told, calculate that le of turning out of fuel per year for a ler, EF FA I» on icate a , #8 a natural gas eity. found at depths varying from town awns the domestic cus- 5 - "1 1 ; Xe Have heen shi o 1 N1 Tor the masae time last year 2,240,613 two years ago. plane Cole in. Cape. Vincent, on riday, to a Kingstonian, jot the that ho had wold the Main Ducks Islands, to a party of Ameri: can pa 1 Won By Varsity. ty took MgGill into camp on in a game. for the inter association football chém- 'hy § goals to 0, renin ane 1 Yo Over a vear ago, couple who stayed 4t a Wood- stock hotel deserted a Kittle eight yent-old boy. a woman ix afraid of her hair she should put it in a safe de. posit vault, - No moarcied woman is ever as happy a8 she thinks her husband thinks several Ww inter Coa rimod at the exclusive styles, the beautiful tailoring and 'show in Ladies' Winter Coats. Broad- ; , Shavit Scotch Tweeds--every fabric that stylo that suits your particula touches that make these coats differont t {linging Corset Models, Medium and Thres- . Now Collarless of Man-coat Collar Eficots, Full: $10, $11, $12.80. $13.76, $14.60, $15. $15.50; SKIRTS New models that the ordinary tailor cannot shape to advantage, made : A 0 beat London house, perfect m an-tailorid finish, having a graceful, p | which enhances the appears nce of the garment. Every fashionable volor and cloth, Circular and Parisian pleated, new styles, $9. $3.76. $4. $4.50. $5. $5.80. $6, $6.75. $7. $7.60, $8. $9. Free alterations and fit guaranteed - all thews Skirts. SWAGGER SHOWING OF WINTER FURS = It is not ao muich what you pay as what you obtain that counts when "you buy Furs, We give our broad guarantee with every article sold, "Guar: afeed, first class manufncture," ASTRACHAN COATS-Deep storm collars, $31.75, £30.50, £37.50, $12.50. ASTRACTIAN COATS Storm collars of various styles, $30.75, $15, $47.50, BLECTRIC SEAL $1750, $50, $52 ELECTRIC SEAL COATS Trimmed - with Sable, Mink, Marten, $44.75, 850, COATS Deep storm collars of same fur $42.50, $44.75, 00, ol IY 03, 50, h : | MINK COATS, GREY SQUIRREL COATS, PERSIAN LAMB COATS, up to NECK RUFPS. Over. different styles to select from, in all the most Tastrionable a with Hinge tails and heads, prices $3 to $47.50. - MUFES---To matoh: es of neck pisos, Made in shapes, full + Ens, handsomely up to #9, | : be * a y oti GREY SQUIRREL-815, $17.50, $10. hey WHITE THIRET AND WHITE ANGORA 89.75, $11.50, 313.80, $15. ELECTRIC SEAL-$10, $1250, $13.75, 815, $19, $21.80. Y FURS 815, 80, $90.75, $31.30, £77.50, $12.50, Garments on a very close marist: You y e and compare. The qualities d prices editor of The Only Damoclean. "how | was noted for | wily Capt, ison; of Bronte, to be whar- 'Anthyme Lemieux, of L'Islet, y 40 be whatfitiger at L'Islot in and stead of Octave Morin, d; David Lingard, of Tenny in Hants comty, N.S, of ; = H iF 3 § E £ if te, of Grand Mere, to be deputy collector of in- and revenue (class B.), at Grand aforesaid, in the inland revenue division of Three Rivers; Luther R. Foluy, of the city of London, Ont.. to be assigtant 'inspector of gas and elec tric light in the London district. ---------------- A LIBERAL SWEEP, Probably Only Two Conservatives ko El Calgary, Nov. 10.--As the smoke of yesterday's battle - clears away, and the final returnd from the outlying 4 in various comstituencies are re. ceived, the decisiveness of the conser- vative defeat becomes more apparent, The party as a political factor in pro- cial, affairs has been annihilated, the rout being almost without a parallel in Canadian provincial politics. It is doubtful if even two conservatives have been returned. Rosebud scems to be the only sure thing for the opposi- tion, with High River a Possible sec- seat, Even Mr. Shétman, the lab- pr candidate in Pincher Creek, whose ion was conceded last night, has been héaten by the final returns which © Marcellus (liberal), a substantial majority of 120. Lacombe, which has oeh In oust. | has gone liberal, as ex- pected, Mr. er having 52 majority, with four polls to od from, which will