TMENT has never beep the reasonable outcome of he styles. are right up-to- 10st reasonable. 7.50, 9.50, 1050, 10.75, « known in 13:50, 14.75, popular Long Coat, igton, $12.50, | ack. New Coats. Even iif not re just as welcome, and at takes your fancy have it a New Corset ? ed than ever to suit your d kind of Corset is here. ore Corsets'if we handled ut we won't. We cling to rsets. Here are some of 2. 2:50, 3, 350. 1.25, 1 onsidered exceptionally goo $1, 1.25. t to hips, 90 y charged. 20 to 36. This ( who require a good Corset, yet Lorset 1s 1n all sizes. sizes. oF Many Uses 10c. i. and 1 23 3 ! olors. hite, Pink, Blue, Be. 1 3 White only Ie nelette, in sts, House Gowns and K no ke; 250. ES TS LANES} Are Bargains ONE ID SO : . Pre ny satisfied men leave OU ' GOOD BOOTS LEFT: e. It won't cost anything worth buying. SHOE STO AJFEW SPECIALS .id i FURNITURE Gold Oak Extension Table regular $18, for $11. 1 Gold Oak Bookcase and Secre- tary combined, $20 for $12. 1 Extra Made Couch in Tapestry, regular $18, for $10. Mantle, 1 Over regular $25, for $15. The above are slightly worn, but extra good values. Mantle Mirrors in Gold Frames latest de- sign from $15 to $25. Robt. J. Reid, 222 Princess Street. 2 Doors Above the Opera House. Telephone 5717. Finger Rings The variety, style, and heauty of de- sign ; emphasize the efforts we have made, to have our RING Stock, second to none. Our $20 and $25 Diamond Solitaires are generous examples, and have proved decided successes, but we have Juany to choose from at far greater cost. SMITH BROS. Jewelers Opticians 350 King Street. ISSUERS OF MARRIAGE LICENSES MISS SULLIVAN Dressmaking and Ladies' Tai ng Eatiance through Miss Leader s Fail ; Brock Street. WANTED. BOYS AND GIRLS, AT dorfler"s Cigar Factory, S. OBERN- Ontario St. GIRLS, AT KENT TWENTY-FIVE Br Works, foot of Princess Mica street. PLUMBER, AT ONCE. good mechanic. for steady Coulter, MUST BE A Prospects look good employment. F, J Brockville, Ont. A COLLECTOR, ON SALARY AT 4 Toll Gate, man and wifé pre red Apply to Jas. M. Fair, Supt. King- ston and Storrington Road Co. rr ------ A GROCERY CLHRK, WHO UNDER- stands bookkeeping. ' Steady cemploy- ment to the Fight man. Apply with references, Box "J.."" Whig office. ett tates ete eee A COMPETENT GENE RAL SERVANT for a small family. w ing or froning; and good Yn Apply Mrs. Richard Hooper, Corner Alice and Albert streets. semicon is a GENTLEMEN TO GET THEIR FALL Overcoats an Suits. made at Thomas Galloway's, 131 Brock St. Also bring your "old ones and have them repaired. Style, fit and price Ruaranteed to please. AND BOYS WANTED TO "earn $5 day, Mier two months in- struction, sition guaranteed. Special tuition half price, few days only Coyne Bros. Co. Plumbing hools, New York, Cincinnati, O., Louis, Mo. (Free catalogue.) TO-LET. LARGE FRONT with or without board Wy 160 King St., corner of Union. AIRY Ap- OFFICE, IN 1 GOOD LOCALITY, ON | King street. Rent low.- Apply Ju Forrest, Gents' Furnisher, King St. ---- THE SHOP ON DIVISION STREET, hear Garrett street, occupiel by Miss Aoon, _ milliner, Apply at Whig office. BRICK SHop AND RES i Princess street ; moderate rent ossessioh November. 1st. Apply to _ Steacy & Steacy. OFFIC B, OVER WADES' DRUG tore, Corner King and Brock Sts.) two well li hted and heated rooms Apply to McCann, 51 Brock --_-- SIDENCE, NO. Fu RISE D OR UNFURNISHED, Al house, - with modern conveniences on very moderate to Sant Apply in evening at uart street, ee ------------------------------------------------ HOUSE, ON QENTRE ST. 8 ROOMS, ood out buildings and fruit garden. 