Clock Of Canadian manu- facture and one that will keep time, and stand long years of service. Made in mantel style and of handsome design, in hishly finished quar- tered oak, with fine eight ' day movement, having cathedral gong strike. Yon will be satisfied with the clock and pleased with the price whea you see |t. SPANGEN BERG, Jeweler, King St. 4 Gentlemen Intending building Steam id winter will find 'W. A. Mitchell Has everything you need in the way of Brass Fittings in the form of Brass Chocks, Flagpole Bockets, Deck Pla Brass Hooks and Heturw, and are cheaper than you can buy them in Toromte or any place else. Will be pleased. to show you what we have and quote you Drices that will y sig I Mitchell's Hardware for Everything. # § ~ PBARSALL'S MILLINERY You will see in bur show window some Finest in bandeaus, and Las prices A surprise the most fastidious. Leave us your As for . Fur Hat in Plain, or up in the more stylish effects, You should sco our loaders in all the popular wh and color, Including the Lwo-tonn effec The prices ut on them now will sell } 5. L'S MILLINERY CHINA PAINTING OLORS AND OILS, OHINA to five, M nterialy fi sold. "hina he to water. Your patrdnage M, M, Brophy, dV Well eta Ror nes, new an all cheap at 114 Gore George. . a large and other 'markable timber and cord w « fo wind up an estate this property will be sold reasonably. Ap- AY 1) ta Burns, 41 Gores » . or . D. - Jam. Ot the West of Lot, COMMERCIAL, 2 -- NEW YORK STOOK MARKETS, "by a Dever & Cop 18 November 10th. Atchison Uioes, , 84 Anal. Copper 80 oi Baltimore & Ohio 110% Brooklyn Rapid Transit 5 75% Canudian Pacitic 1708 172 Frio 474 48% Hlinois Central 176 1764 isville & Nashville 148 1485 'Metropolitan 1184 118} Missouri Pacific OR} OR} New York Central 149 140} Pennsylvania 18304 189; Rock Island | 2p 28 Roading 1414 141 St. Paul 1758 176 Bugar ......| 139 140 Twin City 115} 1154 Union Pacific 129% 130} United States Steel ang a8 United States Steel, pid. 101% 102 MONTREAL GRAIN, WHEAT December R785} ) RO} HR} September 814 88) CORN -- | c---- > Vhat Is Going On In the Business World--The Markets, 4% Japan's annual tobacco crop is about 40,000,000 pounds. In Capada there are 213,638 depositors in the savings banks. . NS October exceed $12,000,000. " 'The Western Canada Cement -Co., Cal- xury. Alta, will erect a plant at a cost of ut + , 000. The JL.000.0 Nagon Co., St, George Ont, may move r plant to Galt, if granted site and Riding. : The London 0X company, London, Ont., will erect a new factory to replace the one recently destroyed by fire. Fairbanks, ors¢e and Company, To- ronto, will construct a foundry of rein- breed cement at a cost of about $22,000. The commercial wealth of Indin, with its population of 800,000,000 is said to be in the hands of less than 90,000 per- sons. A Company has been formed in Port Hope, Ont., 40 manufacture building Paper, Paper boxes, ete. About L000 will be spent in machinery and buildings. The South African gold mines have re- covered from the oflocts of the Boer war, as shown by the output for July--§9,- 031,250, against $8,604,000 in August, 1899 (the highest record hefore the war). The statement that the cut of lumber this year will be over 100,000,000 square foet greater than last year comes from James Conmnee, M.P. His presert con- stituency is composed almost entirely of lumber districts, and he himself comes from the bush. "The cut this year I ex- pect Will total about 450.000,000 sduare feet." sald Mr. Conmee. Of this 150,000,. 