Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Nov 1905, p. 3

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ET ------ Your. stomach is like the manspring of your watch, When it's all right, you are all right. When it's Wrong, ; Jou are ALL wrong. + A morning glass of ~ Abbeys Sait | will een your stomach in { "right to the second" nt | { etme emt tee ee All pein dition. 208 0CABOTIE AY DROGHSTS verve, Christmas Shopping | Is it to be pleasure or bane? I you look around now and make | jour selection while the lines are complete and have us put your {goods aside it will be a real pleas- | ure. We have on exhibition some | samples of our large and handsome | Christmas stock. [It will pay you to make your choice now. See Our Windows. ' The Best Drug Store L. T. BEST, Chemist and Optician [12 Princess Street. "Phone cot. Phoned TO-NIGHT | Follow the crowd of shrewd, cash buyers to this store, and you will get the best for the least, Ladies' 35. Vests and Drawers for 25¢c. Men's Lamb's Wool Shirts and Drawers, 75c¢., for 50. Do you wish to see the best ling of Hose at 25¢c. in the city ? We have them for either Men, Women, Girls or Boys. Special sale of Taffeta Ribbons, worth 15¢., 17¢c. and 19. To- night at 12} Cc. 2 yard Monday Snap 100 PairsLace Curtains Bought at half-price from a big 9 b bi mn g house. A great big Curtain, 34 yards long and 50 nches wide, very pretty patterns. Price, $1.25 and $1.50 a pair Monday Special 03c. pair. NEWMAN & SHAW 000000000008 YOUR FURNAGE NOT Perhaps ,you are y not burning the ) size of Coal reguir- ed. Let us advise ) you. nein JAMES SWIFl & CO. me ---------------- William Carley, Gananoque, values s wife's affections at $2,000, and . ued a writ against Williem Bosom iming that amount for aliend ng yvyvy & =x a oD) POPP 0000000000000 WHIG, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER . 18 be : ™ " F . n presses estes belug-ment-wint; but evervose is" toes): oh : r ry FT. NF they ook rather Jiki. a -deprovsed ruce, 4; YS ® }dially invited. : S : THE OLDEST HOUSE Lo Mie 6 = : 2 : The matriage of Miss Gertrude x Possibly the fact that they are not held in great esteem by their Ameri- | Can Only Be "Cured Thréugh the Scobell, duh - J can ndighbors is giving many of them Blosd. ria Scobell; daughter of I fof Yet . 'Albert. Seobell avg er L Fo t, og . : IN AMERICA, IS S IS SAID TO BE - 5 ab ah Rigiuve look, if are Sa Bad Dacky-aching backs-- come from . and Mi Joba, bi of ineen » : ; nan Catholics, an ery ey ou bad, kidneys idnevs come "from ity idson Craig, "of the * ' \ IN SANTA FE. should judge by the crowds going to] Yad blood." Bad blood. dogs: the astropognical branch of the depart- ment (oF the interior, Ottawa, is ar- ranged 1a take place on the 29th in- church at their various services, The kidneys with poisonous impurities cathedral is a very fine building, and that breed deadly diseases. And the there are many convents and schools The Population 'is Mixed, Mexi- ~ Pd ---------------------- vet---------- PT stant, Mr. Craig is a Kingston boy, | J [sh ~ >, cans, Bright-Blanketed Indi- | alt over the city. What interests me frat i i bol Le y+. H. I). Bibby entertained at tea the sph of Mr, W. G. Craig, and a / \ : {4 Fiky ans, Mingle With the White's | most after the péople. is their queer, Nogleet it, and you will soon have - Ba for. Miss Baker, gradtite in, both arts and science of JF \ i LA Joma" SR --A Most Intersting ) Letter. one-story houses, and in the town, | "oon ted tongue, the pasty skin, the een' py / { \ i = ps of seve ik : i = her Thursday afiair was "as plea- pe St ni¥ersity. . | ; 3 Ps fpr & ¢ $f Santa Fe, N.M., Nov. --(To the built for 5 veral families. All __ are peevish temper, the swollen ankles, { as that of Wednesday. TheFe were ' | Orr ™ Editor) : My pil&rimage over the fines | O1¢, Storey. built of adobe, and 'the ty, dark-rimmed