women will iL pare for Christmas ® With many i ~ pleasure to prey they wisely now, and this advertises ment is aimed to with a list of goo ed or likely to b make up your Chron gifts. ALL KINGS FOR FANCY ARTICLES le and double, in a great renge of wanted shades. 2e most popular colors or Golf Jackets, Babies' f colors, also in white. ok, White, Pink, Cardinal, Y il @® al Bargain WW Morning o'clock secured a particularly gocd em over to you on the same is the lot was not larger. Tapestry n 108 1 Covers s, different colorings, and joc. regularly. morning at 10 o'clock for t of two to a customer. BONS shades and widths at our s and §¢. yard. children and men, all sizes. ferent widths, ty of combination colors. ACES AND INBERTIONS. reedlework. 'OR ART WORK range of colors. reat range of colors, of colors. 'MELLIOK SILKS. olors, qualities and . i 1) "YEAR 72. NO. 274. AILY § P, Jenkios Clothig Cr, Securing Genuine Bargains in BOYS' OVERCOATS Several of our lines are reduced | 20 and 25 per cent. Our Coats Fit Well & Wear Well | The two main essentials. | | | | { The first bargains are the best. E. P. Jenkins Clothing Co. | Fing er Rings v, 'style, and beauty of de- isize the efforts we have made, t rete our RING Stock, second | te v | : | x $20 25 Diamond Solitaires | are g r and e proved we many to ar gre ater cost, SMITH BROS. Jewelers gticians | 350 King Boe | ISSUERS - OF MARRIAGE LICENSES | MUST BE SOLD eo variety of first- 'class Hall Sheet-lron Stoves, Pug, Box Wood Stoves Cook Stoves and s Also a lot of Furniture and , everything cheaper than usual. 1UKK'S SELUND-HAND STORE 398 PRINCESS STREET A ------------ READ NOVEMBER REAL ESTATE BULLETIN ! IT'S FREE TO YOU! Jin CALL FOR A COPY. { SWIFT'S BRALBSTATE AND jd INSURANCE AGENCY AL. SERVANT FOR A SMALL piv at 2 hnst S A MPETENT GENERAL rt. | mall family A TW TRONG RELIABLE BOYS To BEN TL} ME! N TO GE 1 THEIR FALL ercoats and Suits made at Th as Galloway's, 131 Brock St Also bring your old ones and have ther repaired. Style, fit and price guaranteed to please AND $5 day, r and encraetic us at Kir untry. Terri for inding reserved OOM wr Miss Greaza"s Millinery Reo I. 8S. R. McCann, 51 Brock St Ul I IN GOOD LOC CAT ITY. ON g strect. Rent low vi J.P rrest, Gents' Furn Nh Kin = BRICK "SHOP AND RESIDENC 1 Princess street | modera cy & Steacy. OVER WADES' DRUG Store, Corner King and Brock Sts well lighted and heated rooms to McCann, Brock street J KING s|T WEST, NEWMAN rrace comfortable and warn ra --tat four i all . r. Rent moder: ate Apply King St. West NEW HOUSE. NO.* rovements containing parlors . pantry. First-class cells sanitary plumbiy and . Heated with hot er and i with electricity mod Avply to R. J. C rr ---------- < Central Orders Locomotives. Dunkirk, N any receives orders during the past week a i f the new locomotives wf at the Dunkirk New York: Central lines p Yor for 318 engines, ma lant an or foutern since its organization. DAILY MEMORANDA. charges on his trunk The Fall Showing of anc 'y Plates SEE THEM! ..ROBERTSON BROS.. ALL NEW 600DS ually the Best i no longer argue that Mr. Balfour has | Shot Through Heart by Burglar { a sufficiently united party at his back | in Her Home. | unite on his | F. Ww. VAN LUVEN 246 Princess Street. MADE-TO-ORDER Ey BL i wi Persian Lamb Jackets Select Your Skins. and Fit Un- . MoKAY FUR HOUSE BROCK STREET. a ------ ES RT Perfect Workmanship Choicest Materials A combination to Y.W.C A. ondon, SUNDAY AT 4. 15 TELLS OF BEYOND ; EXPIRES. and yuoers A Mississippi Lynching. $4 FRONT- | street, with all the latest of . a negro who blew rooms, six Bed-rooms, kitchen ar and captured after g twod owner of several plantations was as M.