100d locality, moderate rent. For information, ap to John Eves, Grocer, Market Bare LOST. aL desirable 120 -- AN ovay, With Coat of he. from og Johnson street. address, ENAMELL rin on_¥riday even- City Hall to 416 Reward at ahove Toren with 2 JOCKET ACCOUNT BOOK, "Accounts of sales of Pianos, 0 BoxAns, Sewing. Machines, etc., in day ess part of Kingston. on Tues will pa Finder please. send to mo and [ Ay for. t = son, Wilton, Fauble. J. B. Sander BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES, Ho v 0 street. | * DAILY MEMORANDA. Unexcelled Values in Fine Fubs at Campbell Bros. Crosby at Queen's at 3 p.m., Sunday. J: a man wastes his time he robs him- se Rend the Advi. of John McKay, on page 14. Wook of prayer, Y.M.C.A., begins Sun- day 4 p.m. "Sign of the Four," Opera House, to- night, 8 p.m. 1t takes. more than a Sunday suit to make a saint. Ernest Crosby, Lecture at Queen's, 8 p.m., Saturday. Sun rises Sunday at 6.54 a.m. and sets at 4.34 This is a cold, cold world--and the coal dealer is glad of it. There might Le loss trouble there were fewer breweries The dignity of labor is not to be com. pared with the grace of idleness Narrow-minded men and women talk about persons instead of things. A "woman who ltelieves that time, is 'money is apt to spend her time foolishy. events Battle of brewing if Montreal captured, G.T.R. opened, 1856 : K died. 1854 ; Richa Baxte: Decorative Crockery The continious modern dining-room with its "Plate Shell" affords ample opportunity for the display of odd and quaint Jugs, Steins and Mugs, as plates. as well We carry an extensive line of specially chosen articles for the purpose, éminent Furopean potters. ..ROBERTSON BROS.. "QUEEN'S EXCURSION "pro -- MONTREAL FRIDAY, Nov. Grand Trunk Rallway Fare, $3.65. Return tickots good to return by train up to Mond» + ALL NEW GOODS We have just taken into store our fall and winter supply of CANNED CORN CANNED PEAS | CANNED BEANS CANNED PUMPKIN CANNED TOMATOES Best Goods only - 3 tins for 256c. | Special price by the case. | Jas. Redden @ Co. Importers of Fine Groceries Comfort, Sty le, Durability The three essentials to be had in our shoes. | { | Wear "Allen's" | 2 made by any night. Miticary Bootmakers, 8¢ Brock St. Sign of Golden Boot. | PERSIAN LAMB JACKETS! | Our Guarantee garment to be of good materials "We guarantee this well made, and and we will make any nccessary repairs caused by defective skins, or warkman- ship, free of charge, within one year of purchase." JOHN McKAY BROCK STREET. --| DRAMATIC READINGS "The Rev Bonnie James Sketches from Character ! by the Brier Bus Carruthers, CONYOCATION HALL THURSDAY, Nov. 16th} At 8 pm. the Auspices of Queen's Drama- Under tic Club. * Admission, 25e. For the Best tree SPECULATE, IN WALL Vou + thou rk Principal abso- Insurance in all its branch- Si arante agninst loss. RG & Co. 66 Broudway, New es go to ity --- * 'Q REAL ESTATE AND WASTES , SWIFT'S INSURANCE AGENCY : yrED ~-MANAGER OF $100,000 a onto Comg ny being formed to over Manufacturing DINING-ROOM | taken, 17th KINGSTON, MARTIAL LAW Jews Are Fleeing From St. Petersburg. T0 RESTORE ORDER IS THE PURPOSE OF THE GOVERNMENT. The Mutineers Are Again at Work | -- Many Modern Business ! Blocks Burned--Drunken Men Perished in the Flames--The British View. St. Petersburg, Nov. 11.--Threats to massacre the here, on Sunday, are causing much alarm. Many Jews hdve gone to Finland. It is certain that the continued quiet here is ow- ing to- the strong military measures which are as complete as they can bbe short of martial law, and any day may "bring an "attempt to let loose ruffianism. The government will prosecute its intention to restore or- der throught the empire to the best of its ability. It will*begin in Poland, where martial law will be proclaimed | today. Official reports represent that all other law there is a dead letter. Reports of many sporadic outbreaks are arriving frem the provinces. How- ever the autbrdaks seems as transient as they arp mi#nerous, Martial law has been declared at Kronstadt." It js officially 'declared that the city is