THE DAILY ° ular Coat this winter, g and comfortable s, Fancy Tweeds, e Wide cut Ma. etc, OR GOLD WEATHER or comfort, sir, here's your tit. 50, $13.50, ND $15. BIBBY CO, Wear Store. PY HOM rae rr = Pp : THOUSANDS IN USE Reliable - Perfect Economical T BROS " 'Phone 35, FT -- | FOR SALE. IANOS, an second street. ORG Sewing hand, Joseph ds HE ROTHWELL FARM, LOT 38, 1ST Concession, Frnesttc the Bath road 3 miles West containing about a splendid dairy far with 'shade groves and other buildings large brick residence in order, also a cottage the road. At the rear containing a large qua and other markable t wood. To wind up property will be sold first class ply to R. Easton | Re stroet, Kingston, or to 'l o - field, next farm to the West of Lot. 8K THE FRONTENAC LOAN '& INVESTMENT SOCIETY. (ESTABLISHED 1863. President--Sir Richard Cartwiight Money loaned on ( } ties. Municipal and ures. Mortgages i received and interest a i S. C. McGill, Managing Office, 97 Clare t AN 'OLD SAYING Showing How Cause and Efest Are Never Far Rem It an savin Where WU i honey ther bees 1 one which seience cently, "Where the germs. --and still further there's dandruff cur cide has been at wor The reason of Her as a genuine curg for the fact that it attacks an® (v8 the root of the whole tro sitic gorm which feed terial which nourish * Other so-callell ren rected at this trne cfu case. Accept no substitule Sold le sading 1 10e. in Herpicide Mahood, is old to niay pus 1 Ne k { we y bro's Herp dandreul by sia A story was told to trates hy a respectahly & rable-looking dame, whi «he eighty seven and hat ps was cighty-two, while 0 was ninety any thing. the guardians, explained, it was not suf ii ta rent was 3s. 2d. per week, mi" five only had left 10d. a week upon. : Vid Mother, put the kettle on, the boys are on the way, Comin' home from all about to spend Thanksgivin' day. One a judge, and one a doc., and one a The Buk of Montreal last night, when Miss oly daughter of Mr. erick Mackenzie was en fete, Portia, the and Mrs, Red- made her entrance in- and always shows taste in their night she downstairs, the most artistie arfangement, and last excelledf herself. Upstairs, everywhere, chrysanthe- day, go and a player who play gotten in the visions he calls up, but to! society. The afiair was a large and he is also p very plehsant man to most enjoyable 'one, the very young meet, Very quiet and unassuming, he people and their elders, out for sey- has a reserve fund of information, and eral seasons, being asked to join in he is pleasantly willing to meet the the 'welcome to the young debutante. | PCF - by the way on the level of Mrs, Mackenzie is a great flower Jover, | "OMMON interests. . has been spending a town with Mrs. Betas is a daughter of Captain ond Mrs. Merrett; William street. , ame Mrs, Winthrop Sears will receive iat "Heathfield," on the first and fourth Wednesdays of the month in future. . . . v Mr. Rubin Goldmark leaves, to- for Ottawa, and from there will to Montreal. Winnipeg has secured for February. Mr: Goldmark - him only a most intere: not that his perfection of Mrs. Barrett, McRossie) who short time in Fife Fowler, and Mrs (nee THE COMMITTEES OF THE DIOCESE OF ONTAR- pt ¥ 10 IN SESSION. The Report of thé Executive Body--Things Are in Satis- factory Shape--Subscriptions Coming in For Archbishop's Memorial. The executive committee of Oifurio diocese met on 'I hursday inorning to recive reports of the committees which had veen in session on the two previcus days. The diocese is in a pros- perous and contented state, and there was httle comparatively to be done but receive statements of financial af- fairs, Rural Dean Dobbs, chairman, report 3. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23. a dazed condition on the line. BRITISH HANGMAN DEAD. Was Barber. by by Trade, But Liked Other Profession. William Billington, the British pul lic executioner, died on October 25th, al Copull, Chorley, Lancashire, in his thirtieth year. He was a barber by trade, and suc: ceeded his father in the office of hangman, rather more than two years ago. } 4 Billington often said that he liked his gruesome work, and could hang a man without the slightest fear. He for merly resided at Bolton, where he and his brotheg kept a barber's shop, but a few months ago he went to Coppull for the benefit of his health. Dropsy was the cause of his death. During his career he hanged many notorious criminals, including Dougal, the Mont Farm murderer, and Ed. wards, who killed the Darby family at Leytonstone. After the execution of Edwards, lington had a curious adventure. He caught a train from St. Pancras for Bolton,.and at Luton he was found in He ex plained that he was attacked in' the train by men, who threw him against the door, which flew open, and he either fell or was thrown out. The railway officials, however, credited the story, and bel Billington . woke up in a dazed econdi- tion,- and, thinking the train-wa# fen. tering the station, opened the door incautiously and fell on the line. Bil- The Garden Of Canada. The waters of "St. Catharines Well" are of the mineral saline order and o great specific for rheumatism, gout, neuralgia, or a splendid tonic for those affected with nervous prostra- tion. The use of the waters is accom panied by massage, electricity, otc. given by skilled attendants. Situated on the southern slope of Lake Ontario the climatic conditions and environ- ment are excellent for recuperating. This region is known as the "Garden of Canada," .and a happy hunting ground for health or pleasure scokers Guard against the ills of modern life by visiting these famous springs. For further particulars apply to P. Bell, GP. &i A., Grand Trunk railway system, Nonna Cuban Record Disposed Of. Washington, D.CC., Nov, 23.--After having carefully stored for years the official records of the occupation of Cuba, and having paid $600 a year for such storage the government to- day turned over the entire mass of documents to the waste paper man From those records many costly, if not valuable, volumes have heen com- piled and printed at public, axpense, and the general opinion was that the original records 'were worthy of pre servation. If for nothing more, they would be valuable in that they pre sent the same facts regarding Gen, Leonard Wood's expensive regime in that island. According to the results of the congressional investigation, that regime was also worth all it cost, ---------- Owing to constantly living in canoes, a race of dwarfs in Britigh New Guinea are losing the use of their loge, while their 'chests and arms are abnormally developed. Woman's Need At the Critical Periods of Her Life and How it is Best Sup- plied By DR. CHASE'S NERVE FOOD. We are sometimes as wed why Dr. Chase's Nerve Food is so successful in curing the ailments peculiar to women and this is the explanation: The feminine organism is a regular network of nerves, and consequently requires an enormous quantity of rich, nourishing blood. At the critical dawn of womanhood, times such as the the child-bearing and nursing age and the change of life, nerve force is consumed at a tre mendons rate, The blood is drawn away from other parts of the body, and the result neural pains and aches, failure the digestive "system, and a run down condition of the body generally. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food supplies ex actly what needed times--the very elements from rich blood and vital nerve force wiade. Women who and irregularities, and distressing headaches, wornout feelings, digestion, will be surprised at benefits obtained from the use of the great food eure of Br. Chase, % Mrs. Charles 2 Keeling, Sr. Sound, Ont., writes: "It is a pleasure tell what benefit 1 have derived Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. fifty-five years old five vears my life was suffering from and 'extreme physical ex iG 18 most sufier from 10 from about about great weakness haustion. flushes would pass from feet to bead. mily physician and two other doctors, but they told me that about my time of life 1 was likely to Be troublec that. way. | | continually grew worse and despair Chase's Nerve Food came tice and a% we have Dr. ceipt book I have confidence and for one I consulted my fa to my in the 1 bought three more. right up and made and young again, received from the first box that They built me testimonial will be of help to som wenk nervous women suffering as did," i 1t is well worth your. while to Dr. pu # d, while th of being revitalized and the form rovnd of at these which are weakness from painful periods froin tired, and the disorders of the Owen I am of Nervousness, I could not sleep and hot! through my body d of ever being eured. Dr. no- Chase's re. doctor. 