THE DAILY WHIG, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1s, : TR E> . CA] nos bo iusists on telling the truth. | * $ THEATRICAL. Gerald Lawreice, for wany seasons : s with Sir Heary Irving as leading | EE i 0 ua; has, i¢ in aid, been engaged by | 'T % Ww. r for t uction NOTES ON PLAYS, PLAYERS, J Pres India," which will | : AND PLAYHOUSES. have 'its premiee in New York in | t ---- . Er lanuary, TW } 1 * 'A Sax h 'Bernhardt' First Amelia Bin; , who played Fe. | ; Ph FT : Plays in 1 dora in ugha, i name, at | y * §°. 'Montreal, on the 27th ~Man- Proctor's Fifth wyente 'thoatre this | . tell Réceives Good COriticiém Weck ch, in credited "with one of ho few | : + in His Production of "Ham- | failures yp uccessiul "career, | Sunlight Soap "lb I , Charles: Richman, who played Loris] % than if washed" | | 'Mrs. Patrick Campbell is slated to | jpavcll, is said to fave. been ideal wi _ invany other way. play Actae when Becrbobm Tree pro- | To fort is the title of the now | Ct » 1 in may the duces "Nero, + : 4 : sical satire in which Henry Clay ke : . Comyny Carr is engaged in dramati- Ba ean. 'of: overati a .dirsbut always injure the fabric. zing "The Mystery of Edwin Drood,"" nabee, the Hoan 'Gf operatic come . dians, will star this season, the first Sunlight Soap will not injure for, Beerbohm Treo. Quoth the quaint eelestial Chink, "This how Red Feather Tea, Ythink, Maude Fealy bas been engaged - L performance beiig scheduled for * the : wal Sake Ths Chines Sepia wp hop-- | eb v 0 he 3 ingh § s . the most dainty lace or the star under the management of John ines End, The Pensinghiom | With ¥ and} 0) hands that use'it, because it is Cort in a new play by Martha Mor | opie . a I / \ ! Don't get a Peek-in now," says he, > : satire on scientific farming. y y 3 . . absolutely pure and contains no Wn, ; oy 3 Klaw and Erlanger's spectacles, | - ) "Red Feather's fit for Royai-tea." : Digested Food, injurious Jur chemicals in [ Dasia Bispham Swill REEL venson "The White Cat," just produced in! A ' Rasiy 2 of . - s ar in» hy a, ou on} New York, i dest s at re | 4 ! « " : e Sunlight Soap should always "The Vicar of Wakefield," music by piety the pd. oe di | G A Treat from Ceylon. icious" confection be used as directed. No boiling Bie Lehimatns "which i London, but the book has heen re i Black, Green or Mixed, One Price--40 Cents. h rd r bbing : necessa e am ree, which closes ils Ft k Har ed B.S ith, hile | or Han 1 Ly. New York engagement to-night, will Ludwig rd he ea th x wl flavor. Does not cre: Sunlight Soap, 15 better than be sicoeeded by George M, Cohan in music, Maida Snyder, Fdith St. Clair, soap, but is best when "Little Johnny Jones." 'and Willianr 1. "Hodge are in the cast. | Lamont, Corliss & Co. used in the Sunlight way. yim Foy 3 Smplsan, ad ary "The Squaw. Man" with William | ° eer s ive Minute roadway," open | 1» i sading "role. 5c Buy it and follow 5c New York atthe Herald Square tnea- Faversham n ending role, has EE ---- R DINER . direciiom. . tre, on December 4th, "| theatrical trust to dampen the effect : . GA : eal Estate REWARD will he paid Miss Louise Allen (Mrs. Willie Col | 12 Belasco's "Girl of the Golden West." : fosurance any Real 1StANe $5,000 10 Any person whe |] lier) has anpounced her intention of aan hi y ol aj sts umle 4 Pleht Companies at Lo ih it Soap cont in as, a h Meanwhile Gotham playgoers are oan on Real Estate proves th :t Sanlivh P Con appearing in a number of plays made : a Money to 1 a9 injurious chemicals or any fara fea . the late Rosina Vokes. | hearing amazing stories of Belaseo's a [ Wellington Stre " Mrs. Fiske and the Manhattan thea tremendois gu us and are preparing I; 173 Grand Sing and Playing Machines Must Be Sold at Once 5 ee eee to form a rush fine on the box office nging ---- Lever Brothers Limited, Toronte tre company scored an immense hitoin | | A . Bhan - 18's the bigzent vatne-that has cyur beet oferit (nthe Talis Machine we dunt care by whom. whew wr where. Item " - - oo < " The Little Corporal is the perpetual First-Clas., Hicis Grade Insiro aks pinner