Breakers its Certainly cord our best of last seas 0 ment. n. and make it difficult for any one to tock, and a careful glance wi 'do when fabrics 5 CARE. TAILORED. : Showing of Fall Suits ut--every stitch, every litte the master tailor ; no hurried g slighted. That is why our hold their shapes so much other kind. 0 $16.50. we'll more than meet your BIBBY CO, Wear Store. t the Club Carling's Ales sold at the most fashionable clubs, hotels and restau- in Canada and the United "States. rants It's uniformity and purity, brilliancy have made it Canada's favorite beverage. rling's Ale 'he Ale that's Always Pure, N, Agent, Kingston. TH TURKEY / & BIRCH, Street, Kingston. ; SEP eP eee 00d AL CO., Toronto, Ont. ¢ PECIALISTS é t Babbitts." 3 200009 000000 | BORN. : | a HITTON .--On Nov. 3rd. hd a | Mrs, Richard Hitton, _ duughtor arth. to Wo LUCKHURST. --On = Nov. Sth 16 og and Mrs. George Luckhwt Gore, a aghter an A ---------------------------- =" DIED. : HENDRY --At Gerow Norma. Leone, infant d and Mrs. Fred Hendry FOWERS. At Glenora on Edward Powers, aged Lhirt? -- ous pendiary. on the charge of * able Iv and maliciously Kissing i places ! Surely the dock an ak mp! drunkard has just quitied O48 to. be filled by this class of deleadad © Reading Cash or Cure + If Shiloh's Consumption Cure fails to cure at ge be oll yo your Cok) or Gaugin sure of a Cure or the Cash. Jit wasn't a sure cure, this offer would not be made. Can anything be fairer 2 ; 1 you have a Cold, Cough, or any disease of the Throat, Lungs or Air Passages, try SHILOH 13 . 25. per bottle. All dealers guaranites i. ---------------- HE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. WANTED ~MANAGER OF $100,000 Toronte Company being formed to take over Manufacturing business. Must he a hustler, invest $3,000 to $5.000° in Company's stock. will have - £4.000 stock for each $1,000 invested, and Salary to commence, $2 000. Profits on stock should double ~ this as marging run from 200 to 500 per cent. An opportunity of a lifetime. Some busine: experience necessary. State experience, and amount can invest. Apply Box 83, Whig office. ee -- Wood's Phosphodine, The Great English Remedy. A positive cure for all forms Sexual Weakness, Mental £ AND Ares Brain W ry Bwspiont. Spe matorrhoca, Impote: buse or Frooss, A of 'Which Vead to. Contmm Iofiem ty, Insaaity'and an ently ave, Noerpofi 7 ait draggets or mailed in pain are 3 f Write for ph 11 receipt of pi r lot. fo Wood Medicine Co. Try Myers' for Fine COOKED MEATS. . MISS K. SULLIVAN Dressmaking and Ladies' Tailoring Entrance through Mise Lesder s Fancy Store, - Rrock Street. 'Phone 677 COMMERCIAL, NEW YORK STOCK MARKETS. Supplied by W, F. Dever & Co, 18 Arket Square, Kinston. ti : Nover ter 4th. Atchison Amal. Copper Baltimore & Ohio Brooklyn Rapih Transit Canadian Pacific Erie Louisville & Nashville Metropolitan Missouri Pacific New York Central Pennsylvania Rock Island Paul Pacific Union United States S United States Steel, pid. MONTREAL GRAIN, WHEAT-- Decenther 85} RN § R34 December 112 May . 15% September 15 WILL REMAIN GERMAN Ho Withdrawal of Troops From #® Territory Considered. Berlin, Nov. 14.----The foreign office says the dispatch of the London Daily Telegraph from Tokio, saying that an agreement has been concluded between the German governor of Kiaochaun and the Chinese governor of the province of Shantung under which Kiaochau will be evacuated in January, and Kaomi in six months, is a mixture of truth and error. The facts are that Emperor William at tho time when he proposed to the empress regent of - China the with drawal of the foreign troops from the province of Chi except the leg 1, guards, also proposed, on his own Wuative to evacuate haomi and the town of Kiaochau. Both places are vutside of Germany's sphere under the lease contract. They were temporarily occupied at the time of the Boxer movement as a precautionary measyre and their oc fipation was mever meant to be per- manent. The measure is in no due to the Japanese pressure. No question of the withdrawal of the German forces from the Kinochau territory exists. The treaty hy which Germany han sense leased the Kiaochan district