Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Nov 1905, p. 5

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ADE IN CANADA» only thing that's 800d about EDDRD|| It's mage of selecteq the hey 3 wheat, 4 Outary i all. the nutritive ej, eat grain Presented in th it for Breakfast T Trisc an bread or porridge uit for Toay, tal Question Cook Book," post WHEAT CC co., Limited. -- ! 00a Tm , Ont, ngfon Qvereoqt its now worn there is po s as the Arlington ub sally Admired, uarter length, single breasted, fitting lapels, full and roomy of grace and style Itons, Black Cheviots, unfinish. eviots, etc. quite a long one, as the ds it, $10, 12, 12.50, 14, i + Coats--then match us, if you wv Suits ow ready in Single aud Double w broad lapel, loose Trousers, > garment, the skillful to rics and withal the mbit this the Young Men's Ideal 2.50, 13, 14, 15. . BIBBY CO, Ss Wear Store. [EASY MONEY AT HOME 1ti- sing can More profitable aries, More profitable th Vou te io Jo : um To you interested qui wor | COTTAM IRD BOOK (housanis soul at 19. ) and tweak nent BIRD BREAD 10 CENTS, ined | 2d 8 CANARY v8. CHICKENS." showing bow to mi ned ith canaries. all for 1c. stamps of cola. Address se- cot TAM BIRD SEED, , se St, Londen, Bok nar- ves- that Mrs. ali- ized 3ap- SUPPLIES FOR THE COUNTY GAOL. SEALED TENDERS WILL BE RE- ceived at the --eflice County Clerk, Court House, K up-1a. noon of THURSDAY. N or 23rd, for the whole or m part of the fol lowing supplies to be shed at the County Gaol for or nmencing January 1st, 1906 Beet, Pork Muttor Bread, Brown of Sugar, Barley, Oaticeal, Cornmeal at Salt, Pep Brow Family an + Electric § er Ib. His | potatoes, Car ans, Turse ips, at ---- per | On mm | Molasses, Milk, Am oal Oil at fee per gallor meg | Hand Threshed Oat, Straw gt ----pef bundle of 12 Ibs he above to be supplied as required and to be subject the Governor of the no person as the Warden ma THOMAS SPROULE, Wa WARDS, Co BORN. - KE MP --At CGananogie, N 100, W Mr. and Mrs he "san. THOMAS. --At on. Nav 13th, to ths Hert ¥ Thomas, a i SHIER.--At T. ith N wr HEFFRRNAN A ov. 2nd, IPFERNA $I we, 2 to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew (Heflernale a daughter ne MARRIED. BRENTON McCONNFELLL@ On Now 5th, Elizabeth Juno. doughtity Nr and = Mrs. Wi i Me Come , Lime Lake, to Frederick . Brenton, Trenton Cr h DIED. Ie HUDGINS. --At Selby, on 15th, tour 1 George Hudgins, agtd seve yours. a. (oth Nove D'ARCY.--In Tye h seven Mary D'Arcy, seyey ph » on Nov. 18th Ss BTA re aged for years. 19h, VF} eLltorr--m pero. or Ns ¥0 Robert Elliott, aged years. 5 Nov 15th. FENNELL:--In Perth. on Nor Fennell John years. : item ov JAOKLIN --In North Bir sey om Non 2th, Joseph Jacklin ears. : Nov igen foo on iortan "lorerts Mo aged eighty one "Owe touch of nature makes the whole AE rt 7 One touch of winter ik ] Doth Mkewise make |the "ett cdndies. only ot shiver, : 2 Fresh McConkey 's Gikson's Red Cross Drug SO. - ol lille White potatoes, fines wd ' print butter,, Crawford. 3 Senor Quesada, Cuban | Senor Quesada, Cuban Minister to tt sn article in The Outlook for July, 1898, speak at the Esteban Theater, Mantanzas, Cuba, he said: audiences under the spell of eloquent spé excitement; but I have rarely witnessed eulogy upon the dead patriot, Marti." 1 pany, written from Washington, D. C,, A nister to the United States. Senor Quesada says: ie United Stafes, is an orator born. In by George Kennan, who heard Quesada "I have seen many ech and in the grip of strong emotional such a scene as at the close of Quesada's n a létter to The Peruna Medicine Com- cine. complaint of catarr "Peruna I can recommend. as a very good medi- It is an excellent strengthening tonic, and it is also an efficacious cure for the almost universal "'===Gonzalo De Quesada. Congressman J, H, Bankhead, of bersof the House of Representatives, in aletter written from Washington, D. C,, gives his endorsement to the great ca- tarrh remedy, Peruna, in the following words: "Your Peruna is one of the best medicines I ever tried, and no family should be without your remarkable remedy. As a tonic and catarrh cure I know of nothing better,"--<J. H. Bankhead. LL .,o. io Dr.Hugo's HealthTablets for Women Make Healthy Women. 