. MONTREAL GRA 5 £ A ------------ PREACHED TO CONVICTS. | Pominion Parole Officer Archibald at Prison.' had; ol the Sepa tment of" justice, is in the city, the guest of Warden Platt. Sunday afternoon My. Are to the four hundred inmates anting cannot be number A numbér of singers were in at. In and rendered special music, Mr. Archibald is here, for a few days, interviewing men in connection with Pinel matters. He "also poke a few and a-- bat i ae oe Given her by. tho officials of the pen 5 N : INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. : -- Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By s on Their Rounds. A. W. Cliff, London, iy in guest oo town, Eng : ol Q, Miller, the well-known chocse 3 el is in town, 2 1 LW, an, a prominent insurance Joronto, is in the city. "Would not do howd one" said a customer Speak about rubber Sponges at Gibson's Red Cross drug Une day only, Tuesday.' 5 yellow 3 Rckages of corn hg 2Be., at ul Ld POOrY, corpe Digison Sect ete ofl | The t snow of a settled nature was that which foll to-day. It put fear many hearts, for an early Stehing of winter is generally dread: -- HAS NOTHING TO SAY. -- Capt. Lobb, of the Highland Beauty Here. Capt. W. KE. Lobb, whose schooner, tho. Highland Beauty, sank at Cape Viacent, Thursday, was in the city to-day on business. He said he had nothing for publication. Asked it he would buy another boat, and again sail, he said : "I really can't say; the chances are I'll be in the poor house in thirty days. About all 1 have are the clothes oh my back, and they are Acaroly dry." The sarge from the vessel js not y all lightered. : ye ------ Repairs Badly Needed. Je What does the --vity property fom- mittee intend to do about the weigh scale house at the hay market ? The roof of this building is in a miserable condition; in fact it is almost use less. The lesson says the soales are in danger of being ruined. Why did the Property committee not make mention of this necessity when its appropria- tion 'was being arranged Jast Murch ? Some repairs will have to be made to tho weigh house, but the committee has no mgney, and the Fnance com- mittee will not grant any extra amount, ---- Misery Indeseri . Ta what the astamatic st. suffer. | How pleasant the relief from Catarro. zone can only be told by the cured "Jones. But eure is cortain and tasting wherever "'Catarrhozone" is used. The nobility at the beginning of the last century had ecloan table gloths once a month, One day only. "Tuesthav, 5 yellow packages of "corn starch, - 2c. at 5 | that the conditions, in Canada, 're- A Mysterious List. , Nov. 13~There is no evi: of the immediate recrudes- a cence of the outbreak, There, ous oriyin, naming a hundred nent Odessa citizens as assassination. Seven better class of inhabitants | many foreigners, train and steamer ly booked in adv Freedom Of The Press. St.Petersburg, Nov. 13. giving freedom to the will remain operative unt meots has been com promulgated soon. the old restrictions | Dominion Parole Officer W. J. Archi. are leaving Odessa, tickets being heayi- preached of the penitentiary on the text, 'That which i a hast leted and will be t sweeps away all , leaving newspaper oprietors subject only minal laws against , inciting insurrection, li- ete. Editions of be confiscated under the the censor must imm. his reasons for so doin to the present eri summon the proprietor before a legal tribunal for trial. ---- + Panic In Warsaw. 13.--The proclamation n all of the ten gov- ssian Poland has caus- ike and exasperation here, and re apprehensions that it will disturbances worse than those have already taken place. Owing the general. strike the distrust There is a scarcity of martial law i hourly increasing, and | The Threatened Rising. threatened mob rising was too elabo- casily averted by the measures of the authorities, were hurriedly purchased xpedients adopted for re. ammonia to smash on t render the place impregnable. thoroughfares were gay with copies of the Zritel, displaying a red- fi frontispiece, Among other con- tents of the journal are violent cari catures of Pobiedonostseff, ) relaxation of censorship 'OMISes an enormous ¢ itherto forbidden lux A private correspondent at Rostof- fonthedon, an eye-witness of the cent outbreak 'there, confirms the ac- that the military fired on n who attempted to check FALSIFIER OF ACCOUNTS. |. In Glasgow Arrested on Allan the recurrence of the fearful seenes 13.