than weal soid ut ie price, anid. pays and sings in a manner that wil Pittsburg in 'Leah Kleschna," and a nightinare of the Napoleon' of the | astonish yo. IL is particularly nti for it's kod, speadid b retutn engagement is contemplated. di i 1 Tiny a Deautitlly polished, Guishod Cabivet, real Tuking Machine Mot t, Lirge srze Coucer: Sond dsvme Bronzed Horn Supior, aud yer at berger, Deanbifuily sounding Horn A i "g WIth new Tull Bari. g Bell--a Ng! at, fini wut, full 815 w value aut g.. aranteed for Tae site dud ep arantee 3 & hog prom ihe Singing and Paving ON Machive, v described above ur t Exprise SEND LY $1.00 Office Yu can call There and set it up, bave a gv i Tl sand 5 or 100 Keodies with + additional charge, so you van u TESTE wh hee oh amd bsolutely sire 1hat yon y the Ex)oess A ever tok na thing ime h pleasure. hewember, ot up Wye you can just tell the X tone. Well pay the chargis both ways you wool retwri it. Youll hurry home, ome n . > {| theatre, . A _- New York Be Geet Div: Rehearsals are in Progress in New TEN MILLION DOLLAR ABOVE mor 'that' *Ben - Greet is to have a York of La Bella Marscillaise, in | > . -- --] (heat f hi min New York = city | Which Virginia Harned will appear : Exports Yor October Over Thirty thea ry wll 1s own m New Yor city' l this season. "The piece is a - transla- | Millions. --- pd tion of a French drama by Pierre | wv . ; . Berton." It will be' produced at Ford's | F. Ottawa, Nov. 18.---The exportation opera house, Baltimore, November : oi rain, Mul, tems, SXtent, of 20th. M. Berton is in New York su- + " pervising, orts, which able impetas to Canadian exports. for i i ; : : ond, of P Nave the month of Octolpr, The amount of thous % Sgr. Edwin Bouth, x domestic. produce sent from this coun- Even while engaged on his profession. 3 " 'a | 1Y was no less than 830,002,699 i edged on his profession Graham's and Craft's which is a gain of $10880:004 reo: al duties bis beloved weed was present world » » vi o| pared with October of last year. In ay Min eid? re at thed every class of exports there was. a i 0 a Hoymen aya '| substantial increase, save in Jumber the 'best in all our lines. - and forest Jrouluets, which showed a 1 i ,906. It examine it ale; 3 + sk » ard. I get better ur out of it than any $45 tustruinent around here, $45 Phonograph % LJ. lobar, Upper Granville, NS, writes: "My wite A Hundred A ghd Laughs Already We bave had a buns dred lanzhs over it already." Great Amusement J <b Edwards Snake ver, Ont, writes: 1 for the Boys wat say if isa Grasd Piece of Musle for the money and we nre all highly pleased with ft. It makes great amuse. meat for th: boy." Talks as Plain as You' during ihe sometimes exceedingly brief intervals between the exits and en Fred Peters, Sinlalr, ' 0 . * E outdw't Trade it Fad Fier. Sorta S Beauti- decline Agricultural pr trances. Twenty-five cigars a day were | No a $35 One bd TY neers Sings ut "of § rural oi at one. time. his u Howance are sarurise | ab the way It talks. A man here ducts head the list of gains with the one - tune sual allowance, an bas a §3 machine but mine ean bead his ont he along way. would no: trade for the #35 one i 1 cond, 1 C. P. Heather, Upcer Mid lng. His 10 bore N 8. writ: * After care. Prais : fully Lesting ¥ ur Singin: and Play og Ma hine Freel Jt my Guts to cive It a wid of praise. It is Fal y a wonder, and 31 wh: rave hoard it are defighted. The Band phenofnenal amount of $6,309 1315. Fi exports come next, with 1, MLI87, and then in sucoewsion pro- ducts of the mines, $1,419,170; ani- ! mals and their produce, 81,285,041, and manufactures, 8135607, The fig- fully | {UNSHRINKABLE UNDERWE Great Britain supplies her sold? Plays the Finest with the anti-cholera woollen Mii Music The Ceetee Woollen belt is a posit allowance, however, not infrequently | exceeded. | wy The famous Viennese tragedienne, Agathe Barsescu, is to play in Eng- | lish this season under the management | of Edwin = G. diawrence. Since her | prevehtative for Lumbago, sente Sie tions are Ite, Tt is equal tO ay $35 PR 1a Grippe and Rheumatism, as wer chive [ ever heard,' * d for weal { 5 i o y vo or d hoand Re AE va Cholera-partionlarly good 3 . ures -of domestic exports for the four highly pnccessfl appearance at the ne Bail; NT f $1.00 Records for 40c.