eyes, and all the oth - t thirty five uests present," and The date of Bt. James' ven and sale | | gl | © of + the De Bs "Ohio, Grand railway | 7001 the same, with gutters to rund or gigng of deadly kidney disease. Bho 8. Williamson assisted the Has been: char} ed rong Tuesday, . De- | J \ oe Four tron ht _-- hore to the oldest city in| off the rain, which seldom. falls, or | plaoters and liniments can never cure : Yoh 2 haw 3th, to Becembes 12th. | LIEE C8 of) the United States Santa Fe, "City « jt snow, which is more frequent. | vou Kidney pills and backache pills ostess. Le pa he PR, § i : ™ . as 4 g y ht rth 5 And the next is the burros. They are > i , . i Gal's sat i cantata, w Ruth, » will \ - y7/\\ the Holy Faith," in English, where! a aheses hs dogs in ton on only tench the symptoms--they do not Mrs. W. J. Robinson gave a very dp. 3 3S \\ the oldest house and the oldest church » ture. You must get right down to the I t little tea party, on Wednes- given in" Sydepham. Street Metho ! ad 3 oh in the States is said to be. The church | YM 88 happy as they are certainly a}, t and cause of the trouble in t an those who assisted her on the dist church, on Phber 30th, under ti bo R was 'built in 1336, or about twent | healthy lot. I think they have the | }lood--and no medicine in the worl oy, booth at the gencral hospital the auspices of "Lend-a-Hand! Circle, a_i 34 \ years after neta discovered Am | "run of the house" in most establish-§ oy; do this so surely as Dr. Williams' Pr. J The guests had . tea? and King's. Daughters, . . i hi g 3 erica, and is stil standing, and the ments where they belong, and'to seel pink Pills, because they actually then, over their fancy work, talked A -bpidie oldb: of three tables i he vi house also. Both: are built of adobe. | them come into town with a load of | make new blood. This strong, rich, over the entertainment, and its side ge club ol. three tables.in, ex- § sun dried clay, whichtin this country wood piled high over their backs, and} ow blood sweeps the kidneys clean, of little or no rain lasts for ages. | jogging along at their case, would drives out thé poisonous acids, and te lights. The 'guests were : Mrs. Alex- | 1b bas. been formed among the r hs wish I could draw you a picture of the Eve one an idea of their usefu ness § heals the deadly inflammation. That ie younger si » > ander Mackie, Mrs. Charles Living- |: g et. Those who will compose ston. Mrs, George Young, Miss Edith j¢ wil Ye Nike Be Gordon, Miss" quaint old city and its equally quaint and strength. h [is the only way to rid yourself of Young, Miss Katic Murray, Miss Ma [yi lp, "Hwitt, Nn ton a, inhabitants, There is an exveedingly | As [ said people come here to seck | your backache and have strong, sound I Nis elon Cart Kidd, Miss Hannah Breden, the Misses Webster,© Miss Jessie Dickson, MN Ethel Jordan, Miss Vera Mundell, Miss Dora Oldrieve, Miss Mills, and Mr. J. Newlands. - . mixed population, for not only is the health, and many come to stay, and | kidneys, Mrs. Paul St. Onge, wife of majority of -the Mexican race; the £0 into business, whilst many more | 4 well known contractor at St. Alexis business portion largely - Ameéricin, | Start the quest too late, and death | 4s Monts, Que., says : "I suffered for and the Indian strolfing round, in all comes here as well as to the east. | upwards of six years from kidney the glory of the brightest blankets ' And by the way just where cast is, birouble. I had 'dull, aching pains er, and it is hoped, Miss Kathleen Me- Parlahd; Mr. Clive Botts, Mr. Stanley Cunningham | . dl some cadets, . . The se-dpaling meeting of the dyes can produce, but health sevkers has given me same amusement to find deross the loins, and at times could Mrs. Girorge Sears gave a very small Bridge § Lui was held 'on Thursday, from many lands add: to the variety. | ont. To the very common question, hardly go about. I lost flesh, had and informal ten, yesterday afternoon, i gee ol hen four sow THE FLAG SHIP DRAKE," Amongst the professional men 'Can. "Are you from the cast" 1 reply | dark rims below my eyes, and grew for Mrs Frederick Spocner. who is em os were jure ed to take the Of the British cruiser, squadron, which has just sailed from New ada is well represented by br. 