--Acting upon a the authorities, in Glas gow, High Constable panied by Constable Charles proceeded to the Allan wharf, urday afternoon last, and, on arrival man named Alfred Cooper, alias Alfred ifying accounts in Glas- gow. When the purser called out the latter's name in the cused immediately answered, and was by Mr. Gale of the object of the latter's visit. He was driven to the provincial police peared in the police court, ing, and was remanded pending the arrival of the papers from Glasgow, CRUSHED TO PULP. A Miner Killed, at ,Bankheall 'und arm. Banff, Alta., Nov. 18.--James Grak- am, wae killed, on Saturday while at work in Bankhead mine. with two others was at the foot of an incline, down which * & coal ear dashed, owing to the breaking of a cable, m was undble to get out and wis crushed to a & a native of Scotland, aged twenty-obe and had no relatives ey: The other workmen Spend $160,000,00 On Water. New «York, Nov. 13.--<The plan obtaining water from the Catskill re. gion for Greater New York, at an ex- to the state water supply commission at their office in Al the commissioners of No consideration, and a g will be given to all interested the matter at the court: house in ngston, on November 27th, ci. Man's Ear Bitten Of. Sault: Ste, Marie, Ont., Nov. Hotel, Saturday Sh ih blacksmith. The ear was taken off al. a with ah knife, ge neau was brought to trial, before St; pendiary Fagisteate Quiliell, last ov. agréungd, Saturday, Fi the Upper Bay, while 40 and sixty-aeven natives were killed, : a : A y TARIFF COMMISSION did not believe . iat fox tue merchants had yet been ES Eo ] Sian. + observed ng. An] Alberto Moreno has been appointed was above things, an open puhlic uiry, and they desired that uny free The bet "seme w gz and pre- sent rs dy : of the . Farmers' Association of 'On: tario, was then called. He admitted uired a tariff for revenue. But those ies should be levied in such a gine as to produce the best re- sults. "We claim," declared Mr. McEwing, "that the icultural interest is the catest wealth-producing, as well as the greatest consuming. body in the community. We also claim that the, present tariff discriminates against the - agricultural interests, and that in any revision of the tariff, this in- justice should be removed to af great an extent as ible. This could be most easily e if the tendency is towards a lower generhl tariff," Mr. McEwing read the following re- solution passed at the last meeting of the Farmers' Association : "Resolv- ed that we oppose any inérease in the tariff oy in 'force, endorse the British preference, and are of the op- inion that if the principle of maxi- mum minimum tariffs be adopted the maxmem tariff "should be no greater than that at present in force." Mr, McFwing said the farmers would be willing to have .the "tariff on farm produce if they received relief as consumers. W. L. Smith and E. C, Drury, also gave evidence for the Jar. mers, ARRESTED JAP AGITATORS -- Former Speaker and Members of Parliament, New York, Nov. 13.--A cable to the San from Tokio, says: "A sensation was created here to-day, by the ar- rest of Hironako Kono, former speak- er of the lower house, and three of his associate members of parliament, on charges - of complicity in the riots last September, following the signing of the peace 'treaty at Portsmouth, Kono, who is the leader of the pro- greseives, is an inveterate agitator, and has spent several years in prison, t is believed the arrests explain the prolonged continuance of martial law in Tokio, ees seit BOARD OF TRADE hp. Will Hear Address From Chamberlain's Secretary. Montreal, Nov. 18.