ar Full Flavor & a distinguishes others, t 25a, 30c., 40c., 50c. and ggc, est Award, St. Louis, 1903, a Perl, ey ~CHER'S APF CROSS DIAN GIN 'OR YEARS i d Warehouses ; Governmet Oded Var ON @. CO.; Montreal [RIBUTORS. r SAY all over town, that our stock of dashery and Hats is the finest nade in Kingston. ts, in the different styles--our s--smart Furnishings can not abloom with Fall Newnes. wear is here, and every price ctory one to you. oves lechwear vealers nderwear BIBBY CO, , Wear Store. THOUGHT" verywhere scll the "Happy ow. the valuc of a pleased cus- , 69 and 71 Brock street, have ngston people appreciate a high- ge remember that for quality the ? ss alone. Your dealer can ex- you buy the *'Happy Thought sells on' merit, the Range that Thought." r Soles | a large shipment of "Slipper de lamb's wool with 2 , 35¢., 40c. and 45¢. 98, 25¢., 350. and dlc. , 250. and 35c. ) 10, 20c. and 26¢. r of LADY 0S WR WR WR, wh wn, hn P. B. Crews' Improvement Sale tue Gtr Still Going On Is Very Popular! Watch : Friday's Paper For Further Bargains P. B. CREWS Cor, Princess and Wellington Sts. 0 ge Rl, Ou a i PROPHESIES MILD Two Crops of Summer Vegetables An Yahailing Sign. NEW YORK STOCK MARKETS, Supplied by W, F. Dever & Coa 18 Arket Square, § ingston. Hertman, a Fn weather 'prognostic- ator, made the prediction to-day that there will be no snowfall this winter Srooklyn n fan To" for his belief "he said : "It is rare that we have a summer in this Sisate that . Whenever it occurs it is followed by a mild winter *The summer of 1877 produced two crops of vegetables and there was ve ry little: snow the next winter. ther this winter will be very similar to that of {twenty-eight years agn. i tates Stes, The Flan Of Taxation. GRAIN MARKET. . address before the Cana on Monday night, tion of C orporations." elaborate investigations i in Skie, United he had concluded that of taxing corporations was. on thei ir gross income, and Ontario should de- vise a Rystem of making. railways,.in- Start Pray Suits. Pittsburg, Pa., Nov. \soon in Dr begi with the failure of the Enterprise Na- telegraph systems contribute to revenue before an to resort to direct taxation. urgent ned arose for thie depositors, says gainst certain persons alleged been connected with the dead wrecking the bank. Under act of assembly and acts of con- + Conspiracy suifs may be brought against any per- rls : conspiring to wreck' a Murdered In Idaho. N 21 ~--John Scott, .gon of Thomas Soott; was foully murdered recently in Ida' recaived by his father. beyond 8 fact that the deed was committed by one W. who shot Seoft fatally in two differ- has been arrested about 200 sailors squadron, command Tn is wr Battenberg, were jury. Scott "was a married man, his Sn mide realy wife and one child surviving. ------ B. Nicholson's condition The, Badminton _ élections were held on Saturday, and twelve vacancies were filled. The new members are Col- onel and Mrs. Taylor, Colonel and Mrs. Young, lguel and Mrs. Victor Williams, Jeremy Taylor, Cap- tain Brown, Caran Anderson, and Mr. Jamieson, There is no abatement in the enthusiasm manifested by mem- bers 'of this club, and the bi-weekly meetings promise to be as well at: tended as ever, ] . * . * Mrs. W. J. Chapman, Colborne street, has sent out invitations for a tea i morrow, Cards were out this morning for the '06 "At Home" at Queen's, which is coming off on Friday night. The final year jJollification . is always a special feature of the college's social life, and Mrs. Roderick Mackenzie's coming out dance for Miss Portia, is occupy- ing the thoughts of society very large- ly just now, and every one is looking forward with certainty to spending a ple asant ev ening. . . Mrs. Roderick Mackenzie has issued cards for an "At Home" on Friday, November 24th, from five to seven. . vo» Mrs. R. A. McLelland will receive on