intitle nn ho the tig RE ~ tion is on We ounce of talk tract cand sme Yards: Will permit, Not awe family. ---------- Ad Outice of Satistac- Bed Bugs of haw 3 nile, dnngern For Ants Tentrogs (hese troublesome posts, 4 N Machines, Worth a of Tal reverse matlers--give vou an {lust enough to at. Your attention) and a ton of & Batistuetion. Our coal is good "to hogging with, Properly "pleked." free fran - Slated s@roencd free irom dust © huphrities ; well howd and handled thirdly, nd ut the Juwest price the warket secondly, in our sold full weight, UEEN ST. R. CRA FORD, amor mr seeing distant 4 ble for near. chitsatts bide. i YOUDO! It vour eves are not perfectly focussed pe ' or easily ads objects, work. you frequent headuches. dizziness, pal n the evebull. orf whove the hrows. OF at the BK of the neck ? Do your eves water or become hlood- shot 2 1 vou suspect Your eyos are not right Consult us: . lo Are Eye Experts Ful vo Pasir a Hive an salisfaction, boot and' shoe Se Kl bh 'lof © MBELODEONS , Dew and at 114 Gore I, of Leses we 5 400 the repeal of thy. ENR TO, a itten directions "hb proved on jnsmrtion. All "advertise Fb ELL by A ""'Opifer per Orbem Dicer." The Labour Gain. The labour party has made great gains in England, according to the results of the recent municipal elee- tions, The local contests may not be as sharply <eontosted along political lines ax in wome places in Canada, but labour encryy is the same every: where, and it rejoices the leaders of the party when they find themselves in a position to muke their impres: upon passing legislation. John Burns, when in Canada, pre- dicted that the labour party would be stronger inthe next parliament, and Buri is a Ween observer of the times and an authority on every question which affects the workingmen, ThE returns of the 'manidipal. elections as compared with, 1890 and 1902, shows that the liberals have varied in power, though latterly weaker, 'the independents have remained practical: ly stationary, the Unionists have bees losing 'power, slowly and. sarely, and the labour and soctalist fepresentation has, ; in, T lly stronger. Th gan ti the nation alisls formed the only force that Wad able, outside of the great partios, to make self (016 in debmie. In the new parliament the labdurers © will proly- ably have some of the honors, and, under the guidance of a man like Burns ith must influence the legisla: tion of the day very materially. The Indemnity Act. The indemnity act the hye-elections, is the issue occupying the people's minds the de haters deal it, and there is a pretty general under standing that the act will be amend od at the next session of parliament. Speaking at Sarnia, Hon. Mr. Hy. man said that the member of parlia- ment did not get, under the act, « straight increase of 81,000 a year in hix allowance. The mileage had been cut off "now that the Canadian rail ways are obliged to carry meml e, though it je --w--most--nyreasn able proposition -- and this meant considerable However, public opinion against it almost entirely with so saving. rong was that the consideration of the act and its pro premier had consented to a visions, Thus a second minister has spoken subject, and the follows that the government sees (he on the wisdom of amending or removing measure that is so obnoxious to the people. It ix argued incidaritally that the pension-part of the act will have to' go at 'the same time. There is sympathy with the men who spend thein all in' public life, and who are left in old age financially strand: od. For these, sail Mr.sPandee, the liberal candidate in West Lambtom, some provision may be made. For the comparatively young men, whe, were capable of service, and who had not last much in special anxiety. | Balfour Nakes The Ptunge. Hon, Me. Balfour has, apparently, made up his mind to go with Cham: a of dealing with vations that operate against Britain in the application of their tarifis, ' : He has wobbled a great deal on this subject, He was impressed by Cham: government, and. carly in. the protec tionist suovement he issted a menor andum in which he squinted at the is. followers, The Duke of Devonshire deteéad Mr. Balfour's weakness and dropped him. There were other defections from the government party, and later on a general uprising. of the unionists These men originally made' sacrificos in the iriterest of the empire, some of | them leaving, as Chamberlain did, the RT, 3 Mya in | As it is wo largely | conclusion polities, he had no | berlain and to adopt retalintory plan | berlain ere that gentleman eft the | sue in a way to disturb his political | party out follow him." Jihood of his ed oflvct."" Editorrat Notes. The iron shavel and axe will ruin them, y _A