000 will be cut in the Rainy River dis- trict for use in Winnipeg and the North- west. The remainder, will be cut in the Ottawa valley, Mattawa river. Fun For The Winter, Lodge Leicester, No. 33, 8.0.E.B.S., have arranged a programme of amuse. ments for the coming winter, They are : November 13th, roll call of ail members; November 15th, concert by members and friends; November 27th, euchre party: December 11th, election of officers; Datenbe 20th, W. R. and advancement; December 27th, carpet ball; January Sth, installation I offi- cers; January 17th, smoking concert (no liquor); January 2nd, musical night; February 12th, 'past presidents' night; February 2lst, social and dance; February 20th, cribbage party; March 12th, carpet ball; March 21st, W.R. and advancement; March 20h, north and west of the musical night; April 9th, progressive euchre party (two prizes); April 18th, lantern wy phonograph; April 28rd, Pedra party; April 27th, annual at ome, The amusement oS naittes is composed of Messrs. George Bonny, chairman; = Davies, Mills, . Hubbard, Selby, Leach, Orser, Marsh, Webb, Simpson, Andrews, Murray, Nichol son and Acton. Y.M.C.A. Items. The following is a list of those who will give straight gospel talks during next week's meetings to be held in the association's rooms, Sunday, 4:15 p.m., Rev. D. Laing; Monday, 8 p.m., Rov. Hart Lipscomb; Tuesday, Rev, C. KE. Manning; Wednesday, F. G. Lockett; Thursday, Rev. W. 8. Mac Tavish; Friday, Rov. T. B. Windross: Sunday, 4:15 pm., Rev. J. B. Hicks. A short service will be held each evening at 7°30 o'clock. These talks should he heard by every man in Kingston, for all are weléame and in- vited to come. . -------------- Gave Them A Great Shock. The. employees of the street railway are having fun at the expegse of one of their number who is a motorman, Not satisfied "with "the usual patron' age his car redetves he pulled up in the middle of a block and addressed a lady pedestrian: "Do yon want to take the car lady *" The "no" that was received in reply from the lady started the car without electricity. Faculty Rush. The arts and scionce men had their apnual friendly rush,' this morning, in the new Arts building. It Jasted about two hours and afforded much participants. About the only damage wag 'the hreaking of a couple of small glass windows, For Saturday. i Choice raisins, M-inch box, 81,25 or Se. Ib, 10 bars of laundry soap for Be. Choice pastry or bread flour, $2.60 ewt, At Hopkingon's Grocery, Market Square. Imported. Roquefort cheese, try it and you will enjoy a dainty luxury, Sold at 10e, per Ib. W. R. McRae & Co., The Gold- en Lion, A dressy patent colt button shoe for men, size 7, 8, and 8), 85, for $3.50, at the Lockett Shoe Store, Any 100, cigars 4 for 25¢c., at Gib: son's Red Cross drug store. Saturday only, Berlin citizens are Quscussing the December NA NA September | Big English Folded three widths. As ded Sous a ; fine line of Shirts. . bout all the styles worth sey and Pisco. Priced from $1 ON'S, Brock Street. auestion of incorporation as a city, the population now being 11,705, nd French Seam Four-in-Hand in Purple, Grey, Red, Blue, Brown and White Monotonss, and with stripes and designs . in a diversified > Yaristy of exclusive effects. Priced from §0c. : To look at our stock one'd think we have having--well §retty near. Priced from 78c. «Heavier Underwear in Ellis' Spring Needle Natural Wool, Wol- garment, Hosiery, Gloves, etc. at special prices just now. > We've just what you want and the price you want to pay. teel net earnings for both--to--spectators and | AGAINST MASTERPLUMBERS AND SUPPLY ASSOCIATIONS, Tenders Are in For Leases of Temagam Islands--Big Bonus- es Said to Have Betn Offered in 'Some Instances. Toronto, Nov. 10.--The conspiracy tase against the Master Plumbers and Supply Associations, will commence on Friday next; 'the defendants, this morning, elected. to be tried by 'the judge, without a jury, A motion 'to quash the indictment against Crash- ley, an employee of a supply house, who it is alleged refused to sell goods to a plumber because the latter was not a member of the Masters' Associ- ation was dismissed. The cases will be tried separately, biit it is not like- ly that the evidence will be the same in all 'the cases except that of Crash- ley. Tenders for leakes of Temagami is- lands, of five acres or less in extent, are now heing opened at the depart: ment. of lands and mines. The time for receiving them closed November Ist. Somewhat