Tivirstiing. of the a r in 3 Es NEW YORK STOOK MARKETS. >. ¥. Dever & Uo, 18 November 9th, 3 Close, Union Ynited S . 118 1 | 120% nited States Steal, TIT TE 'u. E. Loyalists ask the' Whitney government for grants towards the erection of monuments mories of the heroes want to honor Col. ~and Teo of 1812, They John Maedonnell about all the styles We H, eavier Un derwear and Pisco be a new months ol season's Peterboro, Nov. 8.---The of cheese board was held hoXes Were boa : and #t roel boa 1,000, all colored 124e. rr Milits College and the po Ary Lg : yds. Maj. Mozley .. .. 31 Capt. Cothrane 29 twin Cant. Brown ,. .. 20 8, M. Prince ... 30 Corpl. Maple ... 20 = Oy gE M. Bu an Cadet Coursol ,., 31 Cadet Langford 25 Grand total ... .... -- Maj Cunningham 21 Capt. Anderson 24 Liout. Manhard 23 8. 8. Bwaino .. .. 2 | Bergt. Skinner .. 3 production. . Merritt ,, .. . J. Angrove 26 Grand total ... .. Prospects Are. Bright The sessions, and evening, of the board private nature, between council and the branches. The grand president prospects are bright for of membership many new two new branches have 4 a2 C,, and another about to at Pincher Creok, Alta. members of the couneil their depature for home. 1034 the Intercollegiate Hockey outlook for a Senior or naval reserves will be Three Chatham school resig as the result of to the nie will offer for re-election. Lowney's chocolates, ig 3 ures 7 Eee took the ---- The Cheese Markets. fina) meating |: ue in f , and a resumption of the dividend x Alho "= DominiTey. at the con- uslont of pext 's business, 3 this season. Vodrah N rd BE To-dn "O05 y 1. buyers bid 113¢. 11fe. refused. A few jes took he tat 11je. and 11 16. 8, Fifteen factories » all sold at THE SCORES MADE. | -- The 14th Regiment Just Made a Win, The following scorvs are the result of the rifle match between the Royal light, ts for the i kari the. 800 yds. range: , Royal Military College. 200 500 yds. Total 15 46 % 85 10 3 26 56 18 38 2 53 20 51 2% 50 14th Regiment, i. THE C.M.B.A. SESSIONS, For the Coming Year, yesterday afternoon of directors of the CM.B.A., were principally of a the grand ave a report of the trip taken by himseM and the grand secretary, to the west. All was found in a satisfactory econditiof; the an increase ahd establishment of branches, Since his visit been formed ot 'Bt. Albert, Altai, and Fernie, B. be started The meeting closed at 11 p.m., Wednesday, and the have taken -------- Hockey Notes. / Toronto University hockey club has refused to allow Laval University join Union. The intermediate hockey team in Kingston for the 0. TLA. is not bright, but a strong RTH junior team, picked from last year's iv city league, will enter, Details of Hon, Mr. Prefontaine's is plan for enrolling 5.000 fishermen as submitted to the committes of imperial defence. trustees have Mayor Cow- an's charges, but it is understood they special mis- © tare. Mahood's drug store, GR ADE SCARFS olded Squares and Freach Seam Four-in-Hand in colors : Black, Purple, Grey, Red, Blue, Brown White Monotone, and with stripes and designs vy of exclusive effects. Priced from 8c. : of Shirts. To look at our stock one'd think we' have worth having--well pretty near. Priced from 78c in Ellis' Spring Needle Natural Wool, Wol- iced from $1 garment. ete. at special prices just now. in a diversified you want and the price you want to pay. d of Votes--One Thous- | . Hearst's attor- hour later Col, Alexander 8: haus and F. ¥. Bitawn, representing Mr. rst, served the or- der on Commissioner MoAdoo, who sont out a general order to every pre- cinot in New York, instructing the cap- tains aud other officers in charge to 1send the ballot boxes straightway to the bureau of elections in Manhatthn, In signing the order Justice Gayner said : "The police have nothing what- ever to do with the ballot boxes, and it was most astonishing that they should have session: of them. They have no right to even touch them, The order js granted." The granting of the order came un- expectedly, and caused much surprise, and, with the opinion of Justice Gay- ner that the police have no right to the ballot boxes, and should not even touch them, & new aspect is placed on thi case, This is the first time such an order has ever been issutd, as hereto: fore the police have alwaystiad charge of the ballot boxes after the count has taken at the polling