graft of nearly $50,000 has been detected in Buffalo, Jt is bilities of the case and the capacity of some people for spoils. : -- The Foronto News favours' the in party takes his advice there will be disaster. And the average politician in oki England seems to say, "Let it come," ---- James Hazen Hyde seceins to have been a mark for his associates ih the Equitable Life They voted him a large salary and they bled him very freely. that now, He realizes As the result of the Now York life insurance exposures there will be less interference with - the legislation of Albany, Anything that checked the ex- travagance and work of the big com- panies heretofore has been "killed in the passing." ------ Prince Louis of Battenboiy fas had his experience with the reporters, They have been taking liberties with him, much to hjs mortification. They ought not 0 have put words into his mouth, for Louis is a precise and di plomatic speaker, ---- The Weekly Sun tells how the mem- bers of parliament live at Ottawa. They can get along with a cost of from $180 to 3690 for the sessic i they can, in luxury or frivolity, spend a groat deal more. The Sun wants them restricted, however, to actual necessities, : Hon: Mr, 'Matheson has got back from. another trip to England. He could" have sold the Temiskaming raijl- way bonds, the credit of the province befng 'very high. But he was advised | do renew the loan of $2,500,000 with | the Bank of Montreal at 4 per cent, | Hon, Nr. Matheson financier. is a wonderful -- John McCall, president of the Now York Life, has promised that $235,000 paid to Andrew Hamilton and not ac counted for will be repaid to the com pany. That does not satisfy the vestigation committee, They want to know what Me, Hamilton wanted this { money for? If Mr. McCall knew | should bi made to tell. -- SPIRIT OF THE PRESS, ------ Quite Sure, Toronto Star. Mr. Mabee is going t& be a Judge not may be, vou understand, hut will ww, he Oh, That's It. Herald 0 13 Sir HM. Pollatt, and what has he done to carn a title Wig sor Record. He inherited a Jo made a lot you have ? | Hamilton t of money, and he nivre. - What more would Crisis At" Hand. Toronto News, Essex conservatives want FF, Monk as leader .of the party. More clerical influence. First thing we know the conservative wigy- wam will bo o monastery. L§ FR conservative Hard On The Agen:s. t Montreal Star. Tanll enquiry that I83 sewing has revealed the fait machines are nw ssing. | The nows would be better if it had turned out that there are 483 sowing | machine agents missing. - Getting Real Good. Ottawa Journal. Georgn, Johnson attributes the dé crease in juvenile crime in Canida 10 the aroused conscience of the coun try. He is probably vight, Conada and the world at large is getting bet. ter, not worse, > Check On Toronto Globe. ° In discussing the Josie Carr cose L Some newspapers seem to ovorlook- the fact that the reform of the wrong- doer: is not. the sole obj whAview, The inYiction of punishment is also l'intended to intimidate other would- he wrong-de rime. 8 To Cure A Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- lets. Druggists refund money if it fails to eure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box, We. It's hard 10 get anybody (0 ; ult with Toye's bread, find © Wi'l this deter the opposition to bis pla? Seemingly (not. 'According to the English press there is small like- appeal having the. desir.' How are the artificial stone walks to be cleaned next winter ? Some im: proved method should be adopted. a small amount when one considers the Poss. lusurance company' Mberal party and casting ing in their in: fluence with the conservatives in order 10 delat the cause they so much op- It is these unionists that Mr. Bal. OCC four fears, though there arc many conservatives who. will rather see their of power than in it and committed to a _ protectionist policy, The premier has essayed mild coer- gion by calling the attention of bis 'party to the fact that "there is no use in having a leader unless you mean fo % "demnity and pension act and condemns ow oh i BProves | the spoils system. Is this the only abl Co.. Limited, | evidence of political independence it | dB SE, "| has to offer ? THE DAILY WHIG Mr, Balfour says that unless the . uty THURSDA:,_ 1 {3 FORM. ; wen Matters WAR WwW 14th, ister of marine strikers till ha thi , will be founty . council. presented an, ulti hen. Awenty four hours. .GHARLES G. DAWES, President of the Centr buy of Tinos, = conmide ul ccesSor 5 Treasury Lostie M. ter retires Mr. Dawes red. tha pro) Secretary of the Shaw, whea the iat February of next year wits "born in Marietta, O prises. the Wabash railroad are to be ama) gamated, with headquarters