& AILY WHIG, TUESUAY NOVEMBER 14. Cash or Cure wilts . t hONL : RHODESIAN COTTON. Bibby's FE) ' Bre om ot es? ors A NAVAL: MARINE,...... Promises to Become a Cm -- ~ - ibby 8s -------- Fanos Co A jon Ca ; " Fir m---- Rival to America. Te ¥ Shick Consumption foun tod Therods a caine aud it PREFONTAINE'S TRIPTO EU- | New York, Nov. 11 he New York You aie wie rhe hind of thi anatyet a nord ROPE IS TO.GET POINVERS, | Hernid hoe the Tolowing special cable fe Ca er, of thé analyst has not. : =e | from on : : . y th been equal to the task before hit, y eee | Is Rhodesia becoming a rival to Am- I ne Ss * And Buy Training Ships--Inquiry | erica in the cotton industry ¥ Consign- Cas anything be fairer ? 3 > ihm ' 3 | ments of cotton continue to arrive at n i Criticising The Leader. 3 Into Bavarian Disaster Which | Liverpoel from there, some of which a H you have a Cold, Cough "HW. Pope, of Compton, Que. an Opens on Thursday, Will Be of | ,rrived there this weck The first few of the Throat, Lungs or A meaibér of the commons, left out of Most Thorough Character. | bales, which arrived rather more than i tl : Ottawa, Nov. 14. --Oii Tuesday week | 8 month ago, were pronounced of good Sction of UR (eStart WL the {on Rar Pai a day Work | amps ago. strong. ta' the people, has for England. He will spend some time.| Charles Wolstenhohue, of the firm of o and 10 the Winnipeg obtaini information respecting | Wolstenholme & © Holland, who have une be bas BS unbodoming hifn- | naval militia to aid in drafting a bis | been testing the cotton on hehali of Ap x Tod . : sell. The act is te, because for the Soming session of purfiaient, i the British Uution Growing Associa ¢* Rick J ing 1 thé organization in Canada | tion, has the utmost faith in the pos ME. & iardwon of the Te he, is a of a volunteer _ marine force, for | sibilities of Rhodesia as a cotton pro- political * pessimist and it is Stang ihe Atlantic, the gieat lakes and the | ducing centre. He says : that there should be a commoning' " . - "Samples of Rhodesia cotten grown Mu AYE kindred spirits. "dt is probable he will arrange for! from seeds in various parts of the M0 61.000 stock for 1 Pui of the - > i id as dt three training | country have yielded most satisfactory invested, and Salary t odo hat Propose fo criticiss Jor a 1obipa hich will be. repaired, Tho min: { results possible. We have applied ev. 47.000." Profits Lon" moment this morning," said Mr] sre of ine is also going to look | ery test, and find that Rhodesian cot- \ douko0 per cent. An of Pope, "the conduct of my political] into the je system of Enrope, | ton is' the duplicate of Texas cotton, SHIL 25c. pet bottle. All deale ------------------------------------ resem BUSINESS OPPORTU WANTED ;--MAN AGER O Toronto ,Company being take over Manufacturin Must he a hustler, inves te a lifetime. Nome hunine leader, Nr. Borden; whom I personally f With a view t6 ving the pilotage i which is largely used _in Lancashire, . . REY ih. invest. Al highly respect, and who" is the em- | 0 Canada, not omly of tie St. Law- | and whieh it has heen impossible to Our New Suits Certainly Whiz office. : for in . : rence, but of the ritime province | grow in any other colony. Sony subject to the amtoua of The | bodiment of honesty of purpose. What ports, where investigations 'have According to. the information re ¢ B i th R d 's Ph . . gal | We have lost by parliamentary tac-| shown marine disasters 36 be due to | ceived by. the British Cotton Growing ea 2 ecor 'Wood 3 any © wave J Ed tics we have lost apd it ix questiona- | the pilots' carelessness or juefficiency. { association, Rhodesia = can produce 0 Fhe Gnu fing : 3 ogmedios oid, Mme AE 08 | CC rave gained ansihing er] The. International salmon