stations. They are removed to the station hous- es immediately after the clerks have counted the ballots, - . Mi, Ivins, the 'defeated republican mayoralty candidate, was asked to day by Mr. Hearst to act as his coun- sel in fight he will wage to be de clared mayor. Mr. Ivine refused, but said he would gladly co-operate with the attorneys who will conduct the fight as an associate counsel. cClellan's Plurality, 3,485. That a bitter fight will be waged in the courts' to decide whether George B, McClellan, or William R. Hearst is to be mayor of New York for the next four. years is now assured. The 'com- plete returns give McClellan a plural: ity of 3,485 votes, the smallest ever recorded for a successful mayoralty J candidate, and a result which might readily be reversed by a recount of the ballots. Mr. Heafst to-day . an- nounced his intention to take an im- mediate appeal to the supreme court, bis managers having) declared) that they had secured evidence of illegal acts against 1,000 inspectors of elec tions, and that 30,000 Hearst men, who went to the polls to vote for Mr. Hearst, had. found that their names had already been voted on. Most of this fraudulent voting is said to have been done in Fast Side as sembly districts, especially, it i» claimed in the cighteenth, Chaslos ¥, Murphy's home district, and in the sixth, of which Timothy D. Sullivan is the leader. Mr. Hearst's proposed action meee with approval in many quarters, even among those who opposed his election and he received many assurances of support, District-Attorney--Jorome ox- pressed himself in terms of strong ap proval of " Mr, Hearst's programme, and declared that he would immedi ately institute a searching investiga tion of the alleged democratic frauds. He alo ordered the returns from the cighteenth and sixth districts to be carefully guarded. ' Tra G. Darrin, the newly-elected dis- trict attorney of Queen's county, on the republican ticket, made a similar statement. William M. Ivins, the de- feated republican candidate for mavor also commended Mr. Hearst's action and expressed the belief that a recount would show that Hearst had been ol ected, ---- Tammany's Statement. After a secret session' of the exeen tive committee of 'Uammany Hall, held this 'aftérnoon, the following state ment was issued : "The executive com- mittee of the democratic organization protests the outrageous , published throat of the defeated candidate of the Municipal Ownership League, to overthrow the will of the people, as expressed by the vote cast on election day, and directs its law committee to exert its best éfforts and take such steps and jnstitute such proceedings as will safeguard the election of George B. McClellan, as mavor of New York, "We also call on the commissioner of police and custodian of the ballot to preserve the same intact from all interference by anyone from any un- authorized source." Some of the leaders after the meet ing expressed the opinion that the re- turng showed censure of Mr. Murphy's leadership, and that he should. as a result, step down and out. and make room for a man against whom noth- ing could he charged. Thev thonoht® that it was time for G. B. McClellan to assume the leadershin himself. Superintendent of Elections = Morp- an said tonight that doubtless while many illegg] votes were cast, he would express no opinion on the contention made by the Municipal Ieague man- agers that they amonnted to 30,000. He had made, he said, many arrests, but only thirty of the prisoners were held hy the magistrates, In the commercial distriot nractionl Iv all beta made on MeClollan will be held wn pending developments. Con- servative estimstse makes the amount warersd on MeClellan at uot lees than £200,000, while probably half that much was bet on Jerome. A fow Jor. ome bets were cashed onrly this morning, hut the stakeholders have decided not to pav the bulk of the Jorame money wetil the official sovmt i= in, Pete on Mellollan wav he held wo unt! the courts decide the contest, : cr ON'S, Brock Street. Donaie $50,000 Each. St. Petershurg, Nov. 9.--Lord Roths: Ru s ; 7 and Jacob H. | i / have cabled ,- St. burg, Tor the relief the" Jews, who suffered from the re- nt HIS MAJESTY'S BIRTHDAY. 1s # -------- Being Quietly Honored rou t Canada. Montreal, Nov. 9.