TA ra: | WASTE. /IDONA" ' REGD. t DINNER. ACY is being demonstrated week. Wholesale Agents. HELP FOR MEN ::::": remedy Snows to ci=ne NE positively cufe Tost a jo # ns German discovered by I oan, in his a by the Dr. To bmpany, a concern oon A has the highest the medical world. This treatment has cured f men, young and old, when th best known ve failed, If you are suffering from diseases ative organs Such as lost manhood, exhaudt- nervous us deb lity, the results of abuse, this nd will you fo stay cured. The headache, pim- ele, en the back and failing memory, ompletely in the worst cases in from one 's treatment, we make the honest offer of urn yout mo jousands of testimonials, nce treated strictly. coafiden FIVE day's ent free with a hook of rules for health, diet Onr greatest successes have been those who ih other treatments. This remedy is ed in the French and German armies, and ] in these countries are models of strength »d in plain wrapper. P.O. Drawer L,, 2341, Montreal. SFR rry you this winter. Geta HEATER s the most powerful and ket. It has two air flues on m the floor and distributes rough the top of the stove. 8 hedter to you. & SONS ET. "PHONE 388. s and « 0€Ss . fit well, and look well, ympany's goods are supe ve sell them. ershoes, Men's and Wo- 's Rubbers, all made. by ber Company. > and & Bro. For Habitual and Obstinate | Constipation. | APENTA HUNGARIAN NATURAL APERIENT WATER Apenta .is taken best before breakfast. Gradually reduced | quantitics may be taken at intervals of a day or two. | FOR ANALYSES AND REPORTS | ' By Professor Althaus, London; Professor Liebreich, Berlin; Professor Pouchet, Paris; Professor Liebermann, Budapest ; and Dr. Lapponi, Physician to His Holiness, the POPE, Address: Apollinaris Agency Co., Fifth Avenue, New York. TRAVELLING. ET N IL RAILWAY SYSTEM ' LOCAL BRANCH TIME TABLE In Effect Oct. 8th, 1905. Trains will leave and arrive at City Depot, Foot of Johnston street, GOING WEST Lve, City Ko. 8 Mail ... ... 12.43 a.m. " 3 Express -... 2.26 am. " 11 Local ...... 9.153 a.m. « 1 Intern'l Ltd12.16 noon "« Hall .. .. 31 " 18local ... . 7 GOING EAST Are. City 1.15 am 3.05 a.m 9.47 a.m. 12.46 p.m 3.51 pom, 7.38 p.m, Lve. City Arr. City No. SMail ... .. l48am. 22am. 2 Fast Exp. 2 26 em. 3.05 a.m. * 16 Local ...... 8. 8.16 am, 8.47 a.m. % 6 Mail ... ..12.16 noon 12.4G p.m. " 4Fast Exp. 1.00 pm. 1.29 p.m " 12Local ... ... 7.03 p.m. 7.38 p.m Nos. 1,2, 3, and 4 run dail y. Nps. aud 8 run _ daily except Monday.- All rE trains daily except Sunday. Direct route to Toronto, Peterboro, Hamilton, Buffalo, Londom, Detroit, Chicago, Bay City, Saginaw, Montreal, Ottawa, Quebec, Portland, St. John, Halifax, Boston and New York. For Pullman Accommodation, ?ickets, and all other imformation, apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent Cor. .ichnston end Ontario streets. Kingston, Ont. KincsTON MEAL RAILWAY IN CONNECTION WITH CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. TRAINS LEAVE KINGSTON :-- oy p.ov.--~Express, for Ottawa, Mon- Quebec, St. John, N.B.;: Halifax, a] Toronto, Chicago, Denver, Ren- frew, 'Sault Ste. Marne, Duluth, St Pull Winnipeg, Vancouver, Seattle, Portiand, and San Francisco. § pm.--Local for Lake, tng with 2s 2H. east and west. m. --Miz lor Renfrew I. termediate poin nd in Passengers ei Kingston at 12:30 Pl. arrive in Ottawa at 5 3 p.m; ae, | 512 2 Jorgiita, Pu 30 ston, 7 am NB. 11:55 a y Ba, pra particulars at K. & P. and C. R. Ticket fice, Ohtaily Stree! or > BH CONWA . A. FOLC ¥ 'R, JR. Gen, In. Anod Gen. Supt Bay of Quinte Railway - Short line fer Tweed. Napanes Dueresto. and all local points. Train Maw City Hall Depot at 8:35 pm. ¥ OCNWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry.. Kiagstea. TRAY, Amt 3.0. Ry. Kamen. ALLAN LINE "VE=rogkent wpenay ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. $ John From Halifax, on., Nov, 27. Mon., Dec. 4 8 Steamer Doc. 11. Ta rom St. John. From Halifax nisian, Sat. Dec. 16 ; Mon.. Dec. 1R MALL AX TO LONDON AND HAVE armatia Sat., Dec. 9 » ROSTON TO GUASGOW ogo an Dec. 16 Pane ' Rh te NET, Agent, G.T.R. City Hp o an T Depot. J. Py; GILDER- + Clarence Street. Lake Ontario and Bay of Quinte Steamboat Co., Limited. STR. "ALETHA" gig Kingston daily except Sunday B 8 pm, for Picton and intermediate ay of Quinte Ports, Pull information from J. P. Hanley, J, Pe ange raleeve, J " Arte, ass Swit & Co. nn HORSRY. Trafic Mapagers | 1 ---- 'Bick Headache and relievoall the troubies incl dent to a bilious state of tho system, such as' _ Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after Sting; Pu Pain in the Side, &c. While their most remarkable success has boen shown in curing SICK 'Beadache, yet Carter's Little Liver Pills ave equally cI ly curing and pre- venting. EE complaint, while they aise of ostomach atimuisie ha bowels. 