Raber: | three-quarters of a million bales per We have. distanced our best of last season, and f S.Pual Weakne mage such advertisement. A . | commission, which was in progress | year, which is considered sufficient to th. t' rdi hi " boxraxo acres Brain Worry, min Pe by him for sue ver a compensate for the loss suffered. Sir this week on the Pacific coast, dis | leiey the world's market and protect at's no o inary achievement. matorrhoca. Impotency, Ki ck ' THE WEEKLY B H WHIG, Wilfrid Laurier has gained a 'tempor- | cussed the question of measures pho- | the British cotton industry from spe- ' : 3s 23 Fron, al aity'and an earl RBETT S: y , 84 Solum, 8 ia ary advantage, but I believe it is only | hibiting Sunday salmon fishing, and | culations, which of recent years. have| We're determined to make it difficult for any oneto Her phy, x or Gna will ' eh at 3g Vewporary other restriction on the Fraser river fred. pick a flaw in our Suit stock, and a careful glance wi re od by A aren Writ a eee in Sdvancs: otherwise. $1.50 per year. 0a "ie vn | 8nd the establishment of further [~ Capital in any extent is in readiness h ie 3 ; ? : glance will fa wood Melo Coe Wh Attached to the i ane of ow tis well that the conservative | Lipoic which are dived by the |:to"develop the Rhodesia project, and | SHOW What it is possible to do when fabrics are CARE. yr - host Job, . ne pro: party should in council assemble and Americans, Seven representatives frop, the only difficulty that is anticipated FULLY CHOSEN AND TAILORED. » ~~ r bh tin detetmine upon a well-defined policy' Washington state joined with six js that of colored labor for planta- 9 Briad TE Fon Pi Se: Mansa, { for the'future, The French Canadian is | Canadian commissioners in an express: | tions. Try Myers aise WhiG Mt. cnbarily: ge seasonably a. ui ty ie maton ap come pie ie ot ferie, whe uve in We Have a Great Showing of Fall Suits Fine COO] ; v ) parter of the present govermnent. He fisheries; Prof. Prince, Dominion fish. | are of 'excellent character and may f insi 3 : THE DAILY H has been led away. A convention of} eries commissioner, was chosen chair- | be grawn in such abundance as to ji Turn them inside out--every stitch, every little MEATS. ""Opifer per Orhem Dicor. hie [tle conservatives of the Dominion. can wan, Go ro tily he prediction that Rhodesia will Safalt shows the touch of the master tailor ; no hurried "SSK. SULL A . , . + Ths mounted police department has] in the course of a few Seasons, pro- i i i i : Bluster From Alberta. determine upon a definite elear-cut Ly up the idea for the present. of vide the final solution of England's wor i, D0 skimping, nothing slighted. That is why our : MISS K : ative. Dress "vats (he | Piatiorm of its policy which will ap- | extending its patrol work in Beau! | cotton problem. Suits fit so perfectly and hold their shapes so much Dresamaking and Ladie The = conservative ie. The | Pol to the intelligence and patriot- | fort Sea eastward from the mouth of | ---- longer and better than any other kind. hough Ie Labi 4 news from Alberta just a ie: he | ism of the Canadian people. the Mackenzie river do Bayley Tsland. 4 MURDER FOR 'A LARK. p-- : ; H vas one of 'surprise "As it i . X : for the time being the police station. -- Gives the first EXpregamn Wr near wiped | As in is we lave succeeded in_an- ed at Fort McPherson will confine | Kill a Negro Out of Pure Devil: CONNERC1A) : id that the party been vy | tagonizing about some of the elements themselves to a patrol of the waters faent 516) 0 16 50 :W YORK STOCK M most heat out. The second emotion. was Sy {of our own party. From the stand- lying between the Mackenzie river and Columbus, 0: Nov. M--"Lot's hi o e bd ed or W, F. Deve 6 