remains in force and unimpaired. Sx } Buy chamois vests and chest protec tors at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store, To be free from sick headache, hil loNsnesy, constipation, ete., use Car ter's Litthe Liver Pills. Strictly vege- table. tev gently stimulate the liver and free the stomach from bile. Boys leather ankle strap slipp splendid wearers for the house, sizes flo 100: The Lockett Shoe Store The Great Northern railway forces "ere withdrawn. from the disputed: ter Sitors at Midway, B.C., leaving the PR. in pesceful possession. An American Disease Indigestion is Responsible for More Sickness in America Than Any Other Disease. Some th me doctors go so far as te say hat lioesti 3 . > - indigestion is the national is- i of Americ. Repeated attacks in ame the lining of the stomach and to secrete mucus in x Juices "of natural diges iri Le Juently the blood is pois ' e © loree 3s Jregiuced, the vita cause the gly Sead of the tion lity of . Then * entire system is weakened. were inelige. £ but oné national remedy for Hamilton pdt that remedy is Dr. thousands | His, which' are used hy ) with marvellous suecess Hamilton's Pills. gerelerate. the Dr Alon of 1h 5 : y * as ror 3 co Sone astric glands and give to the digestive or They Sirengy . organs. hey Heengthen the . kidneys and Wve, eign and purify the blood, and 1% add general tone to very organ Flesh 'and strength arc and the patient can eat 'ol the hody 88 restored andl "thigracy . any food he pleases Unde, arr e rea Ber the vitalizing effect of = Dr rally: ons Pilly your system will sqon Vi once mare vou'll 'enjoy the blonins you'll "enjoy he toin's Fille, health Test Dr. Hamil urself. 35¢. per box ot S BHF h Gold in the * Miss Mabel Jateman dozen girls, on Miss Venie Birch. lish girl is' being very tertained before leaving for home, ves terday, Mrs. Gwillim, her sister, gave asked a half Saturday, to meet This young Eng- generally en a tea for h when there was a very enjoyable mus'cal programme. Those who took part wei Mrs. Stafford Kirkpatrick, Miss Mildred Macmorine, Miss Mabel Bateman, and Miss Mona Knight, - who sang, and Miss Katie Gordon, who played several piano numbers. Among the guests were Miss Edga Lockett, the Misses Allen, N h 8s Florente Fenwick, M abel Polson, Miss Je! y Miss Vera Mun- dell, Miss Nellic Baker, and Miss Hilda Jordan. Tea was served in formally in the drawing-room, This evening Miss Birch will' be the guest of honor at a little party that Mrs. Lockett is giving some of Miss Edna's friends. To-morrow afternoon, Mrs. T. M. Fenwick has asked a number of girls to tea to meet Miss Birch, and bid hir good-bye. =. 5 a Mrs. Thomas Donnelly gave a very enjoyable progressive eachre party, last night, in honor of her guest, Mrs Neil; of Toronto. ~ There. were about thirty people present dnd the prizes were won by Mrs. Tilley, and Captain Robert Fraser. The lady's prize was a china dish, and the gentleman's, a brass paper knife. = After the cards were over, Miss Louise Singleton played in her own delightful way, and a very delicious supper was partaken of in. the dining-room. Pink and white 'carnations, arranged with smi lax, the 'vases resting upon mirrors, made the supper tables look very pretty. . . . Mrs, Elis, last night, gave oné of the jolly dances which help to make the young people think that she is one of the nicest persons that ever lived. She always manages to make the guests at her house enjoy them- selves. Miss Venie Birch was the particular reason for last night's hop. . F . The year "08 in arts, science ang medicine, will give a vehr "At Home" on Friday. dance or « M:s. Polson is giving a children's party in the early hours of this even- ing. . . « Mrs. H. Ds Bibby will entertain at aftctnoon tea on Thursday. - . - Mrs. Herbert Robertson, Colborne street, who is ill in hospital with diphtheria, is improving nicely. Mrs. Phillips has completely changed her Maupin instead of going to Ot tawa th feck, as she intended, she will ren here till after Christmas, with het A t s Spangenberg. Miss Minnie' Simpson has left town, alten her visit to Miss Gildersleeve, - - - ¥ Miss: Lorraine lLgsslie