'Mas Where dé you mean by the east, and mor. wretched every day. I was treats leaving for Mooseinx, 5 ul ! xg rt ig Who have drophed out, York for the Meditefragean, is: th e most formidable ship of the | sey, formerly. of Toronto, who has an | you really got answer, Kansas City, § od by different dortors, but with ne M Bernard "PB a : ang be wens) ¥. Sp the wstad | squadron and also the most luxuriously equipped. It has a bail |cieellent practice here. He is a son, of | or sowie place m Kansas, Tores or I appatent aul h, 1 dispaited of res Mrs. ernare rowne's birthday 2 acnee 1s "secre large enough to accompdat e 600 dancers at one. time the late warden of the Toronto! "re-| Missouri, And when T tell m from | gaining my health, and was secoming party, for little Miss Hazel, will be tary "7 a» ' ee g - . we | formatory, 'and with his widowed mo-| Kingston, Ont., Canada, they stem to | a burden to m family. 1 was in a an event very much enjoyed by the ie '8 s EE --, - ther, and a sister. most hospitably re- | never have known there was 'a world | deplorable condition when one of «mall people next week. Miss Sanderson, of Halifax, who is' has been hanging by a sender thread, the cud of the month. They ure first | presents Canada, and entertaing | the] cast of the Missouri river, $ friends advised me to try Dr. Williams' se . .' ' on her way to Toronto, where her Kingston will not seem Kingston going to Cairo and then up the Nil Canuck stranger within® Santa: Fes A. B. LOWE, Pink Pills. ° 1 began taking them, and Mrs. T. FE. Hughes will be "At people will live, in future, will come | without Mrs. Muckleston, for she was They expect to return in the « | gates, as | can gratefully testify, The aftr using three or four boxes, I be' Home". onthe first. and. ghird Toes. | 10 Kingston the first of next week, to | not the fiiend alone of the old, or of by way of Twaly, France ond fel nl. | principal or business part of the 86wn A Goneert At Plevna gan to foek better. I continued the days of the month at 174 Barrie | Pay a visit to Mrs. Daniel Gordon, at] the middli-aged, she has been dearly | Miss Marion Calvin has gone up to | is built, around the plaza or large 9 rl - . treatment for nearly three months, street. ' the principals residence, loved by the young who have been Hamilton for a visit. © square, It is a beautiful park, filled Plevna, Nov, 17.-The concert and fp, every symptom of the trouble ¥ . «. eo Miss Mona Knight left to-day for! privileged to come near her in any | Poe 5 with trees. In the centre is a statup to asket social, held in the town hall, vanished and 1 was again a well wo: Mrs. George W, Mahood will be "At New York, x way. As year by year the birthdays | Mr. gnd Mis, Arthur Matheson will | the heroes who fell in some of the sav-{ © Tuesday evening, in connection foo) fal justicfied in saying 1 bes Home" on Friday, November 24th, Miss Jessie Smith has changed her| slipped over her head, leaving her move into Ottawa next week, from | age Indian fights, afd to heroes in with Holy Frinity church, was a de- lieve Dr. Williams' Pink Pills saved from four-thirty to six, to meet Mrs. plank, and will not go to New York gentleness; and hér kindness, in all iden battles of the late civil war, cided success. The seating capacity, of my life.' Fade. . just mow. their fuliness, and the bright sparkle Dr." George Balton has gone up 10 | Here, on Sunday afternoon the crowd, the hall was faxed, © Shortly sy Wiler New