--50¢. Records for 28g. nti, ew. Be. Thousands have proven the truth Fe month ded October 31 rving Palace thbatre last winter, she Selections you nrefer and w Tu adall we poudb'y ean You dant need ts 5 nd more than & dollar no matte ro : " h ' ' yeuiia. ony re are pot has been diligenfly: studying English Ore Raveui arn aaah 1 tel yy eh wna Tok 1 Uhl bh: mip Th ices. JP OY pou i senner G15 Phe before this claim quite as large, but nevertheless per ah PAY 3 ) "nghish, Vou pay for it, and there are only 173. That +1 ng a . = Jleetly satisfactory, the total being anc has arrived at a remarkable pro- to <hort pfif. Wa don't think it necsadry to 1011 vou tn w rite 1s at One. such a chanes these ong dull svenings. Be sare nd tell us wial Exuress Ofoe YOu wakt uk 0 shin the Dutfit to #f yon re Loo tar fiom Teronts to cal ficiency, Speciat permission has heen Johnston's Limited, 191 Yonge Street, Dewmt. 1603 Jotonte, Ontasic granted her to undertake this Ameri. 2 can tour under the ment of the Hoffberg theatre, Vienna, and {tour will commence in Docember. , on know vorvreali will be to Jump at 852,718,288, as compare! with ALL : $75,672,961, for the same petiod of Diseases of | ii. vear preceding, an improvement of R7.046,027 mports for four 'Dynamos and: months aggregated $92,809,671, as Ceetee underwear is made inall sty for men, women and children and fa ioned to fit the body--no rough sea; eee crs Your Dealer will re- her | » % S 7: place any Ceoteo A 'Garment that shrinks Ey * inst Xa 104, a betterment of -- 3 Gi : Made at Galt, Canada, by 5.622.267. The duty collooted was JOY OF SWEET THOUGHTS [3 £15,605,752, as compared with MRS. HORNDY STEER ] Yr QO Eh The C. TURNBULL CO., Limi £14,322 15 : y the . pH 5 nat Patti i amy ~ 8d sold Ly all reliable dealers. 14,320. 125. For October only there Wit: of 'the Vicar of "St. Philip's The Cl es Wit : | DUE) » an 821.906.5820 worth of Imports, be- | Lambeth, and the nieces of Walter . ergyman's eon tw TTR . ing "an increase 'of $3,115, 087. Vaughen Morgan, the new Mayor elect Western Prairie: | : Ai of London, "has hewn selected by the 'The Ontario" Church i ------ \ Ew -------- latter . to act aus Lady Mayorcss. The It s DEATH MEchimay," ; { -------- | HEARD ABOUT "HER. new Mayor is a bachelor and as he is t is an October evening. The hus compelled to entertain u Rreat 'deal, he : band and two children have left to at- Sam Jones" Searah for Perfect epi hoice_hetwoet Wetting married fetid 5 churele Sgticdis aud 108, 10 be * Wom : Wannigh. eld at the next. little town, about ng. : ere ___ | {ight miles off, where the former is to Sam P. Jones, the revivalist, about A French' vession of < Clyde Fitch's | be chairman, and the boy and girl are | whom revolves a legion of anecdotes, | cpp. Last of the Dandies," is soon to] to fill numbers on the programme, | was preaching in Dallas, Texas, on be produced. This is one of the few The cvening is cold und the wind | the rarity of a perfect life. He sud- | orks by foreign authors selected for | howls over the prairie. No stoves are | donly interrupted his disbourse with | the Paris stage. up yet, except the cooking stove, so the query : B. € Whitney is organizing a com: | a chair is pulled up close and a nice, | How many of you have ever | any do play 'Mexico, the repertoire to | long read is anticipated, to while known a perfec' man, entirely. per- | 1 de "Pifi, Pall, Poul," "The Show away the hours of absence. Close ai fee', without any faults at all?" Girl" "The Isle of Spice: and*The | elbow lies a pile of precious though | He glanced fiercely at his stent 11000 oF Bong Bang." belated papers, and a book or two. Bifetior and no one ade a sign Robert B. Mantell, continuing his} Ah, there is the dear old Kingston re Svidently to show his fairness, engagement at the Garden theatre, Whig, there also the { Even the roadside Inn finds it necessary to stock Carling's Ale. This beverage has become so popular that it is asked for everywhere--at the smallest Inn as well as the grand hotels, clubs, cafes, restaurants and private homes. Carling's--Ateis-made from water which registered 99.08 degrees pure by Government Analysts, : i @® Ontatio Church- | "Wall. wha's svee 2h perfec' played "Hamlet" this week and met man, the Montreal Star, World Wide, . 