at = St Thomind: 385 20 At a dicoting of the Stratford boar of traded resolution in favor of the tric light aud power plant was pass ed. : Rew WH. Sedgewick, has declined to allow his name to go before {he congregation 'of St, Matthew's churel, FOUR FOOTED POLICE. Marvelous Work:of Trained Dogs fn Belgium. That dogs make excellent detectives is well known, but their use as actu al members of a police force is an odd and interesting experience which W. G, Fitzgerald, describes in the Decem ber "Technical World Magazine. When the Ghent (Belgium), chief of police had got his pack of "recruits" to gether, he began to train them to dis tinguish between skulking criminal. and the ordinary, reputable citizen, who walks by day. Some very: inter esting demonstrations and experi ments were tried by means of dum mies: and in a few... weeks the more intelligent dogs had learned how to Spring "upon and take hold of a man by his clothes without driving their teeth in him, Special kennels wore then built in the police stations. Coats, collars and muszles were provided by way of uni form, and there were even little boot: provided for snowy weather, A veter nary 'surgeon was appointed to care for the dog policemen, and the matron at cach station was charged with the of getting their meals ready when each dog came off duty with his two degped fellow officer, Pickpockets and snatch-thieves the city i they have disappeared, bid fair to do so, for these criminals know that no matter how fleet &f foot they may be, the poliec dog 1% still swifter: 'and no matter how they may try to turn and dodge down one street and up another, the dog is not only with them, but his sharp fangs are tearing through their clothing before they have' gone many yards. If they show fight, so much the worse for them, since oven the most correct and best. behaved dog policeman is apt to for get the strict letter of his duty 'when ctiffed by 'uw criminal, in not altogether EVILS OF SPECULATION. The Improwing Story of Ben and Asa, Philadelphia Bulletin Dr. Washington Gladden was talk- ing 10 two young men about the evil of speculation. "Speculation i= gambling," he said, "It is injurious to the morals always, jurious to the bank account. "When- ever 1 am tempted to speculate 1 think of Ben Smith and Asa Jones of Potts- 1 grove, my native place. This thought causes mie to refrain, "Ben and Asa, out walking one ternogn, got to talking about money matters, > "I hate some money ving idle,' said Ben Smith. 'I think I'll take flyer in the stock best stock to buy, Asa?' " 'Greenland Improvement preferred is the Lest thing 1 know of,' Asa an swered, ; " "Where ean [ get some of it said Ben, gone *Asa replied promptly : "CT ean lot wou have want.' Ee 3 ------aten Ii a child bad an arm long enough to reach the sm at Nowld be 139 vears before he would feel the pain 'of the burn. : x The reputavion that bas dor, saodness hak hoon fnithinlly all you Lat DF THE WORLD CES RECOUNTED | nrookive Eee. Interest Everybody From All.-Over--Little | Everything Easily Read " tan hotel, Whinipeg, "©. McKinnon, of Bran: the provincial elec- ill be held on Work. , electric energy sup- aati ame, Forte and a reply © iy bE Trust Came in 1865 . andl "studied Jaw and civil YEiering Since 1894. he heen lately iuterested in financia iter- -------- ee The Baflalo and Detroit divisions of city. owning and operating the eloc- Montreal, with a view. to tendering him a call: . chaser of the thread a halipenny for Rev. Dr. Bryee has received from | the spool, which, however, was refund Lord Stratheona a cheque for 25,000 | od when the spool was returned. The being the second instalment of the | ladies of Paisley used to come to his $20,000 donated by his lordship to the | shops with their spools, and wait University of Manitoba. while he wound the thread. on them, and in the majority of cases it is in. | af | market. Whap is the i Toxe's bread! NOVEMBER 16. A MONARCH'S TRICK, | What the Xing of the Maoris Did, ) i dugglers, sword swallowers and ma- | gicians travel all the way around the | world, stopping at the big cities and | usually paying their respects to the {rulers of the regions visited. Thus it {was that a magician, well known in | London and New York, found himscli {at one time in the presence of the i.King of the Maori. Tarn to a map of the great South Seas, put a finger on New Zealand, 'and vou will have indicated the country of the Maoris. Well, after some parleying, it was de cided that his dusky highness himself should conceal an article which the S | magician should discover. The mind- # reader left the room, and after a bvhile was brought back blindiolded. He cogitated for a moment and then ex- claimed