still orderly, but many -rnmors are current to the eof feet that the wmutineers have apain commenced their work of pillage and destruction. Admiral Birileff, minister of marine, has gone to investigate the situation. The mutineers and rowdies gutted: the Tartar and Jewish mar- JEWS, | kety, near the barracks of the Seventh Fort Equipage. to which the mutin | ous sailors belonged, and destroyed business blocks and a The fires uncheck- | ten modern { number of smaller stores. burned almost. a whole day ed, Unrestrained vodka drinking, which looting of the government stores made possible, was answerable in a lafge part for the The sailors drank themselves into n fren zy. Of the unknown number killed, it is stated that 300 drunken mem ver: ished in the flames they themselves had kindled. Acfording to the latest reliable accounts, none of the troons aot from St. Pstersburg ioined the mutineers or hesitated in obeving or- ders, hut of the 15.000 sailors at Kromstadt, 6,000 mutinied: the re wainder were passively svmpatheti- It is reported, but. without confirma tion, that it has heen decided to | shoot every tenth sailor inplicated in ! the rising. It is calevlated that the damage to property amounts to $250 - | 000 { ! Britain's Opinion. London, Nov. 11.--Foreign Seceretary Yorn, replying to an appeal of OXCOSHOR, | the executive committee of the Zion | ist organization, of Colorne, asking for British intervention ~ for preven | tion of further outrages on thé Jews in Russia, telegraphed, yesterday, as follows : "His maj government greatly deplores the sufferings of your co-rehigtonists dnd have reason to be- lieve that the Russian government is making every effort to bring the lam ntable disorders to an end." NEW TARGET FOR BISLEY. Bull's-eye is Increased and Inner Decreased. London, Nov. 11.--Col. Crosse, sec | retary of the National Rifle Associa tion, inforins the Canadian Associated | Press that the council of the associa jon has decided that the ordinary thirfl-class target shall be) the present third-class tes with the addition of five-inch inVisible cen | tral to count as bull's-eve, the re-| | maining twelve-inch bull's-eve to form | | an inner, the (magpie twenty-four | inches, the oufer the remainder of the | target. | | government | A YOUTH KILLED | By Accidental Discharge of a Gun. Belleville, Ont., Nov. 11.---Norman of Bancroft, while -hunting in the township of Mayo with his brother-in-law, Frank Mather, was accidentally shot, by. the latter, on Tuesday last. It seems that Stimers was walking some distance ahead of Mather when the latter saw a deer. He raised his gun, his thumb slipped from the hammer and the rifle was discharged. The bullet strack voung Stimers in the left side. Stimers died 'on Thursday morning. A Fearful Fall. Quebec, Nov. 11.--Another fatal ac cident, the second within a compara- tively short time, took place at the Quobce Bridge Works, at the Chau diere, vesterday, the victim being a young man named Ross Sherrill, who longed to Catawba, N.C. The vic {im was at work on the superstructure | 8 Stimers, EXPERT SAYS French Army. Isn't Ready For War. Paris, Nov. 11.--M. de Levessan, a military expert, writing in the Matin on the problem of national défense, has stirred up a great deal of disons- sion as to France's ability to resist an attack by Germany. Do Lavessan efi: ticizes the defenses and says of the available fighting forces of the two countrics on the fronthr : 'On a declaration of war Germany would be able to deliver the first blow with 110,000 rifles, 10,000 sabres and 888 guns, whereas France would meet them with only 52,000 rifles, 8,000 sa- bres and 356 guns. Moreover, Germany would take only twenty-four hours to concentrate, but France would take twelve days." This pessimistic opinion is not shar ed by all the experts, and the news pipers are full of articles on the sub- ject. FRIDTJOF NANSE} The famous Arctic explorer, Norwegian minister to Great SAW WHITE DEER. appointed Britain, Saw Albino Near the Russian 'Captain. . Pembroke, Ont., Nov. 11.