lets, efe. blossoms is Jin: the assizes, | Justice Clute, A BL ON PAGE FIVE. _ Some Pretty Details Have Come to Light. Toronto, Nov. 17.~The case against the plumbers, for conspiracy, came up this morning, before without a jury. The tase is on all fours with that which has been before the police court all week. Joseph Harrison. a former member of the Master Plumbers' As- sociation, gave some interesting evi- dunce, ax to the amount of the rake: off distributed among the tenderers on particular jobe recently. For instance, on the Guelph sanitariom, $500 was divided up among four others. 'the Warwick Bros' and Rutter building, £600, had heen divided among twelve plumbing tenderers, exclusive of the | steam fitting, On the Toronto isola. n hospital, 8250 was divided up. Witness said that his business had dropped $121,000 in 1903 to less than RR2.000 in 1905, hecavse the associa- tion had refused to allow him to take contracts, from outside towns, on which he had tendered. . orahge : eapital drink during nd 'Bananas, 10c. dozen. Crawford, * SPECIAL SALE = Ready-to-Wear One of the "largest KIRTS ; Saturday at 8.30 o'clock manufacturers of Ladies' ~ Skirts was desirous of clearing his stock of Fall and Winter materials. We made him an offer for the lot ~ on condition that he would make them up to our satis- faction. He accepted and here they are. 368 NEW SKIRTS Not over 2 or 3 to a design, made of the very latest materials, best man-tailored workmanship, latest fash- ionable $7, $7.50. styles, worth $4 50, $5, $5 50, $6, $6.25, $6.75, For $2.38, $2.98, $3.98 PANAMA CLOTHS--In Black, Blue, Green and Fancy Mixtures. BROADCLOTHS--Heavy Venetian finish, Black, Blue, Brown and Fancy. Ha VICUNAS--Very heavy close finish. CHINCHILLA CHEVIOTS -- Neat two-toned ef- fects in various colors. SCOTCH TWEE Stripes. Checks, etc.- LUSTRES--BIlack, Nav tures, DS--Very large assortment, Fancy] y and Green, also Fancy Mix- CIRCULAR SKIRTS--Side-pleated and high kilted effects, neatly trimmed with bands and strappings, closely stitched and buttoned trimmed. On Sale Saturday Morning at $2.38, $2.98, $3.98 See window display of these special skirts. No alterations will be made on these Skirts, ex- cept at an additional charge of 'soc. each. : R. WALDRO FU Shells--PFine English Beaver. Linings-- Collars-- Persian Lamb 'and ' Otter. Carefully selected prime skins. © All: our Fur Coats are made by ourselves and we guarantee them. Price. with Persian Lamb Collar, $50 two $66. Price, with Otter Collar. $70 to $90. We also fore advance in Furs, your order R NED Coats armot and Muskrat. carry in stock Brown Rat Linings, Black Russian Rat Linings and Mink Linings, and the best selected Skins procurable, bought be- which we we will make up to at prices that will pleage you. : ~~ CALL AND SEE THEM. ngston's. " THE DAILY 10, RIDAY, NOVEMBER 17 WH FR . REVW, ---- LAST EVENING, His Address Was Most Effective and the Work There -- Mr. Windross Speaks To-Night. Luke xxiii, 33, "There they crucified Him," was the text of Rev. W. 8. Me Tavish, at the special meeting held | last "night in the Y.M.C.A. Each word formed a division of his" address. There, was a mound outside of Jeru. salem, It was and has become of wid- er renown than Plymouth Rock, where the Pilgrim Fathers landed, or Queens: ton Heights, where General Brock died for his country. Tradition says that Adam was buried where the cross stgod. The old covenant of works was buried there, and a new covenant es. tablished. It is not, do this, but, be. lieve on the Lord Jesus Christ ! Jew ish tradition had it that Mount Cal vary was the centre of the earth, It has become the centre of all Christian hope, enterprise, and activity, They--ineludes God the Father, for God delivered Him up as the worthy sacrifice. Individually Ohrist was