We have do Stock 2 # large quantityof Nairn's bes INLAID LINO: LEUM, . 'Two Collegiate Teachers Have i tion in the Schools--The In- "7 srenses in Salaries Still Under Review. s When the chairman called the board of wlueation to order last evening there was barely a quorum, but be- fore the nieeting was far advanced several more of the trustees dropper Lin, Those present were : Chairman McKelvey; trusteos Anglin, Elliott, Godwin, Haffner, Kelly, Lambert, la turney, Marshall. Melntyre, Nickle, Thompson, and Wormwith. four yards long. Selling price $1 to $1.25. To square per 1 i fc, 7% R. McFaul, | The following communications were | disposed of : : | Miss Jessie Harold, enclosing doc- {tor's certificate and asking that her | resignation be accepted Management. | Neil McCaig, Sr., caretaker of Fron: | tena school, asking for an increase of salary. Property. | Joseph Gould, caretaker of Central school, asking Tor .an increase of salary. Property. . . : J. KE. Galbraith, resigning his posi tion on the colleginte staff, Manage ment. Kingston Carpet Ware ke alues in Carpets import of Axarinsters and tir rich, ny Hatter y range: of co an , $1, "e130 nr "$1.35 yard: to matehy ~ 3 Bought direct from Switzerland. Some $1.85, $1.75 and signs, 25¢., to England and great values at $2.25. Over 100 ge 5 pair. 2 Fancy Parlor Chairs ane beautiful new ideas just ont ol from all other parlors Todividuality is ture. stamped on our parior It will please ua If you will visit our warerooms. T. F. HARRISON CO. 'Phone 90 Grand Union Hotel Rooms From $1,00 Per Day Up | BAGGAGE}: FREE | | | MONEY T0 LOAN On Real Estate | Mortgage | Do You Want to--: - Buy a_Property:?. - * Buildfor Improve? : Capital in¥cur Business? = Buy Partners' Interests ? We can let you have, tons that makes vour parlor | { cussion, W, PF, | sisted that unless good reasons | to, their contracts, | ing adopted, I next went much further than was called for Willian Ward, of collegiate staff, stating that he can no longer con tinue at the present salary and re signing. Managemint, J. G. Ettinger, asking for an in crease of salary. Management, R. Greenlees, principal; of Central school, askin | creased fréfm ment. * Inspector Tilley, in his report of the model schools stated that the stu | dents are being carefully trained and | are evidently much interested in their work. They passed a very good ex amination. The instruction ix of a practical nature and is quite within { the grasp of the students, This should be 'very beneficial and is worthy of the highest commendation, Manage: that his salary be in- S00 to $1,000, Manage- ment, ; I From G. Y. Chown, offering to ac cept * the byard"s terms for broken | glass in old. collegiate building. Fin ance, > Management Report. John Melutyre presented the report of the management committee ; | 1. That Miss Jessic Harold's resig | nation. to date from November Ist; | be meeepted. . 2, Nov action on the communication of Mr, Doan, secretary of the Ontario 1 Edhicational Association, stating that the proceedings of that hody for 1905 | are now ready for distribution. { 3 "That Miss Elizabeth Gardiner he {appointed to the public school teach {ing staff ander the rules und reghla | tions of the hoard. | 4 That the salary of Lder, Orphans! Home teacher, be $23 | per year in excess of Yhat provided { by the salary system, ax her class in cludes the whole eight grades of the public school course. 5. That Edward Wanna be appoint od to vaeanoy on the collegiate staff until the end of the term, at a salary (of $17.80 per week, This "is at the | rate of S700 per year. {6 That a swecotsor to Mr, Foik be | advertised for, the salary to be 8800, I 7. That when it is found necessary to employ teachers holding high school | teachers' certificates ax occasonals in the public schools, owing to sweond class teachers not being obtainable, they be paid $2 per day. N Your committee mado enyuiries | concerning religions instruction in the public schools and learned from - the maApeetor--that the regia tions inthis respect are being carried out. | 9 Inspector Kidd and the principals lof the collegiate and the public schools [made their annual reports on the | teaching staff your committee, Your commiftee recommends that all the members of the public school teaching staff receive