Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Nov 1905, p. 3

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-t) Chilly Folk The cold "strikes iy row' because watery. Your may * Your blood +} thin agg Best's Wine of Cod Live Oil With Bypophosphates MAKES NEW pi <4 Win, MAKES RICH pj Gob. MAKES MORE BLOOD, It is the finest tonic food we In Large Bottles, hue or 3 for $230 Dover's Cold Breakers Cure the cold in one night Try a Box, 25¢. Only at ' The Best Drug Store LT. BEST, Chemist and Optician 124 Pris sn Street. Phone 5 'Grand Union Hotel | Rooms From $1,00 Per Day Up : 3 Oprosite Grand Central Station BAGGAGE: FREE sl, Station FL J. FREE, CONTRACTOR 3 Estimates Sivan for all kinds of & Mason Ww Plas | Cement Work" of A eT ant ® 94 Division St. "Phone 402-3 » 3 Standard remedy for Glee!, Gonorrivea and Runnings IN 48 HOURS. Cures Kid- ney and Bladder Troubles, MISS K. SULLIVAN Dressmaking and Ladies' Tailoring Entrauce through Miss Leader s Brock Street. Big Bargains For Wednesday 29 Only Ladies' Walking Skirts Odd lines in broken sizes, "Phone ¢ were sold at $3.50, $3.75 and as high as $4 each. The lot includes Tweed and Plain Cloths, in Navy, Brawn, Black; also Grey and Brown mixtures. Come ok over the lot and if ze is here you wi'l certainly get a snap. Choice for $2.49 Blankets The, finest line of Wool Blankets lo be seen in. the city is at tius tore. Something extra . pair and up. Flarnelette Jlankets,, White or Grey, with ink or Blue in 3 sizes NEWMAN & SHAW BE ANYONE WILL TELL YOU SCRANTON GOAL Is the best domes- p tic coal. We sell no ) other kind. : & iH IN ® $6.45 TON Foot of Johnston Street. : n-- JAMES SWIFT & C0. 00000000000 a J J b ) 3 THE DAILY WHIG, mower a2 AND Ft BUSINESS. i andy VERP NRON AND QLOBE J ERPOQL LO Company, Availalle Lr 1,187,315. Ia addition to which " policy holders shave for ty the unlimited Ly of proper at low "rates. hetore renewing oid or onsinie pew business el rates m Strange & Strange, A N POLICIES COV R owe and centen cow pal Godwin 8 or Square me --------------m ARCHITECTS. R MORE ON "than an: Ww aby 0 oth ers, lixmmine th insurance Emperium, Ei WLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF- mi ed fioer over Mabood"s drug corner PP and Bagot Horie. Bl Enterance os Bagot street Telephone en ELLIS ARCHITECT, OF« WRTHUR | of New Drill Hall, near oer per of Queen and Montreal Streats. SON ARCHITECT, MER: Bank Building, corner Brock Wellington streets. 'Phone 213 Se ---------- SMITH, ARCHITECT, Barket WER & pow va and ree RY 'P. 18 Anchor Sovare. "Phone. 848. N SUPPLIES FOR THE COUNTY GAOL. SEALED TENDERS WILL BE RE- ceived the office of the County Clerk, Court House; Kingston, up to 0 ISDAY, Novem'er 28rd, part of the fol- furnished at the year commencing r any 0 he one . Mutton, Bread, Brown Sug: Barley, Oatmeal, Cornmeal Salt, Pepver, Brown Family and Electric. Soap, at -- ). Carrots, Peas, Beans, Turn- ~~ per bushel. America an Coal Oil at per ga eshed Oat, Straw of 12 Ibs. The above to be supplied as required and to be subject to the approval of the Governor of the Gaol or such other Warden 'may appoint. Warden. at ------ per n as the pe! THOMAS SPROUL, J. W. EDWARDS, County Clerk. eee een A ete At Be Guided by Those Who Know About "Bartle,'"' and, Knowing, Have Bought Land There. Unquestionable evidence of confidence in Cuban Realty Company property at "Bartle," Eastern Cuba, is furnished by the fact that every intending purchaser, who has visited our property, has bought. Proof conclusive that they have been satisfied with the fertility of the soil, the favorable location of their lands, and with the transportation facilities offered at "Bartle." Price of Lands, $25 Acre Call. or Prospectus. The Cuban Realty Co. Apply to®J. 0. HUTTON, Agent 311 University Ave., Kingston. write for Maps, Plans and Clean, : Honest That Is the kind we sell--The kind you should burm if you want & satisfaction fire. We are filling orders sow for & winter supplies. Have you ordered Yours yet ? 