y the maker. The areful preparation. oft. tempting soups F 1s hi oe Nhl goncen rmour's will go as les "' s for soups, sauces lid cookery. to any address on 's Extra@ of Beef 8 and 16 oz. jars. TORONTO. [= = AE air in an ordinary oven is stagaants It' becomes saturated with the odors of différent dishes cooking--the strongest impregnates all. That is why you some- $ get pie with a flavor of onicns and roast with a taste of fish. 'he air in the oven of the mperial Oxford Range ' changing. Fresh air is drawn in from ange by our patent oven flue, superheated ito the top of the oven. It circulates he oven, keeping every corner at a steady, ature, The air is then drawn off through entilators carrying with it 'the cooking dishes. erial Oxford Range cooks ith pure, fresh, dry heat. ike to see this range? Call 1s. If he can't show you | Oxford, write to us and u full pdrticulars and tell Ju can see it. 17 Foundry Co., TREAL, Gy VANCOUVER Sale at SIMMONS BROS. ave you I y2 Ere yo you Yrritable and excitabi® Fores and wei b looking ? memory POO! Ye you 'weak back with dreams and losses at urine? weak sexually ?--you bave bility and Seminal Weakness. "ROD TREATMENT i a grarasitedts to quaci De Consultation Free. Ouestion Blank for Home Treatment. ly & Kergan, ET. ¢ y chimneys if you use nt" Oil manufactured. We also \merican Head- /, Safety" and ns GALLON rs. T BROS - ss Street. THE DAILY _WHIG, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER RLS just as good three times a day. you real nourishment and renewed vitality. For Malta-Vita is rich in nutrition--every nutritive element of the best white wheat and finest barley The malt extract, -------- malt extract. "The Perfect Food" Ap erfect breakfast is im- sible without it and it's It gives mixed with the flaked wheat, converts the starch of the wheat into maltose, or malt sugar, makes it easy for even the weakest stomach to digest and adds a pleasing taste which cannot be found in grain foods sweetened with sugar, glucose or. syrups. Try Malta-Vita with cream or fruit. All grocers, now roc. SHES FOR THE LADIES That are particularly stylish in gape and made in a very skillful manner are the kind we are f dowing. The Woman who puts ju feet in a pair of our y $2, $2.50 and $3 Box Calf Shoes will not need to hafraid of the wet weather. I JENNINGS, King St. (UBA LANDS Bb Guided by Those Who know About "Bartle," and, . Knowing, Have Bought Land There, Siustionable & idence of confidence in y ompany property at "rth," Eastern Cuba, is furnished by 8 fact that every intending purchaser, #0 has visited our roperty, has ht. Proof conclusive that they have Mm satisfied with tho fertility of the wil, the favorable location of their lands, i with the J[ahaportation facilities eed at "Bart fice of Lands, $25 Acre| - Gall or write Prospectus. fle Cuban Realty Co. LIMITED ply to J. 0. HUTTON, Agent Ti University Ave., Kingston. AN Mccccmamsous overaces ne sciacr ue seme vers for Maps, Plans and ia Safety - Pins in children's hose- sipporters are bad. CM.C. supporters need no safety pins Mothers, ask for the C. M. C. y. can't bl Var or slip, and ase cag possibly instantly, © fd, Suse stanly, > hout hel fldee can "Is all in the clasp. r Also in Yogur » Misses. Best elastic ; cost no more. At all dealers, Ask for them. Every pair guaranteed. [AN EXCRLLENT Foo, admirably adapted to the Wants of Infants." Sir CHas. A. Camerox, CB, M.D. Professor of Chemistry, R.C. s. ZL, Lx. Prevdit of fie, Royal Colle Surgeons, Ir a peo Neds, For Infants, Invalids, And The Aged. ! GOLD" MEDAL, WOMAN'S EXHIBITION, London, 1900. DR. BARNARDO says -- *' We have already used Neave's Food in two of our Homes (Babies" Castle and the Village Home), and I haye no hesitation in saying it has proved very sati factory." : July 27th, 1901. Russian Imperial Nursery. Manubicearers JOSIAH EB L NEAVE & CO, ordingbridge, B: Whois | dots :--THE | LYMAN BROS. & Oo., Ltd,, Toronto and Montreal. , fellows may $2. SO CANARY FREE) Sell Bird Bread and get a lovely singing freq by aending us 40 Bird 1 yellow A rOPIrs Di Say og. Bird Bread ir cy Bow Kis i tinal of soy grocer ex ist" Wf dearer has send his address 10 us and