the annuml in crease. The applications = of members of the collegiate staff for increases are under consideration.' . The clause regarding the resignation of Miss Harold provoked some dis Nickle moved that the clause be varied and that "owing to ill-health," be added. The mover in Were kept Miss KE. Wil to forthcoming teachers should be J. GL Elliott regretted Harold was in ill-health. No member of the board wishes to keep a member of the stall in their employ under such circumstances, Had the reason for the resignation been forthcoming at the former meeting there, was no doubt the question would have been settled satisfactorily then, The amendment war then put and lost, the clause be that Miss but not before the yeas | and nays had been called for by the | mover of the amendment, It resulted | thus : Yeas Anglin, Godwin, Hafler, Lam bert, Laturney, Marshall, Thompson, Meintyvre, Wormwith, Nays Elliott, Nickle, Renton: | Clause 4 evoked some slight discus: | sion, but was passed on the following | words being added, 'to take efert year, | «Clause X, was the occasion of many | questions of information. Inspector Kidd stated that comcerning religious « instructions in the school the teachers hy the statutory declaration. The In ternational series was followed and there was further reading of scripture, learning of the apostles' creed, the ten commandments,. Lord's grayer, golden texts, ete. This matter he considered was well looked 'after by the teach. ors. The clause was then passed after some further discussion, "Places for 96 Teachers" | the | idea of the motion The ed, ee. ~ Total number of pupili'in-attend 29 to the schools of whom 22 were cent arrivals in. the city. classes are in attendance. From manner in which all have entered int rooms, -- One Not Carr ing Out Law. Principal Ellis followed with | th, principal's report of. the Collegiat lostitute, It was likewi regarding religious openings of th classes each day. The principal wil ancem enrolled, 439; average, 407; th corresponding numbers for last' tions regarding the salary system fo above clause formerly Thomas Lambert, "That the manage ment committee be requested to con ~Carried. The enrolled at at Frontenac school js twen ty four, average: attendance twenty- two. In some grades in other from forty to forty-five are in age attendance, "In accordance with notice W. F. Nickle moved, ). Thompson. "That tion be considered by until after the same has been to them by the hoard." This motion called forth discussion and 'was warmly "endorsed by the mov er and seconder. Finally Mr. Nickl withdrew it and a better one will framed before next meeting. The old clause was acknowdsdged faulty but jt was hard to improve upon it to the satisfaction of the members tendance | { | | aver of motion no communica present, Three Months Probation. The last motion before the beard, was one to change the constitution SO that on termination of three ronths' probation, if satisfactory reports were handed in by Principal Ellis or In- spector Kidd the case might be, contracts might at once he signed by secretary on behalf of the board. At present the contracts are not sign od until one year. has passed, The was to overcome any. repetition of the Foik incident. The inspector thought that three | months would be sufficient to estimate the worth of a teacher. He also vised that if teachers were to he al lowed to go before Christmas the sooner the resignations were accepted by the board after school opened 1n the fall, the better for the pupils. Principal EHis contended that in some cases three months was not suf- ficient. However both agreed that one year was entirely too long a period The motion was carried. The meeting then adjourned, ud Might Go Into Business. The latest weekly report from Richard Cartwright's department mentions inquiry from Japan for con- detised milk samples. One firm re marks that if the (Japanese) tariff movement is under way it cannot he much 100 soot (0 prepare to take ad Sir vantage of the situation. Another thinks that if Canada can supply con- densed milk of such -- as "Eagle" or "Milkmaid" brand at | like prices a very large trade may be built. wp. In this connection may it not be remarked that the Kingston Dairy School might profitably be equipped for taking up the prepara: tion of condensed milk. -- eee ee American coal oil. three grades, 15¢ lie, Me: gallon, nt Simmons Bros. Yellow Hardware Store, See the chest protectors and cha- mois vests 'at Mahood 's drug store, All sizes, THE DAILY WH report as amended was "" THE BIG : Mr. Elliott presented the report of ' to. the - management commit | cance was 2,164, in October last year | There were 34 new pupils admitted | red the | ported satisfactory in all the school read 815, Ag offered the following resolution, being seconded by schools seconded by J, any committee referred be x the FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10. BAZMR a ' AT THE GRAND. Sherlock .Holmes In the 'Sign of - unittee finance and supplies | -- a The Four." ; hn ra im was AN UNQUALIFIED AND 1; ansement bas cued in : y ted t nspess securi Nhe , Holmes, in he fore pant id Drisented the lap GRATIFIED SUCCESS. | :guring Sherlock Holmes, iin he "Sign ofthe : No iler 11th, matinee and night, which will be one of the best attrac fions offered this season. The "Sign -------- | The High Tea Was Marvellously i Successful -- Decorations Very cof the Four" is a dramatization of the enrolled attendance was 2,190, de- Pretty, and the School Child- Coin Toth or y a : if ren's Display Capital. "name. 'The principal character, that Average daily attendance, 1,94; Mi "An ove ering success' ix the | of Sherlock Holmes, the great detec corresponding month last year, 1985; | vary apt description given of the | tive, and the story of the play, deals , M, | General Hospital bazaar, with especial | with his efforts to recover and restaby : A daily attendance was | reference to its high a feature, by | to the rightful owner the Solin *ighty-nine per cent. of the enrolled | one who waited in the Jam outside the | wealth of a murdered Rajah. The attend y " | door of Ontario hall, on. Thursday | story is unwoven in a manner that In the kindergartens 200 pupils were | } 3 { s intore of the audience y evening. In from the city hall the | holds the I . . enrolled and: the average daily at. car alley 'up the stairs it' surged, | hroughout. It i ghle best of the tendance was 139. and the two swopt together in a | Doyle fictions, made into lm a cs wd ancy. ete toporin} seething mass of humanity. Individ- | of such virile strength and vital dra 0 ere were no sus sions, ual movement was impos-ible, as the | matic power, that the appeal is not crowd moved so did otherwise, a "claim, but in its uni- find thoroughly con confined to versality will its units, not Vera and talented has selected Miss a beautiful from these tables were the two blaz | this season, {i it , scarlet flowers, red rib- | ing with red Io Michelena, : © | bons, silver Jamps with red bowls | Young prima donna, and Reuben Fax, the work very satisfactory results | upon one, and 'much handsome bruss | the noted comedian, as the stars, and may be expected. , i has sclected supporting cast num- Th as upon e other, by made it hard | bas sclected a' supy The work of the caretakers is, .. | IP th , they for even the pink, with its general of. | bering seventy-five people, the largest fect of rosiness, andl the vellow table, | company ever sent en tour. The | with its brightness, #0 make a lasting | beauty chorus has been especially se- | impression. But of the primary colors, lected, and nearly fifty pretty, grace- ! red makes the strongest appeal: And ful girls, © | #8 attractive as were the tables, the © tea enjoyed at 'them, was likewise, | gorgeously costumed, are included in the personnel. The stage settings are magnificent productions referred 16 | and the cookery ks volumes for | of the scenie artist's craft and the ef the management committee, [ hougewives of Kingston. fects are costly. "The Yankee Con In reply to a question, by Mr. EI | Just here is the "place to mention | sul" is the joint work of Henry = M. liott, the principal stated that all'| the carving, andthe carvers, Col. | Blossom and Alfred G. Robyns The but one teacher at the Collegiate In- |'McGill, Mr. McCammon and Dr. Dal { book and lyric which abound in stitute, carried out 'the regilations | ton, who for three mortal hours (is. ' bright, delicious humor, are the re e | meted turkey, beef Blossom's efforts, while I | chicken in the responsible for the and ham and sults