RBETI'S FEE rb bbb 4s TIE ae SISSIES a LONDON AND GLORE Fire pmpany, Available haste Rng In 10 policy boiders ive for, Swcurity unlimited Habliity of | & a ea ht Fi ROABBRE SSS ees e new d= SES POET rm nm COVER MORE ON NR Contents than any oth ) cles WR POLI po i . . ARCHITECTS. HM, NEWLA , ARCHITECT, OF second over Mabood's drug ae er LY mete -- ELLIS ARCHITECT, OF of New I Hall, for all kinds of ue imates given eg and Cement Work of all descriptions. 'Phone 402 Jay 94 Division St. C. HL. POWELL ~~. GARPENTER AND JOBBER, 103 Raglan Street. at Bay Heat Expands! Not only steel, iron and other Inanimate objects but "humans" Take a - halt frozen J THEW himroutand he'll expand into an amiable companion But be of the fuel--coal sure that gives the most heat, the least smoke, the least slate and clinker, the biggest percentage of Clean ash. In four words Buy Your coal at Urawford s R. CRAWFORD, -¥OOT OF QUEEN ST. Briones. Grusses ant There are many different Kinds of » 'Frusses, but no one style is suited for all vases. We carry a large stock of all the best makes, in different, sizes and shapes Every truss we sell is So as to give the right amount of press. £ ure at the right" glace, = thane be comfortable and secure" at times. We fit Trusses Scientifically We of the hody, the differant points at which Heria (rupture) occurs and we guarantee a per fect fit. Our charges are moderate and we give you value for your money. dnd at the same, al understand the anatomy May Lote F. W. Hodson. Ottawa, Nov. 10..F. Ww. live stoek 'egmmissioner, has boon of fered, 'amd will 'probably accept, a gp position in connection with the Sal ate ation Army colonization scheme, Hodson, Depot, ind 8 run daily ex trains daily except KincsTong Pems Portland, and San Franc SCO. Sharbot Lake, counecting with C.F. KR. east and west. insured at lowest. post 3 wiving | termediate points - a 'rates fd whiin Fasteugera" leaving Kingston at 12:30 co. Aweats, re ne bin. - FPeterboro, Gen. Pass. Agent Pomeraniun, Nov Sasduger SLEEVE, Lake Ontario and Bay of Quinte headache, help me. ha Cook Madicine Cou, Chicago, LWAY ry IRE AND TRUN GOING WEST unday. to Toronto, Peterboro, EM 3 p.m.--Local for 10 a.m --Mived, for Meafrew an + WITive jn Ottawa at 5:00 6512 pm. Torontp, i Bosten, 7:80 anh; t 1108 mm 3% - offers. ixamine them at ull particulars at K. & P. and - | BR. cket Office, Ontario Street, od Grn mar, Mark: | CONTA Cl rt | Sat., Nov MONTREAL TO LONDON. John, 11 Sardinian, Nov Hamilton, Buffalo, Loudon, > Chicago, Bay City, Saginaw, Montreal, Putty Ottawa, . Portland, St. John, Halifax, Boston and New York B § For Pullman Accommodation, 7 ickets, Sash and all other imformation, apply to : , : J. PF. HANLEY, Agent, Cor, Johuston i 3 snd Ostario streets, Kingston, Ont. ttt en eee. Paints KE d in- p.m; 7:30 cp, JR. Gen. Supt. Bay of Quinte Railway 'save Oity Hall Depot at 8:25 pm. OONWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry.. Kisgsten | | r near oer tt se-------------------------- Sema on 2 ALLAN LINE "veropiems ---------------------------------------- FOated ol AGRIC. NER ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. | Building, corner From Montreal. From Quehee Streets; fFhone 313 Virginian, Nov: 10, 6am. 10:11 p.m. Tunisian, Nov. 17, 6am. 17, 4 p.m. IENRY a Surri, RCHIT RCT. . From St. + Phone " arisian, Sat. Nov, 25 on., Nov. 27. ---------------- Sicilian. Sat., Dee. 3. Mon., The. 4. : $00000060000000000000M | MONTREAL TO GLASGOW, DIRECT. | > - - x Corinthian Thurs., Nov. 9, (daylight) x R 4 FREE, CONTRACTOR BOSTON TO GLASGOW : 1 Siberian IN est Crosby, the rich rewards, and beecane the WHI parts cheap work: mine improved presses. : Lve. City Arr. City | The British Whig Publishing Co., Limites No. 5 Mail ... 1245 am. 1.15 a.m.) XDW. J. B. PENSE, * JEspress 22am. 3.05 am, Menaeion Dissector, "1 loeal ..... 9.15 a.m. 9.47 a.m, i 3 Into't AUI216 sonn 1246 p.m | TH D LY WHIG eo IMail-.... 19 p.m. . 3.51 p.m. | " 15 Locil 78pm. 1.38pm. | * HE Al . . * GOING EAST { . '"Opiter per Orbem Dicor." - Lye, City Arr. City | == No. 8 Mail .. . 148am, 22am, | People Bribe Themsefves. * 2Fast Exp. 226 a.m, 3.00 a.m. | The people. are sombtimes bribed ¥ 16local .... 