less thar one hundred tenders wera received. The terms were $2 per year for the first half acre, and $3 per year for every acre over that, leases to run for twenty years. Where several tenders Yor the same island are recived the party offering the la; t bonus, in addition to the rental, receives it. In some cases a bonus as high as $100 has been offer- ed by those whose tenders are under consideration, When the case against J. G, Mer rick, secretary of the Toronto Em- ployers' Association, . wag resumed, this morning, in the police court, charged with a breach of the alien labor act, the complainant produced @ letter signed by Merrick which, it is alleged, was sent to one Pankoff, arg- ing the latter to come to Toronto, from New York, to take the place of a striker in a lithographing shop. Pankoff was told to go to a certain firm in New York, where he would get transportation to Toronto. The counsel for the defence claimed that it was necessary to prove that Pan- kofl had got that letter. The case was adiourned for a week. ! The recommendation, introduced by the legislative committee and adopted at the annual meeting of the On: tarig Tord's Day Alliance, this morn: ing, calls for the allianee's active per- cistence in seeking to have Loth the vrovincial and federal parliaments legislate more omphatically and clear Iv in regard to Sabbath observance. President J. K. Macdonald. in his ad- dress, preceding the adoption of these comprehensive -vesolutions, held . the view that the Ontario Alliance conld devote its entire energies in having clarified and untangled the provincial Lord's Day enactments solely and ourely without seeking federal legisla- tion. PURCHASED FARM. A Verona Man Comes to Collins Bay. Verona, Nov, 7. George Smith, Kingston, has commenced improve ments to his mill at High Falls, He intends to place new rollers and other machinery will be added, so that all kinds of cereal foods may be manu- factured. 8. Davy, Sydenham, with others are engaged at work. Henry Border has purchased the: Everett farm, Colline Bay, eight thousand dollars being the consideration... We wish him siccess in his large under- taking. James Storms has bought the farm formally owned by Archibalc Grant. Richard Babcock has rented the Stone Dom farm from W. A, Grant. Miss Allinson, Wolfe Island, is filling out Mr. Leslie's term at the High Falls sthool. The section would do well to-seenre--her services for the en: suing year, as she is a competant and thorough teacher. Reeve Storms was in Kingston, Saturday, attending to the. leasing and selling of toll gates. Thomas Border had a bee yesterday moving his house from his farm and placing it on the corner of the High Falls and Hinchinbrook road. Snow fell yesterday (Monday) to the depth of about two inches, which came as .a boon to cheer the weary huntsman in his sport. A. Trousdale who underwent a veéry critical opera tion in Toronto, has" improved rapid- ly and was able to go norgh. Satur day and join our local sport in camp at Loon Lake, Calabogie. James Me Mullen visiting his parents, has se- cured a valuable silver mine in New Ontario. Donald Craig sold a fine yearling colt to H: W. Reynolds; quite a fancy price was paid. T. Quinn, postmaster, spent Friday and Saturday at Marlbank, Joseph Perey and wil and Mrs, S, Walroth, visiting relatives in Gananoque, hag returned. Miss Bond, after a pleasant sojourn with her sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Claxton, for two months, has returned to New York. Mrs, 'T. Godfrey, Chap- lean, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Graham, Miss Winnie Clax- ton is attending Whithy Ladies' Col- lege. Mrs. Day, Elginburgh, is the guest of Mrs, Reder. W. Abrams, who is nearing the century mark, will start, Saturday, for a trip to visit friends in King- ston, Sunnyside and Clayton. He goes for he purpose of trying to recuper- ate his health. He has been quite ijl for, several months. Mrs. Donald Craig and Mrs. T. Huffman, on the sich Ket for some months, are improved, and all hove for their recovery. Joseph McMullen arrived yesterday from Chapleaii, to spend a' few days with hix parents hore, Nathan Steadman's business here is nearing its close, much to the regret of his numerous customers and many friends, T. Craig will 'soon assume control of the store. E. Smith," Pie. coadilla, is wine clerk, at present, at the Union Hotel, Bunyan's Anvil. London, Nov. 10.