1 was so surprised at the help 1 me feel healthy They have proven a great blessing to me and 1 hope this Chase's Nerve Food to the test, ood and nerves are ' Winter vr Millinery i A BEAUTIFUL line-of win- ! ter hats, all in the ery. tat # est effects, i i and fine beaver 1 and velvet creations, at prices. {i SPENCE'S, i °0e- TORTOISE--FOR COAL. THs IS THE STOVE tha *& so much about. It is not a vs Hoar at, but it is truly a wonderful stove, Itis what is called a Slow Combustion Heater. Itis lined from top to bottom with fire brick, and has no grates to burn out, The fire burns right on the brick bottom, and it consumes its own ashes 'and clinkers, = Those who use the TORTOISE, and there are thousands of them in service, claim that it is a tremendous heater and that it will do the work with half the , ud ' required by any other stove, and at it quires very little attention : ' made in four sizes. We have them rs eee MADE-TO-ORDER PERSIAN LAMB JASKETS Select Your Skins Quality, Style and Fit - Unequalled. McKay Fur House Brock Street. le FINANCE AND pi G. A. BATEMAN INSURANCE BROKER ALL KINDS OF FIRE INSUR- ANCE AT LOWEST RATES, DISTRICT AGENT SUN LIFE ASSUR- ANCE COMPANY OF CANADA. 61 CLARENCE STREET? KINGSTON. 0-000 000000000000 t ed ont, note your increase in weight, of the blood-forming value of thi great medicine. Ble. a box, at dealers, or ¥dmanson, Bates & Co. Toronto, Portrait and signature Dr. A. W. Chase, the famous receip e : 3 A. W. Richards of " ed for gemeral mission committee th millionaire, mums and smilax decked thé house, } i 1iimare Sh deem, er Yoday oe £3,105, oe been aid if § ut - But hungry for the old home kiss, and from the small bushy clusters; to the Rov Dr B Ee ily TuShant I apportionment, with po " RE oe, . i P . Darrett, wi day a visit to ' 2 on lain old homely fare. arge, full heads of the giants of | jc: : 4 5 4 3 BE oe turkey once again, and crisp his their race. Pink, white and glowing Kingston Hexy summer, and 1,718 réquired by December 15th. golden brown, gold, their's colors showing off gaily Mr. Frank Worrell will shortly leave] Ihe Japanese missionaries of the Bet they can't get grub like that a-livin' | against "the "smilax mingled with the Standard Bank, and join the staff | church had addressed eighty-four meet down to town. them, made ihe house a bower i of the Halifax branch of the Bank of | ings; seventy-three were by Rev. G. » se ay Of , : i. 3: R sleve Cramb'ry sass and veg'tables --- ain't they | fioral beauty. Commerce. While this is a cause of | E. Ry Engh, wd eleven by Rev, Arth- fine to see ? Mr. and Mrs. Mackenss. with: theic at regret to all his Kingston ur Lea. For the increased demands for Our boys are bringing appetites home to young daughter, yeteived in the morn friends, it-is one of much congratula 1904, apportionment was made Ly nd me. . hdc : tion' for the Bishop of Nova Seotia, | deaneries : you & Sringin® other thi put | Ing room, which was simply a mass IM 9 v } 1 a . bet or tin at er things, BUt | of white chrysanthemums, and receiv: thei : - . are Cr who will have 1905 1908 cares : : heir only®son with them again Fp ing with them w "0 i ; 2 . Frontenac $1315 t 1,475 Is love for us who keep the home, and faith | y: ! hi n were Mrs. Mattice, and «eww Grenville Sis londis \ iss Jac} Unfor tungtely Master ; : 4 i and appetite John Mackenzie, who had intended t Miss Edna Lockett, who went_down, Jinelings boos Mother, put the kettle on, and have the ! i Otto Montreal, on "the football exeur. | }S59% 