Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Nov 1905, p. 4

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Ideal Ventilation ¥ Only idealfSash Hanger and Lock. It clamps the sash firmly at top, middle and | & bottom. Corbett's Hardware DONT SHIVER |. Get into one of our Heavy, Woll- lined, Neat Looking Overcoats, They don't cost much $4.60 to $12. All Patterns. See them, Isaac Zacks : 271-278 Princess Street. 'The Cheapest Overcoat House in Town NG ean ... for Paper and Envelopes ERG 5 all classes of Letter Press _ Printing from a card to a volume, THE WHIG, Kingston rt ear iets THE FRONTENAC LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIE1Y. (ESTABLISKED 1863", t--Sir Richard Cartwright Maney loaned on City and Farm Pro- herties. Municipal and County Deben: tures, purchased Deposits Mo received and interest allowed, S. C. MoGill, Managing Director, Office, 97 Clarence Street, Kingston. HAVE YOU ANYTHING © 70 SELL OUTSIDE OF YOUR SINS AND YOUR TROUBLES ? COME TO WM. MURRAY, The Auctioneer i anime st ten es mins By setline only coal that is thorouehlv screened and cleaned. Handle the Lest on the market, and: can guarantee quality. No dirt, no slate, no waste in what you get from us. Prices always the lowest, too, and every pure chaser is assured of getting full weight. Economical, clean, first. class coal. Prompt delive ry. ---- eh. R. CRAWFORD, irooT OF QUEEN ST. 'PHONE 9. DING Do "you notice that after a short time the pri ems to run together and hiur, and i. read for any length of time ache? Thisisa your head and eyes will sure wign of "EYE STRAIN Dur solentilienily adjusted glasses will positively remove EK t - ve Ahern ¥estrain with its at he ¥ . £0 WE Thave all the latest scientific instru- : feats and Use the latest methods known er Ruarantes satisfaction and a perfect . do 2 bg. | r, al the road, At y ou containing a large quantity and other markable timber wood. To wind up an property will be sold reasonably. ply to R. Easton Burns, 41 G street, Kingston, or to field, next i to the of ceda nd FOR HOME COOKS * Beaver " Flour is the flour for home baking--for women who take pride in their culinary skill, and their ability to run house economically, BEAVER FLOUR" is a blend of Manto Spring Wt It makes bréad, rolls, cake and pies that Svery kod cook de- lights to serve, It yields MORE bread to the barrel than any other brand, Order ** Beaver" Flour next time--and see how much more inviting and 100thsome is every- thing you bake. AT YOUR CROCER'S Goop Hew BAKING POWDER INSURES PURE FOOD. E.W. GILLETT LIMITED FORONTO.ONT. RE INTE. eet eset etter A Wood's Phopholine, The Great Englis Remedy. | | | | | | A posi aure for all forms of | 8nd, (2), that the earnings of the av RAND ATTAR Beni et hautal nd | erage farmer are far more than $700. Ratorvhoed, Imptens V, oEhicts of iiuece | Somo men have cleared more than fot: dncualty in an earl grave. that amount from the cheese alone, ny A by alld ne I! ploaas x i and not a few twice that sum. She 08 Metts a, W otetar Pamphist. Indeed a contemporary fairly - pre- sented the position of the farmer | | TASTE And elegance combined with low prices make our present display of Faney |. : Parlor Tables very attractive. 118 said. . { The combine is alleged to inelide Specials this week iu Fancy Tables | many of the conservative members of : : { » logis , - 0 ie Noshi is Wo are in our Uhristwias Trade j th legislature, Dr. Beattie Nesbitt is the head and leader of the throng. Early purchasers get the choice. { He has been expressing himself in JAMES REID The Leading Undertaker, 'Phone 147, ASBESTOS ! If you have a HOT WATER FUR- NACE, and that furnace has not a covering on, you ane using more fuel than you nt to. You are keeping which is the one place in that should be cool. You are not getting a proper distri- bution of heat. We have covered furnaces and effected a paving in fuel alone of more than ten per t a year, and at the same time rooms were satisfactorily heated that bad never been fit for occupancy before. If you live in your own doesn't this appeal to you ? If a tenant lives in your house, won't You have satisfaction and profit in hear- ing your tenant say It is a warm house and easy on fuel 7, your cellar warm, the house house, Think it over! , The expense--very moderate--gg s onoce : THE SAVING IN FUEL goes pn FOREVER, Tw R.J HOOPER ~ 83 Wellington St, Kingston. PERSONAL. \ MME, ELDER'S DRESSMAKING Parlors, 258 Princess St., Corner Sydenham, Tailor-Made Gowns, Coats and Wraps, = Shirt Waist Suits, dinver and evening costumes. trosseaux, ete. made-to-order. ( prices reasorable. Best eity pefer ences. ol s IANOS, ORGANS, ME po NS and Sewing Machines, as the rear is a swamp lot al estate this Ap- | age farmer did not make much money. ! To prove if he adopted a line of argu- | Providence had i a millionaire he certainly amasses a | desire. Trouble For Whitney. 