3 aos ever seents perfen TO | with varying criticisms, which were § and! several 'western papers. But first | Fainass for i Baan? ARvone ar seen a perfec on the whole very favorable, the Klicken door had better be locked, i century for its delicacy or Poa Hint' : ; Charles' Hawtrey, who was seen her | for though it is not expected that | of flavor. A El rw amgolin Mier dng with "The Message From Mars," will anyone will be near here to-night, yet | NOTED FOR ITS VOR mob. 3 hi ar appear in London later in the season |'it will stem more secure to. have the | Of highest standard of slack Shue wey in hes ag duce ope in a new comedy, "The Indecision of | lock turned. - But where is the key ? PURITY, BRILLIANCY and UNIFORMITY urity. her - oni the pr Pelt - onl Ne Kingshury," hy Cosmo Gordon | Not in the lock, as usual. No, nor on itis especially "Madam." he thusidered, "do you Lennox. the floor. PURE AND WHOLESON ONE POUND CAN 25 EW.GILLETT oor a : The door must therefore re- . : mond Hitchcock has ended his | main unlocked. Back to those inviting mean to tell me vou've seen a porfec Raymon ' 3 2 fecommended by the : : L me: You, L cason in "Easy Dawson." Tho to ers, and take advantage of this s ) ) r i Medical Profession or Woman that' never did no wrong at oil o ey oly st py DRpore fornire, oro will Heals Js S. HENDERSON, Agent Kingston. acoount of its peculiar ] - = a "Wal. she said, gazing at her in | when Mr. Hitchcock will appear in a | ed until the , TORONTO, ONT. feturn of the dear 'ones, > Ee RE v -- * + Ww 4 pM N " \ » 1 i ¢ i n - - " DRYNESS » terlocutor with an air of one who | "*W play at the Tremont Theatre in | possibly about 1 a.m. | tcher on the prairie. Like the ; feels that she has the basic truth on Baston. t tl rg Jig he {ntellectunt feast Sommehol breaking of the surge on the shore, 1 her side, and who is solemnly con ontracts were recently signe 'v | cannot be enjoyed, for an eerie feel- the heart throbs of humanity Vibrate VERY e : A . ' 3 i , : " : Seay . " : ! anity E woman who has stewed Simeon ltums gunsmm---- | yeioug that she should adhere to the Mauripe 3 amphel], Whorelv Mise Hen ing 18 Meching oXer one. 'The howling against one's soul, and blending with ERY ' . ' The ol 1 letter of it, "wal. 1 cayn't. say as [| vietta Crossman will begin hor New | mournful ery of the praific 'wolves 15 | them come the voices across "the in and fretted and worried at a hot . Celebra over diel. 'xactly ; York engagement wt the Garrick thea drawing nearer and nearer until i ' , : Cocoa. ever did, 'xactly see her. but | hearn in Sa Mary' Quite Contras er' a . tervening sea." Heaven and earth are oven door, shifting a roast to the top 3 English Fell a powerful sight 'bout her she | tre in "Mary, ary Quite Contrary they are pretty close to the house. | one us when the soul is rightly ois : s war my old man's first wife 1" on Christmas Day. I'hen stamp, stamp, stamp, all round ed, they must. be. love and Sorrow Shelf and back again to the bottom = ; ------ i "The Redemption of David Carson." | the vicarage, and then up on the twined with victory into a: theeofold helf and t t r in a vai ao » Pork. #4 I it : 1ctory a thre shelf and turning it over in a vain ; To Break A Stable Kicker. a Sramatigation hy Lottie Blair Park doorstep, and bang--against . the! ord of light, is not this the clue that a . MAYPOLE Is a cake of soup that : ) tn . ; : ér, af the widelv-read novel of the door, No reading longer. Stamp, | hae heen pi ei EK attempt to get it properly cooked, a7cs loany desired color or shad Ihe 'host means is to five him 4 : " x a } as been put info our hands to guid ¥ I Pam ons th 1 5 