's condition to-da; Directors Decide to Get Further Information as to the Appli- cants--Action Taken on Sever. At a meeting of the H try directors = yesterday - present Mayor McFarl Nickle, Miss Machar, Miss Holt and R. Meek, seriously ill in the General is, much improved to-day. Walter Pearce, a recent graduate of | state Queen's, Kingston, is studying electri. | at were $64; $85 and $175. W. J was the Jowest tenderer, awarded the contract. ik th The superintendent sai at Hartnett and her two children bad { been temporarily admitted to the in- | stitutions. It was unusual to take chil. | dren, but as the orphans' Home co | not receive them until the w | cough epidemic there | the * had two fine deer and a fu « : Alexander Arthurs, nue, after several months absence in returned to the city on | ordered that' thé ndustry give them shelter ans' Home could artnett is the wife of the | unfortunate Nova Scotia man who was recently sent to the | forgery, She is a refined woman, and has secured a position here, The secretary intimated that a apes al committee from the House of In. dustry board would meet a committee } from the Frontenac council on Thurs- swenessneneg day aft visiting their daughter, Anna : senior nurse-in-training at the General i day. He was a Queen's graduate, a -- INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By | Reporters On Their Rounds. Another quiet day in police circles, | conts: Tell your friends you read it in tn, grant for the institution. Last the county council made a special grant of $250 to- Mr. Nickle raised a question about | asking for tenders, He considered that { on the whole it would be better if the of Industry directors did aboyt tenders, More sympathy | would be got for the institution if its supplies were divided more amon merchants, Mr. Craig wanted to know I the institution was to be run business or sympathy principles, favored tendering us also did Mr. Crothers Joseph Sinnott re al rior, or sitting | The case of a man named fae m "| was considered. He is an Engli company provided a permanent for him in the House of Indus- try at Athens, Gusage didn't like that ace and wished to come ngston house. Miss Machar wanted temporarily here, gston house could grit times, and the Whi prosperity in the big bargains -offered | therefore, g doors of the "rothers. The Kin & pact be used for those who were CENTRE TABLES | vil for elsewhere. The board decided ETA | 10 send the man back to Athens which y bad been given by Davis' company a sum of money HO, $2.50 up to $20 each. r intimated that would pay a month's board for till other provision could be made Countryman reported institution twenty- There are eleven empty beds. uatryman asked that she be re. as superintendent till Applications for the positi perintendent of the institution John Collinson, Rideau all, Centre street; last night to see John Anderson, R Henderson, Bay street; Michael Keyes, Samuel Cairns, Pine saleslady she had disa us, Carpets some- : a times look' well an 10 have only those that Ad, wear better. AXMINSTERS AND W ad the nl one. No butter was street; Frank Smith, EJ guson, Gananoque, ° g the appointment of a su- these are English make and superiors, for the money BRUSSELS not so e¥pensive, but Just | enough information as i cants, their character, a patient, kind and so- man, not merely a garden- td from $1, $1.20 to $1.85, Pon't fail to investigate hefore vou jn- T. F HARRISON CO. 'Phone 90 tt ete en. -- MARINE INTELLIGENCE. What is Going on About burse and housekeeper, tient forebearing- and not prepared to vote Captain Savage schooner William te--Fhe old people tender care, and hat had been given 1 Countryman and his wife, He advised ppointment be deferred, har and Miss Holt were .in Aletha, bay ports. M. T. company «levator: Steamer ort William with | 89.000 bushels of whe Local marine mel seo the schooner are of opinion that she sank. The steamer Aberdee Rob Roy, passed r with a cargo of 800 tons, leamer Cresco, which has been full of water was pumped out Sat- Grand Union Hotel 'Rooms From $1.00 Per Dey Up Pree Sq pint See BAGGAGE}: FREE Estate