blood--strong, * pure, rich blood . = . . Mrs. E. B. Smith will return to Pie-] of her unbarbed Irish wit undimmed, Toronto men, women and children meet to eight o'clock the chairman, Rev. Mr. which Dr. Williams' Vink Pills make, "Mri. John Mackie will b¥ ready to] ton on Monday. ] all who loved her have hoped for just Miss Bessie Moutray, of Amherst Is | listen to the music of a fine © band, Cox, the new incumbent, opened the ours not only kidney trouble but 'a receive at St. Andrew's Manse on the Mr. George Mudie, and Miss. Mar-| one more, For all felt that a life land, has heen spending a few' days in | and while the many seats are filled | Programme by a short address, About}, 0 0° hor ailmentegsich as annie first' and second Tuesdays of the | g8ret Mudie went down to Montreal, | which meant so. much happiness to y town. with a gaily dressed crowd, a still | on® hour and a hali was given up to indigestion, rheumatism, orysipe- month. yesterday. others, must mean a happy life with Sir Sandford Fleming is staying | larger crowd promenades the four] ® miscellaneous programme, consisting Jas, St. Vitus' danee, lotomotor atax- 8; Mr. J.P. Hanley went to New York lin for her who shed it forth. The | with his daughter, Mrs, Critchley at |xides of 'the square. Another large] Of songs, duets, readings. recitations ia, paralysis, and the sceret ro Mrs. Dibb, of Napanee, entertained yesterday, and he may bring his sis<{ poor will miss her, the sick will miss | Park Farm, Weston. crowd, some on horse back, both men ete, Frank Haskell gave Rome bone women. do not like to talk abot a number of friends on Wednesday ter, Mrs. Arthur Neish, back with him | her, 'the young and bright and gay ! 2 $e8. > 0 and women riding astride, more in fine selections an his new: gramop on even to their'doctor. But only © evening. Progressive euchre, in honor, at the end of his week's "stay. will miss her, and there will be many The Misses Macpherson have reach- | rigs of all deseription from Governor During an intermission, pl toe genuine pills can bring health he of her guests, Miss Rowse and Miss SS uy $. who will deeply grieve with those of | ed Philadelphia safely, and are settled | Otero and his beautiful wife in an up- served and a sale took place uring Argth, and these have the full namo Johnston. The prizes were won hy Mrs. Cornelius Bermingham was ex-{ hor own household, now that she has | on Chestnut street. om to-date automobile, 10 the humblest the second part of he programme he } ihr" Williams Pink Pills dor. Pale Mrs. A. Macdonald and Mr. G. Alli- | pected home to-day, from New York.| gone to her peaceful rest. Miss Maud Bett< Will return next | Mexican two-wheeled go-cart, went out Plevna Oratorio elub A the vg People" printed on the wrapper son. Mrs. Mattice, came up, on Wedneg- 8 a es a 'week, from. London, where she hos | about nine miles to an Indian village, dience with two songs. ov. Hed around each box. 1 vonr dealer does +r = 0% day, from Montreal, and is the guest : been staying with her brother, Mr. | where 'one of their sacred dances was Smith, of Sharbot : Lake, was called not keep the genuine pills you can The "I ("7 will meet at Mrs. | of Mrs. Roderick Mackenzie, at the Miss Ada Birch has ge ne to Mon- | poderick Botts. Wing given, I claim no credit + for upon for an address, In his slosing Yo. get them hy "mail at Hc, a box. or Saunders', Alice street, on Monday. Bank of Montreal. treal on the football excursion. Mr. Clive Betts, who is away on the | my good Sabbath observance in hot marks he warned the members of Holy six boxes for $2.50 by writing the De. * » . . " Mis. L.. LL. Henderson went down to Mrs. Stearne Tighe returned from | Montreal exeursion, will stay with | going ont also us 1 only learnt of it Frinity church to be good to their Williams 'Medicine Co. Broekville, Tea and. concert in Queen street | Montreal, on the excursion, yester- | Toronto to-day. : Mrs. Nash while there when 100 ate. minister, as there were other congre- Ont Methodist church, Monday 8 p.m, day. Miss Marsh of Quebec is staying with Mr. and. Mra. w Skinner have ha . Nermlols 'ahd' vie gations who wore most anxious to se 2 15. Good programme. Everybody wel Miss Jack, of St. John, N.B., came | her sister, Mrs. Hiram Calvin. gone to Montreal. . : \ e Fa ans ih he me dre oure him. Much credit is due especial- Gets His Commission come. to town, on. Friday, and is with her Mrs. Conway Cartwright, who has . = . . ther effeminate tio ing i n Crone lv to dhe young ladies of the church, y : Ad Yorte us nls ln sister, Mrs. Roderick Mackenzie. ben having a very pleasant visit in Mis. McParland, with Mr. Arthur od in all sthe- colors of the rainbow. | Cp indeed worked very hard to] James dams, DoFtamon ha Se : fo) Yay " i there is a hrge government Indian " ome nment a success, | been notifid by the crown attorney Remember sale of Christmas work Miss Lucy Merrick came home on| Perth, with Mrs. Arthur Mathéson, | McParland, went down to New York, 1 in the Pres Make the onterial that he has | appointed fre at Chalmers church, December 6th. Wednesday, from Toronto. will leave there, to-day, for Vanecouv- | to-day, to meet Miss Kathleen, who is | © hool here, and | noticed in the Pres: | gy, pet proceeds which amounted to} that he hos been reap) a , oi rhe . 3 . : . . Ass 0 . * byterian church here yesterday, quite | gan 06 toward p inting the church, tice of the peaee. In the recent list . * . . Mrs. Samuel" Birch went down to'er, to join the Rev. Conway Cart- | expected to arrive there on Wednos W, go toward painting # so : p : peel : umber of them in attendance, und - of commissions his was one of those Mrs. Hubbell and Mrs. Herbert Rob- | Ottawa to-day, to visit her daugh- wright and her family. day. "They will all be home by the | * " . \ « admitted to mem a : not re-enacted. ison have kindly given their house, | ter, Mrs. Emery. for a fortnight: Mr. John Mueklsston arrived in town} end of next week. brig A gir trot her faith. The Rev. Prof, Maengughton will be id -------------------------- 108 Bagot street, to Charity Circle of 2 . . . i ; to-day. Miss Venie Birch, after spending two ep np ED Tait, are a rath. able to Prods the aL An FO . et Driscoll was, in 1903, given one yeaw King'¢ Daughters, who will hold a All this week Kingston has been in Mr. Henry Corby, Belleville, acron vears with 'her sister, Mrs. Gwillim, Rang lot, g tark-skinned, Won on the 16th, having. Deen requ in Central, and he has also been in tea and sale of work there; on Thurs- | spirit watching by the bedside of the panied by Mrs. Corby and Miss Alice | left yesterday on her way home. to] !™ Juiuterentivg 5 ot, 2 al k iined od not * te exert himself, by public the relate ny, ! { day, November 23rd. No cards are | dear of woman, whose well worn life Corby, leave for a trip to Egypt ot | Fagland, black: haired, black eyed and & ¥+ speaking, for the present, i foi a -- MOST ATTRACTIVE VALUES IN READY-TOWEAR GARMENTS Suitable for Fall and Winter Wear The styles are distinctive and uncommon (not to be found else- where). The prices are most attractive. The qualities are of the best. jit -- ® YT @ ® Fine Furs FALL COATS Shirt Waists , ; in the best man- ed fashion and Priced' most moderately. Every article of the very best, fully guaranteed Lengths 42 to 50 inches long :-- Surprising values in Fall Shirt Waists, offered at' prices which cannot be duplicated any where in ; COVERT CLOTH COATS Pleated back and front, seam fitting back, fitted | Canada += with belt, new notch eollar, roll cufis, 812, £13.75, %15, £15.50. in every respect :-- ASTRACHAN COATS--High storm collms," satin lined, $31.75," $31.50, FANCY FLANNELETTE WAISTS-- Worth %1.25, special at 75¢. each. £12.50, $45, $49. COVERT