Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Nov 1905, p. 5

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tions have disclosed the fact andlers of flour are endeavor. ge of th great popularity of ousehold" Flour by refilling flour, the bags and barrels Brand. and selling it a5 the » the guilty parties + Justice g reward. WARD Mills Co., Ltd. will 000.00) for such a i 1 of any person, 1s, firms or be refilling their bags or barrels ufacture and selling the same.as he Ogilvie Flour Mills Co. Ltd ' lour Mills Co. Ltd, VTREAL. coats! the 'best Overcoats, and you shall have. it. can_ get it at all. OVES VES of all kinds Gloves male for rs, best makes, best styles of G'oves 1.25 Fur-lined Mocha. . BIBBY CO, } Wear Store. 0000000000 0000 TAL 'CO., Toronto, Ont. * SPECIALISTS. : jut Babbitts." ¢ 000000 0000000 ---------- - "THE POWER OF STEAM. h | Many May See But It Takes Genius to Realize. When James Watt saw the steam a | causing the kettle lid to jump up snd 'r J down he said "There must be power a| in that steam that it can lift such a m | weight," s v There was r- Millions prior to him had seen the n |; same phenomenon, and rege rded it 88 © | an unexplained mystery . Recent scientific finger on the "cause" of v- } ing hair, and conseruent baldn has unearthed a tiny, gg which eats the life from the roots of human hair. as put ig druff, fall css and rar . Newbro's Herpicide destroys thi h germ, and consequently restores the h hair to its natural state" i x Sold by leading druggists. Send 10. "lin stamps for sample to The Hee " } cide Co.. Detroit, Mich. Ww, VMs | hood, special agents. d e = d R J. FREE, CONTRACTOR a Estimates elven for ail kinds Mason Work, Plastering . Cement Work of all Wescriptionty . | 2 94 Divisidn St. Phove e wi | TREACHER OF CHINA PAIN JHINA OILS, of fot WATER-COLORS AND QliL is for tion fire, How'll you have ngths, Long Coat, Belt Coat, Paddock, Best of its cut, best fabric, best of everything. its in your favor--not too high. oat, but lower than you can get the OVERCOATS fon : i z | Cue, the | § kintosh, daughter of Hon, Charles and Y ad and Li g 7 Niko Nackintuat, of Haleium, B.C. to air passages. he] My. Elmer Jones, of Brockville, has ¥ int relief and cures permanently. = > been arranged to take place on De- Generation Generation |=. tember 13th. - pronounced Shiloh to be the safest, chy > Tr : | FE have en and bes fami a fe Mrs. Herliort Bilihy gave o pleasant GIFTS ACKNOWLEDGED. Colds and Coughs. Nothing has ever tea, yesterday, in h sister i found fo take its place in the home. Try | Miss Baker oy Bes ot wd Sa Donations to Orphans Home For Shiloh and be cured, or say you were not | Tea was served at quartette tables. Four Months: i ii x] iF fe i if i : ; Dominion Cotton Co, Canadian Locomotive Works, Kingston Foundry Co., Kingston Hosiery Co., Formwith Piano Co. D000 0VVVOVCO00T Any employee of the above firms mailing. this coupon to address given below, on or peiore Saturday, Nov. 25th, can save from $2 to $20 on the of one of our scholarships. 2010-00-00 0000000000000 re -- re C-- -- i . (Fe price Cut Out Along This Line. Kingston, C.J. Ceeevon, Representative, 166 Princess 8t.; Kingston, Pleasc serid me full particalar= about your course in NAMIC. . ciasensrsnossnnnse Address... ..cooovinnn O00 0000000000 0C000000000 OOOO 00000 "Empty thy purse into thy head 3 and no man can take it from thee," O --Benj. Frankiin, INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS, SCRANTON, PA. SOBO0OOT OOOO OO0CO0 YOO OO FO OO OOOO IOTOOOCO O-O00000000000 - [11 The Furniture of Bedroom should consist of : Brass or Irdn Bed, White Enamel or Oak Yresser and Stand, alsc a Chiffonitr to match, your Fhe line we are showing is attrac tivel, pretty, at surprisingly low prices Have your Repairing and Upholster- me atten 1 Your scrvijous: to, 'as our stafl is at JAMES REID The Leading Undertaker. 'Phone 147. Cotton Root Thoonly safe effectual monthly mulieane on which women can . 