--While hunting, last week, up the Ottawa, near the Russian Captain in Quebec, a hunting party among whom was Dr. Deaton, saw pure white deer. The dogs were on the trails driving the deer down to a lake on which the party were in canoes. The hounds broke off; teok a side trail and ran up against the albino. It turned and faced the dogs, but was too far off for the hugger to reach it in time for capi A pure white deer has not been cap tured by hunters in this neighbor hood for twenty years and there is no speeimen in the Ottawa museum. The animal seen was of the red deer species and a good specimen. bimini emm---- alan les) + / + 4 QUITE RIDICULOUS. > + ---- + "+ Washington, Nov. 1ll.-- & 4 A report was in circulat« <4 4 tion, in Washington, last <4 night, that troops at Kobe, + 4 Japan, had revolted, and 4 4 that a revolution against 4 the government was threat- ¢ ened. No verification of 4 4 this rumor could be ob- 4 tained. Mr. Takahira, the 4 4 Japanese minister, laughed + 4 at the report, and said it «4 4 was ridiculous. » + + BARON UP FOR LIFE Attorneys Tiied to Prove Train Wrecker Insane. lowa, Nov. 11.-- Eric von wl German baron, who Rock 1s just was Marengo, Kutzlehen, caused a' train wreck on the Homestead, last spring, to "see what would happen," sentenced to life © imprisonment here yosterday Attorness entered the of insanity, but failed to substantiate it. A number of lives were deliberately planned wreck. land at Horses Fight A Duel. Coshocton, 0., Nov. 11.-~In a fight and trampled each other until one of them killed. Tn the effort to separate them Frank Gray, the ler, was badly injured by the infuriat- od animals. Both horses are One of them broke (through the pas ture bars and éngaged the mortal combat. Keepers were unable to separate them until one horse was killed and 'the other fatally torn and bruised. was host To Blow Up Wye Rock. Ottawa, Nov. 11.--Captain Ander son, of the finance department, says of the proposal to blow up Wye Rock with a half tgne of dynamite, would take aod many tons, as the rock is a half mile long. The Bavari an would probably have gone ashore anyway if the rock had been removed, as it lies close to the shoré, and is in no semse an obstruction to naviga- tion, Must pe - 5 hustle husiness. : r, invest £3.000 10 | = =a of the bridge, when he accidentally 5.000 . have $10 IBY, Sock, $1 wid MUST BE SOLD fell from it to the ground below, be. invested, and' Salary GT a ad A lsrge variety of first-class Hall | ing instantly killed as a result of the 52,000. Profits on should | Heaters, Sheet-Iron Stoves, Pug, Box |, c fal] © The deceased was only double this'ag margins ron f 200 | and ~ Wood Stoves, Cook Stoves and | fea to 500 0 oTram R Also a lot of Furniture and | eighteen vears of age. . a lif Per cent. 'An opportunity of | Ranges. ---- . 3 iste, Some business experience Carpets, everythieg cheaper than usual. | e L Spry. St. i ' TOU! i Wo unt can et ony, and TURK S$ SECUND. HAND S RE | Arrival Of A Ship. ica. 308 PRINCESS Father Point, Nov. 11. The SS | Lake Erie, C.P.R. line, from Liver- AGENTS WANTED. PERSONAL. A | pool, inward, at- 10.20 a.m.; 69 cabin L p CARL & ROLLIN TRUTH- | po 126 passengers. AY 812 PR Worl R WEEK ANT work : it: no inyest- "John Feauired. A % Tee kore. paiY for full por : Rinsts Adare C. n Co. Tr ug in your lo- vaneed for expenses salary paid at the end + either lady or gentle Timiged, Toronto: ont. PROF'S BEM rejiable, in good order. Division seep. oi 1 an 2 i glotmtesd, Dr. convincing Clairvoyants | Foretell vour Future for dime stamp | and birthdate. 