there for Jesus delivered Himself up. The speaker said, 'we all were there, and included in the "they." Christ saw that we ' needed Him "was it for crimes that I have done. He groaned upon the tree." Pre-eminently the Jews and Romans were alluded to. They were indignant that Christ said He was their King, Crucily-~crucifying was. the mast shameful death, and practised on the lowest criminals. Alexander the Great introduced this fearful mode of pun: ishment into Palestine. The vistim was near enough to the crowd to re ecive every insult and smiting from them, Him--The Son of Man and of God: to the hungry He is the Bread of Life, to the thirsty, the Water of Life. to the troubled He ix the peace that passeth all understanding. They cruci- fied Him! Christ's work is not alto- gether finished. We shall see Him clear- ly when we see Him face to face. Rev. T. B. Windross, of Calvary church, will give the closing week- night address. Mr. Windross is-a strong speaker, and being a young man, every young man should hear him, -------- SAILORS THREATEN MUTINY. Situation on Warships at Sebas- topol Critical. Odessa, Nov. 17.--According to re ports here, from Schastopol, the situ- ation among the crews of the war ships, in the harbor, is extremely pre. carious. There are 50,000 sailors at Sebastopol; they threatem a general mutiny. Admiral Chuknin, command- er of the Black Sea fleet, has request ed that 3,000 . additional troops be Sent to Sebastopol to reinforce the garrison, and preserve order. ---- Night Passed Quiet,y. St. Petersburg, Nov. 17.--The night passed quietly, and today order pre vals. 'The streets are constantly pa trolled by troops, however. The work ingmen ridicule the appeal by Count Witte, urging them to remain at work. --t---- Outlook Is Gloomy. St. Petersburg, Nov. 17.--~The out- look for an early collapse of the strike is more gloomy to-day. The council of workmen's delegates or strike commit- tee, is manifestly encouraged by the extension of the strike in St. Peters burg. Various organizations, including the bank clerks, telephone girls, and some of the professional leagues, have voted to join in the movement. More over, it is certain that the workmen's council has received mysterious sup- plies of funds, and consequently thew present---a--bolder front. Count Witte's attempt tp negotiate directly with the strike leaders has come to naught. THE MARINE DEPARTMENT Is Investigating the Bavarian Case. Québee, Nov. 17.-~-The marine and fisheries, department investigation, in to' the cause that led up to the grounding on Wye Rock, of the Allan Line steamer, Bavarian, commenced, in this city, at ten o'clock this morn- ing. Hon, Chief Justice Routhier, who is also judge Of the admiralty court, received the papers from the minister of marine and fisheries, yes terday morning, appointing him presi dent of the court of enquiry, and i Pennell, sailing master of the British second cruiser squadron, and Commander Spain, of the marine de partment, have been associated with him, The witnesses were heard this morn ing, Capt. Brown, master of the ship, and W. Phillips Haines, chief officer They both deposed that the ship which left port November Tth, was in excellent condition, when she sailed down the river. The weather was clear, with the exception of snow flurries, whieh did not amount to much, Light ers could be plainly seen on both shores, when they passed Belle Chasse. They could see St. Thomas lights, and also the Crane lsland lights dis tinetly, and as they approached Grosse Isle, they could see the hghts on that island very distinetly, The cause of the accident, in their opin- ion, was an error of judgment on the part of the pilot, who thought that he was further north, than be really was, and also to his over cautions ness. - He Cannot