displeasure with K. 5. Beunetld, 4 | -- point of party polities in -the great Herschell Island, the rendezvous of the the first colored PA we. ier ot Boi N H » Arket Square. Ringion. for the gary lawyer, who 'had man Pe political © questions of the day, the whalers who frequent those northern! remark ; made by one of three ame your price and we'll more than meet your iy A TF . things so that he became leader 0 sohservative party proposed 100 much | "The: Bavarian enquiry will open, aos] YOUN white men, while out for a | €Xpectations at every point. : Richisom, least money. | party and made a ness 2 - | or too little, Let us be frank." cording. to present plans, on Thursduy, Jur, aud Re resuly Gevrge Jackson, Baltimore J Ohio : FE ness, "The conservative - party (in / i The 'wonder is that Mr. Pope could | before Judge Routhier, as vice-ad- and ia and porter. is dead, THE H : D BIBBY CO Brooklve Hapilt Frags) " , " : » a * : : apry Hayse, H. W. Pontius, Canadian Pacific . B Welln phonaoroall G1, id the Toronto Telegram, | not aay al this do Mr. Borden, per. | Wiralty. judge. at Quebec. The deputy | JL, AF, Hover, HW. Pontius, and = >: *3 En bist : S. ANCLIN & 60 on ep. be Se do | sonally and privately. Why should: he, Quebec, will represent" the govern- Jackson was found lying unconsci The Men's Wear Store. Yo $ ¥ . ong as it is in v -- carry it 'away west, and give it. out ment's interest, while the sailing mas- Ya on the High street' viaduct near | ess to the people through, the Winnipeg J ter of the North Atlantic squadron i rw { M ' : ith Comn- | I88t midnight and died before he Trib ; ita: bas sented "to act along with Com ' ribune, . to slowly filter ite: way hack, fo Missouri Pacific entrance 'the i 3 3 eee A -------------------- New York Central an to 'the - Union Station ei such bunglers as Senator Loughead, and Mr. Bennett." But there are thuu- | Rock Island sands of votes which were nat poll: throughs mony din antikit mane" Spain as assessor. quid 32 Fumoved to a hospital. His Pat " : | od, says a telegram to! the Mail. T2| the leader of his party ? 1" SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. The mystery which shrouded the Tin City | . many as that ? a : > . : man's death was lifted when a man ei 3 Men like Mr. Pope are making ay $3 ra EE The new provinces have Amal Hn |- uch trouble as they can for Mr. Bor' Change Of Occupation. hy a a haa her ark de Rr ; At the Club 70 SELL OUTSIDE OF YOUR favoured by a registration. act. Y | den. They laud and wagnify his name VLATa Free Press. arrest reported it to the lice, oper . - 1th Bn cn St. Kitt' ii is sai o hav , SINS AND YOUR. TROUBLES ? may he later. For the present the gle | with one breath, and reflect upon him _-- Ce gid to aye reading : of Jackson's death United States Steel United States Steel, pid. imself the poll "and | . He 'is now "in \orni ult 8. in the uo Ag / Carling's Aleds { NairT MONTREAL GRA a tor presonty himself at he 4 Lo | with the next. How any man could} a! position: to, shave notés. Trig papers, Poutive- and Power Qi V7 $ Dacetaher tenders his vote. It mdy o challeng- | ooeod as a leader under these cir. -- 14gro, and' th th struck the Wm q / ; sold at the most ed. In that case it is held in roserve, | cumstances passes comprehension Sense At Last. 4 abies * aL ir was the author of | : 4 // A : : The oanhapvative " Faronte 'Star, pe remark, which was made just af Hl hi A fashionable clubs Noceust and not counted... "The: cony ' ale. 1 Alter thinking it over R. B. Ben. | TF they had had an altercation with N | n hic - mle ~ ; theory in that all the, challe oles | Editorial Notes. nett sees how foolish it was for a C. another negro, Hayse says he was so \ Hai hotels and restau- September 3 are those of conservatives. There is no | Mid R , 5 P. R. solicitor to offer to act as (he much under the influence of liquor he a [ ; . 