of Mr. most skilled manner. | Mr. Robyns is investigate this case further and the | During tea a 'Monster gramaphone = bright, catchy, welul music with management committee will report. | rivalled the effect of the hundreds oi Which the play abounds. The principal's report read: Attend- | voices talking at once, and was high e | ly apprciated by "the juveniles at the CALLS FOR REPARATION. vear | patty, - were: Aggregate, 455; average, "406, k In the City Hall, the bazaar proper The Suspended Sentence Should The teachory were all present | did a rushing business in all depart- Be Waived. throughout the month, and there were | ments.. To the right the tea booth, Kingston, Nov. 9.--(To the Edit no cases of lateness, latticed off with white, with palms, |p). Some reparation should be Moved by Mr. Godwin, seconded ly | and ferns and other pretty green | made to the 'Hebrew, charged recently Mr. Kelly that clause 3, of the regula | things to relieve, did a i a fine business 4 with counterfeiting or "bill raising." ices found their | r | with tea, and later ' Subsequent events have proven him public school teachers be altered to | way in quantities from the freeers to | innocent. Following the precedent, es- read that an increase of 825 on each | the purchasers, Next door the work- | tublished by the British governmeht salary be made each year till the | table was 'set under 'a 'booth which | in the Adolp Peck case, I would sug- maximum of R500 he reached. The | was particularly gay and artistic, | gest this that the magistrate give with - Japanese umbrellas, fans, dolls man a certificate of acquittal, and re the matter .is under the consideration | and so orth, and the fancy work | fimd the costs, if any, paitl by him. of the management committee, My. | thereon, was unusually dainty, and !I am not a Jew, but write this sim Gowdin withdrew his motion. useful, plv in the interests of fair play. In will chosen words, My, Melntyre Still farther a booth made of lattic- | FIAT JUSTITIA. ing of scarlet' and white, the hospital | seconded by Me, Godwin: "Resolved, | colors, with smilax trailing over it, Thinks It Ought Not To Be. that. the board record its high sense | sheltered home-made pastry, Jam, buns Sangster, Nov. 8.-(To the KEdit- of appreciation of the services of Misg | and cake, till buyers, anxious for the on Wich regret: 1 call attention to Harold for many y efficient | delicacies, bought them up. A turn a practise Sing scandal and dis- teacher within jts risdiction and es brought into view a' peanut roaster, edie on our once fair settlement. pecially regrets that the termination | in fall jingle, and before the evening | the holding of dances and raffles on should be caused by ill-health." was very far advanced the 'far-famed Saturday night" and continning the Posed, hii : floor of the City Hall, was a mass oj actions until daylight Sunday morn ol, ott moved, i peanut shells, distributed over waxen surface by the youth of public schools. its our "ing. This tertainment is the usual mode of on 'nn Saturday nights and the gst dance and raffle was a record sider the attendance in the Senior For many reasons, the booth which | breaker, so far as an hurrah time Fourth clad in Frontenac school, to | attracted the largest number of spec. | generally was concerned. The furni see if a more equitable arrangement | tators and buyers, was certainly the | ture, musical instruments and parti cannot be made in the disposal of | gifts of the school children. Going the | tions were smashed, ladies terrorized Fouth class pupils throughout entire left side of the hall, it contain ed everything, almost that could ap pear within the precincts of a bazaar, As was fitting its decoration was bunting, plenty of it, and flags," em blems, and all patriotic symbols ga lore, and looked gay, and very much .