increase his lead. In Ledue, Mr, as majority, and his op- ponent will Tose his deposit. Griesbach shares the same fate in Edmonton. Banff was probably the most credit- able victory, 'where Mr. Fisher triumphed. r all the influence of the C.P.R. and the dead set of the con- servatives, and won by 110 votes. This is the first time Banfi ever gave a liberal majority. "The conservatives will make a strong oi iy to hold Calgary. In Alberta there is no voters' list or registration, the' franchise being exercised by anv- one who will take the oath. Soputi- neers may Shaftene votes," and in such cases the ballot is sealed up counted - until the voter qualification in court. are 350 such ballots, and on these the hopes of the « anservatives are pinned. Liberals, hgfevor, expect to get an even break. Some of the majorities are : cona, Rutherford, 300; Cross, 550; Cardston, Banfi, Fisher, 139; Red Deer, Moore, 29; Medicine Hat, Finlay, 50: Cal gary, Cushing, 25; Gleichen, C, Stuart, 16, with one poll to hear from; Pin- cher Creek, Maréellas, © 120; Sturgeon, Boyle, about 300; Peate River, Dubue, probably elected by acclamation; Jathbricige, Doveber, 156, two polls to hear from; Rosebud, Clarke, small majority; Innisfail, Simpson, small majority; Vermillion, McCauley, 153: Ledue, Telford, 200. He Strath- Edmonton, Woolf, 175; Women Who Should Never Marry. Congregationalist and Christain World. The woman who proudly declares that she cannot hem a pocket hand. kerchief, never made up a bed in her life, and adds, with a simper, that she has "been in society ever since she was fifteen." = ~Fhe woman Who thinks that men are angels, The woman who would rather die than wear a hat two seasons old. he woman who thinks that cook and nurse can keep house. The woman who -buys ornaments for the drawing room and borrows kit. elien utensils from her neighbors, and who thinks table decorations are of more importance than good food. The woman who wants things just 'because "other women" have them. -- the Daniocles And His Editor, "Oh, great Damocles 1" cried the can you be ugperturbed at such a time as this? How can you be as tool as a Hallowe'en cucumber these earthhyuake days; when the vory filtra- tion tremble in seismic convul- gion 7" "Be not hystorieal," quoth Damo- che. turning upon his divan; "I am e001" hecause there iv a frost abroad. I am quiet because, if I should get to be as windy as you ave, 1 Id snap the Satie of "this little stickaree now ating my apartment.' pointed aloft: There, above his head, hung a six-million-dollar blade. suspended by & string as invisible as a wircloss telegram. : Helping His Daddy. Philadelph : edi doeteer, a clergyman, who his tiresome ecard two awake during ser: while the SLT his son jikoring mb congregation from i Ly Mo tha boy pena on J im, wi 3 ut § i ar rhe voice : Fenton "It's all right, pop. You go on ¢ i Tm keeping them awake." |. ------------ 4 don't like her. airs." airs #7 times and without collecting a Double. oronstadt, Nav. 1H.~The, iy Je Phin Press. sll under military control. There ently, you don't admire Miss have been no fresh mee to. te Trusses, value for your money at TR Sarath left to-day for EE on business. he ba course at t airy Sma ae : Lowney 8 chocolates, - special mis- ture. Mahond's drug store. Allen's clarified cider, 30c, per gal, at McRae's, The Golden Lion, New rubber sponges, ull sizes, at Gi i] Dr Store, An Nad Leone tors and cha- mois vests at Mahood's drug store, All sizes, q Guthrie, sentenced to five years at the penitentiary, and Connolly, for were br t from Toronto lo ortsmouth ¥. Dr, A. Black and Robert Tullock, G ue; who have been back north with a hunting party are in town. The hunters obtained nine deer. Livingstone received a nasty injury to hiz nose in the Arts vs, Science rush, , and is out of the game this afternoon. Gleeson will probably take his 3 The advantages of having a Trust company named as executor in a will are many, It offers absolute security, continuous service and thorough busi- ness management. The Trusts and