1 | FREE, CONTRACTOR & | evidence of that. The party managers | HC eatst spend any money ? Ho | pod Mullah of the west. did. not responsible for anything he : : rants in Canada WILL REMAIN GI A nn are mot likely to lét all the liberals | certainly did when he had his eye on ----- \ d it .. The police claim that Jackson's 5 i li fa a wid ta ine vf vote 'without question ! = The: voters | the presidency. The Hezy Ast, ue ri that h u Keke. 2 i Sud the. United Ro Withdrawal of. Tre Y Ww. : L a} -------- Toronto Mail. v! A yse denies that he had 'such'a yy 1A a h i + bork of all descriptions. were pretty woll canvassed belore ! the | oI. Lockie Wilson is spreading him- Candidate Hearst has been counted | Weapon. 1 f ¥ a States. » Territory Consids Division St 8 ® . been . onsiy , chetion, and they were pretty Swell | oe o Saskatchewan. But ay go. | 09t of the mayoral office in New York, | -- lerlin, Nov. 14.--The fc 5 { ; : : Ii he fulfils his promise to take the Live Stock Market. J b v, rity says the dispatch of the | | WO0000000000000000000@ | known. | . | spell-binder he is not much. The peo- ! : . fl Montvial. Nov 12 J It's purity, ere Seth - Then the announcement is made | dL + chair on inaugyration day, he may be Montreal, Nov. 13:-About 900 head z elegraph irom Tokio, sa . TEA {OF CHINA PAINTING . hay 3 Satan iBooi on | ple have sized him up. thrown out. t hmtchery pate. 200 calves. 10 / 2 uniformity and Sgrecment has been evict : > that "it will row i' nt | ano ¥ g -- HER cows' and springers, 1,600 sheep Zh J the German governor of a -coLons AND GiLS. CHINA rectify the wrongs." The vaters will] Al the bets in the New York Do Tell. aml lambsg, and 100 fat hogs were of brilliancy have the Chinese governor of § Chinn Painters sold. China mended to | not bother about it. The candidates | mayoralty are held. . pending the re- St. John Telewrim, feked for sald at the Fast End Abat v of Shantung under whic Your patronage ey oi AREY Welle | have not the means "to 'spend upon it. | sult of the legal fight over it. "The | The report that some ballot boxes Loft to-day. The butchers were ont made it Canada's will be evacuated "in Ja | ih . i . ww ¥ leet ve T3rong¢ and there was a god demand Kaomi in six months, is 3 BE ia : 4] WARers amou t Ii nged in the New York election have IY : ey ji . The partivs will have to finance She | 4 amount toa million aud oa bean fished out of the river suggests fdr pretty good cattle, but the" com favorite beverage. truth and' error. issue if it is going to the courts. Tt is | half. that Tammany may have borrowed | ™O¥ Stock are slow of sale at Pretty The facts are that Emp at the time when he pro empress gent of © Chin drawal of the foreign tro province of Chili, excep guards, also proposed, witiative to evacuate Ka » ronclude that there is a good q . some of the trick boxes u in On 10% figures. George Nicholson paid ot wafe to conclude t ee g The Muil says the report that Nr. a e trick boxe sed in On A LO i k finde ao 4 doin of bluff about all this. The re | ruttain threat to ate--the NY. ' pretty good - animals sola, at Ze. to 5 : . elenti ro. ably ne | Hwuttain threatened to-prosecy 1 . ------ Np Dretty good te. to f } : . sults of the election aré: proly hs : | colonies if they did not vote for him Something In That. a fo. per h. and the common 4 1 | ' A fair as they ean be expected, Sati he | is a campaign lie. Is that so ? Where | Toronto Paper : oe 51, 2 0c, per Ih. Milch cows | qa ing S e conditions for. carrying on elections F. D. Monk, M.P., leader of theeen Vere rather sow of sale at from £25 4 condition