ee -- 4 Our" Hospi, ly 2 the Number of : OUR | to Select Them! saving. 1 our Pear Ms, Pinkharn:-- suc! Was in a very serious conditj ying | Wrote to you for adv 00=T ha p en Ho py and ovarian trouble and I conld ry ring ini x maturity, and was advised that paration was my only ho f ro si cotld not bear to think po hd much you aie Sim- | tal, so wrote you for advice. I'did ag hem- | strusted me and look Lydia Lop JU bles Yegstable Compound; and I am not on} : BOD | El sh moni iy # b hs ol Avis i seep | suffering women to write. SC ak ai le of {you haye done so much for me," Yona im. Miss Lillian Marti ring 3 ] artin, Graduate pe it of Trainiag School fur Nurses, iin for > in in | Ont., writes: ? le Dear 314 Pinkham »~ e Wwe are tgught i traini; schools through the re i 1em- | Upon patent medicines, and while the doctors are in the hospftals Seu: slightingly of them to Soh patients, I ave found that they really know ne different. 1 have frequently known Phy. NDer | sicians to fie Lydia E Pinkban s Vegetable able Compound tx) women suffering with the most of | serious complications of ovarian troubles, falling of the womb, lescorrhoea and other disorders. Fpey would, as a rule, put it in i regular medicine bottles and label it * topje® Cone early. or other names, but I knew it was your Com- © | pound and havp seen thea fill it in rescrip- tion bottles, Inflammation. and ns have been relieved and cred in a fow weeks dyin use, Sul 1 fee) pat due to you to give Lydia E. Pinkhs 's Vegetable 'Compound { | proper credit." 3 Sou Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com. pound at once removes such troubles, Refuse to buy any other medicine, for you need the best. Mrs. Pinkham invites ll sick women towrite her for advice. Meradviee and medicine have restored thousands to | health, Address, Lynn, Mass, Compound Secteests Whore Others Fail it up-to-date. 'S 103 1's Wear Store--BIBBY ce -- ¢ WE SELL FOR CASH ONLY. Cor, Princess and Wellington Sts. Christmas Gifts ! ~ Only Twenty-five Days Left | Improvement Sale Affords you a spledid opportunity to give a much petter-article for the same money you would pay or- dinarily for inferior goods. OUR ENTIRE STOCK MUST BE SOLD so 'be sure to get your share cf the BARGAINS. EVERY ARTICLE IN OUR STORE is mark- ed in plain figures, so you will always know just hew WE WILL NOT quote prices this week, as our space will not permit us to go into the same very ex- tensively, so would ask you to, kindly see our windows SATURDAY BARGAINS We will have a lot of goods for sale for Saturday only at Special Prices, so REMEMBER there is no fake about this sale and we wish you to thoroughly understand our reason for giving you such an opportunity at this time of year is, we want to thoroughly overhaul our store, and have WE MANUFACTURE all kinds of jewelery, you probably have a lot of old gold jewelery stored away that could be made into a beautiful and useful article, or a lovely Christmas Gift for someone, bring it along and let us give you our opinion on the same. We do all kinds of DIAMOND mounting and are pleased at any time to quote prices for the work. P.B. CREWS pe by Merit Many a case of asmodic about the clothing | directly to sfies the wearer that with each chitis, Pneumoniaand even '* only a cough." \Whett the chronic Bron- tself, may be traced 1d comes, start in on ed Consumpt GRAY'S SYRUP OF RED SPRUCE GUM THE DAILY W A DIRECT BALLOT Carried By Majority of 20--Re- sponsibility to Premier, It Is Declared, Should Be Extended All Excepc Court Ministers. Moscow, Nov. 24. By a scanty ma jority the: Zemstvo congress aceépted the first sections of the programme drafted by the declaring the executive committee, solidarity of the con with the principles of the im perial manifesto of October 30th. The government is assured of the support of the great majority of Zemstvos and municipalities in carry mg into effect the liberties promised by the manifesto. The sole means of guarantecing the authority of the douma, and restoring order | in the country, however, is declared to be the election of representatives by a general direct, equal and seeret ballot gross afd the formal grant to the first louma of the power to elaborate a constitution for the empire I'he friends of Count Witte made a stout fight against the provision for a direct hallot, the one concession which the premier considers it impos sible to grant, but this provision was carried by a. two-thirds majority, The resolution, in its final form, substantially the same as cabled on Wednesday, The committee to which it was referred for further considera tion made alterations. in the phraseo wv. but little change in the +. The "congress inserted at suggestion of the committee is sub the a provis except the ion subjecting all ministers ourt ministers, to the responsibility of the cabinet, M. Mulikoff explaining that with the ministers of war, navy and foreign affairs exempt from such responsibility not only peace be decided the premier, hut could! war without consulting the minister of war could declare martial law in any sec tion of the country, without consult or his colleagues TINIEST BABES. RECORDED. "Mites Togeéthes Only Weigh Three Pounds. New Orleans Herald In the Milliken Hospital there are a wir of twins, which are probably the smallest living twins in this 'section of the country, if not in the whole Unit ed States. Together weigh less than thre unds, and though they S 1 they. can hardly be seen in their | , they.are thriving under the car ful nursing of the sisters' and nurses of the Milliken Hospital Lying side by side they look just as if they were dolls They are not wearly as large as the dolls babies play with, and they each weigh about one pound five ounces . Friday the mother of the children took the little fellows to the hospital Lecause she said she was not physical Iv able to nurse and care for them as they should be. She was told to take them to the Milliken Hospital, which is used for children only. When she entered the hospital with the little fel lows the sisters and nurses could hard Iv b that anything that small could have "lived. The mother questioned, and she said that as far as she had heen able to tell the babies doing well, and' did not appear ill are lieve was Wer to be the least bit SON 'SAVED HIS LIFE. Chamois Hunter in Alps Has Awful Experience. A chamois hunter named Schultz, of ( roire Nin the Canton of Grison, was aved recently from a terrible death by the bravery of his son, a lad of fifteen and a half years of age At break of day the father and son were stalking a chamois, and arrived to ice slope at a spot where they were obliged as slippery Schultz roped himself to his son. and began slope on all fours, as the noise made if steps were cut in y and Cross to cross the , the ice would have frightened the an- | theatre, here again for his "next. inal "| there that I had been put into the 1s the infl 1 surface Suddenly the father slipped and dis- | place of anh actor who was locally 1 ! IT CURES COUGHS -- heals the inflammed su g ared over the side of yeecipice | very popular. He had not left, 1 be ( ; ¢ / 3 : appeared over the side of a 3 1 ! Winter Overcoats are now strengtliens w thro: the lu in the strongest A A I 1 lieve, on altogether good term with possible condition to resist tuo trying efiects of a IF Theeboy withstood the shock and, | the ma nt. So the audience S. Canadian winter 25¢ hottle . Ag : elon i -- . dia ater, . with the aid of his ice-axe, held on | vented their pleen upon his successor x like grim death, although the rope was ['1 was that unfortunate person, and er Ghan Ever cuttipg flesh For nearly two | for a whol k, or more, 1 was hiss I E brave la upported his | ed every 1 Not for my had act hours rave lad ipported ni 1 3 11 { . ho was dangling helpless | ing (he said with a pleasant smile), here you al find a Suit of jh ln ex ha ti i but out of love for my predecessor 1 hz i { : r oh The on! In the end shepherds heard | I' remember how, every night, | walk ice, that will in any respect ELP FOR MEN DL | or A ee en ents at Seionce from their perilous position. of town, very wretched, and walked which will positively cure lost manhood is " RESTORINE® mn see in agains the next night no less mix ; 4 dreelt pos dnl RL Shy Re What Made The Splash. erable. To this day I never pass the 50, 13.50 1% and 15 v the highest A story is told of a farmer couple | place by railway without a shudder. [ ' h LE who 'were going to pay a visit to Yiesoms dope oy the omens, the ja PG frankly that mn diseases friends some miles across country. | miliar Litt tations close by begin to 1 / 3 1 le because wes by rant y I'he weather was cold and wet, so | show then 8. stores can or both hushand. and wife took "a you than other i . good stiff dram before setting, ofi" in An Early Lesson. your service. wiomonc | G0" dogeart, which the husband | uo ued gene monials drove, the wife occupying the back e wot to realize / > 0 seat. Arrived at his destination, af ust never Jor Men S Gloves ter a weary journey over sloppy Sint ud : 1s, the s cordially greeted roa the man wa rdially g aT Se ---------- po - 2 7 hy his host; who, however, supple h of i and tnd vitality, ite for sample sent secur ented his welcome by=-Mun, why did much o'schoo : . ve no' bring the wife wi' ye?" Sol inthe spring BI BEB Y y Address DR. KOHR MEDICINE CO. emly the guest turned round and look Ew dual ng : --= | cd at the scat his wife had occupied he wn « W - Fo ~ - - at the beginning of the journey, and r the big brass band ear Store. ~ ' Ca then. apparently hugely pleased at Sticky Sule. a sisted . An (op ed py having made the discovery, remarked blame much o'school ® ® "Sg that was the splash ! + says 1 might as 'well & ' to feelin' so Ora i | cs Biped And Quadruped Hogs. 4 honest truth to tell Portland Oregoniar with gun in hand The Arabians may beat us on hors « where Us cool. 4 1 i 4 - o Baot sh show does. but > would be a circus, ane < - . per dozen. vs and the Seotch on 1 as, 8 alo 2 0 ei Sweet and juicy. 