that the hidlen--asticle was in the king's mouth. His majesty shook his head savagely, The "professor" insisted that the article 'was there, and finally demanded that the royal mouth should be opened wide. The king refused. The "professor" was firm. Great was. the excitement among the Maoris who _erowded around. By and by the king's mouth was slowly and reluctantly opened. The lost article--a button--was not there ! The next | instant, however, the king began to cough. He tried to hold in, but couldn't. He coughed up the button. which he had tried to swallow. The Maoris were uproarious with mirth, They didn't know which to admire the more--the wisdom of the magician or the heroism of the king. S--t---- COTTON THREAD'S ORIGIN. -- First Spools Were Used Again and Again. The origin of sewing cotton was told at a cotton manufacturers' mevting by the head of the great thread house of Paisley, Scotland. 1t 'was discovered in 1803 by his grandfather, who had a little business in Paisley, making silk twine for heddles, which were used by every weaver. The silk 'came from, . | Hamburg, and in 1503 Napoleon ecaus- ed the stock held there to" be burned, in order to hamper British trade. Thi weavers were in distress, bwt James Clark conceived the 'idea that cotton yarns could be twisted together to form the twines, The experiment - succeeded, and from | thie grew the ides that cotton could 1} be substituted for flax in the manufac. * | ture of the thread in a very small way. It was at first put up in skeins, and had to be wound into little ball. by the purchaser, and then Mr. Clark invented the modern spools. He had them madé by a wood-turner, had a gross at a time. They cost him pence a dozen, and he six charged the pur From this small great industry. ---- Let Us Forget. beginning grew a "Let us forget--not those who Tong have stood The . test of time in {riendship's fair domain, Nor those in intrude whom no Selish thoughts To mar the luster' of love's brilliant Chain: Let- us forget--not those whose suites we've known, Who by a kindly ed the way When. wes were Journeying path alone word have 'smiooth- o'er life's Park night before, behind the joyles day. Let us forget--not childhoved's golden spell, Its fond caresses aor its soothing chi. Nor voices wé have known and loved so well Grown strange Sween of time. or silent with the Let us forget the false who turned away When Kindly fortune had Withdrawn her smile, Let us forget irom this far distant The eruel wound o'er grieved the while, day which wy Let us forget frown, harsher TONRUE Have And crush to-day the thrust, the scornful The words - hurled all that ----earelrss bitter memories the slighty aud wrongs of all r world Let us forget gone heartaches the sor aws that are The wo . Friel, the tears-- Forget that we have ever groped Or have known, the alone folt thé blight which swept across our years. Let us for Ret all these that there may be Room in our hearts for nobler thoughts to rise-- \ us forget ail unkind words that we y deel the joys of sweeter memor- ies. Let mM ------ A Canadian Dead. Cornwall, Ont. Nov, Wh--Friend- here have received word of the sudde: death of Matsquin, B.C., on Novem ber 12th, of Eugene Roderick Macedon. ald, barrister, of Milwaukee, Wis., son of the late Eugene R. Macdonald, wt. torney-at-law of Toronto, and grand son of the late Alexander FE. Maod, ald, local registrar of the high court of justice at Cornwall, Interment Nashotah, Wis, * -- i The King's Title, Carl V. . | Christiania, Nov. 16.--7The govern | went will nt the result of the plebiscite to the Storthing, today. A telegram was received from Prince Charles, accepting the offer of the throne. The prince will take the title of Carl V. abd the royal far will be { a golden lion on a purple field. -------- Children: ery for Toye's bread. Bryant and May's matches brought 321 to F.C, Bryant at | | who died in 188 i { er. H. @ A. S. gold-filled | Watch Chains will stand the solid gold test, for the outer case is 14k. gold. You can wear an H. & A. S. Chain with full satisfaction. Your jeweler sella 1. & A.'S, Chain. Sera for an H. & A. S. Chain Book. $1000. Reward Recent investigations have disclosed the fact that unscrupulous handlers of flour are endeavor. ing to take advantage of th great Popularity of Ogilvie's "Royal Household" Flour by refilling, with cheap inferior flour, the bags and barrels bearing the Ogilvie Brand. and selling it as the genuine article. = In order to bring the guilty parties to Justice we offer the following reward. REWARD The Ogilvie Flour Mills Co. Ltd. will pay One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) for such evidence as wil] «result in the conviction of any