490 N. Clark street, | "wp gall Red. Cross" is on each thicage; | box of the genuine Blaud's Iron To- | nie Pills, sold at Gibson's Red Cross » FOR BAL Sdivenns | Drug Store. 100 pills for We. 3 not Apes. A = bik og | Trusses, bxpert fitting, satisfaction Chown's, Eight Hundred Desertions. New York, Nov. | ish squadron arrived in American wa- | ters R00 sailors have deserted from the | warships. The officers say the . men have no complaifits, but *'they can't refist America : a Money To Be Repaid. Hamilton, Ont., Nov. H.-T the shortage of Hillhouse Brown, ex. bank manager, will be made good be fore the case ie called next Fresh buttersepteh at Gilmon's Red Cross Drug Store, NOVEMBER 11, plea | lost in the | that lasted an hour two coach stal-| lions owned by Joseph Lumm, a weal thy stock breeder of this county, tore blooded, other in | that it | 11.~~8jnce the Brit. are is a persistent rumor in police circles that Thursday a 1905. NOBLE PRIEST | Was A Type Of The Middie =~ Ages. be WAS KEP; IN OFFICE WHEN OTHERS WERE RE- MOVED BY LAW. Mgr. Lanusse Compiled a Most Extraordinary Manuscript History--It Showed Evidemce of Being a Triumph of Pati- ence. . Paris, Nov. 11.--~Mgr. Lanusse, the chaplain to the military college of 54 Cyr, who recently died, at the eighty seven, 'Was of. the type o de fighting. priesté of the middle a served in the French army in ee and in the Franco-German war. He was wounded at Sedan and had the enamel of his Cross of the Legion of Honor broken by a spent bullet, When all the military chaplains of France were dismissed by law, Gam- betta retained the Abbe Lanusse, and cach successive government of France confirmed his position, During the last thirty years of his life Mgr. Lanusse compiled what is perhaps the most extraordinary manu- script history has ever seen. It is an ancedotal history of his life and times, written in a small, neat hand, and illustrated with pictures of bat- tles in which he took part, and with portraits of famous men he has met, alk drawn and painted by himself, The initial letters of the paragraphs arc beautifully illuminated, "Fis book, a triumph of 'patience, is in 220 great folio volumes. Mgr. Lanusse has left it to the French national library. PITH OF THE NEWS. The Verye Latest Culled From All . Over the World. Prince Louis of Battenberg was the guest at a brilliant dinner given in New York. The European to make a against Turkey. Countess De Szilassy, formerly Miss Hecker, of Detroit, has been granted a divorce from. her husband, Fridtjof Nansen, the Arctic explor- or, has been appointed Norwegian minister to Great Britain. The latest reports from Alberta make it doubtful if the conservatives have more than two members. Horace Lewis Smith; known for thir- ty years on the stage as Horace Lew- is, is dead at Brookline, Mass., aged fifty-one. The ratepayers of Galt voted, * al- most unanimously, to loan $12,000 to | the Jackson Waggon Works company, of St. George. Mes. K. LL. Armstrong, Brandon, Man., was robbed of several thousand dollars worth of diamonds at Oak- land, California Harold Prescott, a New York paint or, was arrested, charged with steal ing jewels, valued at one hundred thousand dollars. Dr. Amoyrette M. Beecher, a cousin of Henry Ward Beecher and Harriet | Boecher Stowe, is dead at Sénta Bar: bara, Cal, aged eighty-three. Justice Richard M. Meredith has | been appointed to the vacaney -on the powers naval have agreed demonstration | court of appeal bench, and J. T. | Mubee, K.C., is mentioned as his suc- cessor. D. D. Mann states that the Cana- dian Northern line will be built forty miles west of Edmonton, but not across the Rocky Mountains, for some years, Hon. Robert Rogers has purchased 303 acres of land in St. Boniface for $242,000. This is evidently in antici { pation of the build ng of the C.N.R. shops in the cathedral town. The provincial convention