--The Amen settlement of a vearly was married ty Pir. + . ing it the stgest single order received by the father, on Tinrsday, PROVINCIAL GOVERNORS | | Diaioned by Witte - Agrarian | Disorders In Poland. i St. Petérshupg, Nov. 24. The resis {tance of the smployvers to the demand . of the workmen, for an eight-hour This Is What Is Expected day, has resulted in mectings of | | workmen, at Which it was shown that Of Balfour. | many of them do not support that { programme, ~via - Admiral Birilefi sil re ops n She " | thiralty's we rhs. day. He anngimees. ae it will es THE PARTY IS SPLIT | last opportunity for the st teiking Sark, moncho return. Most of works lf reilipin Spsal ai dhe he ning of the week, awaiting © the AND IS BECOMING WEAKER | admiralty experience with the work EVERY DAY. . men. There gro now 60,000 unem ployed men in St. Petorshurg 5 Premier Witte yesterday summarily Premier's Appeal t8 Unionists | dismissed the governors of Yarostav, Falls .Tlat and Chamberlain | Fstland, Perm; Tomsk, Kazan and : wee : | Neidyart, and the prefect of Odessa. Out n Opposition to Him-- I'he Russian teaches rs, in the towns Liberals Oppose Balfour's Re- | joar Warsaw, are boing expelled from signation and Want Him to { the schools bg police, 'armed with re Appeal to the Country. {volvers. Agrarian disorders are in sasing"' in Poland. Reyular revolu tiong ary bande &ra marching from place to place, burning the spirit shops, schools and aflministration buildings, belonging to the Russian government. At Hadomi the peasants are cutting down the state forests er --p---- | MOUSE IN HER HAT. Threw Woman in a Church Into Hysterics, Marion, 0., Nov. 21. Sister Wallace | Wynn; wearing a hat that had been in a band-box during the week, oeccu- | pied a pew in the contre of Wesleyan avenue church, Sunday, She did not know that a mouse had made its nest between the ining and the crown of the hat. Scientists have long known the aversion of miiee to music. This par ticular monse® submitted to the open ing anthem-and was wndemonstrative during the offertory until the organist { pulled ont the diapason stop: I:ondon, Nov.: 24, ~The rumors of an As the rumbling bass: notes filled rly + dissolution of atliament d the church the mouse squeaked and carly « ion patliament an : an a al to the country are-gradual- | senmpieid theough Mes Wynn's eoif ea det Te Ae a, €or ah For and while no official intimation has ah A ? | vet heen forthcoming, the idea is pre- | amas Sond to the floor and Mrs. valent in well-informed political eit | eoirmnts | of near-by pens: o cks that Premier Baliour will. take | . ceupunts of near-by pews eaught an. exrly opportunity "to" plice his sight of the. mouse. "Women through resignation in the hands of Ning Fd jout iae cOnfrtbation se med to know ward: Should this materialize the lib- intuitively what was the matter and crals will be invited to" form a gov- sovetal bacauie hysterical. The Rov. . De. OC. E. Rowley restored order with (rome ament w 2 r son + rom nt A arian : 3 in bo t to Ne great difficulty and proceeded with the ew days' session, and a gene elec HON. A. J. BALFOUR tion will occur early in the new yea: SeTION, The political situation-was so radi really altered during the past week | MURDERED BY THIEF. i that even the government supporters | | to meet parliament with the object of | Chicago, Nov, 21.--~Maude Reese, an | | transacting public business. | expert stenographer sployed by the | The premicr"s appeal to the union- | Union Traction company, was mur iste at Newcastle. a week ago, to dered in cold blood, yesterday by: a I policy has not met? Surglar whose operations she" had wi v much sucsiss. On the contrgey.{ hreught to a sudden halt as she en Joseph Chamberlain, the most power | tered her flat, 200 Exanston avenue, ful member of the unionist coalition, After killing Miss Reede the burglar dircetly joined issue with his chief by a | had leaped onto a back porch and speech at Bristol, on Tuesday, calling | feom there into an alley, from which on the unionists to rally to tlic -sup- | he quickly made his escape. The police Lport of his own more drastic fiscal | say the burglar carried off little if any proposals, which v include a fifty-cent | hooty. tax on grain I'he cleavage of' the Miss Rees: » murdered girl, came party was thus more markedly aceen-| {5 Chicago about a year ago from tuated, and many unionist politicians | Westfield, Kan., where she had gradu