EE ------ DR; McCARTHY, OFFICE LATELY an r. Ryan, "Corner lon- x streets. N, P os, LLIN ayrlo Resident House ingaton General Hospit- EL in, Geena" ee 43 HYSICIAN, be OF CANADIAN NORTH-WEST i TIONS HOMESTEAD REGULA : evan hered section of Domine "Manitoba or the North fon, ovintes, excepting 8 and 26, not eserved, may be hojugstonded upon by soy parson who is the sole head a family, any wale over 18 years of age, to the Sot ! one-quarter section, wade personally at the and Odige. for the Fiintrict in which be taken I vieted, or If may. on a of « tha' 1 the pelican: aterior, t least mx months resi upon dence vation of the land in each year ek 10 mi futher (or mother. 1 the ) of this Act, resides in the vicinity of the land 8 as ich person residing wit father her. Or Liother, g It the settler hag his permanent x upon farm land owned hy fi, Sn honiestead, E of this Act ms to id A MILLION NEEDLES COULD NOT INFLICT THE TORTURE WOMEN SUFFER © FROM HEADACHES Headache is not in itself a disease, buf's symptom or accompaniment of other dis. eases, principally those of the stomach, liver and bowels, such as Constipation, ia, Liver Trouble, Bad Blood, Female Complaints, General Debilit y and Weakness. Headache is common to both soxes, but more frequently affects females, The varieties of headache most common are sick or bilious headache, nervous head- ache, headache from Sapatipation, Sebility or indigestion, iodical and spasmodic Ra Undoubtedly the cause must be rem: before permanent relief can be had. Burdock Blood Bitters removes the cause of the headache, and not ogly does this but it also restores the entire system to healthy action and buoy- 'ant vigor. "1 was troubled with headache for a number of . but could get nothing to help me. i procured a of lock Blood Bitters, and finding it was doing mo #0 much good, I got two more. Iam now fully cured and think there is nothing in the world like Burdock Blood Bitters for headache." MRS. EDW. KEDDY, New Genmaxy, Owe. B.B.B. is for 'sale at all Druggists and Dealers. ¥ 1 be satisfied by residence upon the CATION FOR PATENT should At the end eof three years, he- the Local Agent, Sub~Agent or the d Imspector. ore making application for patent tier must give siX moaths' notice el to he omnissioner of Do. at Ottawa, of his intention 80, 18 OF GANADIAN NORTH. MINING REGULATIONS, Oohl.--~Conl lands may be purchased at per acre for soft eon: and $20 fur te. Not more than 320 acres can uired by one fudividual or com- pany. Ro alty at the rate of ten cents or S000 Vuundu shall be collected RTUSS output, Quarts. A miner's certificate is ted upon payment in advance of ¥iso T anuum' for an individual, and obo to 3100 Per annum for a com- ny according t A free miner, lace, way" -locate 3, feet. ioe for recording a claim is $5. t least $100 must be expended on the mn each or pald to the mintiig re "in When $500. has locator niay, and upon, requirements, pur- 1 an acre : capital. Vin, scovered mineral po claim © 1,500x elai Complying cent on the sale Th Patent, " ya! Of BUACER fo ng claims generally 100 feet square ; entry fee $5, renewable yearly A free miner may obtain two leases to ge for eold of five miles each for a erm of twenty vi f Jonra, renewable at the inister of the Fiterior oss00 have & dredge in oper- ation within one season from the date of ® lease for each five miles. Rental, $10 por annum for each mile of river lensed. Loyalty at the rate of 24 per cent collect. od on Qutput after it Sxeoud 8 310.000, Ropuey, ot tis Mintater OF the Infertor. +B. ~Unautho publication of his Wdvertisement will not be paid for, '= The Polish that wow't wear offs "rome COAL That fs the kind we sell-The kind you should bura if you want ° A satisfaction fire, We are filling orders Wow Bor winter supplies. Have you ordered © Yours yet ? "hone No, 188, BOOTH &CO for ihe payment of | and relioveall tho troubies fuck bilious state of the system, such se Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after nin the Bide, &c. While their most womarkable success has been shown in curing yot Besdache, Carter's Little Liver Pills ave equally valuable in Constipation, curing and pro. venting thisannoying complaint, while they alse torrect all disorders of {hostomach, stimulate the River aud regulate tho