cash or stamps for pkrs. wanted BIRD BREAD [homey ures birds ills and mak-s therm sing. Free ta in 1 1b. Cottam Bind Seed pts, the + (tandard bird 1004, sold every: Ex Pert help In bird troubles free for reply stamp. Address ¢xactly COTTAM BIRD SEED, Si aston. Ot Avoid imitations A GOOD STORY. The Mistake Made in Parcel and Letter. Some time ago one of our numer- ous exchanges published this which is certainly good and no doubt lutely true: A few days ago a young man in a nearby town, accompanied by his sister, visited a store to pur chase a gift for his sweetheart, as a birthday present; thinking a book or a box of bon bons too ¢dmmon, he decided to abso give her _a pair of gloves and made his purchase accordingly, while his sister bought a pair of tan- cy stocking for. herself. Both gloves and stocking® were wrapped in simi: lar packages, In some way the packag- es became mixed, and the young man not knowing 'his mistake, sent his sweetheart the following note : "Dear est,~I hope you will enjoy this little present, instead of something foolish, Oh, how 1 wish no other hands but mine would ever touch them, after you put them on, but I know, dear, that such-a wish is vain. A of touch them, when I am not by your side, and other eves than see them on score mine the street and at parties. [ bought the largest' pair 1 could get and if they are too long you can let them wrinkle down. A great many of the girls wear them slipped down.a little. Always wear them at parties. 1 want to sée how they fit. Some fellows have dirty hands, and they are likely to soil them, but you ean clean them, 'dear, with benzine, if you leave them on till dry. [hope they are not too small. Blow in them before you put them on. "From your loving ----0." ee Bssemnsrnisesssicns It sometimes happens that a law student givés up the law business to engage in the son-in-law business. Most men can get more real enjoy- ment out of a street piano for a dime than they can out of a n; 83 opera CM. Vetwood & Co, Limited, Toronte, ticket. ---- IBROADBRIN'S Letter From On Greater New 'York. CHINESE HONORS VIVID CRUELTIES PERPETRAT- ED BY BLACK HAND, While Murder and Arson Do Their Work Politics Are Engrossing Topic of the Hour--Dollars Re- place Lineage and Achiev- ment. rcial Correspondence; Letter, No. 1,487 New York, Nov. 10.--In a lepte cently 1 asked the question, "How many absolute governments have we in the limits of United State In regard to three of these governments the question is casily answered : First comes, the government of the United States, the cornerstone which was laid in the constitutional convention of 1787, a constitution which is still with slight amendments, safeguard and "guide, the skilful trusty pilot which has the ship of state thremgh sunshine and storm in safety Yor over a hund red and twenty years,' and which we hope to pass unimpaired to our chil dren and our children's, children down to the end of time, The two isms are some our and steered other murderous a constant menace to our prosperity and peace; since describing the relentless vengeance of the Black Hand last week and the shocking bar barities of the Chinese assassins, two events have occurred that have filled despot IVINS, for Mayor WILLIAM M. The republican candidate at the last election in New York, who made such a determined fight against tne Tammany Hall organization on the one side and the radical municipal ownership alement on the other hand the town with horror and at last the authorities are awakened to the fact that something must be done to hunt down these murdersus-thuds if lib erty and law arc not to perish amid the ruins of the republie. An industrious Chinaman who was generally respected - by had given ofience to one" of the most powerful of the Chinese guilds; the sentence of death was imposed on him his neighbors {dry and five thugs were named to execute the ; they broke into the laun Ht midnight and seized their vie tim they gagged and bound him to his ironing hoard; they then put out his eyes, cut off his ears and his nose and after this shocking, barbarity they slashed him with their knives and left him to die. Two of the brut al assassins