person, persons, firms or tions who may be refilling their bags or barrels oI flour of other manufacture and selling the same as flour manufactured by the Ogilvie Flour Miils Co, Ltd, The Ogilvie Flour Mills Co. Ltd, MONTREAL. Best * * * called young i na ft SAUNDERS, King & Joba Sts. Toronto, High enough to secure a good coat, same coat elsewhere=if you can get it at all. $7.50 to $18.50. every purpose. The best leathers, are here, Brooklyn tel Manhattan new spaper office came over 8 pretty voung table on the was toying with sionally tapping system. with his fork. face and suddenly departed, This Fehmi Pasha, of Constantinople, was intended to be FORO the victim of Wednesday homb m that city. The outrage the work oi Armenians. "All my boarders demand: bread," 4 Overcoats! This way, gentlemen, for the best Overcoats, How'll you have yours? Top Coat, medium lengths, Long Coat, Belt Coat, Paddock. Raincoat or what ? Name, it and you shall have it. Best of its class, too. Best tailoring, best cut, best fabric, best of everything, price, too. Best because it's in your favor--not too high. but lower than you can get the OVERCOATS We have MEN'S GLOVES of all kinds Gloves male for best makes, best styles of Gloves Gloves-8§0c. to $4.50. See our Special $1.25 Fur-lined Mocha. THE H. D. BIBBY CO, The Men's Wear Store. Se -------- 2000 0000000000000 00000 0000 THE CANADA METAL CO. Toronto, Ont, BABBITT SPECIALISTS. Write fer "All About Babbitts." ¢ 4 . ¢ 00036 0000000000000 0 4004004 THEY QUIT SPCONING. "THE POWER OF STEAM, The Heartlessness of a Telegraph | Many May See But It Takes Operator. " Genius to Realize. Eagle When James Watt saw the steam : : i nd egraph operator emploved in a causing the kettle lid to jump up an H Nf » mer down he said "There must be px to Brooklyn yesterday to eall on al in that steam that it can lift such a friend. The pair went into a Fulten | weight." : street restaurant for luncheon. They There was o the had been in the pace hut a few min- Millions prior to him had ee utes when the man from Manhattan same_phenomenon, and regarded it 88 the attention of his friend to woman seated at a side of the room, who her spoon and ocea- gently with it on the an unexplained mystery . Recent scientific res finger on the "cause ing hair, and consequent | has unearthed a tiny, gg 1, has put ite i dandruff, fall saldness and which eats side of her plate. A well dressed | (he Jife from the roots of human ir Young man seated at a table some Newbro's Herpicide d the distance away was going throwh a germ, and consequently res similar performance. The telegraph | 3c te natural state. 1 10e operator from Manhattan Sold by leading druggists. S¢ ort his friend that the young couple were in stamps for sample to The He a carrying on a flirtation by the Morse | I ° ; GW cide Co., Detroit, Mich. hood, special agents. Then he tapped a few timos The young man -- and Woman turned very ved in the R J. FREE, CONTRACTOR what the man from Manhattan had signalled : all kinds of "Oh, gosh, quit your spooning and Estimates clven rine . get married." Mason Work of all Wescription®. 94 Divisidn St. chief of secret peice! X QULPAZE | mmm ema = The. chief. escaped injory. | TR ACHER OF CHINA PAIN i iev ve been! «pr OILS, C is believed to have | WATER-COLORS AN Materials revelition kiln to Be a mended Tove's Ching Painters. sold. Your patropaf® 3 tand boiling water: ¥. 390 Welk Wise Solicited. Mins M. M. Broph%. iN Hinxton street. said a landlady to-day. v Bove pret and best § found to take i place in Shiloh and be cured, os 1 andget your money ac i MiE. James, of Flibbing, "Thee fs wo core Khe Shiloh | Croup. Cg My SE i = Dominion 'Cotton Ci Canadian Locomotiv Kingston Foundry ¢ Kingston Hosiery C Formwith Piano. Cs Any employee of t firms mailing. this ¢ address given belo before Saturday, N can save from $2 t the price of one scholarships. OL O0OO-O0 000000000 TOOO OC : 000000 OD0CDOIOC HOF 0 ODCOOODIOOTO OBO TOO Cut Out Along Th erties Kingston, C.J. CrEepoN, Represents 166 Princess St. Kingston, Please serid me full parti YOUr COUTSe IN. ovens wus Name Address. ......c.oon0s A ---------------------- "Empty thy purse Is and no man can take It --Benj. INTERNATIO! CORRESPONDENCE SCRANTON, | MAKIN The Furniture of should consist of : Brass or Iron Bet or Oak Dresser ¢ a Chiffonitr to 1 Fhe line we are sh tively pretty, at y to, a JAMES Thoonly so malice ¢ depend. 8 strength-- | smbatitute The Cook Medicine Co. -------- COMMER NEW YORK STO! Supplied by W. ¥F. 'arket Square. Kings central & "Nashville Pacific k Central ria nd Reading City ncific States Steel Ubited States Steel MONTREA] WHEAT-- TRE December May Con cPtember Pecembor May September _ Eas