returned on Saturday, from Montreal Colonel and Mrs. Taylor's two little daughters are with them now. Mr. Charles Dunham, who got of hospital on Sunday, has his hame, after spending a few days at the "Avonmore." The doctor has ordered him to rest his eve for a month, before he resumes his studies at Queen's. His friends are unfeigned ly glad that at any rate partial sight of the injured eve will be preserved, . . out Miss Kathleen Despard will arrive in town to-morrow, for a visit of adew dayvs--on--heravav. ta) Picton. Colonel Henry Smith, Colonel Vii tor Williams, and Colonel Buchan, were 'guests at a dinner of fourte n covers. © given in honor of the honor ary aides-de-camp, . hy Colonel and Mrs. Hanbury Williams, in Ottawa Mr. RW. Brigstocke spent Sundas in town, and was busy being weleom ed by old friends of Royal Military College' days. : Mrs, Mugro Grier. Hamilton Park Staten Island, came to town, yester day. for a visit to her sister, Mrs Birkett, at "St. Lawrence Cottage » « Mrs. Harold Field (nee Evans), late of Picton, is now settled in Re The Picton Walking Club held its first meeting for the season, this week, at Mrs. G. W. McClellan's Miss Ruby Cotton. of Gananogne, is the guest of Miss Rita Mitchell Mrs. Caldwell, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. A. Strachan, returned to Lanark vest rs. 'rooke arrived in town on Sun day. and is with, her sister, Mrs Pates, Hales" Cottages. She had a very delightful trip across the Atlan Lic Me: William - Bates, paid a flying visit, on his people hive. and was just in 'time to greet his aunt,-Mrs. Brooke - . . of Cleveland, Sunday to Mr. GG. F. Calgary. Miss Raunders, who has been work ing with Miss Harabii among the Par sees, in India. is expected in carly next w Major Winter, ing at Mrs. He Miss Carrie Spelling, who ¥ a ; quite ill, is better again" happily. Mrs. E. B. Smith, of Picten, is visiting (ih the city. M Jov left vesterday for town of Ottawa, is hoard lerson's has been and Mrs A. D. Cotter, who been visiting in town for three have gone to Picton for a showt stay - 5» . 0. : Grown up friends of little Ferga, Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Carmichael's, wee four-vear-old daughter. will be sorry tor hear that she is suffering, very greatly, | from inflammation in her eves, Dr. James Gage, of Dansville, N.Y. came to town. om Friday, end left again yesterday. Mrs. Neil. of Toronto, who has been spending little time with Mrs Thomas Donnelly, fnds she will have to cut her visit here short. as she intends to pay . several other visits, before poing on to New York, where she will make her home . . . some The engagement isiannounced of : THE DAILY ond daughter of Rev. H. Gracey, of Gananoque, to Mr. James Woodruff Banfield, of the Royal Bank of Cana- da, at Havana, Cuba. Miss Carrie Gilmour, eldest .dauzshy ter of Mr, David Gilmour, formerly of Trenton, "Ont., to Mr. Herbert M. Roblin, of Buffalo, N.Y. Miss Ida Marks, eldest daughter of Mrs. N. Marks to Mr. J. T. Preston, eldest son of Mr. George E. Preston, both of Ottawa. The wedding will take place very quietly during the first week of December, - . - The marriage of Miss Ethel Han ington, daughter of the Rev. Canon and: Mrs. Hanington, of Ottawa, to Mr. Arthur Denny, will take place in St. Bartholomew's church, on Wed- nesday, December 7th. Mr. Denny and his bride mean to make their futwe home in San Francisco, The marriage will take place guict- ly on Wednesday next of - Miss Turn- bull. second daughter af Mr. and Mrs, Alexander Turner, South Hughson street, Hamilton, to Charles Tinling. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters on Their Rounds. Newman & Shaw's "revtinant sale." Mr. and Mrs. Denike and Miss Hat- tie. Hurlburt, Cressy, and KE. Van Dusan, Milford, spent to-day in the citys Not one in = twenty are free from some little ailment caused by inaction cf the liver, Use Carter's Little Liver Pills. The resalt will be a pleasant surprisé. They give positive relief. The hotel were unusually taxed for rooms to-day. What, with travellers, the "Yankee Consul." and many visi tors." a big crowd was in the city, and, 'of . course, they all wanted ac commodation. 