'Phone No, 138, BOOTH &CO. 'Stove Polish E nd Rect rl The Polish that wom't wear offs Sold Only at Strachan's Hardware "THERE IS A TIME + FOR ALL THINGS." : Now, while prices are low, is the time to fill § your coal bin with best quality SCRANTON COAL rom THE FRONTENAC LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIETY. ESTABLISRED 1863.) t--Sir Richard Guztwrignt elionsy leaned on City mnd Debentyres, Mo pe Deposits recelved and Interest sllowed 8. C. McG, Managing Director hea. 97 Clarence Strest. Kingston. TEACHER OF CHINA PAINTING WATER-COLORS AND OILS, CHINA to aterial Chm ation kiln fire, als for Stang | linters sold. China mended to Soliciteq "AINE Water. Your patronage Miss M. M. Brophy, »9 Well Tarren street. HAVE YOU ANYTHING 70 SELL OUTSIDE OF YOUR SINS AND YOUR TROUBLES ? CONE To The high standard of Boeckh goods has léd té ¢ imitations which are claimed to be as good as Boeckh's.' While this Is an assurance of the ex- cellence of Boeckh's Brushes, the rate are usually very inferior and prove poor value. See that you get ONLY A Common Cold BUT IT BECOMES A SERIOUS MATTER IF NEGLECTED. PNEUMONIA, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, CATARRH or CON- SUMPTION IS THE RESULT. Get rid of it at once by taking -Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup Obstinate coughs yield to its gratefnl soothing action, and in the racking, per- sistent cough, often present.in Consumptive cases, it gives prompt and sure relief. In Asthma and Bronchitis it is a successful remedy, rendering breathing easy and natural, enabling the sufferer to enjoy re- freshing sleep, and often effecting a per- manent cure. We do not claim that it will cure Con- sumption in the advanced stages, but if taken in time it will prevent ii reaching that stage, and will give the greatest reliei to the poor sufferer from this terrible malady. De careful when purchasing to see that t the genuine Dr. Wood's Norway ine yrup. t up in a yellow wrapper, three pine trees the trade mark. Mr. Wm. O. Jenkins, Spring Lake, Alta., writes: "I had a very bad cold settled on my lungs. I bought two bottles of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup but it only required one to curo me. I have never met with any other medicine as good." Price 25 ¢ts., at all dealers, Solid Gold Cuff Links = $5.50= Strength, quite as much as tasteful design, is re- quired of one's cuff links. Those from Diamond Hall possess both qualities. In solid gold, the prices run from $4 to $60. One of the most noteworthy pairs sells. for $5.50. These are of a dumb bell pattern that permits the engraving of monogram r which no extra charge is made. Diamond Hall's full catalogue is gladly sent on request. RYRIE BROS. wm] | MTT EE Dime 134-138 YONGE ST. TORONTO = ONT. PUREST, STRONGEST, GEST, BEST. Contales no Aum, Ameo, Lie, E.W.GILLETT TT SEN TORONTO. ONT. JOHN BROWN'S DESPATCH SCOTCH Is acknowledged by everybody to be a properly aged and wel matured Whisky, having a fault- less flavor, All the other brands Tf they 4.game THE SPORT REVIEW. REV. J.D. BYRNES, A QUEEN'S GRADUATE. ------ : Associated With R. R. Gamey in Gore Bay Hockey Club--To- ronto Telegram Says Rough Riders Will Defeat 'Varsity. At Edinburgh the New Zealand foot- ball team deleated ali Scotland by 14 points to 7. Toronto Telégram : The Ottawa golf club has lost its professional, but as there are many such at the capital, why worry. "George C. Bennett, Fred Cooke's crack two-year-old, died of pneumo- nia, at Churchill Downs, Ky. The va- lue of the animal was $45,000, Since 1876 Yale has won seventeen of the twenty-nine matches played with Princeton, Princeton has eight vie- tories to her credit, and four games resulted in a tie. If after its triumphant