816a.m, 8.47alm, |. Peoy : * GMail. ..12.16 noon 12.4G p.m, | with their own money, and through 4Fast Exp. 1.00pm. 1.2 p.m, public works, Hence it is not so very ! " 12 Local ... ... 7.03 p.m. ' 7.38 p.m. i reinarkable that au attempt has been | Nos. 1.2.8 and 4 run daily. Nos. > t Monday. All other | pade to hypnotise It will be remembered that over an the ! enlargement of the Erie canal, and the electors who were not directly profit- hundred millions were voted far ing by the The result of the vote has not been announced, but it is likely that the proposal carried, and that the people have practically' doped themselves by the offer of public improvements for { which they have to pay. Visit Of Nir. Crosby. A man among men will visit ston this week, in the person King of Earn- apostle of peace and reform. Mr. Croshy occu- pies the unique position of advocat- ing a great cause for eminent its sake, and | for the people's service. He is a lawyer | of high standing, and enjoyed the dis- | tinction" of being legal adviser. to the American embassy in Egypt. While | abroad he imbibed the Tolstoi spirit, | and the Tolstoi desire to manifest it. John From Halifax, | Hence it is that he gave up his posi- tion in the diplomatic service, and its persist- { ent and uncompromising advocate of peace. He is a mar of means, of large ixpericnce, of close observation, and P. HANLEY, Agent, G.T.R. City | 0 he is qualified to carry on his a < 1 "G11 1 . J v a oireL. aon Pe GILDER- | oducational campaign effectively. He Steamboat Co., Limited. STR. "ALETHA" Leaves Kingston daily except Su of Quinte Ports, Full information trom J. P. Hanley, J NEEDLES COULD NOT INFLICT THE TORTURE WOMEN SUFFER FROM HEADACHES those of the stom Burdock vigor, Iam ' MRS. EDW. KEDDY, , such as Constipation, Dyspepsia, Liver Trouble, Bad Blood, | Female Complaints, General Debility Weakness, | Ps Glidersieovs, Jas, Swit & Co. ° £ Agents, W nt BE, BE. HORSRY, Traffic Manager $ i A MILLION L { now his favorite® and doubt who hear him nday | carnest 8 p.m. for Picton and intermediate | two of its teachers speaks before Queen's Philosophical So | ciety, Saturday evening, and again mn Sunday, upon the thee which is he in impressing will no succeed those with his forceful and opinions. There is no desire o say what the circumstances' do not warrant, but it may not be amiss to commend _ the life and. service of one whose ideals are so lofty and whose : Here Mr. Cros sy should find many sincere sympath vims are 'so unselfish. zers vith his work, Changes In The Staff. The Collegiate Institute again disturbed by the retirement be of They will not go, is to however, until the Christmas vaca tion, and it may be possible then to | secure competent and eligible success Headache is not in itself a djsease, bat a symptom or accompaniment of other dis. | Gases, principall liver and bow v ach, rs, The high school term proper, how- wer, begins in September, and ends in Tune, and it is not desirable to have any changes in the school staff in the and | meantime if they can be avoided, eadache is common to both sexes, but more froquently affects females, | varietios of headache Woat common are sick or bilious headache, nervous head- ache, headache from constipation, debility or indigestion, periodical and spasmodic | Undoubtedly the cause must be removed before permanent relief be had. can | Lered with and Blood Bitters | removes the cause of the headache, and not only does this but it also restores the entire system to healthy action and buoy. "I was troubled with headache for a number of years, but could get nothing to | procured a bottle of Burdock 4 Blood Bitters, and finding it was doing me | that must follow frequent changes in so much good, I got two more. fully cared and think there is nothing in | the world like Burdock Blood Bitters for headache," now New Germany, Oye, B.B.B. is for sale at all Druggists and Dealers. 