bowels, Even if they only Ny xX _ HEAD che they world bo almost priceless to those who Suffer from this distressing complaint; but fort ately their goodness does notend here, and thoss whoonee try them will find these little pills valu. able in samany ways that they will not be wil Nag todo without them, But after allgick hoad ACHE the bane of so many lives that here is where 'Wemake our great boast. Our pillscure it while hers Ac not, [ttle Liver Pills ave very small and easy 10 take. One or two Ji makes doGy. oy are strictly vegetablo and do not gripe or Rene, but by their gentle action please all wha hem. In vialaat 25conts ; five for $1, Sold &y draggints everywhere, or sent by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York, Goal ZL Small Dos Small Prim CURE dent to a Dizain |THE ONTARIO BUILDING AND SAVING SOCIETY NOTICE OF SRECIAL GENERAL MEETING. NOTICE 1S HEREDY that a Special Qe ral ireholder of « the pur if approved of a celta Agreement bearing the 8th day of November, 1903, OVisionally between the Direct- Md Company and The Colon- and Loan Company for the rage securities and other wie Building and Save a tifying date mada sale of th or assets of the On Ings Society to The Colonial Investment and Loan Company upon the "terms and conditions in the said Agreement, copy of. which said Agreement may be ine spected at the office of the Company The consideration for the sale is the al lotment and issue of Permanent Prefer- ence Stock of The Colonial Investment and Loan Company at Eleven Dollars per. share (that is "to say, at a premium of One Dollar, the Par value of each share hein~ Ten Dollars) or st the option of the Shareholders | Ten-year 4 Per cent deben- tures of The Colonial an amount equal to Loan Company which shal the current vear. nvestment and 1 be distributed among . the Shareholders of The Ontario Building and Saving Society at par. fax the individual stock Shareholders. together per cent théreon for The said option to take either stock or bonds to bé exercised within ono week after potice requiring the exercise of such option. Dated at the Head Office of the Com. this Sth day of November A n., By ofder of the Board ed), GEO. H. GOODERHAM, President credits of such with interfst at 44 TEACHER OF CHINA PAINTING 1 WATER-COLORS AND OILS, CHINA Hrelation kiln "to five; 'Materials for Painters sold. China mended to » mn THE DAI TO BE BUILT. Students Are in Trouble--Charg- ed With. Frauwdulently Obtain- ing College Diplomas. Montreal, Nov. 24,--Dr, Lachapelle, president of the College of Physiciabs and Surgeons of Quebec, has laid in- formation agaiust Dr. Anselle Roy and several medical students, charg: ing them with fraudulentfy securing diplomas at the medical examinatipns last September by the use of false names, ele. v The Dominion coal compaty have placed orders "in England for three new steel steamers for their St. Law- rence service, One is of the C. Knuddsen type, and the other two of the Hermond type. They will increase the capacity of the company on the St. Lawrence by several hundred thou. sand tons a year, Collhio, the young Italian, who recently threatened to shoot the un- willing "object of his affections and het whole family because ghe would not marry him, was fined £100 and four months by Judge Choquette, The departure of the Sardinian for Havre jinduced George Hannalr, pas- senger manager of the Allan line to say that the company was well satis: fied with the result of the working of the regular direct service to France which was commenced this season by arrangement with the Dominion gov- ommédnt. "Next season," said Mr. Hannah, "it js quite likely that we will improve the services,' Their Queer Targets. Fheodore H. Boice in Fittshurg icle-Telégraph. The same old tales are coming in From scencs of reckioss gunning, Where hunters widly bang away Though many risks they 're The same mistakes gre being made Displaying lack of reason. As those that have been Causing grief In every hunting season Chron- ranning. lis. bad endugh When horses, cows, And mwles and PIRS are stopping The leaden pellets from the Runs, And in their tracks are dropping ; But worse, by fur, is blundering That brings about the aiming At numan targets in the woods, And ruthlessly is maiming A bunch of whiskers on a