15¢., 20¢. and joc. p OE aes 20 rei Aer they ait gute whwespun sthool. c. . th ke, Onr breeds are numerous, An' cheerful seek to be : : FLORIDA ORANGES, FLORIDA GRAPE FRUIT. for qh, Or brente aie, pune | ht pe 3 cope > --_-- y squealing power, Witness the | yyw 'think how things are planned : \ s of the railroad hog when it is itd m downright crool - ; ? ; *cire: even § ted that he id getting ra- | There ai gugh circus and : A; J. REES. Princess St. Fi nu ir. ams | es to ih mi Eo 5 3 > 3 there are others. There is the kero: | / (a(S (S sene hog, whose lard makes such a] Grapes From British Columbia. - of» ' w | beautiful light in college and church To. combat the impression that the : -- : There is the private car hog, the Steel § ofipage of British Columbia in very y MEN AND WOMEN. A Heavy Fine. hos l Jailroad hog, the in- | cloment" in winter, 2). H.. Turner, Use Big @ for unnatural Litoln, Neb, Nov. ®Ri.--iatnck. | ® all fat. and ready to agent-general for. the colony, men {isohargtsinfiammations, Ravmond, aged cighteen was arrested tions in- the Times that. at the Cana- le of mucous membranes. | hile lighting, a cigarette which he -- mm mi dian Pacific railway' offices in Trafal Fatnieme and vot sateia had just rolled for his own use in the "Mmost every week' vou will hear | gar Square may' now be seen some i Sold by Druggine, presence of a city detective, He was) ghout persons being scalded by using | fine, thorov ly | ripe Flaming Tokay ©¢ sont in plain wroppss.{ and costs e- a cheap hot water bottle. It pays to | grapes grown aw bLytton, British Col : 3 a pst pr buy the best the kind von got at | umkbia, mn the open air specimens of r Circular sot on request § oC ue G5 500 + this vear's crop just arrived, omission re -- INCIDENTS OF THE DAY: Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters on Their Rounds. M.. and Mrs. Mont real. 3 packages Malty Vita for 23c., at Mullin's. Mr. and Mrs. B. Wagar, Rockport, spent the day in town Mr. Ryley is in Mantreal, register ed at /the Russell Hotel, Joseph F. Maher, Oncida, a business visitor in the pity. . Pure gum rubber hot water bottles at Gibson's Red Cross drug store A. E. Bell, Shefliecld, Eng., is regis tered at. the British-American hotel. Edward Low, of Ottawa, is in the city, the guest of his son, Charles Low. J. W. Oldfin's stock, to he sold by auction, will be disposed of in job lots. = Try our coffee rings and Stellas for Saturday. "Phone 141 W,. J Crothers. Jacobs are in N.X., Frank Bowers, Kalamazoo, is spending a couple of days in town on business. Watch for the advertisement <to morrow of the sale of Mrs. . 8 Hart's furniture. Police Constables Arniel and Mul linger took William Feldman to the county jail this afternoon for the week Mes. M. Connolly and little son, Bertie, arrived from Montreal, yes- terday, on a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Dolan.® Try our coffee ring Saturday. "Phone (rothers W. E. H. Whintan has been appoint ed demonstrator of organic chenis- try at Queen's College and will have charge of the practical organic labo ratory. A free lecture will be given in Zion church, this evening, by Miss: Bureau, on 'The Peace Movement." This the first of lectures ranged to be given by the board education. "The Eye Witness," will be traction at the Grand for Wednesday. November 20th This, is Lincoln J. Carter's latest and niost" successful of fort and is aid to be the most #iril- ling play of the kind ever sent on the road s and' Stellas for 111 W, taf, 2s is ar of of a series the at MIGHTY SQUEEZE Elephant Broke Backbone of Keeper He Killed. A tragic drama has taken place in the Jardin des Plantes, Paris. The elephant Said, the main attraction of the Paris zoo, has killed his keeper, Francis Neff, This is how it happen ed Said had heen gloomy for some time; his character had changed. On the day of the tragedy Neff went in to the elephant's enclosure, but was not able to drive him into his cage The keeper, however, began