Tuesdays at 61 Union street. Mrs. W. J. C. Allen, will receive at 105 Gore street, on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of éach month. * -. - . Mrs. Adam Shortt asked the execu- tive of the Ladies' Musical club to tea, yesterday, to meet Mr. Rubin Goldmark, and the afternoon was en- joyed very much. Since Mr. Goldmark was here last year he has travelled more than 20,000 miles giving - his musical lectures: It may interest Ringstoataue to know that the lec- ture he gave last "night, on "Lohen: grin" was prepared specially for pre- sentation to our musical club, 'at the request of its president, and was given for the first time here. Our club stands first in the line of women's 'musical clubs, who have the privilege of list- ening to Mr, Goldmark. - - - Mrs, Jorteous 'and Miss Janet Port- cous returned to town on Friday Miss Kathleen Despard went Wome to Picton, yesterday. Miss Saunders, of Toronto, will be the guest of Miss Macmorines at St. James' rectory, 'while in town. Miss Lois Saunders has gone to To- ronto, to see Mrs. Mcilwraith. = Tey Az Mrs. W. B. Skinner is moving into the * house vacated by Captain and Mrs. Cleaver Sullivan, Miss Fvans will not come up from Ottawa, to visit her Just Dow. . LJ Mr. Rubin Goldmark is with © Mrs, Breden again. Mr. Frank Worrell is home from To- ronto, came home to-day, from Montreal. Captain and Mrs. Cleaver Sullivan have left for Ottawa. that Mrs. Harry Betts is suffering from a bad attack of lumbago, that most painful malady. Mrs. P, B. Crews returned from her visit to Montreal. $8 a Miss Ruby Cotton, who has been Miss Rita: Mitchell's guest, will go on Thursday, to pay Mrs. Edward Booth, Alired street, a visit. Mre. Cotter, has now gone to stay with Mrs. Fortescue, at "Edgehill." Mr. George Fortescue has arrived safely at Fort William, and is very much pleased with the north-west ship- ping port. - . * Mrs. Stratford Dawson came up, to- day, from Montreal, to spend a few days with her people here. The Rev. Walter - Loucks returned: to-day, to Ottawa. home to-day. - + + . mas. » Halifax. Mrs. W. G. Kidd, Barrie street. Mr, and Mrs, Meacham have been travel here a few days en route home. Henry Day, Odessa. - * . . mains a Yew days. Mrs. Jeffrey Hale, London, Ont., on Kingston * . - Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. E. Har riss, of Earnseliffe, Ottawa, have pur; How's This ? cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. firm. WALDING, KINNAN &MARVIN, pottie. Sold by all Druggists Fresh Red Menthol Slasters. 4 at Gibson's was somewhat improved pation, ranks close beside the conversat in importance and enjoyment, - . - ie Mr. and 'Mrs. Edw. J. B. Pense Her friends are all sorry to hear Miss Senkler, who has been visiting Mrs. Willoughby Cummings of Tor- onto, who has been irr town for the last few days, and has been staying with Mrs Juxton Smith, returned Lieut.-Col. and Mrs. Massie are ex- pected to sail from Liverpool for home on December 14th, This will bring them here shortly before Christ- Lady Donegal is on a visit to Gov- ernment House, Ottawa, on her way Mr. and Mrs. C.S. Meacham, Oak Park, JHL., are the guests of Mr. and hing to Washington, Boston, New York, ,Quebec and 'Montreal, stopping Mrs. Sidney Day, and her young people, spent the week end with Dr. Mrs, William Newman went home to Lomeville, on Friday, accompanied by her sister, Misa I. Allan, who re- tertained at dinner last week, compli- mentary to Mrs. D. D. Young, of chased the summer cottage belonging to the Baroness Macdonald at" Banfi, We offer One Hundred Doliars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be F. J. CHENEY & Co. Toledo, O. We the undersigned have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable" in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his Wholesale Druggists Toledo, O "Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern- 'ally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testi moniais sent free. Price 75 cents per The cotta o wihtich is beautifully situ- ated not' distant from the Banfi Hotel, was built by the late Sir John Macdonald, has never been occu- pied, although it was his intention to puss his re time there during the summer months, The furniture sént there by 'Sir John and Lady Mac donald, is still in the cottage. The en t is "announced of Miss Coctll Frances (Fanny) Thom- son, of Toronto, and Mr. G. Murray Nelson of New York. The wedding will take place on November 22nd. The eng agemitht is announded of Miss Kathleen = Lemon, Toronto, to Mr. James Devereaux, of Seaforth, Ont. The marriage wil! take place on the 29th of November. PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All Over the World. At Aylmer; Que, on Monday, Rev. Thomas Nelson fell off the whirl and was drowned. Writs have been isstied for the Sas- katchewan elections to be held on De- cember 23rd. The last spike of the Canadian Nor thern, will be driven at Edmonteén on Friday next. . A man was fined $5 at the Galt, Ont., police court for spitting on the floor of the opera house. Rev. James B. Mullen, for many years pastor of St. Andrew's church, Fergus,- has sent in his resignation. It is reported that Ex-Constable Gummerson, Toronto, was stabbed at Copper Cliff, while making a raid on a liguor dive. Winston Chufehill is to receive $40: 000 down afd re¥alties for the bio- graphy of his father, tho late Lord Randolph Churchill. Six 'thousand of England's unem- ployed marched to Hyde Park with a banner reading, "Curse Your Chari- ty; we want Work," At Gouverneur, N.Y. Benjamin 1. Bailey, a highly respected and well- to do farmer on Monday afternoon died, aged seventy-two years, Sarah Bernhardt opened at Chicago, presenting Sardou's intense drama, "La Sorciere," appearing ns Zoraya. She was greeted with great applause. Secretary aw will remain 'as sec rotary of the treasury in President Roosevelt's cabinet until the conclus- ion of the approaching session of congress. tinuing work on the Panama canal has been sent to the treasury depart ment from the war department to > be sent to congress. A¢ Waterbury, Conn., a stranger is under arrest on suspicion that he is Charles Rogers, wanted in connection with the triple murder in Middletown, N.Y., last October. David Rose, formerly of the Bav of Quinte distriet, 3s reported dead at Salineas, California, and enquiries are being made by H, V. Muller, coroner there, for relatibns of the dead man. William Westall, a farmer residing near Cavanville,"was removing a gun from his buggy. when the hammer caught. The charge carried away part of his Sheffer blade and shat tered the 'upper portion of his right arm. James Drysdale, Montreal, and Tes sie Clark, Ogdensburg, N.Y., are un der 'afrést in Ogpdenshurg, N.Y.. on the charge of bringing Canadian girls into the country for immoral purpos es. Two Montreal girls were held as witnesses, Japan's proposals to China inchided concessions for railways from Chan chun to Kirin, Hsinmintun to Mukden, end Wiju to Mukden: the maintenance of the present military posts and tele graphs and their extension within cor tain limits, and the Opening of all the vrincipal - towns in Northern and Southern Manchuria, DIVISION COURT. The Various Cases Heard By the Judge. Division court opened in the court house at 9.30 o'clock this morning, before Judge Madden, of Napanee, An 2 pm. George Todd vs. 8S. Grimshaw.