to dis- cuss the mining law and the amend ments needed, whith it was announeed some weeks ago that the government | had decided to call, will be held on { December 12th, at the legislature buildings, It is understood that the business men of Summerside, P. , have held a survey for establishing a line of electric cars, taking in the surronnd ing villages to Summerside, such ag Sty Eleanor's, » Traveller's "Rest, New Annan, Kensington, ete. WANTEDJN TORONTO Said to Have Forged Credent- nlp. Toronto, Nov, Detective Mae- Kie goes to Malate bring over A. R. Walton, a man who is alleged to { have victimized many of the big downtown stores: in Toronto on the {strength of a letter of introduction | putporting to have heen given him by enator Cox. The . poliee know little about Walton, but think they will sooh know a lot. They, believe the Cox detter to be a forgery. The Ryrie firm, Ambrose, Kent & Sons, Edward Mack, the tailor, and the Julian Sale Leather Goods people are all numbor- ol among the Walton victims. Fd- ward Mack mourns a 260 suit, and the Julian sale people regret having paried with expensive suit cases, one made from the skin 'of a sea lion. Before The Cold Weather Starts. That's the time to east off catarth. Easily ~Yone with "Cafarrhozone.'" {No drugs, no cocane or alcohol, a | clean antiseptic method that cures {every time. Ansolutely sure is "Ca- tarrhozone," and sold everywhere, , Ladies" FPur-YTined Jackets. Made by us are made Fight, even to | the smallest detail. Ask for prices at Campbell Bros., the magulacturing [arriveg, 7 CRUSHED TO DEATH. His Mangled Body Thrown to y Floor. Winnipeg, Nov. 11.--~William Watts, an emp oyeo of the asphalt plant, was caught in the belt of the elevator shaft, yesterday afternoon, and drawn over the pulley where he was crushed to death and his man body thrown down to the floor below. The elevator belt had been slipping and he had gone to fix it. No one saw the acci: dent. Watts was between thirty and forty years of age and unmarried, -- . Another Sad Killing. Bellpville, Ont., Nov. 1l.--Arthur Cobb, seventecn years of age, whose home was in"the township of Thurlow, was killed at the Point Ann cement works, near this city, this morning, by being caught in the belt in the kiln room. He was whirled around the shaft which makes 100 revolutions a minute and horribly mangled. Lil was extinct when he was released. Cobb was a young Englishman who, with his family, came out to this country only a short time ago, -------------- POSED AS A BISHOP. -- Arrested fcr Obtaining Money by Fraud. Paris, Nov. 11.--An Fnglishman named Edward Doncan, but who de- scribes himself as Don Reanidite, | man Catholic Bishop of Santa Cro Antioch, was yesterday arrested on an 'extradifion warrant at the Grand Hotel Dieppe, on a charge of obtain: ing $300 by false pretences from Mary Anderson, of Bexhill-on-Sea. When arrested Doncan wore the full walking dress of a "Roman Catholic bishop. He has been ut Dioppe for a fortnight, during which time he has said mass daily at the Church of St. Jacques, On being brought before the French magistrate, he said hoe would make no objection to the extradition proceed ings, as he had a complete answer to the charge. Donean was formerly a Ohirclt of England clergyman, and has given his address as Domville, Bexley, Kent. READ CANADIAN PERIODICALS This is the Advice of Speaker Sutherland. Windsor, Ont., Nov, 1l.--~In an ad- dress to the Windsor and Walkerville Teachers' Association on "Citizenship and the Teachers' tion thereto," Hon. R. F. Sutherland, speaker of the House of + Commons, said teachers should discourage the extensive 'read- Hi Shoes Maguint td' satin i in nearly all of which the note is "How great and wonderful w are." He advocated giving more at- tention to Canadian history and lit erature, during his address. Mr. Suth erland said: "Man for man, Canadians are more intelligent and better educat ed than the citizens of any country of ancient or modern times.' Dismissed The Appeal. Toronto, Nov. 1l.