Bargains Here are a "few properties that t cheap just now, well rented, if im-] n do not expect to They thought she could quite satisfactorily, night, Mr. Crothers was also in favor appointment for a inonth Nickle said he was not to 'vote just at present. He had persons, one above wanted still more If the city council would by-law, allowing the matron only, he would the others, but he George Harris, tripped He was seri passed night, on her last trip as so heavily lad- to. cafry any was provided that | there should be a male superintendent can be hough freight out of Kingston. turn to Picton, she winter. A steam gear for s to be installed, ---- Had A Jolly Dance. One of the jolliest dances of the sea- son was given by Club, in the Whig hall, he board decided to defer the | pointment for a few weeks, and pointed a special sommittee ing of Dr, Ross, W, Meek to report upon hauled mediate possession is not desired'! $1.280 Single brick 2 dwelling, bath and ; Fortnightl . 559 Princess Street. lace -- are always Are You Run Down ? Stop--do something. Wade's | Tonic Pills are a tonic, a bic | fier, a blood maker, and need. In boxes 25¢. store. Money back 190 Brick dwelling, 2 stories, leasant and the fact tha undred and fifty were t the popularity of About midnight deli here, showed the club's affairs. | cious refreshments ' 8 . 3 below 700A row of three brick, 7 room Swellinge.. 1 185 Collingwood L800 Will buy a new. Brick. 2} storey, 8 room dwelli Sith large lt in central | if not satisfactory, gave Cros- His Leg Was Broken. On Monday, Robert Conboy had his leg broken while assis trde at Clyde Forks. | to the general hospita { ing. : + | ---------------------- Stylish Watch Chains se bearing the A. S. stamp--1000 tterns to choose from. wear perfect Your jeweler sells IH. & A. §. Chains, Send for H, &A, 8. Chain Book. IA SAUNDERS, Ki & fs 7g young people tripped the light tastic until an early hour this m was in 'perfect condi- orn- prettily decorated with lags and streamers of bunting. ------ Chorister For Fifty Years. The choir and. congregation of St, | George's cathedral gretting the resigna Smith, from his ors, a place alw Fora si Brick. 7 are tho welling wan snir, ov He | tion of Ji A. B, | place among the ten: | ays filled by him very Smith has been a chorister for fifuy choir in Newfound), delay. now is the time ap! ok Years, being in a . : ¢ and, and in that of ndral in Quebec. For many James' choir, | been chorister ® will be much y for 10, 15 and for some. years has in St. George's, His los . ood, leit to-day, for! spend the winter, and Mrs. A, B. hi ng, Ottawa, | a few days in the city, | icago, - Campbell, chief of police, Pam- Bemaur, Picton, has returned University ave' | Ww. HB: Gallagher, of i recently alg James Gilfitlan, B.A. Bowmanyille!' en route from Dansville, No¥, Yo his turned to-day from | where he purchased a burlo | K any a man who thinks he is - think. | y rehearsing the thoughts | pound m to this section for cheese alone. A low estimate of | Napanee section places total make at | 65,000 "boxes; average them at = re | pounds. to the hox gives a total of of | 5,525,000 pounds; at 10.48 cents makos [a total in money of $580,125. Remem. { ber the above are low estimates and | the turn in the lane he finds that it turns in the wrong direction. But few men would work if the was any other honorable method obtaining their bread and clothes. A meeting of the junior 0.H.A. team will be. held to-night | show that 4 t ; in St. George's Hall, for the election | and Napanee sections received in hard : f cash for their : | thirteen others for a water main on enjoying good | cheese this past season the neat little g reflects" their | sum of ¥1,110,525. The wolf should. pmos, Regimental band had its under the new band- Walker, last night, and ! twenty-five turned ge how some people forget | Kingston; and their manners when talking through | they make better cheese in Napanee the telephone, It pa ¥8 10 be civil and | Section, but because 5 i : : and at all | enticed to that board than to Fron. | Poles Will j tenae board; on aceount of nearly all above