--Ac application. Mills ----and--Cymnmingham vs. W. 8 Hughes. --Account for $12.26; adjourn ed to chambers. Gardiner vs, 8S. Grimshaw 38.65; adjourned to Janu Account, ary 9th, 5 count, for $100; stands to January Oth, Robert Hanley ve. W. Geoghegan: Account of 25. settled. of 835; judgment for plaintiff. Rudd Harness Co. vs. J. S. Ran for 836.25; adjourned by consent. tract $50.14; stands by consent. Cadott Gratton vs, Thomas Rudd, Garnishee, 870; jndgment for $47.16: dismissed as to Allen without costs $200; judgment of non-suit, | L. Reuttenberg & Son vs. A. Ellen judgment of non suit. MeKendry &: Orr ve. William Black- lock and M. Shurtliff.--Claim of $60 settled, case withdrawn, 83.01 and costs. Lemmon & Sons ve, A. D. Benn.- Account of $21.50; 50 and costs. ment for plaintiff. CO. E. Wrenshell vs, Brockville, Weat- port & N. W. railway.--Wages $100 ent for plaintiff. Jnjgma Cotter va. Brockville, West- judgment for plaintifi. plaintiff, plaintiff. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti- plaintiff, : / An estimate of $16,000,000 for con- | adjournment was made at 12.30 until count for £31.50; new trial granted on Reottenbetg vs. lL. Langbort,--Aec- . H. Mills vs, F. Boyee.--Account dolph and John Wardrobe.--Account M. Eilenson vs. J. Goldblatt.--Con- W. B. - Reid & Co. vs. R, J. Allan and J. C. Cleary.--~Account of $19.11; L. Reuttenberg & Son ve. A. Ellen- son, trading under style name of Kingston. House Furnishing Co.--Note son, trading under the style name of Parisian Ladies" Co.--Note for $150; J. H. Rennick & Co. vs. McDermott Pros.--Aceoint of $3.05; judgment for judgment for $21.- H. Bailli= vs. Brockville, Westport & N. W. railway. Pl 4 £73.75; judg port, N. W. railway.-- Wages $65; Leachman ve, B. W., NW. a. Wages, 882.39; judgment for J. Hopkirk vs. B. W., N. W. rail way. --Wages, 252.9%; judgment for the FE. Yeateman ve. B. Wo. N. W, rail- . re Te [ASK FOR {EXEMPTION TY YEARS. Locomotive Works Will Be En- 'larged ii People Pass Exemp- tion By-Law--The Matter Be- fore the Civic Finance Com- mittee. i exemption from taxation for twenty years is granted by the people the Locomotive works will be extend. ed. A communication from Hon. Wil- liam Harty, president of the company, to that eficet was read at the city council meeting last evening. It was as follows : - "lf you are prepared to submit a by-law to' the ratepayers to exempt; our company from taxation for a period of twenty years, in considera: tion of oir enlargmg our works and increasing the number of men already employed, and will réfer the matter to a committee we are prepared to meet them and discuss a proposition along these lines. If the patter is to go to the people we would suggest that it would be advisable, if possible, to have it submitted to them at the Jan- vary municipal elections, and for this reason think it wduld be well, if you are prepared to favorably consider this question, to take immediate ac- tion 'on' it. William Harty, president." Mr. Harty was asked this morning for particilars of the proposed exten- sion, but replied that he could' not say anything until after he met the civic. finance committee. To that com- proposition. If a by-law was submit. ted, and the people voted in its favor for' exemption the works . would be extended, and Kingston would be benefitted, At present, nothing definite could be said till the city would de- cide what it would do. At present there arc hetween 500 and 600 men employed in the Locomotive works, and sixty .engines a year are tured out, The company owns much property in the vicinity of the works and so far as space is concerned, ex- tension would be comparatively easy. There are other things involved, how- ever. eee mens MERCHANTS SPEAK. -- Cut Out Market Tolls And Have Free Sale. A largely attended meeting of the Retail Merchants' Association was held, last evening, in the Y.M.C.A. Edward Steacy was chairman. It was recommended that the eouncil abolish the market tolls. It was also. thought best that, later, tha forestalling-- by- law, forbidding merchants to pur chase on the market befdre ten o'clock should be abolished. taken up. It seems, here, one ean be obtained