See. Martin Powers, Charles street, by mistake drank wood alcohol and was near to death, but has recovered. He is blind now and it may be some weeks before the optic merves will be restored (to their normal state. ---------- Special. Malaga grapes, nice, large bunches, no Waster 20¢. lb.; Spanish onions. Sweet potatoes amd cranberries, at lowest prices. W, McRae & Co, the Golden Lion. Lilly © White potatoes, finest roll v S. WTAVISH] SPOKE AT Y. M. C. A. MEETING ~His Theme Was Calvary INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters on Their Rounds. Bananas, 10c. doren. Crawford, 4 lbs. currants, 25¢., at Mullin s. The bread of quality --Toye's. ish cigarettes at Gibson's Rod "ross Drug Store, R. J. Valleau, Napanee, spent the tay in town. Lally White potatoes, finest butter, Crawford. Damaged peas for sale at foot Princess street. . Miss Annie Philips, Ogdensburg, is visiting in the city. S. Hobart Dyde and daughters went to Montreal today, to visit friends. . H. Toye went to Montreal, today, to stay till Tues d ; sv ay. Mr. and Mrs. C. Ehrlicher and Mrs. I LC. Kellor, Watertown, N.Y., are visiting in town. G. L. Colborne has returnéd to the city after attending his brother's wed- ding in Belleville on Wednesday. Our Delmonico cake is a seller, the nut filling seems to please everybody; try one. 'Phone 141. W. J, Crothers. r. Cosgrifi, a former Kingstonian, has returned from the Yukon, after an eighteen years absence, for a visif to the city. Lilly White potatoes, butter. Crawford. Mrs. Charles Livingston and moth- er, Mrs. Wilmot, went to Montreal, to-day, to visit Mrs. J. P. Oram, for a few days. roll of finest roll One day only (Saturday), 3 pack- ages Cow Brand soda, 10. at Mul- in's. : . The light and power committee, called for this afternoon, was cancel led on account of Ald. Toye's absence from the city, The work in the erection of the new "B" battery stables is being rushed; extra men being put on, so that all will be in readiness by Christ- mas. Lilly White potatoes, finest roll butter. Crawford. Rev. Principal Gordon of (Queen's, will preach in New St. Andrew's church, Toronto, on Sunday morning The new pastor, Rev. F. C. Brown, M.A., of Queen's, will conduct his first service in the evening. There are a lot of colds in the city. Gibson's Red Cross Cough Syrup is working night and day. coughs and colds, 20c. Sir Thomas Lipton's jellies all. fla- vours, 10c. package, 3 for. 25c.; new table and stewing figs just in; new dates, Te. lb, 4 lbs. for 25c.: pure, sweet cider, 0c. gal: new Malaga table raisins, just in, 206. and 25¢. 1h. W. R. McRae & Co., the Golden Lion. The weather to-day was very fickle. This morning was clear and frosty, Old Sol shining-his brightest around the noon hour. Early in the after- noon. the weather man's predictions came true and we had quite a snow flurry, with prospects of it continu- ing. Bananas, 10c. dozen. Crawford. It cures A Pleasant Evening. An exceedingly pleasant evening was spent by the' members of the W.C.T.U. and their friends at the residence of Dr. and Mrs. R. E. Sparks, Thursday evening, Mrs, Macallum presided, in her usual genial manner. Reports were 'made by Miss Hattie Clark, Mrs, Lyon, Mrs? Sparks and others. The programme was interspersed with so- los, delightiully vendered by Mrs, Robertson, iss Bateman nd Miss Marshall. Refreshments - and a social half hour's intercourse brought h this interesting gathering to a close. ~~ For Dominion Championship. It is probable that the Royal Mili- tary College team, as, intermediate champions of the Intercollegiate Rug- by Union, will play off with Ottawa Rough Riders II, in the Dominion championship series on November 25th. The winners of that match would meet Peterboro or Dundas, winners ofthe RFU. intermediate championship. ---------- The Secretary Indicted. Toronto, Nov. 17.