hold that no good: purpose could be | yted from a business college. She was sieved by a longer retention of office | the daughter of W. 8. Reese, principal | and that the weaknesg of the party! of the high school at Helton, Kan. will only be further increased by per Miss Reese was twenty-five years cld petuation .of existing rivalry between | and was a girl of refinement and en! the two sections ture. She highly educated as a On the stock a definite an vas very popular in the nouncement of gnation of the which she moved. cabinet is expe at any time, and the Whils je. Jat 2 Jon AN ILLUSTRATED MAN. quence. The liberals are inclined to : resent Mi. Balfour's resignation at the Literally Covered With Tattooed prescnt momen wy contend that the premicr sh a remain in office a Pictures. few weoks longer and himself dissolve Washington Nov. arliament and appeal to the country. | of pensi Th liberals see no reason why the | in the 24. ~The bureau recently been engaged tigation of a claim in present opposition should put them- | which the identity of the dead sailor elves to the inconvenience of forming | was an impo rant factor. pment in the --desk--withour From he 10s timo ny it ap what forces they will com: | he had a « and a pict mand in the new parlinment, and they | Washington m ent tattooed on bicct to hey designate as Mr. | one arm. the pictures oh thre women Baliour's "tectical manoeuvre," | above the elbow, an American coat whereby the lib ack would he | of-arms above the wrist on one arm, tarned into a de + before the elec- | another on the back of hig head, a tion, and Mr. Balfour would be given | picture of a man on his back ex | a free hand to arfange with Mr. | tending nearly to his neck, a picture | Chamberlain for concerted" action | of a man aml a woman and a ship on against the liberal party. his breast and various other grtistie This morning's newspapers are un- | designs over hix stomach, feet and -- Wear "Allen' ss' nlm in their be lief that the meet- | other portions of his body Military Bootmakers Sign of Golden Boot. - "AUCTION SALE -| Of Piano, Heating and Cook Stoves, etc. tener To APY 10 Saturday Horuing at oan ol the cabinet, to-day, will re - in the redignativn of Premier Governor Won't Dance. weh of Sir Henry Camphell Cincinnati, Nov, 24.--The inaugural t ball designed to introduce the family Half Bannerman, at Stirling, is the sub a h ot of much comment, owing to his of Governor Pattison to society at the ject ¢ [ it, owing h downright adoption of home rule for capital city i= not to be a ball at all freland as a plank of the, liberal plat- | The waxed floor, the inspiring music f oN sal the flow: and _ beautiful women will orm. hut there will be no dane ons are members of the weh, and the Methodist hibits dancing.. So it is THe Daily Telegraph expresses itd | ¢ " elation in an editorial and contends | ing. The I that Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman | thodist « is therchy driving a wedge into his descipline y 5 { Town party infinitely more destructive | going to be a plain reception. than! the rift existing in the unionist m+ eee party. . | To Visit King Haakon. I ondon Nov, 2 .-King Edward andra are expected to visit to the court of King Ha of Norway, in the fu Astounds Relatives By Short tures The Fnglish rulers will, procesd Return to Life. from Christiana" to Stockholm to Kokomo, Ind., Nov. 24.-The death | visit King Oscar of Sweden, in order of James Kerlin was attended with | that no invidious distinction will he an unusual circumstance. Several { shown to the rulers of the nations hours before his remise he ceased to | which formerly were united under one | breathe and all the marks of © death | government : were distinct and clear. Certain that ep he had breathed his last the sorrow Largest Turbiner Coming. ing relatives leit the room. On their e moments later the sup- P rpsé was moving and talking v said : Liverpool, Nov. 20.--The Cunard line steamer Carmania, the largest tur bine steamer afloat, has arrived in the Mersey. preparatory to starting . 