2 The preliminary examination for civil service began at Kingston Busi ness College, Tuesday; qualifying ex aminations Wednesday and Thursday. Wilmot D. Milner came from Bralp ton to enter the lists. A K. & P. railway team broke through the weigh scales at the hay market, but the horses, fortunately for the city. exchequer, escaped with out serious injury. For several months the lessee has asked for repair of these scales, without effect. Upon this break even, all the respénse he could get was to patch up and change the city corporation. What efficient city fathers ! SIX HUSBANDS DIE. Poison Found in' Body of One, Jury Disagreed. Berlin, Nov. 14.--The {rial of a wo man whose matrimonial carver, to say the least. has been dramatic, has just ended at Lyck, in Prussia. The woman married a man named Zélsig when she was eighteen years old. Af ter three years of married life Zeisig died. very suddenly. His wife con tracted 'a marriage, and the husband died with equal suddenness Her third husband blew | his brains out but it was alleged that the revolver had been placed in his hand: after second death. The woman, leit a widow for, the third time, travelled ja little. She spent some time in Ppris, and had three other hushandg. These mar riages terminated unhappily for the husbands. They either| died or disap peared The body of the firs husband exhumed and, although it interred a long time, there was suffi cient stryehmine found jin it to poison was had been two men. Ninety witnesses were heard at the trial. They included one man who had lived with the woman in Paris. The jury difagreed. JOCKEY'S DAUGHTER Inherits Fortune of Nearly One-Million. London, Nov. H.-<[lhe biggest for tune ever accumulatedl by an English "jockey was left hy Fred. Archer, to his twelve-year-old dpughter when he died nine years agp. It was then valued at $100,000, but by shrewd in vestment it has reached close upon a million, when this voung woman came of age last week, Her mother was a daughter of John Dawson, the famous trainer, by whose fafnily Archer has been reared. Despite her great for tune she has always [lived in most un style, and| her sole , the training heath Rose assuming society comes from establish ments on Newmarket i GUERIN FURNISHED FUNDS the Contestation of the St. Anne's Seat. Nov. 14|-In the Gallery election trig this morning, Dr. .1, JJ Guerin, former liberpl member of the provincial government. admitted, un der oath, that he had furmished money for the i For Montreal, contestation of the election He considered that ft was his duty ta prevent the membdr for St. Anne's from repeating thd tre v to his suecessar in the government, such as had been meted out to him. Is King's Grandson. Nov. 14.--James L. Ord, assistant to the superinfendent of construction of the Western Union Telegraph company, living in a mod- flat. at 901 Osgood street, is the great grandson of King George IV. of England, and Mrs. Ma ria Smythe Fitzherbert., His lineage is undoubtedly proved by records "in Coutts' Bank in London, which in cidentally proves. him heir to an es tate of £5,000000, title to which has been in controversy for seventy years, Chicago, est Dowié"s Health Declared Good. Chicago, Nov. 14 --Deputy Overseer John Speicher, of Zion City, declares that the reports of the alarming ill ness" of Overseer Dowie are unfounded. He said that he had received g mes. sage from Dowie declaring that Dowie's health was excellent and that he would leave Mexico for Chicago on November 14th. ' Buck lan at right prices, Store, opposite saws, axes, leather mitts, r coal oil cans, at Yellow Hardware Grand Opera House, Something new in. ice creepers, fit on five boxes fgr $1, Miss Elizabeth Dorothy Gracey, sece WHIG, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14. A DOCK SMASHED THREE HUNDRED FEET FALL "INTO THE RIVER. Government Will Lose About Two Hundred Thousand Dollars -- Several Vessels Have Narrow Escape. ~ Sorc], Que; Nov. 14. --Part of the government tock gave say on Satur- day morning; and as a result the country sustains a loss of about. two hundred" thousand dollars. Happily the sccident was not attended