's Cotion Root The only medicine on w! streneth--No. 1, for at canes 3 a Trees stronger for ton Hoot i N substitute. SJHatty Green In Trouble. IL, Nov, 10. Both stingy. Suit hgs to compel them to dem the most dangerons and ur uctures in the entire stock y effectual honthly hich women oan | box; No. 8, 10 de 'was Sold ial which boss rule was most completely | drug ist Auk for Soe Cob beaten, It had long years of experi- Compound ; take | them, and that understanding with June, and before tion i the high school There. is only one way fo 'avoid is to have a definite the teachers the Then the management committee i summer vaca and the principal should have a heart to heart talk, The teachers whose ser vies 'are satisfactory should be con an. arrangement en tered into which will hold for a year. If there is reason, on any side or on both sides--the board's and, the teach ers' for a change it can take place | at once, and teachers can be when they may be found. Something should be done to save other sought from the conditions the staff, and changes that operate very seriously against the progress of the scholars. Y The many changes last year did the classes an injliry. It is hoped there is not going to be a repetition of the experience this year, - * Cleaning The Quaker City. Next to that of New York-and in fome respects more notable than it-- the Philadelphia election, in published tions. But per year' Edi- * CG, 13 pages the New Yorkers | | (the people of the state) on the good Detroit, i roads question. work or expenditure did ' not take much stock in ite They had | | to be placated, and hence in the re! THE DAILY WHIG, FRIVAY, under conditions | whic loss of millions 10 1 ' on fire, The gas steal was n nized the mayor, fluenced by the bossés disgrace upon the city. cordially of the meat and its platform. given the liberal is an opposition, b The sweep of the prov who understand the sit no sympathy with the been talked They know what the those who have pede them on a racial issue, The conservative par eve of battle, Then Mr. he was pictured CPR, as an own people in Calgary plate something troublers and put an miserable work, ing to demonstrate that cursed with "a ers who peddle zan argument in season season: A broad side s the crowning act i posed disfigurement of at an expense of £7,000. to pay a dividend on represented, in a telegram to a servative paper, as a wsurper, having secured the leadership by a fluke. Then h meant he people. ot only and Liberals Sweep Alberta. The electors of Alberta have spoken. They have passed through their first provincial election and approved very Rutherford They government party is significant. shows that the people of the w NOVEMBER 10, |THE 'WHI1G--72nd YEAR a, what be Was told and ask Bo ques there it doesn't matter how soon; circumstances devidoped { some men drop out." trangely, Mr. Weaver was expocted by the people to give some eviden~ | on Monday of his goodness, and he was equal 10 ns ob Print. the emergency, He disapproved of the | rapid, stylish and sale of the gas works to & company the He made one or two moves which opened pre aroused, and they reelected Weaver as mayor and practically commanded him to clean the public service and | rid it of every one that has been in. brought govern- but it is so weak as to really amount to nothing, ince by the It est, uation, have rot that has schools on the school question. are attempted to stam- and religious ty Bennett ally of has been crushed in the province, It has Bosst- ed of what it could do. Its leader has | been deceiving ghe: people, and the evidence of this same to hand on the | was | con the to the exclusion of that rail way competition which the west mands. In general he was represen ted as a humbug and a failure, and his de put a proper end tot Editorial Notes. R. R. Beuncti, of Calgary, repudia ted ?, That is the way the telegrams Mr. and out urely. 8 'the jp estimate upon his worth by defeating him. Now for Saskatchewan, where the election is vet to be held. Here Mr. Haultain has fallen from his high pedestal. He has threatened the Catholics with dire consequences if they do not support him. He like Ben- nett, will find that 'the people contem better than and they will metaphorically, slay the heir The Telegram says that Toronto is few party line howl the peanuts of parti of Our city council has been guilty of sothe wretched business this year, but ro: the eyes of the people to the enormi- ty of the transaction, and, the first j ing Durham knew the heather was vented, but other iniquities were op- ened up. This came about through the removal of public officers who antago- Evidence was un- | j earthed of