--The only indica jon, in Montreal, that this is the shir y 48 the flying of nu- merous fl from public and private building Tomight the sergeants' mess the Prince of Wales: Fusiliers, of Which his majesty is the honorar Le mr. at the drill hall, in honor of the event. Last night ' the officers gave a ball. The day is extremely disagrecable on ac- THE KING, GOD BLESS HIM, eta count of the fall of snow which has going on since an early hour, and is quickly convertdd into slush, The Royal Salute, Toronto, Nov. 0.-With fonr field pieces the Oth Field Battery, this morning, at hoon, in Queens. park, fired a salute of twenty-one guns in honor of the king's birthday. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. ---- Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. Frosh butter-scotch at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store, . B. Frenzel, Denver, Colo, is . a guest in the city, Hair brushes, tooth brushes, every price, great value. Mahood's drug store. W. D. Nealand, business manager of the "Yankee Consul," was'in town yesterday. - F.'F., Dean, of the Merchants Bank, this city, has been transferred to tho branch in Gananpque, Mrs. G. 'W. Allan, of Kingston, is seriously ill snd will be taken to the general hospital in Brockville. J. M. Theobald has returned from a ten days' hunting trip around Cala- bogie. He brought back two fine deer. A young man sent a messenger, lagt evening, to. his lady love with a box of chocolates. No one being at home, the messenger left the sweets on the doorstep to await the arrival of fair Juliet. The pet dog was first to ap- pear, and simultaneously the candies disappeared, Motto: "Love me; love my dog." AN ALLIANCE. + » + Tokio, Nov. K 9.--Tt is i semi-officially reported that & negotiations to admit Can- 4 ada to the benefits of the ®- 'Anglo+Japanese allibnce $4 will be shortly and suc- @ cessfully concluded. *» The prize court sitting at © Yoksuka has + the American steamers, Australia and Montana, 4 which were seized for > lating neutrality. + condemned vio- tees eS F FE 0 * FRONTENAC CHEESE BOARD. Only Colored Cheese Boarded and . Three Factories Sold, The Frontenac Cheese Board met, Thursday afternoon. In the absence of the president, Mr. McGrath took the chair, The. number of cheese boarded numbered 766, all colored. The buyers present were Messrs, Thompson, Alex- ander, ' Gillespie, McKinnon, Murphy, and Gibson, Prof, Publow, of the Dairy School, was present and dtldressed the meeting strongly advising an inerease in the remaneration of the manufactarer and cleanliness and proper card of the milk by patrons, He eulogized the nast year which had been the best in the 'history of the cheese industry in ('anada. Mr. Robinson, mstructor for this district, also addressed the mem- bership present on request. Mr. Pub- Tow moved, that the government be requested to reappoint Mr. Robinson for this district, during the year 190¢ --Carried. Pidding then began at 1ljc., and ended at 12le. At that figure only three factories disposed of their out- put, viz: Glendower, Ontario and Hinchinbrook. Mr. MoKinnon secured these, The following factories were howrd ed: OCataraqui, 35; Corn Flower, 40: Glenvale, 758 (lilt Edoe, @: Howe Is land. 65; Hinchinbrooke, 40; Ontario, M: Pine Hill, 50: Rose Hill, 50. Sun: bury, 65: St. Lawrence, 40. Silver Springs, 5% Thousand 1s'ands, 59: Me Grath's, 36: Glendower, 40, The meeting was one «of the largest in the history of the hoard. De Planches Will Resign. Rome. Nov. 9,--1t i& reported" fhe Edmonde Maver de Planches. Ttalisn ambassador to the United States. wi'l resign, owing to strained wetsona] re- Intinng with Secretary of State Root. dating from the time whem the New York Metronolitan Museum of Art re- jected Biondi's seulntnure of the "Sy turnalia." © Silvestrelli, who is now amhncaador to the court of Spain. probably will sueceed him. - :- © JURSDAY NOVEMBER © ? | hordes incited b | away. THE FOUL SEED HAS CAUSED MUCH WHEAT 10 BE REJECTED. A "Repprt to Hand From the Chief Inspector at Winnipeg-- Ald. Black Will be a Mayoral- ty Candidate. 2 Ottawa, Nov. 9.