with mdore serious results, because at the time three boats were attached to the part that was washed away. As it was three hundred feet of dockage, carrying 850 tons of coal belonging to the R. & 0. Navigation company, is at the bottom of the river. The break took place early in the morning, und is attributed to the undermining in fluence of water from the River Riche lien. The ves attached to the dock were the government steamer Alpha, the De Levis and the McNaughton The crews of . the three were aboard and asleep at the time. The Alpha was partly filled with water and sank, but will be floated. easily. JUDGMENTS GIVEN In Several Deseronto Cases by Appeal Court. In appeal court judgment was given in Descronto cases : 3 Deseronto Iron company vs. Rath- bun company of Toronto.--Judgment (L.) on appeals by the defendants and the Standard Chemical company of | Toronto, third parties from judg ment of Britton, J. (3 O.W.R., 697), after trial at Belleville, in favor of plaintiffs for $6,083.89, and costs in ac- tion brought to damages against the Rathbun e¢ompany, for alleged breach of contract entered in to in 1808 to supply charcoal for use of plaintifi's blast furnaces, and or dering the Standard Chemical com- pany, who had been brought in as third' parties, to indemnify defendants both as to damages and costs; and on cross appeal by plaintifis on question of damages. Held, that plaintiffs had established a cas but the «damages allowed were larger than they should have' been. Judgment varied by re- ducing the damages to 85,500, With this variation, defendants' appeal dis- misped with Plaintifils cross appeal dismissed without costs. Ap peal of third parties dismissed Wwith- out costs, but amount of indemnity reduced to correspond with reduction in judgment against defendants, Rathbun company vs. Standard Chemical company .»--Judgment (G.A. B.) on appeal by defendants from mdgment of Britton, J. (3 O.W.R., 6980, in favor of plaintifis in an ac tion for damages for breach of con tract, in not . furnishing plaintifis with a quantity of charcoal contract ed for. Judgment was given for the pluintifis for £10 0 with costs, The court agreed with the judge, and dismissed the gppeal" with costs, Rathbun * company vs. Standard Chemical -cqm ny (second action).- Judgment io oh on appeal by the plaintific from judgment of Street, Jo, (3 OOWR, G8), in so far as it recover costs was against plaintifis and on cross appeal by defendants from the judg ment in favor of plaintifis upon one claim and dismissed counter claim. The action was to recover monies un der an agreement between par for construction of the Plaintiffs dismissed s and agreement. appeal with casts.. Defendants' avpeal allowed with beosts. Action dismissed with costs, Counter, claim allowed with costs Will Be Much Missed. Harrowsmith, Nov. 11.---Mrs. WW. J Shibley. a highly respécted resident of This phree--has_ moved to Auburn, N\ Y., where she will join her hushanT Mrs. Shibley was formerly a peside of Sydenham, and has lived severeal vears in the vicinity of: Harrqy She will be very much missed, only by her friends, of this place, Lut throughout the surrounding com munity. A number of friends. vere at the station to bid her farewell] ¢ nid as a resalt of their "this place. they will be greacly med in the future. Here's wishing them much comfort and happiness in their future hoz : good stanling in Civil Servire Exams Civil service examinations are being held at the Kingston Business College. J. B. McKay, iz the sub-examiner The following candidates for =the qualiiyving : Kingston; Douglas 8. Bleeker, Frank ford; Bernard Colling, Stoco: M. J, Doyle, North Bay; Margaret Clerihew; Brock are writing George Bawden, Kingston: Catherine Gleeson, vil _ 3. MeNabb, North Bay; Wil mot D. Milner, Brampton; Joseph Daley, Kingston: W. H. Montgomery, Kingston; I J. Noonan, Kingston leatrice M. "Pandy, Kingston: BH. R Wilson, Corbyville, pretinginary, (1. 