8¢ld in two degrees of strength--No. 1, for ordinary eases, ¥ ber bot ; Re 2, 10 Ge grees stronger for Cases, 58 per Box. Sold by all hs tiruggids, Ask for Cook's Cot- ' ton Hoot Compound ; take no J substitute. The Cook Medicine Co., Windsor. Ontario. ---- COMMERCIAL, : SDN Youre STOCK MARKETS. : vp b; C Anker Se y F. Dever & Con 18 November 16th. Oven U 843° Copper imore & x x Lhinois Central Auisville & Nashville Metropolitan 4 Vissauri Pacific px York Central ennsylvania Rock "Island Reading Si. pas Sugar Tv iy Union Pacific vited States 8 1 ates Steel Ubited States Steel, fd City MONTREAL GRAIN. irritations of the throat, is easy to take, gives in. « : rec uc par some music from Miss Muriel King, filled up a pleasant evening. Among \ iro her da v Of 1 M WHEAT Deceinhe =1 = May ' " + hat Sei ; CouAZe be! u 884 [3% : december | f "a3 5 Rae ov. Cah September Sen 1 Bo vapkins, joined napkins some cadets from Mrs, W. J. candy Miils, at'"Bishopscourt," after next. Mr. gone de night hore, before going on to Toronto . . « married of the late Mr. William Sowden, Beav and the decoration of each table was very pretty the usual white tea cloth each table was ouvered by four Japanese paper by red ribbon, the themselves bearing a large cach table was a single candlestick, from which a red candle rose from a nest of red paper, cleverly curled 160 simulate | 8 and unique. flower, In the middle of chrysanthemum. - Miss Baker, and | pounds prunes, 2 boxes biscuits; Mrs. Miss Elsie Tandy assisted the hostess. | Mrs. Belwa, 16 boxes berries; Friend . . . . bunch of bananas, - : Daly gave a very jolly little Mrs, E. Steacy, refrigerator; Mrs. last night, for Mrs. Charles | Berlin, Quiney, 11, g treat of ber Kirkpatrick, who is fitting in amongst her ofl friends in a very happy way. ? Charades, and gamés of all sorts with | berries: those who were there were Mrs. George tS: Miss May Bolger, Mi Lesslie, Miss Mildred Jones, Miss Gertrude Power, Miss Kathleen Kirk: patrick, Miss Kathleed Despard, « Picton, Mr. Charles Kirkpatrick, Mr. Wilson, Mr. Lawson, Mr. Burgess, and ' the Royal Militar College, among Them Mr, Pare and Mr. Campbell. £8. sn = Mr: table at * . * Mrs. Polson's party for her small daughter, *Miss "Una Polson, on Tues- Mrs. James Richardson, barrel of day, was, of cour delightful, as is | apples; Mr. Fairfield, bag of apples; the nature of children's parties, The Filligmsville Methodist church, bas- young guests were given tea at smal] | ket of cake, and bread and butter, tables, and then a general romp filled | Miss Gibson, basket of apples; Mrs, in the hours till going home time | Mackie, 6 dozen buns: St. John's came, church, Portsmouth, £1.30, fruit and *> . vegetables: Mrs. Duffy, Barriefield, bag " o» Irs. Herbert Saunders gave a tea, | of apples; St, James church, fruit and on Tuesday, for Mrs. Edmund Tett, vegetables; Charlie Bush, bag of who is always gladly welcomed by her hickory nuts: Mrs. Cappon, magazines; old friends, when she comes to town, | an unknown friend, bag of apples; Miss Lois Saunders made the tea. | Mr. Patterson, pair of boots; Queen Miss Elsig and Miss Kathleen Saun. { Street Sunday school, papers: Dr. ders, Miss Marion Lesslic, and Miss | Platt, barrel of apples; Nr. Daunt, Alice Hague, assisting. Among. those | vegetables; Mrs W. B. Skinner. 5 doz- invited Ware, Mrs. Charles Kirkoat- | en . cakes: Mildred Golding, 1 rick," Miss BFtta_and Miss Kathleen | baskets of grapes: Miss Robertson; Kirkpatrick, Miss Beatrice Tandy barrel of ppless Misg Macnee, 7 dozen Miss Alice Macnee, Miss Marion Cal 3: Eveline Gil- vin, Migs Winnifred Hague, Miss Mabel | bert. and Martha asten, papers { and Miss Muriel King, Miss Marion § Brock Street Methodist church, coffee, Redden, Miss Carrie, Waldron, Miss } cake. and fruit; 'Mrs. H. Richardson, Ethel Waldron. £1 for treat for Hallowe'en, $$ sis 0» ii m-- Mrs, James Lovell, of Toronto, is BASKET BALL. the guest of Professor and, Mrs. Wat son, at dueen's College, Miss "Laura Smith, will not be up m Ottawa, to visit Mrs. Lennc Miss Fry, of Quebec, is staving with sister, Mrs, Hiram Calvin nd Mrs, Fdw. J.