--An anvil used by 'Bunyan, when he was a tinker, Has' been found, Tt will be sold «at auction. It weighs sixty pounds, and is rough. Iv stamped with Danvan's name, resi dence and the date 1647. Tt ie stated 'DAILY WHIG, FRIDAY NOVEMBER 10 i. m-- a : - INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, y -- : Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. , Miss Pease, Montreal, is visiting friends in town: Allen's clarified cider, 30c. per gal., at McRae's, The Golden Lion. The freshman's reception at Queen's takes place this evening. Lowney's . che tes, ture, Mahoed's drug store. r. and Mrs. J." Lockart, Water- town, N.Y,, are visiting in the city. First of this season's new dates are expected on Saturday, at Carnovshy's, Conti, high cldss. castile soap. For sale only at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Mrs. E. R. Huyek and L. G. Huyck, Tweed, are visiting Mrs. Norman Ding- man. * 2 J. Herbert Parks, ascistant post- master, Tweed, is spending a few days in town, A gang of eight Bell Telephone men, are Fr the city fixing and Fepairing the company's wires. Rewidents in the neighborhood of York and Barrie streets complain'of a cow that utters weird cries the night long. - There is a dance booked for to- night in the Whig hall, and on Mon: day. evening tne Fortnightly Club will hold their hop. special mis- Sanger = Harris, lately with P, E. Ward & Co., of this city, has, for the last couple of months, been seeking kis fortune in New Ontario. li your sweet tooth is looking for chocolates, try our 75c. box; of course , we have them from 30c. up, but you want the best; all made in our fac- tory. Phone 141, W, J. Crothers, This has been a charming autumn day, bright and sunny, with just that tinge of frost in the air proclaiming that"it really is November. The trees are now all bare of their leaves. The lecture on pure foods and can- ning fruits to be given here in the near future shoufd be well attended by housekeepers, The methods receive the highest endorsement from canners, Exhibition of goods at Best's drug store, : COURT OF REVISION, The Cases Heard at Thursday's Session. An adjourned meeting of the courd of revision was held in the council chamber, city buildings, Thursday al- terncon. The assessment of Z. Prev- ost war fixed at $1800 for land, 81.700 for buildings and $2,100 for business. W. F. Nickle was struck off and H. C. Nickle assessed as owner of lots Nos, 1250 and 1251, Ridean' ward. The appeal of the K. & PP. R. company, notice of' which had been given to the clerk, after the time re- quired by law, was considered on the ground that the railway was in a mguliar position, being prevented by law from appealing again for five vears; assessment @onfirmed. Mrs. A Walkem's income 'asspssed at $525. Mis Maud Betts' 'income assessment confirmed. William Adams' assess: ment of 82,200 redéiced to $2,000. The following askossments were con- frmed : C. L. Curtis, 'A. B. Cunning- ham. Robert Carson, 'C. W. Clement, Alexander Drennan, Myra Fenwick. Eliza Grimason, H. Johnston, Sarah McRae, T. Mills, J. H. Scott, W. S. Pannell, Minnie Birley, R. J. Carson. Mrs. Grundy Jackson, Thomas Mills and the 'Kifgston Curling and Skat: ing Association. James Mellquham, assessed $450 for land, and 81,750 for building. Mary Richardson, assessed 2350 for income. William Shortt assessed $650 for in come. I, H. Breck's business assess ment struck off. Ogle Carrs assessed $300. C. Donaghue's lots assessed 3800. Mary Fenwick's income assess ol 8350. W. W. Graham's income as sessment struck off. George E. Ire