THE EMBER 21. a -- i steadily increasing business, we find it to make some alterations and improvements to 9, which may necessitate our vacating for a short d not wishing to move our very large stock back h, we have decided to inaugurate a sale that will e stock by several thousands of dollars in a very 00 Worth of Hih-iss Rady t- Ne ar Cl ing, Gents' Furnishings, R COATS, FUR COLLARS AND FUR CAPS to be cleared out. Our goods are all new, and are made up in this 'season's styles, for this season's trade. The patterns are up-to-date--not one old one in the lot, and the workmanship and finish are equal to the Best Custom Tailor's make, Es : MEN'S SUITS. 80 ONLY SAMPLE FUR COATS i Wool Tweed Sits, dark colo t pat- Consisti f Coons, Wambats, Wallabys, and Bulgarian Soa Sol a price $3.95. - SOW, Neat ut Lamb, oy c Eo out = Me Resaiar Prices. n's : 4 Yous Men's All-Wool Tweed Suits, well made and sired, sod regular at $7.60. Sale price $1.93. : MEN'S CURLICOATS. && Men's and Young Men's $9.50 and $10.00 Suits. Sale price ™ Interlined with rubber, a good- warm driving Coat. Men's and Young Men's regular $12.00 Suits. Sale price $15.00 Coats for $11.45. ; : . Boy's and Children's Overcoats. ey P oung p 3 13.50 Suits. pe ng Mens: reguiar $100 and § i All-Wool Tweed Overcoats, sizes 22 to 27. : en's and Young Men's regular $15.00 and $16.00 Suits. price $10.95, ok 3 NO BANKRUPT, AUCTION, SHOP-WORN OR MOTH-EATEN gon 'to show you--but a Brand New Stock which will ~ be sold at Bankrupt Prices. SEs ~~ NOVEMBER 23RD. As is well known, the last sale conducted by us, was on straight business lines--our patrons were perfectly satisfied that we pave them GENUINE BARGAINS and they know THAT WE ALWAYS DO JUST AS WHR ADVERTISE ~ * Look over the following list very carefully. This. is an § (pportunity to secure your Winter Outfit at a bargain. ™e Bipot Bonanaz EVER OFFERED * Men's Raincoats and Spring and Fall Top Coats. $6.00 Coats for $3.95. $8.00 Coats for $5.95. $10.00 Coats for $6.95. MEN'S REEFERS. + Waterproof Jackets, Wool, and Sheepskin, Lined Coats, and Reversible Leather Coats. From $1.50 to $5.95. BOY'S REEFERS. Sizes 22 to 28. Heavy Weight Blue Cheviot, regular rice 2.00. Sale price $1.39. ® Iga p 10 Only, Coats to be cleared at $2.45. Boys' $4.00 Overcoats for $2.95. 15 Only, Boys' Overcoats, sizes 24 to 29, regular $6.00 Coats. ger "STOUT MEN'S SUITS. Sale Price $3.45, IN KINGSTON. 8 gi leavy All-Wool Freize Reefers, regular $2.50. Sale price "All sizes up to 50. inches, guaranteed perfect fitting, in y C 85. oe up y Worsteds, Black aa Ie Twill. Boy's Fancy [Tweed Overcoats x 69 D ozens of Men's Regular $3.5 Rislire for $2.69. : 35 : : (Long Full Skirt) sold regular at $6.50 and $7.00: 'Sale N rge sizes, 29 to 33--Reduced in the same proportion. Ta ' Price $4.45. MEN'S WATERPROOF COATS. Sale Prices--$1.95, $2.95, $3.95 up to $7.45, for the best $10.00 Coat in the market. White Dress Shirts (Laundered) Boys' regular $8.00 'Overcoats. Sale Price $5.95. Children's Fancy Overcoats at $3.25, $3.95 and $4.95. Men's Soft Front Colored Shirts. Suits for $9.45. "$15.00 Suits for $10.95. : Boy's Norfolk and 3-piece Short Pant Suits MEN'S TR SERS. Pram. its for $9.48 30 Dozen to be sold at 39c. each. All other Fancy Colored Four ply bands apd bosows, re- 50 Pairs "only, regular $1.25 Do to be cleared at 89c. a Regula $4.50 veh for $3.45. Shirts will be sold at Clearing Prices. inforced back and front. . Sold Pair. z ? Regular $5.00 and $56.50 Suits for $3.95. Regular Ee Suits for $4.95, Regular $8.00 and $8.50 Suits for $6.45. everywhere at $1.00 each. Sale price 43 Cts. Each (A limit of two shirts to each