zero was the the factories b 4 + reading of the thermometer this morn. | 80 il a new huyer would come in he i Sy dropped rapidly degrecs during the day; rom Ottawa, says that | Fy : Ere an would, therefore, ask the farmers =~ of supply. AS to the length of an pera House was crowded Frontenge to make a strbng plea "The Yankee Con- their annual meetings sul." Tt was a representative gather. regal party attending. rk McCammon, received a aturday. A citizen pur- | a goose from a woman, pay- | ing 90c. and was | to return and get looking for the slim shown, and but ges at 2c. a dozen, A were offered at Saturday's meat; . and de. a Ib; pork, 9. and | the the Jamieson in Picton SS. Neepawah, for steamer | OVER HALF MILLIO AY, | . E, Brooks, are in the cty. Bm Trenton, | Larger Prices Can Be Obtained if More Cheese Were Boarded-- Without Boarding, There is a Lack oi Competition. 5 PD. J. McKinnon, district manager has ~ been | for James Alexander, the exporter of Hospital, | butter and 'cheese, has prepared. for ment of cheese board prices, ote., Kingston years 1903-45 : ra numbers. Checge boarded in Kingston, 1903, | Opera. Bum . , day, | 1015 boxes; Javerage hy I i i % k | cente: Highest for season, April 23rd, with a patient for Rockwood Asylum 120 cerits; lowest paid on November ith | 26th, 9 cents. fore 4 . ounds, with | Cheese boarded in Nap 1903, Opera House, last complement 8 Hono Br ae d f 118.61 Higher I Stein was put on by the Bijou Comedy com- i el or | i 18th, § cents; lowest for season, July Alst, 9} cents, ; ie Ad were seen to advantage in *heese boarded in Ki ston, 1904, | KI¢ Adams MT x Lae oso average _-- 3.15 cents: the leading roles. The secnery was hest for iy : - 1 1 cents; lowest for season, May 12th, given. Richards and 54 nts. boasted in Napanee, 1904) | musicians and Wijlie "Conlin's. singing 44,009 boxes; average Ng "highest for season, - November Fiths dl shy 8 op . ps May 6th, | § with friends i Hamil. | 93 cents; lowest for season, May 6 Mon, 3 t childrens won admiration. This com- ons, = * ; he Grand for three 2 Cheese i ine pany pai be at the Gra J For ese Hoard aston, 50: nights, commencing Thursday, Novem- DOXES;. avi ; \ odin [ber {ith cents; highest for season, November ian Oth, 12! cente; lowest for season, June | Matinee. Ist, 9! cents. . Cheese boarded in Napanee, 1905, 19,871 June 2nd, 9 3-16 cents, | A low estimate places total make in ingston section at 60,000 boxes. | Aldermen Average them at 85 pounds; this gives 5,100,000 pounds. At 10.42 cents a winter. Yon will | could get an i filled bidding ould a hi the same. on Fron- | ston | sell" them to "the sell them on the board, and I venture to sayythat at the end of next sea¥on | was to be { they will be shaking hands with them selves for doing . so, because | firmly | will be erec believe that they will profit quite a thousand dollars. «if might say that the qualigv of the make in both | the above sections { than it has been during the past sea Kingston | remarked ! to the careful attention that Mr. Pub low and his able assistants, Mr. Rob inson and Mr. Hensley, Yaw : mT factorymen along the line of instruc- { Owen N.Y i Times. tion and improvement to ! pv 3 iss Te echt ap Noticed thet the Cook Hawley, of Kingston, Cnt., and Miss ings at Napanee this past creased about 1 Kingston's hoardings deere: compared with those Kingston boardings were over 15,000 boxes less this year than in 1903. | son. | | | the result. Give twenty drops of Pol n with the tow, | son's Nerviline in h, Congestion is prevey circulation Any sickness can Nerviline. It and costs 25¢, at re- one C. the fan- Dodtors say the country is full of i First it's a chill, then a cold; the They | inflammation g jn, nd s have heen hot Neviline yourself, { tled with scientific care. It quotes A-------- Prof. Liebreich, University of Berlin, "Can't You See I'm Lonely." | as say ing that one such water, the Dearest Love can be, and 1 want you only, there's | The Apollinaris company, no one else for me and you know it, | controls the Sometime; keep away, leaving me so lonely-- | 'mmense . output. of lonely night and