4 rush DAILY BRIT/SH WHIG THE DAILY WHIG, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24. THE WHIG--72nd YEAR Published Echoes Of The Elections. r THE DAILY WHIG. "Oplfer per Orbem Dicor." Afraid Of Criticism. The defence of the New York insur- ance companics is that notwithstand- ing their wastefulness and extravag- | ance, they were sound financially, | One gets a new glimpse at them | through the evidence of John A. | Nichols, a lawyer, who has been em- | ployed, for generous retainers, to do | service for the "big three." He has {had numerous contracts, of a more or | less mysterious' nature, since the facts | were disguised and the vouchers were { deceitful. Anfong the otiNr assailants of the large corporations was Mr. Manning, of Albany, an actuary, who knew dénough about the companies to cri- ticise them severely. He had to be silenced 'and' so Mr. Nichols was com- missioned to buy him off. He succeeded though, according to a letter which he | sent to Senator Depew. Manning was {at times: very and { hard to please. | © Now. if the companies were all right | --if their procedure, apart froy, the ex- frome prodigality of the manage- | { | *'contankerous," ment, for the benefit of friends and res | latives and hangers-on--what had they | to fear from Mr. Manning ? And yet i they had' & lawyer whom it cost a | large sum annually to take care of) these erratic critics, and it cost a still larger sum to quiet them. The insurance mess becomes the worse un- der the probing of Mr. Hughes, | { i Fortunes Of The Farmer. Before the tariff commission a prasentative farmer appeared, and, in contending against higher duties, or against any increase in the tariff as suggested by the manufacturers, made a remarkable statement. , It was to the effect that the aver re- He took the yearly product of the farm, as given in the bureau of industries, and divid- ed the total value by the number of farm owners, and the result was a lit- tle over $700 for each one. Now two things are known, (1) that the statistics published by the bureau of industries are not absolute. ly correct, being mere approximations, ment entively his own, when he said that he had had a good season, and that it was his to enjoy the winter season, to eat, drink and be merry, for he worked hard, good and ho could be happy. Yes, the soil is the source of much wealth, and the young man who can content . himself on the farm is the independent man, He is rewarded for his thrift, and if he does not become had been to him, 'competence, and that is all he should { There is a preparation for trouble | | between the party and the | Whitney government. The clamour for | office is not to be silenced. Those who | heelers are hungry for public places, for per- | mission to feed at the public crib, are | going to fore the issue. At least so it terms that have been. domewhat vague, but it is understood that, in effect, he is with the Belleville con- tingent who Sant the government to vacate the public offices as the mem- bers may demand, | and without any more evidence: than will satisfy these | members of the expediency of the | proceeding, | The Mail, which ally with any qualms upon this point, or of any point that is «not troubled 1 of conscience a ly of 500, which is signi- ficant when it is remembered that the former member, Sir -William Mulock, made in five successive elections the following scores: 109, 295; 363, 696, and 297, last local ele¢- for In addition, in the tion, a conservative was elected the same constituency, and the local member was out hot-footed alter Mr, Aylesworth) North. York has, there fore, been redeemed. That is the ex- pression usedh by the postmaster-gen- eral, and it is the proper one. In West Lambton the late memlser was Dr, Johnston, a wost popular man, and one who had won the fa- vour and confidence of the people. He had a majority of 447, in the last election, whife his successor has 337, and the full returns are not vet in. 'The exhibit is very much to the credit of young Mr. Pardee, In Antigonish, N.S., the liberals are delighted with 'the result, and' say. it is not to be compared with the result of the last election, Why 7 Then Mr. Mclsaac was opposed by a weak can- didate, and he had practically a walk- over. In the bye-election the liberal, Mr. Chisholm, bad as an opponent Mr. Girrior, who had been through An analysis of the votes cast in the | a DISEASE SHOWN BY WRITING. physician takes into account not only the graphic character, but the writing, the spelling, the syntax, the style and the ideas; hg has in mind not only the writing itnell, but (its application. 