customer. ) MEN'S NECKSCARFS. All New Goods. Way's Mufflers (Sweater fronts). (All . y = Colors, Plain and Fancy), at 19c., 89c., and 59¢. each. Children's Pleated and Norfolk Suits. * Something New. Silk Fronts (made the same style as Sizes 25 to 28, $1.25, $1.63, $1.95, $2.45, $2.95 and $3.45. Way's Mufflers), suitable for Ladies or Gents, at 45c. and G5c. Regular prices for these are from $2.00 to $5.00. each. Silk and Cast S BIG CUT PRICES. Children's Fancy Suits--All Styles. ww Buster Brown, Russian Blouse, Rob Roy, and Vestee. MEN'S HOSIERY. "$3.00 and $3.25 Suits for $2.25. : Heavy All-Wool Socks at 11c. per pair. Heavy Wool (Ribbed Tops), at 15c. per pair. .00 Suits for $2.95. $1.50 and. $5.00 Suits for $3.45. All-Wool Black Socks at 19c. per pair. Regular 35¢. Socks for 23¢. per pair. $8.00 and $6.50 Suits for $4.65. SAILOR SUITS. Regular 50c. Socks for 39¢. per pair. Heavy All-Wool Working Pants, worth $1.50. Sale price 99 cents. Regular $2.00 Pants for $1.39. Regular $2.50 Pants for $1.79. Regular $3.00 and $3:50 Pants for $2.29. BOY'S SHORT, PANTS. All sizes from 22 to 34. Sale Prices--39¢c., 59¢c., and 79. 2 pair. FUR COLLARS AND FUR CAPS. 40 Only, Fur Collars, to be sold at Manufacturers' Prices. Also 50 Fur Caps. See these before you buy. Lots of Heavy Cloth Caps at 39c., 59¢.; and-69¢--- MEN'S UNDERWEAR. _ Good Clean, Sanitary Wool Fleece, and Scotch Knit Wool Shirts and Drawers, 75¢ per Suit, All other lines cut down to almost mill prices. MEN'S AND BOY'S SWEATERS. 200 Doz. Linen Co'lars Double Fold--All heights will be sold. 6 for 25 Cts. A limit of six to each customer. MEN'S FULL. DRESS SUITS. All sizes, 34 to 44. The Coats are all Silk Lined, and the fit and finish are equal to the Best Custom Tailors' Work. Will be sold at a Discount of 20 per cent. wir. NECKWEAR. New Goods for Christmas trade. 20 Dozen Four-in-hand Ties, regular 25c. each. - Sale price 11c. each. : : _ Boys' All-Woeol Sweaters, Fancy and Piain Colors, at 39¢, 25 Dozen Fancy Puffs, regular 35c. and 40c. each. Sale Er EEEEETEE---------- eh -- 59c., and Mc, 'f price 19c¢. each. : Men's-at same prices. MEN'S CARDIGAN JACKETS. A Good Heavy Jacket, regular price $1.00, for 69¢ Regular $1.50 Jackets for 99c. Regular $2.00 Jokers for $1.39.- MEN'S WORKING SHIRTS. Good Strang Workin Shirts, regular 50c. and 63c. goods. Sale price 39. teach, 5 id » Regular $1100 Shirts for 69c, each. MEN'S GLOVES AND MITTS. Heavy Wool Lined Working Mitts and Gloves, regular 50¢ All 50c. and 65c. Neckwear at 29¢. and 39¢c. each. Regular 75c. Neckwear to be sold at 49¢. . SUSPENDERS. « The Famous Police Brace for 19¢. a Pair. Good Strong Braces, sold regular at 20¢c. = Sale price 1c. per Pair, Regulat 50c. Braces for 39¢. . Silk Handkerchiefs, Wool Toques, Cuff Links, Shirt Studs, &c,, &c,, &c,, all reduced during this Sale. MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S STYLISH OVERCOATS. The cloths in our finer grades of Suits and Overcoats, were Imported direct by ourselves, for this season's trade and made to our special order. A GUARANTEE GOES WITH EVERY GARMENT. Remember there is 'no fake" about this sale. With us it is a straight business proposition. It will be the BIGGEST CLOTHING SALE EVER HELD IN KINGSTON. STORE WILL BE CLOSED ALL DAY WEDNESDAY. Remember fhis Sale Starts THURSDAY . 