were caught by the pol ice and they hope to get the others in a few days. The other crime is charg- ed to the Black Hand. A bomb was thrown into a tenement which was inhabited by over a hundred peo ple; the front of the blown out, several persons ed and a large number injured. is the murderous record of the But while murder and arson are ing their terrible work, the all engrossing topic and if the politicians trusted, everybody is going to and each of the candidates is just as of his election as if the ballots were counted and result stuck "safely away in his breeches pocket; each of the candidates for mayor is in dead earnest, and is neither afraid nor ashamed to plead his own ease, nor to ask for the swlfrage, The stake for which they are playing is a tremend the improvements now going decree house house was kill Such week whole were do polities are of the hour, are to be en win, ous one; on, of bridges, tunnels, subwavs and other expensive improvements are costing hundreds of millions of dol lars; we are growing fast, and [ nev er knew how fast till 1 saw some of the ornamental work that is going to beautify one of our public bujldings. The statuary and reliefs were magnifi cent heyond description. In the lection were works 'of art in marble, bronze and ivory; these were figures that might have consumed a lifetime of constant effort ta ereate or chal lenge the eunning chisels of Phidias or Praxitides to equal: works like these conld not have been. arcated in om pires and kingdoms where millions of human heings labored all. their lives for the glory and exultation" of one who had no more feehng for hem than he had for the dirt beneath his feet. The question is whether such ex travagances should be admitted in our public huilding, which is suppos ed to represent the prosperity republic, The collossal fortunes which within a few vears, have amazed the world, are not a, healthful sign for the future. The record of history no account of the life of » single man, who having inherited no fortune, before he reached middle age, was able to present to- his fellow men as n free gift one hundred and thirty mil lions of dollarsi. at meption of such a tremendous sum the brain reels and the mind almost fails to act: vast as the «nm was. there are two men rich: col ofa a ives er than he that we Know of. If the compulation be true the accumulation of John D. Rockefeller "in twenty years will amount" to one thousand millions of dollars. In the treasuries of two of the great hic insurance companies are nearly nine. hundred millions of dollars, "and the salary of the president of the Mutual "Life In this gold surance company is $500 a day; points to an aristocracy where rand silver shall represent what blood and pedigree' do in other lands, g The spirit of the age is toward democracy. Ancicnt tenures are wrecked upon thé shore of experiment. Despotisms are being dathed to pieces as no longer fit for human gov ernment apd Russia, the latest victim, was the gruelest of them all. A pic ture was represented in one of our great newspapers of a battle betwee, the Japanese fleet and the Russian fleet. The first picture yepresents the sea covered with the magnificent fiphting ships of she Russian fleet, the other picture was like a dream of the night where the figures had vanished end melted away without even a shadow remaining. Russia is all afleme: the ary of downtroddey, Vo land is heard from Warsaw to the Austrian tcnfnes: it is re-echoed alony the. mountains. The streets of Odessy are red with blogd and the Kremliy: at Moscow: is no longer a fortress of Germany hs a warship in. readiness to convey the czar to a place of safe ty, if necessary. The Russign surf is no longer afraid of the terrible sack. The deadly bomb is more thay, a match for these sanuuinary sol- diers., But we must now look to our own affairs we have twouble at home. The conflict now on is cne gf the bit terest that New York has known for vears. Tn an experience ff honest gov- Cos ernment Mr, Ivins is uhqwstionabl in 'the lead. His experichee ji y his judgment fair, his rec impeach- able. Tammany enters. the battle with a fair consolidation of its forees, not