great frauds that had been | committed in connection with the fil | tration system, and 'when experts were called in the city was found to have been plundered out of about "$6,000 - 000. This was done, under the eve of Durham, the real controler, acting through puppets, and with the con- nivance of officials, by having specifi cations made which the ordinary con- . , g " : tractor could not carry out, but | mayoralty campaign, but too late to RY) LWAY | cent municipal election they were ef | hich the tools ignored, putting in | have its proper effect upon the voting ed to vote ypon an amendment to the materials uy that Candidate McClellan had much cheaper than those a E yy a AN DIT, constitution which would enable the | 4 oy d | pain in his destiny. 3 d- fifty millions wpon its called for. and generally con urn | --- i te to spen , , + i : 3 : TRAINS LEAVE KINGSTON 2 Je Phe. sointiok not receiv- the work ta suit themselves. | Getting Very Expressive. Hod § rays, : The men wh controlled the city | Hamiit sy 13:39 p.o.--Express, for Ottawa, Mon- | ing a share of the canal expenditure for years and i x at their own ir Frederick Borden talks of a weal, Quebec, St. John, N.B.: Halifax, | would rank for favours under the | : | further increase of a million and A Boston, Turonto, Chicago, Denver. Ren- ho . t seheme." sweet will 'made a desperate fight to half in our "war department." W. ane { o p e, + . B Ent. © Fat, an: nna. Puuth, oo { highway Bprovemen, = retain power. But the people were | | have | ° party a. standing in the legislature that would be the better if not quite so strong. There i like, and they have effectually silenced | P ¥ ta light | Richardson: scrimmage, Gibson. Dono { van, Thompson; wings, Kennedy, (a | Patterson. He states that things {have run quite smoothly throned wt the seasén and there was no cause | Queen's as to Ottawa College of the insurance investigation . com | mittee, Actuary McClintock, of the Mutual Life | toward this expense was only £5168 - strife, | i=, Peck's Kidney Pills will bladder--and restore --these OTEENS 1G { perfect health. Cure backache and read. Made a mess of the Alberta } weak backs. In boxes, 23 cents. For elections, eh? . -- Mr. Borden is going to take a | hand in the bye-elections. He is go Maclean is not the leader of the epposition | Campbell the City hall | hundreds Now that is very mice of it. ~ North York, where the party is inclined to The Montreal cotton-combine wints a higher duty so that it may he able | of | thousands of dollars of watered stock conservative denounce the 5 salary gral. Perhaps he has repented | ence and seemed to have a grip upon a mra ks hay 188 repente . . 2 of his action in regard to it. the situation which no power or foree ' 'Windsor, Outario, the health department of the city and the DR. A. P. CHOWN building department have condemae | . | the. old and' delapidated . building <5 The Pharmacy known - the "House ot Blass Re whith is the property of Mrs. Hetty @ 185 Princess Street. Green, of New York, who is consider- been Mrs. Green and her olish ad N ards' | could break. The boss was Durham, who posed as one who was supreme in his sphere, and whose countenance of the Yooting and robbing of the public treasury was shameless, It was the fated of the combination to be eventually broken hy the man od the richest woman in America and who was its choice originally for the also the most brought against agents , the building, which is considered mayoralty. John Weaver was a res pectable man, but a figurchead, That That was the moved Mr. Durham, when he selected his man for an office where, if elected, he would of course b was the presumption focling which | Dr: Beafty Nesbitt wants the ronto municipal electio ns ran To- on party lines. He also wants the may oralty. Perhaps the chancé to of him and his ideas. hn rescue of servative party needs the help the people will have show what they think | ---- Peatty Neshitt has come t) the William Maclean. The con of every man, he savs, whether he be a bank director or a newspaper propa: gandist, "We want to get into pow- er," he shouted, "As soom as we get { in large varieties and invite all « | \ scale as a source of revenue. 