2 : and 60c. qualities. price 39c. a pair. . The of to-date the City t { | 3 i ice 59c. en an oo BE alae he gl 1 : Sd te. Sale pric Overcoats, sold regular at $6.00 Sale price $3.95. . R Da : , "Regular $7.00 line for $4.95. : ' | egular $1.35 fines at 89c. 3 oh i ed 2% foe Sut 3. oe $558: : . Bg All' $1.50 to $3.00 lines reduced in the same VESTS Regular yh nd | 5 90} fives for 4p + All Sales Strictly : Sash, Mo foods on approbation. Mail orders will EVEN SANUFULL DEE Se his range $15. $10. se receive our best attention. is w e a grand opportunity for Countr eh sy anew ; REDUCED ar Ee nen for 10, Merchants to replenish their stocks. g rp y y ever shawn in this City will be sold at GREATLY RED . PRICES. EY | & CO v. 1o7 PRINCESS ST. I 1 KINGSTON, ONT. THE STORE THAT SETS THE PACE. « i Sale Starts at 3 a.m. Thursday Morning b= _ TRAVELLING. RAI GIRL LL BRANCH TIME 1 1oeAL Effect Oct. 8th, 190 will leave and &rrive rei oot of Johnston _stregl, GOING WEST . ive. City Xe il... 1245 am. Ke. BU oe 2.26 a.m. « 4} Local ..... 9.15 a.m. w 1 lntern'l Ltd12.16 noon « 7Mail .. .. 3.19pm. « 15 Local ... - 7.03 p.m. GOING EAST ' Lve. City § Mai ... 1.48 am. % Li E 2.26 a.m " 16 L " oA 12.16 noon 1S « 4 Fast Esp. 1.00 p.m. « 12Local ... ... 7.03 p.m. N 2,3, and 4 run daily, Now 1.2. ily except Monday. ly except Sunday. tis aly © to Toronto, IV ; Hamilten, London Saginaw, Chicago, 4 ortiand, St pa B and ' New York. For Pu Accommodation d all ¢ information, appl a LEY, Agent. Cor. . and Outario streets. Kingston, O eee s------ sn PemBR RAILWAY IN CONNECTION WI? CANADIAN PACIFIC RAIL TRAINS LEAVE KINGST 2.89 p.uv.--Express, for Otta ne: St. Johm, N.B; Boston, Turonto, Chicago, Den trew, Sault Ste. Mane, ml Pav', Winnipeg, ~VancSuver, Portland, and San Francisco. 5 pm elocal i Sharbe ing with C.P.R. eas! oapetng --Miz=d, for Renfrew mediate points VFassongers leaving Kingston fms arrive in Ottawa at 5 boro, 512 p.m.; Toron on Posten, 7 am; St 55 m. re at K, & P. R. Ticket Office, Ontario Street Fy CONWAY, F. A. FOLGE Gen: Passe. Agent Ge Bay of Quinte Rai few short line fer Tweed, | Duerento, and all ldcal points. lave City Hall Depot at 8:35 CONWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry.. Ki EB ALLAN LINE ""**"Coxps ROYAL MAIL STEAME! From St. John From Parisian, Sat., N 5 Mon., Sitilian, Sat., D Mon. Virginian, Chris Steamer From St. John. From Tunisia Sat Dec 16 Mon HALIFAX TO LONDON AND Sarmatiar Sat, BOSTON TO GLASGOW Mongolian oh P, HANLEY, Agent. G.T. assenger Depot. . G SLEEVE, Clarence Street. © Lake Ontario and Bay of Steamboat Co., Limit STR. "ALETH levee Kingston dally except At 3 p.m., for Picton and inte Bay of Quinté Ports: Full Information from J: P: H Ps Glidersleeve, Jass Swift Agents, B BE. HORSRY. Trafic Mas Cr -- EDUCATIUNAL. - SINGING Miss Cora Louise Larke, A Fupil of Hermann Klein, Ne ite Vocal Instructress, St. M College, Toronto. Soprano © Sol enham St. Me t Address ily House, 72 F NO MISTA Is le when you decide on training in the Solilende: ma for a Business a rT 7 Cor. Barrie and Clergy ASk any of the busines§ or p ' have our graduate: hicased students ¥ our methods of ; A PRACTICAL SCHO octioters € uipment ; sompeter Day and Evening Clas Phor T. N. STOCKDA Porno we Superior ifs 5 2 Students May Fall Enter An y Time Sept. ------------------ 4 Kingston Business 6 LIMITED Head of Queen St,. Kingston - Or ANMODERN, PERMANEN' LIABLE SCHOOL. +» Established in 188 Practical, complete, thew {aatructior given all ae au Open throughout the wh : ng falior telephone for terms : Th McK MCKAY, H. F METCA Frosident, Fn -- __ MEDICAL. R. McCART HY, OFFICE treupied by Dr. Ryan, Co Teal and Brock streets. MR. WILLIAM QeSON. PIT Surceon. ete. Late. Reside al. on. Kingston Geners Bon 2 iee--232 King street aik' of Montreal. 'Phone. Snow, Beautiful § 'S Sure to come, and n the time to have your ters ang. Sleighs ren 'nd fixed up. Be sure Send them to AS. LATUR The Carriage Maker, Princess Street, where « detail will pe attende