~J. G. Merrick, secretary of the Toronto Employers' Association, was convicted in the po- lice court, to-day, of a breach of the alien labor act and fined $50 and costs. The charge against Merrick was connected with the bringing, from New York, to Toronto, of litograph- ers to take the place of strikers. ---------- Gas Notice. In order to make connections to ew main, the gas will be ent off the entire city from 8 a.m. until 'about 12 noon on Sunday, 19th inst. Will consumers Rindly see that all burners and - stove turned ofi * Several Incendiary Fires. Sarnia, Ont.' Nov. 17.=Fiye small fires were started, last might, here, within two hours, probably by small boys or tramps. The fires were all promptly extinguished by the depart - ment. A tramp found in a box car is under arrest. The total than £1,000 connections are loss is less ------ The Rate Reduced. Toronto, Nov. 17. Owing to the competition of boats, previously on the Montreal route, now ranning to Geargian Bay ports, the rate-on grain has been reduced from five to four cents, ---- Roquefort. Cheese, the finest « uality, imported, 0c. per Ib. at McRae's, ihe Golden ion, -------------- At Davies'. Mine meat, "old English receipe," very fime. Lilly White potatoes, finest roll or print butter. Crawford. 2 The 88. Lake Manitoba, C.P.R. line, from Liverpool, passed Father Point. inward, at 6:40 a.m., to-day. A youth was arrested this after noon, for stealing some jewelry from the Folger boats, - For perfect fitting "corsets, leave your 'order at New. York Dress Re- form, 4 Allen's clarified cider, 20c, gal, at MeRae's, the Golden Lion. Lilly White potatoes, butter. Crawford. Dip Hip Corsets, 65c. New finest roll butter. , Crawford; IN BRIEF FORM. Matters That Interest Everybody ~Notes From All Over--Little Of Everything Easily Read -And Remembered. Ald. Sheppard voted for the reduc- tion of licenses in Toronto. More than 2,000,000 cotton bales were burnt at Columbus, Ga. The militia department will sell St. Helen's Island to Montreal for a park, : Rev. T. C. Brown was ordained and inducted as pastor of St. Andrew's, Toronto. Eric Anderson, a Swede, commpitted suicide by throwing himself over: the falls at Niagara. John Macdonald's residence, "*Oak- lands," Toronto,, and ten acre estate has been sold for $137,000. The Intercolonial railway shows a surplus. of $24,659 for September, which is the first for years. Heavy seas stove in the pilot house of the steamer Halifax, offi Sambro: the captain and one officer were badly injured. . Ale 'Second storey" thieves entered H. Russells house, Albany, N.Y., stealing $2,000 worth of jewelry while the fam- ily dined. C. F. Just has been awarded a silver medal by the British society of arts for his paper on the manufacturing industries of Canada. The missing husband of Anna Stecz, Watertown, N.Y., has been located at Deferriet. Mrs. Stecz has been grant el an absolute divoree. Dr. Albert C. Bicklehaupt, Syracuse, and Miss' Camilla Barker, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Bar ker, Alexandria Bay, N.Y., were uni ted in marriage on Wednesday. After playing the part of a blind girl in amateur theatricals, Mrs. Con ger Heaton, Desmoines, Jost her sight completely while walking on the street. The retina of each eve is divi ded. Threatening to blow off the head of the judge who sentenced him to two months in Watertown, N.Y,, for being drunk, Albert Smith, an Englishman, was given four months ii the peni tentiary, § ---------- COOKE"S CHURCH Will Have Its Anniversary on Sunday. The fifty-ninth anniversary of Cooke's church will be observed on Sunday, November 19th, with afipro- priate services. The pastor will con- duct tH® morning service, while Rev. Dr. Mowat, Erskine, church, Montreal, will preach in