land's income assessed $240. DD. H. Marshall's income was assessed at $1,500. Keir estate assessed R150 for a vacant lot on Collingwood street Mary KE. Welsh's vacant lot assessed £150. Fhe -assessment of John Tweed: dell and Thomas Lambert, as manu facturers, was confirmed, and the court adjourned at 5:30 p.m. THE WORLD'S RAVINGS, Paper Criticizes the Campaign in North York. Belleville, Nov, 10,~8ir Mackenzie Bowell, in his paper, the Intelligencer, scores W. F. Maclean, 'as. follows : "Thd Toronto World is just now rav- ing about monopolists and govern- ment' owneyship, making its principal attacks upon an opposition to the election of Mr. Aylesworth in North York on account of having been so- licitor of the Bell Telephond company in the fight aguninst. certain proposed legislation affecting its interests in the dominion parliament. This kind of opposition is childish and puerile. What have Mr. Aylesworth's. férmer pleadings as a lawyer to do with the present contest in North York, unless it can be establishod_ that he is still in the pay of that company ? If law. xers are personally responsible for all they say and do in the. interests of their clients®when fighting for them in court, all we can say is their fu- ture will certainly not be blessed." G.T.R. Acquiring Railway. It is reported that negotiations have been completed for the acquisition of the Central Ontario railway by the Grand Trunk system. This line, it is said, would form a link in. the short line between the capital and Toronto, The Central Ontario, which is 114 miles in length, and taps an iton dis. Ariet of great productiveness in ore of Bessemer quality, runs from Picton, Ontario, to Bancrtft, and crosses the Grand Trunk tracks at Trenton and the Canadian Pacific near Tweed, Nearly Through. Montréal, Noy. 10,--The Dominion tariff commissioners resumed the tak- Tf of testimony here, this afternoon, and it is hoped to close so far as Montreal is concerned by holding a night session. The People Arming. Hong Kong, Nov, 10.--The trouble at Lienchow, and in its vicinity, is spreading. The villagers are reported 1h he arming, that ite genuineness i* pot to he dovhted, * it Montreal Tameuse apples, XXX qual at Carnovsky LIVELY STUDENTS BROKE UP MEETING OF AN EVANGELIST. , And Then Went to Le Canada Office and Showed Their Con- tempt for Paper by Bumming Its Bulletin Boards. Montreal, Nov. 10.--Last night French-Canadian students and others broke up the meeting of a French evangelist, named Mage, and the po- lice had to be. called out to Guell the trouble. This morning, in referring to the matter, Le Canada spoke of the actions of the students in dam- aging property as a "stupid piece of vandalism." 'This seemed to have too much for them, as they marched down from Laval University, with their flag flying atthe head of the procession, and on arriving at the officc: of Le Canada, on St. Jumes street, tore down the bulletin boards, attached to the front of the place and made a bonfire of' them in the middle of the thoroughfare. They were un- molested by the police, who witnessed the affair, and as soon as the bonfire wasseonverted to ashes the procession was reformed and the students march- ed up town again. » The merger of all the drug wholesale houses in Canada, which 1D. Bole, M. P., of Winnipeg, has been arranging, has gone through, and will be called the National' Drug Co., with a capi talization of 28,000,000. ---------- WHAT WAS HEARD -- By the Snap Shooter, Lively Hunt. The Shap Shooter, desiring. opinions upon the Alberta elections from lead ing local conservatives was favoured with the following : J. Margan Shaw : fall of the comes easy. Alderman Hoag : You may fay that pmam mte emtem mamtmaofowivivayh etaioisrdu nher bbeennBbb bhd bhwey Alderman Sears: There are when a cyclone has all the and fierceness of a tornado. Thomas McAuley : It's clear that the rich profits on postage stamps will not be reduced. The government is"safer than ever. Ald. Angrove: Honk! Honk! the automobile juggernaut seems to have gone shrieking 'over the land. Ald. 