for #1, whercas in other ciation will write to the Toronto re tail merchants as what is best to do. An Emergency Physician. You are sure to save needless suf- fering and you may save life by hav- ing at hand a bottle of Smith's White Liniment. is a remedy that relieves pain in an almost magical way, and cures strains, bruises, lame back, ete, quicker than bottle, 25c., at Wade's. Money back if not satisfactory, The Late Mrs. John R. Smithers. Ogdenshurg, N.Y. Journal. Ogdensburg, where she lived on Pick the Baptist church. Christmas Magazines. The demand for Christmas maga hy the trade. The great cost of manu facture, requires our orders to be lim Randolph Hotel news stand, Will It Be Called Here ? stonians who desire to make represen New goods there. ing. FROM TAXATION, TON, FOR TWEN- mittee the company would explain! its The matter of peddlers' licenses wa cities there is a fixed rate. It was thought a higher rate should be charged here. Re the grocers-inland revenue affair, the former have not vet decided what ta do, and will await developments? The local asso- It is of vital importance that pain or injurics be treated promptly. Here any other remedy we know of. Large Elizabeth M. Thompson was Bath, Ont., Angust th, 1826, and died at her son's home near the Eel Weir, November 13th, 1905, in her ecight-first year. In 1851 she was unit: ed in marriage with Jobn R. Smith- ers and resided on the homestead where she passed the remainder of her life 'with the exception of a few years which she spent in the city of ering street and where her husband died. She was a consistént member of zines and Christmas papers is greater this year than has ever been pxpected ited. Special Christmas numbers are now" arriving every day and copies must be secured at once as we will be unable to guarantee filling orders later. The great double Christmas number of Burr McIntosh Monthly is now ready. For sale at MeDermott Bros., 260 Princess street, also at' The tarifi commission is holding ses- sions in various parts of Ontario, but no date is fixed © for Kingston. This should be looked into by the board of trade. It is suggested that all King: tations to the commission touching tariff rates and combines should notify the board that they wish to be heard and, a* a result, it is quite probable the commission will be convened here. Chamois vests, When you need them go to Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. The intrinsic value of the present bronze penny is less than one farth- [Weak Lungs Bronchitis font ar Car ore have eH coughs, colds, ngs, broushitls, I | consumption. S ae cages, das cases, ol ses, You can ie medicine the best doctors ap- A mw wav. Wages, R12; judgment for the The fr-- i oa | LOA thar" | Sigg eier 1 girls. they are 80, smarfand dainly, and se strong foo iA GRANBY-& {RUBBER 9 = have always fr Their goon, hemes Hs wearing Soy fo id OUR Cont busines ping aoe, BA --have testified to and fine ene creations, at | SPENCE'S, = bee - ath EE -- It cures those heavy, decpseat: the sorencas--heals tie Secieadted conn. Sonia -takes "None Lie less eTective beesuse it is pleasant to take, * Just try one bottle and sce how I quid lekly you get rid of that cougls. At your druggists. 23¢, 9000 9000000000000 00000 ® THE CANADA METAL CO., Toronto, Ont, * BABBITT SPECIALISTS. $ Write for "All About Babbitts." ® C030 0000000900000 0 MADE-TO-ORDER PERSIAN LAMB JACKETS Select Your Skins Quality, Style and Fit Unequalled. McKay Fur House Brock Street. PPC 000000000000000QOOIVOVTV0 FINANCE AND INSURANCE G.A BATEMAN | If You Want a Home ALL KINDS OF FIRE INSUR- AR URANCE, | Havea ANCE AT LOWEST RATES. 2 DISTRICT AGENT SUN LIFE ASSUR- | George Zeigler, ARLENE ANCE COMPANY OF GANADA. | 87 Brook Surest, 61 CLARENCE STREET! KINGSTON. ro For Real Estate! Or Insurance Conralt with GEO. ICLIFF before buying Street. -