Christmas Shopping Is it to be pleasure or bane ? you.look around now and make our selection while the lines are ymplete and have us put your sods aside it will be a req pleas. re. We have on exhibition some umples of our large and handsome hristmas stock. It will pay you > make your choice now. See Our Windows, [he Best Drug Store L. T. BEST, Chemist and Optician 24 Princess Street. "Phone 59 YOUR FURNACE HoT WORKING RICHT 9 v Perhaps you are not burning the" : : size of Coal requir- ed. Let us advise you. JAMES SWIFT & CO. SPPPOPOVPPEPOO HOI LIIPe THE FRONTENAC LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIETY. (ESTABLISRED 1863.) 'resident--Sir Richard Cartwright Money Mauss on OF aud Farm ebentures. M ay ro ortgages purch eposits received and interest allowed . 0. McGiV, Managing Director, Mon. 97 (Mareace Strest., Kingstos d Our Advts. For You 'e on sale the biggest snap is ever shown in Kingston. and Basket Weaves, in ches wide, Grey, Brown, ce will show good wear- 4oc..and 45c. a yard. For joes at 9c. a yard. BY, Bargains ! LADIES' JACKETS 'e have 10 only Ladies' .Juckets, short styles, loft over, beautifully tailored garments; were Sv to $12.50 each. Saturday £2 each. Sizes 32 to 40. FLANNELETTES 0 vards of Plain Pink or Pale Blue Flannelette, also Stripes. Satur day special, ... ... 7 a yard SS re eee eee HOSIERY hy do we sell so many pairs of dies' Cashmere Hose at 2 season is" simply becaus buyers have found out the are worth 35c. regular. -- -- MEN'S OVERALLS pairs of Men's Overalls, were 55. to clear at ...... ...... .. 3%'a par im LE -- CORSETS onderful ~ values in newest make Corsets at 50c., 75c. and $1 pair eS i SILKS black, rich, lustrous fpish, full t value at 6%. a yard. For a -- pei sveeeras SEs 8 yard 'S and you get the best. We have White or Grey, in three sizes ab & Shaw © this year, PPEOPICOOOCO®D® -- ep ls. J i meen SENSATIONAL SALE OF DRESS GOODS! offering here is a marvel--eviry yard 'of Dress Goods is desicable 3 momical buyer will buy 'them. If you expcet to buy a Suit vour chance now :-- ! Every --and ever, | eemimmtamsrenb ar CHIFFON VENETIAN--In pure wool, | TWEEDS--In- dark already' sponged, shrunken® "and guarante d not to spot. A choice eillection * of shades--displayed in our 'Pre:x Goods 'Window. The quality is the one you 'pay 81 and more than likely $0.25 a yard. A mixed colorings, 56 inches wide, pure wool, suitable for Ladies] and Children's Suits or Skirts, good heavy weight, the same as shown by others at %| and $1.25. Our regular prices were bc. and $1 a yard. To-MOTEOW ociess sasbemen sarerssne 69¢. To-morrow you get them for. .50c. ; So as 1 BLACK DRESS GOODS--In all the HIGH GRADE PU RE WOOL MIXED new materials, Roxana, Soleils, TWEEDS-- In dark colors only. * At Chiffon, Venetians, Box Cloths, the regular price (60c. and 70c. a Henriettas and Crispines. Every vard) they were considered excel jent valie. To make this sale of Dress Goods specially attractive, and give our customers a few .ex- {raordinary bargains, we are going to offer them Ye To-morrow for yerd guaranteed to be unspottable and strictly stainless. The kind you probably 'asked the price of somewhere else, and they told you "A dollar a yard," and it's worth it. We will sell them To-morrow. for eee - : Aprg : r 5 : he . LADIES' HIGHLY TAILORED SKJRTS--On Sale To-morrow Morning. $1.08, £2.29, £2.87, 88.91, Regular value $2.75, $3.50, $4.75, $6. J ie . SA OUR MEN'S AND WOMEN'S UNDERWEAR---43c. for women's 50c; and 75c. lines; 47c. and 623c. for men's 75¢. and $1 lines. TO-MORROW WILL BE ECONOM Y.DAY AT THIS STORE. te James Johnston Store 180 WELLINGTON STREET. -------- pe OUR OVERCOATS Are the Best in the Land They are made from the most trustworty fabrics and rimmings, and are tailored by the best tailor hands. {They impart that fine finish and good fit, formerly the exclusive characteristics of the high-priced tailot's pro- | duct. ; We show the largest assortment, the most fashiona- shle fabrics and the most up-to-date styles in the city. Prices for men and young men; start at $4.95 and Run Up to $16.50 Qus. Bays' Overcoats.are made from the same ma- terials and: taiiored with the same care as the men's: Lo Prices $3 to $8.50. Roney &: Co. 127 Princess Street. Theonly FOR MEN knows th known to sciznce «fst smtrshood is © RESTORE." ules FREE HELP which will positively the marvellous German Remedy discovered by Dr. Kohr, Itis controlled ir this country by the Dr. Kohs Medicine Company; a conicefn which has the highest standing in the medical world. Thistreatment has cured thousands of men, young and old, when th= best known remedies have failed. 