ving j= Mr. Haultain's denial ? have been very much improved. ---- ive prety he Juche: inaving asl ig gg FE salves pg { The Ale that's Always Bde oF Hoth Rar? A movement is afoot to change the etobhs grain hain ies to 1c. per Ib. Sheep sold at 3c. to Pure, lease contract. : Jews In Mourning. insurance law and limit the socuritics that he feels the necessity for more JHC and lambs at 5c. to 5ie per They were temporarily What is the matter with the Jews ? | in which insurance companics may in- | protection for the party , cabbage Ih. Good lots of fat hogs sold at the time of the Boxer mi 53c. to 6c. per Ih. Nic re What ix the cause of those repeated at: | Vest: Tt has the support of all who | heads. : per ih precautionary measyre an | : : + --- SE ------------------ . cipation was never meal tacks upon them, now in one place, ave carrying life insurance. : Modern Philosophy. To Cure A Cold In One Day. J. S. HENDERSON, Agent, Kingston. manent. The measure 1s and then in another ? The question | is Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tal frg-- due to the Japanese pres ] : 1 "Fhe Toro Tel somsiders it | Hamilton Speetutor. Ly me lah -- ; y pertinent because at the meeting in { hp rt es rn Vin dere 2} if a man contemplates suicide hy jete Drupeists hn money if it fails 2 question of We wit * bes o ® Conserv ' sure, K 'o's sig ei 0 Germa yreos iro Toronto on Sunday: sifernoon, to | ¥ ol : Ol a cannot do better that grab a loaded =r Se rove s signature is on A WAR WITH TURK EY : nan fore = Te n- sympathizers with the sulferebs ih the tive party that R. B. Pennett has gun hy the muzzle and haul it toward 1p eb, X Spr : . The Bh: 1 a n : Hint dha ral been beaten. The word wonder is him, Tt is very often quite effective Pei \ tont ren oy eased the | - : ghter, a distinguished rab ; 33 ic . : adhd LV VOU nee onic ¥ Dr. Chown® ~ : . mains in furce and: we : dessin slaughter . hing + | Without Aympathy from those who | But it is past understanding why ' special "Fron: Tonio Pills ia lon : Can be avoided by coming For. thik coal mam it bi asked amid the sobs of he in iow hint mah who wants to Bve should do 5 of toon. il is the great -- map YOu want the audience, "What has the world ' ---- that sort of thing. Sian He ad up run down | tO our store and preparing Buy chamois vests and he Lest thie hurnable at current against us ?' What have we done that | The Montreal Gazette fmds fault be- . 1 he death Pas occurred at Prittle for the fray with a set of our re ¥ bson's lin i Warket rates--best because thd no one takes our part?" cause a liberal has been nominated | WHITAKER WRIGHT'S PALACE vell, near Southend, England, of fine i lity C » } Te be fre rok Wines whose output we handie The Odessa massacres have been {for the district paymastership of the Low PRids Caused Its With- id Smith, tht Hix, who has only Yur ity farvers... Thee ionsy Ci Tn Supply & high grade of coal, be. without a parallel. There is, no intel [militin. Had a conservative been the drawal. a hi in Hs) Hie laos for oe are made of the best quality iF Litthe Liver Pills Pause Us curelully. picked over oe J] NE explantion with regard to thm, | Meominee i would have been all right. } 0 magnificent mansion | London to the exhibition. steel and will slice toughest Thay gently i It is only apparent that during the | ---- ' and estate nese Wiley, upon which i a ymach fro Aba wines, again screened in, our disturbances that are incidéntat fix] Tom L. Jobson, the mayor. of Whitaker Wright is sail to have speat gobbler, ss leather ankle Yards und delivered with dispatch. present. conditions. all ver Rgseia | C10¥Cland, is going to save the sui- | £1.950.000, was offered for sale re there was, séemingly. the most savage tides