tour of Bri- tain, where it has licked everything, the New Zealand rugby team would visit Canada, its winning gait would receive a severe check. . Lal Earls, formerly of Toronto, and Beird and Kent, lall, of whom have played in the professional league, have applied to the Manitoba Hockey League to be declared amateurs, Baltimore has = organized a five club hockey league, only the players don't play on skates or ice like they do in Canada. The Oriole game ~ is played in running. shees on a greased floor. A Washington justice has against a fan who tried to sue the Washington baseball club because he was hit by -a foul ball. The court held that a fan took his own chances at a game. Montreal Gazette : Williams, at cen- tre "half, was the best man in the Queen's back field, ad proved himself a rival of Gdrdon Southam in claim to intercollegiate honors in the pant ing line. The Toronto Telegram is growling over the. #100 paid to Secretary He- witt, of the O.H.A. The only fault the Whig has to find is that he was not paid more, The sum is little enough for the duties involved. Rev. J. D. Byrnes, a recent gradu- ote of Queen's University, has been ¢lected manager of the Gore Bay hoe- key club, of which the well-known R. R. Gamey isipresident. Will Mr, Byrnes? arise to protest ? * A compact hockey. league "could be formed with Wanderers, Brockville, Smith's Falls, Cornwall and Montag- nards. As the proposed new eastern league now looks, Ottawa would have less difficulty running off with the championship than it did in the Feder- al last year. The New Zealand rugby club's Prit- ish tour, continues till De- cember 30th, closing in Wales with matches against New- port, Cardiff 'and Swansea. Some of the important fixtures are with : Tre- land, at Dublin, November 25th; Eng- ruled Jand, at + Crystal Palace, December 2nd; Wales, at Cardiff, December 16th. President Darroch, of the O0.H.A,, says he is determined to stamp out all signs of professionalim in the as ocicticn, There will be surprises in store for many of the clubs this winter. Mr. Darroch said that if he had to finish up the seasan with three clubs in the association he would go after all professionals. In regard to the intermediate Can- adian championship the semi-fimal be tween Ottawa I[., winners in the Que- bee Union, and R. M. C., the college champions, will be played next Satur- day in Brockville, If Ottawa wins the final game will be played in Brock- ville on December 11th. Tf R. M, C. and Dundas are in the finals, the game' will take place in Peterboro, and if R. M. C. and Peterboro are the "econ- tenders, at Brockville. This arrange- ment will hold good unless the teams arrange otherwise, Concerning the Dominion championship match, the Toronto Telegram says: Ottawa will win, "Varsity has neither the scrimmage nor the line to hold the Rough Riders, and though they have one of the fastest, headiest and - best back divi- sions this country ever saw, its util- ity will be rendered nil because they will not be able to 'get the ball out. were playing the snap-back "Varsity would trounce them well. They are built---exactly right for that style and would get the ball out cleanly to their halves. rughy It Cured Their Rheumatism. A remedy must, of course, be judged by what it does and we shall be glad to have Dr. Hall's Rheumatic Cure put to this test. The remedy has been used in this locality for vears. It has been employed in all sorts of acute and chronic cases. It has eur- ed when other remedies have failed-- when no other remedy would even re- lieve. It deserves a thorough test by any- one who has rheumatism or neuralgia in any form. Its action is thorough. It can't harm. Tt will eure. Price, 50c. Sold only at Wade's drug store, This is the preparation that cured Mrs. A. R. Gamble, Womyss, Ont. To-day (the festival of ' the presen- tation of the Virgin Mary) was