---Ald. G, W. Black, announced definitely, to-day, that he would be a'candidate for mayor in the approaching election. ¢ has taken an active part in the aequiring of a civio electric lighting plant. The chiei of the seed division of the department of agriculture, George H. Clarke, bas just received a letter from David 'Horn, chiel inspector of grain, at Winnipeg, dated Nov. 4th, in which he states that he had inspected twen: ty million bushels of this year's crop. of wheat and of that amount there is eighty-five per cent. of high grade, No. 2 notthern. Mr. Horne adds: "We have pever before had so much wheat rejaetdd for being mixed with wild oat¥, cockle and ragweed." STORY GROWS IN HONOR As Accounts of the Russipn Mass- acres Come in, St. Petersburg, Nov." 9.----Jewish massacres have called forth a chorus of denunciation against the govern-' ment, particularly - against Trepoff, the heroic resistance of Jews of Kishineffl and Odessa against the the police is wilfully misrepresented by the antisemitic or- gans: as evidence . of Jewish aggres- sion. Telegrams leavé no doubt who were the aggressors. Jewish mas- sacres have occurred throughout the country as if in response to a word of command. Jows are subjected to every form of violence. All this pro- ceeds under the eves of the police, troops and railway officials, who take an active part'in the' outrages, and confess they have received 'orders to do 80. i] The government is discussing uni- versal suffrage. One of the Zemstvo leaders said they would be willing to accept universal suffrage in the second' degree for peasants and direct ballot for the remainder of the inhabitants. It is hoped the government will give way to the Zemstvoist demands and obtain support of the only element capable of assuring its position. The Jovatnment commits a great tactical blunder in not clasping the hand os- tended by the constitutional party, as this latter is compelled to remain on the same side as the socialists, al- though it is not in sympathy with their aims. As details of - what happened throughout European Russia during the upheaval arrive the story grows more revolting. In the Baltic provin- ces murder, riot and incendiarism pre- vailed. In Poland, even the clergy are in favor of the autonomy of the an- cient kingdom. In South-western Rus. sia hardly a ety or %own escaped Jewish ~ massacres. Ag Tomsk, 8i- heria, the whole population of 40,000 dkd. the military stood while 600 men, women and children were burned in a theatre. The eourt house at Tomsk and the mayor's residence, where the students and revolutionists took refuge from the mob, were burn- td and those who tried to flee killed in the strects. In Moscow the Social Revolutionists and the Black Hundred and the Cos sacks and police fought bloody bat- tlea. The descent of the butchers of Moscow with their knives and axes upon the-stadents was one of the most horrible chapters, but not as pitiful, as the attack of the Black Hundred on a procession of school children carrying red flags. When the children sought to escape a cordon of police barred the way and the vouth- ful martyrs were beaten into insensi- bility, and id some cases were actual: ly torn to pieces. In the Alexander Garden at Moscow, Cossacks lay in ambush in the shrub. bery and set upon their victims with whips. Many were beaten to death and others wore hardly able to crawl were ---------- Trepoff Has Resigned. St. Petersburg, Nov. 9.--Official con- firmation was given to-day, to the re- port that Gen. Trepoff had resigned the position of chief of polite of St, Petersburg. Toronto Conductor Killed. Toronto, Nov. 9 --Julius Epsory, an extra conductor employed by the street railway SOmpahys dns instantly killed last evening, He alightéd from a Dun- das street car just opposite his house, 1273 Dundas street, and, passing be- hind it was run down by a car going in the opposite direction, He was al most decapitated. Watt Committed For Trial. London, Nov, 9. --Hugh Watt, form-: er member of parliament and financier, who is charged with having hired men to murder his = wife, was committed for trial, "The Education of Mr. Pipp" is proving one of the successes of the season. The play is at Washington, D.C.. this-week, John Vaughan, 'a fifteen-year-old boy, accidentally shot himself while deer hunting at Echo Bay. He was found dead, Thomas Beasley, city clerk of Ham- ilton, has his leg amputated. EMERGENT MEETING. MEMBERS OF KINGSTON LODGE, No. 59, are requested to meet at .the Lodge Room. Y.M.C.A, Building, at 2.15 p.m. FRIDAY, to attend the funer- al of our late Brother Paul Ohlke. Members of Ontaraqui Lodge, and visit- ing Brethern are cordially invited tp at- tend, J. H.S. DERRY, J. POLLIE, N. GQ. Ree.