1f you are suffering from diseases of the generative ore off #8 lost manhood, exhaust. ig drains, nervous debi % the results of abuse, this remedy can and will cure wed. The headache, pim- ples, varicocele, pain ec back and failing memory, disappear completely in the worst cases in from one to two werk 's treatment. --We -make-the honest offer of a cure or return your monev. Thousands of testimonials. Correspondence treated strictly confidential FIVE day's treatment scot free witha Rook of rules for health, diet and advice. 'Our greatest sticoésses have been those who have failed with other treatments. This remedy is regularly used in the French and German armies, and the soldiers in these countries are models of strength securely sealed in plain'wrapper. 4 - od vitality, Write for sample sent Address DR. KOHR MEDICINE CO., P.O. Drawer 1.;2341, Montreal. Gray's Syrup Red Spruce Gum For Coughs and Colds. = co In Hot WaleF:""*:"- Is a good place to put cold feet, but when a man wants warm. dry feet without this trouble, the place '0 put them is inside a pair of Waterproof Shoes. he most popular shoe for winter is » : Royal "Viseolized Soles" : With storm calf uppers. Viscolized Soles make is. possible to: make bg harmony and good \ 2 Shoe as near waterproof as it Shem, Try a pair and there'll ill all around. $5 a Pair. McDERMOTT' CC EEEREEOE® PFE eee@® " = ® ® * 3 ® THE SPORT REVIEW MATCH FOR INTERMEDIATE Between R.M.C. I and 'Varsity II Here To-Morrow--MoGill Have Been Practising Hard to De- feat Queen's. Ottawa College will in Toronto to-morrow. The chances are nine out of ten, that McGill will win from Queen's in Montreal to-morrow, though we hope thoy will wot. President Darroch, of the OHA, will nigke-his : appointments this week. It is more than likely that they will be western men. Clubs desirous of playing in the O. H.A. should notify the secretary at once. The secretary's address is: W. A. Hewitt, Daily Star office, Toronto. The Montreal Hockey Club is to lose two of its most useful players, Sargent and Coulson having decided to throw in their lot with Westmount. In case the Ottawa Victorias, junior champions of the C.A.H.L., cannot get into senior. ranks in the east, they are going to make application for admission to the senior series of the O.H.A. Although football has been dormant in Brockville for the past four years, an agitation"is now on foot to re- vive a senior team for next year, and if possible makb application for ad- mission to the Quebec union. The New Zealanders won from the Midland counties by 21 te 5, and de- feated Surrey by 14 to 0. The Mid- land's goal was the only one scored against the New Zealanders since the beginning of their English tour. : in Telegram : It has becn suggested by the Harvard Bulletin to abolish football. If this were to go into efiect in Hamilton or Ottawa it would throw a lot of * good men out play 'Varsity of work. The Rochester Yacht Club has accepted the challenge of the Royal Canadian Yacht Club, of Toronto for a weries of races for the Canada's cup in 1907. Signed conditions will be for- warded this week. The International Hockey League clubs are scouring the cast to fill up their ranks for the seasom. The Soe club has cyes on McRobie, who has figured on the defence of the "Brock- ville club for the past few years. The Toronto Argonauts have chal linged "Varsity for the Toronto city championship. The collegians are con- sidering the challenge and may play the tity team after they get through with Ottawa. They will snow the Ar- gonauts under, McGill have been practisingehard all week and are in shape to give the Queen's athletes a hard battle to- morrow. How much have Queen's practised ? The fact is that Queen's has done a lot of winning (and losing too) in years past on very little prae- tice. Hon. George P. Graham has evi dently come to . the conclusion' that the 'only way' for: a scrimmage en thhsiast to work up.his interest in a snap-back, match, is to place a ten spot on one of the teams. Then he'll watch the contest till the finish and be very much interested. Arrangements are complete for an exhibition game of rughy under' the snap-back rnles" on the M.A. ACA. grounds at Montreal, to-morrow be tween the Hamilton Tigers, senior O. R.F.U. champions, and the Toronto Argonauts, who gave them such a hard tussle on 'Varsitv field last Sa tarday afternoon. Toronto Telegram : There deed be a kindred feeling "twixt Dr. Clarke. who ran for the O.H.A. last Saturday, and William