5 8 on her maiden vovage to New York, iting' with father and mother. ' They | o pucember 2ndi The Carmania is of talked to me and I talked to them | 91 ope ns in the heaven realm Why should ~~ 1 re "Why did I come back ? 1 was vis regieter, feet beam, and has accommodation be called back to earth ¥' "Lior 3.000 passengers. Her trial speed Reve ral hovire later his wish wak Ko opnded twenty knots granted and he passed away. 5 Se S------------------ » "Owen Hordy is arrested in Belleville, Mexican 'and California oranges just | charged with obtaining R16 from Con sroohrs | lin, new dates. and figs. Phone 141. | stable . Puffin fcur years ago, J der W. J. Crothers. false pretences. : RITISH KINGSTON, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24%, 1905. THEPOWERS | mond was found yesterday, wedged in ! Qoulchowsky, the Auvstro- Hungarian | Bulgarian government . has notified Agree As To First Proced- | ure In Turkey. | ISLES OF GREECE WILL HAVE HARBORS AND CUSTOM HOUSES SEIZED. Sultan Expliiat to Yield to First ' Show of Force -- Bulgaria Threatens to Land Troops in Macedenia. Athens, Nov. 24.<In accordance with instructionso from Baron Von Calice, the Austrian ambassador at Constantinople and a dozen of- the diplomatic corps, there, the internati onal fleet at the Piracus will sail to day. It is understood that it will go either to" Mitylene, an island of the | Grecian archipe lago, belonging to, Tar key, or Beiska Bay, near the entrance of the Dardanelles, ( Powers Are In Accord, London, Nov, M.--The powers are said to have agreed as to the first part of their procedure on the seizure of the harbours and custom house of | Mitylene, the island of Lemnos, in the northern part of Aegean Sea, and the island of Tendos, on the west coast of Asia Minor, The fact that the Bession of minis ters, at which the proposals of the powers was rejected, was stormy, and all the ministers, except the minister of war, favored yielding to the ulti- matum, leads to the belief that the sultan will yiekl, at the first show of determination, on the part of the powers, after satisfying his people that he is yielding to superior force. This is said {o be the view &f Count minister of foreign affairs. The correspondent of the Daily Chronicle, at Vienna, says that the some of signatory powers of its det: srmination to march troops into Ma ie if the powers fail to carry ont the measures of reform, Conference On Warships. Athens, Nov. 24.--It is understood that the international fleet will sail to-day. The foreign minister paid vis- its to the commanders of the war- shins of their respective eountries. The commander later held a conference en Hoard the Austrian flagship. Orders Sent By Turkey. Constantinople, Nov, .--Vice-Ad- miral Husni Pasha has started on a steamer for the Dardanelles, presuma bly with instructions for the com- mander of the forts regarding the lat ter's conduct in the event of 'the ap- pearance of the internatbonal fleet. Similar instructions have been sent to the governors of the Turisk islands in the archipelago Threat Of Massacre. Paris, Nov. 24.- Turkey's note in reply to the ultimatum of. the powers contains a warning that the action of the powers in resorting to a naval de- monstrations may pi ecipitate an in- ternal uprising of Mussulmans against the Christian population of Turkey. This is considered to bo a threat, as it is known that no demonstration of Mussulmans against Christians. can occur unless it has the silent ac quiescence of the Turkish authorities. All the ministers except the minis ter of war favored yielding: to the ultimatum, but palace influences led | the sultan to overrule them. These influences are considered. to be the naval demonstration. turn to the negotiations. - WILL NOT BE TAXED. The, Catholics. "Will Not Have to Help Pay. Walkerville, Ont, Nov. .