'Whether you believe it or not, this incontrovertible fact remains, These tablets will change weak and diseased organs into strong, healthy organs; fast with some, more slow- ly with others, but sure and abso- lutely certain with all who persist in their use, except the few beyond the help of medicine. Disease, even chronic, will then disappear as these organs are re- stored to their normal conditions. These tablets are now recogniz- ed beyond doubt or question as best adapted to the special needs of wo- men. soc. at dealers or by mail. B. N, Robinson & Co., Coaticook, Que. Grand Union: Hotel Rooms From $1,00 Per Day Up 3 Oprosife Gro Grand And Genre. Station JAGGAGEY:= FREE The Polish that won't wear offs Sold Only at, Strachan's Hardware CR "THERE IS A TIME FOR ALL THINGS." ' Now, while prices are low, is the time to fill your coal bin with best Juslity SCRANTON COAL from P. Walsh's Yard BARRACK STREET. ' AAAS ESR en ¢ i ¢ ' ¢ : ' ' on THE FRONTENAC LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIETY. (ESTABLISKED;1863,) t--Sir Richard Cartwright and F Deoberties. Puaitipar" "and County = tures. purchased Posits receiver a {oterest rte 8. C. MeGiV, Director. Offion. 97 Clarwace Street. Kingston er R J. FREE, CONTRACTOR etimates Sven for all kinds of * Mason rk, Plastering and Cement, Work of all' descriptions. "Phone 94 Division St. Ala! bama, one of the most influential mem- | 9] Clrwus Struts Riupstos 8000000000000000000008 BO0A000000000000009007 boxes for $2:50, at all dealers. There is but a single medicine which is a radical specific for catarrh. It is Peruna, which has stood a half century test and cured thousands of cases. If you do not derive prompt and satis- fhctory results from the use of Peruna, write at once to Dr, Hartman, giving a full statement of your case and he will he pleased to give you his valuable ad- vice gratis, Address Dr, Hartman, President of Tho Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O. All correspondence strictly confidential. YOU DON'T SAY ! Papers Can't Print Results of Euchre Parties. |! Chicago Inter-Ocean. Newspapers 'all over the state are in of a cirenlar letter from a Des newspaper apprising them that authorities at Washing that prize and parties anti-lotterydaw, from the receipt Moines the postoflice hi 1d hav Teports of winners ton "yhist will to exclude any newspaper mails, The thal ats presses were last week and thirty order to nt that newspaper in question states stopped one day delay from its Mrs water minutes' ensued in remove Jones cut S pitcher, Smith had a chafing v at Mrs. Johnson's card party. he Ded Moines postmaster] after carciully reading tructions, de cided that wuld exclude a newspaper from the $s quite as report of a raffle, lot device He columns a st had and won a Mrs won his ins stich report much as the tery or other telegraphed * the and vis construction of literally gambling departing nt at by it 'that post office ingston was advised ruls was -------- tin box, Store Fresh seidlitz powders in a at Gibson's I Cross Drug Your: ey not receive an ordin- ary, but oromTh--seientilic and careful examination, by an expert op tician, = whe you get glasses at (hown's en Stor On Wednesday, H. W. Denyes, ware merchant, Carleton Place, Mrs. Jennie 8S (nee Brian), finited in mar The broke Canada hard and were the town of Pem to the at debenture were sold 1 Securities y's Birth a Trying Time week Made Easy if the Mother Prepares Her System With a Brac- ing Treatment of Vitalizes and Strengthens. experience a real gain in power and strength from using Ferrozone, which is a' true nerve and blood tomie. It effects a perman alleled in the history of supplies the es are "exhausted hy immediately You ent cures ung meglicine. Fl sential of lif one that over-work, worry, indigestion or high Heme. Tt contding just what every run-down svstem lacks, | By instilling new strength into the blood, Ferrozone benefits the whole body: Digestion improves) the eyes sparkle, the checks glow with girlish feauty. Normal powers are restorxd to the regenerative organs, thé nerves are recharged with energy, making the sufferer conscious that direst bene fit ix resulting from Ferrozone. There is no greater boon to suffer ine women than Ferrgzone. It charges the &vstem with the snap and fire of youth, builds up firm tissue, rounds ond the form until perfect womanhood is attained. Ferrozone is ladies 10 use, aldohole or dangerous drugs girls, young women, expectant mothers female will derive unguestion able benefit, from this grand restora Prepared only in tablet form, Ac. Yor a box of fifty tablets or gix~ + yne safe tonic for we it contains no Growing every THE DAILY _WHIG. SATURDAY, [10 TOUCH WT THEM A NEW COMPANY IS BEING FORMED. The Boats Will Only Touch at American Ports--The Capital Stock Has Been Subscribed. Buffalo, N.Y., Nov. 18.