'Nevertheless, there are facts com- mon to this subject and graphology, without investigation of the delicate connection that may exist between the motor manifestations of handwriting and traits of character of intellectual and moral qualitics; the task is on a larger scale, for pathologic alterations may be marked in handwriting by very accentuated characteristics. "Several authors have already sought to find the signs of diagnosis in RE nderits: Mr. Rogues de Furs ac, by direct examination of a large number of patients * * has made up a collection that has real clinical interest. "After having examined elementary calligraphic peculiarities, such as the general form of the writing, the direc tion of lines and letters, ete. Rogues de Fursac studies the alters- tion of graphic images by effacement or by agraphia (partial loss of mem- ory),or by general weakening of- the memory, more or less accentuated amnesia, "Lack' of attention is clearly marked by omissions or inability to copy, and mental automatism is shown by sub- 'atitations, transpositions, = additions, stereotype, graphic impulsion, etc, "A second part of the volume is de- voted to the examination bf various two campaigns and who, because of his French descent, particularly ap- pealed to the Acadians. Mr. Chis- holm's majority of 284, under these circumstances, is something to hoast of. Wentworth is the only loss the lib- erals sustained. It gave Mr, the seat in the general elections by twenty. It gave Mr. Smith it in the bye-elections by eight--provided the count be correct. In view of all this Mr. Borden's re joicings, over reduced majorities, ap' pear to be somewhat heartless. For small mercigs he is thankful, Sealey is exceedingly .Editomat Notes. It now conws out that the railway officials- have been riding about the country in private cars. No luxury is too good for them. The Montreal Star, likens the salary grab to an attempt to sandbag the people into silence, and the people are harking back and making the politi- cians tremble. -- A. C. Pratt, M.P.P., returned from hunting, says the us¢ of dogs must bo deer will become prohibited or ex- tinct. He proposes legislation accord- ingly. Dr. Nesbitt, Mr. Gamey and Mr. Crawford, members of the legislature, will force a change in the government so that the spoils of office may be gt Who the disposal of the party. are they going to retire ? ------------ » Oh, Mr. Tarbull, how could yon? himself end family the Equitable, and got the commissions on first premiums and renewals. And thinks all right. Custom and conscience will not be reconciled. Insured in it is -- The Catholic Register is after the member of the Whitney government who recently slandered the Catholics, through the Orange Sentinel, and can- not locate him, Some ono is not nearly so brave as_he wanted to ap pear. Mr. Borden, the alleged leader of the thankful that in' the bye-elections opposition, was the liberal majorities were. not as large as had been called up in the general election. It was a moral victory, and we all know how comforting it must be. The Toronto News is disgusted with the conservative party, since its de- feat in 1896. It says .the party has had "neither purpose, unity nor energy." It has failed to "attatk with consistence, moderation snd sanity." involved in 'the com- bines, on which the crown officers are focusing their attention, represent £100,000,000. The man who organized them was making, in royalties fees, $40,000. Who was paying that? The people. "They pay for everything. The interests or The Montreal Gazette does not take concerns the party, warns certain peo- tle that conservatives take no notice of the spoild@ system. . The Montreal Gazette, cannot wu ke | itseli beliove that Nesbitt and Gamey | are uniting in an attack upon the government, 'for both must know." it 2 observes, "that such a course would bé the neatest form of pe cal suicide." gi Moreover, the Gazstte is sure that "any effort to compel Mr. Whitney to adopt the tem would be fatal to those who tried ir." Which enough reasoning, but it will not terrorize Nesbitt, Ga spoils sy is sound mey. and men of that kind. They" ake ~ out for the stuff and they are not go- ing to be deceived. They can wreck if they cannot rule, Evidently the anxie ties of the premier have sot in with a mueh stock in the clamour about life insurancg in Canada. There is noth: ing about the business to cause dis- content, but the element of expense is "unduly high." Better to do business and save the people's money. less -- The revelations so far in the New York election case are disappointing. There have been some irregularities, and some rascalities. But the pro- portion will have to increase much to warrant the conclusion that the mayoralty has been stolen from very Mr. Hearst. James Clark, « born in England ninety years ago. and one of Thur low's™ oldest residents, is dead. He was much