--W. A. 8. He wins, who is secretary to the Right Hon. Mr. Chamberlain's tariff com- mission, has accepted the invitation of the excoutive committee of the board of trade to address the meg- bers of that board on the subject of "The Trade Relations Between the Mother Coufitry and Canada." A spe- cial general mecting of the board of trade will, therefore, be held at 12:15 on Thursday, of this week, 16th inst. for the purpose of hearing Mr. He. wins, ARCHBISHOM'S SYMPATHY. His Grace Sends Message to Metropolitan. The Archbishop of Canterbury, Most Rev. Randall Thomas Davidson, ad- dressed a telegram, which he follow- ed by a sympathetic letter, to An tonius, metropolitan of St. Peters burg, expressing the hope that "the 6 jent reforms now happily inan- urated may by God's mercy prevent which have caused the deepest SOITOW among all Christian men," and offer- ing on behalf of the Church of Eng- land, co-operation in any possible manner towards attaining that end. SHOT TWICE AT GOVERNOR. Wife of Municipal Councillor Wounds Governor. Moghalefi, Russia, Nov, 13.<"The wife «f Municipal Councillor Cuzersky, under the name of Baroness Merendorfi, ob- tained entrance to a reception given by Governor Klingenberg and fired two shots from a revolver at the gov- ernor, wounding him in the abdomen Er ---- \ OYAMA CALLED HOME. ' Ss Mikado Wants to Hear ' His Report. Tokio, Nov. 13. The emperor has sent a message to Field Marshal Ofama and his staff commanding them to return immediately from Manchuria for rest and to report .on the: campaign, This report is expect éd to be made some time this month, -------- To Be Asked For Aid, Ottawa, Ont., Nov. 13.--~The Jows of Ottawa have started a fand for the rélief of oppressed Jews in Russia. At & preliminary mecting for organiza- tion was subscribed. Every He. hiew in the vicinity will be canvass- RE -- Considering Appeal. Toronto, Nov. 18.--The ceurt of ap- peal, to-day, hearing: the of the Bank of Montreal, inst the judgment of Justice Anglin, holding the bank liable for the amount of the Martineau frauds at Ottawa. A ----------. Floated This Morning. New York, Nov. 13.--The steamship, Graf Waldersee, which went \ th as. Web Hosted, is morning. She had parently sus- tained no dutage. a. A ------------ Many Killed. Johannesburg, Transvaal, Nov. 13. vertical shaft, in the Pristontein mine, collapsed to-day. One white man the Central Prison, Gibson's Red Cross + & P- Begun Its Sittings in To- 0 FOR IT MALICIO L US. "Toronto, Nov. 13.--The Dominion i Nov. ¢ Dominion [ERR TAL | INGER FORM Mian of the a 1 a Wek sposch; In Matters That Interest Everybody which he said he the James MoEwing, Drayton, president hali-grown chickens on the other side Atchison Globe. oa he a ed het, tn keeps it on, | NUCH style can be crowded into air of shoes, try THE DOR- HY. DODD. They bristle means - the liquified oxygen is in the D. Y_Nov MBER 13 nt SOF THE WORLD] OCCURRENCES RECOUNTED ~Noteg, From All Over--Little Of Everything 'Easily Read And Remembered. consul-general of Panama at Hong Kong. The Bank of Commerce have pur. chased the site for a new office build- ing in Halifax. . Aridrew Carmegic has contributed a cheque of- 810,000 for the relief of the Jews in Rug ] A man named Sturgéon walked off the fishing tug Btar at Port Burwell was drowned. : Robert Hall, Hamilton, was run down by a Grand Trunk freight train and fatally injired. Child marri in' the Nofth-West were 'discussed by ' the Dominion Wo- men's Temperdnée union. The Croshyside Hotel, at Lake George, N.Y., was destroyed by fire, by alleged incendiarism. Major F. E. Dixon and David Con: dow, Toronto, both succumbed very suddenly from heart failure, An earthquake destroyed the Freat church of the Russian monastery on Mount Athos. The démage was. $125 - 000 G. C. Creelman, of the Guelph Agri- cultural College, was elected president of the American Association of Barm- ers. Edna