CLOTH COATS Loose Empire yoke, full circular skirt, very graceful, mannish collar, full top sleves, rolled cafis, $12.75, $13.00, | FANCY CASHMERE WAISTS Neatly tucked and trimmed, worth $3.95 - X15.50, $16.50, Jor $2.50; worth $2.75 for $2.25. ELECTRIC SEAL COATS--Storm collars of faney furs, lined = throughout with extra quality satin, superior workmaeusbip, $42.50, $47.50, X50, ¥55, ¥57.75, $62.50, 269, $75. WHITE LINGERIE WAISTS Some beautiful styles, only a few in each de COVERT CLOTH COATS Maunish offict, lodse backs, perfect workmanship, sign, very special, worth $1.50 for Sc; worth $2, $2.25. for $1.25. R10, R10.50 R12, $12.50, : : : SILK BLOUSES-In Brown, Blue, Black, and White, finished with tucks, TWEED COATS In numerous Scotch ches and all-over plaids, patch inaertion and huttons, $525 for $2.50; 81 for 83; $1.50 for %3.50; $6 for pockets, dep rolled cufi, loos: and sémi-fitting back close stitching, 83 . fly and double breasted fronts, plain and velvet collars, extra full skirt effect, £10, $10.50, 812.50, X13.75, S15. GR EY SQUIRREL, MUSKRAT, RUSSIAN LAMB, PERSIAN LAMB JACKETS Very large assortment in all thé newest ideas, $1¢ to $159 REMARKABLE SHOWING OF NECK SCARFS AND RUFFS--- Beautifully trimmed with Jong fringes and small heads. BLACK KERSEY COATS Extra warm and servic £6.00, K7.50, KK.90, |, $12.50, e. neat velvet or plain collars, rolled cuffs, full lengths, GOLF JERSEYS. New designs in plain and fancy designs, every desived size at very special prices, $1.75, 82, $2.25, $2.50, 82.75. > GERMAN OTTER RUFFS--81.75, $5.50, £6.75, $7.50. Dy BLACK BROADCLOTH COATS Long full skirt ofi'ets, welled geams, smi-fitting, lined to the waist with twilled | { ARTES CARDIGAN JACKETS So comfortable and snug, long and short COON RUFFS-$7.50, $9, $10.50, $12.25. farmer's satin, plain and velvet collar, close "stiléhing 'supeFior qualities, at X15, X16, $18, 22) sl ovis, all sizes in stock, 81, $1.10, £1.25, $1.50, $1.75. a APPOSSUM RUFFS--86, 87.50, $9, £10. n S - : . * ~ Q RR mE 8" EF y * WHITE JAPANESE, FOX AND THIRET TIES AND STOLES- 86.75, $7.50, kirts Unders irts o $9.50, *11, K12.50, 814. Le To match many of these Coats, which givig fou a complete Suit at most reasonable prices 3 MOLE TIES AND SCARFS---£6.75, $3.75, $10, $12.30, $14.75, $15, 818. KNITTED WOOL UNDERSKIRTS Perfect fit, English make, plain and 3 'S io C i fancy stripes, 7hc., 81, $1.25, 81.50, $2. NATURAL SABER SOARFE. Weteh King S275, $15, HIS, $21.50, 395,490 Childre Ss Coats a a FLANNEL UNDERSKIRTS- White, Black and Colos, neatly trimmed with ELECTRIC SE (ES. Combined. With coptrasting Furs, 814.75, No two alike, being offered at very "Special prices . lace, X1.75, $2, 82.50, £3. ' $17.50, 19 Aro a, 37h, 0, 13.73 50 = [FPLAIN AND FANCY MIXTURES-$1, $4.50, £5, ¥6, 86.50, §7, . +00, 9, $22.50, 25, 7.50, #30, K33.75, 37.00. Z MINK RUFFS AND STOLES--Extra fine qualities, beautiful. fur, pesfect : : : -- : : Fl al REVI D am SR avr Kimonas and Dressing Sacques MUFFS--Tn the new oval pillow shapes, to match any of the above neck FANCY. AMERICAN PLANNELS Lace, also ribbon . trimming, $1.25,° 1.50, pies, 83 to $42.50 each. ' : FE la Nn A clette U nderwear £2, £2.50, =, £3.75, $1, #5. GAUN " 8 f our equalities ENGLISH EIDERDOWN Full large sizes, satin bands and trimmings, extra oT LTS, ha a { OLLARS A cemonte, y For Ladies and Children, extra full mizes in every corm well made, correet cut, GOWNS, DRAWERS, long lengths, White and Colors, $3. $1.50, 8&5, R500, $6, 26.50. -- . SKIRTS, ete., etc. White, Pink, Blue, and Fauvey Colors. Large variety. . S---- - nid Sy : 3 : Our rooms are the largest in the City. The be t light. - The largest assortments. Everything marked in plain figures. Everyone welcome. Come, Look, Examine. $ : : y U WALDRON, - - CORNER OF BROCK AND WELLINGTON STREETS

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