--Several Byf- falo men, headed by Capt. M. J. Gal vin, and associated with F. W. Wheeler, a steamboat man of Detroit, and some Pittsburg capitalists, § . are forming the Niagara and St. Law- rence Steam Navigation company, which will be known as the American line, The company is now in process of incorporation and the capital stock has been subscribed. Two new steam- ers, tne Chippewa and Iroquois, now operating on Lake Michigan, have been bought and: will bé taken to Lake Ontario to be used next sum- mer.. The vessels will fun between Lewiston and Alexandria Bay and will touch only at American ports. The company has made arrangements for- dockage at Lewiston. COMPLAINS OF DUMPING. 5 American Hat Frame Company Troubled. Toronto, Nov, 18.-- Before the tariff comanission, this morning, J. J. Park- man, of the American Hat Frame coy, pany, complained of severe competi tion and' dumping by one United States firm, He was referred to the customs department to have the dumping stopped. Messrs, Joseph Cannon, of Granite Co., and P. Thompson, of the Thom: Monument Co., asked for an in crease in the duty on finished granite son from. thirty-five per cent. to fifty per cent., owing to the demands of the men for an increase which will make competition with more difficult. Principal Audin, of Upper Canada College, and Prof. Maccallum, of the University of Toronto, asked for an amendinent to the clause respecting the admission of apparatus, maps, etchings, photographs, paints, charts, ete., for educational, philosophical, religious or scientific institutions. These are admitted free now if not made in Canada, but not of a suit- able Kind, and, therefore, should be admitted free without restriction. The sitting Cased at noon. the Scotch granite TO ABOLISH TOLL GATES. Authorities Ask That Fees Be Abolished. Brockville, Nov, 18.--~The commit tees appointed by the town council and the township of Elizabethtown to consider the question' of the abolition of the two toll gates: on the road leading into Brockville, met in Brock- ville yesterday when the matter was discusse: Market It was "finally decided to call a spe cial meeting of the town council, and als of, the township council, when cach body - would appoint a commitee with full power to handle the difficult question. The committees so appoint- ed would be asked to meet 'the coun- ties council at its sessions here, which open next Tuesday I'he proposition is that Brockville abolish market fees in consideration of the gates being removed BODY FOUND. On the Shore of Point Peninsu- lar, Watertown, N.Y., Nov. 18.--The body of an unknown man was found yester- day on the shores of Point Peninsular, about ten miles from Three Mile Bay, in & badly decomposed state. The man was _thickset and apparently about fortyfive years old. The body was naked and both legs were broken. It is thought that he might have been one of the hands of the schooner that recently 'went down between and Cape Vincent. Another theory is that the man was one who has been missing from Na- panee, Ont, about a week. The con- dition of the body was such that it was impossible to identify it at the present time and there were no arti cles found near it that would lead to ow clew oi -identity. Oswego THOMAS W. LAWSON Of 'Frenzied Finance' is in Hot Water. Boston, Mass., Nov. 18 --~Thomas W. Lawson was held for the December ses sion. of "the court, on a 'charge arising from some of his writ ings, preferred by Clarence W. Baron, of this city, to-day. Bail was fixed at £3,000, and Albert L. Brown qualified as surety. superior Incandescent Lights For Parks. One of the petitions received by the fire and light committee was for a light along Park avenue, between the city park and the cricket field. One for that locality does not appear in the list of seventy-two recommended by the city engineer. There is a new one to be placed at the corner of West and Wellington ' streets, which will be of benefit to the whole park local- ity. Besides there is a light in the centre of the park, one at the corner of Stewart and Barrié streets, an- other at the corner of Barrie and Union streets and still another at the corner of Bagot and West streets, sq that the city park and cricket field locality is well provided for. However, the city engineer will recommend that some incandescent lights be placed around the various . parks, as they would be very uscful, Toronto's Husky Infant. Detroit, Nov. 18.