1.430 to 1,600 water hot, come down from Trinity School, ta i x " ted 1 h i k Lennox and Addington 500 to 675 CHASE & SANBORN'S coffee is the stuff join the house party, was prevented, or ig Sarna fortnight" ii Tre ig Sw at the last ® ; » bi X S Yisy that hits the gpot, id wh i Shy: Ja mom i, by sy outbreak Dr. Bromley, who has heen spending " Gracious, pnt) it splendid when you open Ls = po in 3 16 = ou i a fow ave in Pembroke 'with = his The diocesan mission boerd report up that tin, 6 jairihatrec debutante, © Miss loins will be back in Kings ed cheerily upon the results of Re rtE Fl ave tii ; 8, ack in Kingston to- ¥ 0 BY, Bests the scouts si Ataby!: lemme suits Partie. locked Tver JS ter and more | 1 orvow, for the final. year" "At Home" {J W. W. Burton's work as missioner. ag'i demu an ever In her coming-out} + Oyeen's He will be the gues t | Since May he had canvassed six par- i i ol Gi SE Soming oli Jat-Q 5. ° » guest of | 8 May he s six par Be 'smell it from tho hill, and how | out frock of white pointe d'esprit, | \iy © and® Mrs. Merrick, Wellington |.ithes. The results for clerical sti they'll hurry up, over white satin, veiled. in chiffon, street 7 pends, for a term of years or per Shake from dad --a kiss from Ma, and | with frills trimmed with white satin | (anon Muckleston returneds vester- | petual, were : ny ! then a brimming cup. baby ribbon. The bodice was orna- | day to Perth neds yester- | | , : mented with pearls. A large bouquet M 3 d Subscribed. Increase : : Mrs. Stratford Dawson returned, | Newhor al iden-hair » | Newhoro $508 of whity rosebuds and maiden hair vesterday, to Montreal. Lansdowne Front 75 -- fern, tied with a large how of white a a Aurusta 343 satin ribbon. made up the lovely M : 0 Marmora 154 ® Ing rs. John Macdonald and Miss Ncr- : " y nse . nah pick kinzic® : ial ] Os nd Zealawd 122 semble Mrs. Roderick Mackenzie's | «q] Macdonald, University avenue, Uso an gown was of mauve eolienne and Bat- | |.it on Wednesday afternoon on a The two last stations are only part tenberg lave, and her bouquet, a | visit to friends in Boston. . ~ Sharbot Lake mniission. For the asutiinl one of mauve ore hide. ext Mrs. A. C. Mackay and little daugh--{ mission fund results were : dy ma s "Ui er Sse. ; = 3 at ter, of Renfrew, are" in the city the Subkeribod. Jucrease I Wl ul -~ roth wore effective | iyests of Mrs. J. G. Elliott, Univer | Newboro 121 of C8 y e K M u : " * i : tv. avenue. Lansdowne Front 13 Linen was stretched in the wide, | Miss H. R., Mowat is registerec St. Thomas', Belle- 1 Hawirzs ; : ] at ville 746 415 ong drawing-room, which is- so well} the Canadian high commissioner's of- Augusta 86 50 adapted for a ball, and linen. also | fice in London, Eng. Mepora 116 56 covered the.floor of the library, where The Misses Merrick, of Ottawa, en- | O80 and: Zealand 60 33 the Opera House orchestra was stati- }iértained on Tuesday night at bridge It was also shown, as proof of the oned.- The musie was simply perfect, | in honor of Dr. Conway Cartwright. e of the riptions when col ; : . ; 3 g value of the subscription hen Co again and again encores were given, Mr. Winston Churchill, the celebra- §lections were properly made and and words of praise for the capital | ted writer. whose play is to be pro- | parishes well served, that in five music uttered: I'he dining room and | duced at the Grand to-night, is ex- parishes of Lesl€ deanery, in the se hallways . were given up to sitting-out § pected to atfend its presentation. cond vear. $893 had been collected out places, most cosily constructed, and . . { subseribed. A loss of ten supper was laid at small tables, inthe } Captain Edouard Panet, who has J per cent., by deaths and removals, is office of the bank below. Hour after § completely recovered from his acci- § cpleulated upon. As Mr. Burton hour passed by, and still the" voung § dent, will return to Kingston next § found it dificult' to live on his salary people never thought of home, The ca- § week and pay travelling expenses these dets of the senior year, had got late Major and Mrs. V Eaton, of