respected. and one son survive, login vour Christmas "shopping now An aged widow characteristic mental maladies--espec ially nervous affections of motor mani- festation, with the handwriting char acteristic of shaking palsy, chorea, tabes, writer's cramp, éte."' SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. Some Consolation. Montrea: Herald. Haultain has the satisfaction of knowing that he cannot do much worse in Saskatchewan than Bennett did in' Alberta, . He Might Not. London Advertiser Col, Matheson says he expects On- tario will have a surplus this year. But 'will the colonel know a surplus when he sees one ? Touching The Prince. Foronto Globe Prince Louis was 'charged $1,000 for repairs to five teeth by a Now York dentist. Talk about combines ! After Your Coin. Buffalo Times. Sarah Bernhardt is coming to get your coin, never to return---she or the coin. She also regrets the fact be cause she knows you have more coin, He Has That, Montreal Star. a Dr. Nesbitt may know of a' dity having its municipal government con. ducted on party lines, the excellence of whose government illustrates his idea, but he has a monopoly, of the information, Virtue Of Glass, Toronto Star is now discovered that glass makes a fine substitite for lint as a dressing for wounds. It is also be lieved it ought to help some when a chap has a pane in his little insides. Mrs. Hubbard A Canadian. According to Dr. Morgan, the Can- adian bioggapher, Mrs. Hubbard, the brave, true woman, who has just re. turned from her adventurous Journey into the wilds of Labrador, to dis cover the secret of her late husband's failure and subsequent death in that bleak and inhospitable country, is one of our own country women, The daughter of James Benson, a farmer of Bewdley, township of Hamilton, county of Northumberland, Ont., she as a young girl, qualified as'a train ed nurse, and while in the performance of her duties, as such took up her residence in New York, where she was called upon to nurse Dr. Leonidas Hubbard, .Jr., through a serious ill- ness. It was a case, on his part, of love at first sight, with marriage, as the result. In 1903, her husband in exploring the wastes of Labrador, met his death. ------ An Old Custom Abolished. The corporation of Peterboro' decided to abolish the ancient cus tom of publicly proclainiing the open ing of the October fair. The charter for the fair was granted to the mon astery 450 years ago, in Henry VI., -and its opening was an nually made the occasion of a religi- ous ceremony hy the Benedictine monks. Latterly: the city fathers were wont to march from the Guildhall to, the town bridge, where the tow n crier read The proclamation, Many of dhe citizens object to the ancient being allowed to die. rr Fresh molasses candy "McConkey's"" at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Mrs. Rosalie Tousey, New York, danghter of Mrs. Margaret Todd, who was found dead on the railroad tracks in PhiadIbhia, has announced that her luwyors believe her mother was murdered, an® she will spend all hey money, if necessary, to track the cul. pritsa "IAmA has the reign of clistom 600d $tenographer" . (owe cent Per wore). _This is what hundreds of bright oi Toe Gene The ote 'The G "is %. 4 And a read by the business men, these girls get Foiious. ell your No- better time, ", Toronto. MTP Misses' and Children's in C and Felt. . > " " Te---- oven treet Penmanship Asserted to be a Help O , hew and = : iar. at 10 King 'o Edic bye-elections reveals the fact that the in Diagnosis, 1 omen In ur _ second nd, x] heap at 114 Gore tons at 2:80 Sha 8S 10. 13 ! successes of the liberal candidates have That a patient ? Sumabelin may : street. Joseph : WHI10, pages A di ie lhehte rE ---------------- ee } . . ver, published in. parts om been really remarkable. : be an aid to the lagnosis of disease . : THE ROTHWELL FARM, LOT 38, 1 A Houradsy one of he best Job Brint-| In North York the farmer was pit-8_wontended 'by u_ ivench fe tical Appalling Increase in the Number of road 3 miles West oi Eoin Bay: jie o ands, rarid, etylish a8d ted against the lawyer, and all the in- tion' along these lines is translated by Performed Each Year--How 7 apiendls Guiry vis, "set watssed: | Tho British Whig Publishing Oo. Limitea | 5°0ity of the conservativo party was he" Lilirary Digest from the keves| Avoid them. ith Shade groves, good Sow stable KDW. J. B. PENSE, ° exerted in vain to prejudice the cause Belentifique; . cle zk . y a o 1 ngs. ouse is a ~ in D orth, H I According to this article the system 850 a cottage, i ora Mana A of Hou, Me, Ayloiwor B ® nD is not the same as grapholqgy. "The Going through the hospitals in our large cities one is surprised to find such a large proportion of the patients lying on those snow-white beds women and girls, either awaiting" or