-~Parbnts and rela- tives of A. Taylor, an eight-year-old hoy of Toronto, Ont., who spent the greater part of the summer in this city are claiming him as one of the huskiest boys of his age on record. Frank weights just ninety-three pounds. He is 4 feet, 27 inches in height. His chest is 33 1-3 inches; his neck 14) inches; his waist 3] inches; bis, forearm 11} inches; his biceps 13 ; his thigh 21 inches, the calf of his' log 15} inches. Lilly White potatoes, finest>--roll butter. Crawford. . Special Dip Hip Corsets, 65¢, Now SAVED AMPUTATION. A Marvellcus Cure Effected By Tuck's Rheumatic Bone Oil. Among the well authenticated cures that have been effected by Tuck's, Rheuinatic Bone Oil there is one that stands.out as almost marvellous. It is the case of Foster Chalmers of Ottawa, the well known cdimmercial traveller, representing in Eastern On- tario, the Berlin Rubber Manufactur- ing company, When Mr.' Chalmers was last in Smith's Falls a Record report- er saw him and asked him about his report cure of an afiection of the bone of one of his legs. He told the reporter that it was all true. He paid that when he was a lad ten or twelve years old he hurt his right leg at the ankle. Tt got better and for twenty- five years it never bothered him. Last spring he was taken with a pain in his ankle which steadily and rapidly grew more and more severe until in a couple of days' time his tuffering Whs intense. Ho called & physician who prescdbid for hin but he got no relief, e had to quit work: and for three weeks he was oonfined to his home. He could net put his foot to the floor and when he moved at all he' was obliged to go with crutches. He con- sulted a second doctor and tried the X rays but stil he got no relief. The pain, he said, was excruciaeing and Amputation Of The Leg. was hinted at. He had heard of Tuck's Bone Oil and finally one even. ing in desperation he sent to a drug store for a bottle. He applied it but said he did not feel much if any bene- fit. Later in tne same evening he ap- plied it again rubbing it in well and within hali an hour the pain was so much relieved that he went to sleep and had his First Night's Sleep. in three weeks. The next mdrning it was a great deal better. He continued the use of the Bone Oil and the second day he was able to walk down town and before he had finish" two bottles he was completely cured. He has never had a twinge of pain in the leg since and he save Tuck's Pone Oil did it. He was a little averse to saying anything about it for publication but. he said it had made such a difference in his life that he could not refuse to let others know about it. As its name implies, Tuck's Rheuma- tic Bone Oil acts directly on the bone and is without an equal for the relief and cure of rheumatism, lame back, neuralgia, ete. In short for any and all kinds. of* inflammation, whether from rheumatism or from lame back, neuralgia, sprains, coughs, © colds, quinsy or bronchitis, Tuck's Bone Oil will give sure and speedy telief, For sale by all medicine dealers at 50c. a bottle or sent prepaid by the Tuck Bone 0il Co., limited, Smith's Falls, Ont, " LATE SOCIAL NOTES. Miss Lockett has gone down to Montreal, Miss Charlotte Moore returned on Thursday, from Toronto, Mrs. Bajus returned, to-day, from a short visit to her ' daughter, Miss Grace Bajus, who is nurse-in-training at an Ottawa hospital, Miss Kathleen, Miss Bessie, and Miss Fva Richardson, have all goné down to Montreal, on the excursion. ¥ Te pent of Miss Mary Bray, Rev. Dr. Dumbell, The engage of Sherbrooke, to of Goshen, N.Y., has been announced. * . - - The marriage of Miss Kitty White, daughter of Colonel. and Mrs, Fred. White, Besserer street, Ottawa, 'to Mr. Percy White, of England, will take place on Thursday, , December . 14th, Miss Mabel White's marriage to Mr. Edward Fauquier, will take place dur ing the week after Christmas. . = Miss Hunter was among the Mon treal oxcursionists yesterday. Mrs. D. G. Laidlaw has gone down to Montreal for a few days aE Ce a Mr. and Mrs. G.