Randolph Hearst, who ran for the position of mayor of New York, because, vou see, they were practically up against the same thing, viz., too many proxies, in the hands of a Tammany element. Toronto Globe : The dark-lantern brigade inthe east is busy with plans for the reorganization of the C.AH lL... which will leave the: Federal League in the air. If things go on as they are supposed to go. and as both Ottawas and Wanderers scem to like them to go, the clubs in the new six-club organization will be: Mon: treal, Victoria, Shamrocks, Ottawas, Wanderers and one other. At Belleville, to-morrow: afternoon, Gananoque and Toronto Victorias meet in the O.H.A. junior semi-finals. Judging from the quality of junior teams in the west in past years, Gan- anorque shouldn't have much chance. For instance, the Limestones, of the past two years would make a holy show of the junior teams plavins in this district this season. To-morrow afternoon on the mili- tary college campus, R.MC'T and "Varsity 11 will play for the Intereol- legiate Intermediate rugby champion- ship." The cadets won in Toronto last must in- Saturday by eighteen to six. and should give 'Varsity an even better trimming to-morrow. The military boys won the same championship last vear, and have practically won it again. The indications are that the match to-morrow on Yale field will be wide open football. - Yale has departed from her traditional stvle of close and heavy formations and has developed a game in which speed and precision are the things. There are rumors from behind the gates that Yale has something in (the way of new plays, which will still further open up the game. Yale is the favorite against her old rival, Harvard. Boxing has had nails dtiven in its coffin at St. Louis and "Milwaukee. And as long as there'is no distinct line between the purely scientific bov- ing houts ant the prize fights it will "A Lave of 2 Howse" borhood--and so reason- 'Houses for Rent" . You'll see the "The Globe" toda' "The Globe" Toronto. baa | 1 1) 2X \ 4 a continue so. Pure boxing is to ie} encouraged but as long as the au- thorities are open #0 have a prize fight worked off on. them undue the guise of a scientific oxhibition, so long will there be a tendency to re- strict the game. The Toronta Star shouldn't - con- clude that because' there was a $1,200 gate for the Hamilton Tiger-Argonaut contest in Toronto last Saturday, the popularity. of the snap-back system is proven. Not hg: any means. The peo ple of Toronto | wanted to see the much-heralded Tigers and really didn't care if they had "played lawn teanis on the "Varsity field. As for the. game itself, it was. one of the deadest exhibitions ever played in Toronto Old scrimmage devotees were, tired he fore the first quarter had been played. PILE OF, SAWDUST. ---- Largest in World is at Cheboy- gan, Mich, Wood Crafts. «of Probably the largest sawdust pile in the world is the 'one at Cheboygan Mich. 'This is the predact of one mill; being . run. by water power, had no way of disposing of its sawdust. The company wag Rot permitted to dump it into the river, and for a few years an attempt was made to burn it, There was so much smoke that the village passed af® ordinance. As a con- sequence it 'was Simply hauled out in- to a vacant field, and. during the thirty years of its growth has acquir- ed monstrous proportions. It is ' a hill 1,080 feet Jorg, ®75 feet wide, and ranges from twenty to fifty feet in height. ' The hill covers some twelve acres, It i almost entire white and Norway pine sawdust, beeatise this' mill* did not cut hemlock, except for the last two or three years, Rotor it was clos- ed down. The pile is undoubtedly rot- ting a little at the bottom, but it is sell preserved and. bright when it is dug into, the: tap sed xides, haviog ernstid over. firm -a_protection for the sawdust underréath. In its pres ent state it containg rather too much moisture to admit of being used for fel without treatment by some pro cess of drying. A number of chemists" have examin ed it. with a view to extracting the chemicals it contains, 'hut as yet no thing has been done} in this direction. There ig no auestion but that it has a considerable chemical value, and probably the time will éome when someone will' find a way of working it up profitably. Bath Brevities. Bath, Nov. 16. Harry Hogle, King ston, visited here this week with his mother, Mrs. 8. Hogle, H. and A Calver, who have been working at Marlbank, are visiting here for a short time, Rev. H. 8. Spence and Miss Spence, Tamworth, Visited here for a few days. Mr. Spence