hin 8 by some gunner spotted ; CA squirrel 1 he exclaims, and fires, And there's a luce shot-dotted. Some fellow's hat protrudes above The brush where he is Walking , 'A pheasant," is the gunners thought Aud there's result that's shocking. Some unsuspecting passer-by Is leg or arm dispiaying Aud us yg rabbit he's assailed By 'some one bent on slaying Another who's concealed from view, By chance some twigs is breaking, And then hely sized up us big game, And get's u fearful raking, Of course, there are a lot of sports Who never make a blunger And who display a hunting skill That oft excites our wonder But there are many others whom Lis wisdom Lo be shunning, And they're the chaps who make think That many fools Ko gunning, -------------- us Remarkable Career. Canon J. R. Nicholl, who, died re- cently in England, at the age of nine: ty-six, receives lengthened memorial tributes in the press. For sixty-two years he had held the benefice of Streatham, only relinquishing the ge. tive duties last November. Af school in' Eton college he wis a fellow-stu dent and friend of Gladstone. In 1892 he recived ordination, "therefore gery. ed as priest for seventy-three years, When he was appointed, to Streatham there were 5,000 parishidners, with one church; now eight churches serve 100, 000 perwons in the sume district. The faithful worker raised over £510,000 for church. buildings alone, and estab lished the first home of rest for Lon- don hoys. Of his fifteen sons and daughters all but two shared in the last rites-one being absent and one having died: Apart from a grand re cord of long service, the late canon won respect by constant activity, promptitude of habit, thoughtfulness for others, for8eful expression and ef fective reading of the service and the scriptures The good of such a life cannot he measured even in thought School Boy's Lunches. Clark's beef loaf sliced and made in to sandwiches make nourishing' vholesome 1 for school child Fry it, but get Clark's a ch mn ------------ Wigy but he shoes his own. eh. takes a featherweight wife 1 the heavyweight husband Shake shoes: rE ---------- Gin Pills Cure Sick Kidneys Biones married hasn't a cont oven buys Wagg- Can't call his sale a rich She wife, OR YOUR MONEY BACK. This is the guarantee with every box. That shows our confidence in Gin Pills, That proves, too, that jt won't cost you a cent if Gin Pills fail to bring relief, Buy them with that understanding. Sept. joth, 1904. "I have been troubled with Da tism, bladder trouble, and pain and weak- ness in my back for several years, sent for a sample of Gin Pills. The rheumatism left me at once. I now send for a full box, and if they prove as you say you will hear from me again, © P. C. SMiTH, South Orrington, Me," And we did hear from Mr. Smith again i 'Nov, 7th, 1904. ** Enclosed I send P.O. order for $2.50 for 6 boxes of Gin Pills, "Yours truly, P.C, Sma." We know your experience will be Just like Mr, Smith's --because we know what Gin Pills cdn do. They never fail, even in the most severe cases. No matter whit your experience has been with loctors and medicin, es, don't give up mil you try Gin Piles, Itis because they re different that they cure. Try them and wet relief, If you will seme us the name of the pager in which you read this we will send youn a sample box of Gin Pills absolutely free. You can thus test them and see for yourself whether or not they are all we claiin for them, They are for sale at all druggists. soc a box--6 boxes for $2 50. ~The Bole Drug Co., Winni. » Al Stand . boiling water. Y tro solicited. "Miss M, M, Brophy, so won ington street, COOL HIS LOVE! THREE NEW STEAMERS ARE "Twill he greatly missed, as he was ¢ LY WHIG, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24. A SAD DEATH --ne. From Honored Affluence to Drive ' Poverty. the duties that fall to the Jot of the daily chronicler of the news as it flies, is to record the death 'in obseur- ity of one who had in former years borne a prodinent part in life, filled huge positio at large salaries, and then, by the fortunes of war or poli tics, the accidents that beset life, or the misfortines that, finding one of their tribe bound full chisel for ) a man, at once pack up all their he- longings and post haste follow swiftly after their loader. in