from oil o Sold by Jeading druggis im stamps for sample te cide Detroit, Mich. The only safe ef madicine on wi depend. Sold i strength-- No. ¥ K ( , $8 per druggists. As) ton Root Com suhatitute. Jokes Recast Mould Nell: 1 told Miss Shar Smid wit hep literary of ig Mu t j6in heeause ft What ? gs FOU Wor that WAYS Foon rm Standard and Times. "Doctor, don't you thi me healthy ne to complain Comment. lo you object t er 7 mnemag Ur of the high Life insu : > poor, it ig true, JO When vou married." poverty that 1 object te Piel hor fathep not unk raul' in. his lac quali The felloy Fans {4 pa hohest." Pj A domes; who suffer toothache went 16 a in 18k ue o ening and would charge to extn Fi dollars with gas Mt was the reply. girl, "then rq) come at WY and have it out by rper's Weakly, : a t's o great deal eas than to practice," some | CF don't think 50," chin AWyer +. haven't ha te Detroit Free =n © . istomer Mm this plac Yole _ e "Why n hand me a tp Tee-Gliarters an | teak | ordered.' Clevel Tomm, Jones © You 3 tn best Joarn to be hel nt and his brothers the ats esxy, Tommy. 1, oe Prisident of a £) OMmpan Cloveland P hy is a clock like » Young lady 3 « i *Mhlunce. Why toll te of. ond figure, hes no 3 rl to stop wh i tom hae wos S Atbntion to jtee yr Baltimore