--Justice McMahon this morning, dismissed the appeal of the Sheet Metal Workers' Union against the verdict of the jury at the assizes giving the Metallic Roofing company, $7,500 damages for a boy- cott instituted by the union against the company's goods. Judge MeMahon endorses the conviction and holds that the union and the individual members of --the--vnion, who were wued, are lia ble for the full amount. Meeting In Toronto. Toronto, Nov, 11,--Tha. sixteenth an- nual meeting of the Ontario Hockey Association was opened, this morning, at ten o'clock, nearly a hundred clubs be ng represented. The amendments were numerous, taking up some time in being read. "The statement present- ed by Treasurer A. W. Macpherson, was carried without any discussion. Death Of Avchtieacon Allen. Millbrook, Ontr, Nov, 1}1.--Thomas William Allen, archdeacon of Peter- boro, died at eight o'clock, this morn- ing, at Millbrook. He was born un Sligo, Ireland, December, 1kh, 1821, and has been archdeacon of Pe {erhoro since 1801, i---------- Red Hat For Mgr. Bourne. Rome, Nov. 11. At the vatican it is now considered probable that the Most Rev, Francis Bourne, Archbishop of Westmindter, will be chosen as the fifth cardinal to be appointed at the next consistory. J Still Holds Her Position. (Quebec, Nov. 1l.--Latest news from the 8.8, Bavarian, Allan line, ashore near Grosse Isle, says the vessel is in the same position; the work of dis charging the veesel is still going on, Flour Mill Burned, Shediac, N.B., Nov. m. ~Senator Poirier's flour mill at this village was destroyed by fire yesterday. The loss was $18,000 pretty well covered by insurance, Choice Malaga grapes, 20c. Ib; new figs, just in, b.; Sir Thomas Lip- ton jellies, all flavours, 3 packages for 25c. Camphell's sous, 124e. per in, at W. R. McRae. & Co., The Golden Lion, Buy candied fruits; are sold at Gib- key's. TWO ELIGIBLE CORNERS, THE YORK STREFT PROPERTY, Corner of Chatham street, offered at Auction to-day, can be oMtained hy vrivate fhirchuss. Apply to Mrs. May- hew, on the premises, The day of THE WEE The first tia : > » Hear Rev. Mr. meating of the City son's Red Cross Drug Store, MecCon- | YY. W.C. A. SUNDAY AT 4.45 .PM, . MeKanzie at a joint and College asgoci- Fi Maw ng winds, fair and a lit fair and mild. Saturday Specials Steacy's Men's Woollen ndorwoar 'oad lines, Shirts only, small and medium sizes, slightly dam. aged. Prices were from SOE. to $1 Special price, 35¢. ¥ Made © t ok value 950, 'Made with wide ribbs, very strong and ¢élastic and full length, sizes run from 6 to 10. Special, small sizes, 18. Large sizes, 250. Ladies' Underwear : Color Grey, made with fine ribb 'button front and soft fleece lin. ing, good winter weight, vests and drawers, Extra Special Value 50c. apy New Goods Just arrived for Saturda selling ¢ New Neckwear DISCOUNT STAMPS With all Cash Sales Steacy's. WARTMAN.--~At BO ks Nav. --to-- Mr; and Mrs. F. S, Warman, a w don, oe D. BEAUPRE -- MUDIE. -- At Kingston, Nov, 11th, 1908, Emma Bell Mudie, 7 Bugene L. Beaupre, both of this ROBT. J. REID, a Lending Unde: taser % 'Phone 8577. 222 Princess Si. THE GREAT LOVE ROMANCE Goldwin Patton as Sherlock Holmes in the SICN OF THE FOUR This is not a Lurid Melo-Drama, but A Beautiful Story by Sir A. Conon Doyle, Showing in Graphic Colors what a man. will do for the woman ho loves. PRESIAM 25.35-50. NOUNS Seats now on sale. TUESDAY, Nov. 14th John P. Slocum Offers the Comic Opera Success The : Yankee 2 Consul WITH RUBEN FAX AND VERA MICHELENA § And a Company of 3 75---- People --75 Including The 75c., 81, Seats now on sale. ) Imported. Roqueert cheese, tty it apd wh WE hie oh