Guarantee. company, limited, Toronto, will send booklets free to those de- disring information. -------------- JOSEPHINE CARR. Fourteen-Year . Old Girl Reaches Prison. Josephine Carr, the young girl fourteen years, sentenced to seven years in the penitentiary for kidnap- ping and causing the death of a child arrived from Toronto, to-day, in charge of officials. She dined at a local hotel--her last meal in freedom for seven lon re. She is a pretty fair-haired child), and wore a red dress and hat, dnd a black coat. All through the meal, and when the hack drove her off ghe showed no more eon- cern than a child going with its pa- rents for a trip. A morbidly curious crowd gathered around the hotel, and "took her in." As she was leaving the dinner $able---childlike, sho "'poe- keted" two rosy snow apples. She bad nothing to say for herself. Charity Conference. The eighth Canadian conference of Charities and Correction will be held in the Normal school building, Tor- outo, November 15th, 16th and 17th, beginning at 2 p.m. on Wednesday. A good contingent from Kingston and icinity and the board of managers would be glad to receive an invitation from Kingston for the meeting 10 be held in the Limestone City next year. Meetings have been held "at London, Hamilton, and Otta- wa, and four times in Toronto. Ad- dresses will "be delivered next week, by Hon. W. J. Hanna, Mayor Urqu- hast, Professir Goldwin Smith, Rev. be od 3. Kelso, Professor Wrong, De. Sniith, Dr. Helén McMur- chy, Warden Gilmour, Adam Brown, Hamilton Cassels, Rev, Dr. Perry, and E. J. Hearn. The, of The Cargo Sold. The schooner Highland Beauty, which sank with a cargo of peas at Cape Vincent, Thursday night, has been purchased by C. Cole and J. Kilborne, Captain Donnelly, who went over to Cape Vincent yesterday, in- spected the cargo, .and made the sale of it and the owner of the vessel, Captain Lobb, acted as his own re. presentative. The deck is badly burst, the rest of the schooner being under water, little can be detérmined. The cargo will be lightered and then it is thought the vessel will float itself, After Forty-Five Years. Among those removed from the list of county magistrates is William Rob- inson, ex-M.P.P., Edw, J. B. Pense, M.B:P., and John MeKelvey. William Robinson was appointed forty-five years ago and had served hundreds of This summer he was the only acting magistrate at Sharbot Lake, and held court various times. "T'was kindly of the government to cut him off. Mr, McKelvey, too, was a capable magis- trate, $ -------------- The Cadets The Winners. The Royal Military College cadets played Varsity II. in Toronto, this morning, in the first of the home and me games for -the intermediate in- tercolleginte championship, The half time score was 12 to 6 for Cadets and at the close they had increased their lead to 19 to 6. This ought to as sure Royal Military College of the championship. ---------------- Want To See The Game. Quite a bunch went down to Ganant oque to-day to see the game between the team of that town and the Junior Limestones. The local team's line-up will be 1 Full, O'Connor; halves, Fegg, Murphy, (Capt.) Madden; quar. ter, Moran; snap, Wilkinson; wings. . McDermott, Seaton Smythe, Nicholson, Rarrie and # Moore. Rov, Bedford-Jones will' be referee. The Basasr's Result. . . « I as She Sesion an ig can , at proceeds the ne will be £1,000, and towards this amount the grade table contri: buted, it is t detailed statement will appear later, The Woman's Aid society of the hos- tal, can certainly rest on its laurels lor a time. a RRR Nominated For Paymaster. De, W. W. Sands has secured the no. mination of the liberal okecutive pom. mittee for the paymastership of the § $ a : " mand. The position is worth $1,800. and the appointment is likely to be made next Year, : " Unda: Military Control. . Hair do RDAY NOVEMBER merit BLAMES _ STUDENTS FOR'PART TAKEN IN THE Dr. Frebhotn wes conservative candi- i MONTREAL ROWS, The Paper Thinks Liberty Should 'Be Upheld by Students--Rus- sia is Seeking That NowZa " 'Coming Debate. Montreal, Nov, 11.