the annivi®sary of the consecration of the late Archbishop Cleary at Rome. Trusses that satisfy. Dr. Chown's. Hair brushes, special values, at Chown's Drug Store. Mr. and Mrs. IL. Mallan, Mrs S Mallan, and W. McGuire, Port Col berre, are spending a few days in town, James Newlands, who has for sev- ral months heen salesman in Steacy's, leit, to-day, for his home in Appleton, After every other process of manufacture is com- pleted H. @ A. S. gold- filled Watch Chains are hardened to prolong their wear -- for 10, 15 or 25 years. in stock. Jas McParland Sole Agent. WA. EURRAY, The Auctioneer Your jiweler sells H. & A. S. Chains. Send for the H. & A. S. Chain. Book. i. & A. SAUNDERS, Kisg & Joba Sts., Yoroma ° | aldermen, He was not obliged to re- SAINT MARK'S CHURCH -- Confirmation | Service at Barrie- "fleld. On Sunday morning, November 19th, the twenty-second Sunday after: Trin- ity, the of Ontario visited St. Mark's chureh; Barriefield, for the purpose of administering the rite of confirmation. "A largd "congregation filled the beautiful edifice, and after morning « prayer, and the gnte-com- munion service, an eloquent and in- structive sermon was delivered by the bishop, who took his text from Isaiah xliii, "hoeven I, am Ho that blot: teth » thy transgressions for mine own sake, and will not remember thy gins."" TI incumbent, Dr. Nimmo, then presonted the candidates, twenty two in number, who, hfter a solemn charge by his lordship, in the pre sence of God and the congregation, re- newed the solemn promise and vow that was made in their. name at their baptism, Having openly . confessed their obligations to believe and to do all those things which, at the sacred font, were amdortaken for them, they advanced two by two, end kneeling reverently J their knees before the bishop, received the blessing impart- ed to them by the laying on of hands, The confirmation service bei ing end- ed, after the singing of a hymn the Holy Communion was eclebrated hy the hishop, assisted by the incumbent. The choir having first partaken of the sacred feast, the newly-confirméd can- didates took their first communion, and were followed by the large por: tion of the eemgregation. The service ended, antl the bencdie- tion pronounced 'hy the bishop, the choir chanted ns a recessional the "Nune Dimittis." The musical por tion of the sorvigf Was well rendered. and both: eholr "and organist, from first to last, -mequitted themselves most creditably. PRAISE FOR ALD. WALKEM Who Has Resigned From the City Council Alderman. J.B. Walkem's resigna- tion from the eity council was receiv- ed with surprise, last evening, by the sign because of his appointment as local mastéry in chancery, but ovi- dently chose that course. In his lot ter, he spoke of pleasant associations in the city couneil chamber since his entry into mumieipal life in 1801, having represented Ontario ward for wear it out | but you can not wear it out. LIT all Home Needlework is a magazine that every lady ai take. Sn BT Tee cls per yea Ewa LD Shi RRL EY 1 4 1) Hi a about echt Years. Ald. King, in moving that the ie signation be agcepted, out of deive- ence to Ald, Walkem"s wishes said | that the council was sorry to lose the | Ontario ward pepresentative, There | was nothing like Ald, Walkem's wit | and humor to relieve many dry situ ation. A big mark could be set down in his favor in regard to his council! speeches, which were noted for brevi- ty, pointedness and humor, Ald. Mowat, in seconding the reso- lution, also expressed regret at Ald. Walkem's retirement. His municipal record had been creditable to himself and to the ward avhich hé represented, The sneaker felt glad at the cause of Ald, Wel om'siretirement--viz., his legv nl _appei «ment. His new office, Ald, to himself and with satisfaction to the profession and to the people. A Problem Solved. Ozone is ozone, and in buying