to clean up the = enclosure before the pachy- derm, a proceeding that was contrary to the rules of the establishment. Neff however, was su accustomed to care for the animal to feed it with dain ties and to live in intimacy with Said, that he had no fear of any consequences, and proceeded quietly about his labors, Scarcely had Neff taken a spade and proceeded to turn up the earth than Said seized him around the waist with his trunk and with a might squeeze broke the keeper's backbone Then, throwing the corpse high in the air, the infuriated animal trumpeted loudly and bounded clumsily into his cage. It was not until some hours after that two other keepers, in passing saw the crushed body of Neffi "lying limp and dead on the ground. 'HISSED EVERY NIGHT. Irving Had a Hard Time of it in Early Days. Herve it his own story of one of Irving's carly trials "In, mv early days 1 accepted a stock engagement. at a provincial \d did not know lintil 1 got { Gibson's Red Cross dragstore HIG. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER Jager. C. W. Spencer, who was recently 24. THE NEW MANAGER William R. Baker, Assistant to Sir Thomas Shaughnessy, Chosen--James Obourne Also of C.P.R., Elected Director. A special meeting of the. Kingston & Pembroke railway directors was. held here this morning to elect a successor to the vice-president. and general man appointed general manager of the Mackenzie & Mann railways, and who retired from his other positions, The result. of the meeting was the appointment of William R. Baker as vice-president and general manager to succeed Mr. Spencer. As successor to Mr. Baker on the board of directorate. James Obourne, Montreal, general su- perintendent of the eastern division of the C.PR. The K. & I. railway"s new general manager, was * born 'in England in 1852; entered railway service in 1873; at Ottawa, as local freight and pas- senger agent of Canadian Central rail way. Since then he has been "assistant to general superintendent and local treasurer western division C.P.R., February to September 1881; purchas ing agent same division, September, 1881, to May, 1882; assistant to gen eral superintendent Manitoba & North- Western railway, June, ISS3, to Sep tember lst, 1892, general manager same road, September, 1802, to May 11th, 1900; executive agent C.I.R. at Winnipeg, 1900, to 1901. From 1901 to 1905, he was? assistant to second vice-president of C.P.R. at Montreal. Recently he was appointed assistant to the C.P.R. president, Sir Thomas Shaughnessy. Mr. Baker is a very fine type of man, and very unassuming for one 'who holds such a high position in railway circles, He is a worthy suc cessor to Mr, Spencer, " The three Montreal gentlemen came here early this morning in a private car, and left at noon, accompanied hy local K. & P. railway officials, ARE DEVOTED WORKERS, Nobility Do. Lord and Lady Tankerville have been holding evangelical meetings in Shropshire, England, and were the centre of one of the most picturesque open air gatherings ever held on Stip- er.Stone range. The swner of Chilling- ham is one of the most interesting members of the upper house. As Lord Bennet he has been intimate friend and co-worker of American revivalists, He spent much of his youth in Am- erica, where he found a charming wife in Miss Leonora Van Marter, Both are great lovers of art, the former be: ing a fine miniaturist and an exhibit. or at the Royal Academy. They have two sons, Lord Ossulston, eight years old, and Master George Bennet, aged two. Lord Kinnaird is an acknowledged authority on football and banking, and known to thousands for his ser- mons. He is the leader of the Young Men's Christiah Association and no Exeter Hall meeting is really complete without an eloquent sermon from his lordship. He is, moreover, practical, and practises what he preaches, A large part of his earnings as a mem- ber of the banking firm of Barclay & Co., goes to charities, Lord Overtoun has frequently ocou- pied the pulpit in. Scotland 'and is very keen in impressing religions and social views on his congregations, What the of England WALKER-HOGAN, Pretty Wedding Solemnized Perth. in Perth Courier A very pretty ized] in St wedding wax solemn John's church, Perth, at 6:30 o'clock on Monday morning, No vember 20th, when one of Balderson's® most popular ladies, Misa Mary, daughter M. Hogan was united to Joseph Walker, Father Bru nett officiating was hand somely voile with young of Mrs in marriage Kingston, Rev The bride gowned in ertam voke with chiffon trim while her bridesmaid, Miss Mar Hogan, sister of the bride, wore a dress of gray voile, The part of groomsman was filled by "James Ben nett, of Balderson, The