| in keeping with the birthday of his most gracious majesty, Edward VII. The entire display speaks much in deed for the self-denial and interest of both scholars and teachers in the sic and suffering of our big institution on Stuart street. The centre of the { and. the lamps put out. Publicity wi'l do the people here and civilization - a i service for which we will be thankful; for surely this unchristian will cease under the Yours respectiully, M. T. practice searchlight. M'DONALD. Not Well Received. Marysvile; Nov, 9. (To the Editor): While under the new ferry system the Wolfe Islanders feel their sue sin municipal ownership, they regret that matters are not being carried out anticipated. For as : instance, a trip is hall was occupied by the candy booth, four-sided, and i for, the sansideration of 87; vet not sufficiently accessible for all | the travelling public is disappointed. who wanted to buy the sweet meats 't 1% 8 return of the grievance of the for sale, A very popular "side show' | ld company violations of trips, It was attached to this booth, and con. Can be conceived that while 87 would | sisted of a measuring machine, and a be a consideration to individual own big pair of scales, and undor + ership, the line should be drawn an energetic care of Miss Jessie McCann der municipal owners} ip of the profits and Miss Jessie Dickson, they told'! 10 be gained by a rate paying popula to many a one of our Kingston youths | Hon of five hundred. Last week the the weight and measured the height | islanders especially, the gentler sex refusing to Iar mail, remove hats, even for the were deprived of their regu at least twenty people disappointed in copnection with trans fun of learning exact measurements, portation. While it is felt that the A small booth, but a successful one, Manager's efforts are to make every hid behind its flag draped front, some- | gollar count, he loses sight of the thing the very youthful ones found | fact that the accommodation of the most fascinating, indeed. Little Miss | peopl: is superior to "all efforts of Janet McKee and Miss Jessie Slater | gain, were almost hidden from view by the Tt has been suggested that i 'Me, row upon row of little people crowd. | Briceland doubts their statement he ing round the "fisb-pond," which | might determine what his profit am they had stocked. And round and round, backwards and forwards, the crowd swayed, some eating sweets, eating peanuts, all very happy and good-natured and of the quality, that must have cheered ounts to under municipal ownership, a8 against the disanpointment and ne glect of mails to the Wolie" Islanders RATEPAYER. * some Swallowed* Fifty-Dollar Bill. the hearts of the faithful toilers of the John Mulhall; known as "Rusty" Woman's Aid of the hospital who only a short while out of Kingston have had their disinterested efforts Penitentiary, sold a horse and rig he longine to John McFarlane, which he crowned with such entire success, i After the high tea, the City Hal, | stole from in front of the Empress became the rendezvous for the crowd, Hotel, at Deseronto, on October 23rd, A most entertaining programme was | and when arrested on Thanksgiving given. The members of the Y: W, (', A gave a 'Ball Drill," deserving of much praise for the excellent way in which they went through their move. ments. * Bouncing and tumbling, the gymnast exercises of the physical class of the YYM.C.A. won muck ap vlause for their creditable work per formed. Merry's Opera House orches | tras ever a drawing card, very kind in the good { Day by Detective Newton, is said to have swallowed 'a fifty dollar hill which he obtained for .the rigy; He was remanded in Toronto, on a charge of stealing a pair of blue jeans from fg. Nurse, The two charges. now hang over himgActing Detective Tipton re | covered the "Bikse and had been sold for fd. | ly gave their serviees | cause, free, The bazaar = will continue to-day, | when the school children will celebrate a half holiday by attending en masse. EE -------------- A Guariinteed Cure' For Piles. liching.. blind, bifadipe, protruding, piles. Druggists "gre ghthorized™to ke fund money i Pazo Ointment fails to cure in 6 to 14 days, 30c. EE ! : The. "rst Richmond compound en Tine, of an order of fifteen for the GTP. has been completed at the lo comotive works. Th is an initial ie | Cures Cold inOne Day, 3 Days step in a new make for the local | works: i 3 onevery Steel filled corsets 30v., several | © Z box. 330 sivles. New York Dress Reform ! SRL Buy" "Liquozone at = Gibson's Red i Mg er Cross drag store, Fresh there, v 3 " bn buggy, which o or ye ra sr [THE DAYS EPISODES LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS IN GENERAL. Hermaun, K), fare Vocal - Instructress © ollege, Toronto. Soprano "S argarer'y sham St. Methodist church, 'prot Sw. ie Ci par or Conservatory Thie Occurrences In The City And | Examinations. Concert "FE Kageriversity Vicinity--Other Brief Items of | ' Address: Romilly House, . 