day. % | attracts many is Four thousand sponges sere recent- ay tourists, ly obtained from a crop Dalmatia. Grippe cured in one day, Take Gib- | The son's Red Cross Grippe Tablets, only | ducted monthly, by ° Mise EE ---------------- SCOTT'S EMULSION | successful, The topic on Monday night . | formed i 872, ani avin, or its is more than a fat food. | fret ly 24 having for i There is no animal fat | °" that ¢ompares with it in nourishing and building body. That is why chil re- } 1 i up the wasted, emaciated | being formed at Lac Ia R | dren and anaemic girls thrive and grow fat upon it. That is why persons with consumptive tenden- { st | rength enough to check { th e progress of the dis- SCOTT & BOWNE, Torrente, Ont, > N! AT THE GRAND, TO-NIGHT, to soothe BROUGHT hath charms -- ember 14th. This opera is mu every essential vet it is more Whig the following comparative and Napanee for the | i. rank atop price, 10.47 Bijou Comedy Company: « I' The Ottawa Citizen says: was a fair-sized andience at the Grand night, when "Un- 10.45 | der Two Flags," Ouida's famous play, pany. The drama was well reproduc- ied and both Wilmot Young and Mar- good and some fine specialties were Peters demon- are entertaining season, November Mth, strated that they elicited applause. Edward Stauffer's allads were also well received and the Scot ice, 8.27 cents; dancing - of the Armitage and Saturday a bargain WATERWORKS' COMMITTEE. ice 0:48 : i Mighent for shapon, November | Account Against Street Railway 120 cents; lowest for season, ' + Struck Off. : At the waterworks' committee meet- Sands but business was done all the same. es $530,400, which came in- The sum of $20 was allowed for re total make in that the } lent condition. charged against | railway company The sum of $41.34, the deceased street for "services des- | troyed by electric current, was struck off the books as uncollectable. The petition of J. M. Kemp and the farmers of Kingston summer's output of Division-Russell stredts, was granted, on condition that éach applicant Poy nine dollars a year net, for five years. There has been no recent bacteriolo- gical report on the condition of the a ivay rs water, hut Superintendent Hewitt "that aie Ne NcRinnon | has asked Dr. 'W. T, Connell to make oa R one, pound for their goods than: © why? Not becaiee | pyuy STR LIGHTING be kept away from the Fronténac and Lennox ddington farmers this coming more buyers were Hardly Be Erected Till the Spring. boarding their cheese, J. M. Campbell was asked to-day if the 862, to be hereafter charged for order for 500 or 1.000 ' street lights, covered depreciation as ¢. hiddi for them, |avell asvintérest, ete. He replied that it would more than cover everything board ?* No; he could not. I | involved in estimating the figure: of are at | lamp's life, Mr. Campbell said that this fall to | those put in here in 1887, eighteen their salesmen come to King. | years ago, were about as good as next vear, board their cheese, ever. They would last for a long time highest bidder, and | yet. Of course the quéktion of re placing them by more modern lamps considered. Mr. Campbell does not think the extra twenty lights ted till the spring, as it is | very late now to begin the work of putting in poles. Besides, the lights | are not needed in winter, as they are was mever better | in summer. \ especially is making .| improvement. This -- MARRIAGE ANNOUNCED. is due F. G. Hawley and Miss Myers Married in April. : have given the | vrue- 'The marriage of Franklyn George factories. Gertrude Myers took place at the par mage of St. Peter's church, on Ap- 1 ril 20th last --and--has just been an- nounced. Fhe bride is a daughter of Mr. and Nrs. Peter Myers, of No. 30 First avenue, and the groom is a po- pular young Kingstonian. Within few days the Young couple have ceived many useful gifts from merous friends. They West Seneca street. season in he same amount that sed, as of 1904. The a re- their nu are residing in Full Of Pleurisy. rows until pleurisy is a ---- | Precaution With Aperients. t water at once. A medical journal in an article on ited, warmth and | aperient waters