-Secy. MEDICAL. en DR. SKOARTRY, §FricE, LATELY oct Tr. hy Fm and Broek atieeta, arier Nn- ---------------- a DR. WILLIAM GIBSON, PHYSICIAN, 8 Late ident' Ho urgeon, A nt use Sufgeon, ington General Hospit- Coats or goa DEPARTMENT has never been ; so busy, but this is the reasonable outcome of the Coats themselves, The styles are right up-to- date, and the prices are most re asonable. Three-Quarter Coats, $6.75, 7.50, 9.50. 10.50, 10.75. 11.75, 12.50. Seven-Eighths in length orgpopular Long Coat, known New York as the Burlington, $12.50, 15, 16.75, in Fawn and Black. Come and see these New Coats. in 13.50, 14.75, Even if not prepared to buy you are just as welcome, and should you see a Coat that takes your fancy have it placed aside until required. i edt Do You Need a New Corset ? We are better prepared than ever to suit your Corset needs. Every good kind of Corset is here. We might'sell a few more Corsets if we handled the cheap, trashy sorts, bur we won't. the satisfaction-giving Corsets. the most popular : We cling t» Here are some of French Model" Corsets, $1.50, 2, 250. 3, 3.50. Crompton Corsets, $1.50, 2. 1.25, 1. We have 3 Special Corsets, considered exceptionally good value at $1. x D&A Corsets; 50c.75c., $1, 1.25. Nursing Corsets, $1. * Crest Corsets, guaranteed not to break at hips, 90c. pair, instead of $1.25, usually charged. Yatisi Corsets, all sizes from 20 to 36. This Corset is in- tended for 'stout figures, who require a good Corset yet ' net too stiff. Girls" Health Corset Waists, all sizes. Children's Corset Waists, all sizes. Flannelettes for Many Uses Shirting Flannelettes, 5c., 7c., 8c. Shirting Flannelettes, extra heavy, 10c. and 12}c.. new : patterns, good washing colors. oo Underwear Flannelette, in White, Pink, Blue, 5¢.. 7c. & 10c. Extra Quality Imported Flannelette, in White only, 10, I ic., | Fancy Wrapperettes, for Waists, House Gowns and Kimo nas, 10e., 123¢', 15¢., 20c., 25¢. JOH LAIDLAW) They Are Genuine Bargains EVERYONE | HAS SAID SO And we had a good many satisfied men leave 0uf store on Wednesday. : There are still lots of GOOD BOOTS LEF!: Take a look at what we have. It won't cost anythié and you may see something worth buying. al. Office--238 King street, ite Bask of Montreal. 'Fhove, 48, 3 THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE ge ---- YEAR 72. N ------ = E P. Jenkins Clothi CLEVE The dmc past when ar good enough flen of to-day very best This is the rea REFORM' is in such ° gx mand. OUR _ OVERCOA Are a revelation to many last twé weeks have - great) the number, still there is" o Come and get the best on $10, $12, § $18 and $ E. P, Jenkins Clothi Finger Ri Phe variety, style." and bea sign husize the efforts made, to have our RING St to none Our $2 and $25 Diamond are generous examples, wnd hi decided successes, but we hav choose from al far greater cf Jewelers Opt 350 King Street Style, Durability The three essentic be had in our shoes. Wear "Alle . Military Bootmaker: 84 Brock St. Sign of Go MISS SULEIV Drssmaking and Ladies' Entrance through Mise Leader's ] Frock Street WANTED. eee THO pNiNo--ROOM Gl one pply Iroquois Hof -- CARTERS AT SWIFT'S Cr Ste work to competent -- TWENTY-FIVE Bros', M GIRLS, A 1 Works, foot AN EXPERIENCED HO Api Mrs. R. BE. Ke er -------------------- SEMAID. REFERI Apply to Mrs. E street. FOR, ON SALAI Late, man and wif lus. M. Fair, gi orrington Roa ight man * Whi ENT GENERAL Il family. No ] 2 1 good 'wages Hooper, Corner FOR GENERA BENTL) MEN TO GET Ti Sverconts and Sits a8 Galloway's, 1381 bring .your old one " Tepaired. Style, f Granteed to please. MEN AND BOYS WA) 'arn 85 day, after two H position lition halt pric 8 yne Bros. Co Sthools. 'New. Yark, Ci $ 10uis, Mo. (Free ea TO-LET = rr ---- OFFICE, IN GooD Loc ¥ K st Rent low. Gents' Furnish ret street, occu Hin A BRI K 351 SHOP AND REST Princesss street; un lou November 1s VY & Steacy, ta" Corner King 'and lighted and he 2 Muly to McCann, 51 F Freel isn D OR UNFUR! ews with modern Very moderate Apply in eve treet t-------- )N CENTRE S81 gut buildings and Oeality, moderat on, apply to Market Square. LOST. oK HAND BAG, ( a Wo " or three Pp ud an enveloge, A Thursded TiS return tot ty A VE yg POCKET ACC Accounts of sales Baan: Sewing Mach day Part of Kings Finder ples se i Pay for trouble. J , Wilton, Ong.