in his city. He has appointed cently. Suffered for 23 Years We have also in stock a ¥ gsi kX into how "he Four hundred people visited the . . ; . . . ttacks on the helpless 'Jews, They | 8 commission to look i wf herbal splendid lin , hat on ie ra hey Th thay accomplish his purpose, and he place for the "auction. but the result With Kidney Trouble. Pp li e of Scissors, splendid wearers for the T1.10,: The Lockett The Great Northern 1 "ere withdrawn. from - the Phone connection, R. CRAWFORD, or the auction. fitory at Midway, B.C Remy was disappointing. The estate was | €PR ; ok FOOT OF QUEEN ST. dismembered and mutilated, and © the | Wks it will sueseed. : iad inte re hk dn, Mh forty | cumED AT LAST BY (GIN PILLS A? Table and Rin pescoful posses : . + 'e were sol or » B00, ! . evidence of this ferocity was, not: com Mr. Hearst, of New York, will, if The - ey house and the grounds ocket utlery. i 4 K Wheth al in to fi {fined to soenes among: the men. Be- | pot declared mayor. before. Junuary | surrounding it wore offered in one log et you are just ing to fee] & p: ¥ 2 -- ---- ter C An Ameri the first tw ki i r fenceloss women and infiaoent chillren Ist, take the office; make his appoint- | For this the first bid was £25,000, Br in od for TD find Mc K E V Bl R H Nein went down in blood, before the fey of | ments and demand his office. A: King. | and bidding stopped when 335.000 had | retief--Gin Pills will cure you. Surely L. 9 or : {| been reached. The lot was them with- 't doubt their 'vi Indigestion is R the brutal mobs. Thee is the record | ston man once went through this 1 : : you can't doubt their virtues after such a on is Respony ouded rawn, the uctioneer," remarkin, is : . of these awful facts. There is nothing, | farce, and we remember the result; f a this sum Sue To than iting I this: free sample of your Gin 69 and 71 Brock Street, Kingston Sickness in Ameri however, to show what they" all . . z . of the wall which the financier had | "ills some time ago, and found them ta e-- TTT r Any Other Dis nt Hearst's paper. the New York North bad built around the estate. \ ive me t relief, so I put myself un- aa ¢ ------id-- The compassion that moved the American, offers £10000 as a reward] This wonderful palace was con | ler the A. sedi and a nt the Soo BOOP 000006000040% A Sib octane oa masses in Toronto, and which they | for the imprisonment of a Tammany | structed by Whitaker Wright front an | hird box, and feel myself entirely cured. Klizsbethan mansion which he bought. | { have suffered with my kidners for 23| @p 1 HE CANADA METAL CO., Toronto, Ont. g th or eution the showed in McCall synagogue on Sun- leader. It will put up ten times 810,- He Tod a 000 2 tase of America. Repeat P » lakes mude round it, | ears. At the time I began taking Gin BABBITT S TS Hume the lining of : day, is some soles to the wounded | 200 if the Tammany leader, Murphy. | ydorned with splendid fountains, 'ills I could not turn in bed without pain, Write for "All Ab PECIALIS $ case the glam] E he Beurts: of the. Jewish people, The sym. | 1 convicted. Hoarst is surely flush of 4 moved at night, the pain would be out Babbitts. 3 Wioud of the w ; Seienti v. § ; A Is. THE GEARY CASE 0 great Would wake me up, Now Hon. Cunseque ° . We "understand the Sleutiticatly, ® | pathy of the gentiles, the monied as { fun See '¥ CAS Cam freeof Jain, and fod) as well as I did 9000000000000 COPeed ond. hi Juently We ) . the v i o whi "w , . " E . i er ed, wen is pe R which Hernin (rubture) occurs ang ] "ivtance which they gave, the appeal | Reliable Furs. Fails to Find Indictment Against | 3 Yrs ago. I in PT. duty bo Jot Tm EE == hy of the entire system 9 how a hadi auld he anvlied of the king for his intervention, and There is domplete satisfaction in Nathan. tight be the means of relieving some' KISSING A CRIME | BORN. edi Is but one nation RIE AR post pd Lo: apply) the suggestion that Canada, in her our furs, They have all the vite Boston, Nov," 1t.