-The town has been building a new fifty | brought home by Dundee whalers of thbusand dollar publie school, the | cost of which was assessed against all property owners, The Catholic re silents, who have recently built a school of their own, through their | solicitors, notified the town that the | Catholics would contest payment of | the tax terday the town clerk ed Jude Hanna, Windsor, be » whom the dispute was pending, that the towfi books would he chang ol at oncd and the separate school supporters relieved of the tax, There Is Discrimination. Windsor, Ont., Nov, 24.--Mayor| Wigle has been notified that the rail- way commission will sit in Windsor, on December Sth, Sessions will be held in.the council chamber, Shippers, | here, .complain that the railways dis- criminate in freight rates, and that Detroit shippers secure a much lower rate to Toronto and Montreal than manufacturers and dealers in Windsor | and Walkerville, » Blames College Training. v the poison he eats. ------------------ ' Don't forget "vour box of MeCon- kev's high class' candy on Saturday, from Gibson's Hed Cross drug store, Premier Whitney is in Morrisburg, { where he will spend Idir or five days among old friends, outgrowth ol Germany's abstaining rom taking an active part in the | | ors to the effect that the Manchuriar The Turkish reply gives a serious | St. Louis, Nov. 24 Louis A. Graves a negro Yale. graduate, arrested on Sunday, was' formerly charged with twenty-six crimes. In most of the chatges forgery plays a prominent par} Graves admits his guilt and Llames his college training, Education Jor the volored man, he says, is like CORPSE REFT IN TRUNK. Woman's Body Discovered by the Albany Police, Albany, N.Y,, Nov. 24.--The badly | decomposed body of New John Ham- a trunk in the second storey fromt room of the house No. 42 South Fer ry street, where she lived with her | husband. The trunk stood in the fireplace, the body within was heavily sprinkl with chloride of lime, and the disin- fectant was strewed thickly all about the three rooms comprising the flat. The cover of the trunk was propped open, with the evident idea of having the odors of decomposition escape up the chimney. The autopsy on Mrs. Hammond's body, demonstrated conclusively that the woman was first badly beaten and then strangled to death, John Hammond, the woman's hus- band, has not been seen for nearly two weeks. He is twenty-five years oid, a cabinet maker and came from Cohocs; the dead woman was thirty seven. ek t-------------- ' ARE VERY WARM ren Over the [Refusal to Grant the Request, Flesherton, Ont., Nov. 24.--The ac: tion of Artemesia township coungil to disallow the submission of a local op- tion by-law, when backéd by a peti tion of over 500 ratepayers, or two- thirds of the largest vote ever polled in any municipal election, has raised a storm of protest, which culminated in an impromptu mass meeting held in the school room of the . Methodist church here. Many prominent ratepay- ers denounced the council's action, and it was unanimoasly resolved to call upon the electors of Artemesia, who favor local option, to meet in convention in the township hall, on Monday, November 27th, for the pur: jose of selecting candidates for the ensuing municipal election and that the committee now in existence re- presenting various organizations in the township be authorized to make recommendations at the convention so as to prepare a programme for the same, CANADIAN MURDERED. I-- John Black, Killed in Mon- tana. St, Paul, Minn, Nov. M.--Johh Black, aged twenty-seven, whose home is Aberfoyle, Canada, and who was a trapper, was stabbed to death in a resort at Townsend, Mont. Two wo- men, Mdrtha Grimes and May Stevens were arrested in connection With the crime, The Stevens woman! made a price, 25c. voluntary confession to the suthori- ties, She said she drove the knife dg: to Black's back only when it became apparent he would kill the Grimes wo- man. - Oopposed to her story is the fact that the coroner found $400 in cash on the dead man's person, a eir- cumstance which, combined with the reputation of the women and the evil repute of the place; leads to the the ory that robbery might have beén the underlying motive. Black: had a camp on the Missouri River, near Townsend. EVILS OF OVER-DRINKING Discussed by Retail Merchants' Association, Toronto, Nov. 24.