the evening. This church has had a very successful past and looks for an even brighter 'future, Of the many names upon the ' com- municants roll, in 1846, there remains but ene, Mrs. William Robinson, who is still an honored member of the con- gregation, One feature of the church is that it has not any debt, nor can the man- agers entail any for the congrega- tion. On annivessdary Sunday the man- agers are asking a special collection of $200 to defray the expense of in stalling a new furnace, and as has always been the case in the past they expect to get what they ask. : -------- Queen's Team Against McGill. There will be a number of changes on Queen's team to meet McGill in Montreal to-morrow, as compared with the team that played last Satur- day. Gleason will play full-back: Rich ardson will drop back to the half line; Crawford will play quarter, and Cam- eron will be at inside wing. Baillie may not play outside wing, as he broke his nose yesterday. He went with the team Kowever, The lineup will likely be: Full-back, Gleason, halves, Richardson, K. Williams, Walsh; quarter, Crawford; scrimmage, Donovan, Templeton, Gibson; wings, Cameron, Kennedy, Turner, Baillie, Dobbs, Patterson. The Most Needed Placesi The city engineer has no intention of making any change in" regard to the order of the most necessary street lights, of which he prepared a. list. He says that it is impossible to con sider the needs according to wards. He simply 'picked out the places where lights were most needed. The first twenty places named, he considers as requiring lights more than the others. The fire and light committee has vet to pass upon the report. ---------------- Tug Foundered At Belleville. Belleville, Nov. 15.--A steam tug belonging to the Rathbun company, Deseronto, sank in fifteen foot of water opposite this city. last night. The vessel was engaged gathering loose logs when struck by the gale, and foundered. The crew of six had a hard time reaching shore, but succeeded when nearly © exhausted. Efforts will be made to raise the sunken boat. ---------- Dance At Odessa. The young bachelors of Odessa held a most successful assembly in the town hall, last - evening. The affair was a decided success and was at tended by a large number "from King- ston and Napanee, Crosby & 0'Con nor's orchestry supplied excellent music. * Gas Notice. In order to make connections to new main, the gas will be cut off the entire city from 8 a.m. until about 12 noon on Sunday, the 19th inst. Will consumers kindly see that burners and turned ofi ? --------in Coffee, Barrington Hall, in 1b. tins. cach; Java and Mocha, a delicious coffee, 368. 1b. W. R. McRae & Co., the Golden Lion. ~ | all Stove connections' are 10e. -- Drink Davies' Tea. Fine Ceylon, 40c. quality, 235, b. . " per . ---- "One thing I like about my hoard. ing house," said a student recently, "and that is that we always + Zet good bread und' butter." The land. NEWS OF THE WORLD| OCCURRENCES RECOUNTED me ~ |LADLAWS| = Women's Good Stockings These excellent Black Cashmere Stockings afford the welcome com- bination of quality and low prices, with the additional advantage of be- ing in plentiful assortment, for 25¢, pair. Women's Black Cashmere Stockings, of good weight for win- ter, seamless feet; properly shaped ankle and heel. Sizes 81 inch, 9, 9% and 10 inches. | 25c. Women's Very Special Black Cashme ings, seamless feet, good weight for win, the price by long odds the best stockin ston. 35c. pair. Women's Black Cashmere Stbckings, re Stock- er, and at gs in King- : som Ta : 39¢ 45¢., §oc, all sizes in winter weights. . Women's Extra Fine Light Weight Cashmere Stockings, little heavier than Lisle thread, and suit- able for evening wear, at soc. Women's Colored Cashmere Stockings, Tans, Cardinals, Navy, embroidered in