0 Noonan, Kingston. Bought 200 Lambs.. made his annual trip here for lambs, and took 200. A-Aomett, Lansdowtie, has returned, after spend ing. a week hunting with William and Wellington Holmes, George Gregg, Os about wegatchie, N.Y. doing business here, returns next week, Mra. Joseph Irish, visiting at John Irish's: Mrs. Abraham Hopping, Verona, at Alfred Greg's. The sick mentioned in our last correspondence, are well again. A good turnout to the woorls. Cars For The Sick. The Prussian ministry for railways has placed at every important railway centre a magnificently built and ap pointed car for the transport of sick persons. Spring beds and covery madi cal deviee for the alleviation of suf fering during transit have been utiliz ol. There arc ice - gas for cooking, rooms for attendants and ingenious muffling the safes, gloves devices for over rubbir, not clumsy or heavy oesily put- on or off. The Lockett Shoe Store. humanity. 4 Why," said Mr. Vennachar, Nov. -11.=Very had roads owing to so mich snow. which fell the fore part of the week, with no frost. William Burns, Lansdowne yl ACTOR-AUTHOR TROUBLES. -- : Arrested When Getting Material. eo Men Seen. "His Last Dollar", is the joint work of David 'Higgins. atid Dr, Baldwis G, Cooke. Dr. €goke is a very busy prac tising physician in New York, and the major part of the joint work of the doctor and actor was done 'on Sun- day. In the original form of the play there was a seene showing a pool room, showing a room for the sale of racing cpools, and the authors desired to secure some local coloring. Now, it is very much against' the law to con duct a poolroom in New York at the present day, although in the early eighties during which time the action of the play occurs, things were wide open in the metropolis. "But, law or no law," said Higgins, "we've got to get the stuff for this scene," so the doctor and Higgins visited a pool- room, Higgins was busy with a note- book, which he was filling with good material, when down came the police, Despite their protests and attempted explanation, Mr. Higgins: and his worthy' collaborator were bundled in to a "hurry-up waggon," and later were arraigned before Magistrate Tighe. "What have you to say - for y Af?" inquired the justice of Mr, Higgins, when the very much upset actor-author was thrust before the bar ww "a not over-polite policeman. Higgins, 'we were not there to gamble, your honor, but I was taking a few notes] which next Sunday the doctor"--and here he was interrupted by the justice with : "Oh! the doctor! Going to preach on the sin of gambling, hey ?"' #Well, ve-s-5," said Higgins, a loop- hole of escape becoming visible, "'the doctor had 'a sort of sermon in mind." ; g "Humph !"" grumbled the justice "These preachers want the, real thing nowadays, just as they do on the stage. Discharged." A SUDDEN CALL. Bishop of Chicago is Dead at Keyport. New York, Nov. 14.--Stephen M. Merrill, Methodist Episcopal Bishop of Chicago, died Sunday night at Keyport, Nol. of paralysis of the heart. Bishop Merrill had been attend- ing the sessions of the general com- mittee of missionary societies of the Methodist Episcopal church ia Brook Sunday - afternoon' he went to port to conduct evening servis, His illness came on suddenly during the evening. Stephen Mason Merrill was horn in Jefferson County, September 16th, 18%. He received his degree of D. 1, at Ohio Wesleyan College, in 1861. He entered the minmsiyy in Ohio confer enee in 1246 He was the author of many books on Methodism. Poultry Notes. A few fowls in separate pens © are much more profitable. and more easily kept healthy: than in large numbe: In counting the cost of keeping poultry a good plan is to estimate one bushel AA grain a year to each laying hen. Select the turkey hens wanted for breeding. The hens should not be kept after they are three years ol Giving a generous feed of corn every evening 'it is one of the best wavs of inducing turkeys, ducks and, geese to come home at night. The main secret in securing eggs in winter is to supply good comfortable quarters, and keep the fowl in a good, thrifty condition, Unless especially desired for ers, hens, that do not lay regularly should be marketed ag soon as pos sible. 