'Ross : 1 see the finish of others. Joseph Hiscock : And 'peanuts will still sell readily. They were not all used up, on His After the down Limestones everything times terrors FRAUD DECLARED And Indictments Asked For Many Persons. New York, - Nov. 10.«-Evidence of fravd, in last Tuesday's election, was prepared for the grand jury, to-day, by both Attorney-General Mayor and the law committee, which. is eonduct- ing William R. Hearst's contest of the mayoralty. The law committed ap- plied for sixteen indictments and its members said that the names of some very prominent.politicians were among the indictments requested. ---- Medicine Won. Medicine defeated arts by a score of 2 to 1 in the second game of the in ter-faculty championship ~~ series on Queen's campus, Thursday afternoon. The game was devoid of much open play, this being largely due to the wet and' muddy condition of the grounds. Arts had the better of the game during the first half @nd foreed a rouge on the "saw-bones."" The lat- ter picked up in the second half, how ever, and won out a very close match, Archibald Baillie was referce and Gil lies, umpire. The teams lined up : Medicine Quigley, back: McFadyen, McCormack, B. Sutherland, halves; Dick, quarter; J hompson, Donovan, Morrison, scrimmage; Kennedy, Kings. ley, Whinton," Craig, E. Sutherland, Marin, wings. Arts--Macdonnell, back; Walsh, Mal. colm, Livingston, halves; Crawford. quarter; May, Beecroft, Urquhart, scrimmage; Suddard, Richardson, El. lis, Cameron, Turner, Platt, wings. ---------- Thanked Them For Support. The Macdonald Club met last even ing at their rooms, corner Brock and Wellington streets, President J. Sow ards in the chair. The question of im provement to the quarters was taken up and the president, Secretary Met calfe, ahd Ald. King, were appointed a committee to confer with the senior associgtion in regard to the matter, D. M. McIntyre addressed the cather ing, referring to the, recent election trial, and thanking the members nf {he club for the support accobded him, itis An Altered Cage. A story is told of a certain newly appointed judge who remonstrated with counsel as to the way in which he was arguing. his case. "Your honor," said the lawyer, "you argued such a case in a similar way when you were dt the bar." : "Yes, T admit that," quietly replied the judge, "But that was the fault of the judge who allowed it." Have You Any Empty Fruit Cans ? We offer for Saturday, twenty bush. els of fine large winter pears, for can. ning, also a few baskets of late es, quinces and eating pears, Carnovsky, "on the corner." een _~ At The Golden Lion. Cranberries, nice sweet. 'potatoes, fine Spanish onions at lowest prices, W. R. "McRae & Co. The United States orniser Denver left Guantanamo Wednesday for San Pedro, Macoris, San Domingo, . to which place Rear Admiral Bradford ordered to send a warship. heeatse of reported trouble. The rendering works, packing and buildings, slaughter house and offices of the Danahy Packing company, Buf falo, N.Y., were * destroved hy fire last night. The loss is estimated at £75,000, - The hig tower dam built at Niagara Falla to raise the water 'at the city pumping station was topplad over in- ' TT ------ a na ~ Fashionable Styles in Winter Coats Ow COAT DEPARTMENT has never been so busy, but this is the reasonable outcome of the Coats themselves. The styles are right up-to- date, and the prices are most reasonable, Three-Quarter Coats, $6.75, 7.50, 9.50, 10.50, 11.75, 12.50. . Seven-Eighths in length or popular Long Coat. known in New York as the Burlington, $12.50, 13.50. 14.75, 15, 16.75, in Fawn and Black. Come and see these New Coats. 10.75, Even if not prepared to buy you are just as welcome, and your fancy have it should you see a Coat that takes placed aside until required. tt Need a New Corset ? We are better prepared than ever to suit your Corset needs. Every good kind of Corset is here. We might sell a few more Corsels'if we handled the cheap, trashy sorts, but we won't. We cling to the satisfaction-giving Corsets. Here are some of the most popular : : French Mpdel Corsets, $1.50, 2. 