as ip former years, with a single absolute comma md but «till hopeful and defiant and believing in an un questioned victory. Mr. Hearst, whi, has no great public experience, lc oks for his suoport from the disjointed fragments that can be tured away from: either of the old parties. Jt is a question asked by many if the display of red flags at this particular time will add te Mr, Hearst's offences for victory. To the average citizen wh wishes for decent government and a fair. protection to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness," the rfl flag represents anarchy and everything bad in human government. The true Am ericon citizen gives all, his love and devotien to that one flag that he has followed on the battlefield to victory or which his dying eves saw waving above him as he sank to death upen the soil reddened with his heart's best blood. Beneath it we are willing to live and for it we will cheerfully die. ~BROADBRIM, Found Name On Train. Miss Alice French chose her pen name of Octave Thanet in curious fashion. Octave was the name of one of her schoolmates and was selected becanse it gives no hint as to wheth er the person who bears it is a man or a woman: Thanet was adopted from a passing railroad car that Miss French chanced and it is pro nonneed with the accent on the second syllable. Born and educated in New England, the writer has lived most of her mature life in the west and in the south which has 'made her family with widely varving phases of Ameri to sen can civilization. ' Her first magazine story was 'written and accepted in STR; If you had taken two of Carter's Little Liver Pills. before retiring vou would mot have had that coated tongue or bad taste in the mouth this morning. Keep a vial with you for oc casional use. Excessive modesty has kept many a deserving man's nose to the grind stone, y For perfect fitting corsets, leave vour order at New York Dress Re form It is estimated that 150,000 iron workers in the United States are ganized. or m-- e---- When Billious and Sallow Remember That the Liver Promptly Set Right By DR. CHASE'S KIDNEY-LIVER PILLS Many people are subject cal attacks of hilionsness, ache, is to poriodi sick. head stomach troubles and bowel irre 'gularities who do not realize that the liver ix especially responsible for this sufiering. Torpid. sluggish is almost invariably inactivity of the kidneys and bowels The whole digestive and exerctory system becomes clogged up and there are pain, discomfort and suffering Bocause Dr. Chase's Kidney Liver Pills have a direst and combined act ion on kidneys. liver and bowels, they effect a_ prompt and thorough cleans ing and invigoration of these organs. With all the poisonous waste mat ter removed, pains and aches disap pear, the digestive system resumes ifs fimetions, . the appetite is sharpens and health and vigor are restored, Ags a family medicine Dr. Kidney-Fiver Pills Shave never liver actompaniad hy action of the Fhase's had a rival, for they get at the cause of the' common ills of human life and remove it. By their promptness and thoroughness they win the praise of all who give them a trial. Mrs. George w Lawson, Consecon. Omt.. writes: "It is a pleasures for ane to state that Dr. Chase's Kidnev- Liver Pills made a well woman of me, completely curing me of consting tion. rheumatism. stomach troubles and a very severe kidney trouble after vears of suffering. | am now sixty eight vears of age and verv grateful for---what Dr. Chase's Kidnev-Liver Pills have done for me and for the remarkable cure of mv husband bv the use of Nr. Chase's Nerve Food." Tr. Chase's Kidnev-Liver Pills, ope pill a dose, 25 cents a box. st all dealers, -or Fdmenson.. Bates & Co Torontd. Portraif and signature of Dr. A. W. Chase, the famous receipt book author, on every box. Se 'SOAP: | SUNLIGHT $5. 000 eR eon who injunous "che ic form of adulteration, is equally .good with hard or soft water. If you use Sunlight Soap in the Sunlight way (follow Jirettiony) you need not boil nor rub your clothes, and yat you will get better results than with boiling and hard rubbing in the old-fashioned way. As Sunlight Soap contains no injurious chemicals and is perfectly | ..pure, the most delicate fabrics and dainty silks and laces may be | ' washed without the slightest injury. . the dealer from you Sunlight Soap if you find any Lever Sréthars tmiten, Toronto ome. for ©. ae will © anv or any 5c. opiae 5, Your money refunded by Nile that a Fo howd take. issued . 