served at the home the guests friends mtracting partivs guipure luce mings, wedding breakfast wa the bride's only. the immediate tives of the ¢ presents were of being and rela The many and costly, among them being two cheques, one from the father and mother, and other from the bride's uncle mother, groom s an The gift of the groom to the bride was a set of sable furs and to the bridesmaid a pearl ring. The happy couple dt on the west-bound train for Toronto and other points. Upon their return they will reside in Peterboro and" to their carry with them felicitations of host hom new many of happy friends a Pleased With The Weather Perth, Nov, What could be mor pleasant than this fine fall weather, and such good roads. We have mourn the loss of an. old resident, Mrs. Dunlop, who "passed peacefully away, Monday evening. Her remains 29 to true life partner. Mr, and Mrs, James Miller, Lombardy, spent a day in town this week. Miss Mabel Fournier, Althorpe, is a guest of her sister, Mra, J. H. MeMillan, North street. Mr. and Mrs. A, McLaren arrived home from thé West, Saturday, after spend ing a couple of months with the latter's parents, Marine Notes. The schooner Queen of the Lakes wente into the government dry dock, thie morning, to have some caulking done to her hull. She returned last night from Charlotte light, having, while "there, discovered a leak, and it was feared to burden her "with a car go of coal The day, Maggie 1... noon; 'at Richardsons' from bay sloop arrived to with grain ports. ------------------ Bip Hip Corsets with hose support were interred © in Elmwood cemetery" today. She leaves an aged husband to mourn she loss of a kind and -- The James Johnston Store. and Wrappers. have 2,000 yards to sell at 10c. MoKELVEY FLEE PPPLIOPD POPE PIE DPEEP SHANNON FILES & CABINETS § Transfer Cases. Card Index Outfits. 8 Saturday Remarkable Sale 01 36 Inch Waistings and Flannelettes, 10c. 2,000 Yards Yard Wide Wrapperettes, 10c. yd 50 different patterns iu full yard wide Wralperthion. 2 Tansy Stripes a Figures, guaranteed fast color and or W ress 1 d : These sell readily everywhere for 16¢. and 200: a 'We 10c Another snap in Wrapperettes. have 1,000 yards to sell on Saturday at Te. Flannelettes for Shirts and Night Dresses, 8c. 100 pieces of heavy Stripe Flannelettes. ' Regular value 10, Just the thing for Night Dresses and Bhirte. Baturday for 8c. a yard. 1 5c. Fast Color Plaid Flannelettes for 10c. * Very durable for Children's Dresses and Waists. Some beautiful Plaide and broken Checks. regular price of these is 150. Baturday, pe. yard. 8 Han White Linen Lawn, Ladies' and Children's sizes; hem-stitched and lace trimmed, woith 10c, each. Saturday you can get 8 for 26¢, . A Waist Pattern, Saturday, 25c. 100 Waist Patterns of Fancy Operettes. A great many different Saturday the Waist for 26c. : The James Johnston Store TORTOISE--FOR COAL. Special and Dentists. Typewriter Ribbons and Carbon Papers. J. B.C. DOBBS & C0., 171 Wellington St. Typewriters for sale, to rent, repaired. : & RY GOODS most a yard Saturday. tes for 7c. Yard Wega Bogie 10 width and quality. We Troe 'These go with the All fast color, and a great variety to select from, The dkerchiefs Saturday for 25¢, : We do just as we advertise. 180 Wellington Street. K : HIS IS THE STOVE that you hear so much about. It is not much to look at, but it is truly a wonderful stove. Itis what is called a Slow Combustion . Heater. Itis lined from top to bottom with fire brick, and has no grates to burn out, The fire burns right on the brick bottom, dnd it consumes its own ashes and clinkers. Those who use the TORTOISE, and there are thousands of them in ey. - claim that it is a tremendous' heater and «that it will do the work with half the fuel required by any other stove, and that it re~ quires very little attention. They are made in four sizes, We have them all, & BIRCH, 69 and 71 Brock St. "Patient's Record" Cards for Doctors PERSIAN LAMB JACKETS Quality, Style and Fit Unequalled. McKay Fur House MADE-TO-ORDER Select Your Skins Brock Street. ers, 50c., New York Dress Reform Q FINANCE AND INSURANCE OC CGOO0COO00OM0O000000000TO0 .A. BATEMAN INSURANCE BROKER ALL KINDS OF FIRE INSUR- ANCE AT LOWEST RATES. DISTRICT AGENT SUN LIFE ASSUR- ANCE COMPANY OF CANADA. 61 CLARENCE STREET" KINCSTON. For Real Estate Or Insurance Consult with GEO. CLIFF before buying at 85 Clarence Street, If You Want a Home OR INSURANCE, Have a _ Talk With ° ® > 57 Brock Street. HOTEL FOR SALE A First-Class Hotel property for sale in one of the best Ville ages in Eastern Ontarig, Good reasons for selling, For particulars apply ta T. J. LOCKHART, Real Estate Agent | 159 Wellington St. cman