2.50, 3. 3.50, Crompton Corsets, $1.50, 2, 1.25.1. We have 3 Special Corsets, considered exceptionally goo value at $1. D. & A. Corsets, 50c., 75¢., $1, 1.25. Nursing Corsets, $1. Crést Corsets, guaranteed not to break. at hips, 9c. pair, instead of $1.25, usually charged. Yatisi Corsets, all sizes from 20 to 36. This Corset is in tended for stout figures, who require a good Corset, yet not too stiff. Girls" Health-Corset Waists; all sizes. Children's Corset Waists, all sizes. Flannelettes for Many Uses Shirting Flannelettes, 5¢., 7c.; 8c. Shirting Flannelettes, extra heavy, 10c. and 124c. patterns, good washing colors. Underwear Flannelette, in White, Pink, Blue, 5c. 7c.. 8 10c. Extra Quality Imported Flannelette, in White only. 11k 124c., 15c. Fancy Wrapperettes, for Waists, House Gowns and K ni nas, 10c., 123¢,, 15¢., 20c., 25¢. \__ -------- JOHNLAIDLAWESD \ « y Yi Genuine Bargains ~ EVERYONE HAS SAID SO And we had a good many satisfied men leave our store on Wednesday. There are still lots of GOOD BOOTS LEFT Take a look at what we have. It won't cost anything, and you may see something worth buying. tothe river yeatérday. EE YEAR 72. ° FEW SPE esd" mi 1 'Gold Oak Extens regular $18, for $11 1 Gold Oak Bookcase » tary combined, $20 1 Extra Made Couch ir regular $18, for $1( Mantle, reguls 1 Over $15. The above are sligh but extra good value Mirrors in Gold Frames sign from $15 to $25. - Robt. J. | 222 Princess Str 2 Doors Above the Op Telephone 57" Finger R The variety, style, and sign ; emphasize the efforts made, to have our RING & to none. Our $20 and $25 Diamo Are generous exswaples, and decided successes, but we h choose from at far greater SMITH B Jewelers 0) 350 King Stre ISSUERS OF MARRIAGE MISS SULLI Dressmaking and Ladie Eatiance through Miss Leader ¢ Brock Street. WANTED. BOWS AND GIRLS, AT dorfler"s Cigar Factory, TWENTY-FIVE GIRLS, ¥ Works, fool ros'. Mica street. PLUMBER, AT ONCE. WN good mechanic. Prospect for steady - employmer Coulter, Brockville, Ont. A COLLECTOR, ON SAL/ 4 Toll Gate, man and w Apply to Jas. M. Fair, 1 ston and Storrington Rg ------ A GROCERY CLERK, Ww stands bookkeeping. St ment to the right man. references, Box "J." W NT GE small famil Ironing; and good wages Richard Hooper, Corne Albert streets. Dat peste mii GENTLEMEN TO GET T Overcoats and Suits Thomas Galloway's, 13 Also bring your old on them repaired. Style, guaranteed to please. MEN AND BOYS WA carn $5 day, after tw: struction, osition Special tuition hall pri only. Coyne Bros. Ce . Schools, 'New York, C St. Louis, Mo. (Free eo TO-LET. FRI 5. with or without ply 160 King St., corner et -------------------------- LARGE OFFICE IN King street. Forrest GOOD LOC Rent low. ents' Furnist THE SHOP ON DIVISIO! Dear Garrett street, occ Boon, milliner. Apply BRICK spop AND R 351 Princess street ; i Possessioh November 1; Steacy & Steacy. OFFICE, S] OVER WAD Store, Corner King an two well Jighted and h Apply to McCann, 51 ) gm ee Ny DY Fi RNISHED OR UNFUR Aouse,. with modern Terms very moderate tenant. Apply in eve Stuart street, ---------- HOUSE, ON .QENTRE 1 food out buildings and Good locality, modera information, appl n . apply to Grocer, Market Sana w LOST. AN oval goLp ENAM With Coat of Arms, on We. from fhe City Johnson street. Rewa address, A VEST POCKET ACC Sith accounts of gales Organs, Sewing. Mach business part of Kings day. Finder please. sen Nill pay for. trouble. J. Son, Wilton, Ont. BUSINESS OPPORT A -- HOW To sprevLaTe Tirnet without risk, Py Hely Ruaranteed & Sickiex Co., 66 Br k City. ro ---------- - WANTED MANAGER . OTontn Company bei w © over Manufactur sot be a hustler, iny ne in Company's ve R4 000 soested. and' Salary 52.000 Profits on "Aouble this gg margine a B00 per cent. 'An a lifetime. Some busi hicessary. ' State ex nL can invest. office 1