K1¥ 21 Rev. Charles Frederic Goss, was given } stamp, round to the kitchen window th h the laby h of doubt and fa, oi ove ar brit sand bag to exercise on, Fill a grain] ; R a : . : T > | U8 through the labyrinth of doubt and will appreciate the evenly distributed can, economical, easy, safe d adm e fo with all ack Fuk of i 1 : its first production Upon anv stage | but though the blind is rolled up. the | far and tears ? This is the clue t ; irabl od, Shek Tull of sand and swing it wp to on November @th, Plainfield, N.J, outlook is black owing to the dack- | he 9 natural qualities intact. the ceiting with a rope so that the ? is excellent "Uocoa main. | Mt home. As superior tothe old fash , AR : which all who have come off » ietors heat of the Imperial Oxford oven. Powder "dyes as gold is to br tuck will 'hand just where the heel : Julia Marie Taylor it the new] ness of the night. One's eves seem riv- 8 P, ore ® heels of tains the system 1 bust : : have held fast. Q leading woman in Lottie Blair Par tted to the knot f th locked | eB nro = | the horse will have good play un " Tory to the knob: of "that. unlocke : th, an 1 enables it to resist & Play upon winter' Wi : } % This even distribution of heat is the h v ket's "The 'Redemption of David Bar- | door. But Soon row. over: the right | lat sweet interchange of soul 's extreme oold. it. Tie the horse in the stall with a ; Maypole Soa; ; on Es 1 here enioyed ! Tn thi of thauith, secured by our difiusive flue--an ex- cor Cote tela evtrym % " . son.i' Her vole is that of Pepeeta." | shoulder a very white face is perceiv- | are lovingly welcomed 'Ly "all ; os good strong rope and let him kick. At | Miss Taylor was one of Richard Mans ~d, , peering through the window. | * 1 oving'y welcomed hy all the clusive feature of the Impenal Oxford the first kick the bag will swing away § field's leading women last season. Thoughts of Indinns, drunken hai. | Bo and great. No slights, no and return, giving the horse as good v -- Snow, Beautiful Sn ! ¢ Edna Muy is said to have signed a breeds, otc. as he sent. For the next few minutes contract to return to a London va A there will be a lively mix-up hetweon deville theatre in March; when she will the horse and sack, but the sack will N : . R ¥ y i rush through wae brs woundings, no jostlings. The sweet Range. Top and bottom, sides and b: : rough ones brain. | ¢,i10' and mtle t i thos , rs 4 ) y With an dor Bt ouxk 0 on, ¢ gentle touch of those whe corners, the temperature of the oven "Rave. sobe dove." and. avd Is sure to force myself to turn round and face | 4 ve En 2 efor ' Hod the bt AVE, is equal and steady. . come, and now : assume the role of. an up-to-date bh iti i ¢ , | Strong. tender words of those who are the time to h C aah tat : : x 4 : f that apparition at the window, my 1¥ fellow Tors » have your The Most Nuiriticus hold its own, returning all it receives Juliet: nu modernized version faithiul . companion, , Rover barking still fellow travellers, are all ours ae and Beonomical, with intorest, 'The horse, in bucking | Shakespeare's *"Roineo" and Juliet." 1 : ; ; ! : i v ters i ' ) lose ourselves in the beautiful . e . and Sleighs renew * . furiously meanwhile. I lock closer, | *° m a X t the real thing, will soon come Frofl. "0, Whitney is' sajd to have oa dane N hit pr Somphiy. : eri or an to a realization of the fact, and will | can lad his' contract with Mme. ' hen 1 : be thoroughly cowed. Le : and fixed up. Be sure 3 and I recognize--a horse--a big brown | fl ain sad and lonely i ' : bade send them to 4 ! wave the sack { SohuManh Weink. ti, ro into effect the | horse bn white face. A a "or ol Iams laid ae de The -oven of the Imperial Oxford Range produces light, dainty, | behind him for & week or 80 and then | fist of next month. The singer will hands at the window and he and his Such as these bave lived and died." rcoked der, juicy roasts--in JAS LAT A remove it. If he shows a dency to immediately sail for Europe and says | companions scampor wildly off across Thankful are we that some of them evenly cooked, tender, juicy . gut into his old habit of Kidking, give] she will never aghin appear in comic | the prairie. do live. Live right here in this evore fact, perfect baking and roasting. The Carri . him another punch bag to exercise opera, . '| The "hoov-00-00" of the wolves still | day world. Some of them noble puly : your dealer to explain to you the oh triage Maker, : 2 | with. 3 Alfred Sutro's adaptation from the | keeps up, and Rover snarls and harks lic men, editors, lawyers, doctors, Ask your deale OX] b Dat Princess Street, where ev A ------------------ French, "Carrots," which Ethel Bar| in reply. But it is getting painfully | members of parliament" saintly moth- many exclusive features of the Inj Two thousand threshing outfits were | rymore plaved one season, is bef cold. The fire of y soft wood has al- | ers, angelic children, each bearing the! in use in Manitoba, 1904. ing vroduced as a curtain-raiser in most burnt itself out. Alas, the wood | Stamp of the divine, Oh, the old world . a London, with Forbes Robertson, as] box is empty, In the hurey of getting | i bad and hard. but "think of all RE TTT fhe futher and Gertrude Elliott in the | off no one has thought of replenishing | the nice people there are in it." Think title role d 3 . _ detai) will be attended Oxford Range. If he doesn't handic ree write to us for our booklets and we x2 now nearest dealer wha does Lede ; it. Better go out to the woodpilo and | of all the living heroes we may war let you know the nc ; a i y i : A modern drama hy Cecil Raleigh: a brine in some sticks, But "hoo-00-00"" | *hip, as well as those wha have pass- Guruey P ry Co., Limited © I 1¢ NM » . comedy by Clvde Fitch: and a musi- § howl the wolves. No, I will endure the *d on. Thank God for all such. whe The ; : cal played enlled" "Our ( ; VYASC vite Hel hy Pau! cold rather than 20 outside. 1 pick have come into our lives, And so mav n - 5 TORONTO, MONTREAL, WINNIPEG gaan . Guarant Putter and Edward Smith, 'with mu. np a Warm rug, throw it over head. we fink ve isolated, haflled hfe with To 3 ROS Sort Blarantes OUR milk to se by WT. Francis, are among the shoulders, an: dy, Hu the lives of the great and good, liv. ibiti 'Sal : TEL : i things reoently contracted © for by | bury myself ye uided_bi rt | ing and dead, and we. even we, are bition and: For . = SIMMONS E ae Wile i «he bt. "iy it Charles Frohman. + | unites my wthoughts and individuality | Welcomed to their company. fe - ah J By Klaw & Erlanger are actively at] with the great busy world of thought . But we hear the stamp of the pon ee i i work on their next production "The § and struggle and labour, Soon the | its, and the welcome "Whoa." The : : Ingston Milk De Prince of * India." Sarah Truax has prairie is forgotten, , The strong sou] | door is: thrown open, and our own Fea " heen engaged for the leading role. J.Jol G. K. Chesterton is communing | 'loved and best" are welcomed Back BL ra rach and Bagot F. Dodson will vlav the part of Fd. with his fearing, doubting heart. Tam | to the prairie home. The fire is Te- . ae, : win Arden and William Beach, will be no longer alone. George Macdonald's | kindled. and amid details of the even. Ih + s, Si co 1891. i T - Promiomt in the cast, beautiful thoughts "ara hearing me | ings Pleasure, the chilled hands 'and / 'We have been at it, Same address, Sino Rub- a ars. smoking pipes wer Yodo Lntic. 3 nw plav by the | eomnrany, The sorrowful, the distress. | feet are warmed, and well on towards rlsotencile, Stoel Stamps, Eds White Bowe tok Yid I yright, Seok. Goudin, kth Jor ved, as chonicled in the! momiag the blankets are tucked round J Po busbet He r digg a dothe" B year "etm doctors only k & ; id sw _ -- ( &e. s ith tol Adler in the loading role.{ sempathisrs, = ee and fellow | and swe tees dom. EL Blu: 8.11.33 Ring SNF. Ecos ; J 3 19. ay centres about a young] "The ontlaok brightens; The bond of | Eguitiom is one of the thin i. : a n : | Egitis ( gs that idealist who is regarded 83 insane be-d love and sorrow 'enfolds the isolwted | Beyer: objects to working overtime | i Io