'Even if they only "HEAD fiche they would boalmoat priceless to those who suffer from this distressing complaint; but fortu ately their goodness does notend hore and thoss who once try them will find these little pills valu. able in somany ways that they will not be i "og todo A them, H IE allsick _A CH IE Yeaaie ous great oust. Thurs rere tite Liver Pills aro very small and 'wery easy to tako. One or two pills a doe. They arestrictly vegotable and do not gripe or puree, but by their gentle action please all wha them. Th vialast 25cents; five for $1. Sold Jy druggists everywhere, or sent by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York, Smal Al Smell Doe. Emall Prien Very important it is ta 1 to have a clear cool be STRONG a strong heart steady nerves. HEART Too much rush and bustle, work and worry, AND fall to the lot of the his heart and nerve STEADY syalem will not stand it he gives them too NERVES : much work to do, Women also are doing hold duties and looking after their social obligations. 'he constant strain under which they have to continue day in and dey out, the irregularities of habits and loss of rest will soon shatter the strongest wasting at the least sudden sound, the heart flutters and palpitates, specks float before the eyes, the pulse becomes weak and irregular, you have faint and dizzy spells, lack of self-confidence, rush of blood ness of breath, starting in sleep, sensation of pins and needles, sleeplessness, restless- ness and finally physical breakdown or nervous prostration. RT aro the remedy you require to restore your strength and health. Their extraordinary curative powet manifests itself immediately they are taken. Through the medium of the nervous system they impart a strength- organ and tissue of the body. Many have yeen cured, among them being 2 Mr. Ray V. Coomier, Wellington, P.E i Mrs. E. Kilmer, Humberstone, Ont., Mrs. C. Me- Donald, Portage la Prairie, Man., Mr. Owen Martin, Alma, N.B. and thousands thebs. Of re Hos of Milburn's Hest and Nerve Pills is 50 cts. per box or 3 boxes for $1.25. Can tw ER at all ER general stores, or A this age of competition average business man-- tho same thing attending to their house- system. Before long yon hecome nervous, to the head, irritability of temper, short- AND NERVE PILLS ening and restorative influence to every Walter Cleveland, Bayswater, N.S., Mrs. be sent u Sure recelph on by- The T. Milbura ---- Rince low prices of Fancy Combined wit present \ display 8 very attractive h i . " Nis week in Fancy Tables our Christmas Trade lasers get the cheice JAMES REID The Leading Undertaker. 147, MEN AND WOMEN. Use Big @ for unnatural discharg: s,inflammations, irritations or ulcerations Com, alates, and nok serie Preven Coutaglon. less, and not ast: EVANSCHEMICALCO. gent or poison GINCINRATLC. Sela by or sent in Bais w reps, by a rees, 3 Sather Bl 15, requeat. ae st on EASY MONEY AT HOME ralsing canaries, re profitable than chickens. an indoors. faung caries, Mew pruttan ung singers ones you intorested ae hekly J send COTTAM birD B K (thousands sold ) aad wo cakes BIRD BREAD 10 CENTS, an, v8 CHICK BS. showing 'with canaries. all for op oelamps or coin. Aen CoTT AM BIRD SEED, ,, $€., Londen, Out. Plumbing ana Heating Hot Water Heating a Specialty. stion of work fmvited. Estimates w cheerfully given. I have nome but guarantee you fst DAVID HALL Brock Street. 'Phone 335. TEACHER OF CHINA PAINTING WATER-COLORS AND OILS, CHINA revelation kiln to fire, Materials for China Painters sold. China mended to stand boiling water. Your patrondge best plumbers and ass work, solicited. Miss M, M, Brarhy, 39 Well ington street, + wretch awaiting the hangman, moved t Amelia Bingham as Nancy, comedy, ___ THE DAILY WHIG, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 22, NEW YORK THEATRES | some FINE PL PLAYS . BEING PRODUCED. 