1t costs something... to winter even a hen, The Materialist. K. OU. in New York Times A man there was who tried to prove That Song was made to eat That doves should wheel upon the spit That Art should walk on feet And wear a suit of broadeloth black" That violets and roses Should all be useful cabbages, N titilate our noses The setting sun should boil the pot Of desultory man The stars should -all be paying stones The moon a frying pan . Young Love should walk hehind the plow And Pegasus should pull The Muses and the-Graccs should Be housewives dutiful At jeast. as much 1 gathered from His gilded ereed. Quoth he The thing that will not lucre fetch Might just as well pot le' A bunch of roses on Showed me the rogue had lied My faith recovered from the attack My doubt it was that died his desk Father Of Ferries. the great Southern Pa cific ferry boat, which plies between Jenecia and Port Costa, California, has a capacity of forty heavily loaded gars and two locomotives at a trip The hoat is 430 feet long and 116 feet wide and' its two engines are of 2,000 indicated horse-power, "Solano" handles an average of 10000 trains a year. On a single day it has made forty-two trips, the strait, which is a mile in in about thirteen "Solano," crossing width, minutes, Mrs. 0. L. heen for» Daly, of Picton, who has eral months in PHotel "Dieu, left yesterday for a week's trip to Montreal I EE TTI. -A Pointer Worth Having. The. merits of Ozone are well known, but in buying it one must be sure to get the «purest form. Also, Ozone should always be taken along with "Celery King," the famous tonic lax- ative. The purest form in which Ozone is put up 1s "Solution of Ozone (the coupon kind)" and each bottle of this brand contains a coupon entitling you to a packacge of "Celery King" free, No other firm in the world can give "Celery King' with Ozone. We give it because our Ozone thus brings the highest results. In addition, vou get much "Solution for your money as of other and syou get it in the purest st concentrated form, You also get "Celery King" free, instesfl of having to buy it, which you 'vould nead to do in order to fave full bene- jist about twice as of Ozone" binds, gorind epusad. by the motion of the | fit from the use of Ozone, train, It is not intended to make Your druggist should have "Salu- these carriages pay:. they have heen [tio of Ozone (the coupon kind). If nitituted chiefly on the 'ground of not, write to the Public Drug Com- pany, Bridgehurg, Ont. . "- -e i. » *=ee Millinery Satisfaction JF YOU would have polis. prompt : attention by salespeople compet- ent to follow out your instructions .and help you to decide on becoming millinery, come here. also the richest variety of smart trimmed hats to bo seen anywhere this season. Breasts, wings, «quills, aigrettes, ribbons, velvets, ostrich plumes, and every trimming novelty at attractive prices. SPENCE"S, ™ "1 tuts store. MAP CLEARING SALE OF_JEWELLERY Owing to future plans, which will involve considerable change in my business, | have decided to greatly reduce prices during No- vember and December. . Never have Kingstonians been given such an opportunity to buy reliable and guaranteed Jewellery at such low prices as | am now offering. READ ON: Pr FOR SATURDAY ¢ WATCHES--14k. gold, filled case, 25 year guarantee. Elgin or Waltham movement, $9.78 /CLOCKS_Eight day. half-hour § strike = >» a ail. 2.00 MVOVHRVPVDONIPORT TL DOODDO Watch my window for special prices each day. It will pay you. Everything else in my entire stock "at correspond- ingly low prices. © Goods bought now can be stored in my vault until Christmas. : The opportunity of a lifetime ; don't delay ; COME NOW. C. W. LANE, 192 WELLINGTON STREET MADE-TO-ORDER PERSIAN LAMB JACKETS Select Your Skins Quality, Style and Fit Unequalled. McKay Fur House Brock Street. BPC OOO AOVVVV00000V00 FINANCE AND INSURANCE j! If You Want a Home Piianance; uses « George Zeigler, gyL Estate] 57 Brook Street. HOTEL FOR SALE A First-Class Hotel property sale in one of the best Vill- For Real Estate we in Eastern Ontario. Good Or Insurance |r. Connalt with GEO. CLIFF before buying at 65 Clarence Street. G. A. BATEMAN INSURANCE BROKER ALL KINDS OF FIRE INSUR- ANCE AT LOWEST RATES. DISTRICT AGENT SUN LIFE ASSUR- ANGE COMPANY OF CANADA. 61 CLARENCE STREET' KINGSTON.