dlso con ducted services in the Methodist church, here, on Sunday last. Rev. W, Sexsmith, has returted from Tam- worth, --where he conducted serviees in Methodist church there for Rev. Mr. Spence. The last storm caused very muddy roads in this.vicinity. The steamer Niagara called here on Thurs day for a cargo of apples. Greater quantities of apples, ete, 'have been shipped from this port, this year, than for a long time previous. Frnest Shephard has returned from his trip to Edmonton. Nearest Star To Solar System. Alpha Centauri, a bright sfar of the southern hemisphere, not visible in the United States, is the aearest star to the solar system. Yet it is 275,000 times as far from the earth as is the sun. The light of this nedrest star re quires --four-and . onethird years to travel to the earth. . Yef other stars are 'so much farther away from the tuari is a mere vardstick 'with which to measure their greater distances. "Three Swallows." Sir John Pope and Son's "Three Swallows" Irish Whiskey, famous for over a century. Of highest standard of purity. the King. ok = A Good Country. Boissevain, Man., Nov. 13, -- Fine weather now, dry and warm, threshing all done, wheat worth sixty: five cons per bushel. There' has been as much shipped already this season as the entire crop of last year, and not more than one-third yet shipped, People néver were so prosperous. See plenty of people from Ontario, who like the country well. Tt is a good country for men who want a home. ea ie Tailor's Novel "Fis. A tailor in Bosign, Lincolnshire, INN ; IG KE /T ANARGYROS Plain Tips, 15¢. per box. eartlr that the distance 'to Alpha Ceng Distillers to His Majesty LITT TL AAAS \ Yr Y « IN OUR OWN CIRCUIT. News of The District on Both Sides of The Line. Mrs, John Moran, Fitzroy, is dead, in Anrprior, aged ninety-five. rs. Maria® Furnstene, aged fifty- two, is dead, in Belleville. She was a Methodist. Annie, the small daughter of John O'Brien, Belleville, is dead, from diphtheria. sartin Manion, ' Arnprior, has sold the Mansion house, to James 0'Don- nell, Warren, for $11,000. Miss Mary Driscoll, who died, rather mysteriously, in New York, from ox- alic acid poisoning, will be buried in| Prescott, her former home. Mes, James Rourk; bora in Rivers town, county Sligo, Ireland, and | married, last March, in Liverpool, is dead, at Brockville, ! On November 15th, the Rev. | W. Burnett, B.D., united in marriage | Morgan Sherman, Maitland, to Miss "thel Mott, one of Athens' charming | young ladies. ~ County Councillor Stafford, present- ed Rev. T. Austin Smith, with a well- filled purse of gold, on behalf of the Anglican congregation at Lyn. Rev. H. B. Battstone, who will be locum tenens during Mr. Smith's absence, was introduced at the gathering. ------------------ Mistakes Of Liquor Men. Canadian Sportsman. 1f those responsible for the manage ment of the Liquor Dealers' Assotia- tion had been honest guardians of the bh st and truest interests of their trade, they would have insisted upon the ex- pulsion of every member who failed to strictly observe the provisions of the liquor license law under which he wax working. Instead of this, they de- fended every member, no matter what his offence against the act. Notwith- standing how many times he was charged with Violating its provisions or how. obnoxious his house became in the estimation of the more respéctable portion of the community in which it was located, the same eager desire to defend him by the association's solici- ter was displayed as if he was being persecuted instead of legitimately pro- seeuted. It has _beon this line of action that vlienated the respect of the people and disgusted a liberal portion of the best men in the business. So much so that large numbers of the latter have of late refused in any way to cecognize or support the association. Coolies Are Imdustrious. The Indian coolies indentured in Trinidad for work on the plantations are an industrious and prosperous lot of fellows as a body: Last year over 700 of them gailed for Calcutta, tak- jog with them £9,320 in money and large quantities of gold ornaments. For fine toast n bread. BE READY FOR CROUP And Insist on Having the Time- Tested Medicine, Dr. Chase's S¥RVF Linseed and Turpentine It is not a question of whethgr you will need a treatment for coughe, colds and croup in your home, but the question is, will you select the most effective medicine, or sunply be satisfied to take whatever your drug- gist happens to hand out to you? Time and experience have proven that you can depend on Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine at such times, It is only necessary to remember this when the eritical time comes, and to insist on getting what you ask for. Should you have chidren who are subject to croup, you had better keep a bottle of Dr. Chase's Syrup of Lin- seed and Turpentine in the house, for when the choking spasm comes on there is little time to sent for doctor or mddicine, y It seems scarcely necessary to dwell on the merits of Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentime as a cure for croup, bronchitis, whooping cough, ete. Most of us have known it from childhood' up. It is almost as familiar as Dr. Chase's Receipt Book. G. N. Morrison, 34 Fuller 8t., Tor- onto. Ont, writes : "Gentlemen, --If it should be any satisfaction to you to know (ax it certainly has been mine in the pasty permit 'me' to say, that | have used Dr. Chase's Syrup of Lin- seed and Turpentine in my family for vears, and found it from experience to be "the best cough medicine, 1 suppose J1 have used eight bottles this past winter, my children will have nothing England, tisbment. his mame on the back of each of ten tortoises, and has placed "fhe, ten © in the window. of, hix Shop He offers » prize of $10 to the first person who sees the tortoises -i aqline wo ar ranged that the letters awe in the or- der in which they Bppent it his name. tai ei Hyomes fihaler fo Ad, Mobis brug Store. A Th | Toye's bread the perfect food, : LY) in upan a nevgl adver e hae pamted a-letter of , else, and the best of results invariably ensue. 1 have also recommended it strongly, If thi* unsolicited testimoni- al be of any service to vou, the' plea- | sure is mine in transmitting it." | Being pleasant to the taste, it is readily taken bv children, Because it hinge ick reliet to the sufferer from _pathmn, bronchitis, whoopi ng cough, Land all the most serious ie ol the throat and lunes, it is invaluable «ue 8 honsehold medicine, 25¢c. a bottle, «at all dealers, : Ie, BANKRUPT STOCK CO. To-morrow TWO CARLOADS "THE MONTREAL WILL OFFER THE CONTENTS OF OF AR From Montreal Which Contains the Following Goods : 150 Workingmen's Waterproof P. Coats, regular price $2.50, for $1.50, Saturday only. 50 Boys' two-piece Suits, regular prices $3.50 to $5, for $2.75, Saturday only. 25 Men's Heavy Tweed Suits, for $5.75, for Saturday only. Men's Heavy Winter Overcoats, regular. prices $12 to s $15, for $6.50, Saturday only, gm pr : 35 Youths' Winter Tweed Suits, regular $5, day only. oF 18 only Boys" Russian Blouse Overcoats, sizes § to 8, regular price $5.50, for $2.75, Saturday only. 110 Ladies' Heavy Tweed and' Cloth Walking Skirts, price reduced for Saturday, as follows : Lot 1--$4 Skirt, now reduced to $2. Lot 2--$s Skirt, now reduced to $2.50. Lot 3--$7 Skirt, now reduced to $3.50. 99 Sample Ladies' Winter Up-to-date Coafs and Jagkets; prices ranging from $10 to $30 each, En ke 1 price for Saturday. Or regular prices $8 and $10, for $2.50, Sater- | Please take note that the above goods are allinew goods, imported for fall and winter, 1905-6. Another lot of 930 Men's Heavy Fleeced Shirts and Drawers at 39¢. worth soc. and 65¢. } 77 Men's Heavy Fancy Flannelette Night Shirts at 39c., worth 65¢. Another lot at 50c., worth $1. 144 Men's Heavy Tweed and Flannel Top Shirts, note re- ductions for Saturday : At 45c., worth 65¢c. ; at 65¢c., worth $1 ; at 75¢., worth. $1.25. Men's and Boys' Heavy Cardigan Jackets at 75c., worth 1.25. : 2 job lines Men's Sweaters --At 75c¢., worth' $1.50; at $1, worth $2. 500 pairs Men's Fancy Braces--At 10c., worth 20c. ; at 15¢., worth 25c¢. ; at 25¢., worth Soc. 888 pairs Men's Heavy Wool Socks, at 15¢., worth 25¢. 333 Men's Fancy Silk Four-in-Hand Ties at 12%4c,, 25¢. HA Few Bargains for the Boys A job lot Braces, at jc., worth 10oc. Another lot -at 1oc., worth 15c¢, Boys' Heavy Wool Sweaters at 50c., worth 75c. Another lot of Boys' Undershirts and Drawers. Note reductions --At 20c., worth joc. ;'at 25¢c.,, worth 35¢ ; &t 35¢c, worth Soc. . 8 Small Goods at Small Prices 5,000 papers Pins, 1c. each or 6 for 5c. y Good Sewing Needles, 2 papers for 5c. - 250 yards Spool Thread, 2 for sc. N ce Hair Brushes at 15¢., worth joc. L wge Rubber Combs at 10c., worth 20¢. Castile Soap, 3 cakes for 5¢c., worth 10c. : Barbers' Combs at 3c., worth 10c. ; at 5c., worth 15¢.. ~ Razor Strops at 15¢c.; worth 30c. a 600 Fine Combs, 2 for 5¢, worth 10c. Hairpins, 2 packages for 1c. Hundreds of Other Bargains Goo Numer ous fo Mention. | Remeémber the Place : Cor, King and Princess Sts, F. X. COUSINEAU, General Manager. } 4