-Y. Chown have gone' to Montreal. Mrs. Nathaniel ed by her daughter, Wilmot, Mr¥. accompani Charles Liv- ingston, went down to Montreal, y terday, for a few days. Prof. Shortt has gone to Montreal, toJeeturain his special hranch Miss Evans, of Ottawa, is expected in town, next week, to visit Mrs. W, B. Skinner Mrs. Bearance went with the foot ballers, on Friday, to Montreal, Mr. Bruce Galloway is among the execursionis east, Dr R Rogers has Montreal, for a few days. Dr. Bromley has arrived from Eng land, and.is staying in town gone to A Little Tyrant. - There is no tyrant like as teething baby. The temper isn't due to orig- nal sin; the little one suffers worse than the rest of the family He doesn't know what is the matter--they da. ° But baby need not suffer longer than it takes to make him well, if the mother will give him Baby's Own Tablets I'hey easc the tender gums and bring the teeth through painlessly and without tea Mrs. C. Connolly, St. Laurent, an., says: '"'Some months ago my little girl's health be- came so bad that we felt very anxious. She was teothing and suffered © so much that we did not know what to do for her. 1 was advised 40 try Baby's Own Tablets, and from almost the first dose she began to improve, and there was ho further trouble. She is now in the best of health, thanks to the Tablets." The Tablets cure all the minor ailments of children, and are a blessing to both mother and child. © They always do good--they cannot possibly do harm. Try them 'and vou will uge no other medicine for your little one. Sold by all drug: gists or sent by mail at 25 cents a box by writing the Dr. cine Co., Brockville, Ont. A Game For Lads. Collegiate Institute and Gan- have a game onifor this after- The visitors' lineup. will be : Full, Leakey; halves, Genge, Hefiernan, Donovan; snap, McCullough; quarter, Harding; wings, Connell, Amo, The anoque noon York Dress Reform, " NOVEMBER 18. Williams Medi: Barnes, A CONSTABLE SLAIN SHOT BY MAN; WAS SEIZ- ING HIS GOODS, Grobb Kills J. W. Clarkson Town Constable and Bailiff of Treherne, Man., a Short Jist- ance From That Town. El Treherne, _Man., Nov. 18]. W. Clarkson, = town_ constable here, and deputy bailiff, was murdered by Eli Grobb in cold blood while in the dis charge of his duties on the latter's premises, eight miles north of here, vesterday morning. Clarkson went | there to make a seizure under the seed grain mortgage act and Grobb order- ed him off the farm. When the bailiff refused to go Grebb seized a shot-gun and shot him twice, killing him in: stantly, one charge tearing a large, ragged hole under the left shoulder. he murderer then drove into town and gave himself up to the authori- ties, and had to be confined in a tail- or shop until the keys of the jail could be secured from the person of the dead man. The corpse was found in a wheelbarrow near a straw pile, as though Grobb had at first intend. ed to cover up his crime. A coroner's jury was empannelled, PERSONAL MENTION. i piininns Movements Of The People--What JFhey Are Saying And Doing. L. Denike, Uressy, was a visitor in. 5 city to-day. Rev, Dr. Mowatt will be the guest of Principal Gordon while here. W. H. Graham, of Kingston, was a visitor in Toronto on Thursday. Major U. F. Winters, adjitant of the G.G.F Ottawa, is taking a special qualifying course at the Royal Mili- tary College. Mrs. D. J. Bowman and children, Oshawa, visiting friends at Deseronto and Newburgh, have joined her mo: ther in' Kingston. G. F. Hepburn passed through the city to-day from New York, with the body of his brother-on-law, Dr. Frost Thorn, who died in New York , on Thursday. Mrs, J. L. Denike, Cherry Valley, in poor health for some time, is now in Kingston where she will undergo treatment, Miss Hattie Hurlburt aec- companies her. Lady Edgar's paper before the Wo- man's Historical society, of Toronto, on "The Pioneers of Frontenac," dealt particularly with the life of = Dr, James Richardson, born in Kingston, 1791. The division of the land among the J.E. Loyalists dre interesting. EXTRAORDINARILY SEVERE Fifteen Days' Arrest For Head of French Army, Paris, Nov. 18.