--~Le Canada, to- day, gives a scathing reply to the de- mend tor apology students emphasized, yesterday, y burning bulietin boards and throwing the disorder, in the Mage lecture Christ in the twentieth century, too many students were there. It re- and liberty of speech are guaranteed and asks whether these young men want to establish here, the system pow being overturned by blood in Russia. It deplores the attacks of late on the Salvation Army and Mage lec- tures. While the lectures are contrary to! their views and their feligious ideals it is very easy to stay at home as in any case the lecturer will not make any headway. The paper con- cludes with saying that the students are more to blame for this exhibition of intolerance than the ignorant um- reasoning mob. McGill and Toronto University de- baters have selected the following sub- ject, from three subniitted : 'Resolved that the decision of the House of Lords in Seottish church cases is un- justifiable." Messrs R. L. Calder and G. V, Cousins; Toronto Univefsity, have elected to debate the negative view of the question. MARRIAGE OF GEORGE IV. . -- He Was Legally Wedded to Mrs. Fitsherbert. London, Nov. 11.--By permission of King Edward, the Daily' Chronicle as- serts, a package of papers consi to the care of Coutts' bank, by Mrs. Fitzherbert, (Marie Anne Smyth), un- der the stipulation that it was not to be opened for a long period has now after seventy years been opened and proved to contain the marriage cer- tificate and other indisputable proois that George 1V. was actually 'married to Mrs. Fitzherbert., Mrs. Fitzherbert became the wife of 'the Prince of Wales, afterwards George IV., in December, 1786. The marriage of the prince was invalid under English law, though it was sanctioned by the oman Catholic church, of which Mrs. Fitzherbert was a member. It was expected that the papers in Goutts' bank would settle a question which - has agitated the British public for over a century as to whether there was issue from the marriage, but there is nothing in the foregoing despatch to indicate that the question has been solved. It has long been reported that there actual- ly was a male child, and that this child emigrated to the United States States and settled in Washington, where he died some years ago, after living * quietly but. in good circum- stances. LONG-LOST WATCH FOUND. Concealed by Burglars im. Old Building. Niagara Falls, Ont., Nov. 11.--In June, 1902, several residences in this city, including that of J. T. Hender- son, were ransacked hy & gang of burglars--Scott, Moutchal, Doyle and Smith. All four were captured 'and sent to Kingston penitentiary for three. years. Two of them were cap- tured on a Toronto hoat. At Nia- gara-on-the-Lake, on the way to Nia- gara jail, they broke away and hid io the old steel works buildings, where afterwards they were rétaken. While they were in the buildings one of them had 'a valuable gold watch stolen from Mr. Henderson, Major Clement is now tearing down the old steel works, and in 'the ruins 'Bailif Chapman found the long lost watch. He brought it to this city. Henderson identified it and---suitably rewsrded the finder, Thé gang was released from Kings- ton a few months ago. Scott has since been under arrest here and in Michigan for vagrancy and cartying concealed weapons. Moutchal is serv. ing fourteen years in Ohio for safe blowing. Smith and Doyle have dis- appeared. THEY ARE DISSATISFIED Over Hapdling of Civil Service Appointments. Belleville, Nov. 11.--The conserva- tives. of West Hastings, at their convention, passed an important re solation with reference to tho dismis- sal of partizan office holders in the employ of the provincial government. The association, while refusing to advocate the adoption of the spoils' system, urged upon the government that when members-elect represonted that any office holdét in their riding had forfeited his right to retain office that such representation should be acted upon by the government with out requiring further evidence and the responsibility: rest upon _the_member and those electing him, AXE FALLS ONCE MORE. ---- Crown Lands Agent in District Removed. * Toronto, Nov. 11.