'Oliver Twist" at Proctor's -- Blanche Bates Opens Belesco's --Sothern, Marlowe and Man- . tell Conspicuous. Ne ow York, Nov, 20,--With New York all agog with the entertainment of Prince Louis of Battenberg, the Am- { | production of "Oliver 1wist," as acted by Beerbohm 'Iree in Lon- |: comes. to I'roctor"s theatre ata most auspicious time. To may in the aucicace, the presentation made me feel'as if he were visiting a portrait galery of people whom he had learned to love afd for whom he had a feel mg of old-time camraderic. Mr. Dod- son as Ragin provided the audience with a considerable number of thrills and in the prison scene of the last act Li: horribly human picture of the evirvone by its realism. seemed to be just such a woman as Dickens had so truly pictured her. At the Knickerbocker, E. ern and Miss Julia Marlowe gave a magnificent revival of Shakespeare' s 'Twelith Night." As Viola, Marlowe proved herself quite at in the part which is regarded by her admirers as her greatest Shake 'spearean characterization, She Llended the comedy of the part with its scntiment in a most delightful way and: in her «dainty boy's dress made a graceful, happy 'youth. Mr. Sothern as Malvolio, gave an intelli nt interpretation to the part. The scene in which he finds the supposed letter of Olivia, was capitally played, and the meeting with his mistress which followed kept the house in roars of laughter. gruesome H. Soth- Miss home . Robert Mantell presented at the Garden Theatre, for the first time in New York, his interpretation of Shakespeare's poetic beth." He gave a fine delineation of the good and bad, the strength and weakness in the character of thé man who was swayed by the strong mind of his ambitious spouse. The conflict: ing emotions that swa; the Seot were sharply outlined and the telling lines and forceful situations brought out with great skil. elasco's Theatre opened up Tuesday evening, with Blanche Beates in the title of David Belasco's latest play "1 he Girl of the Golden West." The story is that oi the mining camps of our west in the old days of 1849. It tells of "The Girl," as the untam- ed child of California is' known, who runs the Polka saloon amidst the un- couth men and a solitary Indian girl. She is loved by everybody, miners and gamblers alike, and especially by Jack Raneem the sherifi of the county. Ramerez, a young highwayman, sus pected of holding up the Wells Fargo Express secks shelter at her place pur- sued by a posse of vigilantes. She recognizes him as one, who once did her a favour, and hides him from his pursuers. He goes away when danger is passed, and afterwards proves to her his innocence of the robbery and professes his reformation The play closes with a most tender scene in which love unites the two with the rough characters of the camp joining tragedy, in the felicitations. It makes a strong drama full of real life, faithfully pic- tured and truthfully told. It is a play full of paths and appeal and without doubt will prove a worthy successor to "The Darling of the Gods." The magnificent hubble about the New National Theatre for which Herr Conried was to stand sponsor, seems about' ready to burst. 'That this will be sad news to those dreamers of the "Drayma or "drama," whose knowlege of dramatic art was gain ed through an extended course as a heroic Hamlet or a sylph-like Portia, goes without saying. All ready the mail of the editoridl writer is pile high with the effusions of these apos tles of the stage in commendation of the project. When it is considered that three leading American drama tists of the day, Augustus Thomas, Clyde Fitch and George Ade, each have a failure. chalked up against their credits with the season only just begun, it is evident that the prospects for unknown and unexperienced dram atists--of --seving the production o their plays attempted, are very, very slim. Judging from the present stag of the dramatic market. Herr ried would have 'to turn dramatis: himself or invent a play writing ma chine to