States that they have restored--yon are cured. | very properly come into gencral em be prevented by | ployment, hut that the public should saves hig dector bills, | not overlook to ascertain whether for a large bottle. Try | these laxative water i This is the third lot- | "Apenta," from have written you this week, | pest affords this you see I'm lonely ¥ lonely a | bottled under springs near Buda guarantee, as it is scientific supervision. of London, Apenta springs of Buda- ompany also controls the the Apollinaris is located at Neuenahr, a beautiful spot which dear 1 wonder why you | Pest. This eo | spring which in Germany, ---- i grown in | | Missionary Study. missionary study class, con- Frances Macaulay, for the JWA,, of St George's cathedral, is proving most | was thé diocese of Saskatchewan, first Church of England missionary Henry Budd. This diocese contains the big industrial school, | Emmanuel College, Prince Albert, ga most important institution, and | boarding schools for the Indians at Battleford and Onion lak another is mge. Lloyd: minister, the large English settle ment, is also within the borders of Saskatchewan diocese. At the close of the meeting outline maps were given the members to fill in. i ---- Just For Curiosity. Take a look at our $15 Alaska sable scarfs, such valies as ours are not to be seen elsewhere, Campbell Bros, flesh and | Kingston's premier fur house. 8 gain Sunlight soap is better than other | soaps, bul when used in the Sunlight w Buy | Sunlight Soap | and fallow directions. | When we | Tibe glasses "They hit ' | Ph We guarantee them," *'The Yankee Consul' Will Be the" A < { - Attraction. ISWHAT FRONTENAC CHEESE A learned man once 'wrote, "music RB the angry beasts," and music has been used | through all time to soothe mere man when his 'mind was distraught, but, it has heen written hy modern man that the most enjoyable efforts of recent vears is "The Yankee Consul," which comes to the Grand on Tuesday, Nov- mn whistle able" than musical efforts usually are, The ensembles are particularly strong and there are an even dozen numbers the average light There heard from the members of the board ing yesterday afternoon, there were (chairman), John- ston, and Harkness, not a quorum, { pairs to Engineer Cullen's house. The Canadian Casualty' company reported boilers. at 'the pump house had been inspected and were in excel- of God. Dearer than thousands of si] with holy affections, the memory pray God that your whole spirit, soul and body be preserved blameless, --1 Thess. v, 23, him, Remember the prenaratory pray er service at seven o'clock. sian lamb jackets, Mink and other fine furs at 8 means a saving to our customers of from Ri5 to 825 Mills & Co, store tonight. Your heart, The latest vocal and mental hits for sale at Bros. hanger, ideal ventilation casily hung from inside, at the Yellow Store. was in progress on Fr bed-room much admired, senior third dnd The ladies in will wait a fod days before taking action. ET ---------- The Money Loss of - Is one of its most serious features. The ey who drinks not only ruins Mt t deprives those dent of the apport tawny peat upon titled. * |. The Samaria Tasteless Prescription bas saved many men from Drunkard's Graves and restored wife and family to plenty and happiness. Given without Patieats knowledge in tea, coffee or food. : tion is a cure for drunkenness, publicity, all private." - and price sent in plain sealed envelope. Cor. noe sa THE SAMARIA Chambers. jor VED LONG TIME. Remembered by the Napanee Cheese Board--He is' Now Leaving for the West--The New Tax Collector. At the regular meeting of the Na- pance cheese hoard, last Friday ai- ternoon, it was moved that the board adjourn to meet again first Friday in May, 1906. W. R. Gordanier, who has so faithfully discharged the duties of sacretary for the cheese board for the last twenty-five years, was. presented with a handsome ink set as a memen- to of his services. Mr. Gordanier has held the position ever since the cheese board was started in Napanee, and purposes leaving in a few weeks to make his home in Tacoma, Wash. Many expressions. of