--"For reasons in the public's interest," §. G. Best has been removed from the position of crown lands' agent," at Magmetawan, in the Parry Sound district. Some of these reasons it is imderstood have to to with activity in behalf of the libe ral canse. Freeborn, Magnetawan, Dr. J. 8. has been appointed to the position. date in the last domdnion election. He is described ax being "decent and ca- pable." The salary is 8500 a year. ---------- At The Golden Lion. Cranberries, nice sweet potatoes, fine Spanish onions at lowest prices, W. R. McRae & Co. -------- - When you bet on the result of great Pi ru "dri which the Laval by eggs. While recognizing that not all |, students took part, and the most of on was |: caused by outsiders, Le Canada says' nyinds them that liberty of thought n football match, say a pound of Mc. |. Conkey's canidios. 4 y are strictly th © 8 only at Gibson's Red 8 yo ee S eT 7 T Ana Styles i Ov COAT DEPARTMENT has so busy, but this is the reasonable the Coats themselves, date, and the prices are most reasonable, Three Quarter Coats. $6.75, 7.50, 950. 1050, 1075 11.75, 12.50. Seven-Eighths in length or popular New York as the Burlington, $12.50, | 15, 16.75, in Fawn and Black. Come and see these New Coats. prepared to buy you are just as wel should you see a Coat that takes your fancy have it placed aside until required. the cheap, trashy sorts, but we won't. the satisfaction-giving Corsets. the most popular : French Model Corsets, $1.50, 2. 2.50. 3. 3.50. Crompton Corsets, $1.50, 21.25, 1. We have 3 Special Corsets, considered exceptionally food value at $1. D..& A. Corsets, 50c., 75¢., $1, 1.25. Nursing Corsets, $1. Crest Corsets, guaranteed not to break at hips, 90. pair, instead of $1.25, usually charged. Yatisi Corsets, all sizes from 20 to. 36. This tended for stout figures, who require a good Corset, yct not too stiff. Girls' Health Corset Waists, all sizes. Children's Corset Waists, all sizes. Flannelettes for Many Uses Shirting Flaanelettes, 5¢., 7c., 8c. Shirting Flannelettes, extra heavy, 10c. and patterns, good washing colors. Underwear Flannelette, in White, Pink, Blue. 10c Extra Quality Imported Flannelette, in White 2ic., 15¢ Fancy Wrapperettes, for Waists, House Gowns ard Kimo- nas, 10¢., 123¢,, 15¢., 20c., 25¢. They Are Genuine Bargains EVERYONE HAS SAID SO And we had a good many. satisfied men leave ew store on Wednesday. There are still lots of GOOD BOOTS LEFT. Take a look at what we have. It won't cost anythiog ind you may see something worth buying. . I The styles are right up-to. Long Coat, You Need a New Corset ? We are better prepared than ever to suit your Corset needs. 'Every good kind of Corset is here. We might sell a few more Corsets if we_ handled We cling to Here 'are some of JOHN LADLAWESOH never been oT outcome of known in 3.50, 14.75, Even ff not come, 'and Corset 18 In= BosToN AT MUSE 124c., new CepLEY" orI5Y 2 Be. Te. 8c., By: Franklin IH. Went) Copley Square | 1s the hundreds of tho boys and girls who of Boston. anything completion of their heart does not beat name ? Is there any tramped Europe and a curious indigestio mind fag is over, o Copley Square and spiraticn ? Surely, « in Europe to find breathes such harm islying to the art s pictupe by a great 1 the direction from w not a jarring note ------ ore OW Can a period New York so hideo as thy "figt iron" bor city Copley Sq Architective ~ brea lv tha spirit of the i ke created. The iilt to get the gr dollars oe of . ground apace. Be Square not one of by commercial t back to. the day as they loved and | Copley Square buil ceived for the gery of ideal. Had but created for a cain Square must have marred. The Boston libs ond majestic lines, the west side of great enic | poem stone, the asniratic tis nat the gi mensy" baron, hut ple and dedicated of learning." Ths Boston fornded in 1850, attractive to the | the old building oposite {lie Comn 3 only, 10c., PP co ---- m-- a a SE CE ---------- S---- WE-- TOR