-B n to days' visit Mr. Frank Worrell has gone up Toronto for a few days Mrs. Walkem went down to Montreal | jew day . : : toda ia a Hes The score was in doubt right up \ aptain and rs Cleaver Sullivan |, the last: "07 was ahead. sixteen to Ve reece ™ jo o ¢ ¢ TS om sve revised: their marching orders. Fijeven. at the end of the first half; and are going to Ottawa "the begin: 04 "06 bucked up and pggsed them ningg of "December. Kingston will bed oe jn the second whin"07 awsin very suity : , lose them. Miss Vera spurted and won out ofwenty-five to a who Ys eome very popular i wenty-two.. Poth tems bimehed too ith thre ary young people during § yiuch. which resulted in many penal hor, Stawitsiti hor sister. will go back } jes, and lack of practice together was y Quebee ; ps ! 0 Lau : _} apparent in the infrequency of short, Miss Grace Oldrieve is the guest of § se combination the Misses McM » dine stree y i he Be hile Bo I ne sue : The re igi Hueee Puniop, gi the . ame we mn hand rom the start, 'e' James: Sher stnrne : : : Mr Fame Sherman reteroed to dL Bis rulings were ved fair and the city last cvening after a short } save satisfaction. He was ably aw visit to Renfrew : : ir : . sisted by W. H. Collins _as- umpire Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Spoones--in f tend leasing at the end of this week for - Moosejaw, N.W.T.: Mrs. Sears who has mot been feeling well for aay ae some 'time, will go out with her Salesmen Refused to Accept Offer ughter to Moo jaw, and spend t winter there Kingston, Nov. 16.--There were Mrs. Fred McKelvey Bell "with little | boarded at the Frontenac cheese board Master Howard Bell, came up from } this afternoon, TeX boxes Ottawa, today, and will spend a fort all colored. Bidding opened at 11ie with her husband's relatio place cou November 21st, at noon inf Elizabeth Sowden, daugh Riekford and will return 'with her Jn the spring. Ada Florence, voungest daughter Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Poole, Parkdale. place early in December. Mics Mary Garland Payne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Elford Garland Payne of this city to William Lorne Doherty of Sarnia. Miss Mar, { Victoria, B.C. y . . - - - ~ Invitations are out for the marriage of Miss Sophia Tupper, eldest daugh- | is er of Sir Charles Hibbert Tupper, of England, which akes place in Vancouver on December _ _ - The worst eass of grippg cuved by Licson's Red Cross Gripp Tablets, 0c, gr. Cecil Mepritt, th . The marriage of ies or a Instead of Marion Greenlées, Robinson hasyvery kind y 1 i F ly asked the girls who assisted on the . the General Hospital hazaaf, to come to her house to spend this evening. -. till the week Pense have Montreal for a fe to Faith Barlee; danghte bthe late Mr. George Barlee, of Peter borough, to. Mr. Robert F. Swinerton, Armande Shorey, 'daughter of Mr. 8, 0. Shorey, of Montreal, to Mr. Huntley Gordon, will take place at the Church of St. James the Apostle, on December .6th The marriage of Miss . Isobel Mac- Gifts received and thankfully ac knowledged by the committee of the Orphans Home, during the past four months. Mrs. George whardson, bunch of badanas; Mrs, J. Mackie, 10 boxes of berries; A Herod, Fy bottles fruit; St. Paul's church Sunday school, 7 cakes; Miss Connell, Sunday school papers; Ho A. Calvin, 2 bunch- of banana Mrs. Waldron, 10 rie Mrs. Norman Fraser, 14 bottles ; Mr. Edward, 7 boxes of Mr. Hiscock, water melons ; Mrs. William . Minnes, picnic at Lake Ontario Park; Miss Wilder, candies; J, Henderson, 3 baskets of peaches; Mrs, Shortt, bag of apples; Mrs, H. Richardson, 9 dozen buns at 12 pounds honey; Mr. Tims, cahbgge and si | squash; Lady Cartwright, X bags of apples: Mrs, H. M. Claxton] basket of plums; Mrs, John Hewson, basket of v | plums sPrapers: Mrs: Herody" magazines; J. C. Gwillim, 4 jars fruit; Captain Booth, Sr. 5 pounds candies; Lovick, 1 bag apples; Mrs, ye, * baskets peaches; Dr. Anglin, doll's