good will were as to Mr. Gordanier's efficient services during that long time. The first snow storm of the season. at Napanee, occurred yesterday. The ground was barely covered, but the air was quite wintry and every "in- dication was abroad that winter was with us. T. F. Rutten has been appointed tax collector for the town of Napanee for 1905. Great anxiety is felt in Napanee ah- out the schooner Mary. On* November dth, she left Sodus Point, for Napa nee, with a cargo of-coal for J. R. Dafoe. and no tidings have heen re- ceived from her since that date. Cap tain Baird and three of the crew be long to Napanee, and their wives and families: are in great anxiety about them., The names of the three men from Napanee, are : A, Humphrey, Ed- ward Maracle, and Benjamin Davy All have wives and families, who are hoping that the schooner is in some cove or in the shelter of an island, probably disabled and unable to com municate with them. Cant. Baird was a thorouch sailor and 'the most care- irl cantain on the lakes, and some think he will yet be heard from. Monday's Meeting in the Y. M. a Last night the first of the week ev ening addresses was delivered by the Rev. Hatt Lipscomb, curate of St. Paul's, to an appreciative audience of men, His remarks were based on 11, Timothy iv., 13, "cloak," "books, but especially the parchments," as suggestive of the tripartite nature of man. Three of the main thoughts were: First, cloak, or care of the body; sec- ond, hooks, or culture of the mind; third, parchments, or concern for the soul.' He, the speaker, found it diffi- cult to be patient with those who be- littled manly sport and recreation, and equally harder is it to look with. out disfavor on those who think and talc of nething else but sport, In healthy recreetion is to be- found, in part, the solution of the problem of purity. Fearlessly, clearly and yet de licately. he dealt with the sins of the flesh, not by any means confined to he younger men as so ge thought, The speaker then dwelt briefly on his second point, the culture of the mind. What care should be taken to store the mind, how careful to avoid the oft. found suggestive uncleanli ness in the light reading of the hour. "What are you going to be when vou' done ledrning?"' asked a London v of his Sunday school boys. One "'a teacher,"" which was the desired answer, another thoughtful youngster said, "dead." Point three of his ad dress, espocially the parchments, concern for the soul. No other book or books can tak&™ the place of the word rally ver and gold. Read and-meditate on the--word have the mind saturated with holy thoughts, the heart filled sur rounded with holy associations. The speaker brought his remarks to a clos¢ with the prayer of St, Paul, "1 To-night at eight oc lock, Rev. € E. Manning will give the address, Ap increasing number of men-should hear ---- Furs At Wholesale Prices. Being manufacturers, we sell Por wholesale p This 2 a garment. George manufacturing furriers, ---- Dearest, do meet me at the music devoted sweet instru MeDwrmgit t See Simmons Bros.' new storm sash Hardware While the general hospital bazaar idav. a pair of which had heen were, stolen from the fourth class table. charge of the bazaar slippers, the Drink Habit moucy a moderate drinker will and pamphlet giving fu. * Le ing fu cred confidential. Address: MEDY CO. 15 Jordan 'Chown's Drug Store, TENDERED A GIFT] W. R. GORDANIER HAD SER- THE FIRST WEEK MEETING ---- Are You Up to the Mark? If not feeling should, de not take of lettin care of itself. as well a make the mis. § your healp take €sort ta Beecham Pills Sold Everywhere, |, boxes ¢ 25 centy, Flesh Building Cod Liver 0jf Best's Elixer' of Cod Live Gil with alt Extract wond®ril op, Hypophasphitis and M the most is constructive tonic made. It 'is the besy preparation for these who have lung troubl p Whose weight is slightly deere ASH yg Prepare for Winter By "building yourself up with this splend¥d preparation. Extra large bottles, bd $1 or 3 for $2.50 a) The Best Drug Store L. T. BEST, Chemist and Optician 124 Princess Street. "Phone 59 Cook's Cotton Root negising on