order to be in at the death, so that the proverb may Mountaineering is made easy nowadays, Tk top of the Burgenstock, which over the Lake of Lucegne. in Switzer la . ois nowadays accessible toi every- body by means of an electric elevator, which carries the toupists to. the dizzy height of 3,718 feet. nnn Sarit it be proved true that misfortunes may come. singly in this city, with its great attractive power, that we hear 'of the death, every now and then, of some one who has been distinguished in Europe, and slip by slip has fallen into the' grind ing will of the metropdlis on" this side of the ocean, and fills at last an humble grave. The latest. of these was an old French solder, who 'umbed to pneumonia at the age seventy-four, after living - eight years in the heart of the THIS was Gen. Jules Marius Pergert, a member of the Im perial Guard of France, member of the executive committee and of the mili tary committee of the Paris commune sue of in a basement, French colony of IST, author of the order which brought death to the hostages, in chuding Archbishop. of .D'Arbois, and when this man died he was watchman for the New York gas house, In France his relatives still enjoy wealth but long stnee refused td recognize him because of his part inthe commune. His widow is in suck poverty that she has been obliged to give up one of the she and her" husband occupied. twa rooms ebm -------- Old Resident Dead. Flinton, Nov. 20.--The weather con tinues fine, On the 18th, there came to brighten the home of Mr: and Mrs. J. Hasler a wee girl. On" 15th, there was a concert given by the Church of England; they realized $16, which goes to fix the rectory. On Sunday there were three funerals at Cloyne, Bridge water road, and the late Mrs, Switz. erer, and John A. Carscallen, at Northbrook. The late Mr. Carscallen a very influentisd tran; as wellas a very old settler, living in various places thro the township. Postmaster, vea « when an office was first ip hout stituted, and we had mail only once a week, then reeve of the township sev- eral terms, filling' the position. well. He built .a fine residence at Flinton. later moving to Northbrooke, swhere he carr on. the store-keeping, and was justice of the peace for 'many vears.. With hie keen decision as to matters of law, he has handled . many rough cases. He was a member of the church of- Fngland, and was buried in Northhrook eemetory. The remains were followed to the grave by a large concourse. Rev. R. W. Fewine officiat- od. He leaves a widow and a blind brother, to mourn the loss of a good husband and home-maker.: Wr." Cars callon, always robust, was onk- sick a week ob paralysie, never rallving after the stroke. Mr, Laundry has given up the mill, and .J. H. Stone has rented it, 3 Reprooi From The Pulpit. A good instance of a double reproof openrred in a Scottish church. A lad named Merrvweather was very inat tentive during the service, greatly to thé annoyance of the minister, His father alwavt composed himself for, a nap directly the sermon' was well nnder way. so that the bov conld do what he liked. without parental re proof. 'I'he minister conld stand it no longer one Randay; so he stopped snd. denly in his sermon, and said, "John Mereyweather, if vou continue 'to act in such an Usmnseemly manner during divine worship, 1 shall tell voue fa ther. T would tell him now. but he haiipens to be asleep." From that day Merryweather senior and junior were Peg a. . "Thodel listeners. New York, Rov. 95, --The saddest of Strangely enough it is calves with the corn and cob meal and bran start in rearing the calf, is three or four days old. Clip off the hair around the rudimentary horns with \a pair of scissors, wet nubs ex posed, rub with potash. slight sore, no sign of horns wil] ward, piles. Druggists are author fund money if Pazo Ointment fails to cure in 6 to 14 days, 50c. ing 'the kind of a man a fortune teller said she Cures aCold inOne Day, LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS IN GENERAL. -- Matters That Interest Everybody --Notes From All Over--Little Of Everything Easily Read and Remembered. The ladies of Smith's Falls have or- ganized a ladies' curling club. ~ Preparations are being made for the building of a new Methodist church at Lime Lake. On October 25th last, Thomas