house; Mr. McKee, bag of apples; Mrs, Trotter, apples and eggs: St. Paul's church, fruit and vegetables; A Friend, 5 jars fruit; Mrs. Parey, clothing; Miss Connell, Sunday school papers Mrs. Naughty-Seven Were the Victors, By 16 to 11. Yesterday afternoon. in 'the YMC, A. gymnasium, the first of the inter vear matches was played. between on and 07. While the play not of the stellar variety, vet it was exciting enough anybody. From - the first blow of the whistle to the end of time. the play » was to suit v ; is fast and furious insomuch that every player was about layed out toward the end of the second half and glad when the whisth was THE CHEESE BOARD. he of 11} Cents. ns {and closed at Hie. which Mr der and Mr. Murphy offerec were no sales however, These factories Mr. Hitchcock, United States secre | boarded tary of the interior, and Mrs. Hitch Emerald, Glenburnie, 70; Glen cock, announce the marriage of their § vale, 100: Gilt Edge, 25; Howe Island, daughter, Annie Erwin, to Mr. -Wil 27 Morning Star, 12; Sunbury, 10; St. liam Sowden Sims, lieutenant com } Lawrener, Silver Springs, 30: mander United States navy, to take } Thousand Islands, 50; McGrath's, 35: tins Bay, 10: Pines Hill, 60; Bat Str John's church, Washington, D.C a, 4), Mr. Sims is the second son of Mr. | "The board's meeting next Thursday, Alfred - Sims, a civil engineer, who } Co) be the last for the season, ter Creamer vetitinded thw two President board that er Meadows, Port Hope, (Unt Rela prophesied that 12¢ wénld be paid on | GD. Johnson that her life was saved tives of Mr. Sims now living in Port the board for cheese bpfore thé season | Miss McDonald "Was teturning alo Hope, are his uncle, 3 ol. R. WF ded, and kis prophecy = had come | from church late in the evening. In Smart, R. H. Holland, P.M. Mrs. Ro} one He desired to say that cheese | (rossing the road at thé corner of Ex C. Smith and L. H. Holland. Mr. } C0 worth 127¢, and that was what position street and South Sherman Sims was for eight years naval at the buyers .should offer. avenue she felt the ground suddenly tache at the Embassy, Paris give way beneath her. Her body be . . 2 = . ' g o k slow v po : ; Had .A Pleasant' Time. gan to sin lowly through a deep The engagement is announced of : . 4 td of slime and mud, She Miss Ida Homer Dison, daughter of A st enjoyable social evening was howd sunk to a depth. 'where the late Mr. Homer Dixon, niece of em by the Sons of England and | DC her "shoulders were | above Mrs. Goldwin Smith. The Grange, tc their lady friends, numbering about' ground Air body was so closely sur =, G } . ; tof p d. c . 4 a sixty, in the lodge. room, last even Burger, of the East Indian }™ x : siinded she could no longer struggle, Major ac Eg of Major General Burger, | '"<: Past President Bonney was chair: Fond 44 v "terrified SR RE 2 son _of ) - ger, Y ' 8 s > : df a most entertaining pro Porisme sland, - Mis: Tda Ho- an 4 2 oa ttention of Mr. Jao He Poet bi pth Filan 'to India gramme, as follows: Prother Simp * | hn r n ey Amel a He san mer Dixon we iy © Home ol he ws of oe, . iano solo: Brother » : : te months ago to stay with Mrs. Oscar] "OP: plang soo oth Andrews, powerful man, his strength was inade : > ale, tore e | ¥ - To ie Mubci SOY, setitetion; ] ques He tote some lone bose . a1 from a fee, and, throwing them of | Hirother Gibson, solo: * Miss Edna ress the quagmire, was able to Swain. solo: Brother Atkinson, sole: Bl As JuAgm: eo, x 2 i p Webb, solo: 'rothe . bs to Mr. John Gilbert Phippen. of Belle firotbes A Sl x her we with the heavy purchase of his ille, Ont. The marriage will take Worl recitation and an 'interesting strenoth one the boards, he could do address on the order by Brother Lam Hert Just $8,000 Taxes Unpaid. To-day there is just 38,000 of city's 'taxes for 1905, unpaid. r of has wen paid. Collector Bartells "intends pressing delinavents to] once. By the end of the hoped to have a clean slate, THE DAILY W Mrs. Townsend, Sunday school | Frereape from months ago he had solo: Mrs. Beswick, solo; Mr. Beswick, the There F503 colleétdd, so that just about five per ent. remains un- to return his rolls on December 31st, and i to pay at year, it js HIG. THURSDA n---- - - BLOWN. T0 PIECES EIGHT MEN LOSE THEIR LIVES IN A MINE® ' : : Terrific Gas Explosion -- Huge Pieces of Timber Were Blown Air' Toronto costing $6.500. the Aix . The Lowdon Machine and Tool com Monogahela City. Pa. Nov. 16. pany are going to erect a Jio.000 fac Undaubnediv ii Killed and: probably Jory ~on Lottrides, Street. Homilies. blown: to seven men are ving 4 1000.000 barrels: of apples placed in in the depths of the new shaft of the cold storage wareltbuses in Colborne this fall Braznell Coal company on the out skirts of Bentlgysvitle, while another outside the mine is dead. as the re- | will erect a warchouse 140X330 feet in sult of a gas explosion yesterday. |Whnipeg. Man. Th o ith he h T wmerican locomotive company is eo seven men, without thought of ting®a new 'erecting' shop at the danger, stepped into the cage ahd | Schenectady plant, which will "cost in descended into the mine, The, were |t building a concrete water vmg or | ditch fifty feet down the shaft in or | der. to catch dripping water. About | five minutes after the men descended, | { a territic expldsion occurred which | blew huge pices of timber out of the |x mine Thoitkyrockets, as high as 150 |?¥ i » air.' The tipple and all the ming"rigging were torn down and de: | wit scattered in heaps all around. A |y shovel which lay at the fop of the |! « shaft that it sank four inches into a plank. [t It is believed that the men were in- |! «tantly killed and probably fell to the bottom of the shaft. PEASANTS TO GET SHARE. The Imperial Domain Allotted to boarded bid * the Landless.' St. Petersburg, Nov. 16.--The state ment is made in high quarters that an imperial -ukase will be issued shortly, whereby a very large portion: of the imper al domain, the whele of which comprises about one-third of Russia in Europe, will pass to the peasant. At present this land ix the private property of the emperor and the grand dukes, There is also under consideration a plan for the abolition' of the special economic classification of the - com- munal holding of "land by the peasan trv and the placing of the peasants, so far as the holding of land is con- cerned, on the same footing as other subjects of the emperor. Russian Notes. It is stated that Father Gapon is in St. Petersburg A Berlin despatch says that a na tional league of revolutionary social ists, formed at Moscow, has decided upon the death of Count Witte. Fifteen high officials met Count Witte to discuss the question whether martial law should be declared in St, Petersburg. The electric light has heen pactially eat off _A band of. pillagers drove a herd of cattle into a church in the village of Mulinsvka. The residents, resenting the sucrilege, attacked the pillagers and lynched forty-two of them The police arrested the Polish lead ers, Count Tyszkiowez, editor of the Libiski, and Jantzen, a manufactur er. The Polish newspaper Gomee and the Russian Zapadylgos' have been suspended The whole town and port of Viadi vostok are said to be ablaze, and the greatest part is already consumed, Three hundred rioters were killed and wounded on the first day." The situa tion ix desperate. Famine threatens Winter has begun rather severely, and the knowledge that lack of money anust create suffering, causes fears that the sufferers will take violepth what the strike prevents them; Pon earning. Evervthing seems to depend on the steadiastness ~ of the troops and their judicious handling. The Russian bourse was terribly agitated, fours fell to eighty-four, and there 'was. a slump in bank shaves The Warsaw aml Baltic lines have stopped, all traffic. The agrarian dis turbances ~ arc certain to spread. It is reported Witte is preparing a scheme endowing each peasant with twelve acres of land. Intonins, metropolitan of St. Peters burg. replying to the Archbishop of Canterbury's letter, in regard to the disturban~ in Russia, "Th Russian church mourns over her chil savs ! dren. to whom eivil strife has dark ened the commandment of Christ re garding love and good will toward our neighbors, whoever they may be, whether our fellow delivers or dis believing Jews, all violence against whom it has always condemned and condemns with unalterable steadiist ness. as opposed to law, piety and the duties of civil life." i ------ \ WAS SUNK IN A QUICKSAND. Edna McDonald Was in Up to Her Neck. Denver, Nov. 16.