Wallace Hopper, prominent in light opera, was operated on for ap- pendicitis at a sanitarium in New York. : Signor, Silvestrelli, ambassador at Madrid, will represent Italy at the in- ternational conference on Moroccan re- forms, - dhe There were 1,800 guests at a mar: riage feat at Savignac, Brittany, and 300 servants waited on them in an open field. At the conference- of naphtha pro- ducers in St. Petersburg, the loss of property at Baku during the recent re- volution was estimated at $22,000,000 Garnet Scott was killed in the Grand Trunk yard at Niagara Falls, while endeavoring to couple a car, the drawhead of which had broken away. Jefferson Lawyer, one of the oldest and most highly respected residents of Brownville, N. Y.. died on Sunday morning, aged seventy-four years, Pecause he was promoted in his classes James Sniko, a Pittsburg schoolboy, was attacked by his class- mates, and received injuries from which he died. At New York, five thousand persons visited the armored cruiser Drake, flagship of Rear Admiral Prince Louis of Battenberg, between the hours of one and four o'clock, Sunday. Secretary Bonaparte has ordered a court-martial for the trial of Midshin- man Minor Meriweather, jr., in con: nection with the death of Midshipman Branch, which followed a fistic en- counter between the two naval stu- dents. Friends of John N. Tisdale, a weal- thy mining man, who disappeared, Monday, in New York, under peculiar circumstances, advance the theory that Tisdale's disappearance is the outcome of the cattlemen's war in Wyoming fifteen years ago. The Néw York Herald announces that $3,000,000 has been subscribed for a new theatre by thirty men in the metropolis. The site will be the whole block between Sixty-second and Sixty-third streets, facing Central park, and will cost £1.000,000. In building the foundation for a lun- atic asylam, workmen at Carshalton dizcovered the ruins of a fortified British village covering four acres. The pottery and other objects found indicate that the fortress had been oe- eupied-up--to half a century before Christ. James Speyer of New York has giv- en to the trustees of Columbia Uni- versity, New York, the sum of $50 - 9 to endow the Theodore Roosevelt pref ssorship. of American history and institutions in the University of Ber- lin, in accordance ' with the plan ap- proved by the German emperor, Chickens Have Cat For Chum. In the window of a New York deal- er in poultry supplies may be scen a young tiger striped cat living in peace and harmony with a lively brood of fluffy little vellow chickens. The cat curls itself up and dozes [ comfortably here, quite undisturbed by the chickens, and never offering to molest them, while the little chicks, quite fearless, walk over the cat's body and stand up on top of it and peck at it for grains of food that may have 'been thrown upon its coat by the quick moving feet of other chicks, scratehing for food in another quar ter, The display space in the window is divided in the middle by a length of wire nettihg running back from the | glass, On obe side are the cat and the little chicks, while on the other side of the wire netting is a-lot of, hali-grown chickens. When the cat. in ite compartment, walks along by that dividing wire fonce in the window the run along. They are afraid of the cat, but the little chickens in the same compartment with it have no fear of it whatever, . Two Scolds. en the preacher 'scolds a woman for taking her hat off in church, it is hey to the theatre, "Ogmone," Its Best Form. Ozone" if it's the "coupon kind." It ted form and that in most * addition is given free with either the | LION. fifty cent or the one doll size of the ul . tion a coupon good for a twenty- | | ; NRE : Ti oe ie i ative ad $3 75 A PAIR ¢ fe Boll 5 et 1 ND Oy a of the stringent "Ozone" w) n ita ti Pabe Brag Combine. Bed It cures that dey 'hacking congh, cough syrup, 20% For Mén To-Morrow To-morrow we will place on sale the ga) following Special Underwear Bargain, of 