31( tel 20) cts per year. ending 15 cents. Corticelli Silk Co.Ltd, S a year, 96 pages ICRI Al Te) QUIETLY MARRIED. -at--Newhboro--=Want Stanton. The contracting parties were Jennie, eldest danghter of James ws, and Arthut Hull, 8 prosperous svonng farm hand residing near here, The voung. couple were dssisted | Miss Ida Lyons, cousin of the bride, and Samuel Prichard. After partaking of. a sumptuous wadding breakfast Mr. and Mrs. Hull left on a short honeymoon trip to Gananogue and vicinity. On their return they will reside in town. Their many Cries wizh them a long and happy married life. Mr. McDougall has rented OC. Green's farm for 1906. Mrs. Henry Grothier seriously ill for some time is in. a very critical condition at present, Pog family were called to her home on Saturday. sOctober chee sc mm the On tario factory sold for $19.65 per and in the Model for $20.13 per ton, It was reported here last week that Peter. Ryan, son of James Rvan, of this place, had been lost on Lake Erie. Hix many friends will be pleased to learn this rumor unfounded, Mrs. Samsx, Delta, is visiting Mrs, FE, Chamberlain. Miss Mary Moriarity re turned to town on Saturday. ton was The Brantford Style. Brantford Courier: The payment of taxes is not a pos pular i on never has been and never will be. The man hates to meet ies, average An__ Event Daily Mail. Newboro, Nov, 5. --~Thomas Mavety has leased the Richard Leech farm, near here, for the coming season, br, Cornell, Brockville, was in town, last Sunday, on professional business, Mrs, J. F. Graham, seriously ill for sonk time with typhoid - pneumonia; 14 slowly recovering. Mrs. William Eaves dpending the past few months in Win. nipeg, was called home last week ow ing to the serious illness of her sister, Mis. Graham, Capt Hartwell, mn charge of the tug Aileen with a cargo of wood for Perth, was in port on Saturday evening. Expresqions of dis satisfaction are heard on all sido about the way the Smith's Falls New bora mail route has been conducted | during the past month. The mail on ly reached here three times last week but William "Seott, Portland, took charge this mernin ined it is to bw hoped that we will again have a daily wail to the Falls Miss M. Dunham, who has heen ill for some time with pneumonia is recovering S. Mavety purchased. the fancy Belwood. colt from R. OO, Leggett on Saturday for a fancy price. Miss Lena: Mulville, West port was the guest--of-- Me M--- Mar arity on Sunday. Cheese' wold in Brockville tor 12¢., Saturday Two of Newboro's most popula voung people were quietly married in St. Mary's church, at an early hour on Wednesday, 1st inst., hy Rev, J, these muncipial le and although he ix pleased enough when some other | man appraises his property at high | value, he becomes oxeossivoly wrathy when the assessors take a similar | View, - A GOOD JUDGE OF BREAKFAST FOODS WiLL ALWAYS DECLARE IN FAVOR OF ORANGE ~ MEAT ON THE FCLLOWING POINTS BECAUSE IT 15 PLEASANT TO THE TASTE. BECAUSE IT IS EASILY DIGESTED. BECAUSE (T IS PREPARED FROM THE BEST CANADIAN YYHEAT - BECAUSE EVERY LIFE GIVING ELEMENT OF GRAIN 1S UTILIZED BECAUSE IT SUSTAINS HEALTHY PEOPLE: BECAUSE IT NOURISHES THOSE WHO ARE WEAK: ITIS THE IDEAL BREAKFAST FOOD FOR. BRAY. AND BODY WORKERS - EVERY 15¢. PACKAGE CONTAINS A COUPON REDEEMABLE WITH A NEW SERIES OF PREMIUMS .- THE FRONTENAC CEREAL CO. LIMITED KINGSTON ONT The barley used in * Carling's Ale is grown- in the most favored barley growing sections in the world, and selected by Carling's own experts. Every pound is put through a machine which separates all im- perfect grains and foreign sub. stances. The same expense and care is *_given to'every part of the Carling "process--the- result is that Cars % ling's Ale is popularly known as | Canada's favorite beverage, * Sold by all enterprising dealers. Carling S Ale J. S. HENDERSON, Agent, Kingston.