Dagg, Minnedosa, Man., passed away in his fifty-sbventh year. Mr. Dagg left South Elmsley siytcen years ago for the west. A quiet wedding took place at St. Paul's manse, Smith's Falls, on Mon- day. W. H. McIntyre; photographer, of Perth, and Miss Lottie Stafiord, of the same town. : James Caldwell, Tatlock, and Mist Nellie Barr, eldest daughter of Alex ander Barr, Hall's Mills, were happily made husband and wife 'last Wednes day. The occasion was royally cele brated. R. R. Drysdale has contracted with James Cameron, Fallbrook, for the sawing of lumber at his Lavant terri tory, where on 500 acres brought from William Caldwell, Toronto, he' intends operating. Fishing Tuspector H." Phillips is do ingvgaod work on the Rideau this fall. Last week he seized eleven gill nets, and fined one man $10 and costs for illegal fishing, and is determined to the work, if to put a stop pos gible. Walter Mcllquham, of © Drummond, departed this life Tuesday afternoon in his ninety-sixth year. He had been ill a week, suffering from bronchitis. Farly in life he married Magrgarct Kerr and to them were born Peter J now of Mountain Mill, Alberta: Wal ter, of Carleton Place; John K. and Maggie, of Drummond=His second wife was Elizabeth Rankin, Ww whom he had five sons and daughters - George, on the homestead; William. in Carleton Place; Mrs. John Neilion, Ramsay; Mrs. Henry Blair, Fitzroy, and Mrs. John Menzies, Carleton Place. -------------- FASHION'S FORM. Entpirée Coat For the Little NEWS OF DISTRICT. S I women wear onl New ha skirls on Ihe Ps R R$ are very mu evidence. ty in the cl Pre ove Fy S30 They are so easy lo wear. Nae \ » ~ The kind that wear well, fit well, and that's the kind we sell. The Canadian Rubber Company's good rior to all others, that's why we sell them. Men's and Women's Overshoes, Men's men's Rubbers, all styles. RANBY "A womans fool Jooks almast an-cul" as il does wilhoul a rubber afall, ~~ hor chin , Rubbers and Overshoes look well, S are supe- and Wo- Boy's, Girl's and Children's Rubbers, all made by the old reliable Canadian Rubber Company. Try a pair of our kind. J. H. Sutherland & Bro. In this instance a white satin-facel brogdeloth is warmly interlined = to meet the requirements of the weather The usual conspicuousiy short portion is double-breasted, the of circular cut applied with forward turning pleats both back and front. pleats stitched down for a short dis tance and then left to flare. body skirts Keeping the animal growing from birth to maturity. Begin carly to prepare for winter feeding. While on grass calves should learn to feed on grain Good shelter should be provided for them at night. Feed clover, alfalfa or other leguminous hay that they will become aconstomed to feeding on roughage before cold winter months, Sheal oats - make "a good roughage so OVERCOAT BARGAINS 30dozen Men's, Youths and Boys' High Class Overcoats We have purchased the above OVERCOATS at leading styles and colors. It would be worth your while to look at them. Your Money Back if Not Satisfied 336 PRINCESS STREET, 1 Sis great sagribice he belt y 2 : 4 t a posed pig ip under the arms aid to the manufacturer, 'who 'was in need of ready cash We puy the decorated with "narrow soutache . R 3 p 3 .} and heavy stitching, 'The sleeve is a Overcoats ON SALE TO-DAY AND ALL THIS WEEK full tailored design, shirred to the BOO ATS 5 p armheln. anil wid a Hoare cuff at OVERCOATS that are worth $18 and $20 at the low the wrist that is caught with a fancy price of CR Re iy ss reese es $10.00. button. The same buttons make a : BYE double-breasted fastening 'down the OVERCOATS 'that aie worth $12 and $15 at the low front. The hat is of white felt, faced . ( $8.00. with white velvet, and rosettes of price Ol iu vnwaeinrsiiaass ses ews enn hite sg; obbon, full and puffy. are 2 QR n & th fo Po ig the Rar 2nd Duly ae OVERCOATS that are warth $8 and $10 at the low hair r price of... On ERR era he $5.00. Care Of The Fall Cali. Remember they are all high-class, well-made Overcoats, of the The success in calf raising lies in L. Abramson, The Up-Town Clothier feed. When winter comes provide the cleanest quarters pos sible, affording plenty of hedding and a chance to take exercise, A good win ter feed that we have used suceessful- ly is équal parts of ground