105 Men's Fine Natural Different sizes and different weights, ranging in value from 73c., 9sc., $1.25. Your choice 49¢, @. manufacturer and bought at a bargain. We will turn them over to our customers at a most tempting price. To-morrow morning at 9:30. Those Making Bed Comforters Will find with us an exceptionally fine range of patterns in AMERICAN SILKALINES. All new designs, very pretty full 36- inches wide, and the price only 12%4c. yard. PURE WHITE COTTON BATTING for Bed Comforters, in half pound bunches and one pound bunches, at economical prices, Flannelettes For Underwear in Pure White, soft and dura- ble, extra value at 8c, oc, 12%c. These three makes have an exceptionally large sale with us this fall, and we are confident if more people knew of the values larger quantities would still be sold, also in Pink and Blue. Shirting Flannelettes, good quality English Flan- nelettes, in - neat patterns, suitable for shirts and nightgowns for men and women, Toc. 128c., 15c. in neat stripes, both light and dark patterns, sc., 8c., 10c. Grey Flannels, in a great variety of makes, roc. 1234c¢., 15¢, 20c., 25c., 30cC., 35¢. Red Flannels, 12%c., 15c, 20c., 25c., 35c., 45¢. Navy Flammels, 20c., 25¢., 30c., 35c. White Flannels, 15c., to soc., all qualities betwen. Fine White French Unshrinable Flannels, hoth twilled and plain. Sheeting, thoroughly scoured and unshrinkable, soft and warm, and a great com- fort for winter. a a prompt and Jermancat removal O any internal germs host surely 3 effected by the use of "Solution of with style. y, Bridgeburg, | ro] gan Red RUSE he Lockett Shoe If you want to see how They are shoes of distinc- Fall stocks all in. td Bl bo fi a FURNITU This is a lot of samples received from a oA catty 0. Store sain ENTS . Fl p------ YEAR 72. N¢ A TEN SPEGI Gold Oak Extensio) regular $18, for $11. i ak kcase anc Gold Oak Boo r : tary combined, $20 fo 1 Extra Made Couch in 1 regular €18, for $10. 1 Over Mantle, regular $15. The above are slightl; put extra good values. Mirrors in Gold Frames 1: sign from $15 to $25. Robt. J. RK 222 Princess Stree 2 Doors Above the Oper Telephone 56717. Finger RI ize the efforts our RING Ste nd $25 Diamond examples, and hi but we haw at far greater cc Jewelers Opt 350 King Street ISSUERS OF MARRIAGE Comfort, Style, Durability The three essentic be had in our shoes. Wear '"'Alle Military Bootmaker. 84 Brock St. Sign of Gc ------------ BOY. API Strachan's Hardware, - Pri BOYS AND GIRLS, AT dorfier's Cigar Factory, O TWENTY-FIVE GIRLS, A Bros' Mica Works, foot Street "GIRLS, F work? App Ltd ™Wo on 'HREE UNIT roc with or without ply to Box "°C Whig © A COMPETENT GENERAL for a small family. No Ir Z, and good wages. R i Hooper, Corner Albe treets AT ONC] GOOD LIVE nd buggy, to ha Compan BENTLEMEN TO GET T Uvercoats and Suits, lhowas Galloway's, 181 bring your old one them repaired. Style, f Ruaranteed to please. HELP, FEMALE), LADI I CWI at home, E32) to $i Wor SUL any distar I Jd stamp for National Manufae A MALE THACHER FOR { egiat Institute Fing d Moderns. S. 1 1 » begin on Applications receiv John Maedc Board of Exucati BOYS WA » day, after two position tuition half pric yne Bros. Co thools, New York, Ci Louis, Mo. (Free & A TEACHER PROTES' of a 2nd-Class | A LOCAL AND | DISTRI f Canada's Greatest prepared to mi to a reliable man to represent d ounding cou reserved e for fuller Wellington, To oe & TO-LET. THR} LARG FRI rs With or without Ply 160 King St., corner OFFI BE IN GOOD LOI King street. Rent low. Forrest, Gents' Furnis) THE SHOP ON DIVISIO bear Garrett street, occ milliner. Apply « SHOP ANDR Princess street ; & Sion November 1 Steacy & Steacy. OF, Fic OVER WAD Corner King an well lighted: and 1} Apply td McCann, 51 Fy RNISHED OR UNFUR use, with modern Terms very moderate tenant Apply in ev Stuart street BOUSE, oN CENTRE § 200d out huildings and Goad locality, moders Miformation, apply Grocer, Market Square The Sisters of Provid MI gurdes gum is sole h Cross Drug Store,