keep his stage hands during the cold winter from carrying hom the scenery for firewood. New York is anxiously awaiting the coming of Willic Collur. There is : trepidation on Broadway, lest Willi appear with a monocle and a "Bah Jove" accent for reports from Lon don indicate that not only did the American comedian win over the hostile English critics by bis clever humor, but that he was called inte the royal box, and there personally commended by King Edward for hi: excellent performance. One thing is certain, his success has not turned hi head. This reminds me of the story that went the rounds last season when a certain young star was mak ing a sensation, as the successful pro ducer of the works of a certain eccen tric comedian. "My only regret," he confided one evening to a party of friends with whom he was Mining, "he that next season.' 1 shall 'not have r large enough theatre in which 1 produce my plays." "Cap't you secur the Hivpodrome *' a demure young Con lady ventured to ask--"'Oh no ¥' re plied the ecaleinm objective, "1 under stand that you cannot secure it for | "Places for 9 Teachers" (ome cent PER womo.) 2 and Schoo! Boards that wants com petent teachers--are dail brought together y through the classified columns of "The Globe" Toronto. 'papers.' A POPULAR LAMENT. Where Would Society Be if One Was Judged for the Sins of Others ? : "0s I tried one of those hair tonics some time ago and it never did me'a bit of good." That's what many people are saving to-day when they "tefuse Herpicide a trial. It would be as sensible to say "1 never travel on a 'railroad because 1 | often see collisions mentioned in. the | Newbro's Herpicide is specially made to de y the germ. that is living on the roots of your hair. That is why it is so exceedingly efficacious--it is there for the sole pur- pose of ridding the hair of this para- sitic growth, after which the hair grows as nature intended, Sold by 'leading druggists. Send 10c. in stamps for sample to the Her picide Co., Detroit, Mich. G. W. Ma- hood, special agent. 70 SELL OUTSIDE OF YOUR i to Match. --ik. HAVE YOU ANYTHING DOWN AT GANANOQUE. Defeated By One Vote--Milk Now Six Cents a Quart. ' Gananbgue, = Nov. 21. ~The © mass meeting in the town hall last night, was largely attended by the electors of Gananoque. Mayor Sheppard open. ed the: meeting by reading" the pro glatation and requisition of the rate payers. Henry Gracey was called to the a and filled it in an able and impartial manner. A resolution was laid on thé table, moved -and sec onded in proper form, that the elec tors were dissatisfied with the action of the town council, in refusing to permit the electors to vote on the local option by-law. A vigorous dis cussion was engaged in. Messrs, W. XY. Boyd, and W. B. Carroll, defending the council's action, and GQ. Cooke, Frank Wright, and Joseph Megs! spoke in opposition. A Wte was tak en on the resolution which was de clared lost by a majority of one vote, Mr. and Mrs, J. C. Shortell have returned to Gananoque ands purpose going into business again. The milk dealers have ° raised the price to six cents a quart during the past week. The latest report is that a petition will be presented to the town council requesting them to ap- point a milk inspector, and render it necessary that the dealers must have a license to sell. The town council meets to-night, and it has not vet been decided whe ther the temperance people will pre sent their petition to augment the former. one, or leave it over for an- other meeting. The people of Ganan- oque are red-hot on the question FASHION'S FORM. Russian Blouse Coat and Leggings SINS AND YOUR TROUBLES? COME TO WM. KURRAY, The Sudtivoer The Great Satish 2 i ore of I Weakness, tal ri « ASD Aves Brad ii Excess, all of any consideration,' --" "Then engage Madison © Square ventured the demure one. answered the brilliant artist, with "a depreciating gesture, "that would be too large. The audience would not be abl: to hear a word 1 said upon the stage." not thinking of audi ence said the demure one, as if. she f. gretted being so misunderstood, "1 was only calculating on the size of your head." Henry Dixey a_remackalle Square Theatre in Box," added programme, tween the: two, an excellent