1 3 | | "Veyer, -- | ple orde¥, Phone 141. W, J. R. L. Borden will be embarrassed in | Is that it? The Dominion Coal compeny asks the government to put a duty of sixty econts per ton on anthracite screenings, which is being burned in place of thejr soft coal. Why not? Protetion is a species. of tribute which one man Kas | to pay for the benefit of unothbr. | Had some good men--one less flighty than Nr. Hearst --been the champion of municipal ownership in New York be would have been elected. It may be that Hearst is the real choice of the people, and that he has been rob | bed of the scat by the devices of { Tammany Hall at the polls. i -- SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. How Is This ? | Montreal Herald. > Only eight boys have been killed at football this fall. Dear, dear, but the | game is' becoming almost . too lady - | like. Nineteen were killed in the cor. responding period last year i Discovery Too Late. ! Hamilton Spectator. It was discovered in the New York now pay six and a half millions. Sir Wilirid ought to bein to take an in. terest in that end of the spending: it's worth it. ' --_ : A Surprised Statue. Toronto Mail Sir Oliver Mowat's statue is a very excellent. representation=of the former premier and governor. But it has a surprised look. It is evidently aston- ished to find the party out and the principles in at Toronto, and the par ty in and the principles ouf at Otta- wa Something To Toronto Globe Britain's exports increate $20,000, - 000 and her imports decrease 24.000, 000, 'Here is a puzzle' for the theorists who think that large exports and small imports cause prosperity, and are in turn caused by a protective tariff, Zhink Over. ------------ To-Morrow's Game. The inter faculty matches at Queen's have® kept the footballers in great shape this week and a determined of fort will be made to. defeat McGill here, to-morrow. The team will have workout. . this evening. The following will probably constitute the line-up : Back, K. Williams: halves. Walsh, Livingstone, Gleeson: quarter, meron, Baillie. In regard to the rumored dis=atis faction within the ranks at Queen's, the insinuations are denied by Capt Patterson," Timms, Turner, whatever for such a report to be ori ginated. Speaking of = the delay in starting the game at Ottawa, he at tributed the blame much as to Policy Holders Hard Hit. New York, Nov. 10.--At the session . testified that in 1901 the old policyholders of the Mutual Life, paid $4,662,055 of the expenses incur red in securing new business. He said the estimated cost of this mew bpsiness. in 1904 was RO 820. 753, and that the amount available 695. The old policyholders paid the balance of the expense, he said. -- Brights Disease. In its advanced stages it is incura ble, but it is due to irritable condi tions of the kidneys which may easily be removed in the beginning. remove any irritable conditions of the kidneys or sale only at Wade's Drug Store. Money' back if not satisfactory. -& Officials Chosen. Russell Britton, referee, and Jack Williams, umpire, are the officials suggested by Manager Con. Millan for to-morrow's game in Gananoque be tween Limestone juniors and the fac tory town aggregation. The latter have agreed to the choice. . ---------------- Ladies' Fur-Lined Jackets. Made by us are made perfect even to the smallest detail. Ask for prices at Bros., Kingston's premier fur" house, ! Mrs. Thomas A. Cook is dead at Ottawa. Deceased was born in King ston, the second daughter 'of the late Henry Kilborn, Dominion land sur of this city. She was aged seventy-cight years. Who doesn't like tafiy; we have it pet toothed pgple to call and try a sam- CUrothers--} Bland's improved Iron Tonic Pills. Fresh at Gibson's Red Cross drug store, The city fathers of Berlin have de cided to try pig breeding on a large Do Please Your Hair Don't have a f out our hair. It might leave you! Then ar? Boorse Tpuing, i x gous ------ # STOP! WOMEN AND CONSIDER THE _ ALL-IMPORTANT . That in addressing Mrs. Pinkham you sre confiding your private ills to a woman --a woman whose experience with wo- man's diseases covers a' great many years. You can talk freely toa woman when it is revolting to relate your private troubles to a man--besides a man does not under- stand --simply because he is a man. Many women suffer in silence and drift