~Morris Nathan, | ther sufferer, . { HETTON ~On Nov. 3rd to Me. and Hamittepr pnd Fhat ; a vast territory, should provide an asy: Ruins uf_sjuality, atyle, ork vial bu Pui] arrested two weeks ago, it Gi PERRY WAREFORD, Toronto." | Movement to Make Public Mrs: Richard Hitton, . iy Fille, x ait b here are y different Kinds (8 : p wel it that wm preferred Pitt er i i in Pills out tee of cer. . : duughtor. ' ) i» Nth marvell, tS EL EER) me ve Re Ro AR SAD th nh | Pd | TC pe, | EE shins Ei a rit. Ty on oh appretts i . : ee ay Al ble aorta 87 up. . At Som the Cambr ridge, Mass., chorus girl win--heal the sick kidaeys--and uild -- Do ry d Y-tiveriio~ may dire. a pi ter ee tone ter Ne astrie gh Me eXcried in the right way. mourning and sobbing and sighing, | hell Bros, the manufacturers of rely was given his freedom, when his cas, | 'P the whole system--or your druggist gain SY ad reputation amongi CV ot eYRE oC Srongthon a Fortive ® | and manifistations on every hand of | able furs. - tame up, The reason: for this action | I! refund your money. * That shows | Vers: . 4 : J 3 DIED ' rari nthe . kidney, Shy BIL styles. mukes and WoC cio {| was' that the grand jury had failed t | *¥ confidence in Gin Pills. We will do phe repression of kissitig in one. of | tore, om Bud thus add og Dury the . * : » re Ww : © ss tic n ag Oo 1 IND -- Gerow » ui Mr S add gene one Truss Fite cuuive - 3 The Jews have been represented aw. . (Me of the most remarkable statuts find any indictinent against him. Ac] 1°07 | We will send you a trial box of | the questions being brought t the | HENDRY --At ! daugh er vi 3 neral tone very results. oo. fairs in Encland---the Stratford-on: sopn' as Nathan was. freed, he "a sin Pills absolutely free if you will write | front in the forthcoming municipal i Norm. Leone, infant ! Avon 'of the body Flesh 'and hee} " ; and Mop' was 'celebrated 'recnt:: served with a subpoena to, appear bn sking for it and state the name of the | elections. The candidates before the | FOWRRS.---At "Glenora. of f an indust:ious and useful race. BRL rast No¥® x T%tored and the J ts e She home Tons Wars go : \ i rts yer A gr a they do not assimilate with the ly. Eight oxen and a dozen pigs werd fore the superior court at the. trial of vl ni lel you » BR Lo gan, Evans aire. heing asked a get clio OM Under ey fond hie . waar + . bh , @ ® xpens v-law passe zr Gon } ; ew r masses in our tities, They do not Tose Yonsted Xo fe _--.. al sec the ng if Who have been indicted, | ourself whetiier or not Gin Pills are all Kissing in public Places 'a IT ud | pendiary on the charge of ° a: public Hamilton's Pill yonr av rd Ry ie A oe yeglass--easy, secure,' as one i i s i 1 i ; ; : > \ : fusing' " y their identity. They stand out in an comfortable, with Ita' that are tong one of the important witnesses, hat we claim them to be. 'Gin Pills { punishable by a fine not exceeding 'ly and maliciously kissing. WF uy bles once more vou Rane of i ay RET . 3 re for sale at all druggists. -- | S10, » imolated way. How is it? Can AY Tul to the eyes, Dr. Chown's Drug We generally shovel snow because we + boxes for $2.50, EE i oes or 19, aie a Lancashire Romeo tied ouitht it ons tell ? i oh d + 8 and | drunkard has just qui fogdanty » all What is the secret of then Store; have to. Not' because we like to, Winnipeg, Man. duliet being hauled before a stern su i drunk ant 3 by this class of deiend ol mn ow I places ! Surely the dock anv health. Te tuin's Pills vourssl. B¥¢ boxes for $1. as