--~Miss Edna McDon ald, who lives at Centpe street and South Sherman avenue, had a narrow death the night. and it wes due only to the passing of other yeach the almost exhausted girl. [Even nothing. however, and was, compelled Ao place a board beneath - Miss Me Donald's chin to keep her from sink- ing further in the depths of sand. whilebe ran three blocks for help: He arom al the neighborhood. Six men volunteered to help him, and, due to their combined efforts, Miss McDonald wes finally extricated. Tooth hrushes, svecml values. for 9¢.. at Gibson's Red Cross Pruoy Store. ty : it looks as thongh Winnipeg will be without Sunday cars for another fear : Y, NOVEMBER 16. toulih island is rich in oil wells erect a large saw a filtering plant und grakg improvempnis to the reservoir. ee Like Sky Rockess 150 Feet in {pany will wany and the Canada ¥ can was hurled with such violence | the sold ut An All' Round Good Fertilizer. erate cokt, they would give far more cheap, natural known to agricultural science, as the COMMERCIAL MATTERS. ---- Yhat Is Gbing On In the Business World--The Markets. Senator Poirier reports that Mani: company will "The Empire at Latchford Lumber mill mt. Dundas council bave decided "to install International. Sas Kppliance com, erect # ondstorey factory in The Electric com- V- €OMPANY The Canadian General he neighborhood of S3500,000. A gentleman close to the Richelieu ompany tells the Montreal Star that he company (Or nine months of the sresent season had earned ten per coat. m the stock There are still several yoats in service, and it was stated hat, in spite of the lateness of 'the enson, they are more than earning ex- NSCS The Ogilvie Flour Milling confpany now hoast of having the mill with he largest capacity ip the British Ewe sire. On Saturday the company's Royal mill, on Mil reet, Montreal, turned wt 4.400 b ols, in 24 hours, while company's - Roval and Glenora wills ogether turned out slightly. over 6,000 yarrels in, the day The Cheese Markets. Campbellford, Nov 14,948 hoxes 124 to 12 3-16c Nov. 14.--170 boxes at 12{c Nov 15. Twelve factories 886 boxes ; all colored : 113c no sales Stirling Picton, If pure unbleached wood ashes could be obtained plentifully and at a mod- any other fertilizer results than combination satisfactory ashes" are rich in potash and contain lime in its best form, also serving well against many kinds of insects, Ashes can be used without hability of , on all kinds of erops if broad injury ) casted over the soil, ak much as 150 bushels per acre not being consider: od excessive on certain soils, and they make =n better fertilizer for clov than barnyard manure, For fo trees ashes cdnnot be "excelled, \ Gifts From Kingstonians. Dr. John A, Corrigan was recently married, to Miss Dortha McGuire, of Penfield, N.Y., in Corpus Christi church, Rochester: N.Y. Among hix numerous and beautinl gift were four pieces of silver from his brother, br. 1). Corrigan, also a check of five hundred dollars given by his mother, Mrs. Margavet Corrigan, of~®Velling- ton street, . re te New crop lima beans, Carnoveky 's. The little Red Cross is on each box of the genuine Blaud's Iron Tonic Pills sold at Gibson's Red Cross Deng Store. sy Toye's' btead thie perfect food. Rev. Isaac 0. Stringer, White Horse, Yukon, was elected bishop for the dio: core of Selkirk. the largest diocése in the world, to fill the vacancy eaused by the resignation of Bishop Bom pas With New Blood In. the Arteries You Will Feel New Vigor and Confidence Throughout the Whole Body. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food Do! you know what it is to feel well to feel young and hearty and vigor ons to feel wll of energy and ambi tion--to enjoy work and look forward ope ful and confident of the fature " This is the natural way to feel when your blood is pure and rich and your nerves athrill with life and vitality. This is ;the way you feel if you re vitalize your wasted and depleted ner vous system by the use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, Not in any miraculous way ter the first dose or first box, it ma; he, but when your. system has been gradually built up--your blood enrich od and new vim and vigor instilled in to the nerves, not af Dr, Chase's Nerve Food is a wonder ful medicine, but js wonders are ac complished in Nature' thoy oughly restoring the elements lacking in 4 rundown body, No other treatment for the acts in exactly this way. Some relieve by deadening the nerves--some by ex cessive stimulation, Dr. Chase's 'Nerve Food 'brings "ab out lastingly beneficial results by forming new, rich blood and creating How nerve foree - George W. Lawson, a farmer living near Consecon, and well and favora bly Known throughout Prince Edward county, Unt. writes : "About year ago | was taken sick, and felt myself failing every day, I consulted "and doctored with several eminent physicians, but received permanent benefit. If fact they told me they could do nothing for me ex- cept to afford temporary relief, ax it was a general breaking wp of old way, by nerves one "1 wax just at thinking wy time to dic had come, | fate, At this t papers about some of the cures being brought about Chase's Nerve Food, and 1 began ing it. "This treatment helped me from first, and | continued to keep it for six months, when | was fully re the man, and made in spite of the' fact that jarge sum of only. to be Though in my 1 spent pronounced seventy-fifth véar, 1 feel There is lots of evidence of wha no age, My nerves wege exhausted, and my whole systein completely broken up death's door, and, gave up hope, and resigned myself to my wife read in the wonderful by Dr. us- ALL KINDS OF FIRE INSUR- ANCE AT LOWEST RATES. he |S DISTRICT AGENT SUN LIFE ASSUR- stored tof health, To-day '| am a well od so by Dr. Chase's Nerve Food at a trifling cost. All this mbney with physicians incurable, as well as | didsat twenty, and can | walk as smartly ax anv of the hove." this great food cure has done for oth. ers. Ask your neighbors abot jt. 50e, a hox, at' all dealers, or 'Edmanson, WE $.550. haye got in some new coats for litlegirls that are just' the things you want as sensible mofhérs. 2 $ They come in beaver and kersey i . i warmly lined, neat, serviceable, well- " and decidedly smart-looking. As these were bought on favorable terms prices on an exceptionally moderate scale, viz. from $350 0 You'll Canadian LOOK THE BEST! - KITCHEN Are specialized by us. Nowhere in Canada will you get a better stock or nicer assortment to choose from - We are just now showing some Special English Goods, consisting of Jelly and - Pudding Moulds, Cake Icers, Vege- table Scoops, Vegetable and Cake Cutters. Sl 0000000000 000 .A. BATEMAN INSURANCE BROKER _ ANCE COMPANY OF CANADA. 61 CLARENCE STREET" KINGSTON. wv 1 Or Insurance Connult with GBO. CLIFF before buying at 65 Clarence Street. 3 t L Toye's bread «a food, not a fad. | ih Bates & Co', Toronto. - SPENCE'S, ™ "iu sor. | It won't pay you to be without Rubbers. Better buy R than suffer with a cold, . When buying Rubbers ask for Abernethy's McKELVEY & BIRCH, _ 69 and 71 Brock Street, Kingsto MADE-TO-ORDER PERSIAN LAMB JACKETS Select Your Skins : Quality, Style and Fit Unequalled. McKay Fur FINANCE AND INSURANCE}! For Real Estate RSE 0 ubbers § Rubbers WEAR BHE BEST \ ™ Shoe Store Ue ari \ A EA J TH mr Elous OGOOL0 If You Want a OR INSURANCE, Have a HOTEL FOR SALE A First-Class Hotel proj for saje in one of the best ages in n

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