it the problem is to.get the purest form. bottle contains a eoupon entitling vou to a package of "Celery King' free, and it is well-known that you should take. "Celery King" along with Ozone. ? We put "Celery King" coupons in our Ozone bottles because no other firmy can give "Celery King" with Ozone. By buying "Solution of Ozone (the coupon kind)" you get the purest and most conce entrated form of Ozone, and, in addition you save the ex- pense of buying the '"'Celory King" use with it. No other kind advantage. and if he hasn't Drug Company. of Ozone offers this Ask your druggist for it, it write the Public Bridgeburg, Out. Death At Lombardy. Lpmbardy, Nov. 20.--=Mr. and Mrs. John McCann of Perth, spent a few days visiting here with friends this week, Edward O'Mara and family have taken up their residénce in the vil Tage Tor the winter, Me. O'Mara has rented his farm in Burgess and in tends moving to Dakota in the spring. Russell Percy, of Pembroke spent a few days with friends here. John A. Looby who been engaged in cheese making, came home on Satur- day. The funeral of the late Joseph Jacklin took place on Thursday last, and was largely attended. Mr. Jacklin was seventy-six years of age and un- married. Ho made his = home of late years with his nephew, Joseph W, Jacklin, who. resides near Perth, The] body was interred in Trinity church has cemetery. The funeral' services wore conducted by the * Rev, F. G. Kirk patrick. Mrs. Charles Andrews is spending the week with friends at Athens. Ht Congregational Social. The congregational social in Queen Street Methodist church, last evening, wae highly successful, There was a large attendance, The renovated school room looked extremely nice, The Ladies' Aid had charge and took pains to entertain. the company. There were vocal muwical numbers hy Mrs. Andrews. Mrs. Evans, Miss Cpirng; Messrs. 'Shea, Manhard and Pr. Lavell; piano solos, "by Miss Singleton and Miss Toye. Miss Grif fith proved an apt elacutionist. Rev. 'W. H. Sparling, pastor, spoke plea- santly. John Nicolle presided most efficiently. Refreshments were served and . the gathering broke up about 10.30 o'clock. < Hondrick Withoi, the leader of the Hottentot revolt, is dead, from a severe wound re od while attacking a German provision train on October 20th. Withoi has béen succeeded by his son, Isaak. Dr. Chown's Bucher- Juniper Kidno ww Pills, for kidney and' Bladder trou- Ha 25¢. D. Loz, Hamilton, will erect a a on sanitarinm there in me .mory of his mother and brother. ' | Sydenham | There was a large number present and was much enjoyed, features "The 8 very Mowat said he would fll with credit | "Solution of Ozone (the coupon | kind)" is the puvest form in' which Ozone is put up., In addition, each a A PLEASING LECTURE i Given in Queen's By Dr. A. P. Knight. In the old Arts Building at Queen's College, Monday eveningy Dr. A. P. Knight, professor of animal biology and physiolog, | and practical address on to t St Living," the lecture lustrative tive value: in humans, i lecturer, mals. ' course, How is it "and Living are so many ! are morp mq | animals | these the gle and to avoid mals have | beaver, Peop course, but tl meals have on Then with t views to fart for a living « The parasite, whi¢ the Llood of nals, Then there is hidden by is able to get three th Spr do humans us jomp. Not sufficie Must cure it posts. without pure eyes, clear ski The very fo ties, Nature has composed of , as mandrake ine rense Dr. fresher, brigh i petite. "Before usin stock, \ Ty poor feel improved You'll 'get th that thousands and thousands are en- toying because they used this famous medicme, Pri boxes for $1, and yet in there, struggle to get on Food, animals' e for shelter houses commonest grafters, son-weed for their Protective resemblance eet surroundings which closely resem ble them, Shrimp. for. example, will resomble the sand