along from bad to worse, knowing full well that they ought to have immediate assistance, buta natural modesty impels them to shrink from exposing them- selvés to the questions and probably examinations of even their family physician. It is unnecessary, Without money or price you can consult a woman whose knowledge from actual experience is great. Mrs. Pinkham's Standing Invitation: Women suffering from any form of female weal. ness are invited to promptly communicate with Mrs, Pinkham at Lynn, Mass. All letters are received, opened, read and answered by women only. A woman can freely talk of her private illness to a woman; thus has been established the eternal confidence between Mrs. Pinkham and the women of America which has never beea broken. . Out of the vast volume of experienced Whiecl she has to draw from, it is more than possible that she has gained the very knowledge that will help your ease. She asks noth- ingin return except your good-will, and her/ advice has relieved thousands. Su ly any woman, rich or poor, is very foolish if she does not take advantage of this generous offer of assistance. -- Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. Following we publish two let- ters from a woman ted this invitation. . ** As you know, I wrote vo Who accep= | iq] must have an operat Note the jive I then wrote you, tel u that my doctop or I could pot Ing you my result. Juents, or your advice and nw tirely well. can walk miles without First letter. ache or a pain, and I owe my life to you -- ** Dear Mrs. Pinkham :-- *. | to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable ( 'ompound. ** For eight years I have suffered something | wisk every suffering wo would read terrible eyery month with my periods The | this testimonial and realize the value of writ pains are excruciating and I can hardly stand | ing to you and your, r Mrs. Mary them. My doctor says I have ovarian and Dimmick, 50th afd E 'apitol Streets, Bea womb trouble, and I must go through an op- Ah tr ning P. O., Washington, I. ( eration if Lwant to get well. Ido not want a to submit to it if 1 can possibly belp it.| When a medicine has been successful Please tell me what to do. 1 hope you can | in restoring to health so many women relieve me. "Mrs. Dimmick, 59th and E. | whose testimony is so unquestionable Capitol Bt:,, Benning P.0., Washington, D.C. i without trving it Second letter. s Liont trying 4 ** I do not believe it wi you are ill. don't hesit {tle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound at onee, and wr ham, Lynn. Mass, for 51 it is free and always hel) If ate to get a bot help me." * Dear Mrs. Pinkham: '* After following carefully your advice, and taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, I am very anxious to send you my testimonial, that others may know their valueand what you have done for me. te Mrs. Pink: cial advice= Bibby's Men's Overcoats' We have got the real swell and tony things of the season ; they are garments that lend tone, style and dignity to the wearer. THE ARLINGTON, $10, 12, THE GROSVENOR, $7, 7.50, 8 50, 10 and THE TOURIST, $10, 12 50, 14, 14 50. THE CHAMBERLAIN, $12, 14, 15, " 13.50, 15 10 50, 18. We especially desire to have Young Men see these smart. Overcoats. Come here for a look. We'll not urge you to buy: The Coats will do that. Headquarters for Men's Gloves. The Men's Wear Store. Rubbers! Every be d y wea rst he m Ta need a pair. Try a pare Best Rubbers made, manulact by The Canadian Rubber Co. 'We recommend them fit 1 shapes to them mn the p all styles of Boots The Sawyer newest hair coftii; becomes soft and 0 al beri the deep, rich color of 10 gray hair. for 60 years. §.° Co., : Boulter, D: THE H. D. BIBBY CO. We have : . Shoe Store __ Lo 'GEO. E. B Warehouse, 2 Central Onta ~ Complete stock ready { Write, telegrap OVERCO. 30 dozen Men's, Yo We have purchased 1 to the manufacturer, who Overcoats ON SALE TC OVERCOATS tha price of. ... OVERCOATS tha price OVERCOATS tha price ol.. Oliaves Remember they are | leading sty les and colors. It would be worth y Your Mon L. Abramson, 336 end yo W f Address DR. KOHR -- Pbd SPP SHANNON Transfer Cast © Card Index C Special "Pati and Den 3 Typewriter R © * J. R. C. DOBBS Typewri THE CANAD BABE Write for * 0030 000 * * * *