~The' council of min- isters, decided to inflict fifteen days' arrest on General Brugere, commander of the army, for making public de- tails of a conference with the minis- ter of war rélative to the controversy between General Brugere and General Percin, chief of stall under General Andrew, the former minister of war. The generals recently met in the Bois de Boulogne on horseback and General Brugere. refused to acknowl: edge the salute of General Percin. Ex planations before the war minister led to an adjustment. General Brugere then gave out a statement saying that he had refused the war minister's request to shake hands with General Percin, The deci sion of the council of ministers fol lowed. The measure severity. is one of extraordinary CHINA'S GIFT TO JAPAN. Presented Neighbor With $1,500, 000 Worth of Salt. Tokio, Nov. I8.--1It is stated in the newspapers that the government late ly applied to the Chinese government to relax its prohibition of the export of salt, Japan's salt works having been a partial failure last summer. Cliina sesponded, giving outright a million and a half dollars' worth of %¥alt in consideration of the neighbor ly relations of the two mations. Thiy is, regarded as indicative of the hope" fill character of the negotiations that Are NOW in progres at Pekin, Lived Year W With Broken Nook. Pitfadelphia,. ' Nov. 18/-With the death of George Handforth, twenty eight vears old, at the Methodist hos pital, vesterday, ends a remarkable Dy of survival of a man with a broken neck. For fifteen and a half months Handforth lay on air and water mattresses, suffering no pain, unable to move any muscles -oxcept- ing those in his forearms, always conscions, but gradually wasting away. From a stalwart young man weighing 160 pounds, Handforth fell away until he weighed at the time of his death only thirty-four pounds. Looking For The Men. - A theft at Lansdowne was reported to the - police on Saturday morning A young Englishman, who has been working with a farmer of that village, ix said to have skipped with 860 and a gold watch belonging to another young man of the house, with whom he slept on Friday night. Locally a search is being kept for the English- man Line Up Of 'Varsity. II's line-up for this after- the Royal Military Full-back, A. Nasmith, W. quarter, J. Varsity noon's game at College will = be : Laidlaw; halves, M. E. ¢. Swain, H. G. Kennady; 0. Roddick; scrimmage, J. Newton, F. W. Paulin, D. G. Nimmo; wings, K. Hill, A. G. Brown, W. D, Craikshank, N. W. Lyle,'G. R. Jones, 8. C. Snivel. At Forty Has 18 Children. Sterling, Hi, Kov, 18. ~The eighteenth child was born last even- ing to Mr. and Mrs, George Cassen and was named Theodore Roosevelt Cassen. Tne seventeenth child, a daughter, was Horn a year ago, and was named after Alice Roosevelt. The mother is forty. years old. ---------------- Henry Burns, a clirk in the Halifax post. office, was arevisted, charged with Stundon, Ormiston and Case. Lilly White potatoes, finest roll Ebutter, Crawford. ) N------ TT Courteous Salespeople Will always give you Lead Packets Only. Black, Mixed or Green. _ Highest Award, St. Louis, oo ON Ema Mantles ! Mantles | --have testified to 'the unap-= proachable values offered here, ter hats, all' in the very lat- est tients, including feather-band and fine beaver, silk and velvet . creations, at popular prices. SPENCE'S, ™ ising The leading tubers everywhere sell the * Thought" Range, y know the value of a tomer. McKelvey & Birch, 69 and 71 Brock street, sold over two thousand. Kingston people appreciate a | grade tise i bo tar de you use a cooking range remem that or quality Happy Thoughts" "ina class alone. Your can plain why in ten minutes. If you buy the "Happy Thought" it will delight you forever. ° We make the Range that sells on merit, the Range delights the user, the * 'Happy Thought Tho! ught." The William Buck Stove Co, Mills & Cunninghar Bankers and = Insurance Agents 4% PAID ON DEPOSI MADE-TO-ORDER PERSIAN LAMB JACKETS Select Your Skins . Quality, Style and Fit Unequalled. McKay Fur Hous Brock Street. aA 0000000VOV0OV00VOOAVOAOC0OAO ' FINANCE AND INSURANCE f} If You Want a Home 'OR INSURANCE, Have a Talk With G. A. BATEMAN INSURANCE BROKER ALL KINDS OF FIRE INSUR- ANCE AT LOWEST RATES. DISTRICT AGENT SUN LIFE ASSUR- ANCECOMPANY OF CANADA, 61 CLARENCE STREET® KINGSTON. For Real Estate! "= sui "oie Or Insurance Conmalt with GEO. [CLIFF before buying at 65 Clarence Street, stealing letters from the office.

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