in the bottom of ponds. The tiger will choose environ ment which most suits his colors Then there is the principal «of mimi cry. shown bv snakes and birds. The flying sauvireel ie able to escape its enemies by a long, seemingly flying Destroyed All The Roots. nam's Corn EXUractor anit both Toot and branch of removed. No pain, quick cure. Use only Putnam's. At the opening of navigation the Y.M.C.A. will start up in the Yukon and hold religious services in the six NOURISHING BLOOD MEANS STRENGTH You Ars Pale and Weak Because Your Blood is Thin and Weak. There can be no such thing as health strength hes in the blood, whiel h must | be kept free from poisons and impuric than Dr. Homilton's Pills, which are { to all doctors for their prompt healthy action. If yon wonld drive out diseass and your foree Hamilton's She Was Pale and Listlrss. writes Miss FE h "I was pale and listless, color was ye girl, weigh more, Why not use Dr, Hamilton's, an interesting "Shifts for a he Epwotth League of rect, Methodist "church. Y, Rave the il adding an educa struggle to get on, keen," said the is likewise in" ani the same, of some eases it is. is. a struggle ? The is because there mouths to feed: Ther: withs to feed, among shelter, and clothing, struggle for. In ase there is no strug but always for food, enemies, <Some few ani for instance the le * have enemies, of ho. law protects us; ani ly their own eunning." he help of the lantern her the shifts of animals were shown, "shift" js that of the h makes its Hving on the crab, like the crimi ete., upon humans the "mask." The crab mee escapes notice and food. * Sea urching use purpose, How often "mask 9" animals scl lat is not ings we his ideas Cl) nb for all tigpe. Use fo case a corn--you Put the corn are forever rich blood--po sparkling in, or active brain, undation of health and no better blood medigine such vegetable extracts and butternut, known and and vigor, take Pills. You will feel ter and enjoy keener ap- | Hamilton's Pills," E. Phelps, of Woaod- my and my appetite g Dr. dith How, To-day 1 am a different look better, and in every way. too ? at hearty bracing health Just opened » teed quality. cluding cream and black. have it at 38c. yard. For Suit Linings. FASHIONABLE FABRICS IN SOME ADVANCED SHADES 3 Silk Eolienne, $1 Yard : twelve of the very newest shades to-day. Just a dress of 'each, including white, cream and black, Priestly' 's guaran- 1 Superior silk finish. " yard. Silk and Wool Crepe de @hene, 75e. ord Lovely and soft and as thin as you wish it. Good width * in dress lengths. Jap Gaffetta Silk, 39¢ Yard In all the best selling shades, some you hive never seen before, full three quarters of-a yard wide and sold by all stores for 50. We In the neighborhood of 20 different shades. We Have Plum Colored Gaffetta $1.45 yd. It is difficult to get it. The James Johnston Store 180 WELLINGTON STREET. "Eight shades, in- 76c. yard. HIPPY HONE Range "This range will do more work with less fuel than any.other range made. It has a larger oven, power- ful water heater and artistic in design 77 Princess Street. . ELLIOTT BROS .. APPY FONE | Ie wi i THOUSANDS IN USE hie fo aie 'Phone 35. Transfer Cases. Card Index Outfits. Special "Patient's Re: and Dentists. £ $ PEP SLPLPPTE PELTLPPD siavNox FILES & CABI d" Cards tor Doctors Typewriter Ribbons and Carbon Papers. J.B. C. DOBBS & C0.. 171 Wellington St.' Typewriters for sale, to rent, repaired. 3343 $3330 300¢ $4300 $4434 NETS Sr bs Charity Of Speech. ' Charity of speech is as divine & ce 2e, r box, of five at all : ors. - thing as charity. of action. To' judge jno one harshly, to misconceive no { man's motives, to believe things are] as they scem fo be until they : pruved otherwise, ok to temper | merey--surely this is quite as to build up churches, ish asylums and found colleges. ©

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