silk, very pretty designs. Embroidered Black Cashmere Stockings for evening wear, 4 qualities, 35c., 49¢., 03c., 75¢. ; DOLLARS Can be saved in buying your Furs from us just now. Many of the best of our Collarettes anil Ruffs cannot possibly be had later at the prices they are now marked. This we know as we tried to re- peat several and could not secure them. EE Ladies' Fur Collarettes Ladies' Fur Ruffs Ladies' Muffs to match Ladies' Russian Lamb Coats Ladies' Bocharan Lam" Coats Ladies' Near Seal Coats Ladies' Astrachan Coats Children's Coon Polo Caps Children's Coon Wedges Children's White Thibet Ruffs Children's-Grey Russian Lamb Collars. Warm Hand Coverings Ladies' Fancy Knitted Gloves, 20c., 25¢., 33. and up. Ladies' Black Mitts, 2o0c., 25¢., 35¢., 49 Children's Knitted Mitts, 1234¢., 15, 20¢C., 25c. Children's'Knitted Gloves, 15¢., 20c., 25¢., Men's Mocha Lined Gloves. Men's Kid Lined Gloves. Men's Knitted Gloves and Mitts. 35¢ a ~~ ( JorNLAILAWE SI FR - == A -- EE ---- A ------ ------ ---- Headqu arters For all. kinds of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Leggings ----AND -- Overgaiters Bargain Table 30 pairs GIRLS' RUBBERS, with stockings attached, spring heel, Sizes 11 to 2, former price $1.25, POW ness fl. SPLENDID FOR WINTER. lady buys Toye's bread. : Bananas, '10. doen: Crawford, & Furnitupe | The time is growing Qaly" Five Weeks to ( We are. puting away goor Christmas. presents every da) wrehasers are already lookin Christy is Gifts, Best selec more tiie tw be waited on Robt. J. F 222 Princess Stre: 2 Doors Above the Ope Telephone 577. Finger RI i l J d hes The variety, Style, am #ign ; emphasize the efforts made, to have our RING St te none. Our $20 and $25 Diamonc wre generous examples, and h eeided successes, but we hay chose from at far greater c SMITH B Jewelers Opt 350 King Street ISSUERS OF MARRIAGE READ NOVEMBE! REAL ESTATE BUI IT'S FREE TO YO! CALL FOR ACOPY. SWIFT'S "Shaan: Fur RS. APPLY ck street GIRLS, | ro. Works, foot street A GOOD GENERAL SER washing. Apply Mrs. R. Corner King and Gore st FOR 1 Horse Lieut.-Col. J. A. 'ont Barracks THE RO tllery Fag A TEACHER FOR S Pittshirg, to commence Apply to Thos. Hamilton Barriefield, P.O Smear ---------------- -- TWO SMART MEN IN EV ! town to call on wy permanent w Mig., Co., 46 Col 0 . ABL} Hepsi hursday WORKERS distribute circul matter. Looper . New York. 2G ETIC where to and adyertising NY SSing Ging. Co J SMART GIRLS paper box making « od wages and bh wor Apply. to Kings « King street West GENTLEMEN TO GET T) Overcoats and Suits Thomas Galloway's, 131 Also bring your old on them repaired. Style, Ruaranteed to please. ---- HELP, LAD] plair at home (FEMALE), sewing time. 84 to §I sont any dista stamp for Send National Manufac 1 AND $5 day, ion position BOYS WA after tw 1 tuition halt Coyne Schools Louis, pri Bros. Co New York, Ci Mo. (Free c A TEACHER, PROTES of a 2nd-Class qQ ion, to take ¢ P School, at Long t of Olden, Ceunt Christmas holiday $210 per annum. £ Av Cronk, Chairman, Sch Long Lake, Ont. A LOCAL AND DISTRI Canada's - Greatest Are - prepared to m a reliable for fuller ne & Wellington, To ee -------- TO-LET. iCE, IN GOOD LO King strect. Rent low. Forrest, Gents' Furnis en sa aottm-------------- BRICK SHOP AND RES 851 Princess street ; ) Possession November 1 Steacy & Steacy. OFFICE, OVER ~~ WAD Store, Corner King an t%o well lighted and } Apply to McCann. 51 -- rie Aon iin + ON CENTRE §° ! out buildings and Good locality, modes * iptormation, apoly to Urocer, Market Square. THAT xpw HOUSE, "N¢ street, with all vements contai rooms, six Bed- ¥. First-cla sanitary 1 Heated 'with Khted with electric trate. Apply to RR. J It pays to } A mr PA) vay Infant Gilson 's they, Red Cross Drug Men's clarified vider. "Rae's, the Golden Li Bananas, 10e. dozen, |