and versatile actor he is. His comedy is of the genuine sort and in his interpretation of the part was periection itscli. Without a doubt his graceful performance and true comedy spirit ranks on a par Garden," --l was run. at the 'The Man and the "David Garrick" to his and by the contrast be- of the part "The White Cat," at the New An. sterdam" is doing her" Shire towards keeping New Yorkers © awake and threatens to play in our back yard all winter. There ment througheut--the evening & jer formance, Never before have suck beautifal pictures and spectacles been seen One's breath is is not a dull no in this country taken away by the and with manners about as hittenish as a truck harse hitched 10 a haby carriage, Mine Kalich has improved her al ring climax when, spent by the vain effort to overcome the blind prejudic s of her hushand, she rengunces him in. her heart, and with magnificent womanly courage, turns to the love f her barbarian, seeretly planning to save him from her husband's ven reance, and flee with him, lectrifies her audience ation of her emotional power. The murmuring of the soldiers, the bus tle of arms, and thé sound of distant fighting are realized with great skill and aided by the splendor of the costumes and the beauty of the seen- ory a result is produced for imaging tive and atmospheric realism has ney ville line are now branching out as originators and have already six com- panies on the road, who are present ing everything from melodrama . to knockabout farces. It was under their management that the famous Wil liams & Walker made their great hit in England last «rasomy Dave Warficld contintes {o pack the Rijon where he so truthfully portrays the humorous vet sad experiences of the once famous European violinist as a fiddler in an East Side "goilash" restaurant, or Joseph St. Dennis, » near, whose home "is Place, was killed in the ldeomotive en- at Carleton C.P.R.- yard | at Smith's Falls, why not | "Lord, no!" | who has been enjoying | Madison served "to show what | with | Sir "Charles Wyndham's inte rpretation | magnificent | jorgeousness and splendor of" every Robert Johnson, Jr. Bostan. oh feature, The comic hit of the piven is] "0 "fre state legislator and rail Methuseline, the veteran fate. ihe | road president, has been sentenced to Ses » a nh ii rR out | the Concord Reformatory for an in airy, with a very asculine voice | ready excellent performance. at the Manhattan of Macterlincks master- | piece "Monna Vanna." In the stir she simply | with the revel | er been equalled on the American | stage. Hurtig & Secamons not to be out- done by their rivals in the vaude- | i | | | | This essentially smart little garment will make a comfortable and stylish coat for the smal wirt up to eight years old. The model is in white cor- duroy, with handsome ivory buttons. There is a fancy yoke across the | shoulders, the coat showing the broad i box pleats familiar in this design, and the fastening is arranged as usual The box pleats are stitched underneath and pressed flat throughout. * The sleeve is the usual full puff, with a smart turnover cuff at the wrist. The belt is shaped to the of the hips, the princess hair | down the left side. { | | interlining giving it a graceful i 1 | | curve curve. The leggings are seamed to shape in the front and back, fasten ing on the outer side with ivory ball | buttons. Cure Kidneys Early. All serious kidney ills Mare slight ones in the beginning. Any case of diabetes, Bright's discase, éte., can | | 1 | : ; s | easily be avoided if the ier signs {.of kidney disorder are heeded, Peck's | Kidney Pills cure all ordinary kidney | or bladder troubles and restore these organs to complete vigor and activi ty. In boxes, 25¢. For\sale only at Wade's Drug Store, Money back if not | satisfactory, | { There is strife between the high and | low church partits in the Anglican diocese of Milwaukee, Wis, over the | tle tion of a coadjutor to Bishop Nicholson-- Fhe name of Rev Frank T Dumcuiin; now of Chicago, and m { of the Bishop of Wiagara, is men | tioned for the office) | William Swain, piaho tuner. Orders received at McAuley's book store. definite term after pleading guilty to i pn indictment charging burglary | Sullen, Discontented, Morose, Low Spirited {| Brace Up, Vitalize Nerves and Blood With FERROZONE ! The Effect is Instant. Your appetite is gone! | What httie you eat brings uo satis- | faction. You' getting blue and melancholy can't rest or sleep. Nervous prostration is in the face. Your unstrung berves can only be nourished back to health by a nerve tofic. like Ferrozone. If clires weak. | ness of the inner nerves, gives vitality and strength to the blood and ner- vous systeth, make all the organs work in harmony. The following experience of Mrs. D. P. Courtland, of Myrtle, proves the prompt action of Ferrozone, "l had no nerve strength, "My appetite was poor and my sys- tem was out of order. : "I felt weak and dispirited, was tired out the whole day long. ! "'Ferrozone accomplished wonders, "It gave mw» a strong nervous svs- tem, a good appetite, and abundance of - health." | Ferrozone staring vou contains concentrated nourishment vou can't get in any | other way.; No other medicine bene- quickly. 50c, per box or ix boxes for 22.50, at all dealers in fits wer PAGE seve, When You have Br ¢ 'Bad Breath | : Castor Oil, or **Physic'" will help fo - slide out one load of trouble, but they can't help the Cause. A sien Re In' fact, they weaken the Bowel Muscles more than ever by them, and by doing work for: them which they should do for themselves. When your Arm-Muscles grow flabby they need Exercise, to strengthen ' --nota sling to support them. } When your Bowel-Muscles grow flab Then carry the little tengoent "Vest Pocket'" box constantly with you, and take a Cascaret whenever you suspedt you need it, One Cascaret at a fime will promptly cleanse a foul Breath, or Coated Tongue, thus proving clearly its ready, steady, HAT'S the time to take a Cas- caret. : --When your tongue is coated, --When you have Heartburn, Belching, Acid Risings in throat, ~--When Pimples begin to peep out, --When your Stomach Gnaws or Burns, Tae time to check coming Con~ sure, but mild and effective action. stipation, Indigestion and «= a 'One single Candy Cascaret will do it if t taken at Te minute, just when you A thousand dollars a year spent in first feel the need of it. amusements could not buy for you half TA "Cascaret in time la worth nine' 80 much hearty Happiness, solid Comfort, laser on. - Cheerful Tamper and Health Insurance : as that little ten-cent ""Vest Pocket' Box of Cascarets will bring you, = ° 3 All Druggists sell them--over ten mil lion boxes a year, for six yeafs past. Be very careful to get the genuine, made only by the DE rariy and never sold in bulk. Every a Cascarets don't Purge, nor Weaken, out the Bowels, like Salts, Castor Oil, "Physics." But, -- they act like Exercise on the Musbles that shrigk and expand the In- sarmped "cee." testines, thus pushing the Food on Natur- A sample and the famous booket, ally to its Finish. "Curse of Constipation," Free for the ask~ When the Bowel Muscles grow flabby ing. Address Sterling Remedy Company. weak, or lazy from want of Exercise, the Chicago or New York. ne = heir coal , Ge less Fovble and Groler satisfaction thon any dther range onthe market PONT NESITATE -- Mroornemat The Gurney: Tilden Company . Manutacturers flamitton Winnipeg Toronto Vancouver Montreal Personal guarantee as well as (hat of the makers goes with avery stove We have Boutenir Ranges 00 S.J. HORSEY - - TRIMMED MILLINERY At exceptionally moderate prices.. Some exclusive New York models. Also ideas of our own skilled de- To be seen on second floor. 'Kingston, Ont. signers. Storm Veilings Fancy Ribbons be | Jn Hot Water Is a good place to put cold feet, but when a man wants warm, dry feet without this trouble, the place $080S COOVECDE® EF OLLEOTE = ssonssssssveres to put them is inside a pair of > atsrproet Shoes With storm calf uppers. Viscolized Soles make will all around. e $5 a Pair. BABBITT SPECIALISTS. The most popular shoe for winter is a shoe as near waterproof as it is possible to make 3 McDERMOTTS SHOE STORE : saet 000000000000000000 0000 e Write for "All Abuvut Babbitts." L222 | wwlicine, Royal "Viseolized Soles" | : them. Try a pair and there'll be harmony. and good co 000005 @EOC0O0ES 9 ewseor THE CANADA METAL CO. Toronto, Ont | PHEPE ELLE LLRIPL0EE LENS