-The evils atten dant upon liquor drinking among workingmen, were discussed at last oight's meeting of the Retail Merch- ants' Association, and a committee was appointed to bring .in a recom- mendation in regard to the matter. As in many cases the retail merchants Cournoyter, a son. have the support of the families of the workingmen who squandered their wages in drink, there should be legis { lation to compel such workingmen to 16th, . to Mr. gud Mrs, Herp | devote some of their money to the support of their wives and family, Have Burned Harbin. Warsaw, Nov, 24.--Persistent rum army has revolted: are again in circu | lation and have been revived by the | receipt of private advices which say | that the mutineers have completely | burned Harbin. | Expedition Comes To Griefa | London, Nov. 24.---News has been Esquimos Fresh Tripe. At Davies', Friday and Saturday. Stewed and served with butter sauce, very tasty. A rare supper dish, 12jc. | per stick. S------ school superintendent and bank presi charges of embezzlement brough against him. Altogether 150 true bill | furnish the $100,000 bail. with present price of butter vou wil pies will he out to-morrow. 'Phon 141. W. J. Crothers. ers, B0c., New York Dress Reform. Suits er Overcoats Sweaters 'Raincoats, etc. Cheap This Week Princess §treet. HIG. the Amundsen Polar expedition. The | exploring ship was wrecked in the | GuM of Bothnia. One of the explorers | died, and the rest are living with the | Newton C. Dougherty, former | Blass, were i out to this coun- 5 | dent at Peoria, III, has ten more almost uns. have been returned by the grand wonderfully low price :-- jury. Dougherty has beén unable to Galantine of Brawn * Our pastry is of the very best and Curried Fresh Brawns find it chéaper to buy ours. Mince Dip Hip Corsets. with hose support | Boots and Shoes Si aes Selb BLT is AT 1. ZACKS 5» toes fhe HS fresh there, ° LAST "EDITION WEATHER PROBABILITIES, inna, Toronto. Ont., Nev. 24-10 } AE Strong winds antl gales, south west, hecoming Showery. Satu west to northwest *igds, strong to a = wale. Cool a few showers. Saturday Specials i | Dg ' Steacy's LADIES" 'CHEMISETTES Of hand-made Lace, in white. Extra special value at 25ec. Others in Crochet Lace, Silk, Muslin, etc., at 50e., 75¢c., and $1. dala d W. B. CORSETS (All sizes.) Best American make, mada. of White Cotil, very strong, nothing wrong, but the price. Regular price, $2.50. Sale price, $1, HAND BAGS AND PURSES Best English and American. makes, latest designs in colors, Black, Brown, Green, Blue, ete. The largest assortment. The low- est prices in the city. Prices range from 2c. to $4. - Special Sale a Ry ah a poae aay, in Crem and Natural 5 Vests and Combinations. Prices were 4Bc., 60c. to $1.85. Sale DISCOUNT STAMPS With all Cash Sales Steacy's. BORN, & JOSEPH. --At Dorchester House, Mon the w of Henry Joseph, Fs of cooPii. --At November the to Mro Rerh Mrs. my ohn Couper, COURNOYIER. ~Ifn. Tweed, on Novem. ber 16th, to Mr. and Mrs. Jose HASLER.--At Flinton, on Now 16th, to 1. and Mrs. J. H. Hasler a daughte SEDORE AL Flinton. on November Sedore, a daughter. BORLAND ember 23rd, 1905. Isabelle infant daughter oft | Sergt., and Mrs. Borland. n | Funeral, on Saturday forenoon, at 10.80 Oo cloel 3 | (Buffalo and Peterboro papers please copy.) LUONEY.~In Kingston on November 24th, 1905, Ellen, beloved wile of { the late Timothy Luoney. | Funeral from the residence of her sof- in-law, John Gallivan, 49 Charles St., Sunday afternoon, at 2.80. | | | | n -- i The Leading Undertaker "Phone 877. 222 Princess St, A SNAP! . A lot of English Potted Meats, in try, but the to. the importer for the lot and got them. We can now sell them at Ba 8 11 MeMton Miwtay Brand--in sss p Price, only 35c¢c. Jas. Redden @ Co. To Try For Re-Fleci 421 Windsor, Ont., Nov. 24.--Mayor E. Wigle has announced, ra be a candidate for tion as mayor. So far, he is the only 0 pat forward by his friends, as is Sheppard. Si Dip Hip Corsets with drug store. its