hich nen ny depend. n two degrees ati No. 1, for ordinary g rrees styonger for Special ee. ¥8 per . Sold all druggists. Ask for Cook's Cob ton Root Compound ; take no . eulstitute. fhe Cook Medicine Co., = Windsor, Ontaria, Hl Our Silk and Dress Goods Remnants Ht Half Price Wednesday ! Some hot bargains for all. Comeand see! NEWMAN & SHAW &} : 3 = & 2) = oS) i C000 000000000000 00000¢ Perhaps you are not burning the size of Coal requir- 'ed. Let us advise R dan St., Toronto. Canaca. Also for sale, by Henry Wade. fhe James Johnston Sto The only safe effectual monthly | Za! cases, $1per box; No. 2, 10 de Hosiery A great range of Ladi Boys' and Children's Hose > grade possible to i and our prices are low. Gloves Many celebrated Gloves ladies in Tans, Browns Black at $1 pair, guarant Corsets We have all the new th in Crompton's and E. T. ¢ sts, We are giving g percentage off this week. 'Underwear We carry possibly the 1 ost stock of Underwear ladies, gentlemen and dl ren in Kingston, 'and week we - have special prices. The James Johnston $ 180 Wellington Street a eee S OF CANADIAN NORTH IRS ns REGULATIO t en numbered section of or bo in Manitoba or te west Provinces, excepting 8 an wserved, may be homesteaded uj person who is the sole head ol = or any male over 18 years 3 ag . extent of onequarse section, re or less. REY may be made personally focal land office for the district iv the land to be taken is sivuated, Of bomesteader gesires, he may. on \ tion to the Mimiswer of the 1 Ottawa, the Comintssioner of lbp tion, Winnipeg. or the local ag the district in wnich the land is receive authority for some one t ry ir him. HONEST EAD DUTIES : A sett has been granted an entry for e Stead is required to perform t \itions connected theruwith unde: following plans : WK ee six months residen wad cultivation of the jand ia oa during the term of luree y: . @) f the father Bo mother, Tather is decedweu) ul any pecs eligitle to make a howestead er der the provisions of this Act, upon & farm in the vicinity 3 mmtered for b; such person toad, the irnaats of this Ad fesidente prior to obtaining pate be satisfied by ach person residi h2 father or r.other. 8) If the settler has his pe fesidence upon farming land ©) him in the vicinity of ms hobpiest requirements of this Act as to 1 may be satisfied by residence wu wai d. APPLICATION - FOR PATENT be made at the end of three ye fore the, Local Agent, Sub-Agent Homestead Imspector. Before making application for the settler must give six months I writing to the Commissioner mirion Lands at Ottawa, of his i © do se. BYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN 1! WE MINING REGULA I'L .--Coal lands may be purc $10 per acre for soft coal end Anthracite. Not more than 3820 » be acquired --by--one individual Vany. Royalty "at the rate of t or ton of 2,000 pounds shall be oa the gross output. Suartz.--A free miner's certi ffanted upon payment in ad $7.50 per'annuw for an individ from $50 to $100 pes annum for $any according. to capital. {ree winor, having discovered hh place, way' locate a claim 1.500 feet, The ee for recording a claim 1 Atleast $100 must be expendex claim each Year or paid to the m Corder in lieu thereof. been "expended or pa.d, the locat hon having u survey made, ai Somplying with other requireme: we the land at $1 an acre. The patent provides for the pa 8 royalty of 24 per cent on the PLACER mining claims gene 100 feet square ; entry fee $5, r Yearly, A free miner may obtain two dredge for gold of five miles es term of twenty years, renewabl discretion of the Minister of the The lesses shall have a dred Son within one season from the the lease for each five miles. Ri PST annum. for each mile of rvs sy YRIty at the rate of 24 per cer * on the output after it exceeds W. CO . We REM of the Minister of the N.B.-- Unauthorized publicatio Mvertisenient will not be paid The Furniture of your should consist of : Brass or Iron Bed, Whi or Uak Dresser and St & Chifionier to match, The line We aro. showing Uvely praiy, at surprisio Priceg, Have 1, : ir Repairing and. 2 attended to, as our FOU 8 rvjeeg JAMES anes n . . :