Ot J were allowed him, but not in excess + passes, and their scarlet and gold add- | tawa. are in town for a day or 80, to § oi $150 per year. An animated dis ed brightness to the gay scene, The § get their furniture. cussion took place upon the state of wee combined with low prices pirls, for the most part in pretty new Mr. F. B. Fraser, of McGill, came | missions in North Hastings. Two are ! present display of Fancy | frocks, looked fresh and bright and J up from Montreal for Mrs. Roderick § vacant and ome i almost to%he vaca- Tables very attractive. lovely, as our Kingston girls always Mackenzie's dance ted. Ministers offer almost weekly for look, and all combined to make the Mrs. Mowat returned tol town, to- f town parishes, 'but decline country Specials this wéek in Fancy Tables little _debutante's, entrance to so- §day, and will go to Miss Lillian § work. The committee is willing to Ww i «ity a very happy one indeed. The Mowe, at the residence. : liberally sustain'missionaries, but the e are in_our Christmas Trade. married, people present: were Major and Mrs. Campbell - Strange will return § bishop explainedsthat it was not a E Mrs. Lafferty, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. C. to town to-motrow matter of stipenl but lack of the Jarl irchasers get the choice Almon. - andi Mr. and Mrs: Francis ; - rin : right spirit in young men choosing Hill Macnee. It is safe to say that for Mis¢ Saunders (will arrive in town | the ministry. Canon Grout recalled JAMES REID a long day, Miss Portia' Mac. J to-morrow and will .he with - Miss | how the old men of the cloth to-day < coming-out ball will be spok- | Macmorine at St. James' rectory. ad spiritedly undertaken hard mis The Leading Undertaker. en of -as the nicest thing those pres Miss Marion Calvin has been having J sion work, and set an example not ' ent had been at for a very long time} ? rv. gay visit in Hamilton. Last } renerally followed now. Phone 147. indeed: ' veek she was a guest at the coming The most important stepé®di the ses emeteeim------. . ss = out dance given by Mr. and Mrs. Gib- | sions was reported by the special com Cook's Cotton Root Soapound Ir Ww J. Chapman, Colborne jon for their daughter, Miss Meta, § mittee upon Canon Jarvis' motion, The only safe effectual monthly | stro gave a most eniovable tea, and © A JONE of Dresden mousse- to unite diocesan' and domestic and medicine on which women cab | yosterday. for about thirty of er fie. Se a och. her hostess, also { foreign missions in one mission fund. Ee, SO tt yo Ry married Trent Fhe decorations of ave a large lea lor her, and she has | | hey almost unanimously affirmed the cases, §1 per box; No. 2,10 de. the rooms ere entirely in pink. single en a guest at-many-smatler func. principle, the desire. being to have grees stronger for Specia hrysanthemums being on each tons only one mission collection, in place « or 1 Sold gf | pink chrysanthemum, go a * + a 8 3 5 plac iin) 3 por for Cook' oCot- | of the small tables, at which tea 'At I i cf several now. A sub-committee, Can ton Root Compound ; take no served, and the chandeliers wear Con t flame will Jud at the § on Jarvis. Chancellor Walkem, Judg: substitute, + Q x 8 jelidht Hitary nstitute, an ontreal, on Maced Id and R. V. R " The Cook Medic: ne Co. Egan Ontario nk shades. Some very delich <Q fy oo br 4 Macdonald and R. V. Rogers, were ap 4 . ol biune: puinhoers ware wiven by Mrs unday oi Coton Buch Bs, Buch pointed to prepare a canon, and sub EDU CATIONAL mmm 1A. R. B. Williamson, and Miss Single f am wife of Colonel Buchan, C.M.G. mit it to the rural deaneries Ee " = don and Miss Elsie Tandy. Miss Th hel > ¥ The committee on the memorial to Sparling, and the three daughters of ie havhelors of Picton gave a jolly Archbishop Lewis reported receipt of SIN { I p pt of NGING the house, Miss Willa, Miss Bessie, | dance in their assembly hall on Mon- J 1238 cubscriptions of $370, and two Miss Cora Louise Larke, A.T.C.M. | ond Miss Harriett, assisted with the Jay clad eek hy wi Jparish pledges of 850 cach. The com upil of Hermann Klein, New