oats, Taking good care of the dam before the calf is horn means getting a good To dehorn a calf, wait until it a stick of caustic treatment will make 4 but will heal 'ouickly. and he after This seen ------------ A Guaranteed Care For Piles. Itching, blind, bleeding, protruding, ized to re. ------ Did von over hear of a girl marry would ? the 2 Days COCO OOOOIOIOOOOO ® ® © 9000 00000000000 oS THE CANADA METAL CO. Toronto : onevery * @ 2 IIT I 90090 00000000000000 000064 £ * COL CEPEEERE® 9006 E Jn Hot Water » 9 Is a good place to put cold feet, but when 2 man, q wants warm, dry feet without this trouble, the place top ut them is inside a pair of Waterproof The most popular shoe for winter is Royal "Viscolized Soles" With storm calf uppers. Viscolized Soles make it is possible. to make a shoe as near waterproof as them. Trya ; pair and there'll be harmony an will'all around : "$5 a Pair. McDERMOTT'S SHOE STORE @@@ ®aeae BABBITT SPECIALISTS. Write for "AH About Babbitts." @ ee = a /\ QO, 7 ® ® Shoes. d good OIC OOOOLIOIOOICIOO0 ® ® cee 000000 000¢ y Ont. é ¢ ¢ 4 oC. 3 TIME T! a Effect . 8th, 1805 Is will leave and arrive a raid, of Johnston street. "pots FO GOING WEST Lve. City a i .45 a.m. . ¢, 5Mail .. - 5 No. 3 Express 32 sm 3 «11 Local ..... 9.15 a.m. > « 1 Intern'l Ltd12.16 noon 1: « 7Mail ... iors. 3 ' cal ... . 1.03 p.m. * oie GOING EAST Lve. City A \ il .. 148 am. 2 % Buu Exp. 2.26 a.m. 3 w 16 Local £16 am, 8 " gMail «. ..12.16 noon 12 w 4 Fast Exp. 1.00 p.m. 1 « 12 Local ... 7.03 pan 7 2,8, d '4 run daily. Nos. 1 2 sally except Monday. # a daily except Sunday. re t "route to Toronto, Pe Hoon, Buffalo, London, & Chicago, Bay City, p Saginaw, Ottawa, Quebec, Port apd, oo Halifax, Boston and New ork. Accommodation, ther imformation, apply oud oll GRNLEY, Agent or. J and Ontario streets. Kingston, On For Pullman -------- KinesToNS PEMBE ANN T) IN CONNECTION WI " CANADIAN PACIFIC RAIL) TRAINS LEAVE KINGST( --Express, for Ottaw EE, St. John, N.K.; | Toronto, Chicago. Denve iT Ste. Marie, Oulu Pav', Winnipeg, Vancouver, tland, and San Francisco Puiany --Local fo Sharbot ting with C.P.R. east an 9210 a . ~Mix=d, for Renfrew mediate points - wats leaving Kingston a arrive in Ottawa at 5:0 Peter 5 14 : Toront terboro. 512 p.m. 1 ) Tow "Boston, 7:80 a.m. St. NR. 11:55 a.m. rticulars at K. & P. RE ckat Office, Ontario Stree . Fy CONWAY, F. A. FOLGE . Paes. Agent Ger Bay of Quinte Rail New short line fer Tweed, K Descrento, and all local points. lave City Hall Depot at 8:35 v OONWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry., Kias ROYAL MAIL STEAMEI From St. John From Parisian, Sat., No .. Mon., Sicilian, Sat Mon. Virginian, Chr s. Steamer | From St. John. From Tunisians Sat ec. 16 Mon HALIFAX TO LONDON AND Sarmatian Sat., BOSTON TO GERSGOW Mamgolian, J; P. HANLEY, Agent JT Passenger Depot. J. Pod SLEEVE, Clarence Street. Lake Ontario and Bay of Steamboat Co., Limite STR. "ALETH/ Leaves Kingston dally except st 8 p.m, for Picton and inte Bay of Quinte Ports. Full information from J. P. Ha Pi Olldersleeve, Jas, Swift Agents, Be EY E. HORSFY. Trafic Mam EDUCATIUNAL. SINGING Miss Cora Louise Larke, A Pupll of Hermann Klein, Ne ta Vocal Instructress St. Ms College, Toronto., Soprano Solc enham St. Methodist church. Puy pared for Conservatory and U) Examinations. Concert' Engagen Address : Romilly House, 72 B Lo000000000000000< Students May Enter Any Time Fall ' Sept. Kingston Business Go LIMITED Kaen en ANODERN, PERMANENT LIABLE SCHOOL. «+ Established In 188: Practical, complete, thorough, ing instruc Ziven in all e.mmerc) dere, otghout the who! Write, call or telephone for terms a ogue J.B McKAY, 1. FYMETCAL Presidents - Prin SUPPLIES FOR THE C GAOL. TENDE WILL af the Kingst Novem RS ¥ part o furnishe | for one year co 1906, Mutton, larley, Oatmeal, Pen Brown Fi Soap, at ------ pe Carrots, Peas, Bea per bushel. Milk, i American Cc "= per gallon. Hana Threshed Oat, bundie of 12 Ibs. | ® above to he supplied as ® Subject to"the 'af nor of the Gaol or 5 the Warden may apy THOMAS SPROULE," Warde: Jw EDWARDS, County C a > Bina accca coos "THERE 18 A TIM FOR ALL TRINGS." Now, while price low, isthe time. 1c your coal bin with § duality SCRANTON from v Breac 8, ips, at Molasses, Straw at ' ' P. Walsh's Y: + BARRACK STREET.