72 Barrip gy, Interest Easily Read and Remembered. A hali-shot instructor isa poor one to have around. 3 William Swain, piano tuner. ' Orders received at McAuley's book store. See our bargains in tooth powder, at Gibson's Red Cross drug store, L Students May Enter Any Time Fall Tem Sept. 5th Kingston Business Gollege , LIMITED All the world's a stage. and it's Head of Queen st, pretty much, a continuous perform Kingston . . Ont ; ance, A MODERN, PERMANENT, RE. A good square meal is not a bad: LIABLE SCHOOL, thing to teach the young idea how to shoot. . : . A méeting Of the fire and light com- «« Established in 1883 ,, cal, complete, thoroug ; h, indiy Instruction given in all ¢ moor. duel f mmercial gp. ia : . ience: i > 5 in call for four o'clock | .& jects. Open throughout the whole ! Once inside the door there was a | vinced and highly enthused audiences mike ba ee n called for four o'clo Write, calfor telephot.e for terms ma Teachers were absent on account of sty sight, for th bles were «c. | in any theatre, this afternoon. logue illness twenty-two and one-half days | PFW sight, for the tables we -- A man is gs old as he looks, but a J.B. McKAY, H. F METCALYFR, : enty two 20d gy | corated with much artistic taste, and » is. Feldom as young os: she President, Principal as follows : Miss Lizzie D. Allen, 9 | the girls waiting had their pretty "The Yankee Consul. Soman i da as ) g 5 days; Mins Crawford, 4 dye: inn | faces and pretty: hair shown off An event of unusual importance will a athletic committee meets 2000000008 Rarold, . 3 days; Mr. Aylesworth, | white frocks, - Jy ig hard to say which | be the coming engagement of the de- this afternoon: the hockey excentive 2 days; Misses raser, Gill and Norris, | table had the most admirers. Queen's lightful musical satire, "The Yankee at Toor o'clock S L ny. ench; Missen ton: and - Mar had the colle colois twisted about | Consul," which will be the attraction All kinds of leather mitts and tin, one-half day each. . | among 'its silver 'and golden-globed | at the Grand, on Tuesday, November floYes or Sean eos nd The annual convention of the King, | lamps, and: vallow ehrysanthemums. | 14th. During the phenomenal run of he a Se ston Teachers' Association was' he | with the light from yellow candles, | this brightest of all musical comedies Spdws or lines" wav we ol on the 3rd and 4th days of November x ok : ™ : York ress and public alike 4 cloud of witnesses Vv be a . d d by all | made it brilliantly attractive. Then in New_York, press 'anc da right, but a lawyer hates a witness 0 om etitors and was attended hv all 'the teachers | there was thé gelicate and restful | emphatically declared that it was the ri 0 ht 8 lawyer , of the public school excepting two geen, exquisite ferns ini the daintiest cloverest comedy that had Den a har different kinds of eorsets who were ill. . x | of silver fe Pots for its distinguis in a decade. Manager John P. Sle to choose from pi from 25¢. up. 1 , The classes in domestic science were ing. feature. "Mauve was very quiet | cum, under whose able direction the Nt Shoose from, Prices mn oa on es! " wned a om Detoher id, 85 girls of | and subdued, bat very dainty. . Over | play will be seen in the larger cities « r be : senior gradé divided into four 2 : There's something wrong with «the small boy who isn't the victim of a chronic case of hinger. "All returns must be in Fresh | Emulsion of Cod, Liver Oil, | ' 25c. and 50c., at Gibson's Red Cross | NOt later than 6 o clock drug store. A bachelor says it is very exciting to kiss a girl and then find vou didn't. do it because she dodged. Kindly leave your name for the sub- scription list, for the English Concert company, and Marie Hall, at Uglow's, The department store proprietor must expect a perfect jam when he advertises a bargain sale in preserves. Henry Cunvingham, : pany tuner from Chickerings. Orders received. at McAuley's hook' stars, Princese street, The police court is still deserted: the desk and chairs will be getting dusty as there has been nothing do ing since Monday. . The public