York refreshments. . + . "Pa YY P Roland pt) Wik mittee has been cheered by promises Instructress St. Margare! hs vat : RRager o W Ff congregational contributions, and e, Toronto. Soprano Soloist Sy Dr. and Mrs. Jordan entertained at ] Standard Bank, held a reception ir hopes to complete the project in n fe r La vhodist Shureh, Turis oe tea. vesterday afternoon, for Dr. Jor Picton, last week, at the home of her 1906 0 nserva an niversity 3: » or $ . L. a wlk ination Concert Engagements. dan's first year divinity class A mother, Mrs. J. C. North, The committee upon dioé®san can Ci ess: Romilly House, 72 Barrie St. | ,,yumiy " of college girls, and sonic of ENTERED Theo ST vass for angmentation reported sub ------ the wirls from. . town, were. asked to REST. seriptions since June, through Rev, F, X 0 M ISTAK KE |met then, and the tea hour wa I. Dibb; Maryshurg, 8225; Bancroft » you decide on entering | SPent very pleasantfv. The daughters § Mrs. Bruce Carruthers Passed J 2110; Coe Hill, 2205: Oxford Mills, s ous tralsing in the CC r'"R 1 of the house, and Miss Ella Hender Away This Morning. $288; Lyn, 8160; Edwardsburg, $122; som, looked alter the t n things At 2:30 o'clock this morning, at her J Trenton, $116--in all 81,880, of which A : home on Sydenham street, Mrs, Bruce | 3022 was paid down, making receipts hy little tea to wh oh Nee Hunter | ¢urruthers passed to rest, afte a J 30 far in 1005. $2,906. The parishes in gilvie had asked a half dozen peon long and p il. illness. For 'some § which coll: ns are to be completed fo must Nujor wid. Vee. or this | pionths it was known that there was are St. George's and gt Paul's, King afternc as postponed by her on I retove hala ' 3 Th "aud Cor. Barri ts. ternoon was. posthon i '{ no hop of recovery. Sanitarium j ston; S omas' an Ask a of Tie aud Olsrgy Sta ion- } Account of Mrs. Brace Carruthers' 1 troatment was tried, but it failed tc § Christ's, "rinit, Brock nu Hess i { * a who have our graduates, or any death, . . . cause an improvement, and the pa Jville; Kitley. Mr Dibb voluntarily Te ! our well-pieased students as to the rd ved a tient and greatly beloved sufferer wa: | leased 8100 of his allowance of 2400 Our methods of training Mrs. R. Neshitt, Johnston stre brought back to end her days in he § for 1906. Arrears of subseriptic otes A . ! , EE g : wer days in hex wr 1906. Arrears of iption notes PRACTICAL SCHOOL gave a birthday party, on Tuesday | old home, amid the kindliest of min amount to r $9000. and the com- Squipment ; competent teach- | 'voning, for her danghter. Miss Lyla. § istrations. Her death has caused | mittee were empowered to write off 4 . : : : : Day and Evening Cl i. ee widespread sorrow, for Mrs. Car §-laims in cases where removals have asses : I TN ning Clauses Her friends were not shocked, and § rythers was known to the whole com § occurred to distant points, or where Phone, 680. Na Principal. | could hardly be said to have been | jnonity as a kind-hearted lady whose J imancial inability has arisen: to deal --eeeeeee eee | saddened, when the news came, this] whole life was spent in performing § at discretion with notes maturing he Loaaoaaonoa0.0000008008 morning that Nes. Bruce Carrythers deeds of charity. fore June next; and to present a list en relieve i her terrible suf The deceased was formerly Miss Ett f del nts still remaining t he Stu had he n reliev rd « ' erty 'ite § of delinquen ill remaining to the 8 Enjents May Fall Term & ferings in the might. With everything | Macpherson, daughter of the late §oxeentive committer in May next. ny Sept. 5th to live for--a devoted family, warm | James Macpherson, formerly crows The education committee reported nds, . a useful sphere in life, it § Jandy' agent at Kingston. Her mar: «ix students preparing for work in' Kin sioa Bi seemed hard that she should have) riage to Major Carruthers in Decem- §the diocese and receiving grants, hut $ 8SS 0 Bge been stricken down, but as they have | her, 1900, was of a romantic charae | that more were needed and a liberal LIMITED watched her slow and painful