recovering {from serious operations. Why should this be the case? Sim- ply because they have neglected them- selves. Ovarian and womb troubles are certainly on the increase among the women of this country--they creep upon them unawares, but every one of those patients in the hospital beds had plenty of warning in that bearing- down feeling, pain at left or right of the womb, nervous exhaustion, pain in the small of the back, leucorrheea, diz- ziness, flatulency, displacements of the womb or irregularities. When 'these symptoms show them- selves, do not drag along until you are obliged to go to the hospital and sub- mit to an operation -- but remember that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has sav. thousands of women from surgical operations When women are troubled with ir- regular, suppressed or painful menstru- ation, weakness, leucorrheea, displace- ment or ulceration of the womb, that bearing-down feeling, inflammation of the ovaries, backache, bloating*(or flat- ulency), general debility, indigestion, and nervous prostration, or are beset with such symptoms as dizziness, lassi- tude, excitability, imitability, nervous- ness, sleeplessness, melancholy, * all- gone "and "want-to-be-left-alone" feel- ings, they should remember there is one tried and true remedy. Mrs. Fred Seydel, 412 N. 54th Street, West Philadelphia, Pa., writes: Hospi] Christ Only Tw to Operatj Women = OUR Impro Affords you better "article for dinarily for inferic OUR ENTI be sure to get you Dear Mrs. Pinkham: "Iwas in a very se rious cond wrote to you for adv rh tion when | y 1ce#] had i and ovarian trounle and I conld not cared child to maturity, and was advised that's, operation was my only hope of could not bear to think of Ee ar [oy i | tal, so wrote you for advice. I'did ag ou | str usted 'me and kook Lydia E, Pj > 1V Spuialle Compound; and I am not onl 3 | well woman to-day, but have a beautify] or | girl ste months old, I advise all sick ag suffering women to write you for advice, you hage done so much for me," a Misy Lillian Martin, G Trainiag School fur Ont,, writes: Dear 31s Pinkham »~ 'While we are tgught in ini schools through the il 0 rang upon pateat medicines, and while the doctory in the hospftals Speak slightingly of them to patients, I ave found that th really know different. 1 have frequently known Phy. sicians to give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound t) women su fering with the most serious complications of ovarian troubles, falling of tho womb, lescorrhoea and other disorders. Khpey we ould, as a rule, put it in regular medicine bottles ind label it * tonic" or other names, but I knew it was your Com pound and hav seen thea fill it in rescrip- tion bottles, Inflammation. and een have been relieved and cured in a few weeks oul due to you to give by its use, and I feel it b s Vegetable Compound EVERY AK ed in plain figure: much you are sav! WE WILL space will not pe tensively, so woul for = SATUR! We will ha for Saturda come early L raduate. of Nurses, Brantford, REMEMB1 and we wish you for giving you su is, we want to the it up-to-date. Lydia E. Pinkhs proper credit." Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound at once removes such troubles, Refuse to buy any other medicine, for you need the best. Mrs. Pinkham invites sl sick women towrite her for advice. Meradviee and medicine have restored thousands to WE MANU Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Swcreedts Where Others Fail. BIBBY'S--The Men's Wear Store--BIEBBY health. Address, Lynn, Mass, probably have a 1c could be made ir lovely Christmas let us give you ot 'S . trade that centres here. ready and our Clothing is. Still Better Overcoat at the same price equal our excellent garment THE H. D. Ladies' Over-gaiters Ladies' . 8c. Ladies' Leggings 90.. Ladies™ Jersey Leggings... $1.25 We also carry 80c. Extra Tan Over-gaiters, a large stock of. orduroy These goods are made by the best makers and are made to-fit. The Sawyer Ghrive by Merit] | There's nothing spasmodic about the clothing Our Clothing so satisfies the wearer that with each recurring need he comes here again for his "next." Our new Fall and Winter Overcoats are now Tell us, if you can, where you can find a Suit of , that will' in any respect $8 50, 10, 12, 12.56, 13.50, 14 and 15 We ask for your trade because we say frankly that we expect to do better by you than other stores can of will do. . We're always at your service. Headquarters for Men's Gloves The Men's Wear Store ver=gaiters We do all k are pleased at an) WE SI P.B Cor, Pri Don't Ne chitis, Pneumon directly to ** onl GRAY'S SY IT CUR) Canadian winte Ghan Ever s at p- 3 BIBBY CO. e Address DR. KOHR eel KC atataCaCiIie Sweet and juic FLORIDA » ® ®

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