school pupils had a hali holiday to-day. They had almost a whole holiday, yesterday, in preparing for the bazaar. Little - school work was done, A gentleman's nice light box calf lace boot,. MePherson's ma ke, regular 83.50, never sold for less, now 22.50, The Lockett Shoe Store, The Junipr Limestones Gananoque to-morrow for a return match. in the junior O.R.F.U. series, Should the local team win it will re- sult in a tie all around. A Barriefield writer savs the popula tion of Barriefield is not so nwnerous as some of the city aldermen seein to imply. It is not 'the Barriefield peo ple who have worn out the boardwalk around the barracks wall; it the traffic - to and from the city to the Royal Military College. But Barrie field keeps in good repair about a FRIDAY, Nov. '101 They will be counted and the name of the lucky person will appear in Satur- day's Whig. The Best Drug Store L.T. BEST, Chemist and Optician 124 Princess Street. "Phone 59 PPP P0000 0000 will go to OUR $ GHESNUT FOR 3 CODKING TRY IT! JAMES SWIFT & G0. mile of boardwalk over which huy- dreds from the city walk every day, Sunday especially, and to which the city: never contributes one cent. -- Fall Importation. Prevost. Brock street. has received all his fall importations for order work, consisting of Scotch and Eng lish tweeds, blue and black sergoes, cheviot and venetian for suitings, a great variety, nine splendid assort- ments of black and blue beaver and fancy overcoatings. A splendid as- fortment of panting at prices that defy --eorpetition. ® @ | | : 3 Po 0 00e4 0h =A How Does This Cut Strike You for a Swagger Coat ? BLACK BEAVER COATS Special on Saturday for $6.50 ©." UP NEWEST OUT. A job lot of 75 ) » Me. and f1 Dress Suitings at 50c. a yard on S Light and Dark Colors, Plain and Fancy Designs... The Goods bargain of the See the range. Ladies' Striped Drawey season. Flannelette . 1+ Piles of Flannelette, 5c. a 1a : "extra well made, regular price 35¢ up. Saturday special 25c.. Buy Underwear here on Su Ladies' Flannelette Wrappers, pretty "Special prices ! patt ros and made in latest style. Big value 'at 9e.; easily' wolth 81.25 ecch, How are you off for Blankets ¥ yor require White or Grey Blankets, in Union or All-Wool, we- can give you some very interesting prices. Flannclet te Blankets, 10x4, 1ix4, 12x4, in White or Grey, low prices We are having a great run on Hosiery for "Boys, and particularly oup A ough, as Leathe: brand Waal "Hi They-are "Built to wears Price 2%c - Children's Sleeping Suits, to fit all ages, very necessary in cold wen thers Be, 63c., 750. complete the wonderful values in Ladies' Cashmere and Wool Gloves, Black, White, Navy,' Brown, Cardinal. "aes Regular Ac. quality. for 23c. pair, See'our window full of bargains SKIRTS | SKIRTS! at 25c. each. MW contains 35e. and , Big sale of Ladies Walking Skirts on Ie. Vests, extra value Saturday. Come in Be s. Fandy. Colliirs, Cash. Beautifully Tailored, High Quo! mere Hosiery. The values are ity Skirt that vou ean bie on | easily discorned with the naked turday, worth $3.30 for $1.95 eve, no need for a telescope or ~ x0 reduced even All other grades up to $7.00 redu i» glasses to see them, i in price, Newman & Shaw the gear-- Fin over men You That's up-to-date, a custom-made kind--cut | e Custom Tailor. coat you cin buy of us, Se 20 F the Boys' Overcoals, sa 1.20 Per: Cent. C 50 Cent Neckw Better Come in. RONEY & Some pretty styles in Children's White. Furand Cloth Coats Special prices to- MOTTOW. Shirred Three different styles, pe AT $1.26 Has deep flounce acordeon pleated frills at $1.75. : AT$269 Has deep flounce, on pleat, with 13 inch wide, worth $2. AT $1.98 Has accordeon pl shirring, arranged as sho inch ruffle at bottom, ext All made of fine Black I 1000 Yards Colored Worth $1 yard, nothing old ¢ inches wide. 300 Yards Golorsd Every yard worth 65¢., and pure wool Tweeds, no U NOTE We will not g our Saturday bargain list. $0 Ladies' Tailor-Made MEN'S SPECI Men's Fine Imported Mocha | Saturday 5c. Men's Heav v Suits of Under day 98c. the suit. Men's Winter Overcoats, wor WANTS'OF THE *" White Fur Coats, in 9 differe White Wool Overalls, 50c., Bootees, Veils and Little Mii here Hose, Bonnets and SEE OUR SHOW te James J 180 WE tes seo0ee DAINTY RUBBER Ask your made "ju: For Sale onl McDERMOTT CO