decline, rer. The major (then lieutenant), it Yuten offering was required. Rev, W, Head of Queen St. ¢ | they could not wish it to be prolong-§ ill be remembered had been appoint: | W. Burton, diocvsan missioner, will in t Kingston - - Ont @ | wl. Throughout : her illness she has} cd as an officer in the Canadian con- y and report upon Swnday schools A MODERN, PERMANENT, RE- been unfailingly bright and cheerful tingent soon to =ail for South Africa Jas desired by synod, The committes | LIABLE SCHOOL. and apprecictive of every loving ab and the marriage was hurriedly ar had arranged for four conferences for + Established tention, just as she always was when | ranged and took place on the eve of J this work with Rev. W. W. Smith, of Pact s in 1883 ., in health. Only the other day she said: | the gallant officer's departure for the § New York miical, complete, thorough, individual "People are all so good to me. leone of battle in the land of the Reports of the Lord's Dav Alliance, ton given in all commercial sub } htful ar . : © Open throughout the whole year. That she had merited all thoughtiul} Baer. Now. sorely bereft, the deepest library and investment committess, logue: Callor telphore for terms and cata: ness 'for her thoughtfulness for others | qnpathy of the people. is extended | and "those. upon episeopal, clergy, J. B. McKAY, H. FP METCALFE, © she never seemed to think The very | to Major<Carruthers. trust, widows' and orphan®'. rectory President. Wee Ua) deepest Esympathy is felt for hey For vears, and up to the time of her }'ands, clergy superannuation funds friends and relations. illness, Mrs, Carruthers, besides being § were made ' " . . » . a leader in Kingston society circles. A kindly resolotion of pleasire at REEL Miss Saunders; who has been con: | was in the front rank of church and Chancellor Walkem's return in im : : with : aottle- charitable workers. Tn St. Andrew's | proved health, was passed by a rising Captain Mistaken? nected with Miss Sorabji. in sett x ment work in India, will speak. in St church, she could well have been called | vote. a Nak 8 ] me ark : A : i heard of ths te Nothing furth pA James" school room, on Saturday, .]® deaconess, or there wa no. portion -------------------- we steams gaster of 8 » i 5 Beaver Harbor, orm i Car. Al. | November 25th at 4 p.m. of the chureiia work that did not} Because they objected to his atten 4 y t - 4° v 6! . 2 2 lai, of the Kilkeel Civ rm of Arie td pa ol as sintion pi! sid 4 the ol ich] Aon* to their sister. W. H. Jones shot, believe. he mistook exhaust | Lend-a-Hand Circle of King's Daugh Ehaitable Eo ache and inctantly killed Harry Britton, irom. government steamer Lady | tr. Will hold a tea and sale on No- fand in 10 agit nh Bag Rs on aged - cighteen years. and probably rier for explosi ne AY | ember 30th. in the parlors of Svden- | 1v interestec le $m 5 DO eT Fatally wounded Britton's brother J ofan. ham Streets Methodist church. from 4 well. She Te he pe devoted ugh Frank, at Myack, N.Y. Jones, who is An 1 > . fir 6.30. The cantata "Ruth," will be] ter and wile he pepe . ngston § put thirty-five years old, ic said to 8 Irish town has been sold. 1 he | riven at 8 pm will long remember her as one who have been infatuated with the Britton ES of of Castlemartyr,. in coin-! * . . . . lived to do good. boys' pretty sister, Jessie, who is bi » have honght the fee simple -- -- . only sixteen vears old. inte! . x « lamenting the departure . - Card an es} in their dwellings and pre- dlrs} Sas a Meo enc] News has been received that Dillon | © John McDonald. a Woodstock ston Willi ---- Fall of Shaunou, A i fanew il dinner was given for Wallace, the explorer, has successifly | enttor, was fond dead in a ereck in am ain, no tuner. Orders son. ws Labrad ° ¥ that town Toceived at MeA fin fonel Benson, before he left, Mrs. crossed Labrador, . \ uley's book' store. Colon ano s . book author, on every box. «0 that yon may. have positive proof # all | For Real Estate Or Insurance Consult with GEO, (CLIFF before buying 65 Clarence Street. / . 8 | Sem000000000000000 000 Lt